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THE 2012-2013 SCHOO YEAR: OL n 1. In general, wh is the new Supplement Evaluation Agreement about? n hat w tal t 2. Does this agre D eement imme ediately apply to all LAUSD schools? y D 3. Im not schedu uled to be ev valuated this year. How d oes the new District-UTLA evaluation y A su upplemental agreement affect me? a 4. To what exten will studen outcomes count in a tea o nt nt c achers evalu uation during the 2012-2013 sc chool year? 5. Are individual teacher AGT scores a par of this agre A T rt eement? 6. Where do I get the new initial planning sheets for th 2012-13 sc W he chool year? W What kind of f process/proto do I go th ocol hrough to com mplete this (w my adm with ministrator)? 7. Ca I, as a prin an ncipal, use the same data objectives fo all the teac or chers in my sc chool? 8. Is the student data compon s nent something that can b completed with an ass be d sistant princip or pal co oordinator, or does it hav to be appro o ve oved and disc cussed with t principal? the ? 9. What resource are availab to help me meet perfo W es ble ormance obje ectives for my data object y tives? 10. How much tim is this additional 2012/ me /2013 proced dure expected to take? d 11. What if my administrator and I disagree about my p W a e performance objectives? 12. Fo evaluation in 2012-13, what happe if I dont m or ns , ens meet my per rformance ob bjectives, but I co ome close to meeting them? Is there going to be a scale or scor ing system? g 13. I understand that the new agreement in u t ncludes a pro ovision for po ossible extens sion of the time between evalu uations for qu ualified empl loyees. Im an employee w more th ten years of n with han positively-evaluated exper rience, and I am interested How will this work? a d. 14. Is there a limit to how man teachers ca postpone to a future y s t ny an year for evalu uation? 15. What training opportunitie will there be to better u W es b understand t new agre this eement? 16. Is an overall below standar rating cons s rd sidered discip plinary action n?

CONTRIBU UTION TO ST TUDENT LEAR RNING OUTCO OMES 17. Si ince CST resu for the cu ults urrent year will not be kno w own until afte the evalua er ation has bee en co ompleted, ho can such test results be used in my evaluation? ow t e 18. What if my ass W signment has no applicab CST data? s ble 19. Where can I find my individ W dual CST resu ults? 20. Where do I go to get gener informatio on AGT? W o ral on 21. Where do I go to get inform W o mation on my individual A results? y AGT 22. Where do I go to view my schools AGT results? W o s

SUPPLEMENT TO ARTICLE X AND IMPACT TO THE 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEAR: 1. In general, what is the new Supplemental Evaluation Agreement about? The new Agreement changes the current Stull Act evaluation process in important ways as mandated by the Court in the Doe v. Deasy matter, to explicitly incorporate inclusion and consideration of data of pupil progress into both the goal-setting phase (initial planning sheets) and in the summative process (final evaluation meeting and forms). LAUSD administrators must ensure that a student performance data goal be incorporated into a teachers initial planning sheet AND that both classroom level student outcome data and school-wide AGT information be considered and used when determining a teachers overall performance in making a final evaluation. This new Supplemental Agreement does not replace the previous Article X of the District-UTLA Agreement. Both are now in effect. 2. Does this agreement immediately apply to all LAUSD schools? The provisions of the agreement will immediately apply to all School-Based, Instructional Personnel and Support Services Personnel. However, the provisions will most immediately affect School-Based, Instructional Personnel and Support Services Personnel being evaluated during the 2012/2013 school year. Non-instructional, non-school based employees, such as Health and Human Services employees, are not covered by the Supplemental Agreement, and will continue to be evaluated solely under Article X of the CBA until further notice. 3. Im not scheduled to be evaluated this year. How does the new District-UTLA evaluation supplemental agreement affect me? If you are not scheduled to be evaluated this year, the new agreement does not immediately affect you. The agreement between LAUSD and UTLA provides for transitional implementation steps during the 2012/13 school year, followed by a fuller implementation in the coming years. Evaluation information and training for subsequent years will occur later this year. Given the ratification date and timing of the agreement, the District is only able to initiate minimal implementation during 2012/2013. 4. To what extent will student outcomes count in a teachers evaluation during the 2012-13 school year? The teachers CST results for the prior year (e.g., 2011-12 if the evaluation is for 2012-13) will be referenced in the objectives and/or attached to the final evaluation, and commented upon in the final evaluation. If there is a data-based non-CST objective/strategy added to the 2012-13 evaluation, it similarly will be noted and commented upon in the final evaluation. Under the recent UTLA agreement, the assessment of pupil progress will not be the sole, primary or controlling factor in the final rating determination, but is to be considered an important, but clearly limited part of the overall evaluation of the employees performance. In the Districts guidelines to principals, the assessment of student progress and other student data-driven results will carry a weight limited to 30% (i.e. not to exceed) of the total evaluation determination. Observed classroom performance and other similar factors will remain the primary and controlling factors. 5. Are individual teacher AGT scores a part of this agreement? The Districts AGT model controls for factors outside of a teachers direct instructional influence, such as a students prior achievement or his/her demographics, in order to isolate the estimated impact of the teacher upon the students. In this way, AGT is a useful tool for teachers and evaluators to use in interpreting and giving perspective to a teachers contributions to his/her students outcomes by separating out the influence of factors outside of the teachers control. To that end, the agreement


