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Warfare in History

making it more vulnerable to overthrow. The main Tilly C (ed.) 1975 The Formation of National States in Western
factor that tends to weaken states is war, especially in Europe. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
the context of strong peasant communities and an Tilly C 1990 Coercion, Capital, and European States, 990–1990.
Blackwell, Oxford
alienated dominant class. This work has been the
Weart S 1998 Neer at War: Why Democracies Will Not Fight
primary inspiration for the development of a ‘state- One Another. Yale Universtiy Press, New Haven, CT
centered’ approach to historical sociology. Weber M [1922] 1978 Economy and Society. University of
California Press, Berkeley, CA

6. Conclusion E. Kiser
This short summary has only been able to scratch the
surface of the voluminous literature on war. Future
research should attempt to link the several topics
discussed here, by bringing together the micro and
macro causes of war, and by tying the causes more
Warfare in History
closely to the consequences of war. The increasing
development of technologies of mass destruction and This article divides the history of warfare into five
the rise of transnational political units will also periods: the classical era (including the wars of Greece
challenge existing theoretical frameworks. Like most and Rome); the Middle Ages (roughly from AD 500 to
of sociology, the sociology of war is still in its infancy. the Turkish conquest of Byzantium in 1453); the age of
gunpowder (from 1453 to the American and French
See also: Conflict and War, Archaeology of; Conflict: Revolutions beginning in 1776); the ‘long nineteenth
Anthropological Aspects; Conflict Sociology; Geo- century’ (from 1776 to 1918); and finally the con-
politics; Military Geography; Military History; Na- temporary period (covering World War II and the
tional Security Studies and War Potential of Nations; Cold War). Each of these periods will be defined by
Peace; Peacemaking in History; War: Anthropolo- changes in three dimensions. First and most obviously,
each period is associated with a general group of
gical Aspects; War: Causes and Patterns
military technologies. Second, each period also in-
volves a shift in the nature of military organization.
Finally, this periodization demonstrates changes in
Bibliography the reasons why people have gone to war.
Allison G 1971 Essence of Decision. Little Brown, Boston
Bueno de Mesquita B 1981 The War Trap. Yale University Press,
New Haven, CT 1. The Classical Period
Bueno de Mesquita B, Lalman D 1992 War and Reason. Yale
University Press, New Haven, CT
Coser L 1956 The Functions of Social Conflict. Free Press, 1.1 Technology
Ertman T 1997 Birth of the Leiathan. Cambridge University The Classical period deserves consideration on its own
Press, Cambridge, UK merits and in the context of an historical debate over
Gilpin R 1981 War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge the influence of Greco-Roman warfare on later Euro-
University Press, Cambridge, UK pean patterns. In the field of technology, some
Goldstein J 1988 Long Cycles. Yale University Press, New historians argue that the Greeks and Romans began a
Haven, CT pattern of using superior technology to compensate
Kant I [1795] 1949 Eternal peace. In: Friedrich C (ed.) The for having to fight wars against numerically superior
Philosophy of Kant. Modern Library, New York, pp. 430–76
enemies. The Persian Wars of the fifth century BC
Kiser E, Drass K, Brustein W 1995 Ruler autonomy and war in
early modern Western Europe. International Studies Quarterly demonstrated the need for Greek city-states to combat
39: 109–38 the much larger armies of Persian kings Darius and
Lenin V I [1917] 1939 Imperialism. International Publishers, Xerxes. Needing to slow the Persians, Spartan general
New York Leonidas threw his much smaller force into a moun-
Levi M 1988 Of Rule and Reenue. University of California tain pass near Thermopylae in 480 BC knowing that it
Press, Berkeley, CA would be destroyed to a man. Aware that his army
Morgenthau H 1967 Politics Among Nations. Alfred A. Knopf, would not return, Leonidas took with him only those
New York men who had children to succeed them, an important
Organski J 1968 World Politics. Alfred A. Knopf, New York
consideration because the army and the citizenry were
Simmel G [1908] 1955 Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations.
Free Press, New York closely linked.
Skocpol T 1979 States and Social Reolutions. Cambridge To avoid future Thermoplyaes, the Greeks devel-
University Press, Cambridge, UK oped both offensive and defensive technologies. Even-
Smith A [1776] 1976 The Wealth of Nations. University of tually, the typical Greek soldier wore nearly seventy
Chicago Press, Chicago pounds of armor and carried spears and swords that

