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Violence and Media

Meyer T P 1972 Effects of viewing jusitified and unjustified real perpetrators and respond to victims. Gradually, it has
film violence on aggressive behavior. Journal of Personality been recognized that community violence, however it
and Social Psychology 23: 21–9 began, affects many segments of the population.
Murray J P 1994 Impact of televised violence. Hofstra Law
Seemingly clear distinctions between victim and per-
Reiew 22: 809–25
National Television Violence Study 1997 National Teleision petrator seem to have faded. Heightened exposure to
Violence Study. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, Vol. 1 violence is assumed to increase acts of aggression in
Page D, O’Neal E 1977 ‘Weapons effect’ without demand anticipation of violence from another. Effectively, the
characteristics. Psychological Reports 41: 29–30 timing rather than the nature of an act may differ-
Paik H, Comstock G 1994 The effects of television violence on entiate victim from victimizer. In such an environment,
antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis. Communication Re- the sense of unease may seem constant, the need for
search 21: 516–46 vigilance continuous, and suspicion of others required.
Phillips D P 1980 Airplane accidents, murder and the mass That state may, in turn, disrupt sleep, upset vegetative
media. Social Forces 58: 1001–24
functions, impair interpersonal relationships, and
Phillips D P 1982 The impact of fictional television stories on
United States adult fatalities. American Journal of Sociology
disable effective concentration on work and studies.
87: 1340–59 Together, these characteristics produce an environ-
Potter W J 1999 On Media Violence. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA ment marked by ‘pervasive community violence’
Turner C W, Layton J F, Simons L S 1975 Naturalistic studies of (PCV), an ecological situation with significant impact
aggressive behavior: Aggressive stimuli, victim visibility, and on emotional, behavioral, and psychological health.
horn honking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology PCV, therefore, negatively alters the essence of
31: 1098–107 community life, broadly disrupts its functioning and
Walters R H, Parke R 1964 Influence of response consequences presumably thereby impairs residents’ general health.
to a social model on resistance to deviation. Journal of The potential for such broad impact must be ap-
Experimental Child Psychology 1: 269–80
Wartella E 1995 Media and problem behaviours in young
preciated and respected before one can enlist com-
people. In: Rutter M, Smith D J (eds.) Psychosocial Disorders munities to join in investigating PCV’s nature and
in Young People: Time Trends and Their Causes. J. Wiley, consequences. Investigators who do not appreciate
Chichester, UK, pp. 296–323 that quality may be surprised by the reluctance of
Wartella E, Olivarez A, Jennings N 1998 Children and television community leaders (e.g., school administrators,
violence in the United States. In: Carlson U, von Feilitzen C county health officer, and representatives of the
(eds.) Children and Media Violence: Yearbook from the mayor’s office) to participate in its study. The leaders
UNESCO Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the may deny the problem’s extent or hesitate to make
Screen. UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children public the negative quality of their neighborhood or
and Violence on the Screen, Go$ teborg, Sweden, pp. 55–62
Wartella E, Reeves B 1985 Historical trends in research on
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children and the media: 1900–1960. Journal of Communication time accumulated through historical involvement and
35(2): 118–33 future commitment. History enables disclosure and
Whitney C, Wartella E, Lasorsa D, Danielson W, Olivarez A, trust. Intimate aspects of a community are rarely
Lopez R, Klijn M 1996 Part II: Television violence in ‘reality’ shared with strangers. Assurance that the investigator
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Teleision Violence Study. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, Vol. 1, gone) is important, given community leaders’ appreci-
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must be appreciated that to study and alter the nature
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National Teleision Violence Study. Sage, Thousand Oaks, term partnership between communities and social
CA, Vol. 1, pp. 1–268 scientists.

