Sie sind auf Seite 1von 31

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa

ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal

ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

rocess AuLomaLlon - CCS, 1ralnlng CenLer, 1
loL no. 3&6, hase ll, eenya lndusLrlal Area, 8angalore 360038
h: +91 80 2294 8320/8328, WebslLe:

lndusLrlal l1 SysLem 800xA uCS Cffer
ro[ecL : 1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL
CusLomer : M/s ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa.
ConsulLanL : AvanL-Carde Lnglneers and ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed,
Cffer 8eference : A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0
uaLe : 17.06.2011

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 2 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

Table of Contents
1.0 8asls of Cffer ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 lmporLanL noLes on Cffered ConflguraLlon .................................................................................................. 6
3.0 SysLem 800xA uescrlpLlon ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.0 roposed SysLem ConflguraLlon.................................................................................................................. 13
3.0 Scope of Supply ........................................................................................................................................... 14
6.0 Scope of Servlces and lncluslons ................................................................................................................. 13
7.0 Lxcluslons and uevlaLlons ........................................................................................................................... 16
8.0 1ralnlng ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
9.0 ro[ecL ManagemenL and Lnglneerlng MeLhodology ................................................................................. 19
10.0 un-rlced Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 22
11.0 Commerclal 1erms and CondlLlons ............................................................................................................. 23
12.0 8eference LlsL/looLprlnL ............................................................................................................................. 26
13.0 1echnlcal CaLalogues/8rochures ................................................................................................................. 27

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 3 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

1.0 Basis of Uffer

1hls offer for Lhe uCS for AuLomaLlon of 44MW 8agasse 8ased CogeneraLlon ro[ecL.

A88 has offered SysLem 800xA wlLh AC800M ConLroller and S800 l/C on rofl8us communlcaLlon, based o n your l/C CounL and Lhe conslderaLlons
as menLloned below:
uCS sysLem wlLh 8edundanL ConLrollers ls conflgured for Lhe l/C's menLloned ln your enqulry
lnLerface wlLh Lhlrd parLy devlces shall be over Modbus 8S483.
1he lC CounL consldered ls a menLloned below:

kedundancy |s prov|ded for the fo||ow|ng:
ConLrol neLwork & planL neLwork
l/C bus, l/C neLwork lnLerface Cards
ower Supply

Cverv|ew of Scope Cf Serv|ces
ln Lhls offer Lhe followlng scope of servlces has been lncluded as per Lhe bld speclflcaLlon. All servlces noL lncluded below buL requlred for Lhe
compleLlon of Lhe [ob wlll be provlded by Lhe cllenL or shall / can be offered by us separaLely.
Lnglneerlng, SofLware uevelopmenL, Assembllng, 1esLlng of Lhe SysLem.
LrecLlon of uCS and uS anels aL slLe
rovldlng sysLem LarLh plL.
Commlsslonlng of Lhe sysLem aL slLe

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 4 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

Maln ConLrol 8oom
Slgnal 1ype Cl8C 8oller
(40MW) 8C
Common MCC/vlu 1oLal
WlLh 20
no. of
Analog lnpuL 101 90 96 138 28 102 333 666 100 800 Al810
Analog CuLpuL 26 8 12 44 2 32 144 173 24 192 AC810
ulglLal lnpuL 134 120 146 1064 20 911 2413 2898 183 2928 ul810
ulglLal CuLpuL 16 36 42 372 339 1223 1470 94 1304 uC810
81u lnpuLs 99 40 28 4 72 143 388 466 60 480 Al830
1hermocouple 30 12 12 12 2 88 106 Al810
ulglLal lnpuL
SCL 64 - - - 64 64 4 64 ul830

Slgnal 1ype
WP88 8ollers
1-6 MCC/vlu 1oLal
WlLh 20
no. of
Analog lnpuL 136 136 188 32 236 Al810
Analog CuLpuL 27 27 33 3 40 AC810
ulglLal lnpuL 32 861 913 1096 69 1104 ul810
ulglLal CuLpuL 0 663 663 796 30 800 uC810
81u lnpuLs 38 10 48 38 8 64 Al830
1hermocouple 32 32 63 Al810
ulglLal lnpuL
SCL - 0 0 0 0 ul830

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 3 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

Slgnal 1ype
WP88 8ollers
7-10 MCC/vlu 1oLal
WlLh 20
no. of
Analog lnpuL 98 98 118 21 168 Al810
Analog CuLpuL 17 17 21 3 24 AC810
ulglLal lnpuL 36 362 398 718 46 736 ul810
ulglLal CuLpuL 0 430 430 316 33 328 uC810
81u lnpuLs 26 13 41 30 7 36 Al830
1hermocouple 36 36 44 Al810
ulglLal lnpuL
SCL - 0 0 0 0 ul830

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 6 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

2.0 Important Notes on Uffered Configuration

We have offered our A88 Industr|a| I1 System 800xA DCS for your [ob.

