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. -- ---_.- - - - .-_. ----------'-_._.-

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Teacher and Lecturer:

Born in Iran, educated in Iran, Belgium and

the United States, Miss Mahin Shahriver
will be lecturing on the following:

1. D.F.O.'s (Unidentified Flying Objects)

throughout the ages, combined with
eighty (80) slides.
•••.• _~.:....~DA.".SKI - Ca1iforni~_-. 1951
2. Telepathy, the natural heritage of man,
and its connection to D.F.O.'s.

3. Pyramid/pyramid power and its connection

to U.F.O.'s.

4. Bible and U.F.O. slides from different

churches in Europe showing U.F.O.'s
existed in Biblical times.

5. Moon and its activity. Possibility of

life on moon, moon base, forest, water,
etc. Thirty five NASA slides reveal

Contact by Phone (714) ~

Write: Miss M;biX.Shahrivar
.21110' Ovcrhrlte DI=-"
I:mJcc Fu::: 8St:--, Ct'. 92 fi3.O
p., () '8 (J Y- 2 2 0 5>'-
L{L}NhP I-I- //s
eli) Cf 2 b s'- y
and Los AliEos Intermediate School at El Taro

Tus. Sept. JJ. 7-10pm. room B-1.

[-os !-.1' s as


Eyes on Skies
From Page A.J

Valley Woman Studies UFOs School District adult education
course on the "Psychology of,
Current Events."
By Rum NIEDZIELSKI A new session of lhe course.
Of tho Da i Iy Pi lot Slalf which also delves inlo other
Some people get their kicks out parapsychological phenomena.
of collecting stamps, others flog begins at 7 o'clock lonight al Los
away at tennis balls. But when it Aliso!' Intermediate School in
comes to hobbies Monique , Mission Viejo.
Shahrivar may have the most un- Mrs. Shahrivar's collection of
ique one in the Saddleback UFO material includes not only
Valley. pictures taken by U.S. astronauts
Her specialty is UFOs. but a couple of personal ex-
Ever since she read a book on periences as well.
flying saucers nine years ago "I've seen a few objects myself
:Mrs, Shahri ,'ar became hooked that I couldn't explain." she not-
on the subject. She has amassed ed, "Once I saw a flashing light
a vast collection of pictures and under a cloud aboul30 feel above
publications, all. of ",;hich point to the Santa Ana Freeway in Irvine,
. one thing: The saucers are real. There were six people who saw it
"After I read the book, which -along wilh me."
described 20 years of investiga. , Another lime she and an
tion by the Air Force into these airplane pilot observed two large
phenomena, I was invited to a . objects \raveling next to each
meeting with a man who was ; .other at great speed over the
supposedly contacted by space Hollywood Hills before disap-
people," Mrs. Shahrivar, a Lake :' : pearing, '
, Forest resident, explained. ','." And, she maintains, some of
The man turned out to be the , -ber sludents claim to have seen
late George Adamski, author of : -'small, three.inch' "observational
Daily Pilot Staff Photo
• three UFO books, and for many ,discs" which supposedly are
years'the nation's leading 'SAUCERS ARE REAL'
'laboratory tools sent down by
authority on unidentified flying Monique Shahrivar
'space ships to analyze the
objects. i-character of people living in
"Adamski's first contact with areas being. investigated by
, the space people was by bothering them. We're interfer.
telepathy. They taught him how ing with the peace of space and en. them. '
Mrs, 'Shahrivar, a native Ira-
jt works," said Mrs. Shahri var, . .dangering the planet by polluting
• nian, also is a lecturer in several
24404 Overlake Lane, noting that the air and the water," she point.
other subjects, She teaches a <
Adamski's writings indicale the .. ~out. .class, in' Iranian culture and
space people are visiling earth to •. rs. Shahrivar recently has
~ imguage at Cal State Full
, ave the planet from destruction. :begun sharin2. her ..knowle~
and courses in nutrition,
," understanding from, the ,-a t UFOs with st ~ , -ology:and isometric exer
teriall read is that the atomieod Ie back' a 11ey itle . ,tlguna ~ll~ Leisur~ Wod
bswe',re.throwingar e J SAUCE S.,P
1< j. '
1"". '::f:' "..... ..." .•
" "
-, i

I ,,'


'by J~ '.K'RI11 -of the DAILY PIU'T staff

l-iomque Shahrivar of Lake Foeest has been a very pretty French girl, a Dutch man, C:L
primi.ti ve humanthat lived underground, and one of Beethoven's lovers. But that's all
behind her now.
Those were her past lives, which she identified in a three-year intensive study of
reincarnation and cosmic phil 0 SOTJhy•
Andbefore she passes from this life, she feels certain she will visit Easter ~'.:::s~
Island, Australia, and the pyramids.
She said she has experienced the phenomenonof teleportation to the bedside of a
friend, has somehowmade bread ap?ear from the s1<;'.and believes that careful and
scientifically learned cosmic consciousness could produce a race of supe:rllUmcms.
For the past eight years, f/~rs. 5..'1ahrivarhas pursued her interest in all these
phenomenadiligentljr, by reading as manybooks as she can find and seeking out peopl,e
with parapsychological experiences.
Last year she offered to teach an adult education course in telepathy, UF0s, and
cosmic awareness for the Saddleback Valley Unified School District, and her course
was a hit.
The second year of her classes began last week -with both an advanced and beginners ,
class of students fascinated by telepathy and other mind-over-matter disciplines.
H,er students include a teacher of parapsychology from ChapmanCollege and also a
psychobiology professor from UCIrvine.
She says she has taught her students to improve their telepathic abilities and to
become one with nature.
"Her classes have a real follo •.1ing,II said Keith .::lllll5, coordinator of adult educa-
tion for the '::'addleback Valley district. "There's a ,'nole group mo have been coming
back for the advanced courses. II
l11"s.::'hahrivar, a native of Iran who speaks fluent French and was educated in Iran,
Belgium and the United states, comes across as an a......-ticulate,thoughtful voice for
ParapS".fchology, •.mch technically means libeyondpsychologyll or "similar to psycho-
logy ,II is a new name for the study of mental phenomenalike clairvoyance, mental tele-
pathy, astrotravelling. and the study of humanreincarnation.
Every natural form has the ability to communicateits feelings to every other'
life-foI'm, }irs. Shahrivar explains. That is telepathy. IIAndif ~TOU become involved
telepathically, you can communicate with plants, animals, all forms of life, II she said.
"These teachings are non-political and non-reliltious,1I Lrs. Shahrivar said. IIThis
is just sci ence we're stud,ying. It's all based on scientific logic and commonsense. II II
"It's very beautiful to study, II she said in an interview rlednesday in her home. 1I If
more people studied it we'd have a race of superhumans-and not very long from now.
"Somepeop.!.e are liKe a ship "rl.thout a rudder.1I ~he added.. IIBachperson is
for a purpose. And if you learn to understand life, you understand thi s. II
rne of the authors iirs. Jhahri var asks her students to read is ueorge Adamski, a
California "mo claimed to have had visits by people from Venus.
:le wrote severll books, one of them in collaboration " .d.nston. Churchill's
nephew, DesmondLeslie. They include Ii~~IDETIlE ;)PilCL .::illP~, and FLYIi~G ShUCERS HAVE
Adamski claimed to have made contact with menfrom Venus in 1952 in Desert Center,
California, and several more ti!nes through 19.54. (cont. next page)
t-aii iom1a;-reprlnteCi'-witil permission
______ • 0_

..--------------- ---===---..-:;:::;....----'-'-.~~_--=::..~--:..:......::.-

--Unexplainedl -

In the historic city of t-xford in England there was a dean of Christ Church Cathedral,
the Very Reverend John Liddell, tozhodied in 1898.

Accordinf to columnist Allen Spra;gett, it rffiS in 191) that many witnesses stated
that they had seen a "startling likeness" of the late Dean mich had begun to materi-
alize, near a stone tablet dedicated to the memoryof Dean Liddell and his family.

A noted NewYork spychoanalyst and ghost hunter, the late l~andor Fodor, and a friend
of hr. ~praggett, told him that of all the curious thinfs he had investigated, the
most curieus was t...'1isphanto.rnportrait of Dean iiddell l-mich appeared on a plaster
'Hall in Christ Church Cathedral.

It seems the reproduccion wasn't only a vague outline or splotch, but a ve~ good
likeness of the dean •• ~.henit ''laS photof:,raphed and studied alon[ \-Q th pictures of the
departed man, there Has a marked degree of accuracy. The two images were ve~ similar.

In the ,september 11,1926 issue of Cassell's \{eek1y, a British magazine. the mysterious
image on the cathedral vall was described: lilt is a faithful and Ul1Ii1istakablelike-
ness of the late Dean. Yet it is not etched. neither is it sketched, painted, nor
sculptured. But it is there, plain for all eyes to see. 11 hr. Spraggett reports.

The image on the ,.,all greH continually clearer over a period of time, till finally it
shOlvedthe Dean smiling benignly, as though it were a painted portrait, lir. Spraggett
says. The idea that someone had perpetrated some sort of hoax Has entirely discoli.'P"Jted.
It was casually sUGgested that perhaps there had been a change in the plaster. hany
researchers investi~ated the rare phenomenon.but apparently no scientific explanation
was ever found.

It seems that by 19)1 a new altar had been built in front of the v.rall. hiding the
inexplicable phantom po:rtrai t! Did it disappear? 01' might it still be there?
~ihocan tell! __
.~~ <l--:7I!_~i-/Y'./~
IILost of m;"y"students are skeptical about UFCs\-menthey first bet:,i.nthe class, II I 1./'
hI'S. Sha..'1rivar said. "Sut as He progress, they become more interestec .•"
Since she is a finn believer in life in outer space, lilce Jldamski, she believes
some of the visits fro:.1 other life fonns have been to trj" and Ham us that our natural
existence is in perilous balance a'1d that nuclear blasts could tip us over the edge
int0 enviro~~ental annihilation.
('ne of the central points to i'"rs. Shahri var' s beliefs is what she sees as our
grol'ling necessity for II genetic screening. 11
"The time will come ,:hen a corrnni ttee will screen the E,enehi story of couples who
want to f-et married. If their genes aren't good, they should enjoy other people's
children I II she said.
,ihen asked what made that theory different from the one used by the I-Jazis in
~ennany, she added, "'lhis has nothing at all in COIil!i1on l.;ith that. l,ood genes don't
depend on whether you are Jel.;ish or black or any other race. You can find good genes
and bad Benes in a..'1yrace."
"If our children start "Q th good cenes, and then are taught philosophy and cosmic
awareness and telepat;w, that's h0"1He will develop a super race ," she added. Before
long, diseases would be wiped out, she predicted.
hichael Parker is the ChapmanCollege ad.'l1inistrator \-1110 attends 1-:rs. ~hahrivar's
classes and teaches a class in psychic phenomenaon the inter-term for Chapman.
liFoI' most highly educated people ,it's more difficult to get in touch ,.n. th psychic
phenomena," Parker said. lIrur education is very slanted to one part of our mind.
i:onique is very Imovrledreable in these thinr;s and is doing a good thing by teaching
this class. !ie need teaching on all levels to open people's minds."
Biographicbl Sketch of Geor~e Adamski

Born in Poland April 17. 1891, George Adamski was not yet two
years old when hi~ p~rents settled in Dunkirk, N.Y. Possessing an
extremely brilliant ~ind and a sensitive na~ura, he ~oon found himself
wondering at the ~et;lming inh3r'monies in Life about him. all of
Nature ope~ating in p~rfect c~ordination under the guidance of an
invisible lCtw. whv \~irl m,",n h~vl'- ~•... "'\'r,J.. .:--;:-,..:1-..).--: finding peace?
Five years in the Army only 5~~en€tnened Mr. Adamski's longing to
grow ~n understanding and ~isdom that he might b~ of service to his
fellow man. The University of the wc'rld as his, and for many years he
travelled around the nation~ earning his living at any job that was
N~ari ng forty ~ he m~")'(ed to Lagu.'i~ ~€:ach I Cal iiornia. and there he
devot~d full time ~u teaching Universal L~~. Student~ flocked to him.
He was in great demand for lectures and his talks we~e radio
broadca~t, Here, too, he was presented a six-inch telescope.
Later on he and e g~oup of students moved half way up Palomar
mountain, Mr. Adamski was not connected with th~ obs~rvatory but he
had many friends among the scientists, and the~ respected his ability.
Thus th~ studies continued. Hany visitors came and with all he gladly
shared his findings.
In 1946 l M~. Adamski and his friends began observing strange
objects moving across the heavens. Soon others ,came to check their
personal observations. Gonvincsd of their e~tra-terrestial nature, he
set about getting evidence finally succeeding in getting photos and in
later years he also took movies of them. It was to this man in
November 1952 that the Venu5ian pilot of a "flying saucer" came one
day in the desert. His latar exp~riences with the people from space
are recounted in three
of hi~ books. He has also written
philosophical material.
With the coming of the space people Mr. Adamski's field of
5Brvice widened. Far advanced from us all in many ways t~e space
people confirmed Hr. Adamski1s unders~anding o£ Universal Law~ and
during the manyilluminating hours he spent in their com~anYl
di~cus5ed much of Cosmic Wisdom that he could share with mankind here
on Earth. He has been on many lecture tours allover this country and
abroad. He wa~ in much demand wherever he went. In Europe he was
~elcomed by Queen Juliana and her advisors. In Rome he was given a
medal of honor by the Late Pope John. Lives were made richer for
knowing George Adamski, for he shared his under5tanding of Cosmic
Intelligence with all who would listen. His name is a symbol of hope
and understanding in the midst of confusion, a promise of happiness
and Life Eternal when Nature's Cosmic Laws are obeyed.
On April 2S~ 1965 at Silver Spring, Maryland, during another tour
across the country. George Adamski now 74 years old) was strjc~en wi~h
a heart attack and passed away very suddenly, leaving a rich heritage.
and followers allover the world. His mortal remains were interred at
Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia.
And 50, to carryon the work ~o which he $0 nobly gave his life t
the GEORGE ADAMSKI FOUNDATION was established with Mrs. Wells acting
as coordinator. There will be no break in the ~ork and material will
be available. We will continue to try to bring to mankind the
under~tanding and the beauty granted to each individual. and so 5imply
taught by George Adamski.

We invite any who sincerely seek th~ Truth to share with us.

Last April 2.3, 1965, QEORCEADAlv1SKl, 74,

(born A.pril 17, 11391), one of the lorenlOsl pioneers In
F!ying Sam::.el' resen.rch, ie.1t this earthly life. Mr.
Adamski waB 'Nell known to most students and investi-
gators of the Flying SaUCer subject. Hc! had made it
narne for himself around th.e '.vorld as a lectun3T and
teacher il.bout space C n", pee.pIe frorn other pla.nets,
and Gosrnic Philosophy ~
1'0.1' 5 cvcral prior to his historic u1eeting
with ? space in the California desert, Mr. Adarn-
ski had obser .••. ed and photo.graphed space ships t..'ltro.ugh
his tole scope -- - fro.m his home a~ ML Palomar, in
He first tnadc news, however, aiter his expel"-
lenctl On Nov. ZO, J952, ne,u" D(~l:H~rt Center, Calif.
At that time he met il Venus ia.n Scout Ship and its pilot.
Frorn that time on, his life was cornpletely ,;;hanged.
1,Vith tHlhsequent contacts and with increasing nO'N
krio',vledge " he folt that hi~ rc spousibility \vas to. reach
t.tH~ public \,•.ith as rnuch il''LCormation as he could ghre
tllcnl about the People an.d their mission to Earth.
:Hc. becarne '",,'orld-lamous a:5 the author of 80',,'oral
of the tl10st-read books iI1 th,e .Flying Saucer field. plus
rnany articles,
it •.•
.'as whileMr, .•vas lecturing in the
east that he contraded pneumonia. He died in a
'Viashington, D. C. hospital. In accordance w,lth his
wishe$, there v,'as n.;:)funez:aL As a. veteranoi World
Vtar I, his ashes were interred at Arlington National
Ccrnctary, in Virginia.
Although he was a man of simple ane humble
odgin, George Adamski became gl'erl,t in quiet, digni-
fied service to his fellow .man. He taught \Vl1at he '
loved and kne'N best, giving gener()Usly of hif:i time ;mo
energies to aU "..ho \'loulcJ Hsten. For he had lea-:'ned
that the Universe ane aLl >L~at it enCQmpasses is an GEORGE ADAMSKI
infinitely \llO:n.derful place, und that 'Ne are not alone i.n
1••• Hi.s tnany friends and fans will miss him very
He lme"'....that the world ',vas u:r:tdcrgoing great much --- and all .,•:iUagrce
. that his "visit" here on
chang(!, and that the Ininds of men l"nust expand to Earth was un£()rgettable. From our hC2_1.tswe say to
I.mprecedented new horizons in order to cope \vith world him, "Fal'e'.vell and thank you, Mr. Adamski, £01' your
probleITIs and to be receptive to their l:lolutions~ - - in great contribution to this wonderful fi(!ld, Vlc 111 do
orcler to accept and to undcl'stand sonl€: of the "nlyster- 01;11' best to car ryan th.e work which win mean 50 much
ies" of life and of the Universe. and our place in it. to aU luankind.H

L 1954."'•.... George Adamski

" •••• as 1 looked out I was amazed to see that the background of space is
to ••.• II" t1

totally dark. Yet there were manifes tations taking place all arowld us J as tllOugh
billions upon b,illions oi.fireflies were nickering everywhere~ moving in all
directions I as fireflies do. However, the~e were of many colors, a gigantic
celestial fireworks display that was beautiful to the point or being awesome.
2 .. 1962 ••••.•.•. John Glenn

n When I glanced back out, my initial reaction was that I was looking out into a
complete star field, that the capsule had probably gone up while I wastnt looking
out the Window, and that I was looking into nothing but a new star field..'. .

" But lhis wasn't the caSe~ because a lot of the little things that I thought
initially were stars Were actually a bright yellowish - gTeen, about the size
and intensity as looking at a firefly on a real dark night. n

7t These little particles that were outside the capsule were, I would estimale,
some six to ten feet apart, and there were literally thousands of them. ,. :

" As far as I could look off to each side I could see them, I could see them back
along the path .. Later on I turned around so that 1 was facing the direction from
Tshich they appeared to be comingJ and although in that direction1 toward the ,
hright sunlight of the dawn, most of them disappeared. You still co~ld see a.
few of them coming towards the capsule.'u

IT I was coming very slowly through this field. I estimaled that my velocity
through this field was Borne three to five miles per hour .• They did not appear to
be emanating from the capsule. They appeared to have even distribution across
each side ~I the capsule. II .

" There are numerous things tha.t some of the people are thinking about and loo-
king into, but I have no theory myself1 except we observed them" \Ve saw it on
aU. three orbits about the same lenght of ti~eto H

INSIDE THE SPACE SHIPS ..•••• by ~orge Adamski. page 76. Published by,
A. Schuman. Jnc~ 3rd printing,. 1955

Transcript of Glennts newsconference relating his experenc~s on orbital flight as

recorded in t~e New York Times;! February' 24~ 1962 page 14.
~lr A-art J~'1/e,,~

l1isillwionen and disappointed. Coulll one ~'t he wu slightly schi-

zophrenic? I don't know. I'm not 1psychiatri$t But one often had the
impr~ion there were twO ~ople in tbat nne leonine body. the little
Ad.:unJki. the burbler whicll. alWl/o.yI .haved itt way to the foregt'oWld
when the crowd:! gathered. a1ling non*Stop and leaving your head
spinning in a cloud of half-formed, b.ully exprcssed jde.u. Then there
w3J the Big Adamslci, me man we came to know and love. who
Olppeued only to his inrim.a.tes, and once having :l.ppeared, left them in
no doubt they had known a great soul. The Big A<hmski spoke softly
with a deep beautiful voice, incredibly old, wise and patient. Looking
into those huge burtling black eyes one realised that this Ad.a.nuki
knew 2.J1d. had experiencca far more than he W2S a.ble or willing to
relate. .
One of his intinute9 later told me, 'If GS;Q[~ had. been allQwed to
ten ttlt he knew. his life would. have been much caster for him. He'd
have been :a.ble to prove liis C01Se: However, there were certain
~x~r;ordin:lry t!lings he did d~sCribeto me in 1954-. :a.t :a. time bef re:
9 :'.~
the Van Allen Ra.diation Belt$ had. ~en discovered; :a.nd a Ion time
before the first :lSrronauts hd circled the 0 e j ffi:m ullt ~ ace
c~ C mg 0 W t e seen :md been tQld u - hi~ tn in
au O. as c :umc: In Ul dter book: 'Inside the Spaceships', he dC$Crib~d.:


", ..
- I 2.D
But. berOte we "tart II talk with "space George Adamsk.i, whose books Bnd lec. and through him his environment and even.
people, wouldn't l)e much better that peop- tures in the '50s and early '60s have caused tually the whole planet up to a higher exist- LETTER TO A FRIEND
le of this tragic Jo:arth, destroyed by WBr.I, worldwide interest, has been called many ence level and b; into the (old of thf
planetary family of the solar system from Sam\,l~1 Taylor Coleridge. Ihe Englisl1 p0-
halredand intolerance, could nnda mutual. things in those years and since - ranging et, critic ~"d philOSOpher, .•••• as bor-" Oc.
more humane language on this planet, a from pioneer, prophet and science fiction whence he has originally rallen. tobe. 21. 1772. at'Query 5,. Mary in
language tor mutual understanding, justice, wri~r to hamburger seller, charlatan and or course, here we clash head on with Devonshire. the renlh.:Jnd youn'JllSl child
peace, friendship and brotherhood to all lunatic. To this day, one only needs to the whole weight of official pronounce- 01 II clergyman and schoolmast ef. HII was
mention his name in publlc to unleash a men\. and rocientific findings
wnieh are all precocious b!l't'ond compare, to ~ay the
people oC good will! fe<l:;~. At ll1e age of tl'lrt!!! h~ cO\,jld read i1
vicious attack on his person and litterature. too explicit in their insisbnce that condi- chapter in the Bibl!!, and his in«!l"l!S1 in
From the m81/uine HOMO kaj KOSMO,
101h 'I/O L. :!nd halt-year 1971, "0.:2, ODe cannot bul ask why lhis should la tions on the neighbouring p18ne~ are any. reading never ~ubsidrd. Much of hi!; chao
so, why is there continued deliberate mts.- thing but capable of sustaining Hfe In any rllCter is e'lplained in /1)(.CE'1'Pts from a
rep~ntation or Adamski's claims and sta- shape or rorm. Curiously, however, the US JeulIr to A friend.
tements and outright lle:s about him and his finds it necessaxy to bep strict secrecy On Octooor HI. 1797, Col!lridgl'l ••.••.• ote~
WATCH THIS SPACE lJfe'! over all data concerning space research, . "My rather (who luld so little paren- or
Man's first dtempt to communicate Tfu! obvious answer is that wltat he dis. space flights and UFOs to the extent that tal ambition in him, that he had destined
they classified everything, including classj. hiS children to be blacksmiths, etc •• and had
with another civiliUltion deep In space be. closed about man, this world, the solar sy-
gan last week (rom the world's mO/)t pow. stem and the univers.e reprC$t'!nted a direct ficalion guides. act:omplished his intention but for my
Ever since John Glenn's and Scott Car- mother's pride and spirit aggrandizing
erful radio-~lescope in A reci bo, Puerto or indirect threat to every aspect of estab-
penLct's comment on the fireny erfed of her family) - my father had. howevel, reo
Rico. The coded signal took only three lished order and every fatel of \'ested inter-
particles in outer space whif;h Vt!rifled com- solved that [ should be a parson. I read
minutes to transmit, but it will ~ke 24,OOG est on cur planel This was quickly realized
pletely Ad3.mski's earlier statements on thls every book that cam~ in my way withou~
years to reach its destination. a &tar duster by thestringpullen and gu.ard~ns of thE! sy-
phenomenon, astronauts have been closely distinction. and my (ather wa~ fond of me,
caJled Messier 13 on the edge DC the MSlky stem and an aggressive opposition began to
guarde-d on their return ('rom space. and .and wed to take me on his knee and hold
Way. "Non~ or us here will ever know if it operate against tM lone pioneer with the
the pushbutton eontrol in Houston has ef- long conversaUons with me. J remember
worked," said Dr. Frank Drake, director of rtSult, thata most urgent message to the in.
habitants of the Earth was lost once again. fectively prevented any tell-tale picwre, that at eight years old I walked with him
the astronomy centre at Arecibo.
sound orcollversation to appear or be heard one winter evenlng from a rarmer's house,
The doubl&-frequency sIgnal gives scien. Needless to say, that, a.part rrom the ego-
the on the TV screens' or the world- a mile from Ottery, and he told me the
tific information about lire on Earth and inflated status conscious academics,
NeverthelllSS, some secrets are inadver- names of the stars and how Jupiter was a
details of man's advancement, although the agents or the opposition were greatly assist.-
tently revealed and ,occasional "leaks" thousand times larger than our world, and
latter will be out of daLe by the time the ed by tbe lethargic nasses who rCSent noth.
from scientinc sources connected with the that tht other twlnk.lingstalS were sum; that
signal arrivC$. B~ause Messler 13 is so far ing more than being uprooted and tom out
space program Lell a very different story had worlds roUing arnund them; and when
away, the telescope's beam will "!ljt" all ofa dr~mlike existence where Images reign
from the "findings" released ror public con. I came home he showed me how llley rolled
the 3ClO,OOO stars making up the cluster, supreme and the finer workings of cO$m k
~unlption, In fact, tb~y conlinn the Adam- round. I heard him witlt a profound delight
"At that distanee, its size mal.ches the size reality are relegated to the realm of the un.
oC the beam," said Dr. Drake. But will any- knowable unknown, beyond the Ihreshold ski c1aim5. and admiration, but without the least mix-
IndWiduals not easily misled will see ture of wonder or incredulity. for from my
ont hear the signal? "'There is aboul a one of life.
in two chances of there being a civilization What was the content or the message Geo~e Adamski for what he really was:.i1 early readin~ or fairy tales and genii, etc.,
in Messier 13:' says Dr. Carl Sagan, of Cor- which Adamski brought from the mOTe ad- man of rare courage and love for mankind my mind had been habituated to the vast,
vanced people from other worlds (this in who "stuck out bis neck' •.. not. unlike the
nell University. and I neVer regarded my ~nses jn any way
Hself an outrageous claim, say bis. detrac- tRilblaur& bero~ him - and, predictably, as th~ criteria or my belief. I regulated a II
Sunday Tim •• L~ndon. New. 11,1974 he shared their lot.. One day, when this
ton) and which so upset and disturbed the my creeds by my cone~ptiomi, not by my
earthly psychologiul morons (high lQ or mad, mad world will have come to it's sen-
sight, even at that. age" .•.
not} _. as if anything could constitute a ses, it wHl recognize the !rue Space Age
Read by Cbrts'lop •••. Clouon,
REMEMBER ADAMSI{17 greater threat to their own survival than the Pioneer. Joh •• fl'lnlcly ••••Willillm Styles..
misuse or the lite sustaining substance jt- tilli CiuHnski. !GAP lXIoWOrf(\!t'.
Thll EditD\'". self'? STH. BLACKBURN. Vic.
N.lion Rniew,
Basically, it was an appeal to the higher --------~~-------- A veil is IVing over our eye'S. if we lilt
consciousness in man to wake up and tak.e Needless to say. thilt lhi! Nation Review ourselves be pursuaded that scientists
DEAR SIR, stock of the ptevailing conditioIl5 before cut out quhe CI bit of this m~age when are something special when the tatk is
As your paper Is Doted for its controver. they deteriorate any further and lead to the thev published it in their Vol. 5 no 29, .tbollt brains.
holocausL Increased understAn. May 2-8, 1975. under the title "Piooeer or Anthony StaPdenfHC
sial publications I cllose NaUon Review to ultimate
commemorate tile tenth anniversary of ding of man', make.up sparks tatent paten. Chllrliltan? ••
George Adamski's paS5in~ On April 24. tialHies which in lUtll lift the individual He.
l'~ IIII the Earth, who wen:
CIlHl1il:nlnt~ or ian dlX'1Imellt "nd WllS l:lt~'r f{'~('tE'd to know a thlilg abuut It. Wily? It the I::nrUt coming from the ship. Maybe ~h;]l radiation
~QIII ,Iwak!' (0 gi\'\.:, th('1)1 ;In
l'll'mal !\lll"•.•• put Illto UU.' CIIIIIH1?: WCl!i to !ilop tUrtl;ll~ tlLis ",cry n'tOtlh'nL. ! ill cxl.endinJ: SO milL'S, 100, ex 200, milL'S
tion (of ~oul} lly lmlrt}'Tdum, lhrough (jou!)l jf any om: Clf us wQuld know whD.l 3W:l.Y (rom Ull! tlody or the lI11III, :lIld it's
"You do not know 111••1 I h;]v~ (;omll 19
which hI' IlHllil'd tbem colh:clil'e1y 1.\Lu Ihe llilppcned. because Ule .aIr, wh:lL we call the 'out there, wtH!nt tho frinl:e of it i~ Uwt It
s~t d ;vi5.;O11, lirt.! and war to Ill(,' l!<Jrth".
W<Jrld or higil~r Ic\'cf ill the u nillt'rse to atmosphere, would be gone. JU3t that fast COmes in contnct with Lhe frillge or space '
(Tt.QITI;'~ 1fil
wbidl he hclongs.
You find hcre ne) imaga orwC'lIk-lotlkillg ... and ''re'd d.e ftom l•.•ek of air. And if It 1ts4!1fl that W~ see ~he reactiotl .
That is to !'.;lY, the planet Earth lhat was conlinut'd to slay standing still, thcm its So till.' ship i.'l riding cool. RIght on
once on the vC1l'ge ot exl1nclion att~r a ca. Christ, a 1.11mb God, who taught [ave, thc energy within the! Earth itself, would exert through. They don't even: noti~ when they
t."l.Strophc had been forsaklln some two kingdom or God, and its riChlcuusncss. ilselt and start breaking the F.:lrth up. It is make ll. &.urn.I use this illustration as an ex.
thousa.nd years ago since it was extended a . Hl'tC on Earth you find nathi rtg but clio
just like a pilot, he gOes up SO higt. without pl:linatlDI1 on thal. You take an egg. Every.
helping hand 10 rebuild itselr through wis. vision, war, deslruction mid addlUonaUy
n pressurized ship, and in lighter air he body knows about an egg. The yolk of .an
dom of the universe, being I!xpccted to public nuisllZlce, ernrironnwnL.,1 polllltiOll, ha:>n't lhe support for his body from the egg Is the solid 'P&rL tr you know lhe white
destroy itself by war and massacre ••• unusual meLeorological chllnge and lack of
outside any more, lind he begins to expand. of an egg, it is just like air would be around
Christ said, "00 YOllSUppose l came to resources and rood ..• l-low long, indeed,
ltist!le same idu. So what they have really the ~rth. The shell of the ~gg, the fringe oC
establish plr.lce on Earth? No, indeed, I will this planet Earth ~urvive? Are we desl. turned is this. Tlu:~y Ulmze th~!Icm~netic ll..produces a crust. It we were to put a man
have cOme to btl ng division" (Luke 12 :51) ined to exterminate our.;elves arter all'?
forces, - we tall it magnetic rorce. In ear- on the yolk, he is submerged
Arbitrary theologians took his \Vorc!s in What. on ~arth does it mean that space- lier days We called it static electricity, It on the yolk of an egg, he is submerged in
good part. to deceivl! public feeling, saying ships or the "divine vChicles" have pre-sen. produces our lightning.
UJd Lhemsclves again, throwing 3 glorious the white of lhe egg, is he not? The friction
that this meant his teachln!!, Then, what and everything wouid be en th~ extreme
We mUst admit tl~lIIt when therc's light-
On eartb dOllS his testimony mean which is light IIpon lhis misprnblc Earth tha.t seems
to be beading ror a collapse? .• , ning flashing for two or three hours steadi. part of tile l!gg, which is the ahel!' Inside of
more concretely described in the gospel of the egg, lhc man then, wouldn't know a
ly, like it does til C3lifornia soml'!times,
Thomas thnt hald tnlc llS a primary Cltri~t- YUSUKE: J. MATSUMUIlA (Colltl1d) 'vcry remad:ably, aU of our power plants . thing about it. That's really WhllL they have
hooked 1.ogeLher could only pruduce one done, - which the Earth is doing every
n~h nke that., llnd lhat would be Ol(! end day.
of their power, 'Yet it goes on in the sky for
TRAVELLING IN SPACE BV GeOlgB Adarmki. hours. 1'nere's plenty of it there, They tea.
Jize that. They have hooked onto Lhal pow. (The shape of the saucers). You st'e,
Wc do know that man is always seeking they ARE people lik.e ourselves, and some er. So they have power whereC!'Vl.'r they want they don't r,ally have to make a hnn.
n ~w au tll!'ts, n ~w auventu re, etc .• and lad llY of these day~ we are all goillg to see them) to gao They have exces.s power at lhis point. TIlelr ball-type la[Hling gears, as they h:lVe
he's even selting himself beyond lhe saucer - have asked themselves at <me time, a They only use about ten per cent tor pro. l>~!!n called, arc only used as lalldinc: gears
question th;aL we should !15k ourselves. You pulsion. Ninety per cenL tl:cy must dissi. in an emergency. Th~' are acl..uatly conden.
By G~algo Adarmlo:.i.
see, the Earth is revolving, steadily, at ] 8.5 pale. What do they do? They dissipate il sers, for condensing statk electricit.y. And.
We do know that man is always scel~ing miles [ler .second. Yet Wi! don't even realize
new out1~ts, new l'ldv~nt\l ro, cLe., llnd tooay
r~.)mti'e skin of the ship, the .surface. All W~ already know, in anolher way, that
we are moving. Not only i$ it mOl/ing in parlicle~ In !Ipaee are negative to space. once you la.ld a ball, a pDw~r hall, with
h("s (,\I~nselting himself bl.'yond the- saucer thi$ orbit, iL is Dl~o moving on 4124 I:OtIT
qUI.'~U()n so Lllilt he Lhlnk!'. he will !le ~rlLvcl.
Spil(~eb posilive. SO:lll par! ides th<lt would ~lalic ck'Clric:ity, it is goillg to open up.
•.•i.'I up to 365 daY5, IInu in the ml!alltlmc hit the bedy of that sl'ip are repelled by So they U~ condensi!ts.
line lip;tt'e ~nd visitinc othl1r plilnets, To do They can cut the
there is a wobble phnse. It's operating then th e neg;).Live radillli(tn from the ski n 0 f the power off one or the other. Whichever they
that we have to find a method og operation. in three stag1!s. Yet we know nothing ubout ship. Thefl"!'; a nl'goative repulsion going on .cut ocr, thai's the way Ule ship is going to
We do know Lhal our oil is going Lo run it, and we're livlng right on it. III other
out. W{,:"ll bavc to ri:Vl1rt to ~mQUling,
U:ere, so the sr.ip never tou<:hes anything, go. They don't have to mnke a 1um lIS we
words, we arc really riding a sJl:lce ship _... at
even a mcteQriLe. Whitt Lhey have actually do, with our automobile or our shillS, but
There's one thing we hnve to 1!':lTn be- 18. 5 mUcs per scccnd. - am) don't even
produced through this dissipation of the they j~l swing this way or that way, Imd
rol't: we l.':In
make a sU<:tes~rllll fIlgh L Lo think al>out IL "WHAT MAKES Till:;
cxc~s power, is an ~tmosphere around JO,' ')'0 us it looKs as if they make 11righL
any planet even ollt~idc our own system, RA1l1'U MOVE! " They have ,n.~kedU~cm'
themselves, their own gravitational Ci~ld - f1ngle turn, but they don'f..
anel that is we hay!! to give up aerudyna, Slllvlls thuL question! No jt't engine, ns we
in a wavelength system. c..ptain Mantell got caught. lie would
micli of lhe prcstnl day and go lo a MW line call it, No wiLl~ au il.. What makes it move'?
allog!!thl!r. In aerodynllmit'll we work on Th~y started invC$Uga~ing. Moybe W~
Ir you drop {l pebble In a still pool of never bav& go~ hurt had ills ship bean a
water, you SeC! wallet aftor wave going ou 1. fusilage type, atone witbout ~ny wings. It
strcs6e~, !.hat son of thing, and we have Lo clln build somdbing .- whpt we mighL ellH If YOIJ c~n mcasurt! it L'Orrectly, you will worl;$ like two 1l6r5 of metal with /l magnet
buIld our 5hi~ accordingly. Yrlln NlIture, a s:lt.ellite - Lhat wHl 0P!!nlle in Ule'same lind th.~ ship i~ pressurized acCOrding to our there. Because the hvo magnetic hars are
as far as Earth is eoncerrH!d, there is no way, only man mnde. ,\nd they hal'e suc- law, at 1.1.7 in.<;ldl!, :md that first Wl!lIe bolh alike, th~y nttrnc~ )lIst Iikt' that. 'rJll~t's
such thin~. ceeded In lhal., So there's really nO mystery . r:ldialing from the !ikin of the ship is illso what. would have happenC'd. RuL Ull! wing
Tht' p~opll! who operate thesl. space involved. AbouL those turns they m:\kc. th(l 14.7. When we 1iL't! trails of these l;hip.~. and jot cilught lind pulled in by thi5 power
ship~ (and wll<'tllC'T people believ<: il .Ir lIot, £Urth makes certain turns lOI>. We don'L som\!timf'~ "[>:Irks nyin~ behilld, it. i!i lIuL Lhey Wf!n~ l"ddi"linlt. H'pl'lIin~ furth In pro.
81 82
------------------------- ---------_._-------- - .'_ .•. "._-------_.
out rop~by fooi i~to outer SJ)l1COI~ reg~. nlcan by U1~L?" onct o.f thMl1ipok~ up.
ll!~'~Llu'ir ,:Ill;!,. Once the will!~[lilt emlt:hl til rOlll.:h a ('kmrl ri~ht after im aLomk ex, ~.Ie l".4wllitc, un'
steT e:lCh fool ~eparntel~. Wh~n ~e have "IUl'L utronomy fou.nlko.l
Ilw WllOlc Ulilll-l s!arll'd hTt'ukjll~ np. BuL if plositlll ,lUeI not 1>c:lrrl.'('led.t ,. ll>aid, "(low
Lh~ ~ltacl IlC.rceI1161R~, thcn WI.! t.'IIrr d"DflucL .. UlC: alu:lt:'nl. uxlj~!" "Vcs,.it'is." "Will)
;11.' h:Jd h<lll a rm;il.I~~,Ii\({' i\ dJ.:i\r !;1l;lIH~ Un! I \0 Iinnw'!" "WeB, '\40'1' know }'OIJ do
jill the illt~rrl!rcncc lllat W~ hit prior lo the canst-metod Lhe IUlCLfn 1.'-'too il\C, ~~CQrd
~bip, 1>olh ships wlluld h;).YI' 1'lJllie IO~i'ther, klluw. PI ",(,h,' only \\'a~ <l llI:Jn wuuld know
taratl.'l and Lhcn we can ~now wh~t is Ole-- to hI5l~ry?- It. wa~ !.he $hccphenleI!il, living
just tiki' thr: two bars do, ami not.hill:! would be if hI: WIIS in (1111.' or those ship:" to
Lually on the planet. Our !nstrumen l.1lire by watehillg th~ sllCC'p, having noll).
would have happcnC{l. rl'll(~Y can ,do Lhat know ju!'.t what takes pl<lce. Do you IlIC:UI
good so far l1Sthey go, but we know tlult ing 10 do. - Liley had nO edut:3lion, -'the
\'~ry eallily. tl1;lL [ have !.I\-en in a ship mill I should
even lhe 100 inch t.clCSI.'Ope down h~rc schuulinc S)'st~m as we know it, was
know'{" "We know thnt you know," 'l'hal's.
They didn'L meiln Lu harm a~ybody. He (P1\lornar) only goas out on~ billion li{:hL unknown in that. time. 'tet they obsel'\"cd
all lhcy l'IllC{, Well, then I lold th('m ju~t lhe sSty sa well Lhnt. Lhey.marked uut til(!
Just did n'L kllOW and hI' gal in too close. yeOlrs. and in II unil/~I')e thnt has nO begin-
whaL the answer is, .[llld lhcy ,;aid It was
I L i~ ju~t a.~when w~ u~cd t.o hit UIC super. ning ot ending, Olle billion Iigh.t years Is oonstellnLio~ and sO en. - and to this day
sonic wall llefure we knew huw to pene. really Ilothfl.'lg, . they hAvenot been proven wrong, AsLrono.
Then they asked me if I wouldn't. be-
trate tllem. We didn't know any We Let', get down to a common sense basis. my is Coo.nded upon that. Yet today we go
come a consultant ror the guided missile
didn't, see it. 'That's ....-hilt happcnoo t:e~, A human being is a strang&:!anlnUlt, He is. 10 tar ahead of the natural laws tht.t we
proje-ct,l said, "I'm no methanic. I couldn'L
You see magnr.:Ls radiate from the ~nd, made up of every ctement known on Earth, condemn B mon ueclLu!ii! he has m;l Cornull
construct anything." Well, they said, "YflU
toward Che center, ~ come all the way ns well us in spiel.' fOf he brt.>alhcs it. He education and say thllt it would ~e impos.-
don't need tG be a mechanic. We've got
around. I question this, when they say would lhCl'1!!rorc, Bulornatically
be a poten- sible {or him to geL somelhing Iikc this."
mcn tha.t can do anything that. you tell
that out E~rlh has north poll.! and south tial for r(lelin~, or
vibralions, or Cruquen. And tllat's about what the sitU:l.tion is to-
Utcm. All they want i!> your ideas," I said,
polc. I wonner if thcre's such a thing'r One de!> that alert him to slmp1t! conditiolls day,
''That calls for wages, doesn't ii?" "Yes." 1ormal talk given by Georgi Arb.m~k.i
would ~e negalive arid the other would be from the lowest stage oC mental action to From In i•.•
"I don'l want to be<:Offi{!a wage earner for" in 1955 - edillild ~nd adllpted 1ram. tllptl rGcOr'
positive, wouldn't if? That would be .true the bi~ltest stage or intelligence. That
the government because if J did, then t din;.
:Il;~arding to our magnetic law. Yet we say would then call for a quIte study of one. Dedir; Thfl RounrJIeuer. 'pring 7974.
rouh1n'L tal k <IS I'JTl tnl ki ng now. I know
tile ccntl'rof lll(' Earth is positive - so boUl self, to be able to tell deliniwly, (rom whal
that. I don't want to g~t tangled up like
ends mu:;~ b~ negati"e, instead of one posj. source he is getting his information.
thOll, but I'll give any infurnwLiun tlml Lhe
live and onl' n('g,lli ••.e, bllcmlsl' the fotcC$ 'l'he unfortunate part of astronomy to-
governm~nt wants fre~ - without charge,
work Utis vlilY. And suppose it. would he day 15 that we sometimes ignore people Travelling Compani~ns
do it. that w:ly."
pO.~~Lble.thell one would be repl'lied by ~he who hal/en't had much education - fxcltJ-
po:;ilivc sooner, yet both ar~ pulled in. drng them totally from any important job. After the Intemlption of the travelling'
Thnl's only theory, of course. , . According (Lile on other plan~ts). As an example, I once questione<l the a. plan - during his stay in I-:uropc 1963 -
10 the magneUc law, posiUvc repels posilive iLronomers. "Gentlemen," I said, "th(l 48 Adamski went directly to Bdgium from
Now, l('t's reason lliong the> line spec- or
and nQ~a~tve rellel~ negailve, I1lld here's a trum analysis. Spectrum is a wonderful inch tcles.cope here on Mt. Palomar is end- Denmark and did not go to Finland and
positive coming toward the cenwr and the lhing, wonderful and dangerous. You can eavoring Lo make an atlas or the skies Cor Gelm:my OS had been planned -11~ stayed
centl:r is positive. It oouldn't be. It would USe it to acLually know the weaknes:o or \.he Geogruphic Society, something tbat in Antwerp together wilh a co-worker,
lIe repelled there, but insLead if is being at.- iron, or of anything you might. want to aua. has never t)cen done, It has bt'en in opera. o n th~ d.ay 0 r lh e OIfnval t h l'y di ned
tracted. So ['m wondvring flOW, if bolh Iy~e. 'rhaL's vel)' goo<!. llut. also, astrono. tion for quite some lime now and it is not out. accompanied by n Swiss L'O-worker
lllo~(' ends are ncgalive? ThaL's where our mers :ldmit that space is full of so-called getting very far and yet this is Llle finest
who had arrived to loin them to Rome
:'aull is, - Ule trouble with a lot or things, de bri:;, - metee rites, part ic 1e'I 0 r d u:il, lIlld instroment ever made, Suppose a man came
via Basel.
:,nai'he. gas pockets of aU sons. Then, we can say to you and laid out a mop, an alias of the
sky. Well, wha.t would you say?" "We'd During dinner Adamski suddenly said:
I believe OUT government deserves aU UIC ther~ ls 60 million miles betw~e11 us and
say he was a genius," "But. stHl you'd ask ''There is a spa«man at the table o\'!!r
true intol'malion of a deal-cul nature lhat the planet Venus, W~ are going to register
him where he got his e<lucation, 1l0W there, I have met him be£ore. II His com.
it ill possible to ~ive, becaus(' thl,! uetter we all of that debris before w~ hit the targl!t.
wouldn't you'?" "Yes, we would do that." panions got shocked, it might be $Om~
JIe inrormllrl, the i3ettcr wi! are prepared Sine!! we don't know whllt percl?nl-ages of
"Supposing he told you he couldn't write kind of American humour, but what could
for anything that might com~. So thererore intcrreren~e Lhere is between us and Venu~,
his own nam~, what would you $ay then?" they ~o but bclhwe his word~'or not.
a p<1t1;on ha." got to be very careful. It CAlls or any other body out ~herc, how :ire we
"Well, .we would be wasting oUr time. We When two days luer they had come to
rQr a lhorough investigation. going ~o geL a correct an~wer'l
rrom all ClI1[f' ",,'ould throw the mllp In tho wastebasket." na.'lcl. th~ had lunch ouL Sudd~nly A.
:I:!:i.. 1r it C,1n gtll down to the b ••~ic cote, 80 YOIl sC't:, wha~ the)' find could hove
. "'I'hllrs Whill 1 thought you would say, damski said aca1n: "Look, there is the
"IOU l\U~ ••t have SQUlt' lugical ricld in which regislered anywhere butWl!l'll hero :md Ve. And really, Lht'! mll.n from
Now IcL me S<Ly something without intend. lipaceman."
',he thing wlll explain it.~clt. If you can'l do nus. No matter how many time!> we try it Ing 'any harnl. According to' this. statement, Antwerp was siLting :l.t a lnble right thllr~
hat, then the (hing is no gootJ .. _ we ha\'c the sam~ problem. We will not
you have righL here that us a In Rasel. It could bardly bt a ec.ini:id(,IlCll
Four orthe top men in' California know tile LruLh until WI! have, -- ani' I
on sdcnce, you at<: founded today on whal is - Ad:umki musl have been right in t\lll.
:L:idl'd missill's interviewed m~ and lIsl<eet ~hink we nfl' working ulong that iine, -'- werp and sO in u~ d 100,
tr:rnu .•d C"olosm\ I~nuralll'e. n "WhaL .10 you
tiC Lhis qll~sli(}n: "I~(Jw c.m ~p::te sljjp~ Co what call all ~'lectTOnic &til'k, Lhat C".m gg
83 84 _._. __ ..•.••• _ •••... _.4."-' ~

My discovery will prove

Adamski's claim
by Basil va!! den l}erg. .. .
1ft Itl
s.,.....•. r-Occo •••. t•••.•• __ ••• TI NO SA UCIIl REView printed
ac.c.u••tof "r •.'iliA •••.•••• , ~ ••••• d•• claim to h•••• cI.d ••• .,..cI
Adam.1d h•••.•• Iyphla.•••••• ••••• c... ••••• ••• MtI..••••lty •• Ice
••••.•• •.•••••••••••• TIM author DeW •••• lib Dwn .tary ••••••••• ,.... aft
Interview _MIl 'IIM .., ••••• CeNT•••••••••• Hr. ",lIIlp J. "-man. Oil
AMple L .

