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Ann Coulter

She is a famous woman. Coulter is the legal correspondent for Human

Events and writes a popular syndicated column for Universal Press
Syndicate. Coulter also shows columns at She graced
columns, TV political shows, and other forums. On many occasions, when
someone opposes her viewpoint, she claims that someone is a liberal or a traitor
even in an angry or yelling mood. I will have to tell the truth on this matter
because she’s a fraud. She’s a neo-con not a conservative. A neo-con supports
unrestrained war without Congressional approval or conclusive evidence,
they support illegal laws like the Patriot Act & the Victory Act, they
embrace big government bureaucracies like Homeland Security, and they
subscribe to imperialism. Neo cons love to embrace other precepts that real
liberals, real conservatives, and real independents strongly reject. Many
neo-cons were once liberals like Michael Savage. On the summer of 2003,
Alex Jones interviewed Ann Coulter on radio and refuted all of her points
(and I don’t even agree with Alex Jones on every issue). Alex Jones is the
type that promotes paranoia and fear when we shouldn’t fear man at all. We
should only fear God alone. We should live our lives with joy, determination,
peace, and meekness. To this day, Jones won’t expose the Jesuit-inspired
Passion unbiblical film (which was directed by Alex Jones’ friend Mel
Gibson. Gibson believes that non-Catholic Christians are going to Hell
since Mel is a Traditionalist), the Constantinian Order, and other missing
links in history. Ann Coulter was very ignorant of basic historical facts such as
believing that the original Patriot Act didn't violate our rights. Later, she said that
she never read the Patriot Act, she denied that a Patriot Act II proposal exists,
and she denied that Bush's grandfather (named Prescott Bush) funded the Nazi's
(including other Bonesmen. This occurred during World War Two). Journalist John
Buchannan went into the Library of Congress to further document the Prescott
Bush/Nazi ties. An old newspaper confirmed this information about Prescott
Bush (plus his allies) aiding the Nazis as well. Ann Coulter dismissed the existence
of the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations), denied that the U.S. Government
trained the 9/11 hijackers at the Pensecola Naval Air Station (according to
MSNBC), and denied that Bohemian Grove is a secret, occult-inspired
organization. Ann Coulter denied that Bush wants to take away our guns and
basically implied that anybody who defends the Constitution is a nut. Wow. Ann
Coulter claims to have patriotism, yet she adhered to authoritarian policies of
Bush (while criticizing Barack Obama when Obama is following the same things
Bush was doing previously). The Patriot Act with its blatant ambiguous,
illegal sections (including sneak and peak provisions that violate the Fourth
Amendment) so violate our rights, that an elementary school person can
understand this. Are many neo-cons blindly following Bush for the sake of
adhering to ideology?

The truth doesn't care about ideology. The truth sometimes ends allegiance to
ideology. My allegiance is to God alone not to ideology. If a man or woman is
"left" or "right" and agrees to fascism, there is no choice but to rebuke, reject,
and carry on. She dismissed the existence of the Council of Foreign Relations? Is
she smart? The Council of Foreign Relations even have their own website that I've
visited plenty of times at She is real good deceiver, I give the
woman that. Bush once wanted the outlaw of automatic handguns from law-
abiding civilian citizens (that was stopped in 2004). Now, Barack Obama has the
Attorney General Eric Holder who once supported the illegal D.C. gun ban. 9/11
was a pure inside job wherefore intelligence agencies and other government
officials contributed to the destruction the Twin Towers and partly the Pentagon,
and in PA (via NORAD standing down, etc.). After the attacks, CFR member Gary
Hart called for the establishment of the globalist New World Order. There is
conclusive evidence for the training of terrorists in Florida and foreknowledge by
the US government, so that really isn't an issue anymore. That's common
knowledge. Ann needs to wake up to what is going on. Defending the Constitution
is a nut? wow. The Constitution is part of the laws of the USA. Historically, Nazi
ties existed in the governments of America and Europe (way after WWII).
Research confirms this from the website of Mae
Brussell is another truth seeker of the 1980’s who died of mysterious reasons.
Here’s some people that refutes Ann Coulter’s book called “Treason” by
presenting fascists who had links to Nazis. [This is not a true representation of the
Right, but extremists who are blatant fascists]:

2 images of Reinhard Gehlen. This “ex-Nazi” was one of the founders of the
modern CIA. Gehlen was of course awarded by the Knights of Malta.