ConflguraLlon Cvervlew
lC CounL glven ln Lhe enqulry under Lhe each planL alongwlLh lnsLalled spares are consldered as
Lhe basls for Lhe slzlng and Lhe SysLem ls conflgured accordlngly.
We have offered 1wo number of 8edundanL AC800M ConLroller alongwlLh 8edundanL LLherneL
CommunlcaLlon Modules, Modbus CommunlcaLlon Modules and 8edundanL roflbus lnLerface
We are proposlng Lo keep Lhe ConLrollers / lC's ln Lhe envlronmenLally conLrolled ConLrol

lC Level - S 800 - uCS
We have used S 800 lCs for Lhe lnpuL and CuLpuL cards. 1hese cards are connecLed Lo Lhe conLroller vla
8edundanL roflbus neLwork.
Al810 : Cffered for 8 Channel Analog lnpuL cards
AC810 : Cffered for 8 Channel Analog CuLpuL cards
ul810 : Cffered for 16 Channel ulglLal lnpuL cards
uC810 : Cffered for 16 Channel ulglLal CuLpuL cards
Al830 : Cffered for 8 Channel 81u Analog lnpuL cards

8edundancy ls provlded for Lhe followlng:
ConLrol neLwork & planL neLwork
l/C bus, l/C neLwork lnLerface Cards
ower Supply

lC CommunlcaLlon 8us (lC's Lo ConLrollers) - uCS - roflbus u
We are offerlng roflbus CommunlcaLlon beLween lC Level and ConLroller vla roflbus lnLerface
Module and offered ln redundanL mode.

lanL/ConLrol CommunlcaLlon neLwork - LLherneL 1C/l
Cur Maln CommunlcaLlon bus - CperaLor SLaLlon Level Lo ConLroller Level ls LLherneL and offered ln
8edundanL mode.

lorelgn uevlce lnLerface
We are provldlng lorelgn uevlce lnLerface Lhrough Modbus 81u roLocol and offered ln non-
8edundanL mode.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 7 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

anels and Consoles
All our anels are wlLh roLecLlon Class l42.
Marshalllng anels cum l/C panels are provlded as per your requlremenL. As per A88 SLandard, we shall
mounL Lhe lC Modules on Lhe fronL slde of Lhe panel and Lhe marshalllng for Lhe same from Lhe fleld
wlll be done on Lhe rear slde of Lhe same panel.
Cne ower ulsLrlbuLlon panel ls consldered and offered.
1he ower ulsLrlbuLlon panel and Lhe SysLem anel shall be as per Lhe requlremenL and A88 SLandard.
Lnglneerlng / CperaLor Level
Cur Lnglneerlng sofLware ConLrol 8ullder M comes wlLh Lhe followlng flve programmlng languages
luncLlonal 8lock ulagram ( l8u )
lnsLrucLlon LlsL ( lL )
Ladder ulagram ( Lu )
SequenLlal luncLlon CharL ( SlC )
SLrucLured 1exL ( S1 )
Lnglneerlng SLaLlon envlsages ConLrol 8ullder for Lnglneerlng.
We have consldered Cne Lnglneerlng Cum CperaLor SLaLlons and lour CperaLor SLaLlons lncludlng W1
CperaLor SLaLlon.
We have consldered Cne no of lnk[eL Color A4 and Cne doL maLrlx prlnLer.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 8 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

