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In the second stage of labor, expulsion of the fetus from birth canal depends on which important factor? a.

Maternal bearing down b. Cervical dilatation c. Uterine contractions d. Adequate pelvic size In what presentation is the head in extreme flexion? a. b. c. d. sinciput brow vertex face

Situation: a 26 y/o primigravida admitted to the hospital. Vaginal exam reveals that her cervix is 5cm dilated, 80% effaced and the presenting part in zero station, membranes still intact, occiput is in posterior position 69. Upon IE, you noted that the cervix ix its original length. This mean that effacement is: a. 25% b. 75% c. 100% d. 50% 70. Because of the position of the fetus, an episiotomy has to be performed to enlarge the birth canal. Which of the following is an advantage of episiotomy over lacerations? a. it is more difficult to repair than laceration b. it is more painful than laceration c. it involve a more blood loss than laceration d. heals more faster than laceration 71. Supporting the perenium at the time of crowning will facilitate: a. b. c. d. flexion of the fetal head external rotation extension of the fetal head expulsion

72. When the bi-parietal diameter of the fetal head passes through the pelvic inlet, this is referred as: a. b. c. d. descent flexion engagement extension

73. Sudden gush of blood or lengthening of the cord after the delivery of infant should warn the nurse of: a. placenta acrreta b. placental separation c. placental retention d. abruption placenta Situation: Nurse Tsunade is a staff nurse in the OB ward of Konoha Medical Hospital

74. When separation begins at the center of the placenta and slides down the birth canal like a folded umbrella this is referred as: a. Duncan mechanism b. Shultz mechanism c. Brandt Andrews mechanism d. Ritgens maneuver 75. Which of the following is not true regarding the third stage of labor? a. Care should be taken in the administration of bolus of oxytocin because it can cause hypertension b. Signs of placental separation are lengthening of the cord, sudden gush of blood and sudden change in shape of the uterus c. It ranges from the time of expulsion of the fetus to the delivery of the placenta d. The placenta is delivered approximately 5-15 minutes after delivery of the baby 76. In the immediate postpartum period the action of methylegonovine is to: a. cause sustained uterine contractions b. causes intermittent uterine contractions c. relaxes the uterus d. induces sleep so that the mother can rest after an exhausting labor 77. Rhina is a primipara hospitalized due to preeclampsia. The doctor decided to perform NST. The nurse should apply the fetal transducer over the fetus: a. chest b. back c. head d. buttocks 78. Marisse, a newly delivered multipara complains of heavy and painful breast accompanied by fever. The nurse tells Gina that it is normal breast engorgement as the fever is characterized by a. More than 38 degrees b. Does not last more than 24 hours c. Caused by infection d. Needs to be treated with antibiotic 79. Postpartum depression occurs during which time frame? a. within weeks after delivery b. within 12 weeks c. within 16 weeks d. within 24 hours 80. Demi, a 38 y/o multipara is admitted with a tentative diagnosis of femoral thrombophlebitis. The nurse assesses the patient with: a. burning on urination b. leg pain c. abdominal pain d. increased lochial flow 81. Fever, foul lochial discharge and subinvolution of the uterus are signs of: a. puerperal psychosis

b. puerperal sepsis c. postpartum hemorrhage d. hypertensive disorder 82. Which is most important when caring for a high risk postpartum clients? a. discussing hygiene and nutrition b. referring the mother to others for emotional support c. discussing complications and treatment d. promoting mother-newborn contact 83. A direct cause of mis-management of the third stage of labor is: a. inversion of the uterus b. cord prolapse c. prolonged labor d. all of these 84. Rachel, a diabetic woman at 36 weeks gestation is scheduled for biophysical profile in order to: a. b. c. d. ascertain correct gestational age determine fetal lung maturity determine fetal well-being determine fetal size and obvious congenital anomaly

85. In a primigravida, the following demotes contracted pelvis except: a. absence of quickening b. absence of lightening c. absence of engagement d. none of these 86. Which of the following changes in Dianes BP would nurse Tsunade not expect? a. it tends to be highest in sitting b. BP may increase a little in the 2nd tri c. It should be taken at every visit at the clinic d. It is normal for blood pressure to increase as much as 33 in systolic in the 3rd tri when a woman is near delivery 87. Nurse Tsunade referred to Diane to an Obstetrician. At 8 months she was orderd for a contraction stress test and the result is negative. Diane asked when she should be back for her next checkup. a. b. c. d. Monthly Within 24-hours Within a week Weekly for 2 weeks then monthly

89. Diane wants to know how many fetal movements per hour is normal. The correct response of Nurse tsunade is: a. twice b. thrice c. four times d. 10-12 times 92. Which is not an indication of amniocentesis?

a. previous pregnancy with chromosomal abnormal fetus b. down syndrome in siblings c. pregnancies in women over 35 y/o d. at 8 wks gestation for chromosomal study Situation: Erica is 24 y/o Filipina married to an American. She is pregnant for the second time and now at 8 weeks AOG. She is RH (-) with blood type B 93. Erica gave birth to a term baby with yellowish skin and sclera. The baby is placed on phototherapy. The treatment is effective when blood test shows: a. Low serum bilirubin b. O2 level of 99% c. Normal RBC and WBC count d. Low platelet count 94. Because of rapidly rising bilirubin level, exchange transfusion was performed on Ericas NB. The nurse understands that the blood to be transfused to the baby should be: a. Type B, RH + b. Type O, RH c. ABO compatible, RH d. Type B, RH 95. Immediately after delivery of Ericas Baby, the nurse should remember to: a. delay clamping of the cord to previde the newborn with more blood b. cut immediately after birth of the baby c. administer RHoGam to the NB immediately on the 3rd stage of labor d. place the NB in an isolette for phototherapy 96. The doctor ordered Kleihauer-Betke. The nurse know which of the following to be wrong about the test: a. it is used to identify the amount of antibodies in the maternal serum b. it is used to determine presence of fetal blood c. it is used to asses whether the mother is RH or RH + d. It is used to determine fetal blood type and RH factor 97. Which of the following findings in Ericas history would identify a need for her to receive RHo (d) immune globulin? a. Rh -, coombs + b. Rh -, Coombs c. Rh +, Coombs d. Rh +, Coombs + 98. The portion of the placenta overlying the blastocyst a. decidua capsularis b. decidua vera c. decidua basalis d. decidua parietalis 99. The cardinal function of deciduas is a. Immune resonse b. Production of hormones

c. Maintenance of pregnancy d. None of the above 100. O2 and Co2 are exchanged in the placenta through the process of: a. pinocytosis b. diffusion c. facilitated diffusion d. active transport End of Test! Good luck!

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