Warfare in History

were superior to Persian weapons. These technological gladiators (named for their short, thrusting sword, the
solutions helped the Greeks win, but the unity that the gladius) and evolved a concept of officers (usually
Greek city-states showed against Persia soon devolved wealthier citizens) and ‘other ranks.’ Increased sophis-
into internecine wars. During the most famous of tication and professional training allowed the Romans
these wars, the Peloponnesian War (431–04 BC), to develop a military that used various weapons,
technology again proved critical. In this case, including soft iron javelins called pila. The soft iron
Athenian naval vessels attempted to balance the bent on impact so that enemies could not throw them
superior land power of their enemy, Sparta. Defensive back. If victorious, however, Roman smiths could
technologies evolved in counterpoint as Athens, Syra- recover the pila after the battle and reshape them. The
cuse, and other city-states built protective walls strong Roman system gave the legions flexibility, endurance,
enough to defy even determined sieges. and striking power that few militaries could match.
The Romans also leaned heavily on technology to The Greek and Roman systems of warfare mirrored
defeat more numerous enemies, though many Roman their societies. Both preferred service by citizens,
military technologies were not necessarily weapons perhaps another legacy to modern nation-states. The
systems. Building upon the Roman genius for en- Roman system extended citizenship to conquered
gineering, Roman armies assisted in the construction people, but the effectiveness of its army noticeably
of a system of roads (even today the Roman roads are declined as more non-Roman militia entered the
roughly contiguous with the European highway sys- Roman military. The citizen model was less prevalent
tem) that permitted the legions to move quickly from in the armies of autocrats such as Alexander the Great.
one point in the empire to another. The Romans also The Romans also gradually separated wealth from
depended upon defensive works such as trenches and military service by introducing regular pay and even
walls (Hadrian’s Wall in the UK is the most famous retirement benefits.
example) to contain their enemies rather than fight
them. Some historians argue that the Classical tra-
dition bequeathed to later Western militaries the
importance of looking for technological solutions to 1.3 Purposes
military problems. Among the legacies left by the Greeks and Romans to
later styles of warfare is the concept of pitched battle.
The Greeks especially tended to favor violent, but
1.2 Organization short, battles intended to solve disputes in a single
afternoon. The bloody nature of Greek warfare
The Greeks based their military upon the hoplite appalled many of their opponents, including the
system. Hoplites (named for their shield, the hoplon) Persians, who disliked a style of warfare that left even
were citizens of the republic and rough social equals. the winners with high casualties. Despite its violence,
Thus, Greek warfare had no concept directly anal- Greek warfare did follow certain understood rules,
ogous to the modern division of officers and enlisted including safe passage for heralds and ambassadors
men. Greek generals (such as they were) received their and amnesty for temples and other religious sites.
appointment by yearly election. Municipal assemblies Roman warfare followed a similar pattern. Wars
also voted on when and where the city-state would go were generally fought with the single goal of annihi-
to war. As citizens, hoplites participated fully in these lating the enemy. The Roman sack of Carthage in 146
elections. BC is the most famous, but hardly the only example.
As nonprofessionals, the hoplites needed a fairly Roman armies typically pursued retreating enemies
simple tactical system because so little time could be with cavalry and often treated prisoners severely. In
devoted to formal training. The result was a dense one case, Julius Caesar kept an opposing general on
concentration called a phalanx. A hoplite’s shield display in Rome for six years before executing him.
protected his own left side and his neighbor’s right The Roman preference for fast, deadly, decisive battles
side. Thus the phalanx could only succeed when every differed significantly from other cultures. The Aztecs,
hoplite stood his ground, lest the gap between himself for example, believed that the purpose of warfare was
and his neighbor be exploited. Once broken apart, a to capture prisoners for later sacrifice.
phalanx soon dissolved, resulting in many casualties
by trampling.
The Romans trained and organized much more
formally than the Greeks. Groups of about 120 men 2. The Middle Ages
formed ‘maniples,’ thirty-five of which were then used
to form legions of approximately 4,000 infantry and
2.1 Technology
300 cavalry (the exact sizes of maniples and legions
varied significantly over time). This system fore- The most important Medieval technology, odd though
shadowed the modern creation of platoons, com- it may seem, was not a weapon, but the stirrup. The
panies, and brigades. The Romans used professional stirrup changed the traditional relationship between

