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Military Sociology

regimental unit replacement personnel transfer poli- Technical Research Report No. 1155, US Army Behavioral
cies whereby a whole military unit’s personnel, and Science Research Laboratory, Arlington, VA
dependent families, relocate together as a group from Wiskoff M F (ed.) 1988–99 Military Psychology: The Official
Journal of the Diision of Military Psychology, American
one military assignment to another; and (e) making it
Psychological Association. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ
mandatory for military personnel to subject them- Wiskoff M F 1997 Defense of the nation: military psychologists.
selves to inoculations, experimental drugs and thera- In: Sternberg R J (ed.) Career Paths in Psychology: Where
peutics, or, owing to insufficient supplies, withholding Your Degree Can Take You. American Psychological As-
drug treatments for some personnel. sociation, Washington, DC, Chap. 13, pp. 245–68
Military psychologists, therefore, have the oppor- Zinchenko V, Munipov V 1989 Fundamentals of Ergonomics.
tunity to participate in the enactment of social and Progress, Moscow
organizational change in the military, and their work
can have far-reaching implications for society at large. G. P. Krueger
See also: Engineering Psychology; Military and Dis-
aster Psychiatry
Military Sociology
Crawford M P 1970 Military psychology and general psycho- The study of armed forces is somewhat of an anomaly
logy. American Psychologist 25: 328–36 in the sociological discipline. Although possessing an
Cronin C (ed.) 1998 Military Psychology: an Introduction. Simon extensive and cumulative literature, the sociology of
and Schuster, Needham Heights, MA the military is rarely included in the university cur-
Gal R, Mangelsdorff A D (eds.) 1991 Handbook of Military riculum. Moreover, discipline boundaries for students
Psychology. Wiley, Chichester, UK
Glenn J F, Burr R E, Hubbard R W, Mays M Z, Moore R J,
of the armed forces have been exceptionally per-
Jones B H, Krueger G P (eds.) 1991 Sustaining Health and meable. Sociologists of the armed forces have long
Performance in the Desert: Enironmental Medicine Guidance relied on the work of other students of military in such
for Operations in Southwest Asia. USARIEM Technical Note allied disciplines as political science, psychology, and
Nos. 91-1 and 91-2, pocket version. DTIC Nos. AD: A229- history. In recent years, there has been an increasing
643 and AD: A229-846. US Army Research Institute of overlap with peace studies and national security
Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA studies. Beyond academia there is a larger group—
Johnson E 1991 Foreword In: Gal R, Mangelsdorff A D (eds.) variously, present and past members of the military,
Handbook of Military Psychology. Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. defenders and critics of military organization, and
Krueger G P 1991 Introduction of section 3: Environmental
journalists—who both give insights and serve as a
factors and military perspectives In: Gal R, Mangelsdorff A D corrective for professional sociologists of the military.
(eds.) Handbook of Military Psychology. Wiley, Chichester, Indeed, few substantive areas in sociology have such a
UK, pp. 211–13 diffuse and broad constituency as does the study of
Krueger G P 1998 Military performance under adverse con- armed forces and society.
ditions In: Cronin C (ed.) Military Psychology: An Intro- One readily observed trend in the sociological study
duction. Simon and Schuster, Needham Heights, MA, pp. of military phenomena is its widening purview. Where
88–111 earlier accounts saw the military as a self-contained
Krueger G P 2000 Military culture. In: Kazdin A E (ed.) organizational entity, contemporary accounts regard
Encyclopedia of Psychology. American Psychological Asso-
ciation, Washington, DC and Oxford University Press, New
the military and civilian spheres as interactive. The
York, Vol. 5, pp. 252–59 sense of the broadened scope is captured in the
Krueger G P, Banderet L E 1997 Effects of chemical protective contemporary preference for the term ‘armed forces
clothing on military performance: a review of the issues. and society’ with its more inclusive connotations, as
Military Psychology 9: 255–86 opposed to the more delimited ‘military sociology.’
Mangelsdorff A D 2000 Military psychology: history of the field. Precisely because the study of armed forces and society
In: Kazdin A E (ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology. American has become so overarching, it is convenient to present
Psychological Association, Washington, DC and Oxford the extant literature by discrete topical constructs: (a)
University Press, New York, Vol. 5, pp. 259–63 the professional soldier; (b) the combat soldier; (c) the
Parsons H M 1972 Man–Machine System Experiments. Johns
Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD
common soldier; (d) the citizen soldier; and (e) organ-
Stouffer S A, Lumsdaine A A, Lumsdaine M H, Williams R M, izational change.
Smith M B, Janis I L, Star S A, Cottrell L S 1949 The
American Soldier: Combat and Its Aftermath. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, NJ, Vol. II 1. The Professional Soldier
Taylor H L Alluisi E A 1994 Military psychology. In: Rama-
chandran V S (ed.) Encyclopedia of Human Behaior. Aca- The basic referents for discussion of military pro-
demic Press, New York, Vol. 3, pp. 191–201 fessionalism are to be found in two landmark studies
Uhlaner J E 1968 The Research Psychologist in the Army—1917 that first appeared in the interwar years between
to 1967. US Army Behavioral Science Research Laboratory Korea and Vietnam. Samuel P. Huntington, The

