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1. Introduction:
Time Table Management System shall allow different teachers to schedule their courses and it shall also avoid clash of rooms and shall keep in mind the other subjects of the class to avoid any clash. a) Purpose: The college timetable system is very useful for students /faculty. Through this Students can get information about their schedule .It is also useful for faculties through which they can view when will be their classes. Administrator can add or remove students, faculties easily, and it can also assign different jobs to different faculties. b) Objective: To provide communication between department members. To be able to design solution to the problem using different technologies that enables us to use the principles of software engineering. Enable us to login from anywhere. Information can be accessed from anywhere. To be equipped with a thorough understanding of the development process of software including design, implementation, documentation and testing. The main objective of this project is to be a medium to get information regarding lectures, subjects, classes. It also provides support that a faculty can also check about his daily schedule. Administrator will manage the accounts of the student and faculties, makes the timetable. c) Overview:










students/faculties schedule. d) Environmental characteristics: 1) Hardware: 2) Software: a) Windows operating system (windows XP). b) My SQL. c) Browser (Google chrome/Mozilla Fire fox). d) Notepad. 3) Peripherals: a) Monitor b) Mouse c) Keyboard 4) People: a) Student b) Faculties c) Administrator

2 . Functional Requirements:
R.1 Registration: R.1.1 Student Registration CREATE ACCOUNT: It is necessary for the students to register.

INPUT: To create account student have to enter following information-: Student name (15, Alphabetic,mandatory,enter) phone email number(10, id(30, Numeric,

Student mandatory,enter) Student mandatory,enter)


Password(15 ,characters, mandatory,enter)

PROCESSING: The information filled by the student will be submitted to the administrator. The administrator will check the information and if the information is correct then it will display the message Submitted. If the id entered by the student already exists then it will display the message:
The id is already registered by some other student, please enter new id.

To sign in student have to enter their e-mail id and password. OUTPUT: Information is submitted. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. User: Select Registration Option. System: Display prompts to enter the details. User: Enter the necessary details. System: Display the message that Registered Successfully. Scenario 2: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4a. System: Display the message that User has already registered. Scenario 3: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4b. System: Displays the message that some input information has not been entered. The system displays a prompt to enter the missing value. Scenario 4: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4c.System: Display the message that Entered details are incorrect, Enter correct registration details.


Faculty Registration
CREATE ACCOUNT: It is necessary for the faculties to register .

INPUT: To create account student have to enter following information. Student name(15, Alphabetic, mandatory,enter) phone number(10, Numeric, Student mandatory,enter)

Student email id(10, Numeric, mandatory,enter) Password(15 ,characters, mandatory,enter)

PROCESSING: After filling, the information will be checked by the administrator and if the information is correct he will allot verification code. To sign in faculties have to enter their e-mail id and password. OUTPUT: Information is submitted. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. User: Select Registration Option. System: Display prompts to enter the details. User: Enter the necessary details. System: Display the message that Registered Successfully. Scenario 2: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4a. System: Display the message that User has already registered. Scenario 3: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4b. System: Displays the message that some input information has not been entered. The system displays a prompt to enter the missing value. Scenario 4: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4c. System: Display the message that Entered details are incorrect, Enter correct registration details.

R.2 Login:
R.2.1 Student Login
DESCRIPTION: After the registration the student can login to the Timetable Management System.

INPUT: Student email id and password. PROCESSING: After entering the email id and password, the admin will verify the id and password. If it is correct then home page is displayed .If it is incorrect it will display check your email id or password. OUTPUT: Home page is displayed. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence. 1. User: Enter the details. 2. System: Display the users homepage and message that You have successfully logged in. Scenario 2: at step 2 of mainline sequence. 2a.System: Display the message that User name or password is incorrect, Enter correct user name or password.

R.2.2 Faculty Login

DESCRIPTION: After the registration the faculty can log in to the Time table Management System. INPUT: Faculty email id and password. PROCESSING: After entering the email id and password, the admin will verify the id and password .If it is correct then home page is displayed. If it is incorrect it will display check your email id or password. OUTPUT: Home page is displayed. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence. 1. User: Enter the details. 2. System: Display the users homepage and message That You have successfully logged in. Scenario 2: at step 2 of mainline sequence.

