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February 17, 2013

Issue 07

In This Issue
Pastors Corner 2 Statistics 2 Remember in Prayer 3 Spiritual Disciplines Wk 3 Prayer Requests, Feb. 10 3 Serving in the Military 3 Office closed/Congrats 3 Congregational Mtg. 3 Sr Book Club 4 Thank You 4 Senior Meeting 5 Save Dates/Pathways 5 Alzheimers Seminar 5 Disciples Women 5 Parlor Class 6 Lenten Devotional 6 Prayers from Our Table 6 Preschool Assistance 7 Transfer of Possessions 7 Week of Compassion 8 O&A Proposal 9 & 10 Budget 11&12 Serving Sunday 13

Events February 17, 2013 February 24, 2013

February 17: First Sunday in Lent 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 11:30 A.M. - Congregational Meeting, Sanctuary 11:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Casa de Oracion use FH February 18: Office Closed - Holiday February 19: 9:30 A.M. - Pathways of Hope General Board, CL Noon - Senior Adult Ministry Meeting, CL 6:30 P.M. Mens Bible Study @ Barry Woodbridges February 20: 1:30 P.M. - Pilgrimage Into Last Third of Life class, CL 3:00 P.M. - Youth Group 6:00 P.M. - Discipleship Ministry Team, Chapman Lounge 7:00 P.M. - Worship Ministry Team, Chapman Lounge Outreach Ministry Team, Choir Room February 21:CRECEF Meeting Here 3:30 P.M. Following the Way, Lenten Bible Study, CL 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir 7:30 P.M. - Chancel Choir February 23: 9:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Casa de Oracion use Fellowship Hall February 24: Second Sunday in Lent 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - REFRESH, Contemporary Service 9:00 A.M. - Classes for all ages 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service February 25: 10:00 A.M. - OAMC Meeting, Chapman Lounge February 26: 6:30 P.M. - BA @ Barry Woodbridges February 28: 3:30 P.M. Following the Way, Lenten Bible Study, CL 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir 7:30 P.M. - Chancel Choir AA Groups - Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M. 1

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

This year, Christians faced the rather unusual prospect of acknowledging their mortality in the annual observance of Ash Wednesday and waking up the next day to celebrate love as our society observes Valentines Day. At first, this probably seemed more than a little odd to many observant Christians, but if they gave it some thought, they might recognize how well these two observances complement each other. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season some forty-odd days long leading to Easter, during which Christians are encouraged to remember their mortality and reassess their priorities. Jesus said all the great religious instruction could be summed up in two commands: love God with everything youve got and love others as you love yourself. The two commands are really two sides of the same coin. One cannot love the Great Mystery from which all of creation emerges and returns without loving those made in that Great Mysterys image and likeness. The season of Lent gives Christians a little over six weeks to take stock of the way they actually spend their time, their talent, and their resources and realign those actualities with their professed priorities. In other words, Lent is a time for Christians to make sure our walk is consistent with our talk. This is a great practice for anyone who seeks to live with integrity! Valentines Day is a celebration of love our culture has largely reduced to a celebration of sentimentality. Children exchange little cards and candies in classrooms. NECCO, Brocks and other candy makers make a small fortune selling candy hearts with silly messages printed on them. For adults, Valentines Day has become rather narrowly focused on expressing affection to ones love partner or love interest. Those people without a partner or a prospect of one hunker down and try to avoid anything and everything to do with Valentines Day. Many with partners endure disappointment as their partner fails to acknowledge the love they share. Some are showered with affection for a day before their partners and they return to slogging through one day at a time. This year, those of us with even a passing awareness of Ash Wednesday and the much more popular day that followed had an opportunity to anchor ourselves in reality so we can launch ourselves headlong into fulfilling a higher purpose. The inescapable reality is that we are all dust in the wind; here today and gone tomorrow. The possibility before us is that our brief existence can be defined by how deeply, passionately, and compassionately we expressed love to those around us. Love is not a sentiment. Its not a feeling. Real love means recognizing youre not always right, saying youre sorry, making amends, and trying again. Love is not a commodity that can be accumulated; in fact, love is only love if it is given away. Love can transform the one who gives and the one who receives and ripple out from giver and recipient to transform families, neighborhoods, and even the world. No one has ever laid on his or her deathbed and exclaimed that they should have spent more time at work. When one walks through the valley of the shadow of death, he or she counts the ways they have loved and been loved. Everything else falls away. Deepening our awareness of mortality should lead to every day being a celebration of love. Our cultures annual emphasis on love is a good thing, but its understanding of love needs to be radically expanded so that emphasis covers every day of the year, every encounter with another person, and every precious breath we draw. Happy Ash Wednesday! Happy Lent! Happy Valentines Day after day after day!