HROUGH thf' medium of ¥",nHG titJeD.
av~ Itake this opportunity
to a~ man readers as possible
the world the ~(:l5 of my ~!IP thro the
of5g Prior to my readJ d$ 1m book, my interest in
lyiDg sauoers wal nil; since I had ne-vef heard.
•.•. ftlUd. oJ them before. I wn.s thetefo~
po:tlt'on to t~e sides either for or aglii~. What
in no

)HUt ten yean, beginning in lOO3. when one of did aMuse my int~ was the aDluinK !!:imilarity
tne most controveut;l t boob e'W!r' 00 the subiect between Mr. Adarnski'll photograph "f a scout •.
of UFOs was publisb«t. I reW: to Flying !hlp pn bHshed 'in his boOl:: and " strQJ1gl! object
Saucer" Have lAnded, by Oem-oM Leslie and th"t had trailed my bomber fur three hoUrs dLlring
George ~damskj, 01. A mmca .. lhe last war. This incident we re~ to JntflU.
Many boob have' been written regarding gence on orriva r at base. arid :'Iubsequent)y
UFOs or • .Hying .aaucers: but I can, Ihrough my lct.U'ned that 5:ightings of these stran~ pbeno-
own &ndi~ m utrnmt sblCerity. say that Ihe rnffia had been reported before. but no explana-
m05t important 01 an books to be writtm Me tion of what they were could he given.
On coming to the (.'Oncl usjon that there mOlY be
those by Mr. Georg~ Adamski" I say this ~awe
he has. in all ~ncen1y and ~.' and with some eonnttCtian betwef"n A.damski's story and my
great cOuragt.', tried to convey to tM world the war-time sightin~ I took • keen Interest in the
:'Iiimple straightforwotrd truth about thew phe- photograph of the symbol iC' rtW'!i:l>age drnpped to
nomena, George Adamski by Venushms frum just such a
I U5t! the w(~rds ~ln<;:-erity and honesty guitt" craft.
openly a~ regards Mr. AdamskJ~ slnoP I now hav(" My np;uiun wa..,. that if then' was any truth ill
tndi5~table proof for the scientist and layman his book and tlle~ \'Va.' n connection with my OW"T'4
alike- thnt ('.N)rge Adarnski'~ claims are B.uthentil sighting, lhf'1l the symbols wourd gh'p the anSWeT.
beyond reproach. one way Of' t}t{' IlthM'. •
From tht'n nU I workt'(1 fur many months on
CllftlaJ ~ th(' symlK~ls. tryiu~ hy t'n"ry pmijhJe means to
I am not ;II fk"Tson who helieves in everytllluiol {,OIUll"d tilt "In in ~ume' w"'Y Wtth ;l tol.n~ihl•• solu-
thl£t I read without first wl'i~hhlg the prl.l~all~S Hun. I Mall", su<.'t.'t"t"(lt"d in (lix,,(lvering Illt' riRht
cons very carefuUy, and t"'en then I resen'(' m .•. ., dmnnt'l" f"rnu~h whip'. ltn' wmhl~ls (1)uld be
llld~ment. I h;,4v~ Je:lrncJ through ('Xo[\('rtf'n('(' t II.d i'lh'lpr~'h"d. I[('r," J wa~ 011 ""- t;naru as to
it h unwis~ tu judA'e lI'lY fdlnw lx'in~s without rlw ",twlluor tl.i"i \",I~ .1 d(>\"("r hCNlX l~"flX.>tr.Jted by
I1e"(."t:s~~"ry f'vidt'tK"t" to )lIstlfy ttml j'.l.llgmt'I" Mr, .'\<.1am,ki. or rt'"lI" :'iyrnh(tl~ ~,n~nttl him by
T"f:refort~, 1 dill not iud~e Mr. Adarnski off .hah.l hl'ill~s £n)lll ;umlll("r pl,tllf't.
•.~s so m.lUY h.ul .1olu. wlu'fl 1 tirst n',HJ flis hll'~ This ~il\ I' nw mUTe n'.L"lIll I" djsC'CI".'r dIe' tTuth .

rllJiU~ S11I40!n Han' umrlrd. _".nee 1 h;ld Ud1hl'r ••iltl.t'I rC'.~1i\t,d Ilmt ,.•tll1't th~ "ymhuls Muld
f"\..itJem ..""C' nOT pronf lhal 11<"WilS a fal(', or thnt 111' iw 1JIt' b.L••i•.• fUT snnw uf thr ~rl,".tl"st adVi.HlcP.
' ' .l...; ~('lll~ilLt',
'flt"llh Il~~ !1'H(."l. in lht' wllr~r IJr it (,'t1I1M IlL,'.~n
;~w~,••tf.' Hf tim(". I th(~n. wroh' to ~tr. A41anl"i~i,••ud f" 111l?" 01.1\' 1\ 'Il~k lIut hom at,\."p1l(' IHI t lli •..400lf th--
,bked fm ,,:Ie~ir prillts of tJi(: symhol'\;, :"'~' t~w ~lIilr ;[ ('hit~l l';LrI' ~l"l'-.-sn 11/1 Illal h.r Ilow ltll[ .••.. {•.••

n.prwllldlon in tin: book h;u.1 lll'lt most tJ dw fill' Si,'i.'lLti.,h may try hi h,', tt.('y
'ii\€.' l',lllHnt d"f1Y
dH.ri~'~U1d d(.ta,jl. On r«'dpl or
these prfnt..; ( tlli~. ntaL im' IIHSIt..':!dih~ It.l(' lHlhlit:. \
S('ttlc:tJ uU\'Vn to thl" ardlll)lt!lo taslc: or J.:lellnLn~ thi.' SiUl1' th{.s(' r,lIdin~s h~l\'l' hU1'ue pr.u:tica' ~)Toof
inrtJnnation from diem to tlu~ best af my ahi)jty of Mr. Ad~.un~ki\ ~t"nllill{'H('~S illl(l of ,o,;puce t:mft
-llrtlf' rcaUsjng tne tremendous task that la)' from pb:.t'h ntll('r than nUf'i., it is my iuteutinll,
allt.'ad. A'S the yeilTS passed hy, more and marl" i.\'()n~ with \tr, AtL.~mski. to ~i\"e to the p~nple of
infonn.~tion was rcvcaJed-in£ormalion that nn the world that \,,'hid~ is ri~htL)' th~irs:. '
tx'in~ on earth (.'(luld eVei' ha\'e dreamed up to
use .lS l' hoax, f{')t they reveal the f;tllt;.~tic truth It, j .•••l~n'~••h. tun h,tt' for <lilY inkrfcrt'nf.'e fn,m
of these (.'Tait in df'tail. They reveal tlu! methnd of
any SOIIr<.'(' ••.\.l ••lt(•••.t"1'. wlJ(,tht~r jt he at Guvern-
ment h.•t .••! aT rtnt. Thi..; jntt~rr(>t~UC~ Wll~ fote~
propulsion, a'S well as lwo powerful magnetic
moton .• md d~taj[ed plans uf the interior and C:-i~ }'cars tl1-tn a71d l 'flU5~ l1U:'lIt1}' pbns II~\""(' iTI the
hft-n snit iuto ol'('r,.tifHl nnd {,~lITit>d O'it in utmo:o;t
tcri()r o( these craft, giving botfl the large mother-
ship am~ tl~ smaller scout-craft C'ommunly .1it"' thruuJ.thout the wnrld to ~ulmttr dU\'
mo •••
~ ~t"l'~in~ tu pre\"~nt tht:!"t' wurls n+aehill~
known as II}.jj~g saucers.
SincE' t~ rnotou atone have nut vet bc-£'u in.
vcn~ed,ono this earth. att<1 since tht>y have hem Wlll"U die wodd ha~ this rmof. which i$ Jlnt far
$(l]o.'pd through the symhQUc mC!lN~J:((", the big off n~>w, Mr. Ad:ttn~ki wi1 UUl't' and ft)r all he
qllcst~(lH is: •• Where does the mes.s.nge C(Jme \"i nd.(.,:.J ted.

Oh the of April 29, 1962, another

ml ,min~ eodt'd Adams~i symbols. amI of which a pllnto
J lIl'~~.[i (.:untnct withbei •.•.
g from :mothfT planet
:Ji Iilppt' in the SCptt"ml)('T.Octobcr n~vn:w, It
hit the flfOiul1int"S in a Jead(n~ Afrikaans Sunq,ay 5~~d to he made of stl"'et and I rt'mar~NI
new.;paper-Stef1l, In lhj~ instance the. C'Ontactee o1buut jb wright and the fQct that .it 5~t>lnt.'d h> he
W~"ii a Mr, BasH van den Kerg. of Johannl"SbuT~, "ali\'f"," HE" !irnikod as he said 'Tm R;larl you f1otic.,'("
I ha ..•..
e alwllY~ heen inclined to beU~v~ Ceorge that it j~ ulive. Look, hme Me tht' ma~rt~li!"
Adamski, :md tlS ~hLS lategt contact W.1S °majnlf. TlHo'U hc.o described its importanc..-e in ~r~at l]t>-

ba~ed on the controvers.i ••l Ad~ms~j " symho15, ' tail ;]nd hi~ flIes whid~ tcostifu:d to tll('
] wns mnst ~ren In ml;-'f't Mr. "'an den Be~ per. pnonnous ()f wmk
Omn\lllt olwiHllslv irnoll!o.-I .•d in
sonaUy. W.,. starWd ( and I W.u jt~ <:rmsrructiOI\. T!I('re w4'::le iitt'raHy hll11dr'rds ()l
impr('s~('lJ hy hi!li humility, sinc:~rity and f<lrth- lrianl(lIlar-like (ITawing:.; th:lt SI'('m{"c1 tn ~t iuh,
rj~httlt':\.s, ,1\t lJ'ngth a mutually cm~vt'niMlt fim<- •• rni\~tt'1' I~ln{'lr:int.I 1\od d('(l m~' l,(';Lcl wiS('lr ~.ul
It ~dl Ul. hilt ,It ,h~''lUll(' tlllll'

und dllt~ for our first Ineet;n1-t wa!! agrc('{) UPDU, ~)ftell, as If takml(

It jc; clHfkLllt to (h'~crihe m... ft'('liuJ;t!t :.lnd ~)iticd him, as tll{' st:it'ntific. jaq:,\ III ''''a'S bl ~ill~ fin
th(H'l-tht.. as l walked down ElolJ Str(,E"t. J Df1anll("S- llU{'Ompn'J.ending rars., ., n~lsil." I th('lI~tll. .. ~'L1lj
nus. on th~' mornin~ of
hurj.!. tnward., 01 IT tt'wlf"z .•.. werr 1H'\'{'r "'.Iit"r m \,l~ur Hf{•. ]t drl('~n•.t m('~lll ~l
Thur>iday, AIl~lI'1it 2, 1962, As I •.•ppr<lad~'d il (:cr- thill:.!, to Ill('!'. .

t;li., <':oTlwr I"{i a taU man. erect, wHh killdly Jle mwit ha\'c c:ulJ.!ht Oil :IS hr ~UtMi'-'lItv aS~I'd :
~'Y('!-, sun.t'yir~~ the lla~sjng pllTude of stmpp4.'rs, " 'Suw wi L;lf lliL'~ t' ~tm gnt III t b,tt II 1al-ta'f, ilH' \ I II r

If \\Wi Ra..'iil \..m drH At'rlot. I ~hoo'k hantl.~ with ~~id \IC>U w<'n' Sl) k('~.11h) ,till\\' 1Ill'?'
tlu~ liMn wh •••.t. l'ontact dnry had c,tlls('rJ SH('l1 II l \\:mu I.'n.d wilat 1~;.• 1'I':Lt:liHn w"ulc~ ~)(' ,l' I
'WIH.ltion in ~outh ,.•..fric'" unu who d<Jim'l: to hold turtiNI til l)rllf('~sor tlnmct\. mn~!rati~1I1 .,f till"
the rn••,~ic:.'fnrmu\a that would ultimah'ly pave Bnt:l.iUiUI hil'rul!l~'Plti{''i. 1[•. \("t'nlnJ ~tUlIIU'd F,,¥ .t
nur w~\' tIl the' :lit;~r:s. mnnlcltt .U\J tllt'l1 t.'~~'I~irni'll: ., T1d~ IS i\lll:L/IH'C?; ~
'Ve :;"nlln lound a cOl1venif'ut tea room ~nd iat It is uhs.olnf('lr falltt~til' ~ TIl(' dl'~\lVill!'l j,lio ul'~i'dc
down jn;t 'luil" ~(ll)t.In my bri('r-ca~f' was a (.'opy down. hut imt lnok .ll ,II()S~. ,;}'mb()l~! . He tllt'n °

of thr J;ulH,u~'.F(,lm][lry
.''LYlNG ,;"'Ltu:n RRVIl!:W~
cll'seriht"~ Prctff'So,;(Jf M,1rc.:l,1
,un,IJI,ltl~ d i"em'~ry in northern Stalil oi l'H)uhlt"TS
nmn(>fs r rmJul't'd two I'>rints: nf :\d;un!iki's s'"mhok ilnd
l\otlCi.d what a "'ast imllfOn'mf"ut tl Lt'y Wt'ft' un
the nnc nV[Jf':lrin~ in #r'l!,itl~ Sauo'r,'t: Han.:
,dtl. f'1 1,!,H;1 \ r,d ~Y1n.Jnt..•whlc.-h l)("ar il ~ttn ..i1l~ re- Lam/ffd. I k dlC.'1I l'omp,lu'd Ad~undr ••with Pro.
~('mh~:UJ(:(' to IIII1Sf'of Ad;unski. I nlltk~,d 1hat my feS"i(lr ~Imnt.fs ,ul~l 1':lCitt'tt1\' dr('w lm: ,lUl'lltiou
I r[t'wl hilc1 ~Irnlldlt:lhllJgin~ fu\dl'T and ~l stnln$'tC' to pnints uf Ilppiu"('nt :sim il.~rlf~',
~;tdJ;d whic 11!H: h:llld('d til inC' for in"pt>ctjePlI. It Ollr h":l Wi'S t.'f~l,' h, lin\\', hut th:~l dIdn't
W,I' IMrt ni "Itl.}tor ~l{. kul iIlH'oh.'tl ~rnm th~ dt- U1;,th-r, .. r.h,;\.'U,' ~i\(' !nt' tl.i" 111.!;.tU/,illo' lor rm(lwr
,tmly IlIult'f In).' ma~lli.ryht~ ~Iw.•s," lit' plt'aded. . uatioll~tl Hl;.WSP;1Pl'I' 1M.};.01,;1.]; llL Int"f~,:"r til H\'iJ~~
., \Vith pJcasun'," I fpplkd .•. but IOllk tit r}w yUt:'('TS III g('lwl'al, ~uHl ft "dSi; S"ll('E~lu \ n.;w m
funt' ~ \\'1.' mustn't keep tIl<.' Sll'lU people w ••itlll~_" partkulm ;~!'idid the. ~'('m Jww!ival~ruH:tll
They ~ rWW of my ~•.i~if tn ]nhanm~hur~ HIlJ I um llil))Jlr tH rt'port thrnu~I~,ut .the 11I~~r~
wi~h('d to interview us togetfler. Vil"W \(r v:U\ tJl'U HerJ.{ lM~kl.xl my \ I("'\YS •••~J
A~ we nllrrit!d along to the Stem o Uice'i, Mr. r,\."tinll, ..•.Ltrltl l W;':Il iml)r~~ bY the olwh:.Wi
van dt'n Berg was explaining the thn'(", ("'~t~m In whidl th~s sn(~.sP'Oken and lmassummg
diml'1\.~Lnn3l asped of thp. Adamskj photOb'l'uph .. p:n-~t'!ttf'r" W,\S ht'IIJ hy the Stem l)("fsonnei.
anu huw he WIUI discovering new symhol~ every UUlLr!o: lat('r I ""w Mr, BeT~ to his bus,
\'.lfI t.!t.•.•t
tj ml' he studied them undf'r n mngnifying W EI~S. m,it lIut ulltil 1M: huu tl,ld mt; mort" Iloout his
" It S('(lms there j~ no eud to an
the deb Us giVlm. (.'-cmtilf.:ts, To put tht! rf'""dc.'r iu the pktul't' also. I
\\1fmt hrilliant scienti~tS these Vroumi.HlJ must be elLU do Wl Jwttt'r th"J~ to (llIott~ frt,)ffl one of his
tn he ahle to suprrimpase their symbols over lettl'n:
Ad~mskj'_" photogruph, •••' You kllow/ he went on.
" '\ lmiHt I woulrt h~t. to cleuT at this -~!
:' I worked night and day to break down the rodf'. ~1' tlu: mi~intt'rJl"i.t.ltinn by the ooitor uf .Stem
Often J wa, tempted to call it qUits, but yet I
n'lJ;;ucllnt( my 1:'C'l'h ••", with our Brother. On
plodded on untiJ I found ~mcres5 crownin~ m~' tll~' firsr o<.:(:aStUll he m~'rt.l)" pitt mt" back on to
hard work. Soon I was con~trucUng the mQrors. tl~t, ti~flt track of int~rpr("tjnJ( tm' ~ymhob,
AJI the detitils Were Uten. I shan n~ver fOTJl:~t the "hl.t'e I had wavered 3ud Il1td become (,"On(used
day when the lint motor wus ready. It func- .ufer five vear,~, uurin~ which time d'e motor
tioned PM"feetly. Jt.was"on my hh1hday ..•. Then had already been completed. 111e ~e(;ilmd,t..'On•.
I mt't tl.," . M<:tst('r .•.
1 (.1(J not pres~ for dl~tans a..~we had reached tnct was: briM. and merely confinned the
first. He bmup;ht no sh,tdll"S of ,his uwn as r~.
the .~tcm uffices, T'I~lhum of printing pres5(':"O )lOTtt'd. and ~••"e. me no help whah.\.er ~Il
(-ould lle h~:tTd cominF; from the ha~ment. I
$orvin~ tht> symhols. I tE'()('at: Jil' ":L('['("~Y
tho\J~hf Hf thr ~im('. th.rty ye:ns aMo, when I
pointt'd 4,mt the cHrt("d path to fo.l1llw smec' .1
wnrKl'rl ill a prmtin~ o(flc("' myself. In rtlose days hild deviated and h.ld Jo<;t telepadue l'.lmmum~
til,. rJfff'lIdin~ RyiuK ~atlC'M"S wert" virtually un-
cu.tinn with ttle ~1.t.",t('r thruuw- m~'. OWIl
emot\u.l~ IIlnd that was the _mJt' pUrL)I,IS4'of tlw
In llur. (.'tl"~ we Wf.'J'e ushered iuto iii. spaciou~
visit. Siner. then 1 hUH' 50h"t"tl mm ..II mort'. and
nffic;(', Arter the usual introductions 1 took my seat
witl. a ~r~ut deal of appr~heusiorl, but ff'h OOVf' gleaned It amollnt elf ~nHw"
l<>dgf" throulih my oWn dfurbi, ThP Rrothcr ]':\.'II
hmu"lrcd all the ,~lIm~ to take my ~tand in dc- t~lu~ht mt. the foil", 'If f;"fUlllitmal h~'t~~rcu,<:r.
f.!uc(' I>f thr. 'f saucers" and the bPtn~~ who pilor
thl'lIl, B••1 I n('~'{1not have worr(ecl. I wus 'Q th~'
•.•.mJ J lun'C' ~iU('t. glUl,nh ..'tl a~ ••insf it. thu", let'lt'p-
('nmp~UIY nf "iillCt"l"e friends. Thl'Y were •• be" ill'? our tt'le[l4lthic cil.lnnf'] ufIE'n and clear.
11P\'C' r s." t I.H~. , My .Oiim is tn l~rm (' to all and sUJldry ~1r"
All tunskf~ genuinem .••• ~ M'U] t'!at t Itl. (\'mhols an'
It W:'" ;Ui it1IC'l't...~tin~ e)\pt~it!n(.'t° anu th<' inter.
\ ie'\\" Jtl:"h.d Iwady lli!"(',"' 11Imr'S, ORI;t' "gll"l Pro.
UM at thi~ warM. I (.•will so (>.;" •.• i1y < thcsr
lIl,,'entiollii as my own cI(,iH I.!, wit llHlI t ~f' 11
tl''\''Or lInmd w ••~ Hnder dis(.'ussioPl and f1l\
In("ntimlin,et th~ ~.lnlk'~h .• ulll UI)t H :Il;i~l!-tleg)ul
pn'C'illlh H, \ I:\G SAol'r:rJl, Elt.\"IEW (.."(1
J-. ••uld .•
on I hi<!: pl.uwt would ('\'t.r h,' tl14.' WI!\M', Not
IIJlI,;1' mur l' ;l~ it W;~!Ii: m'('d f'd to jill' ~tr•.•h~a n"rm I
('\" •••11 Adalus~i!-
ll.:!l 'ill h"{'qlJ("nt~y :Jppt'aretl. thf' roJl()WillC
~ll1lo1.l\. I l)l'li~-q. lt~,il~,II. dt'u R('r!!, I -t .~•• I b.L\t.
f I, ',~. t 1\'I"hl'd lhal {'\.t;n" t'clitor of f'\ I'r~ .dw.~~.•.l'l,Jr." (,d C"IIf~I. \,I.Jn, ••ll
To I" .•••"'UI( ••"' tb,,,-,,uKhJ,,
~h1,. fJubUd.%-<>d U}'O
and Iddn ••ppings. on"
fl>url •••arch roco.d"d hilltnry.