provides that the teachers individual AGT data may be used to give perspective on and to assist in reviewing the teachers past CST results (See Section 1.3e of the Supplemental Agreement). Neither the performance objectives on the Initial Planning Sheet nor the final evaluation is to directly reference individual AGT. However, school-level AGT results covering all teachers whose students take the same test as the teacher being evaluated, can be used to form objectives and any other evaluation purposes, including in the final evaluation of the teacher. 6. Where do I get the new initial planning sheets for the 2012-13 school year? What kind of process/protocol do I go through to complete this (with my administrator)? The Initial Planning Sheet has not changed and your current planning sheets will remain in use. Additionally, your administrator will be meeting with you to develop a student progress data-driven objective/strategy to be added to your planning sheet, either by inputting it onto the current planning sheet with a dated entry, or by attaching a supplemental sheet. 7. Can I, as a principal, use the same data objectives for all the teachers in my school? A teachers data-based instructional objectives should be an individualized look at their specific class results and their specific course of study, and may also include consideration of common objectives to reflect issues common to a grade level or department. Some other data-based objectives and strategies, such as student attendance and reduction of suspensions, and higher graduation rates, may form group or school-wide goals. 8. Is the student data component something that can be completed with an assistant principal or coordinator, or does it have to be approved and discussed with the principal? Principals are responsible for evaluating teachers serving at school sites. For administrative units at non-school sites, the immediate administrator is responsible for evaluating instructional personnel serving at or assigned to that site. The administrator may delegate portions of the evaluation process to a designee, but retains the overall responsibility and personally must submit the final evaluation report through the online process. 9. What resources are available to teachers to help them meet data objectives? Resources and strategies should be part of the discussions between individual teachers and their site administrators regarding the goals and objectives selected. 10. How much time is this additional 2012/2013 procedure expected to take? It will vary by teacher. Some have already included data-based goals in their IPS and would require no additional time. The initial 2012-13 implementation has been limited to a single objective and related strategies in order to minimize the time required. 11. What if my administrator and I disagree about my performance objectives? If there is disagreement concerning the objectives or any subsequent modifications to the objectives, then you may note on the form that the objectives were not the product of mutual agreement, and you may also appeal the matter to the next higher administrative level in accordance with the District-UTLA Agreement, Article X, Sections 4.2 and 4.3. In such cases, your required signature indicates only receipt and acknowledgement of (not necessarily agreement with) the stated objectives.