2a.System: Display the message that User name or password is incorrect, Enter correct user name or password. R.3 Edit Profile: DESCRIPTION: There is a provision for the student to add, delete and update profile details. PRECONDITION: Student must be logged in. INPUT: Click on Edit Profile option. PROCESSING: After clicking the edit option system again asking for new information, which want to be change by user? OUTPUT: Message is displayed Successfully done. R.3.1: Add Profile Details Input: Click on Add Profile Details option. Output: Message is displayed Successfully added. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Student- enters the details. System- adds the details of students in application.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence 2a.System- It will display a message already exist. R.3.2: Update Profile Details: Input: Click on update Update Profile Details option. Output: Message is displayed Successfully updated. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Student- enters details System- updates the details of students.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence

2a.System- It will display a message invalid details. R.4 Change Password: DESCRIPTION: account. Students/Faculties can change the password of their

PRECONDITION: After login, select change password option for changing the password. INPUT: Enter new password.
PROCESSING: After clicking this option system again check the type of new password.

OUTPUT: Password changed message will be displayed.

Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. Student/Faculty- Select change password option. System- It will ask for new password. Student- Enter new password. System- display password successfully changed.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence

2a.System- It will display Invalid or wrong password.

R.5 Subject Information: DESCRIPTION: Administrator gives the information of the subject. PRECONDITION: For view the information select the subject information option. INPUT: Subject code(5,alpha-numeric, mandatory,enter)

Subject name(15, string, mandatory,enter) Faculty name(10-15, string, mandatory,enter)

PROCESSING: System will save the all information.

OUTPUT: Subject information will be displayed. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Student- enters the subject. System- It will display subject information.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence

2a. System- Display message invalid subject code or subject name.

R.6 Update Subject information: R.6.1 Add Subject INPUT: Enter Subjects OUTPUT: subject is added. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin- select the add option. System-Display prompts to enter subject. Admin enter subject. System-Display subject successfully added.

Scenario 2: At step 4 of mainline sequence. 2a. System- Display messagesubject already exist. R.6.2 Edit subject

INPUT: Select edit option to edit subject. OUTPUT: Subject is edited. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin- selects the Edit option. System-Display prompts to enter subject. Admin- enters the subject. System-Display subject edited successfully.

Scenario 2: At step 4 of mainline sequence. 2a.System- Display message Previous subject. R.6.3 View subject INPUT: Select Subject which you want to view. OUTPUT: Subject will be displayed. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. Student/Faculty- select the subject to view. 2.System- It will show the information of selected subject. Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence. 2a.System- Display message invalid subject.

R.7 Add Time Table: DESCRIPTION: Admin can add the time table. INPUT: Subject name(15 , string)

Faculty name(15,string) Time duration(20,numeric)

OUTPUT: Time table will be added. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. Admin- selects Add timetable option. 2. System-Display prompts to enter the timetable information. 3. Admin - Enter the timetable. 4. System- Displaytimetable successfully added.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence 4a.System- Display messagetimetable already exist. R. 8 Allot Subject: DESCRIPTION: Faculty can view the allotted subjects. PRECONDITION: Faculty must be logged in. INPUT: Select the option of allot subject. PROCESSING: If the information of the faculty is correct then faculty can be easily view the allotted subject. OUTPUT: Subject will be allotted. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. 3. Admin- select allot subject option. System- Display prompts to enter subject. Admin- Enter subject


System-Display subject allotted.

Scenario 2: At step 4 of mainline sequence 4a.System- Display subject already allotted.


Update time table: DESCRIPTION: There is a provision for the admin to view, edit and

update the timetable. INPUT: Subject name(15,string,mandatory,select) Faculty name(15,string, mandatory,select) Time duration(10,numeric, mandatory,select)

OUTPUT: Message is displayed The task is successfully done. R.9.1: Update Time table Input: Click on update time table option. Output: Message displayed time table is successfully updated. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin- select update option. System- Display prompts to enter new information. Admin- Enter information. System- Display timetable updated successfully.

Scenario 2: At step 4 of mainline sequence 4a.System- It will display a message invalid details..

