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15th February 2013

Volume No.: 22

Issue No.: 04


Message from GNIPST Letter to the Editor News Update Disease Outbreak News Topic on Cancer Forth Coming Events Drugs Update GNIPST Photo Gallery
For your comments/contributionOR

Campus News Students Section Editors Note Archive

For Back-Issues,

1 EDITOR: Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar




All the members of GNIPST are proud to publish the 22nd Volume of GNIPST BULLETIN. This bulletin has successfully completed its twenty months journey. We hope it has kept the readers updated of recent activities in pharmaceutical & biological sciences and also introduced them with the different activities of our esteemed institution. We are thankful to all of you for your great cooperation & support and are looking forward to the same in future.


Automated Breast Density Test Identifies Women at High Cancer Risk (01 FEBRUARY 2013)
Researchers have developed a novel computer algorithm to easily quantify a major risk factor for breast cancer based on analysis of a screening mammogram. Increased levels of mammographic breast density have been shown in multiple studies to be correlated with elevated risk of breast cancer, but the approach to quantifying it has been limited to the laboratory setting where measurement requires highly skilled technicians. This new discovery opens the door for translation to the clinic where it can be used to identify high-risk women for tailored treatment. Read more
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Quantum Dots Deliver Vitamin D to Tumors for Possible Inflammatory Breast Cancer Treatment. (01

Quantum dots can be used to rapidly move high concentrations of the active form of Vitamin D to targeted tumor sites where cancer cells accumulate. Read more

Can (04






Medical researchers have found that a family of proteins associated with melanoma can alert the human immune system to the presence of cancer cells. This may lead to a new therapy to augment the anti-cancer immune response, he says, essentially turning cancer against itself. Read more Elastography:

New Cancer Detection Method

Right Around the Corner; Norway and France in Front (04


As the first countries in the world, Norway and France will be testing a completely new method for detecting cancer. This is done by measuring the elasticity of tumors. The method is called

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elastography. You may as well learn this new word right away; in a few years, elastography may be as common as X-rays. Read more RNA








MALAT1, an RNA molecule, is a marker for progression of lung cancer. Researchers have now found out that MALAT1 activates metastasis-promoting genes in cancer cells. In mice, blocking of MALAT1 reduced the number and size of lung cancer metastases.
Read more

Benefits of CT Outweigh Cancer Risks in Young

Adults, Study Finds.



The underlying medical conditions facing young adults who undergo computed tomography (CT) exams represent a significantly greater health risk than that of radiation-induced cancer from CT, according to a new study. Read more Tiny








Devising a method for more precise and less invasive treatment of cancer tumors, scientists have developed a degradable nanoscale shell to carry proteins to cancer cells and stunt the growth of tumors without damaging healthy cells. Read more

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Behind (06






Researchers have uncovered a human enzyme responsible for causing DNA mutations found in the majority of breast cancers. The discovery of this enzyme -- called APOBEC3B -- may change the way breast cancer is diagnosed and treated. Read more Triple-Negative




Identified Using microRNA (07


A new, large-scale study of triple-negative breast cancer shows that small molecules called microRNA can be used to define four subtypes of this aggressive malignancy. The findings could lead to new screening methods, prognostic markers and perhaps new targeted treatments for this aggressive and often-fatal form of breast cancer. Read more New Details On Molecular Machinery of Cancer



New details into the activation of a cell surface protein that has been strongly linked to a large number of cancers and is a major target of cancer therapies have been reported by Berkeley Lab researchers. Read more

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Nanotech'ed RNA Drug Reduces Ovarian Cancer

Tumors by 83 Percent (12


By loading fragile RNA into silicon nanoparticles, researchers have found a new drug delivery system can reduce the size of ovarian tumors by as much as 83 percent -- and stop tumor growth in chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer tissue. Read more