Sunday Statistics
February 10, 13 123 (Remember Service) 7 (Reawaken Service) 9 (Refresh Service) 17 (Ash Wednesday Service) Weekly Giving: $3,422.80 Mission: $511.45 Budget Goal: $4,681 Week of Compassion: $156 2

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: Jenny Alldridge, Donna Bagley, Helen Bailey, Margie Barlow and family, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Mary Brill, Betty Ruth Buchanan, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, Dean Echols, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin & Linda Johnen, Carolyn Kenrick, Nancy Knott, Lowenn Land, Flora Miller, Denise Olson and family, Betty Rollo, John & Marj Schwenker, Claudia Tammen, Dorothy Tanner, Jack Townsend, Gil Tucker and family, and Bob Vannoy. Please pray for the following church in the Pacific Southwest Region: Antioch Christian Church 6101 S. Figueroa Los Angeles, CA 90003 Curtis Carraway, Pastor

Prayer Requests: Feb. 10, 2013

Jackie Brown

Jeannette Adams, cousin in Georgia. Susie Wright Those in authority to walk in integrity Ed Linberg The family of Mark Sandstrom, Pastor of Covina Christian church, who passed away on Friday. Kim Miller William Jeffreys who has ALS and is not doing so well. Betty Rollo Katheryn Rollo, who is having chemo treatments until April 1. Sammie Adams Brandon and Cassidy Fee who are having their first baby today. Martinez Family Today is Kyles 13th birthday. Barbara Hasty Praise 36th anniversary of Bobs ordination. Sue Miller Friend, Amy, who has back problems.

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of Feb. 18 Feb. 24, 2013
Monday, February 18: Reading: Genesis 15: 1 - 12; pray for our congregation as we enter into the Lenten Season. Tuesday, February 19: Reading: Genesis 15: 1718; pray for the mens Bible study at Barry Woodbridges tonight. Congregational Prayer Day, Wednesday, February 20: Reading: Psalm 27: 1-6; pray for the Ministry Teams meeting tonight. Thursday, February 21: Psalm 27: 7-14; pray for CRECEF Preschool group using our facilities today. Friday, February 22: Reading: Philippians 3:274:1; pray for the Global Ministries Missionary Xuyen Dangers in Laos Saturday, February 23: Reading: Luke 13: 3134; pray for Casa d Oracion who are using Fellowship Hall today. Sunday, February 24: Reading: Luke 13: 34-35; pray for the Week of Compassion Offering being taken today.

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew, Adam in Afghanistan. He will be gone nine months from his wife and new baby. Lt. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law, now back at his home base. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is also back at his home base. Joshua Reynolds, Jane Reynolds son. He is at Ft. Riley, KS dealing with PTSD and will be returning to Afghanistan soon.

Conley Nelson Fee was born February 10, 2013 @ 4:41 P.M., 8 lbs. 2 oz. 22 inches long, at St Jude to Brandon and Cassidy Fee. Proud grandparents are Brad and Chris Fee, proud great grandparents, Ted and Sammie Adams. Betty Rollo also became a great grandmother for the 6th time on Friday, February 8 when Bretton James Rollo was born to her grandson Robert and wife Jennifer Rollo. Bretton weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21 inches long. 3

Office Closed, Monday, February 18 in observance of Presidents Day Holiday

Congregational Meeting today after the 10:15 A . M . service to vote on the Budget, Welcoming Statement and Open and Affirming status. Thank you
Dear FCC Family, We would like to express our gratitude for all the love and compassion that you have shown Barbaras family over the years. We know that FCC was a very important part of her life. Thanks again, Barbara Tuckers family

Prayer Shawl Ministry

On Sunday, January 27, Pastor Darrell blessed seven beautiful shawls that various women in the church had knitted or crocheted with a lot of love. If you knit or crochet, we need you to help with this blessed ministry. It is a very meaningful way to extend the love and support of Fullerton First Christian Church to our members and their families when they are going through a period of a loved ones passing. During the month of January we had three families in need of a shawl Barbara Tuckers family on the passing of Barbara, Terry Vannoy on the passing of her mother, and Marie Walkers family on the passing of Marie. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is supported by a few women in our church who spend hours knitting or crocheting love into each of the shawls that are presented. A BIG thank you to all who have donated a shawl or money for this ministry. If you knit or crochet, we NEED YOU!. Please see Donna Vannoy or Ada Rodman for more information.