Warfare in History

cavalry and infantry. With stirrups allowing riders to emerged in the twelfth century, replacing the conscript
grasp lances and shields firmly and with newer, more armies that had existed previously. The samurai also
durable horseshoes allowing horses to run faster and came to dominate Japanese politics, supplanting the
farther, cavalry came to the forefront for most of this traditional Japanese aristocracy. The failure of
period. The Mongols proved to be the most successful Mongol invasions of Japan in 1274 and 1281 removed
of the horse-based military systems of the Asian any serious outside threat to the home islands, leaving
steppes; by the late thirteenth century they controlled the small samurai class in near-complete charge of
an empire that stretched from China to modern-day military affairs. Civil wars and power struggles did
Ukraine. Their military relied almost exclusively on occur, but they rarely drew Japanese peasants into the
cavalry. fighting.
In Western Europe, cavalry proved to be no less In the Islamic world, the Abbasid Caliphate began
important. For the aristocrats who could afford the in the ninth century to use slave soldiers called
extensive support systems that accompanied cavalry, mamluks. Originally from the steppes of Asia Minor,
horses meant power. The European aristocracy, as the mamluks soon translated their military dominance
well as its Japanese counterpart, depended upon into political dominance in Egypt and elsewhere in the
horses, armor, and swords for offensive power and Middle East. They were the only major Islamic force
increasingly larger castles for defensive power. The that proved capable of resisting the Mongols, defeat-
victory of mounted Norman knights over Anglo- ing them in 1260 at the Battle of Ain Jalut in modern-
Saxon infantry at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 day Israel. The mamluks, the samurai, the Mongols,
underscored the value of cavalry. The Catholic Church and the European aristocracy, though different in
even tried to ban weapons (such as the crossbow) that many ways, shared a near-monopoly over military
threatened the knight’s status, though the church force in their societies, which were arranged in feudal,
permitted the use of such weapons on infidels. or at least fief-based, political systems. All of these
Technological changes also helped to end the period systems were prone to succession crises and internal
of dominance by the mounted knight. The Hundred strife. None proved to be militarily superior to any
Years War marks an important turning point. At the other.
battles of Cre! cy (1346), Poitiers (1356), and Agincourt
(1415), skilled English archers devastated French
knights with the Welsh longbow, a weapon capable of
2.3 Purposes
rapidly delivering arrows powerful enough to pen-