C. Whitney and E. Wartella

1. Definition of Terms
As one reviews the growing PCV literature, the need
for defining relevant terms becomes apparent. Violence
refers to both acts and consequences of the intentional
Violence as a Problem of Health use or threat of use of force to cause injury, harm, or
death to another. The qualifier ‘intentional’ excludes
In the early 1990s, many policy makers and social unintended or accidental acts and consequences.
scientists related the problem of community violence Determining intent represents an as yet unresolved
to neighborhoods trapped in struggles among gangs methodological challenge. For PCV, the consequences
competing to sell and distribute illegal drugs, especially of iolent acts refer to the rippling health and mental
cocaine and crack cocaine. From this perspective, the health effects experienced by: (a) individuals directly
challenge for communities was to locate and restrain victimized by an act or threat of violence; (b) indivi-

Violence as a Problem of Health

duals indirectly victimized as a bystander, witness, common measurement approach across diverse popu-
acquaintance, or loved one of a direct victim; and (c) lations and settings, Richters and associates (Lorion
individuals indirectly victimized by their awareness of, and Saltzman 1993, Martinez and Richters 1993,
and anxiety about, the occurrence of acts or threats of Osofsky et al. 1993, Richters and Martinez 1993)
violence. Community iolence locates the acts and their scientifically documented the extent of children’s
consequences in a geographic setting (e.g., a neighbor- exposure to violence. They also provided early evi-
hood or a school), an identifiable social grouping (e.g., dence of the relationship between PCV exposure and
a grade cohort, a gang, a nuclear or extended family) children’s emotional and behavioral functioning. Sub-
or both. Perasie community iolence (PCV ) refers to sequent investigations of such relationships (e.g., Hill
the chronic and widespread occurrence of acts or and Madhere 1996, Singer et al. 1995) confirmed the
threats of violence within such settings or social seriousness of such links.
groups. Measures of exposure to community violence share
Thus, PCV exists when substantial acts and conse- many similarities with the Survey of Children’s Ex-
quences of violence are encountered across multiple posure to Community Violence (Richters and Saltz-
settings and circumstances over extended time. To man 1990). Instructed explicitly not to include media
investigate PCV systematically, the qualifiers ‘sub- exposure (i.e., what was seen or heard about on radio,
stantial,’ ‘multiple,’ and ‘extended’ must be opera- television, or in movies), respondents indicate along a
tionally defined and rigorously measured. Information five-point Likert scale (from 0 l neer to 4 l a lot of
must be gathered about a community’s rate of violent the time) how often they have been victimized by,
acts and about rates of individual encounters with heard about, or witnessed violent events or related
violent acts. For methodological and political reasons, activities (e.g., shooting, stabbing, mugging, seeing a
PCV measures vary in their consideration of violence dead body). For each instance of reported exposure,
occurring within or outside of the home. The majority respondents provide information about: (a) where the