On •. t~ "ftC. •• :n.• lyT.A ,dJ .-.'H:.)or,Ifiln)la

UFO ~~vll::y _ !.rOUl Lhou3A.J1d-" of
A(n.:... *"
to tho p",,,,,nt, tbat
m Chi.,..
,...,U ••• lnclia.
North. Contral
fJHJ So'Ut.h A.t:n •.n.ica~
It la g<>o•••.••. Uy a""",pl(w;j th ••e.
!I:rtnl14"",~b h... "LoIUod thJ ••
~~. Th'!••v •.•.• .-..e",n.L. W
Joci;mt Cblna thaI indjc:nl<> bcin8"
Do•• UA hav •• vilrit.<>d China lo"Ying
,.,hl..o. eome tyP"' 01 r-.:>nJlnK
J.LociI. Tho_
poopl.. wo'" <:A11ed
Thor c.....u.. La
and to ~l~h.... 1ll.O,Q Dot
••Wuct or lcidJ:mp.

ndg •• "lid
from the
my-.ha from
kno W;l .civiliz:atJul1 fllTO in Ilgt"t .••.
b.3ingftl or ~ftk-r
•.uowJ ..
h.llve d"oc,wdc-d
'1'1>..... bdnK"
." ••....u<ed tho od"u.nct! of •• ~tter BY FRED STECKLlHG
'Way of lit".. SotllofJumel:l it W'ftJl
llec.<UH'U\.ry' to ~ •• wjth ..•••.
8*' Lh~ original a,gpIHt!fOr ~ Fct' In tbt' Brith.b bf)O'k •. AUlltrnatiLo'C. He cornpl&lne<1 l••tA" thAt the
then> Wh".D they 1,,(t ••nd retllro eX'UD$Jte. it might h.yr. bc-ea that ot:J:J. the antho,,,, reveAl [rom l;O"Crn.meDt lb.••..••..•••• d hl, •• f"'t til ••
them, ••ome u.m" law •.• wJth Knu.t tbe,T mt<>rvfl" ••d In o,d",
U> atnp NASA eor' Lhat lh" U.S.A, demon "traUo", but dJd nol ulr. how
!<no •• lc-dga of m.Il"Y t.l:.i.D¥ •• A,gR'f08~dun of OOf;' group of peoople """d U.S.S.ft, hAve bad l1u"" e'" he bnd dOD" It. Th"J' dJd .I<.I .•••• ant
not;)~ or t...~QIk"l ~to.luif desai.tJ..e any a8flln~t anuther, t\-.Dd it il" JJ(J"!llble our t;l)(){,)n !liD<:~ tht:l late 19'60'8~ t.o "no....,•. llowever. t~e qU@'elion
BOrt o( 1•• ,,,tUJ ty. t"ot they may indeed bny" u."d The ••• ery well Infonn",d Authon of ui.$a •.••.•. ",,'t
Lh".e 10"," 0' hungry
In ttl" •••.•••• fully ......,miO(j hi"k,'7 fON'"A. Such .ctJlt, """'09 tAn)1 h('I""~,U@. " fhitl"h BflG Bro"dc:."""lng cre". ~",olJte in the world? The,,. "ould
">;, th ••l toan;:r rtx:c:>t iddrm p-
nf TJ.,j,u~",
8t.QD"bengo In }~"gland,
In the AtHi,,".

in Lob....,,,", N"to<:'" In POTU, E~.,'pt-

did hnppen
from tl",,,
tl> lim",
fo, '''>1 All
P"'Opl" c<)uili,ll' fTotn "pAce are 01 a
pinga of Bcient.i..trU, tbnir r'rIJsUv~"'f
••nd aft .••" •• 1:,.,1" bu.. I_do or
"IJ he fnd •••.
l>IIM~. "houJd tb",.
lth U,UfI Innrl Amf Hut ••

f •••••." ••r'" method" ••• bkb he re.

••ppl": tid ••

noble uatur,,_ J"OU:~::l~t P~(~I,lt1 aru th" .el'lt of ,Qur (";3)r••.-.~l fTOOl the c:ct",,~f"J:"e'JtriA1.s.
ian .nd
C••"un '"bond.

f..J.l t<> find
ag-.Just. A
Yet c:von in thetlO' lICCD\H\tA, TJC
w-eotJon of Aoductian;q nod ')''f'tto.
111"0 peopl" t.r;ri..,g to "'~ppiy tbelt
top ~ccro\ bllJ:llo$ with cheap
On", c.....I>nl;r .•• "nd"T
~rJvcrnn::u!nt would not 'WA.Dt pro"...
wby ••

l~rc~f».~:8 w,W~ Yet, .u ind.ic~, ioat..ions nnd/or tor'tl~r!O:~ h~.•. ~ leMfn •.•• Could thi./l ho po-lJ-lJiblo? gr""''' and lr"twl ••.• ""llt (or tt..s
lJ}'O Activity. JtAtber. the ••hove. be"u re<:ord"d.!ane", d.ting TOOI''' l.Oll.,. •.••• ".Dotb"" eIt,tlWft- :I"<"Opl •..••
<uUDed place •• "'01"" aite. or wpr- tho'Hewd ••of Y"OJ" "how th"l "'J(H) tinn. Soma yc...,. JlgO, I b"nrd 28 or ' ••.•
itb !.he ever.mcrt,,,,,inl( vd.
Amp ••nd In ••tinuJ,, l.owazd til" occ.a"ion, rlBitatioo", ttOlll epace f""'Opl", ",h", d[""pp<,,,.,<>d fTnm •• ume ot d~enf.pd lIighling'!l over
iI!ll:tn~rrel!:t.riA1!f who hiitd. _\lown wef"l1 ACCOf1lpa,nl~"'CJ by over-.'hclrn .•. cb ••.•.'WI..d boat ott LI,t! Florida tb" p ••.•• \ :15 Y"'ttJ'''. thare La Uttle
~b.rnoD bow to COD.5tTUct.t "1 ttin" ht,g ili.!!pla;r. o( loreo And pqWf'r. II co<ut. Th",." 28 pe<:tple all hAd oue d"n)'ing that ••.., hAv•• b'HIfI. 8bd
I.1lin aDd gTQW Lnto •• hJgb"r "Into tb." "arth h"" been ,•.;."j~ b .•.botl; th3ng in common, tho,. were of ••.•.••Ix>ing. ",ieited bl p"""pl •• from
of developmnnt~ noble ILnd Ih" cot.- ••c-nob) ••••. i",/"'),,, RX'ttAt,cr;r"~~'lLd_),o-dgln~ Ar.cordLog other pt.a.f'~r.~tA,.The old 1Ul8Jt:" of
Man]' Lh..<.loKk .••l autbentic. (or lit hUU!lt ••••••. oral l.1ou"",nd to W,T information. aJWt tr"v"tiop' afficleJ denin.!, can no loo&e.
convinct>d th" t BlhliCAl 'f;:uu"., H. wuuld itH...~m thal anfl it is from diHerentpl.ace!l ,aruund the ••••ti8fy tbe ""lLjorily of the f'<!<>pl••
....., DOW
w.Jlcbinglt ••••••• Irtroogly mnu- a lit'lJ •.••).Ilt<> (or them t.o •• ";'t t.o wodd, tb"y "'11'I" ••d in MLlUni to IJO a I:u:'w apprOAch U b Qrdfil:t.. \\f~
<'luD8d. If not db_dy In.plr<><J by •••"".m1.tl4 And i!lt'\1dy Uti bO .••••• """d "wnil. t.h,,1r pic.k.up ••t s ••.••. know Ulllt tlHl mfllUies C,IUJ b~ t~'tlllt
twu~ ~ueh pow~r' '\\'hcn tho mfJthcr craft. for r..onlr-oHt-"d t.b..t(jll$gh ft:!ll-E fl.IJL1 'terror
exu-l!it.o.rr"",trirsl "'."iI.""" .• t'b •• BlbJ •• Vii.'ilb I1We'eHJt:!16 #.8

lJl. filll'd -..Jth TnportA of ""8"lo. who 1J;Je,," aDem to h.ln(-Dfk,,)A:'l~~.;~j tb<lm thny mllat tuw"" b"""o m •• of t.he \Hllc::no~'n ~ thin u. th(,.
tblco'U:ghout hi:t1ory~wb,lIit UI!I~ h\:II"IY. (or th",T loft in the middle KTt"u,~'!Jt- ''Weap ••.• " 'Hir man 1;.nn
look "xact.!." llk<! flU'" of _rlh. w{l<),!dkidnApping o e•.••n
Oil,! (>T t.•••• of tb,,1r n." .•.l". f>U'lt.o! pf ••1Tcnttt -t •.. ld aver anol.h ••r. (""",.,ld th" .",,,1.
d£l:::nCcnding Irom • *be-a \'of'n" Or' hn,'" VIU> .•• b",d lik.. thAt too.
•• bu.ndr ••d •.•••.•
t.h.m ••., b ••••,,7 of aightin.s" itlvolV'it,,, ••hducd"" ••
-8j)f\en. with the ain:ra.ft and
E ••.•.
ly in ] 005 I .••.••.•• informed by f+Omutimcs IUld l"fU'. b" cothLn" bUI .U) ••ct of
111 Hf\hr~''''ft 3:2 it Itt.atue: '*IJ.o
raliAblo fJourcCIJ •. that :!Icv-ora] no- :JOM<Rt.1tn<OJI the jew were-te(u.tned ,..,If.defcntlc hy the f••••.••. ho bold
not forgntful to crot,crlAia J!lu'.n,g-
en. (bert-by' fi-(j.rl\1(' hAve enter'. tim", 0" th" "Artb 1u>d "'Annog"d u> to Il,,,I, honul ••irpona nDd lnnded pow iH o'-'or the ro an,.. Lbe who &llj;<!Lo unto •••• r ••. '. Th ••••••
dopU",,,"w "l1yinK uce
•..•• •..••.•••Inri!"•. "ale\r, .)'at no on.. wu in thn r•.IL thr •• "~b •.
,l th ••$ o(
to c.h" on"" ••.h.ich have beeD piJO'l'" "o ••C To tJJltke lbA lIU>17' (.he tip ••"" vim!t•••r" ••.uo their "ro"",
..••n8elo. .. """IDad Ie '- ftl"nd1;r. fUfrfQ int<~ • """''''r-e: ••~-"••pt.anc:e? 0
vi..•ltjo8' thlll Ill",rt.b for Lhou"and" of
u'1:1,,,,1 DnAlyllla nn ••"'" that If f-"ijtUt"n~, Itomoomntl l!cvenU
tbe!Je' ef'i!I{\Cl",mOD look: like u. and yga",,". Straogoly. oO""'" -IJV'"
.,;""" 1005 til.. b Mtil" o.d;ione, bou."" ••!U>t tbny "hould ha.',;, lun IJ,,'•• b •• r •• ,mdetacU><l •.••. hy
aWucUuo". fo •.•.
.....1 m..-dic.e1 e" 11m- out 01 fue!. EI""oim,uoD .hew"d
••.ould they ••b<I••~.t ••••Ami ltUb}ocl
inationa ••.•• d Il'Uch, hAv" ~n thAt the fueL !.H.,k" Were iod ••••d
U~ to l•••,.gt.h,. m",H •..•• 1 .".;ft",I".tlon
and U"Q like, .lnee 'We ••.• no widely report.e<l. Since that ti.o •• eUIPty •••.• th"y ••hould hav" b"en.
h",lpl ••"" 'vlcu.rn", ha"a r"portM I ••brmld fc"l that wuny of
diff"T" ,,1 in "Pp"'lI.l'lIU1Ctl lh.a.u tb 11,.7
A.o.d ." •..••ly. U •••• ha",.. t.-" bdlng
10••1.:1. eaptiv.. by .t""n,ge
<::t •••• tu •.•,,'. blL •..•• ly lUllntln.
k>d",.'" UFO =1",,100"
carr,.! MJl\O melulage lUItbc)~.,.
entert.aJ..nln,g wtTAD.gora UDJIwlU'iIl
like. fon:<>d to und"r-go e;,f Bibtic..J d ••y •• - oxcept ••I 1h"t
;lor over two tJ.ou ••.•nd 0-1
~-rqOO hiaJ(.-or)"",e.A .t:r'aog'OnI "1tAm.inatio",,, and exporimootJIin 1:-lm•• WI' did Dol " ••ve the •••••ll
..,..rt.alnly bave had c.h•• OllIM)rtunit.,. di.m1y Ilt "P""" .hip" ••hlch "u'.!\- cr,;u'nb",d oppo.IUon toward tho.m
Ie l_m about Lbo ••••.•••n •• te-d a., nvU IJUlpbvr limen. CO'u.ld """ ""4 hAv" t<>d••y.
th" ••••'coot4~' ••.kb til •• w,dt)'u,g We It,,,. O<oK:ome incr ••••"ltrgly
body long ••go ••• hou.ld thO', I' ••.•.••
.."tnotAlrr""triaL .• be in fad con- eom,pLicllted b.oth tKooorniettJ}y
had th •• n_d or d•••k ••.
l«cLa ,..;th "pace <:T"n" built on mill iwd politlc:rilly ••• od th ••m ",ili'-ll
In G'''l''''lJo 6:2 ....,d .•, It ,,'LAte •••
greet JUIl_DIe anUH'tg6( b:1
"Son.a of GOO look E••rth ",,'j>.e •• earth by v"rlous ll'O""'Ct>:WEotlU,
pll<>«ood by I:H.'O ot .earth In et.r-a:ng<r power. All l(><;hnJc ••.J. I'CQuomJeAl.
and bad d,Ud,••" ...-lth UJeXT> ".
c•.••lUlD •• ~? nul wh,., .••. apmrual progn,n Ur und ••r
.•• pn;rv.... L1>.t th ••ir ph,.lIic:...l
and gO><UDot.ri.<:A1 •• t.nlctu......
••.••ry .imlliu:. U 110'\ Od.",uc:&!.
~ve? Pe.hnp"
and cro"t... lnAT In \.he
hAt could b"
U> -"C"'''''.
tt••, II' puh Illv", coutU)!.
Sevnra] officw.l. of .• Gavern*'
public "ub-<C.On .•••.•.iou.... A r•...,.fuJ ment one-1ft t..oid IlH'!-. IIOu,r sovcm."
OUt •• Eukl ••l 1: 1:1 too U\ ""K'lrU of meot know8 the ,,&:t"tli~t:f'1,'(@t...rlals
poopl •• atO •••••• I••' to eontl'>!.
•• friendly U)'O IIl.nding and p"r-
contact •• ,0.
rour Iivtn.g lAl$ go bAck "B"l •• t.o ••,.,d ••••t ar., hore. D.Dd th"L th,,]' ••.•• good
for' un, but we don "t wn..nt '\heOO~~.
e•.•••• tun>.
lo<:King ••Jt.a.(:t)y

ll1< ••

•••.• d ••,

wilh 'anll"Ls'.
r"",o •.•.!" of vi ••tt.Hloa •••
Such conlncu, w@r", ••lma"L al"'IIY.
"",d th" .••• o,d "",g,,1
When X .,,"ad .••.
"b<>o:;Au ••e of p<>litiCA1.
and raligioull r-l!I!lSOU,8,##
hy. 1 wa.. told
not only n'h, very
If lI........
abduC'l.. .$omtl:one
IllK>d and tlt,bl" hut b",,,,,liFuI •••• According to ifr~@nt arU,c,lc
on.. !W'n to --.r-eh publbb"d by the Blad~ Trib,,,,~ io
ea.refully. an" .••.ill fwd t.luot -.c:h •••eLl. )'01 today, All th" <ontad ••
o..:"••• e.••llforn;... a MeLlcao
tiro'!t m"n On earth Il"'t out or •••.e delouttO!'d ctt!tHur.u with mAOY
order, in O'na W"IIY or anothe%'. r.oye.5.• llJ'WlI, 1610:5. and ringcrt •• ~ farm"r .••• .." given. tbe "",e'''1 by D
om: cAn"... II rill th" IIpn.c.n:rl)~ of how c.o grow ginnt
t.b.EL80 mC.Ac:ngara or lI'p..a.r:;emeD
bA .•••• CCUlt! do..." te £-rlh In their rc<:ord"d ",,,!tetlon:o •..•'" La ~ 'l'el'"l!l. e"bbAIl''' .0 1b••.• on.
hnllt:~ynd. th-e!le ~Aa...'ReLt •• 'w'Outd it:>D" 13 It",. "I.e:, Th" KOv""'Dm,,nt
rM"":r doud.l.lko I'pa<:" ••hip". th,,! •. wi Lh 20." xp<>rL. to ch"""k
•• b ••••Yo within wbooho .-..::.. and I", ••." had lIttl" u"" ill It.Idm.pp!.ng CJt .••• "
the story, E"'I"",rim.,.."","1
Lan••xl La th" l••.••
d...... •••. to e<><n" u"" a.nd reLoroinlt to tho •• pu.tU~t.
iII/:.''''''8'' .••.•
u u••-.d by the ••• ""-
....,... In
1.0 ~
110m" __ tJ...,. .••.•...••
tho trltua- ""'., of earth. fOT th" ttlo ••t 1'!U't,
h.••••." n••va' b<ltu'J abl •• tc Live in pen.... Th"y u"ed f"r' "."0
pn:xJucffd ,30t.on.s of pt'oouce J:-toer
p•.•• Po,. firm, IJ tba -n.b man fl'C!AC~ ••••i•.
h (JDI@ another, .od 1iJ1DC4
oue rotteD apple c.tUJ ap"Al the hit"')r"'. Tbefurni""-r8 who au'\.d bo-~n
dlrln't ol:Mo,. th" •••••U'1Jdi.".. 0...,. CfJ-ltl..Jo:l;e-~~d
and given thJlJ lIt."'Cr't~t of
tcol< other •..-li.t>na. Y ••••.•mI.,T -y •• hot" b" :ok •• l, w I>n1could ••e 0 He.
hip: h produc:ti Do.. produce<I t 06
'I.l:Mod ••finlt:ion of • '",1>.... act.lO'D" " • oej"1)' thAl bAll I"arned to live
to:J~. -withoutLhe: UGC" of rcr1.i1.i.z.-•••r ••
JOVor .tw...
"",ODd a b-ullt,T. ~-
ould d" ••.••nd "PJ'O .••.ho
wiLhout aggr-ee.!Jloo and WAr?
UFO CasuAH,t ••

To ~~te, ~Or. than 200 UFO ~r••h.$ hav. b••n repgrt.d gv.r
t~. span af ~o y •• r,.
But only ~ fraetion or ~bout tho••
~ra.he. h.v. been a~tual
Nin.ty~.i~~tper cent 0' the cr ••h.~ o~curred ~ith our •• rt~
~uilt, duplicate ma~netic 1Jying ~i.c.f bu11t ~y sgm. of tn.
worlds top 90v.rn~.nt ••
Our .~iwntL.t ~er. tntrlQu.d by the e~tra twrr~.trJ.I
t.chnoloO~ ~nd .ft.r 2 snip. crashed near Whit. Sand.. New
M.Nico, duplication af construction and propulsion wa. atte~pt.d
and bV ~966 .~hi.ved.
~~h n.eded to b. Ivarned about ~.Q~etie propulsion,
ccnstru~t10n of part. and pcsLtive fli9ht eontrol of d.vic.~
operatlnQ on a complete new concept 01 flight. I~ its infancy
n.tu~.lly, cr••h.s and casualtie. often occur, •• with ne~
d•• iQn. in eoovention_l .i~cr.ft.
It i. foolish ~o beli.v. that tho.. vi.Itor. 1ro~ oth~r
worldS, in CU~ sy.t~ end beyond, waul~ ~Qme to visit ••~th to
c~tt ~u1eld. by not beini l.~knot09ic&1IV pr.p.~.d for our
~~Qr~~.ion, ~au.iM9 sp~c.craft to ~r~5h.
It Ju.t do••n't •• ~••• n••• A eivil1zation "hic~ ~••
~a.tRr~d ~49netl~ 1li~ht .inee b.for. Biblic.l tim•• , h.d ~c have ~raft first thorOUQhly t.sted in lh.l~ atmospnere b.tor.
t~.y .t~.mpt.d and 1Ln.lly m~sterRd lnterplan.tary 1liQnt.
Thus, w'tne~.e. ob~e~vLng ••• cret l.ndino or a ot an
~.rth built UFO Mould h.~. no idea of the origin of t~. c~.ft.
After reporting the 1ncid8nt an~ b.Lnq interr09&t.d, the
witnes... Dften &re so cDnfu.~d t~.t th.y ar. no lonQRr sur. of
det.LIs .~d t~'r r.port. Are ~k.t~hv ~nd
With this in ~ind it ~u.t be ackngwl.dq.~ that ~.ver.l true
•• traterr••tri41 .p&c.~raft crash.s have occurred ov.r the pa~t •.
fwo b.11 Shaped UFO'. cam. tod cia •• to the radiatJon cloud
01 an ato~1c bomb .x~lc~ion at White Sands, New W.Kico durinq the
late 1940's. Radiation ente~ed the ~limate ~Qntrol .yst.m through
Lt. rotatin9 ~OW.~ eoll. and burned the creM. Th ••• 2 cr.1t and
the bo~i•• inside were reportedly by the Air Force to
WriQht Paterson Ai~ Forc. Ba •• , in O.vtO" O~io.
Ano~~.r I~cid.nt h~ppened dur1n~ the .arly L9&0-. ~nen &
Mothe~.hill had .r.l •.••• d .I:t. sc.cutc:r.ft to Db•• rv. Joint Nav~l
~anRuvers gver t~ Pa~i1i~. One scoutera1t hovered ov.r a
d.~trcye~ and .•~issil. "as shot through it. botte. .~d top
ob •• rvation len •• whic~ r•• ulted in a ~ra.h 01 ~hl. ~r.ft Into
the Pacific. •. After this occurrence the l.r~e carrier craft up the rem.ining .cout~ra't and y.n~s~.d.You will not.,
their was NO RETALIATION upon the pa~t of th. occupants of th.! !
S.y.ral Qt~.~ report. 1ro~ Europe .~d South Africe, Lndieate
L~$.r TechnoloQY .Ld.d in crlpplinq .o~ of the extrAterr.strial ~hich result.~ in 10•• 01 control and ultImate cr.s~.
It i. &lsQ impo't.•~t to net_. t~ 4 to ! foot eccup~nt. of
th••• ~any er••~d ~r.ft. ~~J~h hav~ be.n reported.. havin9 nO
f~c.. gray - blue skin tan., 00 halr, oversized'j et~ •• r.
NOT Hum.n o~~upant. bu~ rather android•• ~Qbct . lj~. cr.ation.
d•• 1Qn.d ta fu"ction for .bout ,1- month. on- •• ingle ch.rv-. a~. .ent fortn to •• plo~e the ~ore d."Qe~ou. territcri ••
N~ere hu •• n life m!iht bw .nd.niw~.d.
The th~ •• h~nd •• ~. really claw 11k. nail. de.J;ned
to held on to obJe~t •• nd can be u •• d £n •• If d.fense it tn-Y
are '0 prCQr~~m.d. T~•••• ndr01ds .re able to gp.r.t. in sp.c.
~.t~•• n the ~all. 01 the .pacecraft where hi;h r.di&t1on
prgp~l.ion units ne.d to b. ~.rvi~.d. They are a1.0 hi~hly s~1t.d
for .xplorln~ ~lan.ts Nlth un1avorabl. at~ospherle environment.
wLt~Qut the need fgr .~.~e s~its or air .upport system ••
It i. b.l1e~.d,~. too, are d~plic~tLn9 to••• typ. of
androLds and on. ~an only Ncndwr a. to wh.t
thelll fat'.
A.V be prograftminQ