etrate armor at ranges up to 400 yards. Lacking Generally speaking, the motivations and purposes for
effective missile weapons themselves, the French warfare in this period were either religious, feudal, or
knights suffered terribly. At Cre! cy, the longbows both. The Islamic empires acquired tremendous ter-
allowed the English to defeat a French force three ritory, in part through military conquest, without
times its size, further underscoring the Western pattern significant technological advantages over their oppon-
of looking to technology to compensate for smaller ents. They did so by wedding religious ideology to
numbers. their military forces. Under the reigns of Caliphs
Umar (634–44) and Uthman (644–56), Muslim armies
conquered Spain, North Africa, Persia, and the Indus
River valley. Their fleets conquered Cyprus and raided
2.2 Organization
Sicily and Rhodes. Qur’an readers accompanied
Military training and military service was concen- Muslim armies, converting many men who may have
trated in a relatively small group of wealthy aristo- joined more for plunder than for religion.
crats. In most Eurasian systems, peasants and serfs The Crusades (1095–1291) also reflect a religious
were not expected to engage in actual fighting, though basis for warfare in this period. In the eleventh century,
they might participate in ancillary operations, par- the success of the Seljuk Turks against the Byzantines
ticularly as archers or pikemen supporting the cavalry. led Pope Urban II to call the First Crusade (1095–99)
The challenge to kings and other rulers, then, was to to defend Christianity against the incursions of Islam.
maintain the loyalty and fealty of their aristocratic The Crusades perfectly show the interplay of religion
vassals. In the Third Crusade (1189–92), for example, and feudal obligation. The Pope acted both as a
Frederick I of Germany, Philip II of France, and religious leader and (more controversially) as a noble
Richard I of England spent considerable time keeping in his own right. The First Crusade (also known as the
their unruly knights and barons in check. Powerful, ‘Peasants’ Crusade’) demonstrated that only knights
aristocratic military orders, relatively independent of could be relied upon to form the center of Christian
royal authority such as the Knights Templars and the armies. The peasant armies were too large to feed and
Teutonic Knights emerged from the Crusades as well. too unsophisticated to stand up to the Turks. Of the
In Japan a similar system developed, though loyalty 30,000 non-nobles who fought in the First Crusade,
was ordinarily based more on personal than con- 25,000 died. Sending young nobles off to the Middle
tractual allegiances. The Japanese samurai class East also served a political purpose for the Pope,