3.0 System 800xA Description

SysLem 800xA - 1he ower of lnLegraLlon
8emovlng Lhe barrlers of LradlLlonal dlsLrlbuLed
conLrol sysLems, SysLem 800xA provldes Lhe
lnLegraLed envlronmenL LhaL ls requlred Lo lncrease
producLlvlLy whlle reduclng rlsk and LoLal cosL of
ownershlp. SysLem 800xA dramaLlcally lmproves
planL-wlde producLlvlLy Lhrough Lhe followlng
powerful, lnLegraLed core funcLlons.
800xA CperaLlons, Lhe lndusLry's mosL lnLulLlve
sysLem lnLerface, provldes a conslsLenL meLhod for
accesslng enLerprlse-wlde daLa and for lnLeracLlng
wlLh mulLlple appllcaLlons from any connecLed
worksLaLlon ln Lhe planL or offlce.
SysLem 800xA's lnLegraLed englneerlng
envlronmenL efflclenLly supporLs Lhe compleLe
llfecycle of Lhe auLomaLlon pro[ecL, from plannlng,
Lhrough conflguraLlon and llbrary managemenL, Lo
commlsslonlng and operaLlon Lo mlnlmlze sysLem
ownershlp cosLs.
A compleLe, scalable lLC 61308 and lLC 61311
compllanL SlS (SafeLy lnsLrumenLed SysLem) LhaL
spans Lhe enLlre safeLy loop, lncludlng SlL raLed
fleld devlces, l/C modules, conLrollers, and fleld
acLuaLors. owerful sysLem funcLlons as well as
operaLor and englneerlng Lools reduce planL rlsk
Lhrough managemenL of Lhe human facLor.
knowledge managemenL
owerful knowledge managemenL sofLware
collecLs, sLores, reLrleves and presenLs currenL and
hlsLorlcal process and buslness daLa Lo supporL
reporLlng, kl vlsuallzaLlon, and analysls.
8aLch managemenL
800xA 8aLch ManagemenL's enLerprlse level
plannlng coordlnaLed wlLh producLlon sysLem
schedullng provldes Lhe aglllLy, speed, and Lhe
quallLy conLrol needed Lo respond Lo lncreaslng
producLlon demands.
AsseL opLlmlzaLlon
AsseL opLlmlzaLlon sofLware explolLs Lhe wealLh of
planL resldenL lnformaLlon Lo monlLor, assess, and
reporL equlpmenL condlLlons ln real Llme Lo reduce
cosLly correcLlve and prevenLlve malnLenance and
opLlmlze malnLenance and callbraLlon work flows.
ConLrol and l/C
Comprehenslve sulLe of sLandards-based hardware
and sofLware meeLs Lhe needs of LoLal planL
conLrol. ConLrollers are compllmenLed wlLh a full
llne of lndusLrlal l/C lnLerfaces Lo meeL all planL
uevlce managemenL
SupporL of dlglLal lleldbus sLandards and lnLelllgenL
devlce managemenL provldes slgnlflcanL cosL
savlngs LhroughouL Lhe deslgn, lmplemenLaLlon and
operaLlon of fleld equlpmenL.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 9 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

SysLem archlLecLure
SysLem 800xA dellvers Lhe exacL lnformaLlon and collaboraLlon envlronmenL necessary for Lhe formaLlon and
execuLlon of sound buslness declslons. A88's lnLegraLlon archlLecLure, based on AspecL Cb[ecL Lechnology,
relaLes all of your planL daLa, Lhe AspecLs, Lo Lhe speclflc planL asseLs, Lhe Cb[ecLs. 1hls archlLecLure enables one
cllck navlgaLlon, efflclenL englneerlng and presenLaLlon of Lhe rlghL lnformaLlon ln Lhe rlghL conLexL Lo Lhe rlghL
user. 1he cllenL server archlLecLure of SysLem 800xA ls Lhe
backbone of Lhe sysLem. lL ls Lhls archlLecLure LhaL provldes:
CenLrallzed llcenslng
SLreamllned conLroller communlcaLlons
CenLrallzed conflguraLlon and backup
Plgh level alarm handllng
SysLem wlde Lrend, hlsLory and audlL Lrall daLa collecLlon, sLorage and vlewlng
SysLem 800xA also provldes hardware freedom of cholce when lL comes Lo Lhe server / worksLaLlon compuLer
hardware. vlrLuallzaLlon can be used ln 800xA sysLems Lo comblne mulLlple 800xA appllcaLlons lnLo a slngle
server wlLh preLesLed, valldaLed archlLecLures uslng vMware LSx. SysLem 800xA also has a wlde varleLy of
cerLlfled and approved servers ln boLh sLandard and blade conflguraLlon.
lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon
lnformaLlon collecLed from Lhe planL appllcaLlons, buslness sysLems and devlces ln Lhe SysLem 800xA
lnformaLlon archlLecLure can be used Lo achleve real lmprovemenLs ln producLlvlLy.
Lnglneerlng ls done on a sysLem level and provldes slgnlflcanL Llme savlngs slnce conflguraLlon of each
Lag or ob[ecL ls done only once.
ersonallze workplaces can be conflgured so LhaL each user has only Lhe lnformaLlon necessary for Lhelr
Llcenslng ls done on a sysLem level so all lnformaLlon and appllcaLlons ln Lhe sysLem are avallable aL
each workplace.
8egulaLory compllance funcLlonallLy ls bullL lnLo SysLem 800xA Lhrough lLs lnLegraLed audlL Lrall, user
log-over funcLlon and elecLronlc baLch records.
SysLem 800xA has been developed and dellvered as an lnLegraLed sysLem. Addlng or changlng conLrol
lnformaLlon ls no problem. Slmply englneer Lhe change once and lL wlll be auLomaLlcally deployed
Lhrough Lhe sysLem.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 10 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

