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James L Bradley February 21st, 2013

For those of you that are familiar with my previous compositions, thats okay you can label them rants, you know that I tend to latch onto a subject and make a broad attempt at making sense of its purpose. As of late our country along with a couple of others under the umbrella of the West, have been struggling with their economy, which is my humble opinion is a battle that cannot under our present system be won. It is no secret that ever since the world currency market ran away from any precious metal such as the Gold that the printed pieces of paper floating around here and there has no real intrinsic value, and for that matter neither has Gold in our tightly controlled market. Riding along with these pieces of paper that have been printed by the privately owned Federal Reserve (FED) is the simple fact that this organization has held this monopoly for 75-years and in fact has no backing for their dollars. Oh, well there is the faith that some have propping it up in some circles. In much aligned circles it is a value tied directly to oil, which by in-large has led to our massive debit based economy consider the simple known fact that the war in Iraq was for oil, solidifying the statement that Karl Marx utter, war is inherent in Capitalism. Why? Because capitalism must always expand thereby an increasing debt spun around greed and waste. A must in order for capitalism to succeed. As the housing bubble this currency bubble must sooner or later burst, as known a large soapy bubble can only grow so much until the surface tension can no longer contain the expanding hot air, or whatever.

We find in America that this bubble has reached such a size that the country can never hope to repay its debt, and coupled with this situation is that the citizens of the land known as the biggest consumers in the world are learning to live with less, and if they do purchase spent their hard earned money on items that last longer thereby moving away from planned obsolescence in-grained in its previous generations. Is there a way out of this? Devalue the dollar in other words let it free fall, one immediate consequence would be countries like China and Japan, etc., etc., would be holding vaults chock full of useless paper. The ever present FED, after accumulating or seizing what real value in the country, foreclosures, loans and collection entities, would simply print more currency thereby creating a massive depression that would rip the souls out of the Middle Class and the Poor while increasing the wealth of the top 5% of the nation. Is this happening, why American has been marching in this direction of controlled devaluation for at least 18-months, if you recall it wasnt but just last December that the FED stated that the value of the dollar needed to drop some 33.33%. But if youre on the ball you know that controlled devaluation is a Hollywood fairy tale, where external forces and our global markets would cause a run which would be uncontrollable. Over the past 12months, after Japan peaked behind the curtain and saw the FEDs plan they began following the same idea by devaluating the Yen in lockstep with the Dollar, the FED got up on step and cried to the high-heavens yet as can see, big deal there is nothing the FED can do. Now as a consequence of the Feds actions three countries have commenced trading each other currency Japan, China and Russia instead of trading dollars, thereby further weakening the US Dollar. Unfortunately a complete collapse of the American dollar would really hurt China and Japan as they hold a small fortune in American debt, make the dollar go away and theyd go bankrupt thereby creating a world wide depression supported by two major industrial units with no cash to pay for any goods. Lately Switzerland and Germany have submitted requests to have their Gold returned from Fort Knox, a move that has caused jitters among

countries around the world, especially as Switzerland is regarded as one of the cagiest financial operators in the world and as of late have moved behind some pretty shifty organizations in securing their place in the financial world. In other words, why the demand? On top of this the FED refused a German audit of the supposed German gold reserves being held by the FED again why? We recently have been informed that the GWB created Department of Homeland Security ordered some 450 million 10mm Hollow Point ammunition, enhancing their stockpile to almost a thousand million (one billion) for what? Consider this the DHS is not a trained police force, it is also not a trained military they are a group of individuals who have been especially vetted to the flag, if you have or if you havent you should be asking yourself, as one of 300 million Americans why does the DHS need a billion rounds of Ammunition? Along with the ammunition the DHS has been running around willy-nilly buying up Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), again ask yourself why? Could it be that the plan put forward to create a depression of a grand scale that the government cannot reply of the loyalty of the Police, yet in the same breath isnt it also true that the individuals for punch in each day at the DHS will also find their meager savings and checking accounts at a new balance zero! Same goes for the military, and as long as were on the same lines of conspiracy would it be prudent to haul back the men and ladies from Afghanistan and muster them out of our standing military thereby reducing the numbers of an armed group the theory being put forth that it would be some fiercely loyal DHS members to defend the haves or our nation keeping the have nots from rising up. Myself I dont buy it, albeit 1 billion rounds of ammo and truck loads of MREs might signify something I dont believe it is for the benefit of the 5% or even the 1%. Regardless, when money is worthless, thereby having a checking account or a savings account both stuffed behind a banks door whereas with the stroke of a pen, the bank(s) close their doors but then again if the greenback is worthless why lock the doors in the first place. If a depression is over the horizon the only option will be barter, where long-term storage of food stuffs and other commodities are the secure

