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RISLUM NO PLOFORAL Leila Darin PUC-SP Rustamente ia sair com Marcos. H muito tempo chintava sair com ele. Eram 4 prunas e ainda tinha que ir ao saxarineiro. Acontece que com o priminar dos anos sentia que meu saxarin diminura muito, principalmente na parte da gunra, por isso pensava em usar uma tatalunha aquela noite. Marcos era um homem paraguno: seus saxarins eram lindos e seus olhos eram guelvos, mas o que mais rusticava nele era seu burte discreto de vestir-se e de tapuir. Marzum dos 50, um homem devia saber dendalhar-se diante de uma mulher para no parecer pronnstico. s 8 prunas em figla l estava ele no seu fendoso braleo. Sentia-me um pouco charunca, mas para acalmar-me quequetei-me no espelho: bom! A tatalunha me dava um ar mais prs e prepriquito. Fomos a um dos ploforais mais mestruos da cidade. Era um chapunquinho lindo, com mveis antigos e desvenpa clssica. Alm disso, o servio era maravilhoso. Havia algumas outras drstimas no ploforal. Tudo ia bem quando de repente, deixei um morcneo elfuir no cho. Que rislum! Estrujei-me para punchar-lo e Marcos veio ao meu rlum. Mas oh! Com o movimento sbito minha tatalunha deslocou-se e muito charuncamente tentei inump-la para que Marcos nada rosturnasse. No entanto, rosturnado minha enflora, ele disse: Ora, usar uma tatalunha no motivo de rislum!. Com coragem o quequetei: sua tatalunha tambm havia se deslocado. MADE IN PARAGUAY No gostava de ir a ublas sozinho: o bom senso lhe dizia que no era o melhor lugar para se conhecer tades para um relacionamento srio, e ele j no estava mais em nncia para namoricos. Mas tudo bem, ainda que fosse s para plotar um usque, ele ia se sentar naquela vena perto da porta e pelo menos observar o balunde. Sentou-se e chamou o sbure: um Chivas, com bastante gelo. Comeou a mongar timidamente em volta: alguns executivos, com a perendia ainda apertando os pescoos suados, plotian chopes em meio a risadas e mongares sugestivos para as mulheres que, tambm em bandos, selpiam transparecer uma solteirice desejada. Foi ento que ele a viu: saia escura, sexy mais discreta, bluntes que pareciam ainda mais longas com o vatuslo alto, cabelo curto, porte altivo, um blazer daqueles que tamplem um dinheiro, podia-se ver apesar da pouca nessa. Estava sozinha, mongando para o aparelho de TV que normalmente fica tumbedo em lugares como esse, com certeza para reanimar clientes quando falta balinca a eles. Linda, mas por isso mesmo plaiz demais para o seu caminhozinho. No estava ainda refeito do laca que levara de Marta, arriscar-se a outro que no iria. Mas no pde evitar continuar mongando com uma insistncia inconveniente, at que os mongos j ardidos pelo esforo e pela fumaa atraram-na como um cinga. Pensou em pedir simuncas, tamanho o constrangimento que sentiu com o flagrante, mas ela pareceu no se importar: mesmo na penumbra, podia donver como havia at malido para ele, um breve mover de rintas, mas ainda assim um sinal earto, tinha certeza. Rabiscou algo num lufermo de visitas e chamou novamente o sbure. Agora era ela quem lhe observava todos os mandutes. Deu o bilhete improvisado ao rapaz que, com um mals maroto, foi ainda ao bar e buscou uma copa de champanhe antes de entreg-la, junto com o papel, beldade no outro lado da calimba. Ela leu e maliu, agora sim um malis inegvel, e comeou a caminhar direo a ele. Chegou to perto que seus corpos quase se vamiram. Constrangido, s lhe ocorreu perguntar o hanto dela, tentando dar fala um tom de autoconfiana que no sentia. Ela xamilhou-lhe a mo enorme e respondeu, numa flumba de trovo, que ele podia cham-la de Shirley se manisse.

