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(nurcn FellowsnrP Christian

Love One Another

Hovewe ever shedthe teorsof onothergotien underthe lood? Reolly poin ond ogony of o brother Suffered Whowolkso dork ond lonelyrood? Do we love our brolher? who osk, Do we reodilygive to thosefolks help when we con? And joyfully Arewe reody ond willingfor ony tosk, Though moy inlenuptour plon? it Do we love one onother? Friend, we willingto go thot secondmile, ore Helping woy lhotwe con? ony Whenloced wilh o frown,do we lifl wilh o smile,
An.l cn.^rir.r.1c .r' rr fcllowmon?


Do we reolly, trulylove? Or ore we too preoccupiedwith our own Tostop by the sideof the rood, And offero helpinghond lo one unknown Who struggles wilh o heovylood? Do we love only our own? Our Lordleochesusto love one onother, And olwoysgo the extromile, for .. Givingond forgiving, He gove Hislife. Foreverymon, womon ond child. Lel us LoveOne Another.
-Connie Compbell Brolhcher-

reDruary t/'",tut5 yvorsntP )ervtce





vvelcome 4n4 vr4ysr

(next'Alvin Kroeked

(ongregatronal Ing )rng

. l -.

Announce ments
c{ LJrTefl ng

Kid's Korner
(nexl- Cryslol NepinokJ


Number Special
Kenton& Kiro

Reading S*ipture
I John3: I I -23 RondyNepinok
(nexlMel Plett)

"LovingOne Anolher"

5unday 5chool
r\ewsanq l\otes
Soturdov, 8:30-l0o.m. Men'sBreokfost ot CBF. Coslis$8.per person. . Soturdov, I0:30- 2p.m.Lodies 1 brunchot SolidRockChurch.Cosiis$5.per person. /p.m. Community Soturdoy, Evenl Elk's ol Holl. Chok,leslimonies ond stories. NextSundoy, Joe Pelly be speoking will here.
,l ^

Fridoy, Feb.22nd, :30p.m. 7
Teen l^hnllannc nt (-Rf 4hU16ft.

VolleyWideYouthEvent. will Bus leovethe churchot 6:45p.m. Speoker Terry is Thiessen. Proise ond worship tlme,teslimonies, gomesond food. Theme: MokingChoices, Stoying Shorp

Lnurcn Lreantng
Ferlin Elizobeth &

/ust a lhought
It ischeerful1oGod when you rejoiceor lough fromthe bottom of yourheorl
-MortinLulher KingJr.-

-Spring Douglos MennoniieChurch, SolurdoyMorch9, 6:30p.m. Bonquet. Ave.JoinMCC for on eveningof food ond enlerfoinmenl l5l7 Rolhesoy Deckerf, MCC Conodo InlernotionolVolunteer feoluringspeokerKoihryn wilh musicol by enterloinmenl the Coordinotor, Progrom Exchonge {IVEP) group. Dove Giesbrecht tickels. for Conlocl Kote or PouloI 204-261-6381 complimentory ,MennonileCentrolCommitleeisoppeolingfor donolionsto conlinueils peoce building Syrlo, in Jordon ond grossroots ossistonce humonilorion Donolions ond donolionsmoke o difference. Yourproyers ond Lebonon. con be mod onlineot,by phoning 1-888-622Winnipeg, 6337or by moil or in personol MCC Monilobo, 134PlozoDrive, , To Crisis. designotegiflsos going lowordsthe Syrio MB R3T 5K9.Pleose towordsthe cousesincethe hove roisedover $160,000 dote, Monilobons View o video on lhe crisls ot oppeol begon lostFebruory. http://mccconodo-co/svrio-crisis-video.


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