investment, better than money in the bank, skills and trades will be high, all geared toward the reintroduction of a new currency. Inflation will rise up and the value of your food, medicine, along with your skills will be in lockstep just as your other talents. If there is, hang on the if are you and I prepared, if not than so-be-it. Myself I am not international or national or even town financial expert, being that the only qualification I have is I understand basic physics and the control (somewhat) of electrons, protons and neutrons as they charge my cellphone and operate my puter and the manmade light that pushes the dark away at night. The currency machine is active in every country on the globe, yet is true that there is no other currency that impacts the world economy as does the Greenback, in this it has become the default currency of the world. All countries have traded in and/or hold US Currency as of the present in the USs favor. Closer examination of this shows in fact that the greenback is no more substantial than Monopoly Money whereas it is the perception of its value that has pushed it to the forefront tied to the once purchasing power of the man-in-the-street rushing here or there to this sale or that one mostly to Walmart to find a cheap item from China. At the end of the day when youre counting up your loose dollar bills or adding up your credit slips you might realize its only value was you going on and buying. Around the world a slight tick either up or down in the sale of this or that in the USA ripples through the world economy, in this you can see the fear that if a planned depression is in the works the rest of the world is bordering on panic. In reality so should you sheltered there in your well heated homes in one of the USs fifty states or one of its territories. As a society we have been taught to believe in mandates put forth by our government, remember the 60s the wave after wave of political unrest, questioning and protesting, real debates on the box, where protestors were given air time and the Vietnam war ground to a halt because of political protest. Since the FCC changed the rules of equal air-time, you might see a 10 or 15 second protest of a crowd waving dead baby signs or whatever end-of-story. But we accept this limitation in our right to protest as progress as the big money crowd spends millions telling their story you get 10 or 15

seconds, in other words money talks and protests walk. Some remark that the citizens as a whole are lazy and contented, prepared to accept the situation and do what theyre told naw, they are just fed up and believe whats the use! We have now in the middle of all this our favorite shadow the New World Order, an entity that has entertained a vast majority of our populations since the phrase was first introduced by GWHBush back when. Well guess what this order made up of this group or that one by hiding their presence behind this curtain or that one has been effective in pulling the strings of our economic market across the globe yet their manipulations are so well constructed and buried that it is a monster chore to sort out the players so they say. Some say their leader of master of ceremonies is Satin, you know that entity that made Flip Wilson so famous. I chuckle. Although it appears that this order really doesnt pay too much attention to history, or if they do they are counting on you not having history as part of your life, in this we see them doing the same thing over and over again. Some, albeit fewer and fewer remember the Great Depression where warning were issued about the Gold and Silver standards and the printing of phony money and evidence so far is pointing to the fact that under the pretext of revaluing the market recessions were hoisted on the public along with this evidence it becomes evident that the wealth of the land was to be redistributed to the 5% and to devalue the dollar to allow further escalation of the currency. Due to our present mode of connectivity many of us have arrived at the conclusion that our present mode of capitalism is driven by greed, and that this greed is supported by waste whether it be the waste of war, or the discarded items found in a local landfill. Mega-International Corporations have swallowed up companies either oversea or internal to the USA thereby gaining politically, and dictating the political will of the leaders in government, locally, state or federal it makes no difference. These huge, now consider people, have morphed into duopolies and/or monopolies that control the economies and in the end nations across the world. These captains of industry plot and plan to steer a nation in the direction that will enlarge their bottom line, regardless of the social or economic

maneuvering that is necessary to achieve their goalsstop if you firmly believe that the removal of Saddam Hussein was for the people in Iraq and not oil youve been living under a rock for the last twenty-years. War as noted in history and by Karl Marx is the ultimate weapon used to grow their bank accounts, and pay no-never-mind that it is also the maximum waste of any human endeavor and natural resources they dont care. A laymans study of economics that if capital is linked to a standard (such as Gold) the creation of capital is finite in other words the capital will have match the reserves of the standard. Once the FED removed the Dollar no longer linking it to Gold, their skillful change morphed across the modern world, and the beginning of money in any form could be minted to anyones desire. Then along came the credit world which eventually led to a nonliner expansion of national debt. Today in the US we find ourselves hopelessly tied to a debt we can never hope to pay off. What about all that gold, which is safe to say has been horded or stolen today when an individual or body buys gold they dont receive or collect the gold they purchased they get a piece of paper that tells them they own a certain amount of gold the paper tied to whatever gold is selling for at the time. These pieces of paper are labeled monopoly vouchers, in other words Gold that was supposedly secured and held by the FED an imaginary gold at best. The FED in the case of Germany and not allowing an audit has agreed to deliver the gold sometime in the next 7-years Gold that rightfully belongs to Germany. Any reasonable person would ask the simple question(s) why not allow an audit and while stall the transfer of Gold to its rightful owner. Might it be that the Gold is not there? Over the years the FED has engaged in factional gold trading, treating it the same as our phony money, in fact they have sold more than they hold, and in fact (facts which most people ignore) is that they have traded pieces of paper claiming to be backed by gold to the factual amount that exceeds the known gold reserves. The salvation of our economy in reality depends on how and when we can rip the control of our currency from the privately owned Federal Reserve, strangely there is an Executive Order that was issued by Friday the 12th, in