R.9.2: View Time table Input: Click on view time table option. Output: view the time table. PROCESSING: System will replace the previous time table to the new one. And view the new time table. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Student/Faculty- select View timetable option. System- Display timetable.

R.10 Change allotment: DESCRIPTION: Admin can change the allotted subject. INPUT: Select the option of the change allotment and allot the new subject. PROCESSING: System will replace the previous allotment to the new one. OUTPUT: Allotment subject will be changed. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin- select change allotment option. System- Display prompts to change allotment. Admin- enters new allotments. System- Display allotment changed successfully.

Scenario 2: At step 4 of mainline sequence 4a.System- It will display a message allotment already exist.

R.11 Engage Lecture: DESCRIPTION: Admin can engage the lecture and subject when the faculty is absent. INPUT: Select the option of engage lecture. Engage faculty name Engage subject name

PROCESSING: System will check the previous faculty name and previous subject name. and replace it with new one. OUTPUT: Message will display that lecture has been engaged. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Admin- Select engages option. System-It will check the availability and engage lecture.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of main line sequence. 2a.System- Display already engage R.11.1 View Engagements INPUT: Select the option of view engagements. OUTPUT: Student and faculty can view the engagements of the lecture. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Faculty- Select view engagement option, System- It will show the engaged lectures.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of main line sequence. 2a.System- Display no engagements

3 . Use Cases:-

U.1: Registration: Using this use case, there is a provision for user to register them into the portal. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. User: Select Registration Option. System: Display prompts to enter the details. User: Enter the necessary details. System: Display the message that Registered Successfully. Scenario 2: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4a. System: Display the message that User has already registered. Scenario 3: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4b. System: Displays the message that some input information has not been entered. The system displays a prompt to enter the missing value. Scenario 4: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4c.System: Display the message that Entered details are incorrect, Enter correct registration details. U.2 Login: Using this use case user will be able to login themselves. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence. 1. User: Enter the details. 2. System: Display the users homepage and message That You have successfully logged in. Scenario 2: at step 2 of mainline sequence. 2a.System: Display the message that User name or password is incorrect, Enter correct user name or password.

U.3 Edit Profile: Using this use case, there is a provision that user can edit their profile. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. User: Select Edit Profile option. System: Display the prompt to edit the details. User: Enter the details. System: Message is displayed Successfully done. 4a.System: Displays the message some mandatory information has not been entered. The system displays a prompt to enter the missing value. Scenario 3: at step 4 of mainline sequence. 4b.System: Display the messagePlease checks the details you have entered.

Scenario 2: at step 4 of mainline sequence

U.4 Change Password: Using this use case, there is a provision that user can change the password of their account. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Student/Faculty- enter the current password. System- updates the password of Student/Faculty account. Scenario 2: at step 2 of mainline sequence 2a.System- It will display Invalid or wrong password.


Add Subject: Using this use case, there is a provision that admin can add the new subject in time table.

Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Admin- select the add option. System-Display subject successfully added. Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence System- Display message subject already exist.

U.6 View Subject: Using this use case, there is a provision that user can view the subject in time table. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. U.7 Update Subject: Using this use case, there is a provision that admin can update the subject in time table. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Admin- select update option. System- Display timetable updated successfully. Student/Faculty- select the view option. System- It will show the information of select option.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence. 2a.System- It will display a message no changes... U.8 Allot Subject: Using this use case, there is a provision that admin allot the subject to the faculty.

Scenario 1: Mainline sequence. 1. 2. Admin- select allot option. System-Display successfully allotted.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence. 2a.System- Display already allotted.

U.9 Engage Lecture: Using this use case, there is a provision that admin can engage lecture when faculty is not present. Scenario 1: Mainline sequence. 1. Admin- select engage option. 2. System-Display-It will check the availability and engage lecture. Scenario 2: At step 2 of mainline sequence. 2a.System- Display already engages.

U.10 View Engagements : Using this use case, there is a provision that user can view the new engagements in time table Scenario 1: Mainline sequence 1. 2. Faculty- Select view engagement option, System- It will show the engaged lectures.

Scenario 2: At step 2 of main line sequence.

2a.System- Display no engagements


Registration Login Engage Edit






Change password Allot

View engagementes FACULTY

Timetable Management system

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