General Reinhard Gehlen-He was Hitler’s chief intelligence office against the
Soviet Union in the fake “Cold War.” Allen Dulles, an USA intelligence officer during
the war and he had ties to the CIA. Allen Dulles chuckled on Gehlen that “He’s on
our side and that’s all that matters” and “Besides, one need not ask a Gehlen to
one’s club.” Gehlen was awarded by the Knight of Malta, he helped to create
the CIA and trained Mossad troops.

Allen Dulles- Dulles was a Director of the CIA. His relative Avery Dulles was a
Jesuit priest. He funneled an aggregate of $200 million in CIA funds to the Gehlen
Organization it became known. Allen Dulles spared German SS Commander Karl
Wolff, who was the head of the Gestapo in Italy. Wolff acted in full authority, for
he was formerly chief of Hienrich Himmler’s personal staff. Wolff dispatched at least
300,000 Jews to the Treblinka death camp and Wolff was handed a token sentence
for his crimes.

John J. McCloy-(He was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations) is a Nazi

and had connections with Chase Manhattan [an oil company]. McCloy is a slick
Nazi. In the 1930s, McCloy’s law firm of Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine & Wood
were attorneys for I.G. Farben. At the 1936 Olympics, he shared a box with
Hitler. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a
mysterious flight to England in 1941. The Trading With the Enemy documents in
1942 manifests this truth of Nazi-U.S. involvement in the killing of millions of
innocent human beings and how Standard Oil Of NJ (owned by the Chase
Manhattan Bank) funded I.G. Farben’s Sterling Products. Standard Oil tankers
plied the sea lines with fuel for the Nazi war machine. Standard Oil tankers
plied the sea lines with fuel for the Nazi war machine. Before the war, McCloy
was legal counsel to Farben [The German chemical monopoly]. During the War,
McCloy was an assistant secretary in the War Department (or an Assistant
Secretary of War) and he blocked the executions of Nazi war criminals. McCloy
displaced Japanese –Americans in California to be placed in interment camps, he
refused Jewish refugees to the USA, he forced a pact with pro-Nazi Admiral Darlan,
he refused to bomb Nazi concentration camps to spare inmates, etc. McCloy helped
hid Nazi Klaus Barbie (The butcher of Lyons) from the French government. Barbie
and other Nazis were hidden out with the 370th Counter Intelligence Corps at
Obergamergau. McCloy’s law firm had as one of its clients the Rockefeller family,
and during WWII McCloy was a senior member of John D. Rockefeller III’s
intelligence group, the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC). With
this background, McCloy established the highly secret U.S. Army’s Psychological
Warfare Division at the time of D-Day in 1944. Private Henry Kissinger was one of
their keepers and Henry soon entered Harvard as McCloy’s protégé. McCloy
commuted death sentences of Nazis and supervised construction of the Pentagon.
Four years later, Skull & Bones member Henry Stimson went to Washington to
become President Franklin Roosevelt’s Secretary of War and helped McCloy out.
To demonstrate the importance of McCloy, Stimson would later question “whether
anyone in the Administration ever acted without having a word with McCloy.” In
1952, he came to the U.S. to be the President of the Chase Manhattan Bank. The
real globalist elite aren’t left nor right politically. That’s why McCloy in late July 1961
went swimming with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in the Black Sea.
J. Edgar Hoover- Hoover continued to have friendly relationships with Nazis who
dominated Interpol, the Berlin-based international secret police. He obsessed with
the fake US-invented “Red Menance” since 1919 when he became the head of the
Bureau’s General Intelligence Division. Fanatical Nazis like Heinrich Himmler,
Reinhard, Heydrich, Arthur Nebe, etc. were active in Interpol. Hoover exchanged
lists of wanted criminals and ignored Nazi death squads in Berlin in the 1930s.
J. Edgar Hoover worked with the Vatican Ratline to send war criminals to
America. J. Edgar Hoover is definitely a 33rd Scottish Rite Degree Freemason
and the first head of the modern FBI. J. Edgar Hoover was not a hero. He used
the unconstitutional and illegal method of COINTELPRO to intimidate and illegally
slander people who weren't even communists. In fact in the 1960's he took a blind
eye to the RFK investigation of the Mafia. Why? It could be because the Mafia might
of blackmailed him on issues or he been distracted in harassing other innocent
people (or maybe both). Also, the FBI in the 1970's created restrictions of FBI
power after Hoover's death, because of Hoover's folly. J. Edgar Hoover was
not only a hypocrite, but he was a slanderer of those with whom he disagreed