Military Sociology

Soldier and the State (1957), and Morris Janowitz, function of the soldier’s solidarity and social cohesion
The Professional Soldier (1960), shared a common with fellow soldiers at small group levels. Shils and
perspective in that they eschewed negative stereotypes Janowitz (1948) reported similar findings based on
of the military officer. This was in contrast to the interviews with German prisoners of war. The over-
contemporaneous thesis of C. Wright Mills (1956) riding salience of the primary group became an
characterizing military leaders as ‘warlords’ wielding accepted tenet of military sociology.
enormous influence in the ‘power elite.’ Moskos’ (1970) observations of US combat soldiers
Huntington and Janowitz also agreed that the in Vietnam, however, indicated that the concept of
complexities of modern warfare and international primary groups had limitations. The combat soldier in
polices required new formulation of military officer- Vietnam had a more privatized view of the war
ship. They differed, however, in their conceptual and fostered by the one-year rotation system in contrast to
programmatic portrayal of modern military profes- his World War II counterpart who was in the war for
sionalism. For Huntington, military efficiency and the duration. Moskos’ Vietnam research, moreover,
political neutrality require a form of insulation from found that although the US soldiers had a general
the values of the larger and more liberal society. aversion to overt patriotic appeals, this should not
Janowitz, on the other hand, proposes that military obscure underlying beliefs as to the war’s legitimacy,
professionalism should be responsive to, but not over- or ‘latent ideology,’ as a factor affecting combat
whelmed by, external conditions such as managerial performance and commitment.
skills, civilian educational influences, and emergent The increasing use of armed forces in peacekeeping
social forces. Subsequent studies of the professional missions starting in the 1990s has focused attention
officer have been strongly influenced by these con- on the contrast between soldiers as ‘warriors’ or
trasting ideal types. ‘humanitarians.’ One the one hand, the conventional
A hardy perennial in the professional soldier litera- wisdom is that ‘operations other than war’ undermine
ture has been the examination of the social origins of combat effectiveness. Field research, however, indi-
career officers and socialization at military academies. cates that many soldiers themselves view peacekeeping
Research on this subject has been as notable in as conducive to overall military effectiveness (Miller
European military sociology as in the USA. The 1997). In any event, the peacekeeping literature has
general conclusion is that professional self-definitions become another genre in military sociology, replacing
are much more shaped by anticipatory and concurrent to a major extent the earlier interest on the combat
socialization than by social background variables. soldier. Much of this was anticipated by Janowitz’s
In the USA, media attention in 1999 was focused on (1960) earlier formulation of the emerging ‘con-
studies that presented evidence of a ‘civil-military stabulary’ role of the military.
gap.’ The overall finding was one of a growing social
conservatism within the officer corps that was in-
creasingly alienated from the social values of the 3. The Common or Enlisted Soldier
larger society (Feaver and Kohn 1999). At the same
time, however, public opinion surveys reported that The benchmark referent for any discussion of the
the armed forces were accorded the highest evaluation common or enlisted soldier (‘other ranks’ in British
among US institutions. terminology) is again the volumes of The American
If research on military professionalism in the USA, Soldier (Stouffer et al. 1949, Vol. I). Never before or
Western Europe, and other advanced democracies was since have so many aspects of military life been so
becoming more notable in the contemporary period, systematically studied. These materials largely re-
studies of military officers in other areas followed a volved around the enlisted culture and race relations
different pattern. During the 1970s the literature on as well as combat motivation. These issues continue to
the military in Third World countries was quite interest military sociologists, with the more recent
extensive, but has since declined. The literature on topical additions of gender and sexual orientation. A
military officers in underdeveloped areas was marked lacuna in the military sociology of enlisted personnel
by two quite opposing schools, one seeing the armed has been the near absence of studies of sailors, airmen,
forces as ‘moderinizers,’ the other as ‘praetorians.’ or marines.
The overriding finding of The American Soldier
(Stouffer et al. 1949, Vol II) was the pervasive
2. The Combat Soldier enlisted resentment toward the privileged status of
officers. The centrality of the enlisted–officer cleavage
Any discussion of the combat soldier must use as a was further corroborated by other sociologists, who
benchmark the surveys of World War II reported in described the military from the vantage of active-duty
the volumes of The American Soldier by Samuel participation in World War II. Starting in the Cold
Stouffer and his associates (1949 Vol. II). These studies War period, another distinction in the military struc-
reveal a profoundly nonideological soldier. The key ture appeared. The college-educated draftee is de-
explanation of combat motivation was seen as a scribed as far more alienated from his enlisted peers of