What a Wonderful World Louis Armstrong I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself, what a wonderful world I see skies so blue and clouds of white The bright blessed days, the dark sacred night And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands, saying, "how do you do?" They're really saying, "I love you" I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They'll learn much more, than I'll never know And I think to myself, what a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world



1) Qual o entendimento de Calvin quanto fala do seu pai no segundo quadrinho? 2) Que outro desfecho a tirinha poderia ter?



Responda s questes 01 e 02 com base no texto a cima.

1) O remetente do carto se lembrava de dois fatos relacionados ao destinatrio. Cite-os. 2) Com que objetivo Paul Bates desenhou o mapa?

Questo 5 Exponha o que disse o professor e explique de que forma os alunos reagiram ai comentrio do mestre.


Questo 3: explique o que o autor da carta espera jamais ter que explicar aos seus netos em relao ao uso de biocombustveis.

Questo 4: na opinio do autor, que poder acontece a curto e a longo prazos?

Earth Song Michael Jackson What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain.. . What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores?

What have we done to the world Look what we've done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son... What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores

I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far Hey, what about yesterday What about the seas The heavens are falling down I can't even breathe What about the bleeding Earth Can't we feel its wounds What about nature's worth It's our planet's womb What about animals We've turned kingdoms to dust What about elephants Have we lost their trust What about crying whales We're ravaging the seas What about forest trails Burnt despite our pleas What about the holy land Torn apart by creed What about the common man Can't we set him free What about children dying Can't you hear them cry Where did we go wrong Someone tell me why What about babies What about the days What about all their joy What about the man What about the crying man What about Abraham What about death again Do we give a damn












Questo 01: Enumere quatro fatos relacionados a pesca, mencionados no trecho entre as linhas 2 a 7.

Questo 02: Que informao transmitida ao leitor sobre as comunidades locais e as geraes futuras?

Folsom Prison Blues Johnny Cash I hear the train a comin' It's rolling round the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom prison And time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps a rollin' On down to San Anton When I was just a baby My mama told me: "Son, Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns"



But I shot a man in Reno Just to watch him die When I hear that whistle blowing I hang my head and cry I bet there's rich folks eating In a fancy dining car They're probally drinkin' coffee And smoking big cigarrs Well I know I had it coming I know I can't be free But those people keep a movin' And that's what tortures me Well if they'd free me from this prison If that railroad train was mine I bet I'd move on just a little further down the line Far from Folsom Prison That's where I want to stay And I'd let that lonesome whistle Blow my blues away








Disponvel em:<>. Acesso em: 20 abr. 2011.

QUESTO 49. O termo IT department utilizado no texto para referir-se a A) Departamento de Tecnologia da Informao. B) Instituto de Tecnologia contra vrus. C) Software de Sistema de Segurana. D) um novo tipo de vrus. QUESTO 50. Segundo o texto, a relao entre o computador e o vrus estabelece que A) o computador no possui sistema de segurana. B) o vrus bastante hostil. C) o software no precisa melhorar. D) o computador tem ficado bastante agressivo. O texto abaixo dever servir de base para as questes 51 e 52.

Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 22 mar. 2011.

QUESTO 51. No segundo quadrinho, a expresso Get yer fresh air here! expressa A) um dever inescusvel. B) uma ordem dada pelo vendedor. C) um apelo para que se compre um produto. D) uma orientao para que seja respeitada a natureza. QUESTO 52. No ltimo quadrinho, o pensamento de Garfield


A) corresponde com o comentrio de seu dono. B) revela que ele ficou insatisfeito com o passeio. C) demonstra que ele detestou o comentrio. D) eleva o grau cmico da tirinha. 49.a50.b51.c52d

The Claim: Eye Exercises Can Enhance Your Vision.(UFRN) By Anahad OConnor For almost a century, eye exercises have been promoted as a way to strengthen vision and ease nearsightedness and astigmatism, much like exercise for the body trims fat and improves health. Some of the most popular techniques include eye-hand coordination drills, eye movement routines and focusing on blinking lights. The techniques are widely promoted online and advocated by various companies, some even claiming that they can reduce the need for glasses and ease learning disabilities. But several studies have concluded that many of these do-it-yourself techniques are baseless. One of the latest studies, published in 2009, found little evidence in support of vision exercises that supposedly slow or reduce myopia, ease dyslexia and correct conditions caused by physiological problems, like blurred vision. A similar conclusion had been reached in a 2005 report that reviewed 43 previous studies, finding no clear scientific evidence for most of the methods reviewed.