Richard Nixon- In 1945, Nixon was a Naval officer and captured Nazi documents.
Those documents tied Dulles to the Nazis by the head of the Nazi oil cartel
Kontinentale Ol A.G [Konti for short] within partnership with Allen Dulles’ principal
Nazi client I.G. Farben. Both companies had despicable records regarding the
treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. According to the book, “Shadow of the
Swastika” and old spies, Allen Dulles made a deal with the young navy officer
(named Richard Nixon) who was reviewing the Konti files. Nixon would help Dulles
bury the Konti files. In return, Allen Dulles "arranged to finance [Nixon's] first
congressional campaign against Jerry Voorhis." (The Secret War Against the
Jews, p. 221). Nixon from the 1950’s-1980’s used the Republican Ethnic Division to
get displaced fascists and Nazis to contribute to Nixon’s campaigns. Richard Nixon
is a member of the Bohemian Grove and the Council of Foreign Relations.
Nixon talks about the JFK assassination that he was in Dallas during 11/22/1963.
Some researchers accuse him of having connections with the Cuban extremists. In
Watergate tapes are found of how he talked about the Bay of Pigs thing. According
to Haldeman, the Bay of Pigs thing was code for the JFK assassination. Watergate
(that had Cubans, which some were Bay of Pig veterans, trying to burglarize the
Watergate Building to steal files on Nixon’s enemies) was when Nixon treasonously
tried to obstruct justice. He resigned because he knows that he will be in court for
more than obstructing justice if all of the tapes were released to the public. Nixon
always had Nazi ties (Nazis and pro-fascists were hired in his 1968
Presidential campaign). New documents confirmed that Richard Nixon worked
with Jack Ruby.

George H. W. Bush- Bush was gone to the military in 1942 to support his family
troubles for over his family trading with Nazis. After the war in 1959, he owned
Zapata Offshore Oil Company and participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion using his
ships and researchers have found ties of Bush 41 to those involved (and those who
covered up) the JFK assassination. He was Nixon’s protégé. Later in the 1970’s
his CIA allies funds Osama bin Laden’s war in Afghanistan. George H. W. Bush was
the Head of the Council of Foreign Relations and the CIA. In the 1980’s, he involves
himself in the drug trade with his many oil companies (Gary Webb's book "Dark
Alliance proved that the CIA allowed cocaine shipments into America. Jesus- proved the problems and fraudulent War on Drugs situation).