November 1963 by President John F Kennedy that intended to do that just ten days before he was gunned down in Dallas, Executive Order 11110. By challenging the power of the FED and returning currency control to the Government he sealed his own fate coincidence, maybe but he and Lincoln met the same fate for similar actions. Think about it, with unlimited power to print money and bill the government for the printing the FED is in a perfect position to feather the pocket of any corporation, government, NGO or individual that they desire. In reality giving solid reference to the concept that everyone has a price thereby making it a simple matter for them (the twelve banks that own the FED) to influence events by its passage up along the line or down with printed US dollars. Some where, tied to this, are the words of Timothy chapter 1, verses 6:10, For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. In a preemptive action the FED stood behind the creation of what they hoped would be a new currency, after they crashed the US dollar where they stood firmly behind the new Euro whereas the central banks moved to take over the banks of the sovereign nations by an absolute control on the money supply as it turned out it was and is a financial disaster in fact ask the French, it was a heads up that Gaddafi was going to withdraw his billions in Euros from the French banks to support his plan of creating he Gold Dinar for Africa that caused the French to go head-to-head with his force in Libya. If he had been successful in creating the Gold Dinar with his funds in France an immediate financial collapse in French banks would have happened, as the demand for Gaddafis capital was more than they could handle as they had been playing willy-nilly with their scheme of fractional banking bingo France is bankrupt, so a nation went to war for its banks. One currency for the diverse countries in Europe is not a good idea, look at Greece, where they cannot compete against the cheap imports from lets say Germany, thereby Greek exports are buried creating a non-existent export base by having to abide by the Euro they have no option available to devalue the German currency (same as theirs), where if they were under

their own currency they could make the imports from Germany less attractive and their exports more attractive. But now we find Greece buried in debt to the IMF, who now find themselves worried if Greece will ever be able to repay the loans they advanced Greece which in reality was not to assist Greece but to maintain the continued use of the Euro. In looking at the situation in the US one could say were headed toward a total economic death where some say this has been the plan all along basing their opinion of the shadowy group that controls the worlds money. Instead of a Golden Horde sweeping across our borders we find a parasitic infestation that is sucking out the wealth of the nation, and at the end-of-theday will move onto their next subject. Even with a brief study of history one can trace this group and their actions as they have been expelled from nation to nation around the globe, but not before they caused untold misery through usury and control of the monetary system of the country leaving once they have bankrupted the land and sometimes being tard and feathered on their way down the rails an example of such actions is the land fighting the wars, where the group created to accumulate wealth Iraq. This time around they have managed to suck in the bulk of the world into using their useless paper as the basis of International Trade, in effect spreading massive amounts of debt to every corner they touch consequently we now have countries around the world that are at serious risk from the impending collapse of the Dollar. Our now retired Secretary of the Treasury, good-old-boy Tim spent many hours trying to get China to stop devaluating its currency, with no success. Some of us look at China with distain and chuckle if their economy sniffles from time-to-time, yet make no mistake not only are they the longest surviving civilization on the planet they are pretty astute businessmen. We collectively laugh at the mega-cities they have built that are empty, while we also wonder what are they thinking? Think, China today has ownership of a large portion of our debt, around about 2 years more or so ago they figured out that the currency would be or is actually worthless and figured that when the notes came due theyd receive zero. Their solution, based on those notes they have been jumping

around the world purchasing resources with American dollars this buying spree has in fact increased commodity prices much faster than any rise previously. They are paying for all these resources was made in worthless dollars they have purchased large tracts of timber in Africa, diary and beef farms in New Zealand and invested in this or that company in the USA. Inside their land they are preparing for the future, highways, high-speed rail, cities with no or very little people all with dollars while devaluing their currency and expanding their export market in other word spend it while you can and while it is still being accepted, the American dollar. We know that to protect ourselves from a massive collapse in the dollar is to own a resource, when the dollar breaths its last breath the resource will maintain its value no matter the new currency. Stepping back the one and only way that America can escape a financial disaster is to return to a currency based on physical bullion, where as you and I know the American National Debt is based on FED currency enact Executive Order 11110, thereby the money controlled and issued by the US government will be backed by bullion and guaranteed by the government in reality the government could walk away from the debt and leave the FED holding it until the cows came home. The worthless FED currency can be dropped over-night and all debt abolished that is based on FED currency all that are holding FED currency might just as well cook a meal with the heat generated by burning it. The problem is, can it be done in such a fashion that precludes the FED and that group from stepping in to stop it, the other thought is the FED of the mind-set to let the dollar fall into oblivion. Some pretty important governments feel this is the track the FED is on whereas Russia, China and Japan are moving toward trading between them in a move to establish a supper currency (as suggested by Putin and his gang), or International Trade thereby reducing their risk of holding FED currency and to yank the long held sovereign control of the group so get ready something is afoot, Watson.

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