Warfare in History

removing warriors and weapons from the constant Non-noble musketeers replaced them. Because small
internal struggles of feudal Europe. Thus by the arms were so inefficient when used singly, musketeers
fifteenth century similar and roughly coequal military had to be arranged in lines and taught to fire and load
systems existed in Western Europe, the Islamic Em- their weapons in uson. Armies thus became much
pires, the Asian steppes, and Japan. larger and more disciplined. Aristocrats who remained
in military service became the backbone of an officer
class that led armies mostly constituted of peasants.
3. The Gunpowder Age Holland’s Maurice of Orange (1567–1625) and
Sweden’s Gustavus Adolphus (1594–1632) deserve
3.1 Technology much of the credit for forming and training the new
armies. They introduced regular drill and other re-
The Turkish capture of Constantinople in 1453 in- forms that eventually led to the classic European
volved 70 heavy artillery pieces, including a 19-ton linear infantry formations (initially as many as 10 men
piece that fired a 1,500-pound projectile more than a deep, later two or three deep) that permitted one line
mile. The appearance of these weapons was not new. to fire, then move to the back. This system maintained
Knowledge of gunpowder had moved from China to a near-continuous rate of fire, but required intense
the Middle East to Europe. At the Battle of Cre! cy training (the first drill manuals appeared in 1607) and
(1346) the English introduced very primitive gun- discipline in order to assure the safe and effective
powder weapons to European warfare. Nevertheless, operation of guns. Every officer, furthermore, feared
the dramatic Turkish success at a place Europeans the specter of mutiny. Intense discipline, therefore,
considered sacred marked a watershed in military characterized most European armies; in many cases,
technology. Ironically, the Islamic empires subse- the men feared their officers more than they feared the
quently proved slower to adopt gunpowder weapons enemy.
than did their European adversaries. By the end of the Many European nations also developed powerful
eighteenth century, Europeans were the clear masters sail-based navies in this period. England’s Henry VIII,
of gunpowder warfare on land and at sea. excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1534,
Early small arms, like the arquebus, were clumsy, sold Church lands to finance the construction of a
unreliable, and often more dangerous to the shooter fleet. Future monarchs continued to build upon
than to his intended victim. Until the widespread Britain’s command of the seas, introducing men-of-
adoption of the rifle in the nineteenth century the war in the seventeenth century that were durable
common command given to musketeers was ‘level’ enough to carry large cannon. England’s HMS Vic-
rather than ‘aim’ since one could not expect to hit a tory, launched in 1759, was built from 2,000 oak trees,
specific target at any significant distance. Large ar- 27 miles of rope, and four acres of sails. It had 104
tillery was even more dangerous to their users and so guns capable of firing 1,100 pounds of iron every 90
large that pieces often had to be cast at the siege site. seconds. Seapower became critical to acquiring col-
By the sixteenth century Europeans had standardized onies, protecting merchant marines, and projecting
ammunition sizes, developed training systems for power. Britain dominated the ‘Great Age of Sail,’ but
musketeers, and invented more reliable firing systems Portugal, Spain, Holland, France, and others used
for small arms. These changes made both large and naval vessels to increase their wealth and status.
small arms more mobile and effective.
Europeans developed gunpowder weapons much
more quickly than any other society in this period. The 3.3 Purposes
simple availability of raw materials and craftsmen Three purposes dominated warfare: religion; dynastic
were important prerequisites; men who could cast ambition; and imperialism. The Thirty Years’ War
church bells were in special demand as they could (1618–48) demonstrated the interplay of the first two.
easily cast cannon as well. European nobles also had Lutheran-Catholic-Calvinist antagonisms partially ex-
ample motivation to acquire new weapons for their plain the bloody nature of the war; Germany pro-
struggles with other nobles. Finally, the European portionately lost more people in the Thirty Years’ War
system proved more amenable to allowing private than in World War II. Religion, however, did not
enterprises to develop and sell new weapons. The always determine the allegiances of the participants.
mamluks and the samurai showed a particular dislike Catholic France and Catholic Spain, for example,
for guns as they tended to undermine the military consistently fought one another for control of Italy
monopoly that kept them in power. and Flanders. Gunpowder weapons also led to a
concentration of power as wealthy kings, in command
of increasingly larger and more disciplined armies (not
3.2 Organization
to mention artillery able to destroy castles), could
Guns threatened the very existence of a horse-based compel their restless vassals to accept their rule.
nobility whose expertise was in swords and lances. The The growth of monarchy meant that warfare often
age of the knight, already waning, came to an end. followed the dynastic goals of kings. Louis XIV in

