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Circulatory system Important Questions: I. Name 1. The membrane covering the heart. 2.

The fluid present in between the membrane covering the heart. 3. The valves present in between the right atrium and the right ventricle. 4. The blood vessels that bring blood from the body parts. 5. The valve present in between the left atrium and the left ventricle. 6. 1A vein which carries oxygenated blood. 7. A fluid connective tissue. 8. The element needed for blood clotting. 9. The minute blood vessel that joins the arteries and veins. 10. An artery which carries deoxygenated blood. 11. Organ that destroys red blood cells. 12. A blood vessel that supplies oxygen to the heart 13. The blood vessel which has valves in its inner lining 14. Blood cells, whose deficiency causes anemia. 15. The smallest blood vessels 16. The category of blood vessels which start from capillaries that end in capillaries 17. The vitamin necessary for blood clotting 18. The membrane that encloses the heart 19. A genetic disorder in which blood dos not clot. 20. The nearest organ to which the heart supplies oxygenated blood. 21. The process by which WBCs engulf bacteria. 22. The opening through which auricles open into the ventricles. 23. The instrument used to measure heartbeat 24. The liquid part of then blood. 25. The enzyme necessary for blood clotting. II. Complete the following statements: 1. In humans, heart has ------ chambers 2. The ---- walls are thin while the ---- walls are thick 3. The right auriculo-ventricular aperture is guarded by a ----valve 4. the aorta and pulmonary artery are guard by the --- valve 5. the thread like structures that hold that cuspid valves are ------6. the contraction phase of the heart is called -----7. the part of the blood from which fibrogen is removed is called ---8. the largest artery is called ---9. ---- are the blood corpuscle that destroys microorganisms 10. RBCs are --- shaped

11. the command for the heart beat starts from -----12. The blood vessels supplying blood to kidney is ---13. The blood vessels supplying blood to liver is ---14. The pulse rate of a normal adult human being is ---15. the oxy-haemoglobin decomposed and liberates --III. State whether T or F; 1. RBCs are of several kinds whereas WBCs are of one kind 2. New RBCs are produced are produced in heart 3. Pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood 4. the blood vascular system in mammals is open type 5. heart of mammal consist of is three chambers 6. haemoglobin is found in WBC 7. The blood plasma from which fibrogen is removed is called lymph 8. the blood vessels which has valves in their inner lining is called veins 9. the systolic pressure indicate the upper limit of BP 10. The blood group O is a universal donor IV. Define: 1. Portal vein 2. Double circulation 3. Diapedesis 4. phagocytosis 5. Systole 6. Lymph 7. Diastole 8. Pulmonary circulation 9. Coronary thrombosis 10. RBC V. mention the function in each of the following: 1. Bicuspid valve 2. Haemoglobin 3. Vitamin K 4. Pericardium 5. Semilunar valves 6. Coronary artery 7. Pulmonary artery 8. Fibrogen 9. Lymph 10. WBC 11. RBC 12. Platelets 13. Right cuspid valve

14. Chordaetendenae 15. Vena cava VI. Distinguish Between: 1. Artery and vein 2. RBC and WBC 3. Blood and lymph 4. Auricles and ventricles 5. plasma and serum 6. Diastole and systole 7. bicuspid and tricuspid 8. pulmonary and systemic circulation 9. plasma and lymph 10. pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein VII. Answer briefly: 1. Where is heart located? 2. How is heart protected? 3. Mention the role of pericardial fluid? 4. Name the different types of corpuscles in the blood 5. Name the valves present in the heart 6. What is the function of the valves of the heart? 7. What are the functions of arteries and veins 8. What is systole and diastole? 9. What is anaemia? 10. What is leukemia? 11. What is hemophilia? 12. Why is circulatory system called double circulation? 13. What is clotting of blood? 14. What is portal system? 15. What is serum? VIII Answer the following 1. Name the fluid that transports fatty acids and glycerol. 2. Name the valve present in between the chambers of the right side of the human heart. 3. Name the structure responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells of the human body. 4. The mineral element essential for the clotting of blood is: (a) Iron. (b)Calcium. (c) Iodine. (d)Sulphur. 5. Mention the difference between the following pair: Artery and Vein (Type of blood flowing through)

6. Mention the difference between the following pair: Serum and Vaccine (Compostion) 7. Name the blood vessel that begins and ends in capillaries. 8. Name the pulse beat per minute of a normal human adult. 9. Name the iron containing pigment in erythrocytes. 10. The chief function of lymph nodes in mammals is to: (i)Produce WBCs. (ii)Produce Hormones. (iii)Destroy old RBCs. (iv)Destroy pathogen. 11. Agranulocytes are: (i) Lymphocytes, Monocytes. (ii) Lymphocytes, Basophils (iii) Eosinophils, Basophil (iv)Eosinophils, Monocytes. 11. Write the function of: 12. Erythrocytes and ______________ Coronary Artery : Heart :: Hepatic Artery 13. Name the soluble protein present in blood plasma responsible for blood clotting. 14. Name the process by which leucocytes engulf and destroy bacteria. 15. Name the blood vessel supplying blood to the kidney. 16. Name the valve present between the left atrium and the left ventricle. 17. Mention one point of difference between the RBC and the WBC (Structure) 18. Name the liquid squeezed out of blood during Clotting. 19. Choose the odd one out: RBC, ATP, WBC, Platelets. 20. Name the site of production of RBC in the human embryo. 21. Name the disease in which the number of WBC at the cost of the RBCs. 22. True or FalseWBCs contain Haemoglobin. 23. Select the correct choice given under the questions: 1. Mammals are said to have a double circulatory system. This means: (i)The blood vessels are paired. (ii)There are two types of blood vessels attached to each organ artery and vein. (iii)Blood circulates twice as quickly (iv)All of these. 2. There are more RBCs than WBCs in Mammals. The ratio in man is about: (i) 6 : 1 (ii) 60 : 1 (iii) 600 : 1 (iv) 6000 : 1 3. Blood is: (i) A cell (ii) An Organ (iii) An Organelle (iv) A Tissue 24. Complete the following: 1. The cell in which oxyhaemoglobin is formed is ________________ 2. The blood vessels which transport blood from the heart to an organ is __________

25. Write the Functions of: (i) Platelets (ii) Neutrophils 26. Name the site of production of red blood cells in adult humans. 27. Choose the correct choice: One heart beat in an average man lasts: (i) 1 minute (ii) 0.8 seconds (iii) 0.2 seconds (iv) 0.5 seconds. 28. Choose the odd one out: Eosinophil, Basophil, Leucocytes, Neutrophil. 29. Differentiate between RBC and WBC (Number) 30. The element required for the clotting of blood is _________________ 31. The blood vessel leaving the left ventricle of the mammalian heart is the _____________ 32. Blood Group _____ is a universal recipient. 33. Choose the odd one out: (i) Thrombin, Monocyte, Fibrin, Vitamin K (ii) Auricles, Aorta, Ventricles (iii) Heart beat, Systole, Diastole, Vena Cava 35. Normal Human Blood Pressure is __________ 36. An unstable bright red compound formed between haemoglobin and oxygen to carry oxygen to the body cells is __________________ 37. The type of blood group in which both Anti-A and Anti-B antigens are present is _________ 38. A full heart beat in human beings take about __________ seconds. 39. The wall of the heart is made up of ____________muscles. 40. The process through which leucocytes squeeze out through walls of capillaries. 41. _____________ is an organ that serves as an emergency blood reservoir. 42. The respiratory pigment contained in blood.

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