Military Sociology

lower socioeconomic background than he is from 5. Organizational Change

officers with whom he shares a similar class back-
ground. In the Vietnam War, the most significant A major paradigm for understanding change in the
cleavage was between single-term servicemen and military organization is the institutional–occupation
career servicemen, cutting across ranks (Moskos thesis (Moskos and Wood 1988). Where an institution
1970). In the post-Cold War era, yet another cleavage is legitimated in terms of values and norms, an
has appeared, that between soldiers serving in combat occupation is based on the marketplace economy.
units and those in support units. In an institution, role commitments tend to be
One of the most celebrated findings of The American diffuse, reference groups are ‘vertical’ (i.e., within the
Soldier was the discovery that the more contact white organization), and compensation is based on rank
soldiers had with black troops, the more favorable was and seniority. In an occupation, role commitments
their reaction toward racial integration (Stouffer et al. tend to be specific, reference groups are ‘horizontal’
1949, Vol. II). Such social science findings were used to (i.e., with like workers external to the organization),
buttress the arguments that led to the abolishment of and compensation is based on skill level and labor
racial segregation in the armed forces. By the early market considerations. An ideal type formulation, the
1950s this integration was an accomplished fact, ‘I\O’ thesis has served as a basis for much subsequent
resulting in a far-reaching transformation of a major research in Western military systems outside the USA.
US institution. Following ups and downs in race The overarching thesis is that contemporary military
relations during the 1960s and 1970s, the armed forces organizations are moving away from an institutional
by the 1990s were viewed as model for black leadership format to one more resembling that of an occupational
in a racially integrated institution. One key finding, one.
however, was that blacks consistently take a more In the wake of the end of the Cold War, even more
negative view of race relations than do whites. momentous changes are occurring within armed forces
If race relations, relatively speaking, were positive in of Western societies. The modern military that
the armed forces, the interactions between men and emerged in the nineteenth century was associated with
women were viewed as more problematic. By the the rise of the nation-state. It was a conscripted mass
1990s, the role of women had greatly expanded in the army, war-oriented in mission, masculine in makeup
US armed forces to the point where women were in and ethos, and sharply differentiated in structure and
nearly all positions excepting direct ground combat. culture from civilian society. The ‘postmodern’ mili-
Much public and media attention was focused on tary, by contrast, loosens the ties with the nation-state,
recurrent scandals involving sexual harassment and becomes multipurpose in mission, and moves toward a
adultery in the military. Indeed, between 1995 and smaller volunteer force. It is increasingly androgynous
2000 more books were written on gender than on any in makeup and ethos and has a greater permeability
other topic in the armed forces. One key finding is that with civilian society (Moskos et al. 2000).
enlisted women and women officers were not in accord At the turn of the new century, military sociology
on the role of females in the armed forces, the former has yet to find a significant niche within the academic
favoring a more limited role than the latter (Miller community. Yet military sociologists are increasingly
1998). being noted by the media and policy makers.
See also: Cold War, The; Military and Disaster
4. The Citizen Soldier Psychiatry; Military and Politics; Military History;
Military Psychology: United States; Police, Sociology
A running theme in American military life has been the of; Professionalization\Professions in History; Pro-
juxtaposition of the professional soldier and the citizen
fessions, Sociology of; Racial Relations; Violence:
soldier. The notion of the citizen soldier raises the twin
issues of the extent to which military life affects civilian Public; War: Anthropological Aspects; War, Socio-
sensibilities of noncareer soldiers and civilian input logy of
affects the military system. Although topics such as
reserve forces and officer training programs on college
campuses are directly related to the concept of the Bibliography
citizen soldier, these topics have not been objects of Feaver P D, Kohn R H 1999 Project on the Gap Between the
major research by military sociologists. Military and Ciilian Society. Triangle Institute for Security
The controversies over conscription during the Studies, Durham, NC
Vietnam War did relate conceptual issues and em- Huntington S P 1957 The Soldier and the State. Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
pirical findings to the sociology of the citizen soldier.
Janowitz M 1960 The Professional Soldier. Free Press, Glencoe,
Even with the end of the draft in 1973, sociological IL
interest in the citizen soldier remained strong (Segal Miller L L 1997 Do soldiers hate peacekeeping? Armed Forces
1989). The policy debate on the all-volunteer force and and Society 23: 415–50
military recruitment has largely become one between Miller L L 1998 Feminism and the exclusion of army women
sociologists and economists. from combat. Gender Issues 16: 333–64