Warfare in History

France, Peter the Great in Russia, and Frederick the changed the nature of military command and control.
Great in Prussia all used gunpowder-based armies to Advances in medical technology reduced the number
extend their power inside their kingdoms and enforce of men who died of wounds and disease.
their will outside. Often, dynastic wars spilled over These technological changes affected Western and
into the empires Europeans were in the process of Westernized societies (including the USA and, after
building with those same gunpowder weapons. In the 1853, Japan) the most. Warfare between them, there-
Seven Years’ War (1756–63), Britain seized France’s fore, reached unprecedented levels of violence. Wes-
Canadian and Indian colonies. ternized societies also had tremendous advantages
Finally, of course, Europeans translated their gun- against non-westernized societies. European imper-
powder weapon advantages into overseas empires. In ialists were thus able to use new military technologies
this period, their greatest military advantage over non- to move inland in Africa and Asia. Most visibly,
Europeans was in areas accessible to their great Japan, which Westernized very quickly after 1853,
warships. Navies allowed Europeans to enforce their easily defeated China, which did not, in the Sino-
will along the coastlines of Africa and Asia. On land, Japanese War of 1894–95.
guns helped to make the Spanish, French, and British
empires in the Americas possible. In Asia, ‘gunpowder
4.2 Organization
empires’ such as the Ottomans and the Mughals also
concentrated political power. Japan, after an initial The most obvious change in the organization of armies
period of experimentation with guns, effectively and navies in this period was the increasing connection
banned gunpowder weapons in 1587 because of the between military service and nationalism. National
threat they posed to samurai dominance. volunteers and conscripts replaced mercenaries, once
common in Europe. Between 1776 and 1783, the
American colonies used a militia with both local and
national roots to defeat a British army partly de-
4. The Long Nineteenth Century, 1776–1918 pendent upon mercenaries. This contrast partially
explains the fame of George Washington’s crossing of
the Delaware River in 1776: his national army cap-
4.1 Technology
tured 1,000 Hessian mercenaries in British service.
This period, dominated by nationalism and indus- The American experience, though, is minor com-
trialization, marked a tremendous advance in military pared to the French Revolution. The logic of the
technologies. Many existing technologies became Revolution and the wars that followed implied that
much more sophisticated. Smoothbore muskets gave national armies must be populated by national sol-
way in the nineteenth century to rifles, which have a diers. The leeT e en masse of 1793 established the
groove cut in their barrels. Rifling and the conical principle that citizens of all ages, male and female,
bullet vastly increased the range and accuracy of small bore some responsibility for national defense. Napo-
arms fire. After the American Civil War (1861–65) leon extended this principle and most European armies
various forms of repeating rifles and machine guns soon copied the French pattern. Nationalism inspired
emerged. Artillery also became more deadly. By 1918 zeal and a willingness to endure. In 1814 Prussia
the Germans had developed a gun (albeit an inaccurate created the Landwehr as a permanent peacetime militia
one) with a range of 80 miles. Naval vessels became and by the end of the nineteenth century most
more deadly as well. Iron and steel replaced wood as European nations had introduced national conscrip-
the primary construction material and oil replaced tion. The militaries of states that were not also nations
coal as the main fuel. HMS Dreadnought, launched in (Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire) declined as a
1906, revolutionized warfare by carrying ten 12-inch result.
guns. Dreadnought set off a naval arms race that The two most important military reforms of this
helped to cause World War I. Winston Churchill period were Napoleon’s corps system and the Prussian
noted the importance of Dreadnought-class ships to General Staff. A Napoleonic corps was large enough
his nation thus: ‘the Admiralty asked for six, the to operate independently since it contained formations
Cabinet proposed four, and we compromised on of cavalry, artillery, and infantry that could act in
eight.’ concert. This system, however, depended on capable
This period also introduced many new types of officers. Napoleon therefore introduced a professional
weapons systems, including (in rough chronological officer corps open to talent in place of the aristocratic
order), submarines, airplanes, poison gas, and tanks. officer corps upon which Europe had come to depend.
By the end of this period air forces had developed all Later in the century, Prussia developed a General Staff
major roles for airpower in use today except midair system to plan wars. Detailed Prussian planning led to
refueling. These technologies brought war directly to victory in the Wars of German Unification (1864
civilians as never before. Many important communi- against Denmark, 1866 against Austria, and 1870–71
cations technologies such as telegraphs (first used in against France). These successes led all major Western
the Crimean War, 1854–56), railroads, and radio militaries to copy the general staff idea.