Today, i~ ha. b.ccm. .Ntre~ely d~fflc~lt to d1sti"9U1sh t~

di11.r.n~. bet"••n their ~raft .nd ones of our awn ~aki09 b•••d
solely upon _ siQhttnQ. a.oro. Adamski tDld ~e ~.ny y~.r •• 00'
the o~9aniz.d opposLtion h.d.. d.finLt. plan to confu.. t~
publie about the entl~e sp~ce bV makin; u•• of people who
have little or no e.p.rl.n~. of t~ir awn. Whan people .p••k of
other. e.p."ienco. th.V c.n ••• ily bo ~on1u~.d. Since Ada••ki
l.ft thi. pl.n.~ in ~~b~t we ~.v. had ~~oV s~ch individual. ~nd
;ovqrnm.nts ~hc h~ve .ucceqd.d in ~~Mp1ni t~. truth trgm the
public. lcda~ can1usian prevails ~nd p~opJa Ar. b.n.1!tinq littl.
fr~m t~e t~ach~nq. of t~•• ~.c. vi.itQr~.
We Discovered

Article that appeared in the

Alien Bases
Santa Ana REGISTER on October On The
16, 1971 employs guarded lan- MOOD
guage in describing the clouds
over the moon. See pages 168-169
of Adamski's book INSIDE THE
SP1l.C.F_~HI F--En r- de tv ils

by Fred Steckling
Water Geysers
Found On Moon
HOUSTON (Upn - Wnlr.l' surh.ce by the :l~lrol1t:iuls
dour!;) have becn deicel"!! aho.anl Ull: Apollo 12 .lnu H
erupting 1l1:11 geyser;; thrOll[;n mi5~ians.
CfZlCks On the ltltl:\f SUl'L1ce":"'n 'Thescienli:':t, Dr. ,Tf:hn W,
• . . F'rpt:.lll.ilU J I'. 31i sa:d Ihe
dl;;COVCry that could !e,td to It inSll'Ulnellts d~tcct~d ;l "rnnftn
prl'mntlcnl U. S, nlannC{\ moon geyser'.' last March 7 whidl
ha~c, J. Hice UUlvcrsit:c: sc:icn. 1,lsled "IFlul 11 ~\(:tll':>. J(H'!ii!id
li:.t s<lid Friday, l!.!r- drod ":"'!l!) I.!~r:tenl w;lfll.r
It was the first litile walC!' V:qiul" ':::...:sJH'Cllll to CUYIT' oW
h:IS bee!l discovered au the
4l1'~a'01 'IHtlI:C Ih:1Il 111 _.<;.qll;n'~
mOI.:m, which l,mg' has been I;ille£ "n1Hll" th~~ t\iicillu ' Ill-
thoughl uy ~:ejenlisls to ~e n :ilr;iiliiiJlI:~ un '[II~ enS.f!:l,;1 c~lgi:
df)', twrrcn spllere. nr'ln! JlIhOn'S Ot'('all u( Slorms.
'1'Jll~ V,lpor W:lS dhiCI.>vcrcti by '~'1'hi... Jllllkoll':i 'llll:rc. h;
two inslruments crJlIcd "su- plls.~ilJly liljllid w(ll~l' ill Ih"
prulhcrm>ll ion deledors>! suusurface o( the mOlln,"
which \t'CI'C lert an ill •• lunllr Frccmnyt .5:1io.
Notice above art~c~e concern~ng
10 miles of water clouds around
the r.pol10 Instrwnent

PLATE 50. NASA APOLLO 8 PHOTO of the Tsiolkowsky Crater on the back side
of the Moon. Notice the large "lake" and smaller ones.


Several millions of people in the Uti S. A. alone have accepted the fact that the
U.F.O. '8 or Flying Saucers. which are sighted in OUr skies; todayt are of extra-
terrestrial origin. The reason for this 1st nO nation on Ea1'th is able to build
and fly these strange ship;!'] and make them perform maneuvers as they have dem~n-
Btrated and still do demonstrate almost every day, in every nation n£ this world.

Millions of people have sighted these spacecraft; Some were Eortunate to take
photographs, or , were even p1'ivileged to take movie film of these incl"edibly;
maneuverable machines.

Although most of the world governments still deny the existence of these extra-
terrestrial visitor.!Jt this does not make them any less real. The millioos of eye-
witnesses, scientists. Air Force and airline pilots~ engineeJ;."l!!F; and' even the
common man walking out' etreeh cannot all be wrong. •••• The fact is. that we.
are being visited by Human Beings from planets of ouX' solar system and beyond.

Economic and reli gious rea sona Se em to be the o~ly anSwer as to why our
governments remain silent coni::e-rning this matter .•Neve rtheless, this does not
stop the Visitor s from traveling millions of mile B to do what they must do: to help
Earth man evolve to a higher State of ExiBten~e. both physically and spiritually.
Their mati ve is to help thos e who are will i:cg to accept this help.

Dr. Herman Oberth. head of the CALT ECH Laboratorie 8 until 1955. made this
Btatement: "We cannot take all the credit fot' our record advancements in certain
scientific fieldl!!Jalone. we have been helped" When asked who helped U8. he
answered: liThe people of other Worlds".

Although ast ronomi cal circle s are still arguing whether life as W 8 know it could
exis.t elsewhere in our solar system;!' all of tbei.t>a611umptions but theories,
and until we have traveled and landed on the other planetB physically. we could
not tell. And even then this truth of the findings may be kept from the publi c

for ma.ny rea90nS. We mu,t remember that the a.gencies that are responsible
for our outer space exploration, are the very same ones that have debunked the
U. F. O. 's for the past 30 y'earB~l~ It may be that OU1" Mariner and Viking. Space
Probes have questioned life on !loIne of the otheJ;."planets. but we must reme.mber
that, accordlllg to certain space p~obe9 Gent out 13everal thousands of miles from
Earth. life as we know it could not exist on Our Earth~ ~ For the tempel"ature
measured f1'om the upper ionospheX'e was 1800 degree's Farenheit on Earth. with
no 1'ecording of oxygen and water vapour. Since all men, every;vhel'e, in a
CODstant state of learning. we ca.nnot afford not to keep an open mind in all fields
of Science.

Mr. Geo:J:"ge Adamski, lecturer. amateur astronomer, and philosopher, was one
of the most priviledged men of OUr tim.ea when he succeeded in making pe1"sonal
contact with Visitors from the planet Venus on November ZOth, 1952. Six witnesses
were present when the bell-shaped scout craft landed nea:r Desert Center~ Calif.
Mr .. Adamski conversed with the scout Pilot for over an hour. Three months later
he was privileged to board one of these out -oI-this -world cra{t~ and wa6 actually
trans po:rfed into one of the Space People' B gigantic carrie r -ships. Much information
was given by these highly evolved Space men. which Mr. Adamski shared tl'uthfully,
in his books. with mankind on Earth. Mr. Ada.mski has written three books:

FlyinL Sauce! $ ••~ve Landed

Inside ~e Fl~ S..a?cers .•(Paperback)

Behind The Flying Saucer MYfltery(Papexback Ed. )

George Adamski waB not the only one who experienced an event .• such as this. Mr.
Cedric Allingham. of Scotland photographed a Martian 6cout ...cra.£t in Scotland, and
later conversed with its Pilot for some time.

As Mr. Adamski once stated: liThe Space people have beent and at'e~ in contact with
nearly all government leaders and higher Cburch officials •. But also ,. ordinary
people were, and are. conta.cted if there is any need for it. But very few dared to
mention the l; e contact 6 for fear of losing their jobs ~ P0!l itions and social


Mr •. Adamski was one of the ve'J:Y few men who stood up to the l1Truthli and had stea.dy
contact with the Spac.e People until he pas s ed away in April of 1965 at the age of 74.
Dul:'ing bis later years of lecturing and world-traveb be was received by Royalty
and government leaders with great re spect. While others ridiculed this man of
great COUl"age, b.e never grew too tired to bring ~e Truth to thoBe who were willing
to listen. When he delivered a sealed message from the Space People to the Vatican
in May~ 1963, he was awarded the gold Medal of Honor by the late. Pope John
XXlll. for his outstanding. selnes s service to his fellow -man.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- _ --------------
.•..... ..•..•

Question; By Wha.t planets in our solar system are we being visited 1

Answer: Weare vigited by Space C r:-aft {rom all Planets of our sola r system, and
even beyond - f'rom aystel!la clos e to out' 8.. However most Space craft (about 90%)
come from the planet Ven\1B. The rest come {rom Saturn, Mars. and very few
from the other planets.

Question: Do the Space People come with hostile intentions?

Answer: If they would be hostile. they could have taken-over this planet ages ago~
';"hen we were even leas developed technically. The people from Venus and Saturn
come to help their Earthly brothers in the many fields of science, etc. and in
social understandingJ while others perhaps, come to study our behavior. etc.

Question: What is the phye.ical appearance of these extra.terre&trial People?

Answer: The are represented by all "kin colors known to earthman. and range
from a Ii ttle over 3 feet in hei.ght~ for the smallest ~ to about 7 feet. From the
medical poi.nt of view) their physical make- up is identical to ours. A large numb6r
of them live on Earth at thi s pres ent time. undetected~ for they look exactly like us.

Question: What do they eat?

Answer: Whatever h nec.esaary to keep body and soul together. On the othel"
planets they ea.t just about the :aame foods as Earthmen ax e a ccustomed to.

Question: Are our governments aware of thes e people living among us?

Answer: Yes. MQat of them are known and equipped with what they need in
t;ec';"ssary papers, etC. Even though ,",Ie do not accept them openly. we do, at
lea.5t to some extent, secretly.

Question: What language do they Speak? Wha.t form of government do they have?

Answer: On their planets a common language is spoken. But before they come
to Earth, they, of COlU"se, learn the necessary
languages to get a.long her@'without'
difficulties, and to commtmic:ate with us. They are also able to Hread thoughts by H

using Telepathy. In this phase educated from birth. This helps them in
undeJ:'standing others. and in staying out of trouble, if necessary. On Venus t!tey
have a government system of a perfect Democracy. with extremely high ethical
Standard5. There are no borders and no monetary syst€!ttls. P~oduction is for use
only. not for profit.

Question: What a.J:'e their religious Yiew-points? Do they believe in God?

Answer: The do not l"ecognize religions, as we know them to be, for here
religions deal with diviaions and they know God cannot be divided. They. live
according to God fS or NatU1"c IS LawJ not man made standards. The~ lortg ago,
recognized tha.t the C];'eator made everything with. a purpo$~: from. the tiny atoms
to the greatest planets and suns. They respect all manifestations of God .•
eapecially man - for man is the one creation that carries the full potentials of his
Creator. Man Can school bim6eU to become God-like. by listening to, and
executing the instructions or
his Consciousness. Man ia able to express the
Creator's Intelligence if he lend8 him~elf to Cosmic or Na.tural Laws. God meanS
Consciousness~ or better said, C015rnic Intelligence. The Space People'B studie9
are based on the law 9 of Cause a.nd Effect.

QUi!stion,: Do they Die?

Answer: The body is but the hous e~ or Temple. The Real US- is the Individual
Consciousness with the form, or Life Itself. And Life cannot die .• only a body.
Death for them. is therefore nothing but a change from an old worn-out fo];'m into
a newborn one. This takes pla c e within a few seconds. Reincarna.tion is scientific
fact on those worlds, not a religion or belief. Reincarnation and ResuJ;"ection mean
the same thing~ different words for diffeJ:'ent parts of the WO rId. Both mean to return
or to com@ ba ck again..

Question: How old does the average person get to be on Venus?

Answer: From about 300 to 1000 years accol"ding to our time. This may sound
incredible, but VIe must remember that. in the early biblical days, eal'thman, too,
reached the age of over 900 years in one body. The Venu&ians live a natural life,
Cree of worries. hate. jealousieB, and discriminations .. They are always in a
balanced state of mind. and therefore. suffer hardly any bodily wea.r~out as we are
experiencing on Earth. Then. too, their medical knowledge 15 far advanced. and
sicknesses of mind or body are unknown on Venus. However~ if they 5tay here for
a number of years. they~ t(lO~ can catch a cold. etc.

Question: How long do they stay here?

Answer: They may stay Z years 01" so a.nd on rare occasions. may stay longer
than that if there is a. reason. Their se rvi ce on Earth is entir ely voluntary and
comparable to the Peace Corps movement.

Question! Are lIFlying Saucers lT

mentioned in the Bible?

Answer: Yes, many times. They were ca.lled : rl!lying chariot,,", lrwbeeZsllJ
lIWhirlwindstlt I'pillars of firel\ ,tgolden Lampstand s") .1flying scrolls"~ etc.
For further infoX'mauon pertaining to this read Behind the Flying Sa~~: MYBtery
by George Adamski.

Questio.!!,: Are Space people to be found in the armed services?

Answer: If they a re needed for a certain rea Bon, yes. But not with a gun in
their har"i:d, Cor they do 'Dot kill their fellow man. even in what we call self-defense.

QueBtion~ How can they stand the tremendous tlG" lor ce B when maneuvering their
5pa~ecra!t, such as full stops, from a speed of thousands of mileB per hour?

Anewer: Their Spacecraft are e quipped with instruments which nullity a planet's
atmosphere and gravitational force in the immediate vicinity. They are able to
crea te their own gravity VI i thin the spaceship which allow s them to maneuver at
almost any speed without discomfort to the cr~.

Question~ Can they make their space ships invisib~e.?

An::lwer: Yes. This is done by bending light rays around the craft. But the craft
ilthough a.ppearing invi8ible~ could still be touched. HoweV't'r, they do not
materialize or dematerialize) or com.e from Bome"higher dimensions ". All life
on aU planets is 3-demensional. just as we ha ve it on Earth.

Question: Do the Spacemen help all nations?

~5wer: Yes. they do; for they do not discriminate. They help whomever they
feel will utilize there help and information~ and moat important. put it to USe in
the construc.thre fields.

Thank You"

Fred Steckling.
S41ItF.Tll TN; TO Til J M<' AUo{Tr •

Old ynu knnw that th •• w~ll ..knftwn Hut~nr, J(tnathan Swift. (Gullh ••r 15 T,[av~l '!i .)
gav~ an exact deseriptinn ~f th~ lwft m~~ns ftt lh~ p18n~t .~r5 ~V~T ~n~ ~unrlr~rl
years bef~r~ they Wer~ rliscnver~rt by th~ American Astrnnnm~rt Asaph Hall. in 1877?

An-rl tJ1at Swi it rtescrib •..d in P-xaC1. l1p.tai 1s th~ shf'-s. :sp~~r1~, aDd r1istanc~s
ef t~e, by n~w. well~knftwn twn M~nn5 nf ~~rs • Phnhns an~ ~imn~? flnw eftul~ h~
have non~ set unless h~ was r~ally t8~pn up tb~r~ by th~ ~~rtian:s in a spacp. craft,
whi ell Sw&iit called in 112b" a "city t n th~ s1cy?-

nld y~u know that the Nati&nal A~r~nautic aorl Spac~ Arlministratinn. th~ Aca-
rl~n~ ftf Sci~nce, botb Snvi~t Rnrl American, anrl a numbp.t nt we~l~.- r~.
nowned Qstrft-?hysieist~ and a5tr~n~~rs ar~ cnnvjntt.r1 that LIFE ~xists ~n Mars,
V~nus. Q~rl ~Vp.n the largpr plan~ts, J~pit~r and Sat~rn. inclu~ing tbeir satellit~s?
Here is pl"tltlf' •••••••••••••
Tn 1959 ~l ••Shkl"v~ky. a tnp Sftyi~t plan,tary physieist, an~unc~rl. attpr ~is
car~ful stu~j~s of th~ twn IDft~nS nt Mars. that tbp.y b~tb ar~. in r~alitYt space
v~hicl~s~ artificial satpllit~s cnnSlruct~~ ftl al~11num an~ ~agnp,si~l. an~ are hftl~
l~~ insirlp. ~. Snkl~vsky's finrlings ar~ hHS~rl ~n th~s~ facts •••••••••
Ph~bn5 ~rbits 3 ti~ps as last a! Mars rnt~t~! n" itl 8wn axis. whic~ is unna-
ttl,ral, an'" hnth ml'll'lns rprtpct Hght as it w •• uli! ~mn•• fl'nGl an all1llinunt surface ace~r-
dina ta sp~etr~scnpi(.prism analY5is. Alu~in~ is a mrtal which d~~s net ~~ilt. In
a natural $t~t~ a~ywh~r~. 1~9hly advancprl. m~tallurg}eal sci~nc~ is v~ry ~ueh n~e~-
5 sary t I' prfll41uc~ a 1111~inUlli.
Bnth ~n~ns ar~ tn~ s~~ll an~ tnn ~l~s~ tn t~~ sur!ae~ ~f Mar~ tn b~ ~t natural
nrigin" b~tw~p.n fiv~ anrl t~n th~u$anrl wil~5.

Pi Ii ytlU "kn~w. t ha t n~ AmjlOr 1 u" a str flnt'PH"'[ nr. U,M. S1 ntnn ()f Y••l"k~$ l'bs~rva-
t~ry in Wj scnnsi n. ttllrl Nilt I n"a 1 AC':afl~fl;Y "t Sci fIlnc~: "[)hnbt\s anl't n~imf\~ r.U1Y wfI!ll
be- large &rbi t.! ntJ c1 Up!:. (i llf""~ wi th Ir:~h. wnrnp-n il nrl chi It1r"n?'"
And 8nethPI'
such spacp staU "fI W".HI l1isenv ••.r,.if hy T)r. Ill; l1htm fl •. I'fc'kjlllring
It wa 8 mysttori nus rli:5 C(lVfI!ry f'lC tb~ I'lut~r -rot'll t ,!<"nMCIn tlnnns nf p la n~t Sa-
turn. and it was g~'ng, ~r ~rbiting, in th~ "wr~n9~ r1tr~ctinn, as no nat.ural sa-
tel1it~ rt~~:s. It is fact that all natural satplltlfll$ ~rblt in a c~unt~r-r.lnckwise
d1r~cti lin", Latp.r the mysteri (tu!!: spac •• nat ien Ai SC1pp ••ar ••rt (tit abfl\.lt sixty -t hrfl!e
year., an~ nftW in 1906 was rp.~is~nv~rp~ i~ ah fIlntirflllyrl~tf~rp.nt pns;tinn a~~ ~is~
tance fr~m ~lan~t Saturn. frn~ ,mat Or. r;~k~ring r~p~rt~rl in 1904.
The samp applies i~r thp ~~carlps nf inn~prahtp rp.p~rts. by Iparling prnfeslln-
nal anrl amat~ur astronnmprs. "t unnatur~l mnvina lights, brl~g~s whicb sudrl~"ly ap-
pear anci art~r a !4!W wf"E"ks vanish, anri ~l~.,.inlJ. pulsating nhj~<:ts. mnving at higb
spp.e~s witbin the crBtprs an~ vall~ys nt ~ur M"~~. Oft~n tray~lin~ 8 th~US8n~ mile$
BCr05~ th~ Lunar surfacp wit~jn 0 fe~ mlnutps, t~~n lanrling nr h~v~rtng in cp.rtBin
crat~rs Ii 9.:l"' "I'latn. liau ~nrli. Gr i mil lIB ••~{' l •. and aga in m;.v\ ng at terri fi c: spfl'f!:ds
s~mpwh~rp. p.lsp "n thp. lunar surtacp.

The latp llri tis h R.,y~ 1,,.r P~Tci va 1 WI 1ki ns. U Ie •• many nt ht'rs. ha s nub-
li~ hp.1i 8 full r"'pnrt ('In t h""5~ "happ"n; ng~" f'ln a nrl il hflY~ t h~ Lunar S Ul' fa C~ (n hi s
wt'lrll1 fafl\t'lIJ!t !)('lnk "Our "'~l'It'lntf.•

And hf'lf lin nul G~v ••rnr.l~nts. r,.a ct t" t hfll r9 ct t Ita t t ~p J:':art h 1 1> b~j ~g Y is:; t Nl by
hig~ly ~dvancftrl, nobl~ human b~ings rra~ ~h~ n~ny inhabit~~ planpts ~r ~Ur 5~lar $ys-
t<MI and lHlyoftd? Wh/illl,. is .t h~ r~.IIct j on fI! nur bi! rlp-t"s t"~arl'fi ng thf!J f'! fll~U?

8e~. 'fe I~.exeerpts fr~ ~ nt our prp5p.nt laWS1 w~i~'~y be tb~ und~r-
b'1iIg;eaq~ fO'f; :much of tM rloubleta Ilc. wh i ell3H'Ol! t.,
cmp. !r~ nur 6p"ermlpnts
Ire:. U. lft tille.

A.f .It.. - 200 - 2 iss ued on August 26, 1953 by thp. then Sf!crrt8:ty n! tbf'!
AIr Force, I~rol~ F.. Talbntt. Unrlpr .paragraph 9. callp.~. of Facts~
~~t ~s provin~d that only hoaxes. pr8cticlp, jokp.s an~ erron~U5 ~ •. ~.O.fp.-
pnrts can b~ given to t~e puhlic or press. tAll g~nuinp. UFO rp.pnrts rp'-
~ ~iyprl ily Th~ Air Force Must l~ ¥ept Frnm Tbp. Public. f

Un"" .•• A.•F .•.It •. .200 - 2 a 11 con (i rmP.'" Fly in9 Sa Ilct"r rp.ports mus t bp, rushrfi to
]nt~l II g~t'lep by '1.~lp.tJPf' nr ra rH o. Whp.n pas Ii blp. all tanqi bIt" ewhl~1\cf!
~ust .~ fl~n tnmerl1at~ly to ATTC ( Air Farc~ tp.c~niCBl rnt~11ig~~c~ CPn-
t~r at Wrigh~ ratt~rl~~ A1rr~rc~ na5~ in Daytnn, Ohin.)

