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GUIDE: 1. Relate back to previous objectives set 2. Use exploratory questioning 3. Be patient 4.

Help people to develop their own strategies, dont impose it on them 5. Give some easy wins give your colleague some ideas of things they can put into practice in their next lesson, for example a starting exercise, or way of using the Smart board. There will then be a feeling of immediate progression. CHECKLIST 1 100% 1.A clear statement that the performance 2.The correct time line for the performance 3 Effectively organizes learning situations to meet the objectives of the class presentation 4 Uses instructional methods encouraging relevant student participation in the learning process 5 Uses instructional methods encouraging relevant student participation in the learning process 6 Demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject matter 7Communicates clearly and effectively to the level of the students. 8 Demonstrates command of subject matter. 9. Responds appropriately to student questions and comments. 10.Encourages critical thinking and analysis. 50% 0%

CHECKLIST 2 A. PREPARATION 1. The instructor had a clearly discernible lesson plan. 2. There was an appropriate balance of structured and open-ended/communicative activities. 4 3 2 1

3. The exercises and activities were introduced in context. 4. The plan was geared toward real/authentic language use.

B. LANGUAGE USE 1. The instructor used the target-language in the classroom appropriate and effectively. 2. Use of English was appropriate to student needs

C. LESSON PRESENTATION 1. The lesson was presented effectively and clearly.

2. The activities/exercises chosen to achieve the objectives were effective.

3. There were smooth transitions between activities.

4. The time allotted for activities was appropriate.

5. The amount of teacher talk and student talk was appropriate. 6. The type and amount of teacher feedback was effective. 7. Cultural instruction was integrated into class activities.

D. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 1. The use of small groups/pair work during each activity was appropriate. 2. The seating arrangement facilitated learning.

3. The use of audio-visual & tech materials was effective. 4. The instructor divided his or her attention among students appropriately.

5. Student participation was on task.

E. CLASSROOM ATMOSPHERE 1. Student participation was active and lively.

2. The class atmosphere was warm, open and accepting. 3. The instructor was sensitive to students' difficulties and abilities.

F. USE OF TECHNOLOGY 1. Use of technology (video, audio, web materials) was appropriate given the material being presented..

2. Use of technology was particularly creative, i.e. it accomplished something that could not have been done as easily with other media.

3. Use of technology is limited in the classroom, but used appropriately outside the class (e.g. for email, drilling, background, etc..


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