Ronald Reagan-Reagan is the nicest of the bunch in temperament, but he has

some folly. Ronald Reagan was involved in Bloody Thursday. What was that event?
It happened in May 15, 1969 when there was a Protest at UC Berkeley (in the
People’s Park) about landspace. Later, Reagan sent 2200 troops from the National
Guard to end the protest. This started a riot and citizens were hurt so bloody and
horrific that the news media called the day Bloody Thursday. Over 100 civilian
injuries were reported, but no police were hospitalized. After weeks of tension and
unresolved conflict, tens of thousands marched peacefully past People’s Park on May 30,
1969. In the 1960’s, he stalked Black Panthers and passed the illegal Mulford Act
to bar guns to be shown in public. Ronald Reagan was an ardent gun-control
advocate. He is an honorary Thirty-Third Degree Freemason and accepted the
diplomacy of the Vatican in 1984. That’s treasonous since the Vatican is a city within
a sovereign city and nation of Italy. He tripled the national debt and is also involved
in the creation of concentration camps (Rex 84) for implementation of the New
World Order (under the guise of martial law). There are just as many people who
are pro-Democrats (Bill Clinton, the UN, Schumer, Feinstein, Earl Warren, etc.)
treasonous as those who are Pro-Republicans (George W. Bush, George H. W.
Bush, Richard Nixon, Allen Dulles, etc.) so Ann Coulter is refuted with her
distorted view of patriotism, history, and influence.
*One purpose of people like Ann Coulter is trying to infiltrate the Patriot
Movement. Yet, we are on to their game since shills like Coulter and Glen Beck
refuse to expose Codex Alimentarius, the North American Union, the WTO, the
IMF, and even the real agenda of the anti-Second Amendment propaganda sent
forth from the government (and other elitists. These globalists want to steal our
money to sent it into sometimes foreign banks while these banks are ruling more our
national infrastructure. Select, private families own huge factions of our
government). Glen Beck even deny the dozens of news articles in Newsweek, the
New York Times, the Houston Chronicle, and so on, about the massive FEMA
camps all over America. Under the guise of Tea Party, these neo cons are trying to
join us. Yet, we can’t join them since their views are antithetical to the concepts of
liberty plus liberty. This is why Ann Coulter expresses some of the most rabid and
virulent pro-war hatred of Muslims and Middle Eastern people. She even said of the
nonsense that Jewish people must be perfected if they be a Christian. No, no one is
perfect, but Jewish people have a right to be Christian voluntarily if they desire to.
People can’t deny that plans for global government or the new world order exist
since the evidence is everywhere in the world. Ann Coulter is known for saying
bigoted comments. Recently, Ann Coulter told a Muslim young woman (her name
is Fatima Al-Dhaher, who is a Canadian University student) that she can rid an animal’s
back instead of flying an airplane. That was wrong and intolerant of course and
you wonder why people are hesitant about being Republicans. Coulter said that
Americans should kill Muslims (along with invading mostly Muslim countries)
and make them convert to Christianity, which I don’t agree with. This has nothing
to do with liberal or conservative as Coulter isn’t a real conservative. It has to do
with bigotry and reality. That is why I will never be a Republican or a Democrat. I
will be an Independent.
P.S. Janine Turner

So, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Ann Coulter has caused
a lot of controversy in her new book. She was on the View and they yellled about
motherhood. Coulter is right that children with single mothers have a higher risk
of crime and other negative indicators of life. Coulter is wrong in painting most
single mothers in one broad brush and ignoring many of the circumstances on why
single mothers exist. Some single mothers exist not because of selfishness, but
because a cowardly father refuses to take care of their children. Also, tons of
single mothers are great parents who raise their children in an exceptional
manner. That is the point that Janine Turner wanted to make. She is pro-life and
single motherhood is accepted more, because some women made the right choice
in not aborting their children. I have more respect for Turner than Coulter for
many reasons. One is that Janine Turner is a prime example that numerous single
mothers have raised excellent children and being a single mother isn't a death
sentence at all. In 2008, Turner's book, “Holding Her Head High: Inspiration from 12
Single Mothers Who Championed Their Children and Changed History” document how
many single mothers made real contributions in the spectrum of motherhood. Janine Turner is
a very nice woman. Also, Ann Coulter isn't a real conservative at all. Ann is allowed
to spew her invective to make real conservatives look bad and continue the false
left/right paradigm in society. Ann Coulter promoted Hillary Clinton for President
once, she supports the Patriot Act, and she is a neo conservative on most issues.
That isn't acting as a real conservative at all. Ann Coulter is hereby shown forth
as a Trojan horse neo-conservative shill (agent working for the enemy) for the
New World Order.