of such measures limit their focus to outside encoun- exposure occurred (i.e., in or near school, in or near
ters. Yet, by definition, PCV implies cross-setting home, in the neighborhood); (b) who perpetrated the
exposure. At its most extreme, PCV represents the violence (e.g., a stranger, a family member); (c) who, if
absence of any sanctuary or setting in which relief and not the respondent, was victimized (e.g., a stranger, a
a sense of safety is possible. Thus, the most serious family member); and (d) when the incident occurred
impacts on physical and psychological health are likely (e.g., one week ago, five years ago).
to be observed in those exposed at home, at work or Variations of this measure were applied by Martinez
school, and en route between the two. and Richters (1993) and Osofsky et al. (1993) in
In a series of papers and chapters, I have proposed studies of mothers of elementary graders and by
consideration of PCV as an enironmental contaminant Richters and Martinez (1993) and Saltzman (1992) in
with measurable effects on health and mental health their studies of fifth and sixth graders. A cartoon-
(Cooley-Quille and Lorion 1999, Lorion 1998, 1999, based version of this measure was designed by Richters
2001, Lorion et al. 1998, Lorion and Saltzman 1993). and Martinez (i.e., Things I Have Seen and Heard,
From that perspective, PCV contaminates settings 1990) to assess PCV exposure in primary graders.
and thereby the actions and interactions of at least Test–retest reliability was a most acceptable r l 0.81.
some inhabitants. Contamination refers to the cor- A second cartoon-based measure, Levonn, assessed
rosive or pathogenic effect of PCV exposure on distress symptoms associated with exposure (Richters
community climate. Slowly investigators are docu- et al. 1990). Subsequently, Fox and Leavitt (1995)
menting PCV’s negative effects on: (a) individual developed the Violence Exposure Scale for Children
assumptions about the threatening quality of others, (VEX-R) as a cartoon-based measure of PCV ex-
(b) the need to limit one’s contact with others, and (c) posure in children from preschool through the el-
the urgency of responding aggressively to actual or ementary grades. Using this measure, Shahinfar et al.
anticipated attacks. This ecological contamination (2000) documented PCV’s impact on preschoolers.
appears to vary in its pace as well as intensity across The negative behavioral consequences of such ex-
individuals, situations, and settings. Understanding posure was confirmed in a sample of Israeli elementary
the determinants and mechanisms of such patterns school children by Raviv et al. (2001).
and their malleability within and across individuals A further variation of the Richters and Saltzman
should inform the design of interventions to limit PCV (1990) measure was applied by Saltzman (1995) to
exposure and reduce its consequences. examine PCV exposure’s link to adolescent involve-
ment in antisocial and delinquent behaviors. Building
on these variations, Singer et al. (1995) designed the
2. Measuring PCV Recent Exposure to Physical Violence and the Past
Exposure to Violence surveys to obtain adolescent
Investigation of PCV’s environmental influence re- reports of exposure during the prior 12 months or
quires the availability of measures to estimate its ‘while growing up, not including the past year,’
presence and to confirm its impacts. Applying a respectively. The acts of violence surveyed by Singer et