1. J.laf~s nt flyi ng Seucef'S,

af,t us 1 ~r s usp~ctf!ti.
2. p~o\Q$ of rarlar S~~pes.showing sauc¥,r~~neUVer$ anrl spP,Prls.
3~ ()eIlLd.M pi ct,ur~s ftC :flyi Qg 5e ueers.
A.f.R. - 200 ~ 2 eonflnp.! aetnal UFO Jnv~~t;g~ti~n ta thrp~ SUpp.r~B~er~t
Thfl ni tr.etnratfl! .of t lip. AI r Fnrc~
T ntf"l1 ifjf"ntp. at .t hf! PP.ntagon; t h~
~602 d Air Jnt~lligeftep.S~rv5c~ SquB~r~~, WhlCb has appcial iDvpstf~at~rs
at all Air ~f~n8f" basPsl T~p ATTC Bt nayt~n* Ohio •.
£yp.n top ran~ing Air Fnrce offieprs are \~rnp~ n~t to probe b'lnn~ the
fitst stagp. - that nf securing UFO rpports trnm thpsp thr~~ ~r~up$.

••• ••• • • • • • •
JANAP. 146 ( B ) issu~d SpptPmbpr 1951 an~ rlpc1asstliprl pPt n A M~ssag~
dat~d neC("fl\~ 12. 1<;153. ~ jANMI ~"5 Jnf nt Army • Navy - Ai r - Publi ca •.
.t i-on.) t)Jrl~r 5PCU ot'I.. In aft1. (1J l(lt 'Whn rpVp3 1$ a l"I •• en d a 1U•.F .•o. f~pf'trt
can be imprisnn~~ tnr nft~ rb tpn y~ars an~ r;n~~ up tn $10.000.00 CTltlp 16.
U.S .• Ctldp.. ~ 3),
A spcond nrdel carrj~s ~n~tl~rtial p~naltips.
Un"er a s ubh~a.1 "GTRY ]S'" 4 ~ ~NAP 146 or rI~rs gi lots. tn r~pnrt by ralii I'l
~.F.O.•rp.port~ Irnm any s~p~ in thp worlrl. ~ tnp 5p.~urity cI8usp.. hn~pver
anyftn~ w~CJmaotrl a emv IS 't~rort - (lr l~a rns wba t nne c~nta i nS - is C<,rui r!-
rl~n evpn to rr~~al jts ~xfltpnCPt This nrrl~r~ b8Clcp~ by Cinps anrl imprisnn-
w~nti ~prljp$ ~o military, havul Rnrl ~trlin~ pilots ~aking CJ~VTS r~pnrts
l"n lJ••.• O.s.

•• • • • • • •• • • •
PHNC. 3ol120. 1 C~4'1" 03 iss uprt J\.] y 23. 19!J4 hy t hI"' P~t tlllla c 11i \If'f l'\C1v1l1 Lo-
tl;anci" 5i lJ oprl hy Admi ra 1 T. H. Ili 11, t his "i tfJct iVf" nrrlprp~ i ntl.",rli ~ tp r~p('tr-
til\{! nf 11l1irtf'ntifiprl !lying nhjPcts. Tt U!;Pn' thil' CC'uip worrt "FLrOl.ll\pru in
pllon} no (It t~ Ip.typi ng r"'pnrts. Thf"Y wprr- tn bp 5f>nff tnt hp in 11 owt ng;
l~ nir~etor of A.F,l.
2. A.T.I.C.
3, C.O~ - A.F.C.
- 3-

4. C. O. EASTERN A. D" C.
5. Director of Naval Intelligence
6. C.O. EASTERN Sea Frontier
7. Commandant, Potomac River Naval Command

To insure secrecy on the reports, it also cited JANAP 146, N. F. R,

200 •. 2 and two previous Navy orders, OPNAV 3820 and Directive
3820. 2 by the Commander of the Eastern Sea Frontier.
On February 5, 1958 new instructions to hlsure secrecy on. UFO de-
velopments were Issued to all AJr-Force Commands.
The orders are contained in a revised seven page edition of A. F. Re-
gulation 200 - 2 J the orncial n Bible U on U.•F. 0' s.
It says page 4t paragraph 9:
Information regarding a sighting may be released to the press or gene-
l'al public by the Commander of the Air Base concerned ONLY IF rr
The Air Force has another U. F, O. Ctlnsorship memoran-
dom, No. 200 - 9. It is classified and details are not yet known as
to its contents.

Ask and write your Congressmen if they kno. of these orders. Since these orders
in no way seem to involve the security of our nation, why were they made in the
first place? And why are they allowed to remain in force? Ask tllem to make a
thDrough investigation into this matter, and than to act b1 behalf of you) the people,
whom they represent throughout Our nation, and who as taxpayers are entitled
to know what is going on.

( Air Force Regulations are a reprint

o[ Question and Answerf booklet No, 4

by George Adamski 1959 t under title

I' WHY n)

Thank you Frad Steckling

During tho recent Skylab II sighted and photographed
space mission, Crew members 'A mysterious red obiec(
Lousma, Belin and GalTiott fhm radar 'couldn't detect.

UFO:s Watch Every Move NASA Makes, Say

Were Tailed on Space Shot
By ROBERT Ii. Nl90RINO indUlllr'll
a cyUlfttrl<.)al ob:''C1 \I'ilb
" . Of 'N T••. ,. ~fl
a.rtnIJ ItictJJ111
00,1 lU\l,1
, of anau5
••W, $(>100•••••.•
~lIIl-tihJlJl'i lYO
lJaJdt.ntifu<;l J1Yi"8 Yb~'l.a txriin..., \(I'
baunt l4ld Pltuk Am,'Mea', IIp.~lllo<!n. The o.~, 4,
I~ - (;~lfl'.I\l VIII - Fr3n~ Il<""
Natl~"!11 Aerun.uU". IIlld Space Ad. nlOtn and Jim Lonfl phtl\l'~,r"Phe<lI,,'L •• 111',1.
Init,}, traUOIl ~dmj~ II-.llt. In .ddllioo k> 2ll lIItap.od UH" with glu"lnu L",jel'b"~',.
othtt tJ ~~ """a."moo, the .'1r{\Mull ""Sky. Jul, lA, I~ - GrmJnl X - John \"'."'1/ lind
Lntl!I [J ,1Jd III were the ltlllllll ,~Jl ~pa<:'e • « Mike C"ltlns aal< Il t..r¥t' c}'U"driral ooJe' "
U1W.j(lfl' \Q ,f.KIlt UFO.. 1t,';'''''J JllIniod by I"" sman"" brighl ubJ'" L',
()w",n Garriott Illld "lull n ••••n, w~tct••.'d Illld whid.1 "tiling I,I"*l\irapt ••,j, NAS ~ laUe'" ty
I~l"l.ut:rephed I ID)'mri.cus red ,,1,""'1 fur 1. , pidI Ux'm up 001 ••.• r•.•.,"".
mlnull<!! bel,1I"e Lt t\l.Il&ppellN'd. &opt. 11. liO>oIl - (kmini XI - I\lcl\Jord
I./Iter. I::•lt•• . rd Gibaorl ut st)'wb In' G<>rd<ln and n",rk., Cunr~<1 r~ a)"'.
rqIOrW CAlMI~k>ll Cootrolalilooustoo thaI I•• 1o••.•••.llnK!: lIYO .bout ~il mil" •• 'J•.lt), It
lu1<lI\UlI'or1t.plonlDn!!, Gf-f'tdd em
and WlIIlAIII drO\lt""'I dQ.'rr iJI front 01 thlml afo<! U••,n til •••
I' q.~. "Nt' hemg du •..oo by "lIttk ""J ••~~ •••.ed ••1,<-(1the)' trl.,<J 10 I'ho~u'l'lt ,I
lI"hl •..• Nov. II. I - GtfllJrd XII - JIoIl 1/.0\1.11
"Hie rrl<:n ct Sky1:,bs 11 and III lkh"ilcly ~/ld r:ll •••• 11l Id•.in 11II11 I"ur lIF(» Ilnk,'ll ill ••
,lid ..c;,
tWo., '11",1 la, w~ dOIl.t know •• hul il row. 1l<,U1 JlP'lrl -",,'n
said too) ••..~rc nJI 'I.;:' •.
b 1J1o".~ <11<•• ' Jl.tlcl pOOtOl(I'<I." •••. Id !>eMI•• il>'e, 21. lY,~ - A['\lII" H - t"r"uk U"I' ".1)
W,Uu""" •• " I",blle I"lwUOrla lIIplJll"HnUlII 'V( , "1<1 Jim IA)""l1 r,'f'<.I't.e<J " "INldr." - iii'
MhlYM ('''IIIc<ol, in 1/ l'ATIl.Jo:H IIller\ie"'. unJdo.'uuli"iJ ••hj''{'1 - I~ tnlll'S 1'1'
A" dlll~ til at 1e••• 1 uoe ,,,t liFO ''''",,,i,••. Jul)' I~. I{j(:~- '''1",110 tl - Tl.b .'11, !too
tni~~tvn (.'0 wf,i h a UFtl ,'n-lfM.q Itw ~"-U
~\r-'rr1 (;t~lIIl;V! D. F.~'c,.'dt of Mt Mr)'.
!\ ( • ,t •..•c I.IMI I•••. " ~"." btillM 10 ~I "T"'t.
1"',>1 .!II II~! ncullh ••r "I tWO. "",... "r
I""wLJ '''.ilJlt14~11 11) AJm'rU."~n *(WI HlI~n.

"'.ll)<k th~ ~xperl"ftI"" ol ••••lt'l)lll' •••1s
Special UFO Section
4t~ ~< ,,~,u.,
11 mi ••• &Qn: /s Yours for 50~
[lUrln,~ ~t. lniJl:iilln, to'.-ll Amw~\,
f.dwLn Aldrin. ~ CoUbw ~lit ~.11IJo. wtk: 100 " part ., r;,ni.¥.Jr '.
tcq~-~"by~ ~ ~ •..
~ ••• ~T
, .~_~~I O!i ottaJrt' ,It pIet'r~lM .. ~
-' -
.•••. ~. UilIfU
ro •••••
",<:lc At": l \i; ,~ •••••••••••• *', "'-..::r...~,,,,''',~J-.-'lI1'
~ .•... ,
_l1DIilat,.~ •• k ••••.•. .! . •.t<

1Dt"pa. •••••••• tUtfM~. ""',w •••,, ••••

"'. .-..
A.u!J.aolcIl. U. '~b Ul NCr utl'.'
UI" "'ATT1.~:1t r~~hol *blt 111l''''
~0e4. tile ~ ••• ~ 1tlII& < dllIclOllllJ prebtod llw -Yltet') .f U"'" -
f~ tlloCIIl, WlllJ';lJl,t 10-*1 TAmEH tiloal •
kut.'f'\l •.•• 'nlt 1M uJM'rl.l, ••••••••totl) 1Iw-."
110 tur It;"r ""talL, ••1_1 the r.:t..I:bU1'i
"aJlaWt: tul~,
lor lilt PI"""'''I
II ill be &lid. toe ., ••roJI• .,y
I'M1Jlr "b. hll'~ •••••
1M ••.•.
TI",,,, lin:, ho'v.~V4.••., ~Ilblr tilun'
Atl<UI,uu••1 fl1",rh. n'.uIUII!: fn!m Ih.
d>:14U" 3vll.1.1b!e librot tb" . hling b)' Sl<y14\) !nn.t1g ••,led •••• m "I'l", ••r lu r.\n.l EK
II '" U•• 1lJ",.ill(l r~ WJ-oct lOilllJ\..t lt~ I>l••••, I""" I mt' hI Ihllt.
curtain ~ "P"",. ll<>IlIf' Vll miles lit."",. Lbt Ml.'IlIl"bll., m••rll pf Ill. m,"'rld
• "rtlL
~I"","" b)' Ilr .toff 11•• bre•• ",."nil',) I•
Ii,,!) Gordoo. "nulholr !O(lllllCoo Control
" .",-dnl dll:*,I1>"C' pull"" •••••. Ii'•• Ih",
"""" •.••,"'''. told TAT'rt.Jo:n I~t the noOft '"
Skybb II did ~ _ ~ Ut'O ~nd LMI lIJ<')'
SI(YLAB II c'ew hll'i no ,(~•• mal uFOl ••••••, obM,,,,,d Jl1 ""f\I "ft off
, 1
tlul I. u...
~,,"t,'h 10. ".4
I••u•.• 1lAT.
n.t:R. lb. till", .. Ftl - ••1",ln£ lh.
~l-"'I pll<Jt<'OltapbN It. lLa'ill beo.-n an)' 1lI1C "I UllOUS8ndlo \If objOC1J 1111 1"" WC'Err s.\m ull •••r ,lghU"l;t. " •••'Oftll! Trutl! T"lll"th.-,,"
A('o,wdlnll 10 Gurriott:. : ., •• lhwe. No 00l' W~5 l':;.p«lally eitdt.d pboul to his tJ!'l'oro.. In<:luo.k:; Ikpr.l1tt1l 01 1t,1. IlwSI •••rio",. lwd
"Jud ILoo.ttM) lim nlllk •.~ l.lIb. l'1IlbeT""(I," ••• &;lid, ' .' . Iota, 2,., tlllli - M'"•••. ,,"). VII. - ~'<lll C"r. ••••mJlC'''''''".lv '1\1")'" Ihe lJl-,\1 (l••••••
li<rg~ !....-lot/ll. wI 1Jl1he •.• ,.dt'wt:n wmoo". :C.
Dr. J. All.i.:'1 lIYlMlk <J. "..,.J.wc:;t(,m penler ~ 1,1.,I('I!rap/linll Iin,Jly.llk. "no ••••••.••• ll"bl. tD TATI'I.t-:I'l [c ••••. c"'.
llpon. cl_ t'~'nt,<i, It ""u mlJdl Univocolty, a . l>!Ul.nt 10 lhr Ali FIJf'«I OIl uh~ wlUl • band rJli ••••• 'r~ and th..t I". had l, •• bl£icl,-r ""P).,lel d •••.•.•11.I~,l.'1"
br4:htor th.~. JupLUr til' .11)' 01 Oil!ather It$ fJl) •• ~h .•''''1lJ'''O re.••.•rd, etffll"t, P'roj»d what "'di<d Uk » gJ)tl(j ..r101 of a ~ u'r, lAm. It, t7l1 N,pql.-kl Ittt ••c1.I'I1k.g".
p!llru.lA. Bl~ aook. .nd U IWl'lll'Clt a utltortt}. ()/l ~W) 30. 1962 ~ XIS pll"" ,I•• , Wallon m, •. 'It.
~It 114d.reddJ:ah w. to II, ewn \l)( h it U~"Os,\t.ld TATl'lER: plwll" ••\td fl, ,lL'>('.b"~ 00}«'1lI.
••.u ••eU.ho\'~lheIwlrlUlCl W"Ilbatn-edlltor
alMa 10I1\lnuta N:i« to 1Un1l4rt. 11'ltAll _11 ~
"1lJt !Ilr.i..b U ~'aht'lA~ •••• _,.~ .• lit
., -- -"10 (e,..... 'I qIlIl It'.»
' July 17. 1962 - 1m 111M IWb whJ~ =============-==::;,
ptwli'liupI:iOO ~b}c(:", abaut30 Cec'I'''''QY 11'." ,"N, 14. l'oI(j9- Apello \2 - A'.trc~I;"ilill'.k
rol.i>UIlll bft::aUlOl! II had' • wrlnt\l:ol, i.ll' u a llf"O.I.t~ nq one I.¥ a~ 10 ~In II his C'raft llJld .1.0101 fIa mU"" "p.
~,lt ••••••• Ith •. lkt>l'OOd'peIlod. : !o8tWae'Wrlty. ;,. Cunr&<!. Atan n•."" lit'" Dick Gttt1k<n ••• 1<1It
'Ort.S, lilfIi - M.'TCllf) VIlI - WnltM' un) lK'fiImpanl<t<1 I.l",rn to ,,',Ihln 131.000
''Wt ~I -~ 4Iri.r ••••• bccI nVll!l«'OI'Idi~.' "If II •••.a. "I1Cl1'e JUIlAor the bo<>Irter rllO:k~t
10"". Frr.;n ttl!' D to to """.>IId <.kill)' ID It.. • tor Sl<y1dl, 1. {ra ~tr,lttg~ Ihal NOIl.AD diillJ't
&1",",. nporleJ la,,',<:, "I_~ rn"~s 'w,'r mllt.s (4 I"" HHk'n. pn-cooL"1l tt~," 'II thit
tli., IrtdUoII (.Ic(,&Il, ' W8)',
diulpp'lIf'll.OOe, ~ IIlJl'1n~ that II ••••• "oil IJ.••,.., ,t on trllocklnll_ 'flier trudl ~Vl'f)' Mlty 1', I\Ir..:l_ ),ll~""'UI") III - GlX'dan
111<0' than 10 :I/) MuUc: .••1 mJlt.'j Irvm oor rtamnlld Ihlrol; - tv"" ,I thaI !lei.ghL , C"''P'"r Tt'P'l<1.-<J • I(rwni!h IWO With Il •.•• I A "'UMBt-:!t III' A$trur!l>ulfO ••••.hll "'". UwS8
lor"llOn." Mid Gurrlott. "t unde"t...nd thaI NII.!IA ha • Iv! to do aoo t<.ll dllfing hl1 lrrth (>]'1111.H. ~ au tepatl(~ obj<:(:1S ••, in 'I"'~ ba,'r puWld)' "'juIIII,,1
"Fr(llfl Its orLlClnal pos.ItJOIlln U••• I"ardro<1.n, '(:arr'l d"",'k out ""cry thlroi UJ)U•••• 1 U•••t iii olher "Iyot •.• to". alllt,llngs {w,'r S""lh thaI lhc)' ll<!11e,'. •••••ny i"~ Ihe
"'IIIdow. It d1,1 no! in&n mort Ullin It Of 2!l rt<porWd. bUI It could 00 that "'nl"IlJl~ like Aml'rklo 11M '\u"lr811& '1~Ilb)td he £Ighl"" prlitdUl:l.lI ot 'n1clbl: 'nl ooing!.,
Jko~ o..OIIht lW1tl10 mlllUIcI we w.!clvd llii. object mlghl b<! Ihl! ~y lA llUI' k.arnlillt ""er ?<'r'lh, Australia, WIiS wughl on ><--re.m,. "I Lelie,a Ul'fl. hel,)n~ W ••. JJ1••~,,,.. dSlr and
It. JlJl.jlI'blt "liner)' cloMl4 O\l&'own. J•.•.t whal Il~nuln" UFOs 1U'1!," he Mid. It) IIruutkl lracklng 'U,Uvrol;, 1hsl11N.')' "..., 1""11I ..,me (,thl'l' {'h-Illf .•lt!l>n" _
"We """~r •••• It on JLtI)'f"rU<.~ or 011iny Act'Ordl "K lo, ,al'lcell, ""morlclUl (){1. 1:1, lli1lo4 - Voskh,:.1 I - Thc"" /t" •••I••n (:"00 C"n,,,n. J:,n I. )(113 ••• , •• I .•.", At"f.e~.
.1MK'<.......tlllg IlftJlI.II:' bli co"dudc<1. ll,s!l'OOJIuLi .nd ltulI.Il!.kn oosnl'lfJ.llulli have r ••••murum'- lOlX>rt •••.1 II",>, "l'fN SUrr<l'Jfil""J ~ C\'mre,.~..... .
.. . t"",,,
&<,dr.g IJFC.lli ~Vt•••slN.'t mlJ~ l'I••rtocI hl. ,by Q 1","l'wtion of tiwjftly m",'lng dIS(. o.l"'po.~l "1ll.:Uev~lIFO., IIndt.lf illtt'II'~",,1tllnlrol.
(PORDON !Am"o 'elf"l1 wAs rtl.Il<li!JJ . cffnrt, to ttl,!, Int •• SI'••'.•••"'(I'" Ih<ln 10 Y~lltli ooj.'Cts h:.w vblkJ WI' pl ••Mt (Of 1~"'If"""lt, 101
oo1<;l'R,lne •• hal Ih" Sl<ylb!J 11 III IrOffilOU bad Ilill'
Mlltt'h e, Iilf\~ - V,,<khr ••1 : _ UII"""'" yea,n. or __ ,IJCd,Nt C~lopcr~ Jut)' 1, }~73. Itt
oct ", ~'"n UWllol'h lbe NC('\b nt<'rtC'lln IIJr Tt", firsl nl U)j!~. ,Utle 11"1'1, tv ~'cb.:xl, lwt.
"'~•••n Jut", nknr~ pllodll<! lih M"""llry
,"{l6!onn.,uLs cCJlV'Io~J Ilidenufi.,.j "bj•••.. 1 ju,~ (:'>11<' r""" '. ''''al. ~1d.
D.,{._ e"mrn ••nd (MIHAn; did no( havt' it. Il~, .:nll.•.ll'd It,e r..rth' •• lwt}!!pI"' ••••• "Odd., ~rT ll,••• l tin", •.
-""I ' _ -I"hI,
I"" r,"'J,'rl ,., Ihrit 0.;'(',,". t'ilp~uJe. saw Ih",~ .,bj""tI> k41,),,'f,,~ h1m and Ju"" 3, I~':' - (:" •••1,,1 IV - Jim .Idllvlll Young, N((V, =8, 191J, ~It " Sot.llI:.-, \\' • ..JI,.
'It \It.~~ J,I",t l'lIIl)fJ)f4,tihlH up lhH't. h rl'uld then t.l'\.'(>rt .•• k.\", hlttl at vary"ln, !'iil.'I"t1S. f(.'j,....,.I(~d 11! ph~}t.I •• t:Jl")t.l.f ~"'\'Il:"t~tl >{(r-t.rIH~ :-r•••. J':if\tJ' rn,'k&:"'U)I"'f";1
S,ientiitsRevelll-:"" ..
Alien UFOs WalchedOur
First Astronauts on M'oon
The first men on the moon wer:cn't there alone!
Two alien SI),lCeships landed near ApollQ 11 and wat(:h(."Ci as our astronauts
stepped onto the dusty surCace, reveal U.S. and Soviet scientists in a stunning dis-
closure, . l~turcs at Moscow Unl ••'er-
. The astronauts saw the UFOs and even phf}- slly.
tograpned theIn, The ENQUIRER has learned - but "Two spaceships probabl)'
the stupefying close encounter hilS been kept complelt~- were dispatched. so there
Iy under wraps by NASA unlil now. would 00 backup In an ~mer-
A former lop eonsultant to NASA has admitted lhe mlnd- l'ellS:Y, Undoubtedly theIr ob"
boggling event look place during the historic mission _ find Jl'Ctive was to learn what they
was covered up, t~t1ld L100ut the extent. of
"When the (Apollo 11) module landed at the bottom of a. earlh's Intest technological
~rllter. two uliCll lIpa!:ecrart kn.~w:h?w. . .
appeared al the cratcr rim," . HavlIlg verIfied the, land.
revealed sdentist Maurice 109, ,Ihey depa~!..ed wilhQut
Chatelain formerly under rnakmg contnct
contract t~ NASA, AUen sp~~ecrart apparent.
"The cncounter WIIS com. Iy Were ~llllmg Apollo 11 long
mon knowledge in NASA. Out before l.t, set . dow~ on ,the
nobody has talked about it un- m?on. Chatcl~tll revealed.
til now H On thc thIrd dUl; of Ihe
IncrCdibly, NASA's cover. ... mission, ,I strang~ object was FIRST ~At"l to wolk on ITIOOn, Neil Armstrong, point"
up WIIS .so massh'c Ihat the Aldrin C.llin. S~tled .In the dist.mce., But lls to landing spot of TO yeors ago. From moon, he told
Il(lWIj has taken 10 years to Bot~ s0v.: strange object dJJ;n~OlilOn~ ~r e,,'(:r!lts sh~lpe NASA two objects hod landed near U,S. croft.
re3eh the Amcrlean public - dunng flight to moon. Io/IXe pracllcally rmposSlble • '_AA 'h 'n .try'llo 11 Mutual Unid"ntifl'Ad Flying
" , to determine To Armstrong (){~I,U•• ~. IN C ••••'" '" ~
and had to be fIrst dlSCloscd convinced thnt the two allen 't 1 k~..l I'k 'i t,. 'I' neared the mOOI1. ;ldded Object Network (MUFON).
by L'-vI'et .~jentl'sts wh". I' t 1. .. I 00 ,;'" lell erconne<: mg C'h tIl h '.. I id t . (' I
"'" "", " ." Solips were sen 0 spy on rings, Collins said it wus a tl e Ii n, \If a now L~ rc",re<, sa. a governmen st'len IS
found out a{){lut It two years Ar! ~ldrln, Ilnd MI- hollow t')I'linder and Aldrin "The utronaUl$ suddenly ~old him ubo~t the Apollo 11
ag.~, , c~l:lel Colll~s dunng theIr thollght it looked like a huge heard strange noises on the mcidentlast summer.
[ am absolutel?' ec~rta!3 IJlstory-makmg 1969 mission. halropcn book. ' 1',H1io _ noises similar to a ,An.d J~hn Sehw5sler, depu-.~
this episode took plac" ll.III ••It's my opinion that other •••.
rhe. mysterynbject finally lnin whistle tireellgillesir.en ty dlf't-ctor Qf MUFON. told j
Dr. - Vllldlmlr Azhazha, a. . . d . <.. '" h •d' e<I . 'the ENQUlrtER: "I work
phYlliclst llnd professor of clvllumtloJls learned of the dlsapp<:.!an.>d ao the nstro- or power saw,e LSclos; • 'lIh I ts t NASA d
mathematics at M(l$cOWUnt- P!"0lJ:Ose<l moon. landing by nauts flev~r knew what they "ThlJ:Stl slltmds were tho~ght ~, , ahs.rendau II .,t • an ,
- plckmg up radio slgn!lls from had sccn. ' to be 80me form of (.-ooe. " them,
a\e ••ear l1lC"",~~y.....;:olll._
VeTSlty. . I" 'd U' B'" '_L. I A h •. t in ld t" .
, "A(.'(.'(lrdingto our ilnforms. v<~rtt. Sail', 0:"'111.,., w 10 nOI er 8 range c en _.Bulcthe real shocker came UFO researcher ami author
~n, the 'was re- --------- when Arr!lstrofl~ atldAldrin Tim I3e<:kle)'_ who says he's
ported immediately nfter the landed, Chalelllln said. Two seen oHid.ll NASA photos of
hlllding of the module. , UFOs alS{) .hmdea -. and rone.shaped UFOs on the
,"Nell Armstrong relayed Aldrin photogrllplK'<! them. moun _ feels the government
the ,message 10 Mission Con- Apollo 11's .r~dio trans- Is supprcsslng the trulh to
trol Ihat two large, mys- missions to MISSion Control sa\'(~ faee.
terious obJcds were watching , were ,Interrupted on several "The government is nol
them after having landed o~caslons "';'lthoUl .explana- going to admit we're deftmlre_ ~ ••
ncar the moon mooule, But tWit, ac(."Urdlllg to Chatelain. less against beings from"nu:-
hismest;;~ge was never heard lIe's ecrtain this was done to other planeI," he explained.
by . tlw public - because hide the news of the tWO cn- Joseph Gooda\'age, another'
NASA censored it" counter from the public. notOOlluthorand UFO expert,":'"
Buzz Aldrin even look mc)\'. . Chatelain added: S<l)'S he's l(~arned .straight
'lng pictures in color of the ""he pictures MVC never from llecret NASA files that ""
UFOs from.inside the module ~n published ... NASA did alien spacecrnfl were .regu-
'- and contlnut.'d shooting ;af- not release them. There Were Inrly spoiled by the Apollo
ler he tln~ Ar!Ustroug wcnt certainly alien beings there _ aslronLlul8., "There's no llU~!-
outskle, <I(,.'C(ln!lng to another but the oWclnl record is silent Uno that somethIng is gomg
, .&lvlel space scientist, Pro!. about it." 011UJl there," he declared.
Aleksandr Kazanlsev. NASA spokesman John Mc- The astronauts havc kept
Dr. Azha:z.ha says that the l..eulsh denIed that the agency silent about their Ul.'O en.
UFOs (lew nway Just minutes ,Ctml)jJred any ~'oice tr<'l1l8- counlctli because they are
after the astronauts came out missiolls from Apollo 11'5 trained 10 believe It's a mat-
on the moon's sllrla~'e. Aldrin astronauts, or any film shot by IeI' o! nalional sec~ril?" said
later ,cIJ,!ie<i his Htcrediblethem, He admitted, however, Dr, 1'red Bell, 11SCIentist ilod
movie ~aek to earth - where that a slight delay in trans- former consultant to NASA,
NASA Immediately pul it nn. mIssIon took place _ but said ''I've secn photographs of
del' wrilps, the professor I it WIiSdue simpl;' to process- UFOs taken by astronauts _
charg(~. , ing through electronic equip" but when questioned. the
Dr. Azhnzha - aware that ment astrolllluts refused to talk
his le:lephQne interview with The Apollo U flighl wasn't :il:lOut them," said Dr. Bdt
The ENQUIRER was being the only oun thnl cncoulHered "The Ild has really been
monitored by Soviet securtty UFOs, aCL"Ording to Dr. Alh- c1arnlk"d ~0w.n O~l this:'
agents - refused to identify alha, He said Apullos 12, 13 Added Strmgfield: .
the source of his information. and 16 also slx)Ued space. "If the government rc-
But he and other Russian craCt leased one litlle bit 01 what
space experts say the en- A~erican lJFO expernsay happened on the moon, it
CQunter has been ("ommon they have heard about. the would be the story of the cen.
kn~~iedge among Soviet sci. shocking Apollo encounlers, lury,"
enllfle circles ror the past two too _ Irom people in a pasl- - UIC 'AUCHIR, ElUH
tion to know.
A lhlrd Russian space sci- Leonard Slringfh:ld. authQr •••••T10NAL p
I entist, Dr. Sel'gei Dozhich, is Blld board member of the lNQUIRlR age