Appendix Part 2: Phony Conservatives and other Issues

There has been Phony Conservatives for a long time. The 21st century is no
different. Now, the phony conservative are slick in their cosmologies and agendas.
They want to say some of the right things to get folks in their corner, then later
advocate the establishment line. The following are first the easy phonies. Sean
Hannity, Bill Bennett, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Michelle Malkin (she
married a Rhodes Scholar), Michael Reagan, Jack Kemp (a 33rd Degree Freemason),
and their ilk are some of the most famous phony conservatives in the media. All of
them have many things in common. All of them agree with the war on terror. The
war on terror is far from being truly conservative. The reasons are this war isn't
declared, and the anti-civil liberty laws plus the Big Brother actions coming about as
a product of this war violate many of the rules of the Constitution. The war on terror
expanded the federal government more than any other administration in American
history (with the institution of Homeland Security running many functions of our
government). These neo cons exist on television and on the radio. The good news is
that real conservatives are waking up to the propaganda and are exposing the
corruption in both parties. Michael Medved denies a North American Union or
integration plan when Jerome Corsi wrote a book about it (plus Corsi mentioned
tons of sources and articles refuting individuals like Medved). Medved is right to
expose the excess vileness of Hollywood but won't expose the vileness of the new
world order and the one world government agenda. This isn't just a one party deal
since many Left Gatekeepers exist. A Left Gatekeeper is a pseudo-liberal that talk
about some real issues, but will refuse to go the extra mile in exposing groups like
the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, etc. Research by patriots
found that the CIA, the UN, and the Rockefellers fund such gatekeepers like Noam
Chomsky, Amy Goodman, the Nation, etc. Some of these phony conservatives even
claim to be in the patriot movement. Hence, we have to be extremely careful who we
align with.

Some even who claim to be in the alternative media are in that category of psuedo-
conservatives and here's why. Some of them are in league with CNP or the Council
on National Policy. The CNP is a group with link to the Knights of Malta,
Freemasonry, the CFR and other high level political groups in order to try to control
and stir real conservatives. Some CNP members disagree with the Council on
Foreign Relations, but numerous members are part of the CFR. In fact, the first
Governing Board of the CNP had 3 Council of Foreign Relation members named Dr.
Edward Teller, George F. Gilder, and Guy Vander Jagt. CFR members J. Peter Grace
and Arnuad De Borchgrave were later CNP members. One famous member of the
CNP is Jesse Helms, who is a 33rd Degree Freemason. Numerous patriots knows of
Helms's history. Helms voted for the authorization of the establishment of an
international criminal court. This Criminal Court is a violation of American National
Sovereignty. Helms doesn't even want us to leave the U.N. or get rid of it, but we
should "reform it." The United Nations was created by and for globalist, so it should
be gone from American soil. Another famous member is Phyllis Schlafly who is
Dame of Malta. Now, according to Charlotte Iserbyt, Schlafly was in Geneva during
the US the US-USSR agreements between Reagan & Gorbachev (in the mid '80)
which talked about merging our educational curricula with Communist USSR.
Although Schlafly denied knowing anything about it. She just happened to be in
Geneva – at the same time– on another matter. Phyllis Schlafy is right on some
issues like trade policy and abortion, but she's part of the Dame of Malta plus she's
has links to the CNP. The CNP has connections to the Heritage Foundation, Paul
Weyrich, and others with the Washington, D.C. corporate elite. Months payments
came from all quarters in funding the Heritage Foundation for causes, yet things
have gotten worse now than 8 years ago. Betty Mills warned of the elite using
such groups to co opt legitimate conservative people. Reverend Austin Miles was
one person who left the CNP because he felt that they were ineffective in
disagreeing with the world government agenda. The problems with groups like
the CNP , the Heritage Foundation, etc. is that they claim to for moral issues, but
they lead to nearly nowhere and little changes. With the millions of dollars these
organizations spend, they could easily eliminated our role in the United Nations.
Miles said that Weyrich yelled at the top of his lungs to the people working for
him. These phony conservatives don't talk about evil regional goverance or using
instruments of control by globalists in attempting to rule over private property.
Some don't even talk about state rights, folks working in the local and state level
in order to get results. They usually focus on federal amendments and the like.
They think if D.C. doesn't approve of something in Congress, we're doomed.
That's false since real independent, grassroots efforts have cause great results
throughout human history. One such phony conservative group is the John Birch
Society. Many of their members are sincere, but originally they've obsessed with
Communists (when Communism is just one instrument of the Internationalists).
Some of their earliest members were high level Freemasons and CFR members.
Even Richard Mellon Scaife has funded the Heritage Foundation. Scaife is a well
known abortion supporter and she once supported Hillary Clinton's failed
campaign for the Presidency. Paul and Philip Collins wrote that he gave millions
of dollars to Planned Parenthood. Why would Scaife do this? It could be that
Scaife is just one conduit of the elite in order to still persist with the left/right
paradigm. At the top of the pyramid of power, the leadership of the liberal-ruled
and conservative-ruled establishment are controlled by the same people.