Another Thank You

My family and I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and concern for my granddaughter, Kristy Hill. On January 31 she collapsed at home and was rushed via paramedics to the ER where she was immediately placed in the ICU with pneumonia. She was put on life support in grave condition and put in a medically induced coma. After a week of uncertainty, I am grateful to report that Kristy in now almost fully recovered, out of ICU, and should be home with her husband and two children by the time you read this. All four of her ICU doctors were amazed at her fast recovery considering her grave condition. Our response to them was that we serve a loving and amazing God who answers prayers. Kristy's fast recovery was a miracle thanks to the prayers from our many faithful Christian family and friends. Thank you all again. Phil Forbes and family

The Senior Book Club

The Senior Book Club has chosen The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce for our next book. We will discuss it on March 28, 2013 at Mary Brills home. One of the themes of this novel is how a seemingly ordinary life can take on extraordinary aspects. Its an unassuming story with immense emotional weight without being melodramatic. Join us in reading this beautifully written book.

Seniors Meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 19 Jeffrey Mensendiek, Global Ministries Missionary to Japan
The Seniors meet this coming Tuesday Feb 19, 2013 at 12 noon for our monthly luncheon and meeting. Our guest this month is Jeffrey Mensendick, one of our Global Ministries missionaries who lives and serves in Japan. He will be sharing his slides and information with the group about his ministry in Japan including his work in response to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a few years ago. If you are not a senior but are interested in our Outreach ministries and would like to hear about this important mission, please bring your lunch and join us next Tuesday at noon. We will also finalize the plans for the service on Wednesday, March 13 at 10:30 A.M. that we share with our Alzheimers guests. Barbara Fenters has planned the program but this service requires many helpers to be able to share and serve our guests. All seniors in our church are always welcome to join us for the many Senior Ministry programs this coming year. We meet the third Tuesday of every month all year round at 12:00 noon, except for our annual Christmas Tea held at 2:00 P.M. in December. Check out the Senior Book Club also. You might find that of interest. Just mark your calendars for the year and plan to come. We hope to see you Feb 19.

March 1 & 2 Womens Convocation, Double Tree Hotel, Orange, CA. July 13 17 - General Assembly, Orlando, FL August 24 & 25 First Christian Annual Homecoming Weekend

Mary Circle Project

One of the projects Mary Circle is working on is to make up gift bags for battered women and give to them through Transitional Living in Fullerton. If you would like to contribute, a box will be in the Narthex for the following items: toiletries, toothpaste/tooth brush, combs and brushes, hygiene supplies, band-aids, hot cocoa mix, and small fleece blankets. Thank you for your help.

Disciples Womens Convocation

Everything is Holy Now, Everything is a Miracle, Everything is a Promise, is the theme for the Pacific Southwest Regions Twenty Second Convocation. Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Cathy Myers Wirt, Co-Regional Minister in the Oregon region. Music will be led by Aeros Pierce and Bible study leader is Janis Brown. Our own Debra Todd will be involved in the awesome worship services. Great workshops are available on Saturday. Cost is $150 per person Four in a room; $160 per person three in a room; $180 per person two in a room; or $90 for Saturday only (NEW THIS YEAR). Registration packets are available on the counter in the office.

Alzheimers Seminar

Food-Loving Guys (and Gals!)

One of Pathways of Hopes fundraising events is coming up Saturday, March 23, 6 - 9 P.M. at the new Fullerton Community Center. They are in need of chefs to prepare small servings (200) of their favorite dish. (Each chef receives two complimentary event tickets.) See Donna in the office for details if you are interested. Special Award to be presented to FCCF.