Violence as a Problem of Health

al. included threats, slapping, hitting, punching, beat- (1993), and Bell and Jenkins (1993). Across these
ings, knife attacks, and shootings. Separate reports studies of preadolescents, PCV exposure relates posi-
for each (other than knife attacks and shootings) tively to affective and vegetative signs of depression
were obtained for home, school, and neighborhood. and indices of stress-related disorders. With both
Respondents were also asked how often they had preadolescents and adolescents, Singer et al. (1994)
witnessed someone else victimized at each of the linked PCV exposure and increased aggression, con-
aforementioned sites. Two additional items inquired duct disorder, running away, and decreases in self-
about respondents’ having been ‘made to do a sexual esteem and social competence. Support for the link
act’ or having witnessed someone else ‘being made to between PCV exposure and involvement in violent
do a sexual act.’ Overall, measurement efforts to acts is reported by Saltzman (1995). In Saltzman’s
date support the conclusion that psychometrically study, PCV exposure significantly related to ado-
acceptable reports of PCV exposure can be obtained lescent involvement in antisocial and violent acts
from youth ranging in age from preschoolers to independent of peer, familial, and other recognized
adolescents. predictors of aggression during that developmental
In addition to the above work, Jenkins and associ- period. Rubinetti (1996) linked PCV exposure and
ates (Bell et al. 1988, Jenkins and Thompson 1986) violent activity most strongly in youth with decreased
designed and conducted qualitative studies of African- empathy, hopefulness, and self-esteem. Provocatively,
American children’s encounters with violence. Results Song et al.’s (1998) findings suggest that indirect
from four studies are summarized in Bell and Jenkins victims are more likely than direct victims to aggress in
(1993). Using related measures, Jenkins and colleagues anticipation of violent acts. Although further study is
obtained information about youth’s exposure in terms needed, PCV may create interpersonal distance among
of: (a) knowing someone who was a victim of violence; the residents of an affected setting, desensitize them to
(b) having witnessed violent events in real life; (c) the consequences of violence on others, while heighten-
having been a victim of a violent incident; and (d) ing the need to defend oneself against assault. Overall,
having perpetrated a violent act. Comparable to the there appears to be substantial evidence that heighten-
work mentioned above, information about such forms ed exposure to PCV increases the likelihood that one
of exposure was obtained from students enrolled in will engage in violence. In turn, the resulting acts of
grades 2 through 12. violence increase levels of PCV exposure, providing a
Although not a universal experience, victimization mechanism for a continuing cycle.
occurs at levels approaching 50 percent for threats and Two recent studies (Cooley-Quille and Lorion 1999,
40 percent for forced entry into their home. Indirect Scarpa et al. 2000) have begun to examine the physical
victimization (e.g., being a witness to a violent act) impacts of PCV exposure. Each study found physio-
levels were consistently higher for incidents ranging logical concomitants of PCV exposure, including
from drug use to shootings, stabbings, and muggings. increased heart rate, respiration, and cortisol levels,
Reports of seeing a dead body in the neighborhood long-established indices of heightened stress and
ranged from 24 to 40 percent. Using an extension of arousal. Cooley-Quille and Lorion (1999) also repor-
the Richters and Saltzman measure, Singer and col- ted preliminary evidence of a link between PCV and
leagues (Singer et al. 1995, Song et al. 1998) validated sleep disorders. Anecdotal reports from youth living in
these reports in their surveys of high-school students PCV-heightened neighborhoods report difficulty fall-
(N l 3,735). As expected, considerable variability is ing asleep, repeatedly waking up in response to
present across settings. Nevertheless, levels of victimi- gunshots, loud noises, and police activity and, gen-
zation and witnessing (both at home and in school) erally, only rarely sleeping throughout the night. If
justify recognition of PCV as a major environmental these reports are confirmed along with further in-
contaminant. Apfel and Simon’s (1996) description of formation about the vegetative effects of PCV ex-
communal violence as referring to settings in ‘which posure, new understandings may emerge which change
every child has witnessed or expects to witness violence existing assumptions about the lack of impulse control
and has been or expects to be violated’ (pp. 4–5), seems and academic failure, often associated with urban
to apply to many of the nation’s neighborhoods and poverty, from attributions about personal failure to
schools. questions about environmental toxicity. Thus, al-
though examination of the physiological consequences
of living or working within settings characterized by
3. Assessing PCV’s Health Impact high PCV levels is just beginning, preliminary results
suggests that these impacts are real, extensive, and
The aforementioned studies also report on PCV’s potential triggers for further pathogenesis across
toxicity. Saltzman (1992), for example, observed sig- multiple parameters of functioning.
nificantly higher levels of generalized emotional dis- Such findings support the hypothesized toxicity of
tress in PCV-exposed fifth and sixth graders. This PCV exposure which appears to impair cognitive,
pattern is also reported by Richters and Martinez emotional, behavioral, and biological functioning
(1993), Martinez and Richters (1993), Osofsky et al. simultaneously, sequentially, or synergistically. As yet