Cancer is malignant neoplasm, a broad group of diseases involving unregulated cell growth. The cells grow and divide uncontrollably forming malignant tumors which invade and interfere with the digestive, nervous, circulatory systems and may release hormones that alter the body function. Cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or blood stream (metastasis). There are over 100 different types of cancer that afflict humans like Oral, Brain, Kidney, Liposarcoma, Liver, Colo rectal, Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph tissue), Uterine (cancer of endometrium lining of the uterus), Hodgkin's Lymphoma, etc. Out of these (5 to 10)% cancers are hereditary while the remaining (90 to 95)% are due to environmental factors which include carcinogens like tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, benzene, radiations (UV, X-rays, gamma rays), poisons like aflatoxin, alcohol, sunlight exposure, obesity. Viruses like HPV (causing cervical cancer), Hepatitis B virus (causing liver cancer),etc, bacterial and parasitic infection are responsible for cancer. Hormones cause cancer by promoting cell proliferation specially in sex related cancers like endometrium, prostate, etc. Hereditary cancers are result of genetic predisposition that may be inherited from family members with genetic mutations. For eg- people with inherited mutations in genes BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 are more prone to breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Lynch syndrome. Cancer is not generally not a transmissible disease excepting the rare cases that occur with pregnancies and only a few organ donors (due to tissue graft rejection caused
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by MHC incompatibility). But in non humans cancer spreads between animals by transmission of tumor cells themselves as seen in dogs (in Sticker's sarcoma). CLASSIFICATION (Based on Origin of Tumor) Carcinoma- cancers derived from epithelial cells Sarcoma-cancers arising from connective tissue Lymphoma & Leukemia- those arising from hematopoietic (blood forming) cells that leave the marrow and tend to mature in the lymph nodes and blood respectively Germ Cell Tumor- derived from pluripotent cells Blastoma- derived from immature precursor cells or embryonic tissue MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY BEHIND CANCER DNA within the cell nucleus directs all the cell's actions- growth, death, protein synthesis, etc. In healthy cells, programmed cell death (apoptosis) takes place when the DNA is too badly damaged to be repaired. Cancer cells have grotesquely damaged DNA, but due to destruction of p53, a protein in malignant cells, apoptosis breaks down and instead the genes mutation gives rise to more such abnormal cells.

Therefore cancer is result of mutation that inhibit oncogene (promote cell growth and reproduction) and tumor suppressor gene (inhibit cell division and survival) to uncontrolled cell growth and these may be inherited from parents or may be a spontaneous problem that occurs during lifetime of a person.

Genetic changes taking place may include gain or loss of entire chromosome, changes in nucleotide sequence of genomic DNA, genomic amplification, translocation of chromosomes as seen in Philadelphia chromosome, small scale mutations (deletion, point mutation, insertions). DIAGNOSIS To diagnose cancer biopsy of tumor or bone marrow, endoscopy, ultrasound, CT & MRI scans, blood tests, complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests may be done to indicate- the type of cell that is proliferating, histological grade, other features of the tumor, molecular changes like mutations, fusion genes, etc. SYMPTOMS

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The symptoms of cancer depends on its location and type. At the beginning there is invariably any sign but the ongoing process of transformation of normal cell to cancer cell (clonal evolution) causes fatigues, fever, loss of appetite, Chills (shivering) night sweats, weight loss, Malaise ( feeling of illness). PREVENTION Cancer is preventable to some extent by eating a balanced diet (with vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins), maintaining BMI, restricting consumption of alcohol and tobacco, minimizing exposure to sun radiation and toxic chemicals. Vaccinations like HPV vaccine, etc, genetic testing of prospective individuals and time to time cancer screenings like mammography, colonoscopy, etc are highly recommended. TREATMENT Cancer if detected in early stages may be cured by-----Surgery- for isolated solid cancers Radiotherapy- destroys cancer by focusing high energy rays on cancer cells Chemotherapy- utilizes chemicals that interfere with the cell division process damaging proteins or DNA Immunotherapy- aims to get the body's immune system to fight the tumor Hormone therapy- aims to alter hormone production in the body so that cancer cells stop growing or are killed completely Gene Therapy- replaces damaged genes with ones that work Sometimes complementary and alternative treatment and palliative care may be effective. Debanjana Das, B.Pharm. 1st Yr.