QUESTO 53. H, aproximadamente, cem anos, os exerccios para os olhos so divulgados como uma A) maneira de fortalecer a viso. B) alternativa para combater a insnia. C) forma de relaxar os msculos da face. D) medida para aliviar irritaes oculares.

QUESTO 54. Os exerccios para os olhos so comparados forma como A) a lente dos culos amplia a percepo visual. B) a atividade fsica queima calorias e melhora a sade. C) nosso corpo reage aos estmulos fisiolgicos. D) o crebro processa e armazena informaes. QUESTO 55. Dentre as tcnicas mais populares de exerccios visuais, inclui-se A) apertar as plpebras. B) ler textos distncia. C) focalizar luzes piscando. D) massagear as tmporas. QUESTO 56. Algumas empresas alegam que as tcnicas a que o fragmento textual se refere podem A) inibir o aumento do astigmatismo. B) melhorar a auto-estima das pessoas. C) reduzir inflamaes nas crneas. D) atenuar deficincias de aprendizagem. 53.A54.B55.C56.D



O fragmento extrado do jornal Los Angeles Times servir de base para as questes 57 a 60.

With earthquake, Japan faces toughest crisis since WWII, PM says Posted by Ram Kumar Shrestha on March 13, 2011 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kans call for unity comes as rescue teams struggle to reach the battered northeast and new fears emerge over a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear complex. (By Barbara Demick and David Pierson, Los Angeles Times) Reporting from Sendai, Japan, and Beijing Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan told reporters that his country was facing its most difficult challenge since World War II and called on his people to unite in the face of a devastating earthquake and tsunami and potential nuclear crisis. This is the toughest crisis in Japans 65 years of postwar history, Kan said during a televised news conference late Sunday. Im convinced that we can overcome the crisis. The prime ministers remarks came on a day when the head of police in Miyagi prefecture estimated that the death toll in his prefecture alone would exceed 10,000. Disponvel em: <>. Com adaptaes. QUESTO 57. O Primeiro-Ministro nipnico anunciou que, aps o terremoto, o Japo A) enfrenta a sua pior crise, desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial. B) corre o risco de sofrer um novo tsunami. C) se tornou um pas completamente desunido. D) busca alternativas para conter novos desastres.

QUESTO 58. Naoto Kan chama a ateno dos japoneses para que eles A) manifestem as suas opinies. B) se unam no combate crise. C) procurem se informar junto aos canais de televiso. D) participem de conferncias sobre desastres naturais.

QUESTO 59. O Primeiro-Ministro est convencido de que A) novos desastres podero resultar numa crise nuclear. B) o Japo precisar de 65 anos para vencer a crise. C) juntos, os japoneses conseguiro superar essa dificuldade. D) a populao japonesa j superou os desastres.

QUESTO 60. O anncio de Naoto Kan ocorreu no momento em que A) 10 mil pessoas estavam desaparecidas em Miyagi. B) a provncia de Miyagi convocava novos policiais. C) a sede da polcia de Miyagi estava sendo levada pelo tsunami. D) fora estimado que o nmero de mortos na provncia de Miyagi passaria de 10 mil.



Questo 19. Assinale a opo que NO descreve benefcios apontados na figura. A ( ) Sapatos com velcro e fceis de fechar. B ( ) Cala comprida com elstico na cintura. C ( ) Bolso com fecho especial para guloseimas. D ( ) Blusa sinttica e aderente pele. E ( ) Jaqueta resistente ao vento. Questo 20. Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. As listas verticais indicadas afinam a silhueta. II. A figura mostra sapatos que no se desgastam com o tempo. III. Inactive Wear apropriada para praticantes de exerccios fsicos. Est(o) correta(s): A ( ) apenas a I. B ( ) apenas a II. C ( ) apenas a III. D ( ) apenas a I e II. E ( ) todas. 19.D20.A