On hie history-making trip through 8p~ce last February 20th. Col. John Glenn
saw a gre~t number of awall glowing cbjects which have b~en d~!cribsd loosely
as .fir~~lies•• Here is the story in Glonn'8 own words:
~At the first light of sunriso - the first !unri!e I came to, I
W85 5till ~acing back toward the dirc~tion which I had come from ~lth normal
orbit altitude~ and jUB~ ag the first rays cf the eun came up onto the cop-
sule, I glanced back doYn inside to eheek something. QDd when I glaneed back
outf my initi&l reaction wa6 th~t I was locking into ~ s~&r field •••These lit-
tle things that r thought (at first) to be St~~8 were actually ~ bright blui5h
gr~en, about the size and 1nt~neity of ~ ~irerly on a reslly dark n1ght~ fhc5e
little part:clea w~re about 6 to 10 feet apart~ and there were literally thou-
sand! of th~:. A9 far ~s I could look off to eacb side I could see th~~ and I
could also see them hack along: the path. Lat.eT Qn I turned a.round so that I
'NaB facing the direetion from "hi ch they 8.ppe~red to be coming~!£1.1
in t.ha.t di rection~ 'toward the bright 8Un! ight of 'the ttillm moat of' them d1.aa.p-
pe~Ted, you still could see a few ot them coming tow~rd the capsule. I wae
moving very slowly through t.h1 s ricH,.. I estima. ted thfL:t. rII'f velocity through
the field w~a sOme 3 to 5 miles per hour.. The part.icles did not seem to ~
emineting from the cap!ule. They appear~d to have an ~Y~n distribution on eanh
side of the c~p~ul~ •••.•. I 88V ~hem ~or a ~eriod of " to 4 m1nutes ••••They v~r-
ied in &ize fro~ abou~ pinhead a1~~ to about three-&igh~8 or an inch in di~
et~r••••. I observed ~h~~ on 811 ~~e~ orbits, for about tne 8~e length of time
~t each ~riBe ••~••
What did Glenn ~etu~lly see! Soveral ~heor1e5 h&v~ be~n con8ider-
ed. but none have be~n proTen. The -fireflios. could not 11k~ly be the contro-
ver~1al copper needlea s~nt into space by the United States aome time ~go.
1hcBC are now known to be in a ditferent crbit. ~nd ~re bunched up in fi~e or
.,i x uee 1e S IS el utIlp9 J i., e •., the e xpe.r1ment was a fe..i lure. It. baa be.n sugge Bt.ed
that Col. GlenD say -spate be:tOrtl his eyes,. cl!lulled by coming into the bright.
dawn suddenly out 01' "the darkness.. This 111 M I!bs'Ilrd rJOt1on. in our opinion;
Cer t~inly , in hi 8 three years of 1nteD!l i vo pBYCho10 gi eal t phf a 1 cal •.nd
training, Glenn ~aa taught to 4iatinguish between phy5ie~1 objects &nd Tieual
illusions •. The moat likely theory IIldv&nced to date 1s tha.t the al!ltronaut salt
fro~en droplets ejected into th~ fr~gid1~yo~ spa~e rro~ III cooling device cn
hie 9p~ce~r~ft.Yet, even t.h18 eXpl&Dbtion does ~ot .ufflce. During & to
the Pentagon laa"t March. we were told that the objects. some of whi~h were au
large as an inch in aize, atill have not been ident1fie4.
Another very interesting phenomenon from the Glenn flight iB shown
itt the photo at the t.op of' the next Pl!.ge. Th18 picture. taken trom tho Loa An-
gelee Tl:=1ol!l .o~ Februe.ry 22.nd. bears the: f'ollcrlng eaptioIlI -MYlItery; !~[,~k'i
Unoxplained. streaks, ~ppar.ntly of ligh.t. 8.ppo •.r on pictul"e taken by John
Glenn ~ith hand-held c~era. as he whirled ~hrcugh space •••••
Quite amazingly, Col. Glenn's experience tends to con-
firm the claims of the late George Adamski, made in his book.
INSIDE THE SPACE S~IPS. published in 1955. In that book, he
described saucer f11ghts he made with the space people. In
one he used the word ,rflrefl1es.' to describe a phen-
omenon he alleges to have seen. Adamsk1's followers slso
claim that statements he made about the moon have been proven
by reoer;.t I\ASA ..E..h.Q.togreJlt1~_ -- JWl':.
George Adamski
~~--.--.~ Dy Desmond Lcltlie
;>,'inted w;lh lllfmllisioR

from tile

ml'st tontrOY!.'l'$11l1 character.
Of ,,11 the people In th.: tl)'ing saucer world, George

Adamski stands l\lorl~ as Its

l'rhrw t>lhers htlv,! daimed {Con'.acts and b<l~n tr(!ill~d with
lallTl'mce, belief or 11m used cr;mtt:rnpl, out Georg:e hlld only to op'1n his mouth to bring
down a ~torm.of abuse. praise ~nd wondcrml:nt:
PClh;;t>~ 1 (':IIlW t{) knowhim as well a$ nnybod)'. 1 tta)'cd with him sevel'al times
ilnd discovenitt rill~&h ill hIs
character selrlom revealed In public. Underneath the talk:l-
1(\'1:, Nlorful exterior lurlt,'.d a Y{~ry !:,"!l,t lnm,an beluFl, Some quirk in his "'lll1re C,ftltll took
I this lmd pre sent h'sh!ad,
p~ll1S to i'V"C(>l'> fl. hi;;; public face, a tllr more shallow person
ih~ll he really ,"as. Will} "".';,1S he! C(,]'tllinly no ordinary penon.
Phy!\iclllly he was Polish with. I thlnk 3 touch of Romeny. Immensel)' stronli. Rood
looking and wHIt burning hillek ('Yl~$,. Spif'itu:llly he was mote lhan one pe!l>Oll_ There
as the George of IHlblic lcc- tUft'S - the One I llkcd leMt tor he tried to say tou mucll
~Il lit once. Then thel'(~ WllS the nlRlt":'d, m.ugl1ly Gt;'Qrge '••.•
Iih a keen C)'C far II rtrlilly
lllee, llnd " pludd:!h dellcht in shocking Ihe profuced Rno;! prudes.
l'n\:tl there Wll5 lll\othc,r George,. beautifully spoken, wise,-
kind, Ilnd doot11y UWllre of the Imporlallce of hi;;: task.-
'fhro'fIJ!\h this Genrge, 1 severa.l tJme!t gHmp:>r.:d the pr('$l')nC~
of a M,I~lt)r; und I WIi!; .,I1WllVS ~orry when the curtain caml!
down Il(l!lm llm.l the worldly' mask l)b~vllr~d him.
I often wond(orcd why he should b;I1.'1: 1Jt'<:n singled. •.lUt
:>5 Ill!' prim~ prophet of saucery. H~ belit',,'e:l that he had
rc:nc;lr""led frum another planet thrO\lgh karmic reasons tf)
r.ivl' his ll':ldling!\, and I find that idlia quite acct'ptabfe, He
bl'li!: ••'ed lhrll otJ\N'lf, gn:illi;,'r in thl') worM's (-stt'NH, nlld tlho
been I't'rrl:.ctt)<l imd glVt'n thi;,' SalUt: miJ;tion. bul thal for
varloll.s pel"sonal rell$<Jn$ hila rdu~r~dor failed. He him-
t~lf ;l~ th~ 'bOle the imlt and the l>hml' wbowel.: c"II,~1 to
th,! King's fea~t after lhe ChOH'!n l\\.l~3~S had mfHlc elU)\I$t'$
n""l in ,r"::ht. !Ia felt he Wll~ :l hroken rCl1d, but alas the ollly
Iced willi rr~ to II'Y lInd piny tlllfir lUr;(1. SrI with aIt his
miGht. wllh his I,,,,bilrly 10 wriie :md &Pt~k go<)d English,
~nd the inall} diHil'VUi(1$ of heing the d'QI'Qd'~r tll;,l he Wfl$',
he $(.t out urdaunled by criticism or al:ms'2 to glve tile tul.!'~'
!'Qr.e 1l~ b'!~lhe ~aw it.
This to me ~{'•.ms tn()r.l probable, eVen :l '.vhl;! move on
th~ part of th~ BrothelS. Tn ('\'v,05e a g\'m'l 1l1\dre~P'Ccted
per:lOfl would be tl)O •.~"s)' ftJr u:; t'.J :'l.,ecl,t, ')1' 100 dif(icult
fOr ,hili p-cfROtl who might be demQted and decl;lrt~d mad
"Il<lifl, in G!."i.Wgc Adanukl W'lHt all the virlu<,sam.! f~m\,~"
Q( \hi~ "IMII:t, $Jightly ov~r-li(e5jzo':d. So that one t:,)\lld
rcc<;.gnll"! All t\sped or Ilfle~tM in him "n(! ;udge from a mQr'!
l'o:r)i'tln'IJ bllSis,
Tn lrS~C85 the \'flHdj1~' of hi$ claims is still diJHerllt r am
pi'nol'l<llly completd)' $utisfietl that hi!: ('hotos mod early (101l-
lucls <lre wmpl<~tds authl10tk and wlU lJ1 tin\~~ 00 prowm by
IM~r e','ents. Some af his cJa;m$ take a I<~t or :>WIIl!o)" •••.ing.
B\.>\ ji::~\ whtn you hlld d(~cidf;'d to -"nitE' him off as ;I babbler,
SOffit-thing (\lms up to subslnntil,le them, F()r im,tM'ce, ••..!lEtt
I first vlsiteli him in IS:>4 till spoke of the Van All ell Ddts,
and tilq "FirdHes in 6pi!lCl!:' .as IM('t teen by the cOsmonauts,
~eithe.r 0( thes" were known il~ the dme. 'The 11l5t time 1
SIiW' him he t:lJlmly armGullc.ed 'I ~nw Pop'" John Yt'~lt:n:! ••)..'
\Vell. as it hllpperwd [ WlJS oble t.) !'(t,t indcpt'ndcnt con/irnn,-
Ho~ tll ••t this WlJS true, John g"Ve him il he1mtil uI g(ild
mN;;'lHlo:;'n em,,)' of himsel( which M far as .1 ktlOW hns Ilf'Yel"
yet bCl.:'n rdcat!'d lllHI is nllly given to the most special peoplJl",
George dllimed 10 have Ui"ell John It $.(';lI~'>lprlckage from
thi! Broth('n; with ad~'ice for the (:Qnrlud of the CQundl.
Crrt"inly th", ",,'r'y the Church hi'':; behaved since then is very
milch in lille with Ih€ Brother'
That Wil:!, Ihe mnddeninl! G('orge, Just as;
YOl1 tht\ughl ;'(.".,l had llit lll.~1 Cll a whoppcr, some-
thing WQuld lurn up to subsllll 1aim.
I rcmrmb",r two e,,;c~s$l(lns (Ill SUt't:i!$slve ni.ghts. al Palo.
mar when I saw a tillY golden remote control disk It.avE
rapidly. 01\ the wt'ond occassion we w~re t<1lkil'lg on his llntlo
j\l,t <liter dark wht:t1 I fHlt a tr(!'m~mlous ft'Cling of bt!inil
watched. I Wrned around jU$1 in time to seq Ii tirr~' ~olden
disk nat n1<XE t.hlln OCt). reel (lway, liS it shot upward in a
lmil or light. George laullhed, and I 5uid: "Th.wl< God our
ronversation 11lts bern dean Ihe lar.t IwenfY nllnUlltS."
He reCused to ask me OIl,' 'contact' wIth him lind lit the
hmr? it pee •...ed me lo(nwtly , But I n'alized Illter that [ was in
no fit Fplritl13,1 state for such <1.0 t'j(fJerl(~nce und had I bl!C'l1
tllk(>n l\btlllrd II .s:.urer I doubt if I'd ha\'e bf't'n aver', SI1C-
ct"ssful prt}phl'l. a!l('rwnn1s tnr my ego is highlv susceptfhle ta
spiritual aggrantlisement, Many ..•,fw htH'c hB"d gen\lit,e l'(ln,
t:uls !tllve gone vl1ry odd. Cormi..,r new mlif',icms llnd in [;""t
doing everything the Brothel'S desire ((~11S1. 1 doubt I would
have bC{'n any (tXCepUt,ln.
One thing [ liked about Gm,rnc Wil$ his ulter down. to-
eallhines$. I. c(Oo't tJlink he t;:v('r "UH.'H~d ffQtn spirit.ual
ruid •.• - from almk. froln $((0111). rr""" lnany !,th',r thin!:5
y~, but despite the Wl\l'l'mg hllmon fflctlOns wlllrh grltw up
IH!Wng his 10UQwen, therlf WIl.$ atwllYs 1\ f,tcot rl1(x1e:sty llnd
5(.no5(; 'of !ISs own Unirnp{lrtIJ!lre in II sch.!Ul'! of $ueh V('$tfl.:SS
and splumltJr.
I don't s\ he will mind me telllng this, now tha,t
he hilS .,:Ist olf the Hne old body, bLlt ht: once shOWN! me
the Hlo"t t;xtfj,oNilnary birthmark, His nil~'el was not like
a human navel nt all. It W,iS a huge !>olar dil;k With deeply
cut U}':5 ext~ndln!l out llbout SIX inch..::;; all ;)l"o\Hui It, (r'om
waist to I!roln. Whal this ~;iglllfies I have no Idea - unles$
It is (ru1)' l!lesJgn ot a 'Chil<l of tM' Sun.'
, ':'HUTH ABOlJ'l' 1',}lE TRU1'}-l

, .'