Warfare in History

4.3 Purposes military option of obliterating one’s enemy and, in the

process, taking the risk that a similar fate might befall
Military historians sometimes speak of a continuum
your own society. Atomic weapons created the post-
between ‘limited’ and ‘total’ wars. Because warfare in
World War II superpower system that so informed not
this period tended to be tied to national goals and
only the Cold War but dozens of regional conflicts as
national identity, this period represented a general
well. The challenge of fighting wars ‘under the nuclear
shift toward totality. The Wars of the French Rev-
umbrella’ led to American defeat in Vietnam, Soviet
olution, the American Civil War, and World War I
defeat in Afghanistan, and ‘war by proxy’ as the
stand as cases in point. In these wars and others, huge
superpowers tried to fight each other through client
proportions of national income were dedicated to
states in areas as diverse as Southeast Asia, the Middle
prosecuting wars and fundamental social, political,
East, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America.
economic, and cultural patterns were forever altered.
Of course, more than just atomic weapons are
The increased suffering (and intentional targeting) of
important to this period. World War II saw the
civilians also led to totality.
development of effective long-range bombers and
Advanced technologies also made imperialism
aircraft carriers, capable of bringing war directly into
(often as an extension of nationalism) cheaper and
an enemy’s homeland. Radar and sonar provided new
easier for the Europeans. European militaries moved
technologies to deal with enemy air and submarine
inland with steam-powered ships and railroads. Ma-
attacks. By the end of the war, jet aircraft and rockets
chine guns, furthermore, made military contests with
were operational, though neither proved decisive.
natives one-sided. By 1912, the Vickers-Maxim gun
More sophisticated transport planes and landing craft
could fire 250 rounds per minute. As poet Halaire
allowed for airborne and amphibious warfare to come
Belloc noted in a turn-of-the-century (twentieth cen-
into maturity as well.
tury) poem, ‘Whatever happens, we have got\The
Since World War II, electronics and computers have
Maxim Gun, and they have not.’ Nevertheless, iso-
revolutionized warfare yet again. Cruise missiles and
lated cases such as the Boer Wars (1899–1902) demon-
other ‘smart’ weapons ideally provide more accurate
strated that modern weapons in the hands of skilled
delivery of weapons and, hopefully, fewer civilian
practitioners could make imperialism extremely
casualties as a result. Satellites, helicopters, soph-
bloody and costly. The Boers, white settlers in South
isticated avionics, and stealth technology once again
Africa of Dutch ancestry, resisted the British with
have provided an upper hand to advanced societies,
breech-loading guns and smokeless powder. It took
though the Vietnam and Afghanistan cases prove that
the British empire more than two and a half years and
a technological advantage is not always enough to
almost 500,000 men to subdue less than 90,000 loosely
ensure victory. Nevertheless, today Western societies
organized Boers. The Boer Wars provided a taste of
still depend upon their technological advantages—
the changes to come in European military dominance
much as the ancient Greeks did—to compensate for
after World War II.
the smaller numbers of soldiers that they can place on
World War I caused 20,000,000 deaths, destroyed
the battlefield.
four empires, and left in place the conditions for
World War II. Only wars fought by national armies
could have been so destructive. Warfare in this period
combined the productive capacity of industrialization 5.2 Organization
with the inspiration of nationalism. This combination,
Initially, the organization of World War II armies was
when matched with the classical legacy for pitched
designed to avoid the totality of World War I. The
battle, produced a level of carnage that continues to
German blitzkrieg system attempted to win ‘lightning’
baffle historians today.
victories that would not drain German manpower in
the trenches. The Japanese, too, hoped to destroy the
American fleet at Pearl Harbor and force the USA into
5. The Contemporary Period, 1918–2000 a negotiated settlement. Nevertheless, totality soon
emerged as the Axis powers sought to annihilate, not
defeat, their enemies. More than ever before, entire
5.1 Technology
societies became mobilized. Women participated di-
Although this period has much in common with the rectly and indirectly in numbers and ways never before
previous period, one specific technology divides it envisioned. The pattern of increasing female par-
from all that had come before. Atomic weapons have ticipation has continued into the post-war period. The
changed the very definition of warfare. Some scholars USA armed forces used 35,000 women in the Persian
have argued that in the atomic age ‘strategy,’ as the Gulf War, many of them at or very near the front lines.
term was commonly understood before 1945, has no The totality of World War II ruined Europe and
real meaning because atomic weapons do not permit a Japan as first-rate military powers. The end of Euro-
society to apply a level of force proportionate to pean hegemony also meant the virtual end of imper-
desired political ends. In effect, a society only has the ialism. Many militaries resorted to guerilla warfare to