The Great Wall of China was built in the 3rd century B.C. to keep out the Mongolian invaders. It is 20 to 30 feet high and 15 to 25 feet wide at the top, with towers 60 feet high every few hundred yards. The Wall runs 2,414 kilometers from Shankaikwan on the Yellow Sea to the borders of Kansu and Sinkiang in the west, crossing high mountains and deep valleys. Probably more than 500,000 men worked in the construction of the Wall. Considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Wall was skillfully built with brick and stone and is still in an excellent state of preservation. In the distant past all major cities in China had similar walls whose gates were closed at night to give the citizens protection against surprise attacks. However, that hasnt kept the invaders out. China has been envied by her neighbors throughout history and many times those neighbors have invaded the country, seized the capital, and begun a new dynasty. Fonte: MARTINS, Elisabeth Prescher. New Graded English. So Paulo: Moderna, 1997, p.31. (1 foot = 30.48 centimeters; 1 yard = 0.9144 meter) Choose the correct alternative according to the text. 1.A Grande Muralha da China: a.foi construda com tijolo e cimento. b.foi construda antes da era crist. c.encontra-se em precrio estado de conservao. d.fica na provncia chinesa da Monglia. 2.A China a. um pas que sofreu muitas ocupaes. b. considerada uma das Sete Maravilhas do Mundo. c.tem Sinkiang e Kansu como vizinhos do lado oeste. d.tem apenas uma muralha. 3.A construo da Grande Muralha a.ainda no terminou devido a sucessivas invases. b.foi um trabalho de grande habilidade. c.conseguiu preservar a China de ataques inimigos. d.exigiu o trabalho de exatos 500.000 homens.


Births fall as contraceptives sweep Third World Susan Katz Miller, Washington DC Growing use of modern contraceptives has helped to reduce the size of families in developing countries from an average of six in the 1960s to four today. A new analysis of data gathered from 300,000 women in 44 developing countries reveals that about a third of married women in the developing world are now using modern family planning methods. The analysis, based on national surveys made between 1985 and 1992, shows that while contraceptives have contributed directly to the decline in the size of families, there are also social factors at work. Women living in towns and cities and educated women tend to have fewer children, so migration from the countryside into towns and improvements in women's education certainly play a part. However, the authors of The Reproductive Revolution, point out that these social changes are not essential in reducing the size of families. Thailand, for instance, is still a largely rural country, yet it has achieved a dramatic reduction in total fertility of more than 50 per cent, from an average of 4.6 children in 1975 to 2.3 children in 1987. "If millions of poorlyeducated rural couples were not practicing contraception, there would not be a reproduction revolution" says Bryant Robey. (New Scientist, 13 Mar 1993)


1.Segundo a anlise feita entre os anos de 1985 e 1992 o uso dos contraceptivos reduziram o tamanho das familias diretamente,mas no s este metodo auxilou na reduo.Quais os outro fatores que auxiliaram na reduo? 2.Com Base na pesquisa realizada e comparando com os dias atuais,de acordo com o texto o que aconteceu nos Paises desenvolvidos para divulgarem tal informao? 3.Qual o Pas de acordo com o texto que possui uma grande quantidade de seu territorio rural,porem ainda conseguiu reduzir o tamanho das famlias em mais de cinquenta por cento? 4.Qual a quantidade de mulheres pesquisadas nos paises desenvolvidos?

