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Development Plan Heather Hans Year One Career Complete MLIS degree (May 2013) Add projects and experience from spring semester to resume/CV and online portfolio Gain a full-time library position that includes work in areas such as communications, marketing, outreach, web design, social media, user services, instruction, reference, liaison work, digital scholarship, e-learning, digital libraries, and more. Professional Growth Attend the following conferences: THATCamp Piedmont in Charlotte (March 22-23); Metrolina Information Literacy Conference in Charlotte (June 13); ALA Annual 2013 in Chicago (June 27-July 2); NCLA in Winston-Salem (October 15-18) Learn new programs and technologies including: Jing/Camtasia and CSS for WordPress Service Continue ALA & NCLA memberships, consider adding SLA Find new ways to volunteer/contribute in the community, such as helping with a community garden, volunteering or donating to the Humane Society, volunteering with the BookMarks Festival in Winston-Salem, volunteering at a local public library or museum Personal Growth Create new paintings & reopen Etsy shop Continuing writing through freelance work, a new blog, or a writing class/group Start running again and train for another 5K or 10K Learn more advanced cooking and baking techniques and recipes Year Two Career Master the basic roles of my job Understand how my organization works and build relationships with my coworkers Begin to suggest improvements and innovations to the organization and my position; come up with new ideas Professional Growth Find a professional mentor in my organization Learn more about teaching and instruction; develop a teaching philosophy Publish at least one article related to my work so far and/or present Keep resume/CV and online portfolio updated to reflect accomplishments Keep up with current publications and books on trends and training in my field

Service Continue professional associations and conferences as desired; consider leadership and committee positions in the association(s) Continue community service projects and contributions Personal Growth Pay off school loans; focus on savings and retirement Buy a new car and car insurance plan Continue hobbies, especially art & writing Continue exercise, especially running Year Three Career Assess my role and growth in my current organization; consider how I might advance or take on new responsibilities Discuss my role in the organization with my supervisor; determine possibilities for advancement; request new assignments or projects where applicable Continue to build relationships with my coworkers, collaborate on projects, and suggest new ideas as needed Take on more of a leadership role in my organization Professional Growth Publish one or two articles related to my work and/or present Consider whether I need special certifications or training Keep resume/CV and online portfolio updated to reflect accomplishments Service Continue professional associations and conferences as desired; consider leadership and committee positions in the association(s) Continue community service projects and contributions Personal Growth Focus on savings, investments, and retirement Consider buying property (house/condo) Continue hobbies, especially art and writing Continue exercise, especially running and yoga

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