Save the Dates


Using Fellowship of Prayer Lenten Devotions Booklet

Last Sunday in preparation for Lent, the Worship Ministry Team gave out copies of the 2013 Lenten Season devotional booklet. (More copies are still available in the church Narthex if you didn't get one.) This year's publication is different: it's written by a talented and inspiring group of newly-ordained Disciples of Christ pastors who participate in Bethany Fellowship program for clergy development. They greet us on the introductory page and say: "Lent can be confusing... We know it [Lent] has the power to transform us -- but we don't really know how to get there. This devotional will guide us in letting go. Throughout the next 40 days we will work together to let go of: ...our assumptions, our stuff, our need to always be in control, our fears, our sins, our very selves. Last Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) Sarah Taylor Peck wrote on the theme of "Between Dust and Dust" (from Gen 3:19: "you are dust and to dust you shall return"). She reminded us of those places in our homes that we rarely touch where so much dust collects. (Ironically, I had just taken a broom after such a spot high up in a windowsill that had been taunting me years with out-of-reach cobwebs.) She said that collection of particles that surrounds us in those forsaken places is like the stuff God animates by breathing life into us when we are born. Then she shared this promise: "The good news in Genesis is this: Between our dusty origins and our dusty resting place, there is grace. God called me out from the dust to bring more tenderness and holiness and mercy to all God's creation ... This is the grace between dust and dust." Coming up next in next week's devotions: On Monday Rev. Megan Huston relates how a fire alarm she accidentally set off while preparing a meal suggests the helpful and necessary inner alarm of God's purifying fire when in Lent we courageously let go of our mistakes and sin, and trust the burning love of God. Barry Woodbridge, Worship Ministry Chair

Prayers from Our Table

Elder Joshua Dorrough prayed the following prayer at our communion table on Feb.3 Presence - A prayer to prepare our minds for communion God You are present in this moment and You are present in our lives. You are present in times of joy and light and You are present when we are surrounded by darkness, depression, and fear. You are present in this room, this sanctuary, this holy place. You are present on the street outside, in the parking structure, and the alley next door. God You were present when Jesus was almost pushed off a cliff by people from His home church. You were present with Christ the night before He was crucified. You are present in this cup. You are present in this bread. You are present for communion. God Help us be present in this moment. Help us share this communion with you and with each other. Amen

First Session Of "Introduction To The Old Testament"

Members of the Parlor Class, plus others who have signed up for this class, will be viewing and discussing the first lecture by Dr. Amy Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament, Vanderbilt Divinity School, at 9 A.M. this Sunday in the Chapman Lounge. We are anticipating between 12 and 15 participants in this class. If you'd like to join us, just come on Sunday morning. The first lecture is entitled: "In the Beginning." The focus will be on Genesis 1 and 2. This course will have 24 lectures by Dr. Levine, so it's going to run for nearly six months. The Parlor Class 6

A Reminder From The Outreach Ministry

The Sr. Adult Ministry meeting, this coming Tuesday, February 19, is open to all members of our congregation who would like to hear Jeffrey Mensendiek, Global Ministries Missionary to Japan. Since he was not available to visit our congregation on a Sunday during January and February, we invited him to speak to the Seniors during their regular monthly meeting. But, all are welcome whether or not they are Senior Adults. Bring a sack lunch. The Outreach Ministry

Transfer of Possessions
Another church whose newsletter I get has a program called, Transfer of Possessions, and I thought it was a great idea. Heres how it works: If you have something you would like to give away, or sell at a bargain, you can advertise it here in this column. If you are in need of something, you can post it here also. Then if someone in the congregation or friends of FCCF need or want the item they contact me and I will put the two parties together. Great way to find homes for your unneeded possessions and help others find something they need. Check this column each week to see what is new. Lets try it and see how it works. Available: 4 Oak chairs Creative Memories albums and supplies.

Preschool Assistance Fund

At the request of parents of the children who are or have attended First Christian Church Infant Care and Preschool along with requests from congregation members a "temporary" fund will be established to assist the Child Care staff as they look for new jobs. 1) Checks may be written to First Christian Church. In the memo line write Child Care Staff. 2) Monies will be collected February 10, 2013 through March 31, 2013, the last date that donations will be accepted by the Church. 3) The first disbursement will be made on March 1, 2013. All monies collected to that date will be evenly distributed amongst the childcare staff. 4) The second disbursement will be made on April 1, 2013. All final monies collected to that date will be evenly distributed among the childcare staff. 5) No monies will be collected or distributed beyond the dates specified above. Any questions on donations should be directed to Deb Taylor, Darrell McGowan or Debra Todd.