The Anti-Cancer Diet

Whether you have a history of cancer in your family, or are currently battling the disease, lifestyle factors, including your diet, can make a huge difference in helping you fight off cancer. Some foods actually increase your risk of cancer, while others support your body and strengthen your immune system. By making smart food choices, you can protect your health, feel better, and boost your ability fight off cancer and other disease

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Cancer prevention diet tip #1: Focus on plant-based foods The best diet for preventing or fighting cancer is a predominantly plant-based diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. A plant-based diet means eating mostly foods that come from plants: vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, and beans. The less processed these foods arethe less theyve been cooked, peeled, mixed with other ingredients, stripped of their nutrients, or otherwise altered from the way they came out of the groundthe better. Simple tips for getting more plant-based foods in your diet Breakfast: Add fruit and a few seeds or nuts to your whole grain breakfast cereal (such as oatmeal). Lunch: Eat a big salad filled with your favorite beans and peas or other combo of veggies. Always order lettuce and tomato (plus any other veggies you can) on your sandwiches. Order whole grain bread for your sandwiches. Have a side of veggies like cut up carrots, sauerkraut, or a piece of fruit. Snacks: Fresh fruit and vegetables. Grab an apple or banana on your way out the door. Raw veggies such as carrots, celery, cucumbers, jicama, peppers, etc. are great with a low-fat dip such as hummus. Keep trail mix made with nuts, seeds, and a little dried fruit on hand. Dinner: Add fresh or frozen veggies to your favorite pasta sauce or rice dish. Top a baked potato with broccoli and yogurt, sauted veggies, or with salsa. Replace creamy pasta sauces, with sauted vegetables or tomato sauce made with healthy olive oil. Dessert: Choose fruit instead of a richer dessert. Or a single square of dark chocolate. Cancer prevention diet tip #2: Bulk up on fiber Another benefit of eating plant-based foods is that it will also increase your fiber intake. Fiber, also called roughage or bulk, is the part of plants (grains, fruits, and vegetables) that your body cant digest. Fiber plays a key role in keeping your digestive system clean and healthy. It helps keep food moving through your digestive tract, and it also moves cancer-causing compounds out before they can create harm. Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In general, the more natural and unprocessed the food, the higher it is in fiber. There is no fiber in meat, dairy, sugar, or white foods like white bread, white rice, and pastries.

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Simple ways to add more fiber to your diet: Use brown rice instead of white rice Substitute whole-grain bread for white bread Choose a bran muffin over a croissant or pastry Snack on popcorn instead of potato chips Eat fresh fruit such as a pear, a banana, or an apple (with the skin) Have a baked potato, including the skin, instead of mashed potatoes Enjoy fresh carrots, celery, or bell peppers with a hummus or salsa, instead of chips and a sour cream dip Use beans instead of ground meat in chili, casseroles, tacos, and even burgers (bean burgers can taste great). Cancer prevention diet tip #3: Cut down on meat Research shows that vegetarians are about fifty percent less likely to develop cancer than those who eat meat. So whats the link between meat and cancer risk? First, meat lacks fiber and other nutrients that have been shown to have cancer-protective properties. What it does have in abundance, however, is fatoften very high levels of saturated fat. High-fat diets have been linked to higher rates of cancer. And saturated fat is particularly dangerous. Finally, depending on how it is prepared, meat can develop carcinogenic compounds. Cancer prevention diet tip #4: Choose your fats wisely A major benefit of cutting down on the amount of meat you eat is that you will automatically cut out a lot of unhealthy fat. Eating a diet high in fat increases your risk for many types of cancer. But cutting out fat entirely isnt the answer, either. In fact, some types of fat may actually protect against cancer. The trick is to choose your fats wisely and eat them in moderation. Fats that increase cancer risk The two most damaging fats are saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats are found mainly in animal products such as red meat, whole milk dairy products, and eggs. Trans fats, also called partially hydrogenated oils, are created by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid and less likely to spoilwhich is very good for food manufacturers, and very bad for you. Fats that decrease cancer risk The best fats are unsaturated fats, which come from plant sources and are liquid at room temperature. Primary sources include olive oil, canola oil, nuts, and avocados. Also focus on omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation and support brain and heart health. Good sources include salmon, tuna, and flaxseeds.
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Tips for choosing cancer-fighting fats and avoiding the bad Reduce your consumption of red meat, whole milk, butter, and eggs, as these are the primary source of saturated fats. Cook with olive oil instead of regular vegetable oil. Canola oil is another good choice, especially for baking. Check the ingredient list on food labels and avoid anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, which are usually found in stick margarines, shortenings, salad dressings, and other packaged foods. Trim the fat off of meat when you do eat it, and avoid eating the skin of the chicken. Choose nonfat dairy products and eggs that have been fortified with omega-3 fatty acids. Add nuts and seeds to cereal, salads, soups, or other dishes. Good choices include walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, and sesame seeds. Use flaxseed oil in smoothies, salad dressings, or mixed in snacks such as applesauce. But do not cook with flaxseed oil, as it loses its protective properties when heated. Limit fast food, fried foods, and packaged foods, which tend to be high in trans fats. This includes foods like potato chips, cookies, crackers, French fries, and doughnuts. Eat fish once or twice a week. Good choices include wild salmon, sardines, herring, and black cod. But be conscious of mercury, a contaminant found in many types of fish. Cancer prevention diet tip #5: Choose cancer-fighting foods Your immune system keeps you healthy by fighting off unwanted invaders in your system, including cancer cells. There are many things you can eat to maximize the strength of your immune system, as well as many cancer-fighting foods. But keep in mind that there is no single miracle food or ingredient that will protect you against cancer. Eating a colorful variety gives you the best protection. Boost your antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful vitamins that protect against cancer and help the cells in your body function optimally. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. Eat a wide range of brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in phytochemicals, a potent diseasefighting and immuneboosting nutrient. The greater the variety of colors that you include, the more you will benefit, since different colors are rich in different phytochemicals. Flavor with immune-boosting spices and foods. Garlic, ginger, and curry powder not only add flavor, but they add a cancer-fighting punch of valuable nutrients. Other good