Alan Keyes is obviously one of the biggest neo-cons around. Let's look at the
facts. He was the roommate of Bill Kristol at Harvard University. Kristol is one of
the biggest neo-cons n the nation and he was a member of the Bilderberg Group.
Kristol's father, Irving Kristol, joined the Young People's Socialist League in the
'30's. In 1953, Irving Kristol founded the magazine "Encounter" in England which
was secretly being supported by the CIA. It, for example, ran puff pieces for
Fabian Socialist and Bilderberger Huge Gaitskill, who was the head of the Labor
Party. Irving's mentor was CFR member Daniel Bell. Alan Keyes studied at
Harvard under Straussian neocon Harvey Mansfield. Keyes was promoted by
CFR member, Triateralist, and pro-abortion woman Jeanne Kirkpatrick. Keyes
was the President of Citizens Against Government Waste founded by Knight of
Malta J. Peter Grace who was also CFR. So, Keyes is funded by the establishment.
Alan Keyes was the Ambassador to the Communist controlled United Nations.
The UN is pro-abortion yet Keyes claims to be Pro-Life and is aligned with it.
Keyes doesn't even believe in us Americans leaving the U.N. because it's a
globalist organization. Alan Keyes ran and failed to get a Presidential nomination
from the Constitution Party. The reason is that he's pro-globalist, pro-illegal war,
pro-United Nations (which is pro-abortion and pro-population control), and
harbors a love for laws like the Patriot Act (which goes against our civil liberties).
Chuck Baldwin won the nomination.

Bob Barr was the Libertarian candidate for the President of the United States in
2008. Is he a real conservative or even a real libertarian? Well, he was the one who
supported the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Clinton did many things worthy of
impeachment like being involved in the Waco incident, the selling of technology
to China in China gate, he authorized the spy system of Carnivore monitoring
innocent citizens. etc. Bob Barr approved of the Patriot Act by voting for it then
opposed it. He worked for the CIA in he 1970's and he supports the war on drugs.
The war on drugs was exploited by the government in suppressing individual
liberty, increasing drug traffickers shipping the drugs into America, and
justifying the government locking more folks up in the prison industrial complex.
Three strike laws and mandatory minimum sentencing have contributed to the
overcrowding crisis in our prison systems nationwide. Many wars were apart of
the federal Drug War and Barr even wants an invasion of Colombia in order to
fight the so-called war on drugs (when pharmaceuticals have murdered more
people in some places in the USA than cocaine and marijuana has). The CIA has
been caught shipping drugs into America, so I reject the War on Drugs as a war on
individual liberty. I don't agree with using cocaine, marijuana, or heroin for
recreational purposes, but the federal government has no role in those affairs.
Those who are non-violent and have drug addiction deserve treatment not prison
time. Bob Barr says he's against abortion (that's fine since I'm Pro-Life). I wouldn't
support Barr, because he wants war in Colombia and favors the war on terror.

By Timothy

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