Military Sociology

Mills C W 1956 The Power Elite. Oxford University Press, New dimensions and was finally resolved only following the
York death of his father in 1836. In the intervening period
Moskos C C Jr 1970 The American Enlisted Man. Russell Sage Mill remained an active member of the Philosophical
Foundation, New York
Radicals—a largely extra-parliamentary grouping on
Moskos C C, Wood F R 1988 The Military More Than Just a
Job? 1st edn. Pergamon–Brassey’s International Defense the more radical wing of those seeking reform of
Publishers, Washington, DC parliament culminating in the 1832 Reform Act—but
Moskos C C Williams J A Segal D R (eds.) 2000 The his underlying philosophical position was undergoing
Postmodern Military. Oxford University Press, New York a radical reappraisal. This was first outlined in a series
Segal D R 1989 Recruiting for Uncle Sam. University Press of of articles on ‘The Spirit of the Age’ in the periodical
Kansas, Lawrence, IN The Examiner. Establishing some distance from his
Shils E A, Janowitz M 1948 Cohesion and disintegration in the father and his upbringing, he claimed, liberated his
wehrmacht in World War II. Public Opinion Quarterly thinking from Benthamite utilitarianism, and led him
12: 280–315
to promote the ideal of self-cultivation (which his own
Stouffer S A et al. 1949 The American Soldier. Vol. I: Adjustment
During Army Life. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ Autobiography sought to encourage). He was inspired
Stouffer S A et al. 1949 The American Soldier. Vol. II: Combat in the development of the imagination and emotions
and its Aftermath. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ by his relationship with Harriet Taylor, a married
woman whom he met and fell in love with in 1830. To
C. Moskos her he also credited considerable influence in the
intellectual development of his arguments. They were
Copyright # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. married eventually in 1851, after her husband’s death.
Despite this awakening of feeling, Mill rejected intui-
All rights reserved.
tionism as a basis for philosophy and was committed
to extending the experiential methods of the natural
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73) sciences to the social. The new dimensions in his
thinking did, however, stress the limitations of the
J. S. Mill’s main contributions to Social Science lay in associationist psychology which had informed his own
three areas, political economy, political philosophy, upbringing, and introduced ideal-regarding criteria—
and the philosophy of social science; the major works standards which look to the fulfilment of certain ideal
identified with these three fields are: Principles of principles—into the predominantly consequentialist
Political Economy, On Utilitarianism, On Liberty, character of his inherited utilitarianism. Furthermore
Considerations on Representatie Goernment, and his Mill increasingly recognised the thick historical tex-
Logic. Although educated in the intellectual environ- ture required for an understanding and appraisal of
ment of classical Utilitarianism associated with Jeremy social and political institutions. Through his father’s
Bentham and Bentham’s collaborator, Mill’s father Scots education and his teacher Dugald Stewart, Mill
James Mill, Mill is famous for his amendment to had access to the thinkers of the Scottish Enlighten-
utilitarianism strictly considered, particularly in his ment—David Hume, Adam Smith, William Robert-
essay On Liberty, a classic statement of political son, and Adam Ferguson—who had developed
liberalism. In many works he evinced a recognition of sophisticated accounts of what would today be called
the importance of historical process that was absent historical sociology, then termed philosophical his-
from the aspiration to a deductive social science which tory. Mill’s interest in this can be seen as early as his
characterised the previous generation of utilitarians, essay Ciilisation (1836).
and the thinking of liberal political economists who There were new influences which he also acknow-
would claim his legacy. Mill’s iconic status as a liberal ledged. These included that of S. T. Coleridge to
has made his intellectual legacy a site of fierce whom he devoted an essay with his concern to
ideological contestation. institutionalize historically acquired learning and cul-
Born in London, on May 20, 1806, his precocious tivation in a national clerisy—a kind of secularized
education—famously described in the celebrated church establishment; Alexis de Tocqueville, whose
Autobiography (1873)—deliberately prepared him for two volumes of Democracy in America Mill reviewed
a career as a social and political thinker and reformer. for the Westminster Reiew in 1835 and 1840 and who
Although commonly held to have inculcated him with had a profound effect on his thinking about the need
utilitarian principles, his early education was to manage the political effects of the historical move-
grounded in the classics—his father started him with ment to more democratic societies; and Auguste
Greek at age three—and was much wider than this, Comte, whose sense of history as a process of rational
wider, indeed, than that of most modern social amelioration survived (frailly) in Mill, even after his
scientists. He spent a year in France in 1820–2 before rejection of the more elitist policy implications which
beginning a career in the Civil Service, following his Comte had drawn from it.
father’s footsteps at India House. Impressed as Mill was by Tocqueville’s account of
In his Autobiography he describes an emotional local democracy in American townships, and seeing
crisis at age 20 which had important intellectual democratic culture as the inevitable future for Euro-


International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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