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choices include turmeric, basil, rosemary, and coriander. Use them in soups, salads, casseroles, or any other dish. Drink plenty of water. Water is essentially to all bodily processes. It stimulates the immune system, removes waste and toxins, and transports nutrients to all of your organs. Cancer prevention diet tip #6: Prepare your food in healthy ways Choosing healthy food is not the only important factor. It also matters how you prepare and store your food. The way you cook your food can either help or hurt your anticancer efforts. Preserving the cancer-fighting benefits of vegetables. Here are a few tips that will help you get the most benefits from eating all those great cancer-fighting vegetables: Eat at least some raw fruits and vegetables. These have the highest amounts of vitamins and minerals, although cooking some vegetables can make the vitamins more available for our body to use. When cooking vegetables, steam until just tender using a small amount of water. This preserves more of the vitamins. Overcooking vegetables removes many of the vitamins and minerals. If you do boil vegetables, use the cooking water in a soup or another dish to ensure youre getting all the vitamins. Wash all fruits and vegetables. Use a vegetable brush for washing. Washing does not eliminate all pesticide residue, but will reduce it. Choose organic produce if possible, grown without the use of pesticides. Cooking and carcinogens Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances found in food. Carcinogens can form during the cooking or preserving processmostly in relation to meatand as foods start to spoil. Examples of foods that have carcinogens are cured, dried, and preserved meats (e.g. bacon, sausage, beef jerky); burned or charred meats; smoked foods; and foods that have become moldy. Here are some ways reduce your exposure to carcinogens: Do not cook oils on high heat. Low-heat cooking or baking (less than 240 degrees) prevents oils or fats from turning carcinogenic. Instead of deep-frying, pan-frying, and sauting, opt for healthier methods such as baking, boiling, steaming, or broiling. Go easy on the barbecue. Burning or charring meats creates carcinogenic substances. If you do choose to barbecue, dont overcook the meat and be sure to cook at the proper temperature (not too hot).
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Store oils in a cool dark place in airtight containers, as they quickly become rancid when exposed to heat, light, and air. Choose fresh meats instead of cured, dried, preserved, or smoked meats. Avoid foods that look or smell moldy, as they likely contain aflatoxin, a strong carcinogen. Aflatoxin is most commonly found on moldy peanuts. Nuts will stay fresh longer if kept in the refrigerator or freezer. Be careful what you put in the microwave. Use waxed paper rather than plastic wrap to cover your food in the microwave. And always use microwave-safe containers. Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar, Faculty, GNIPST