12. For evaluations in 2012-13, what happens if I dont meet my performance objectives, but I come close to meeting them? Is there going to be a scale or scoring system? In the final evaluation for this year, your evaluator will comment on the degree to which you met your objectives; there is no automatic overall score associated with meeting or not meeting a performance objective. Classroom observations and other job performance assessments are still the predominant factor in determining your overall rating of Meets Standard, or Below Standard Performance. 13. I understand that the new agreement includes a provision for possible extension of the time between evaluations for qualified employees. Im an employee with more than ten years of positively-evaluated experience, and I am interested. How will this work? In recognition of the increased time and effort needed for both the site administrator and employee in implementing the Supplemental Agreement provisions, the District will be authorizing deferral of the current 2012-13 evaluation year activities for approved employees with ten (10) or more years of experience. This would be done by extending the period of time between the last evaluation and the next scheduled evaluation from the current pattern of every two years to as many as five years. In order to facilitate this option immediately, given the late time of year, the principal should announce this potential option/opportunity for those current permanent employees being evaluated in the 201213 school year with ten (10) or more years of experience, and then consider only those who have responded with an expression of possible interest in deferral. Any such deferral/extension requires discretionary written agreement between the principal and the employee, and any such agreement is revocable at any time at the discretion of either the principal or the employee. In particular, any such deferral may be revoked and an evaluation scheduled, if at any time in the future upon the request of the principal or the employee. 14. Is there a limit to how many teachers can postpone to a future year for evaluation? The District will provide guidance on the deferral process, including the need to spread out evaluations over the years rather than having too many occur in any particular year. Instructional Directors at each of the Education Service Centers will also be available to discuss deferrals with the administrator. 15. What training opportunities will there be to better understand this new agreement? Given the timeline of implementation prescribed by the court agreement, the District is compelled to act on this years evaluations that are already underway. School-site administrators will be trained through mid-March. Support materials to assist in the changes for this year will include a Professional Development presentation explaining the changes, sample objectives/strategies, a revised policy bulletin, and this Frequently Asked Questions document. Field support will be provided through the schools Instructional Directors and the Field Directors of the Employee Performance Accountability Unit. 16. Is an overall below standard rating considered disciplinary action? No, but there may be some connections between the two actions. An overall below standard rating is part of the performance evaluation. Disciplinary action is a separate process and requires different documentation such as a Notice of Unsatisfactory Service/Act. Administrators must review and consider whether the quality of service performance or conduct of an employee who is receiving an overall Below Standard evaluation rating also should result in issuance of a Notice of Unsatisfactory Service or Act. If an employee is not performing his or her duties in a satisfactory manner, the Education Code and the 4

UTLA Agreement also requires the District to notify the employee in writing of that fact and describe the unsatisfactory performance or act. The written notice must specify the nature of unsatisfactory performance or act with such specific instances and with such particularity as to furnish the employee with notice and an opportunity to correct his or her faults. Conversely, if an employee has been issued a Notice of Unsatisfactory Service/Act, the evaluator should consider whether and how such Unsatisfactory Service/Act should be reflected as part of the final performance evaluation.

CONTRIBUTION TO STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 17. Since CST results for the current year will not be known until after the evaluation has been completed, how can such test results be used in my evaluation? Under the Court Order (and the new Supplemental Agreement that complies with that Order), prior years CST results will be used, both to help establish the current years goals (performance of which will be evaluated at years end) and also directly to reflect past performance. Such results will be part of the final evaluation. 18. What if my assignment has no applicable CST data? For employees that dont have CST-based data to use in developing objectives and strategies for their Initial Planning Sheets, additional data sources will be used (and these same kinds of additional data sources may also be used for CST-covered teachers as a supplement to measure progress during a given year, since CST results for that year will come too late for inclusion in the final evaluation, and also simply because there are many other potential data-driven measurements of student progress other than CST results). Such additional data sources include: Periodic/benchmark assessment data, where available and appropriate to the students and curriculum, such as Periodic Assessments (elementary) and DIBELS, and other standards-based assessment data/student work samples, projects, portfolios; Assessment data that documents pupil performance, such as an Independent Reading Level assessment, Developmental Reading Assessment, Qualitative Reading Inventory, and the like; Pre- and post-assessment data, such as the start and culmination of a semester of other unit of study; Curriculum-based examinations and similar culminating activities; and For IEP students, various diagnostic assessments to measure progress toward previously-identified goals.

19. Where can I find my individual CST results? 20. Where do I go to get general information on AGT? 21. Where do I go to get information on my individual AGT results? 5

22. Where do I go to view my schools AGT results?


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