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Infertility is defined as a person who is unable to get pregnant and cannot carry a baby up to its full term. It is said to have been diagnosed when a couple have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and have not yet succeeded in doing so. Following are the most common causes of infertility in women : 1.Poor Nutrition: Obesity or Anorexia can be a problem because they can unbalance your hormonal production and therefore affect your ability to conceive. 2. Endocrine Abnormalities: Thyroid, Pituary or Adrenal disorders can also affect your hormonal balance. 3. Emotional Problems: Stress can actually inhibit ovulation. 4.Vaginal Disorders: Abnormalities of the vagina like imperforate hymen or Stenosis (an abnormal narrowing of the vagina) may interfere with successful penetration. 5. Tubal Obstruction: An obstruction in the fallopian tube can prevent the egg to make its way to the womb 6. Vaginitis: It is an inflammation of the vagina often caused by an infection. If it is severe it can destroy the sperm cells. 7. Cervical Abnormalities: If there are any polyps in the cervix, they could obstruct the transit of the spermatozoids in their way to the egg cell. 8.Uterine Abnormalities: As with the cervical abnormalities, any obstruction in the uterus can prevent egg implantation. 9.Coital Factors: Lubricants can be toxic for sperm and inactivate them 10.Age: This is one of the most common causes of infertility since women nowadays wait longer and longer to start their families

Here are common male causes of infertility: 1. Genetic defects :Genetic defects are male causes of infertility that are present since birth. Normally, a male has an X and Y chromosomes. However, if you have genetic defects such as an abnormal development of the testicles, you can have two X and one Y chromosomes and this indicates infertility. More so, it can result to low production of sperm as well as low testosterone levels. 2. Sperm shape :When sperm shape is impaired and the movement is erratic, these are also male causes of infertility. Your sperm needs to be in tip-top shape and form in order to move swiftly towards the awaiting egg. The movement of the sperm is also referred to as motility. Motility is the ability of the sperm to make that rigorous journey towards the woman's uterus. Sperm shape is also an indicator of fertility. If sperm is not properly shaped, it may not be able to penetrate the egg. 3. Varicocele :One of the male causes of infertility is called the varicocele. This is the swelling and enlargement of the scrotum. Any occurrence of swelling and inflammation in the male reproductive area can have damaging effect on fertility. It can lead to low sperm count and motility. 4. Sperm count :The most common of all male causes of infertility is low sperm count. You should have at least 20 million sperms per milliliter of semen, according to the World Health Organization. Any number lower than 10 million is an indicator of infertility. 5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases :There are infections like certain Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that are also male causes of infertility. Some of these dangerous diseases are Chlamydia and gonorrhea. They can cause scarring and blockage and sperm may not be able to pass through. An infection common among children called mumps is also one of the male causes of infertility that should be avoided. It can cause inflammation of the testicles and reduces the production of sperm. 6.Drugs and Smoking :Drugs are highly toxic and addictive, they are not only harmful to the nervous system and increases the risk of arteries blockage and lung diseases. They also interfere with the natural processes of the reproductive system including hormone imbalance, and lowering quality and sperm count. 7. Weight : a) Substantial weight loss interferes with the production of the gonadotropinreleasing hormone which is vital for sperm and egg development.

b) Overweight or obesity effects hormone signals and increases the insulin levels leading to over-production of male hormones from ovaries which interferes with ovaries in egg releasing. 8. Alcohol :In men, alcohol interferes with production of testosterone leading to low quality of sperm and sexual desire causing male infertility. Treatment for Infertility: The type of infertility treatment required will depend upon the reasons for infertility, which include issues with production of sperm and eggs; structure or function of the reproductive system and hormonal and immune disorders. Sometimes it's a combination of factors or may be described as unexplained infertility. Female infertility treatment may start with understanding your menstrual cycle and pregnancy window' or most fertile time of the month when you are naturally ready to conceive - often referred to as infertility natural treatment. Ovulation induction, helps a woman regulate and optimize her production of eggs, often the next step in infertility treatments for women. The next step in infertility treatment options is often infertility treatment IUI (intrauterine insemination) where a woman's cycle is monitoring and her partner's sperm is inserted just before ovulation to offer a good chance of conception. The more advanced scientific treatments for infertility include in vitro fertilization (IVF) where an egg is placed with many sperm and natural fertilisation occurs. It's important to know after a woman's age, male infertility is the single biggest cause of a couple's infertility and resulting in needing some form of infertility treatment. The simplest way to understand a man's fertility is to have a semen analysis which will report the number, shape and motility of sperm all important in planning treatments to overcome male infertility. To get good treatment for infertility, one should choose a well established and reputed health center. Check the track record of the hospital before starting treatment. Fertility Creation will provide you the information about the fertility clinics,Cost of IVF,Causes of infertility,Different types of treatment available for infertility like Acupuncture treatment ,Homeopathic treatment etc.

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