Donna Woodbridge

Week Of Compassion Offering, February 17 and 24

We will be receiving our 2013 Week of Compassion Offering the next two Sundays, though as always, we'll accept gifts for this important offering next month if you are unable to make your gift today or next Sunday, Feb. 24. We remind the children who received their Week of Compassion Offering Boxes on Feb. 3 that they are to be brought back on Feb. 24. This will give the children and their parents more time to work with the calendar that was mailed to them in late January with daily information about the needs that most of the world's population experiences day in and day out. As you think about your gift for the 2013 Week of Compassion Offering, consider these things: Hunger is the world's No. 1 health risk. It kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. One in seven people in the world goes to bed hungry each night. One of four children in developing countries is underweight. There are more hungry people in the world than the combined population of the USA, Canada and the European Union. Water is another major issue. Almost 1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Two million deaths annually are attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene. More than 50 countries still report cases of cholera each year, a disease in which sanitation is a major factor. Child Health is still another major issue. Over 3 million children die each year within a month of their birth. Health risks to newborns are minimized by: quality care during pregnancy; safe delivery by a skilled birth attendant; and strong neonatal care, including immediate attention to breathing and warmth, hygienic cord and skin care, and exclusive breastfeeding. Sanitation is yet another major issue worldwide. Each year more than 200 million people are affected by droughts, floods, tropical storms, earthquakes, forest fires and other hazards. Sanitation is an essential

component in emergency response and rehabilitation efforts to stem the spread of diseases. An estimated 2.6 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation globally. If the current trend continues, by 2015--just two years from now--there will be 2.7 billion people without access to basic sanitation. Our gifts in support of the 2013 Week of Compassion Offering will be directed to all four of these issues that dominate the lives of billions upon billions of our sisters and brothers with whom we share life on this planet. Our congregational goal for this year's offering is $2,200! Please use the Week of Compassion envelope to make your gift, or write "Week of Compassion" on the memo line of your check. Barbara Bush, former U.S. First Lady, offers this comment for your reflection: "Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others." This year's WOC theme rings true with the words of Barbara Bush. "Sharing Brings Joy. To Us. To Others. To God!" The Outreach Ministry

Week of Compassion This Week:

This Week's Responses: Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance: California, Vandalism to First Christian Church Oakland and Oakland Peace Center Louisiana, Tornado Damage at First Christian Church Hattiesburg Mozambique, Flooding Development & Long Term Recovery and Rehabilitation: Balkans, Peacebuilding and Development Week of Compassion is sharing resources and changing lives. Thank you for sharing your resources and helping to change lives.

Open and Affirming Proposal

WELCOMING STATEMENT Everyone is welcome here. We welcome you no matter who you are, we affirm you as a beloved child of God, and we celebrate you just the way you are. You are welcome here! We are grateful to the members of our congregation who participated in the Open and Affirming process. Your prayers, wisdom and guidance have helped direct the committee and the Council of Elders to bring this matter to the congregation. TODAY we will have a congregational meeting after the 10:15 service to vote on this key issue. This vote will be by written ballot and be two-fold. The congregation will vote on the acceptance or rejection of the Welcoming Statement posted above. In addition, the congregation will vote on whether to accept or reject the motion of becoming an Open and Affirming church. If the Welcoming Statement is accepted, the votes for becoming an Open and Affirming church will be counted; if it is rejected the motion will not pass and the process ends there. We believe this is a critical vote and need all members of the congregation to be present. The Council also suggested that we reprint the following article so everyone is clear on the process and how these decisions were made. The Open and Affirming committee would like to address certain questions so that any decision the congregation makes will be grounded in fact. The following questions and answers are a direct result of our committee meetings, our listening conferences, and Council of Elders discussions. 1. HOW DID THE OPEN AND AFFIRMING PROCESS COME ABOUT? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING THIS ISSUE FORWARD? After meeting with Sharon Watkins this summer, Cambria Findley-Grubb, an Elder, asked Minde Findley to bring it to the Council of Elders for discussion. Minde placed it on the agenda and there was a spirited discussion at the Council of Elders meeting in July. After the discussion, the Council voted to approve a motion to bring the possibility of becoming an Open and Affirming congregation to our church family. A committee was formed and included the following members: Deb Taylor, Janelle Vannoy, Elizabeth Beech, Donna Villasenor, Penny Fonches, Minde Findley, Darrell McGowan, and Debra Todd. Cambria stated that Sharon Watkins has remained neutral on this issue, but felt it was important that all congregations have the discussion regarding this process. The church on a national level is moving in this direction, but IT IS UP TO EVERY CONGREGATION TO DECIDE IF BECOMING AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGEGATION BEST MEETS ITS NEEDS. Many people have made the statement that issue was brought forth by Darrell. That is incorrect; it was brought forth by Cambria Findley-Grubb and Minde Findley. 2. WHAT IS THE PROCESS? A Welcoming Statement must be developed. With congregational input, our latest statement reads, "Everyone is welcome here. We welcome you no matter who you are, we affirm you as a beloved child of God, and we celebrate you just the way you are. You are welcome here!" On February 17, the congregation will vote to approve or not approve the statement. There needs to be evidence that a process including discussion, such as listening conferences, which involved the entire congregation, took place. We want to make sure that all members have 9