Violence as a Problem of Health

unexamined systematically, however, is the breadth of danger and vulnerability? Would not isolated streets
these ‘PCV-consequences’ (assuming they are causally facilitate violence with immunity? Would not the
linked) within settings and communities. In essence, biological concomitants related to stress, sleep depri-
we have yet to study how the toxin spreads and the vation, and concentration impair adults’ (be they
transmission routes by which the occurrence of violent teachers, storekeepers, bus drivers, or neighbors)
events (presumably their nature, frequency, and in- capacity to interact comfortably with each other and
tensity would influence the spread of effects) con- to neutralize or at least dilute PCV’s toxicity and
taminates the environment. Longitudinal information thereby protect youth? To ignore the status of adults
is necessary to causally link exposure and its observed in such settings implies that they are unaffected by
concomitants. It is also necessary to determine at what PCV or other community toxins.
point interventions can be introduced to protect Albeit at levels of concern, PCV is linked to
against or, if necessary, to treat such effects. increased but not universal pathology. Not only does
It should be recognized that what is presently known a majority of those exposed not manifest pathology,
about PCV relates almost entirely to school-aged but most residents do not report exposure. PCV
youth. We know little about the effect of maternal exposure appears to relate not only to the occurrences
PCV exposure on neonates, of exposure on toddlers of violent acts, but also to awareness of those
and preschoolers, and even less about the nature, occurrences. Somehow, many exposed are seemingly
extent, and consequences of exposure on adults. What unaware of that and, potentially, for them there is
of the parents, grandparents, and others who live in some bliss in ignorance. What individual and eco-
such neighborhoods? Within schools, what of the staff logical factors determine sensitivity remains to be
and teachers who may live in such neighborhoods, investigated. That such differences exist, however,
travel through such neighborhoods, or hear the tales argues for attending to issues of adaptation, coping,
of their students? Work reported to date pays little and wellness. As noted recently:
attention to these members of exposed communities,
except perhaps to suggest that they could buffer youth By implication it seems reasonable to view wellness as
against the impacts of PCV. Whether we can assume representing the outcome of normative developmental pro-
the capacity of exposed adults to do so merits careful cesses, in programming terms, as the default option. In the
examination. absence of that relatively rare combination of individual and
situational circumstances, individual development appears to
We must therefore examine exposure across the proceed within socially expected and appropriate boundaries
entirety of a community’s population and settings. reflecting the general capacity to adapt to situational demands
Anecdotal reports, informal focus groups, and clinical and cope with stressful events. Just as canalization accounts
encounters suggest that exposure reduces the quality for the limits within which genetic processes emerge within
of teachers’ instructional effectiveness, capacity to species (Gottlieb 1992), an analogous process may account
apply classroom management strategies, and avail- for the human capacity to adapt to a multitude of settings and
ability to students before or after the school day. circumstances, and to cope with seemingly debilitating and
Reasonably, one might expect that PCV similarly pathogenic stressors. (Lorion 2000, pp. 13–14)
disrupts parent–child, parent–teacher, and teacher–
teacher interactions. As reported above, Song et al. If wellness, adaptation, and adjustment represent
(1998) found a significant link between indirect ex- the default option in human development, and indi-
posure and anticipatory aggression. Ambiguous inter- viduals, families, neighborhoods, schools, and com-
personal cues may be interpreted by youth (and munities in general cope with PCV, economic
perhaps adults?) as threatening, leading to what is (dis)advantage, familial instability, critical life events,
assumed by the perceiver as a defensive act. Pre- inadequate school budgets, etc. (the length of one’s list
sumably (although we do not really know), when self- merely underscores the point), understanding those
defense seems unlikely to succeed, ambiguity leads to mechanisms may inform the design of interventions to
retreat, avoidance, or perhaps acquiescence with protect those who cannot cope. Answers to questions
stated or unstated demands. about how to optimize development and coping must
If this explanation of Singer’s finding is valid, would be out there, in the homes, the schools, the classrooms,
it not extend to adult interactions within and across and the neighborhoods. To find those answers, we in
generations? Might it not explain, at least in part, what the social sciences must enter the communities to
from the outside appears as hypersensitivity to insult observe, inquire, and learn. I propose we go not as
or disrespect, the immediacy with which one asserts experts bringing esoteric knowledge, but as students
one’s right, or the reluctance to give way, lest courtesy and collaborators, hopefully bringing tools and pers-
be mistaken for weakness or fear? Might it not explain pectives whose utility will be determined relative to
urban parents’ use of physical discipline or its reverse, what already exists, and what can be sustained over
that is, seeming inability or unwillingness to control time and across levels of resources.
their children’s behavior? What of neighborhoods in
which the elderly limit, and the young have limited, See also: Community Health; Ecology and Health;
time outside of the home because of concerns about Environmental Health and Safety: Social Aspects

Violence as a Problem of Health

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