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European Journal of Education and Learning, Vol.13, 2012 ISSN(paper)2668-3318 ISSN(online)2668-361X www.BellPress.


Behavior of University Students towards Road Safety

Uzma ambreen (Corresponding author) MBA(marketing) Student of Master in Banking & Finance School of Professional Advancement ,University of Management Technology Pakistan


Road traffic crashes are a routine occurrence on roads throughout the world. Thousands of people lose their lives on the roads every day. Many millions more are left with disabilities or emotional scars that they will carry for the rest of their lives. Children and young adults are among the most vulnerable. Every hour of every day, forty youngsters die as a result of road traffic crashes. This means that every day another one thousand families have to cope with the unexpected loss of a loved one. Losing a child is never easy. Knowing that a child was lost to a preventable incident may add to the pain and suffering, and can leave families and communities with emotional wounds that take decades to heal. Road accidents can cause extensive personal injuries and property damage. There are several causes of road accidents, but reckless young drivers are a main cause of road accidents. Many young drivers tend to neglect the safety precautionary measures as soon as they are behind the wheel. Reckless fast driving, unsafe passing techniques, and driving under the influence of alcohol are the most common causes of teenage car accidents. Students between the age of 18 and 24 years cause most road accidents. Sadly, even minimum precautionary measures such as wearing a seat belt and helmet at all times are also neglected. Drugs are also the reason for a large number of accidents. Another cause for more number of accidents is inexperience of young drivers. Due to a lack of experience, these drivers are more prone to accidents, especially on highways and other places with considerably more traffic. Backing up in the driveways, parking, and reversing are other difficult driving techniques that often lead to accidents. Most of these kinds of accidents involve property damage more than personal injuries. It is wise for young drivers to practice driving with a responsible adult before driving on their own
Keywords: traffic awareness, traffic safety, traffic accidents, youth behavior , Lahore, Pakistan 1. Literature Review: Causes of Road Accidents among Youth: Inexperience: Young people are generally inexperienced road users. The increased risk of a crash among young drivers can be mainly due to their inexperience on the roads. They may, for example, be less able to accurately perceive hazards, control the vehicle and make appropriate decisions on the road. Consequently they become a cause of accident. Gaining sufficient experience is key in remedying the situation the risk of a crash falls sharply during the first year of unaccompanied driving. But the age at which young people are allowed to start solo driving is also important. The lower the minimum driving age, the higher be the crash rate among novice drivers. Young people are physically and emotionally less mature, and thus less able to assess risk than older drivers. Recent research indicates that the parts of the brain responsible for inhibiting impulses and weighing the consequences of decisions may be under development until well after the teenage years.(World Health Organization) 1.1 Peer Influence

Young people are also at an age where they are testing boundaries and asserting their independence, as well as typically enjoying an intense social life. This includes being active at night and at the weekend, often carrying passengers of a similar age. They may be inclined to show off, be susceptible to peer pressure, and drive too fast. Also social norms, including peer influence and the rebellion in youth culture can affect the behavior while acting on the road. For many young people, their friends (peers) are the most important people in their lives and are often also their primary source of behavioral norms. Teenagers can be led by what is considered cool, not necessarily what is safe. Peer pressure can mean that young people are

European Journal of Education and Learning, Vol.13, 2012 ISSN(paper)2668-3318 ISSN(online)2668-361X

more likely to behave in a risky manner on the road, both as novice drivers or riders, and as pedestrians. .(World Health Organization)
1.1.1 Use Of Drugs:

The reason the on top is use of alcohol and/or drugs While driving. In many countries, a high proportion of car and motorcycle drivers involved in crashes are under the influence of alcohol. Many of these are young road users under the age of 25 years. Age is a factor that has a bearing on the risk of young people who have consumed alcohol incurring road traffic injuries. Alcohol consumption before using the roads whether as a driver or a pedestrian increases the likelihood of a crash occurring, as well as the likelihood that death or serious injury will result. The risk of a road traffic crash begins to increase significantly at a blood alcohol concentration. (World Health Organization)
1.1.2 Driving at High Speed

There are vital reasons for speed limits, but anyone who knowingly exceeds them is taking a chance of causing an accident. Speeding drivers are just not using their basic intelligence, because they know very well what the consequences could be. Young drivers are particularly vulnerable to speed-caused accidents. High speed increases the chance of death or severe injury among all road users drivers, pedestrians, passengers, young and old alike. Excess or inappropriate speed is a major risk factor for road traffic crashes. The higher the speed, the shorter time a driver has to stop and avoid a crash. In addition, a higher speed is more likely to result in severe consequences if a crash does occur. Vulnerable road users are at particularly high risk of injury from speeding vehicles. (World Health Organization)
1.1.3 Using Mobile Phone While Driving

Driving is a complex task, requiring drivers to use and coordinate a number of skills. Any lapse in concentration increases the risk of the vehicle being involved in a crash. Inattention is reported as a contributing factor for 33% of fatal crashes and 45% of serious injury crashes per year. Using a mobile phone while driving can bring even greater danger to novice drivers as they may experience difficulty in balancing the many demands on their driving - from perceptual, mental and physical tasks. Research has found novice drivers who use a mobile phone spend less time looking at the road ahead. They are also more likely to wander over the road (across traffic lanes) and take longer to notice driving hazards. (World Health Organization)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (2): 210-215 Scholar link Research Institute Journals, 2011 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 2 (2): 210-215 Scholar link Research Institute Journals, 2011 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Youth and Road Safety, Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007.

European Journal of Education and Learning, Vol.13, 2012 ISSN(paper)2668-3318 ISSN(online)2668-361X
Vehicle Cumulative Frequency Valid Bicycle Motorbike Car Total Missing Total System 15 75 58 148 2 150 Percent% 10.0 50.0 38.7 98.7 1.3 100.0 Valid Percent 10.1 50.7 39.2 100.0 Percent 10.1 60.8 100.0

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