Political faction~ are clamoring a~ain~t each other for the

:Fight of opinion; and sc ient1sts
ptlilosophers arc arguin/?, a.bout the
truth of their '~arious theories I allover the world conflicting
th~ught centers are ~pringine up, each professing itself the only
dispenser of the absolute truth and man £inds himself wonderine
just what is truth.
As long as man has been in existence I suppose he has sought
for truth without recognizing it when he:had it firmly in his grasp.
Many generations a€!:owhen the. Rqman Empire was at the height
of her glory and the weir:ht of her dominance was felt by a h03t
afpeople there arose in her~midst a master mind who said to those
'oppressed "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you
free:. And the people eager for deliverance. cried out, '~~he truth!
Give us the truth tha.t we rr.ay be free!.' 'T;hey were told the meanine
of truth but they could not comprehend and so.we hear the echo of
those words. and of the billions like them quivering down the ages
with an insistent appeal - ~~he Truthl what is truth?h
And for eyery such questioning voic,e there is another calling.
hpollow me, I alone can give you the Rcal Truthl~ And blindly
the people follow, little knowing or understanding the purpose of life.
So to you of this present day - you who have acquired rr.uch
knowledge of m~ything6 t I ask, r"Nhat is truth?I'
Those who are idealistically incliried will answer,"It is
reality! ". And thoze wh'o are founded upon -a,-cold scienti;fic basis
will answer "Fact" Others will say tha~ truth is that which is
opposed to untruth or is that which is good. To those who gave the
first two answers I shall say you ar~ correct so far as you have
gone but I shall proceed to catch you in a net of your own weavin(.
The latter answer that truth is that which is good is utterly
misconceived and evasive. .
. Let UG, therefore~ get down to real analysis. Just what is
the truth 'about truth? You have said that it is Reality and if I
were to ask you to define ~eality you would be compelled to admit
that it is that which has ~actual existencep and y~t you speak of the
real and unreal. You have a s~t standard for Reality. Goes
not everything that is known have appar.~nt existence? How else should
it have become known?
What of those that 5~Y f~ct- explain~ng further
that it is that which carl be proven. Let me ask you this-proven
to whom and by what and for how long? .Again you must have a set
standard of d iscr imina ti qn.
~.:ust i t b~ proven by man. s laws Or'
theo~ies th~t.hav~ alreaQY b~en given.recognition? Then you are
putt~ng a l~ml tatlon on trutn. ~'lust 1. t be prov.en to al.l people
or only to one who is able to see. beyon~ the perception of hiS
fellow-men? Proof can op,ly G-0 so far. as a man will accept and truth
to ea~h man is only tha~Ywhich he has experienced either by mental
realiz2tion or physical expressiOh, and yet truth is universal. It
is the sum total of act:i;;On Every slll~llest quivering
I frequency irj
the whole cosmos is tru1;h-true becau$"e it perpetuates ac tion. I
shall bring all of my statements down to a perfectly, logical,
matter-of-fact foundatlQn', " . ,:', .
. .~
Most of the world's intolerance is due to the misconception of
,truth .• ~en fight to death for their inrtividual concept of it wh€n
a little wisdom would .show them that they are only a step apart
in the same hall of learning. but due to the fact that every
individual intelligence has a slightly different degree of understanding
truth to each is slightly different. Intolerance is a mark of
ignorance. for a developed intelligence is .able to view sequences
of action that shows each separate action to be relatively true ..
And because all sides of a question are understood he is bound by none.
This type of intelligence does not.conpemn those who see only one
phase of the truth. Instead he will point out the pitfalls oc limitation
that follow the course of thought that th~ individual is indulring in.
T~uth is action-the whole action of which every part is true.
Small truths lead into greater truths and one small truth cast out
as false can block the progress of a civilation~ as has been shown
by the history of.the paet.
Ee~ause men do not understand the meaning of truth and are
therefore intolerant, there has been a span of over a thousand years
of scientific darkness that might have.been used to bring th~ slowly
evolving civilization to a higher standard of human expression.
~You shall know th~ truth and the truth. shall make you free •

And the truth is that all things are true-true in a relative sense.
I grant you-relative to all other parts, but un~il ~en recognize
an~ give oue consideration to tr.e Cause of all actions they will
never be free. Only in unitine our efforts~ acknowledg~~g'a common
purp05~ can we bring civilization, to a unified state of understanding
and progress. .
Truth is like a great picture puzzle-a mosaiC t as it were. and
each man ::; ind:i,vidual expressiotl is a part of th~ t.otal composition •.
Th~ mature individual realizes life as a auccession of duties to be .
perfor~ed, Because there are d~versified concepts of life does not
mean that only one can be correct. NOt all are true .. whatever is
conceived in th~ mind of man 16 true to him for the mo~ent jU6t
as every act of nature is true whether it be of creation or. disintegratio
~an'5 ideas may bo used unwisely because he has not enough knowledge
to use constructively in relation to other truths, but that does
not mean that the results establish a fact.
Our purpose' in life. ':then •. is not to personally judge between
the true and the untrue but to SO coordinate our own being with
nature that .w€ may unite the knowledge of Cause and Effect.
News of interes t:

Over the las t several months" a great deal of renewed a tOOn t.i on and expos ure has been
directed towards the 1947 UFO incident in Roswell New Mexico. For those tmfamiJiar with
this event, briefly, this incident involved the recovery examination and subs~uent mili(ary
cover up of several crashed e~tratetTestrial space craft and the bodies of lheir occupants4 In
part, selected circumstances concerning Roswell were accurately recounted~ however, in tbe
anempt to sensationalize an already momentous event a standard assortment of
misinformation was also incorporated. True several UFO's did malfunclion~ one disintegrating
- covering the landscape with debris .. due to intemaJ pressurization problems and another
4..LaShingprimarily intact nearby. Yest the military did recover the wreckage and ~moved the
bodies, placing them in cold storage at a famous military hospital Yes~ the people removed
were between 3 and 4.5 feet tall. Here however, the story hecomes manipulated in order to
maintain the current strategy of misinformation. The bodies recovered were NOT some large
headed~ giant eyed gray skinned creature but as originaDy and accurately recorded, they were
complelely HUMANOID resembling earth man both internally and externally. Also within t

a short ~ the government detennined these visitors did not pose any threat to our world.
did nOl require' anything from us and thai they were visiting our world from neighboring
pJanets within our solar system. Since that time~ both parties have maintained friendly
in terac Lion lO the benefi t of our society ~

Whenever and wherever we conti nue to hear inform ation pertaining to e:(trale~sui al
visitations let us remind ourselves to be vigilant of misinformation injected and manipulated
in order to maintain current desired attitudes of fear and confusion. for only through lhe
suppon of the truth will the infonnation ever become truly public. 1/( . ~1"1
G.. stec~ ~p.t.J
+ ••• ++*+ •••• *
the first ambassador
to outer space?
i: THE GIGANTIC CIGAR SHAPED ship glided silently over
~ the blistering noon desed. The hum from its huge generatoI5
=:I electrified the air, sending small desert animals scurrying for
i their holes in lightning terror .... '
~ Directly beneath the large UFO, George Adamski hurriedly
set up hi8 six-incb reflecting telescope, attaching a Camera. The
hair on the back of his neck stood straight up as he began
snapping pic1ures in the charged a1mosph ere.
A quarter of B. mile away Adamski's four companions
stood aghast, their eyes glued to powerful binoculars, watching G EO RGE ADAMSK I sO!!)/$ he ph oto-
gr<!lphed this cigar-shaped "moth@r
as the orange-1opped object glided silently over a nearby ship" at 7:58 a,m. on May 1,1952_
mountain ridge. The lack of wings and tail assembly, and the Adamski says the motller ship W<l$
almost rdentJCi!JI to the one that he
strange undecipherable insignia on the side made them think and eight witnesses supposedly
$<lW near Dasert Centar, Cellif,. on
of an extra-terrestrial space5hip. 11.0'20,152.
"-i: .. '.
fS? ....
. . . . . ..
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. ... "

... I ••••

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. . ...
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: .

: ....
liU ..
: :.'
:11. :
," "

GEORGE ADAMSKI $Ulnd!> beside a palntins of ~h& Venusian "l'lyinS ssucer" pilot he claims to
contMtoo near [)e~rt center, Calif .• on No\Iernber 20, 195.2.
4.Suddenly I saw this sauoer Orthon'!:l ohjectives were friendly, cauoo they would be 'torn to
come in," Adamski later told me a1thou~ he was concerned with pieces'."
"In the meantime, Ail' Fot<:e jets ~':rndiations froOl our nudesr
had spotted the cigar-$haped cralt tests'>. SUDDENLY AnAM!1Kl lIBM~MBgR.E1l
and began closing." The Venuaian then pointed to a a box Brownie CaJIlI;ra he had
Adamski, remaining cool through- nearby hill where his "saucer" was brought with him. But the space
out the entire. display of aerial parked, and eX}Jlained that he man objected. It seems that he
bedlam, finished his roll of film. used this scout ship to hop back occasionally does "undetc(lver
He had just begun packing up and forth between earth and the workt' on earth, and he feared he
his photo gear when he heard Q gigantic blunt-end mo ther ship might be recognized.
man hail him frt)m a short distance Adam6ki had phlrt.ographed earlier. To other q1,le~tions, tbe stranger
away. Adamski's first thought was The \-'iaitoI revealed that he revealed that all jnhabitanU3 of
that the man was mer~ly a rock came from Venus and that the other planets are humanoid in ap"
hound, but tWs judgement ptoved mother ship was propelled through pearance; that they have '.kid-
moom:et. Adamski signaleil for space by magnetic energy; tha t napped" many willing earthlings;
his companions to take care of his many landings had pt'eceded this tha t all of the planets within our
telescope, and began walking one and many would follow. Ven- solar system are inhabited.
toward the .stranger. u$ians follow the laws of the Cre- After about one hour of di3"
.4The closer I got to him, the ator instead of the Jaws of ma-Wl'" cussion, Adamski was telel?athical.
oclder r felt,'~ recalled Adamski. ialiBm aa earth-men do, Adamski ly impressed, that the Venusian
"I was cautioll8, but not frighten- later claimed, and was pointedly must leave. Pointing ro his feet,
ed." informed tha,t several space visitors the vi~itor suddenly exploded in
Upon close inspection Adamski had been kiHed as the re!ilult of an alien toUe"1le - one that re-
found the stran ger'R dothing to be thoughtlesS! actions by men of sembled. Chine;se and "one of the
not unlike his own. Long, blond earth. ancient language.!! 5Poken here on
tresses hung down to his shoulders. "For thie reason", Adamski WM earth." .
He W!l$ about 5'6" tall, weighed told, "extra-terrestial visitore. do AdarmJei 5UrmiBed that the vjsi t-
135 pounds, and by Adamski's not land in populated arEas be- or's feet held S()ffie special ~gr
judgement, looked approximately
The Rtranger'R hi gh forehead and
finely chiselled nose gave him a
statuesque appearance a~t the
noontime desert sun. His grey-
.t;reen eyes. set in a face that was
"nearly as hairless as that of a
baby", presented a striking pic-
tunt The stranger W01'e no watch,
ring, nor other ornamentation.
When the two were at ann's
length, the stranger Btuck forth
hi~ hand in a friendly gesture, but
instead of shaking hands in the
normal marmer, he just rubbed his.
palm agaim~t Adamski's.
Realizing that time was ex;pitio g,
Adamski asked his new acquaint-
an(e from whence he hailed. But
the visitor only shook his head
and flashed an apologetic ex:pre.a.-
sion, indicating that he di d not
So they comm\lned by tele-
Adamski explains how he piCA
tured a plllnet in his mind and
pointed to the SI:m. Immediately
he received the message that the This is supposedly the third of roUP'" photOgr"~P"'3 of a ~p~ce ship George
8tra~r was from Venus. Adam£ki :inapped in rapid liUCC8ssiofl on 315/51. Photograph pur-
ThroURh telepathy, gestures, portedly shO'NS a large "mother ship" discharging 2'l group of "fly-
and ijign language, Adamski slow- ing :!.lIUC8r$."

ly amassed the information that

f'hotogr'aph George Adi!lt'l'lski says
hE! made aool".lt 9: 10 a.m. on 121
13)'52 at P~loma.; Gardens, Calif.
He ~Y$ sp~ce ship WeI$ .\!Ibau1::35
feet In dlllmet1!Jr' 2Ind was com-
posed of '" trZlnslucent mElta!. The
dome su pposedly contained a.
"power coil,'J

ni£icance. Then the :;jP~ceman

stepped a~idel and - behold; -
there were two deep impression$
containing a quantity of Jines..
circles and symb()l~. Adamski
claimed that the symbols con-
tained astronomical and historical
Then the two men walked to
the hovering scout ship. Adaml'ki
de~ribed it as resembling a glass
beU rather than a "saucer." He
says it wa~ translucent, of "ex-
quisite color," dome-shaped with
three huge ball.-Maped objects on
the underside, and abau t :15 feet
in di.3meter. The dome supposedly
housed a. hea ••.
"')'coil, which glowed
when power surged through it.
With Qrthon aboard, the craft
$uddeoly glowed !l whjte
and nashed away over a nearby
mountain, where Adam~ki han oh-
served the mother ship hovering.
Thu!;, on November 20, 1952.
George Adamski beeR-me our first
alleged ambassador to outer space.
During his lon~ and colorful
career, George Adamski, who has
never had one day of public 9chool-
ing in his life, wore the hats of
philosopher, student, t.eacher, and
sauce.r researcher.
Adamski's first UFO book. Fly-
in.g Saucers Ha/,)e Landed, which
turned out to be one of the most
highly publlcizoo book~ of our
time, was printed in 18 different
languages, and shows betU;!r than
a quarter-million copies sold since
Its first publication. Its sequeL
Inside the Spac(J Ships, has sold
Qver 100,000 copies.
Born of II Polish father and an
Eg:V"Ptian rnoth~r, Adamski chose
to live at Palomal' Gardens, a qwet
California retreat eleven miLe3
from the world'SJ large!1t telescope.
George Adamllki served two ell-
listmentR in the U.S. Army prior
and during World Wilt r. His life
from that time until 1928, when
he began teaching philosophy in
Los Angeles. is a mystery.
p2llXlr h92ldline made during his
world lecture tour.
newspaper hes Adamski proclaim-
ins: "Sp~c9men are my triendsl"

through s-pace." Soon Adamski

came uv with tv,"O photographs,
which he claims to bave tumed
over to J. P. Maxfield and G. L.
Bloom of the Point Lorna Naval
El€ctronies LAboratory. Adamski

received hi~ first newspaper pub-
lici when personnel a.t t.he labor-
ll.lory denied ever having receive<!
the photographl:>.
Th~ y(;!~r 1950 was dissappoint-
ing for Adamski. He was able to
photograph only I'white spots fur
out in $pace."
The next two years were more
rewarding, howeVCl'.
"Th6 spacecraft seem to 00 mov-
ing closer to earth in ever im:re3.<;-
jng numbers," he reported.
Out of 700 negatives exposOO., 18
were good enou~h to "prove,'f aC-
cordlng to George Adamski. the
CtbjecUl came from DUrer space:.
By thi~ time Adamski was pre-
senting his "proof" to service
clubs, hi5 sole stated purpose be-
ing "to get people thinking <ll1d
t.alklog flying saucers." To aug-
ment his lecture income he be~an

6E086E ADAMSKI Palomar MOlll1tolin, "on the ad-

selling his photograph!> for 75~
When Adamski is questioned as
to why he was able to corne up
with so many fine saucer photo.~
In 1933 he moved to Laguna viee", he says, Hof scientist friend[:; when other eq ually energetic per w

Beach, C.aliforni!l., and acquired a who had been instructing me in the SOnS ended in dismal failure, he
rollov,.;ng hy lecturing o.••...
er the air. fIeld of a~tronom r and the opera. had this to lla)':
Adaml',ki imparted the priceles8 tion of the l8.inch Schmidt tele- "My pictures aren't exclusive.
knowled~e of ancient laws "known scope atop Mt.. Palomar." Large ohserva torics as well as the
by occidental people today but On Odober 9, 1946 Adamllki ~overnment agendel; alflo hn ve
l>€ldom found outside of Oriental says he saw hil) fil'8t "spaC€ .ship." good, an d in ~orne cases better pic-
Philosophy. " Observing the !;ky during a meteor tures, but they are clasllifi.eil. The
It W<l,8 not long bC!Qt:c George shower. Adamski spotted a large, av€rage person never gets a look at
Adamski adopt.ed the title 01 "Pro- black, diriglble-~haped object whicl these photos".
fc,"il'.oI"." an honor supposedly con- he at first mi.\',took for an Ameri- In addItion, Adamski claims he
ferred upon him by hi s ~tuden ts. can s-ecrct weapon. actually spends more time sky
He was ahm by the gift Augu~t, 1947 provided the first watching, not to mention the fact
of n sb:~inch Tin!!ley .reflecting mas~ sighting for AdamsJti and his tha t Mt. Palomar Lies bet.ween tWO
telescope, which was to become friends. 184 flying saucers, no less, "na tura] vortexes" (which some.
lamou!'; a decade later fm sup- traw::ling in "squadnms of 32. how seems to attract the saucers
posedly having taken the first In late 1949 Adamski claims he Iike flies to sugar).
photo~apha of a space ship from was apDrool:hed by four govern- ADAMSKI .o\LSQ HAS SlEVRRAl.

another world. ment scientjsts who wished to en- opinions as to why the government
In 1944 Adamski purchaged 20 hl't his help in obtaining "photo- suppresses pictures of fiying sauc-
acres on the southern slopes of j{raph!';. of strange croft rIyin Ii ers. .' }'irst it lvould upset th~ ap-
plecart of our school system too And the economic sy~te!I1
could be upset if too much infor-
mation is given ~uridenly."
However, by 1951 and 1952, our
enthusiastic sky watcher decided
that photographs of distant space
ships were not enough, and he
initiated several excursions into
the desert, where 1'UmOr had it
that. the "little people" were
abounding aplenty.
I t was on one of these trips
which produred not only many
photographs, but Adamski's now-
famoWl meeting with his Venus-
ian near the small town of Desert
Center, California.
After the historic meeting, all
wa5 quiet until ThlcembeI 13, 1952.
Suddenly at 9 a,m, Adamski was
awa.kened by the roar of jet planes
circling overhead. Outside he ob.
serve<! "a.n irridescent glasB-like ,.Flying Selucel" showin8 heat ra-
craft" hovering 400 feet ahove a off." diatlon" photosrapned iM 1 :30
There were many divergent p.m. on 12/ 1J 51, with his 6.inch
nearby valley. reflecting telel!leope. This is one of
Adaro!:!ki took four picture!:! of views on Adamgki's photograph5. some 800 photos Ad l<tfT1$1< i alleges
the saucer, alter which it aproach- In a much publicized statement, to have taken of space ships.
Peverly Marley, a noted Holly- 'though he s.ays I&ss then two doz-
ed to within 100 feet of the photo- en turned out satisfactorily.
grapher. A porthole opened. and wood cinematographer, claimed
an extended hand dropped a film that if Adam~ki's pictures had been moon nor any other planet to date,
holder which Adam8kl had given fakecl, they emibited. the cleverest he does claim to have been granted
his friend on the K ovember 20th trick photography he had ever .a trip into outer space aboard the
meeting. Then the hand waved, seen. cigar,s1laped mother ship.
and the spaceship sped away. The Air Force's Air Technical In their airborne "laboratory,"
Upon development, these nega- Intelligence Center in Dayton, the cooperative brothers turned a
tives comprised an essential paTt Ohio felt differently, ho •••..
ever. Ed- television sca.nner onto the moon,
of Adamski'B best-&eller, Fiyin.g ward J. Ruppelt, who headed the which was a mere 40,000 miles dis-
Saucers Have Landed. The book official nying .9B.ucer inve5tigutive tant at the time. Peering down d
also contained the following affi- body at the time, Pro.Teet Blue the dim screen, Adllmski'~ eyes
davjt, signed by all the witne~;!3es Book revea.led the oWcial ven:l.iet: .suddenly "'1 derred.
to Adamski's contact with outer "'riley oould be genuine, 01 "You will find bases up there,"
space: course, but they could been he told me. "You're going to find
"We, the undersigned, do sol- easily faked by a knryear-old with dwellings - not palatial, Lul nice
emnly state that we have read the a Bro\\-nie camera." dwellings where the people that
aocount herein of the peI'$Ooal con- While Adamski bas had many maintain the bases arc living. I
tact between George Adamski and alleged contacts since the meeting even saw what appeared to be an
a man from another world, brought wi th th-e Venu.9ian (he claims at animal through an opening in a
here in his Flying Saucer (Scout' least seven), he produced no more forest or brush. It ran J.:laoS13 this
ship. And that I was party to, and photographs that showed anything li~tle opening and it looked like it
".,.itness to the event as herein re- more than whlte hlotcheg against couJd have heen ;8 ~mall dog. May~
counud." a darkened background. be it wasn'l a dog at all, but it
Upon close questioning two of looked something like a small dog
the witnesses decided they did not DURING ONIt OF THESE "con- would Look mnning across an open
qui te see everything Adamski re- tacts: t he met two other space path."
ported. One lailed to see the flying brothers who identifled themselves But life on the moon didn't
saucer, but did sec a Clfbsh" about a~ Firkon and Zuhl. These expel". sttlrtle the amateur astronomer,
the tim€ the saucer was supposed ienres were recorded in Ad.amski'~ "Watch for movement in the
to have taken off. The other wit. ~cond bestrBeller, Inside the Space craters", Dr. Johnson and Dr.
ncs!'. failed to see Adamski talking Ship..",. Wilson of Mt. Palomar allegedly
with the spaceman becawe he may Although Adamgki maintain~ told Adamski. "The movement in
have been "looking a few degrees that he has been neither to the CONTINUED NEXT FtAGE
Following this world tour, Ad.
aImiki came to the conclu!3ion that
foreign countries are more re~pec-
tive to space visitors than i~ Amer-
4'There have been a number of '
landings in Rwsia," he stated.
"They even dined with the vjsitors
~ treated them like humans
should h:eat humnns - and nat-
urally they learned a lot that way."
While Adamski himseli was a
contacree, he pointed out briskly
tha t he has only contempt for the
majority of psychOJl, crackpots,
and conridence men that put fort.h
this claim. He consjdered himse11
a lone ~'Olf, and took pride in the
lad that he never belonged to a
AdamSKt believes the space peop'e had somehow remov@d thE! orisir'lal flying saucer dub or attended a
photoSr'~phieil"l1~e:e <!r'\cl substituted this message pertaining to fhe
propufsion of ~pace ships. convention.
It ha~ been estimated that
the craters cannot be anything but Adarn~ki claimed. "The visitors 105,000 people attended his lec-
air." didn't come here to be worshipped. tures during his world tour. and
On this issue Adamski stands They just want to help. J> that allother 45 million heard him
alonet for alltronomers are virtually Such unorthodox thinkitJg pro- speak over radio and television.
unanimous in their opinion that voked a neat-riot among 300 stu- And. while he clalmed to have
the moon cannot support life. They dents when Adamski lectured at a netted no income from his world
state tbat the monn lacks both universit.y jn Zurich, Switzerbnd. MUTt it is commonly beHeved that
water vapor .and atmosphere, both The students apologized the fol. his books have netted him a small
of which are prime requi!!li tes for lowing day. and Adamski dutifully fonune.
anything but the mOBt elementary explained that they had been the 1f~t flymg ~u~r~ Adwns~
organisms. \.ietirns of an "intffi'national con- said, hail from nur :!lohn system.
Not only doe.'! Adamski claim ~piracy" which was attempting to And as far as he knows. all the
there is life on the moon, but aho discreclit him. visitors are friendly.
gigan tic fore st.'! which appear 8!l "While jt would be poos.ible lor
The highllght of Adamski's
nothing more than da.rk blotches European tour, how€ver Wli,S the cultures less developed than our-
to our scientists. sel\'es to invent space$hips and
warmhearted reception accorded
I n Adelaide, Australiat on bi~ visit our planet for selfi9h pur-
him by Queen Julianna of th~
first lecture tour, Adamski he Nea therland9. pOSE$", Adamski explained, "none
met a space woman. She was em- have shown up to date." In the
ploy~d as a lawyer for a steamship While the press was quick to palit years the whole program 01
company. pojnt out that JlJlianna was a the space visitors has changed, he
Adamski claims that many space kook - she had empl{1yed a faith continued. The idea now is to place
people live as humans on thilJ healer five years earlier to help many space men in high scientific
planet. Several thousandl at lea!;t. cure h(!r yolJIl.ger daughter of and government job~ thUg up-
(He is qnick to point out there partial blindness - this did not grading our technology and getting
are supposedly ten million per- deter' the Queen in her misA.ion, us into l';paoe as 600n as poslJible.
sons on thi~ planet whose origins The Queen Wlth her husband, "There could be a million con-
are unknown). Prince Bernhard - a noted avia- tacts a.nd billions of sil{h tings, and
Adamski also 8saerts there have tor - and an assortment of Dutch it wouldnlt convert the world. But
been some 2.500 contacts, 800 or Air Force pensorme1, aBtronomer.s, if just one of our &paC6ships lands
900 of which are genuinE!. and physicists listened intently to on a. planet and brin~s. back word
"The others have merely had what Adamaki had to say. of life and civiliUltion, jt would do
mental experiences", he asserts. What the results of the historic more good than millions of sau~r8
Of the many space visitors meeting were never came to light, in mass landings. And it wouldn't
Adal1Ulki has met, the majority, but Adamski regarded it as a frighten the people to death,
he claimed are Venusian scientists. triwnph - not to him~l£, but eithel'.'t
"If we can accept this thing, ~lfor the cause". ..It gave pres- ThWl declared Ceorge Adam5ki.
we a chance to go farther tige to the flying saucer program PhHosopher, student, teacher. gau-
than any civilization in history/' T01' tha first tim-e/' pro- cer researr:her. •

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