had a chance to voice their opinion whether negative or positive. If the Welcoming Statement is approved, the congregation will vote whether to become an Open and Affirming congregation. If we decide to move in this direction, our Welcoming Statement will be posted on the GLAD website and other appropriate community websites, and we will be acknowledged as an Open and Affirming church. 3. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT US, WHAT IS GOING TO CHANGE? If the congregation decides to become an Open and Affirming church, our Welcoming Statement will be published and we will be acknowledged as an Open and Affirming church on the GLAD website and other appropriate community websites. It will be noted on the FCC website. 4. WHAT OTHER CHURCHES IN THE AREA ARE OPEN AND AFFIRMING? At the present time there are 29 Open and Affirming churches in Orange County. Some of the nearby churches are: Brea Congregational Church UCC; Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim; Congregational Church of Fullerton; St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Fullerton; INA Mega Church, Fullerton; Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Fullerton; St. Anselms Episcopal Church, Garden Grove; Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange; Chapman University Disciples on Campus, Orange; First Christian Church of Orange; and Church of the Foothills, Santa Ana. We look forward to presenting this motion to the congregation for a vote on February 17th. We would like to thank our congregation for your input and look forward to working together as a community of faith, love, and generosity. **********************************************************

Teach Us to Love
O God, perfect us in love, That we may conquer all selfishness and hatred of others; Fill our hearts with thy joy, And shed abroad in them thy peace which passeth understanding; That so those murmurings and disputings To which we are too prone may be overcome. Make us long-suffering and gentle, And thus subdue our hastiness and angry tempers, And grant that we may bring forth the blessed fruits of the Spirit, To thy praise and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


2013 Proposed Budget to be voted on February 17 at Congregational Meeting



First Christian Church 109 E Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832

Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Refresh (Contemporary Worship Service) Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M. Contemplative Service: Tuesdays, 7:00 P.M. Joyful Noise (Now WOW Worship) NO Service in February

Serving February 17, 2013

Greeter: Sue Harless Guest Book: Scott Brill Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: McCuen Sound: Alyssa Robidoux Video: Paul/Travis Robidoux Lay Leader: Lisa Parks Childrens Moment: Pat Van Vliet Elders: Tim Acqiuistapace, Joshua Dorrough, Elizabeth Beech Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Masumi & Mike Hogan Ushers: Masumi & Mike Hogan Serve: Barbara Fenters, Masumi & Mike Hogan, Nancy Knott, Dirk & Jan McCuen, Clean Up: Barbara Fenters, Annie Frater, Ben Stuart Alternates: Bill & Jodie Martin

Serving February 24, 2013

Greeter: Youth Guest Book: Sibyl Dittberner Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Angulo Sound: Clare Keech Video: PJ Vannoy Lay Leader: Randy Langston Childrens Moment: Minde Findley Elders: Kathy Robidoux, Chris Fee, Norma Rill Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Dirk & Jan McCuen Ushers: Dirk & Jan McCuen Serve: Annie Frater, Bill & Jodie Martin, Dirk & Jan McCuen, Ben Stuart Clean Up: Bill & Jodie Martin, Ben Stuart Alternates:


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