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Josh Peavey 12/5/12 1&2

Early Life

In Bethelehm in Judea there once lived a noble and respected Jew, whose name was Jesse. He had eight clever, talented sons, the youngest of who was David. David was a very modest youth, and he looked after his fathers flocks. In his heart burned an ardent love for G-d and of His people, which he expressed in the Psalms he composed and in playing on the lyre. He also felt a deep love for his lambs and for every living creature. Whenever he brought out his flocks to pasture, he led the young lambs to graze among the fresh, tender young grasses, for they had not yet any teeth. Goliath"Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with sticks?" and he cursed him by his gods. But David replied, "I come to thee in the name of the L-rd of hosts, the G-d of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied." The Philistine, enraged by this bold reply, advanced towards the youth. Now David quickly drew a stone from his bag, and placing it in his sling, flung it at the forehead of the Philistine. It pierced the head of the giant, who fell upon his face to the ground. Running near and grasping the large sword of his fallen foe, the triumphant David cut off his head. Seeing their hero prostrate, the Philistines fled in panic, and the Jews pursued them as far as Ekron and Gath.

Use History Alive! Pages 108 to complete the following. Write complete sentences with specific details from the text. Be thorough in your answers. Input Charts are the primary source for Unit Exams (30% HISTORY category) and they need to be used as study guides. PROMPT 1.) What was occurring about 1000BCE in YOUR ANSWER The Hebrews were at war with a rival tribe.

Josh Peavey 12/5/12 1&2

Davids time? 2.) What did the Philistines promise? Could 3.) How old was David when he battled Goliath? 4.) Why did David step forward to fight? 5.) Describe what happened between David and Goliath. 6.) How was Davids courage and faith rewarded? 7.) What parts of the Hebrew lands did David unite and what kingdom was it known as? 8.) List three of Davids national actions. 9.) What city did David choose for his capital? 10.) What did Jerusalem become the center of? 11.) Define Ark of the Covenant

They promised if a Hebrew could defeat Goliath their best warrior in battle they would become the Hebrews slaves. He wasnt a full-grown man but he was younger. He was mad of the mockery of the Hebrew god. David used his slingshot and shot a rock at Goliath and he fell. God made him king. He united Israel and Judah. He defeated Goliath, He united two lands, and he defeated other enemys He chooses Jerusalem as the capital. It became center of Israel. The chest containing the Ten Commandments, written on stone tablets, That the Hebrews carried with them during their wanderings after their flight from Egypt.

Becoming King When he became king, Jerusalem his capital came to be known by some as Davids City and it continues to be closely associated with David by Jews even today. According to the Bible, David achieved one military or diplomatic triumph after another against all of Israels neighbors. This allowed him to found a small empire where Jews were relatively secure no small feat, given the fact that Palestine was situated on a bridge between Africa, Asia, and Europe. Great empires regularly fought over this relatively poor region because of its strategic significance. David and his son Solomon made Israel a powerful empire for the first and last time

Josh Peavey 12/5/12 1&2

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