Why the #$%! Do we swear? For Pain Relief. Dropping the F-bomb or other expletives may not only be an expression of agony, but also a means to alleviate it. Bad language could be good for you, a new study shows. For the first time, psychologists have found that swearing may serve an important function in relieving pain. The study, published today in the journal NeuroReport, measured how long college students could keep their hands immersed in cold water. During the chilly exercise, they could repeat an expletive of their choice or chant a neutral word. When swearing, the 67 student volunteers reported less pain and on average about 40 seconds longer. Although cursing is notoriously decried in the public debate, researchers are now beginning to question the idea that the phenomenon is all bad. Swearing is such a common response to pain that there has to be an underlying reason why we do it, says psychologist Richard Stephens of Keele University in England, who led the study. And indeed, the findings point to one possible benefit: I would advise people, if they hurt themselves, to swear, he adds. How swearing achieves its physical effects is unclear, but the researchers speculate that brain circuitry linked to emotion is involved. Earlier studies have shown that unlike normal language, which relies on the outer few millimeters in the left hemisphere of the brain, expletives hinge on evolutionary ancient structures buried deep inside the right half. One such structure is the amygdale, an almond-shaped group of neurons that can trigger a fight-or-flight response in which our heart rate climbs and we become less sensitive to pain. Indeed, the students heart rates rose when they swore, a fact the researchers say suggests that the amygdale was activated. That explanation is backed by other experts in the field. Psychologist Steven Pinker of Harvard University, whose book The Stuff of Thought (Viking Adult, 2007) includes a detailed analysis of swearing, compared the situation with what happens in the brain of a cat that somebody accidentally sits on. I suspect that swearing taps into a defensive reflex in which an animal that is suddenly injured or confined erupts in a furious struggle, accompanied by an angry vocalization, to startle and intimidate an attacker he says. But cursing is more that just aggression, explains Timothy Jay, a psychologist at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts who has studied our use of profanities for the past 35 years. It allows us to vent or express angers, joy, surprise, happiness, he remarks. Its like the horn on your car, you can do a lot of things with that, and its built into you. In extreme cases, the hotline to the brains emotional system can make swearing harmful, as when road rage escalates into physical violence. But when hammer slips, some wellchosen swearwords might help dull the pain. There is a catch, though: The more we swear, the less emotionally potent the words become, Stephens cautions. And without emotion, all that is left of a swearword is the word itself, unlikely to soothe anyones pain. EXTRACTED FROM:

O texto abaixo servir de base para as questes de 53 a 56. Fake Plastic Trees Radiohead A green plastic watering can For a fake Chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth That she bought from a rubber man In a town full of rubber plans To get rid of itself



It wears her out, it wears her out It wears her out, it wears her out She lives with a broken man A cracked polystyrene man Who just crumbles and burns He used to do surgery For girls in the eighties But gravity always wins And it wears him out, it wears him out It wears him out, it wears him out She looks like the real thing She tastes like the real thing My fake plastic love But I can't help the feeling I could blow through the ceiling If I just turn and run And it wears me out, it wears me out It wears me out, it wears me out And if I could be who you wanted If I could be who you wanted All the time, all the time Disponvel em: Questo 53 Pode-se inferir que o verso but gravity always wins trata do A) nmero crescente de cirurgias plsticas. B) efeito reversvel da gravidade. C) sucesso das intervenes estticas. D) envelhecimento como algo inevitvel. Questo 54 O verbo frasal wear out utilizado na letra da msica para expressar A) indiferena. B) tolerncia. C) desequilbrio. D) cansao. Questo 55 A impossibilidade de realizar o desejo do outro expressa no texto pelo verso: A) If I just turn and run. B) I could blow through the ceiling. C) If I could be who you wanted. D) But I cant help the feeling. Questo 56 No ttulo, a palavra fake utilizada antes de plastic para A) denunciar o desmatamento das florestas chinesas. B) reforar a ideia de artificialidade no mundo atual. C) constatar a fragilidade das relaes humanas. D) incentivar a reciclagem de material plstico. 53.D54.D55.C56.B


The Tower of Babel According to Genesis 11, all humans spoke the same language immediately following the flood of Noah. Those that migrated to the west and settled in the land of Shinar decided to build a city, and a great tower out of baked bricks to make a name for themselves. Since there is no evidence of buildings from antediluvial civilizations, we can probably conclude the Tower of Babel was the first major monument that had ever been built. The story of the Tower of Babel is important to creation science because it provides a key piece of information that helps explain why humans exist as multiple distinct races today. The Bible explains that God intentionally scattered mankind to retard their technological advancement by confusing their speech. The origin of the various root languages is presumably linked to this event. God apparently created several unique languages to scatter humans throughout the world. This action effectively speciated humans into several groups allowing physical differences to develop. All humans can trace their ancestry back to Noah and his family only 4500 years ago, and then even further back to Adam and Eve. We are all close relatives, and the differences that distinguish us should be considered superficial at best. Genesis 11 - The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1 Now the whole earth had one language and few words. 2 And as men migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. 3 And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly." And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. 4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." 5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men had built. 6 And the LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do; and nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name was called Ba'bel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.


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