lanL sysLem lnLegraLlon and appllcaLlons
1he lnLegraLlon archlLecLure of SysLem 800xA allows seamless lnLegraLlon of appllcaLlons and supporLs 3rd
parLy sysLems such as compuLer based malnLenance managemenL and vldeo sysLems. 1hls same archlLecLure
enables us Lo dellver soluLlons such as lnLegraLed process conLrol and safeLy and lnLegraLed process and power
auLomaLlon soluLlons. 8oLh Lhese and many oLher SysLem 800xA soluLlons feaLure common vlsuallzaLlon across
planL areas and dellver savlngs ln englneerlng as well faclllLaLlng Lhe rlghL operaLlonal and buslness declslons
and acLlons Lo maxlmlze producLlvlLy.
ConLrol sysLem lnLegraLlon
SysLem 800xA's lnLegraLlon plaLform enables conLroller and devlce level lnLegraLlon vla CC and fleldbus
proLocols. 1he developmenL of sysLem speclflc conLrol llbrarles for SysLem 800xA allows users Lo easlly Lransfer
Lhelr conLrol code from Lhelr exlsLlng conLroller Lo Lhe newesL AC 800M conLroller savlng Llme and preservlng
Lhelr orlglnal englneerlng lnvesLmenL. ConnecLlvlLy packages provlde lnLegraLlon wlLh 800xA CperaLlons.
uevlce lnLegraLlon
SysLem 800xA ls deslgned Lo be Lhe besL sysLem aL lnLegraLlng fleldbus soluLlons. Lach AC
800M conLroller can mlx and maLch lncomlng lnformaLlon from any comblnaLlon of up Lo 12
dlrecL fleldbuses.
1he powerful lnLegraLlon of so many fleldbus opLlons provldes all of Lhe necessary
lnformaLlon needed for an opLlmlzed conLrol appllcaLlon dlrecLly Lo LhaL appllcaLlon. Lspeclally
wlLh Lhe eLherneL-based communlcaLlons llke ll PSL, LLherneL/l, Modbus/1C, 8CllnL1,
and lLC-61830, Lhe wlde-reachlng neLwork lnfrasLrucLure supporLed by Lhese proLocols allows
lndlvldual conLrollers Lo see lnformaLlon from nearly anywhere on Lhe enLlre neLwork. 1here
ls no longer a need for lndlvldual conLroller-dedlcaLed l/C sLrucLures.
Lmbedded safeLy and conLrol
1he 800xA sysLem archlLecLure offers Lhe flexlblllLy of hosLlng boLh safeLy and process crlLlcal conLrol
appllcaLlons ln Lhe same conLroller. 1he AC 800M Pl conLroller ls supporLed by common englneerlng Lools,
human sysLem lnLerface, hlsLorlan, audlL Lrall, asseL and devlce managemenL appllcaLlons, and lnsLrumenLs,
Lhereby lmprovlng Lhe overall lnLegrlLy and rellablllLy of 8aslc rocess ConLrol SysLems (8CS) and SafeLy
lnsLrumenLed SysLems (SlS) operaLlons. Such an envlronmenL offers safe, lnsLanL, lnLeracLlon beLween
appllcaLlons, leadlng Lo a hosL of beneflLs, from easler handllng, Lhrough beLLer Lechnlcal soluLlons, Lo lower
rocess and power auLomaLlon
rocess auLomaLlon and elecLrlcal lnLegraLlon ls Lhe nexL fronLler ln dellverlng a unlfled envlronmenL LhaL wlll
drlve lmprovemenLs ln producLlvlLy, lncrease safeLy, and reduce cosLs. WlLh Lhe growlng number of complex
planL sysLem lnLerfaces and fewer employees Lo malnLaln such sysLems, a need for one sysLem Lo serve boLh
process auLomaLlon and elecLrlcal appllcaLlons has arlsen.
LlecLrlcal lnLegraLlon and Lhe process conLrol lndusLry
1yplcal process conLrol planLs can be dlvlded lnLo Lhree areas: rocess ConLrol, rocess LlecLrlflcaLlon, and
ower ulsLrlbuLlon and ManagemenL. ln Lhe pasL, each of Lhe areas has been handled by separaLe sysLems wlLh
unlque communlcaLlon proLocols. 1oday, A88 seamlessly lnLegraLes Lhe Lhree areas Lo make Lhelr lnformaLlon
avallable Lo all oLher sysLem funcLlons. A88 has creaLed a soluLlon wlLh SysLem 800xA LhaL lnLegraLes elecLrlcal
conLrol wlLh process conLrol wlLhln a planL by Laklng advanLage of Lhe lLC 61830 sLandard.
SysLem 800xA and lLC 61830 communlcaLlons
1here ls a dlsLlncL advanLage when uslng SysLem 800xA wlLh Lhe lLC 61830 lnLegraLlon. SysLem 800xA's AC
800M conLroller ls Lransformed lnLo an lnLelllgenL LlecLrlcal uevlce (lLu). As an lLu, Lhe AC 800M communlcaLes
horlzonLally wlLh oLher lLC's uslng Lhe CCCSL proLocol for Lhe fasL Llme-crlLlcal daLa.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 11 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