Yellow fever in Chad (14 FEBRUARY 2013) The Ministry of Health of Chad is launching an emergency massvaccination campaign against yellow fever from 22 February 2013, following laboratory confirmation of two cases in the country in December 2012. Read more

1st international conference on emerging trends in chemical and pharmaceutical sciences and First convention of ICCP Date: 28 Jun 2013 30 Jun 2013, Location: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur campus, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. Details.

FDA approval of generic version of cancer drug






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injection) is expected to help resolve shortage (04


Read more FDA approves first retinal implant for adults

with rare genetic eye disease



The U.S. FDA approved the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System , the first implanted device to treat adult patients with advanced retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The device, which includes a small video camera, transmitter mounted on a pair of eyeglasses, video processing unit (VPU) and an implanted retinal prosthesis (artificial retina), replaces the function of degenerated cells in the retina (a membrane inside the eye) and may improve a patients ability to perceive images and movement. Read more

CAMPUS NEWS The B.Pharm. first year Cricket Team has won the GNIPST
Cricket Tournament 2013 beating D,Pharm. Cricket Team on 9th February, 2013. The Annual Reunion, Reminiscences 2013 is going to be organized on 17th February, 2013. The ex-students of GNIPST are cordially welcome.
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() Which immortal cell line was derived from cancer tissue of Henrietta Lacks? () In 1957 T.T. Puck first developed which cell line?
Answer of Previous Issue Question:

A) Cambodia

B) Confucius

Congratulate Sreemanti Mazumder, B.Pharm. final Year student, and Debanjana Das, B.Pharm 1st year student for your correct answer of both the questions.

Send your thoughts/ Quiz/Puzzles/games/writeups or any other contributions for Students Section & answers of this Section at EDITORS NOTE I am very happy to publish the 4th issue of 22nd Volume of GNIPST BULLETIN. It is my great pleasure to introduce you to the newly launched facebook account GNIPST bulletin. You are cordially


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invited to add this account to your friend list. The current issues will also be directly available on facebook. I would like to convey my thanks to all the GNIPST members and the readers for their valuable comments, encouragement& supports. Special thanks to Dr. Prerona Saha for her advice; Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya, for his contribution in students section. It would be my great pleasure to receive the contributions, suggestions & feedback from your desk for further upliftment of this deliberation GNIPST BULLETIN.


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ARCHIVE The general body meeting of APTI, Bengal Branch has been conducted at GNIPST on 15th June, 2012. The programme started with a nice presentation by Dr. Pulok Kr. Mukherjee, School of Natural Products, JU on the skill to write a good manuscript for publication in impact journals. It was followed by nearly two hour long discussion among more than thirty participants on different aspects of pharmacy education. Five nonmember participants applied for membership on that very day. GNIPST is now approved by AICTE and affiliated to WBUT for conducting the two years post graduate course (M.Pharm) in

PHARMACOLOGY. The approved number of seat is 18.

The number of seats in B.Pharm. has been increased from 60 to 120. 2nd World Congress on Ga-68 (Generators and Novel Radiopharmaceuticals), Molecular Imaging (PET/CT), Targeted Radionuclide Therapy, and Dosimetry (SWC-2013) : On the Way to Personalized Medicine Dates 28 Feb 2013 02 Mar 2013 Location: Chandigarh, India.Details.


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AICTE has sanctioned a release of grant under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) during the financial year 201213to GNIPST as per the details below: a. Beneficiary Institution: Guru Nanak Institution of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology. b. Principal Investigator: Dr. LopamudraDutta. c. Grant-in-aid sanctioned:Rs. 16,25000/- only d. Approved duration: 3 years e. Title of the project: Screening and identification of potential medicinal plant of Purulia&Bankuradistricts of West Bengal with respect to diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, Jaundice, hypertension and developing biotechnological tools for enhancing bioactive molecules in these plant.


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