Water Pollution: Marine

try to defeat more technologically sophisticated en- however, suggested that Russia (and perhaps China)
emies. Fighting underneath the ‘technology threshold’ could not be ignored. Multipolarity appears to be
has proven difficult for more advanced military sys- every bit as dangerous as bipolarity. The Western
tems. The Americans had great difficulty with the powers continue to look toward technological solu-
Vietnamese but few battlefield problems with the tions (especially airplanes and cruise missiles) to solve
Iraqis in 1991 because the latter’s military was much military problems, suggesting that in some ways we
more like their own that the former’s. have not come so far from the Greeks after all.
Since the end of the Cold War, the general trend has
been to much smaller, but more sophisticated, mili- See also: Arms Control; Contemporary History; First
taries. Virtually all European states have eliminated or World War, The; Folklore; Geopolitics; History of
greatly reduced conscription. The USA abandoned Technology; Home in Anthropology; Imperialism,
conscription during the Cold War (in 1973) partially History of; International Relations, History of; Mili-
as a result of Vietnam War protest, but also to tary Geography; Military History; National Security
acknowledge that sophisticated weapons systems re- Studies and War Potential of Nations; Peace; Peace-
quire dedicated professional volunteers to operate making in History; Revolutions, History of; Sacrifice;
them. Second World War, The; Violence, History of; War:
Anthropological Aspects; War: Causes and Patterns;
5.3 Purposes War, Sociology of
World War II was a contest of three ideologies:
democratic capitalism, fascism, and communism. As a
result, armies became politicized as never before. Bibliography
Young German males often left Hitler Youth organi- Black J 1998 War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of
zations and entered directly into the Wehrmacht. In Continents, 1450–2000. Yale University Press, New Haven,
the Soviet Union, political commissars (including CT
Nikita Khrushchev) served with Soviet military units Hanson V D 1989 The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in
and had as much decision-making authority as gen- Classical Greece. Knopf, New York
Howard M 1976 War in European History. Oxford University
erals. Ideology created what John Dower called a ‘war
Press, Oxford, UK
without mercy.’ Though he was referring to the Pacific Keegan J 1993 A History of Warfare. Knopf, New York
War between the USA and Japan, the same phrase Keegan J 1976 The Face of Battle: A Study of Agincourt,
could be applied equally to the war between Germany Waterloo, and the Somme. Viking, London
and the Soviet Union as well. The Holocaust and the Keeley L H 1996 War Before Ciilization: The Myth of the
German siege of Stalingrad, among other episodes, Peaceful Saage. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
show the cost of the war to civilians. The former killed Keen M (ed.) 1999 Medieal Warfare. Oxford University Press,
6,000,000 Jews and other targets of the Nazi state. In Oxford, UK
the latter, Joseph Stalin refused to order the evacu- McNeill W H 1983 The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed
Force and Society Since 1000. Oxford University Press,
ation of the city even in its most dire moments. In the
Oxford, UK
end, only nine Stalingrad children were reunited with Overy R 1995 Why the Allies Won. Norton, New York
both biological parents. Paret P (ed.) 1986 Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiaelli
The Cold War interacted with the general decline of to the Nuclear Age. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
European hegemony to impact regional conflicts. Parker G (ed.) 1997 The Thirty Years War. Routledge, New
Throughout the Third World, nationalist movements York
and civil wars became arenas where the superpowers Strachan H (ed.) 1998 World War I, A History. Oxford
armed clients but, conversely, often went to great University Press, Oxford, UK
lengths to reduce global tensions. In 1956 and 1973,
for example, the superpowers brokered truces in the M. S. Neiberg
Arab–Israeli wars rather than risk a USA–Soviet
confrontation. Regional wars like the Iran–Iraq War Copyright # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
(1980–88) also became entangled with the Cold War; All rights reserved.
the weapons that the superpowers made available
lengthened wars that had little relation to the global Water Pollution: Marine
capitalist–communist struggle.
The end of the Cold War raises as many questions as This article will briefly define the term marine pollution
it provides answers. The Persian Gulf War seemed to and then go on to consider the historic growth of
set the model for American hegemony as the lone problems in this area and the perception of those
remaining superpower. After building a coalition problems. The main areas of concern in terms of
based around itself, the USA operated in the Gulf marine pollution are then outlined and the inter-
without the fears of Soviet response that had haunted national methods of regulating marine pollution prob-
Korea and Vietnam. The NATO air war over Kosovo, lems are considered.


International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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