lnLegraLed operaLlons
Cne of Lhe four maln componenLs of operaLor effecLlveness ls lnLegraLed
operaLlons. 1he goal of an lnLegraLed soluLlon operaLor lnLerface ls Lo
provlde Lhe operaLor wlLh a qulck, easy Lo use and effecLlve declslon
supporL envlronmenL for analyzlng and LroubleshooLlng boLh rouLlne and
upseL condlLlons. 1hls makes Lhe operaLors much more effecLlve.
lnLegraLed operaLlons supporL oLher end user requlremenLs such as
cenLrallzed, consolldaLed operaLlons and mulLlsysLem lnLegraLlon. uslng
Lhe SysLem 800xA lnformaLlon archlLecLure, daLa from mulLlple sources,
from across Lhe planL Lo Lhe enLerprlse sysLem, can be consolldaLed lnLo
one common plcLure of Lhe operaLlon. 1he seamless presenLaLlon of daLa
from mulLlple sources, placed lnLo conLexL, enables an operaLor Lo do
much more Lhan ln Lhe pasL. !usL one example of Lhe power of
lnLegraLed lnformaLlon for lnformed declslon-maklng
unlque Lo SysLem 800xA ls lLs ablllLy Lo gaLher lnformaLlon from mulLlple planL sources and Lransform lL lnLo
relevanL lnformaLlon for a dlverse seL of users such as malnLenance Lechnlclans, process englneers, producLlon
managers, or planL operaLors. lnformaLlon from A88 appllcaLlons, oLher auLomaLlon sysLems or even buslness
sysLems ls readlly lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe 800xA sysLem on common dlsplays. 1hls slngle wlndow provldes users a
much broader vlew of Lhe faclllLy and beLLer lnformaLlon from whlch Lo make qulcker, more lnformed declslons.
Craphlcal funcLlon deslgn
800xA Lnglneerlng graphlcal funcLlon deslgn feaLures enable your englneers Lo be englneers" lnsLead of
programmers." 1he graphlcal deslgn of auLomaLlon sLraLegles faclllLaLes easler englneerlng of your
appllcaLlons. 8ecause deslgn ls funcLlon orlenLed, you can develop sLraLegles wlLhouL speclfylng conLroller and
l/C physlcal allocaLlons.
rocess vlsuallzaLlon
8ased on Lhe new MlcrosofL Wlndows resenLaLlon
loundaLlon (Wl) Lechnology, lnLeracLlve process operaLlon
graphlcs can easlly be cusLomlzed Lhrough Lhe use of Lhe
comprehenslve llbrary of pre-deflned elemenLs and symbols.
ln addlLlon, blLmaps, phoLos, and Lhlrd parLy graphlcal
elemenLs can be supporLed.
uevlce managemenL
uevlce managemenL for PA81, lCunuA1lCn lleldbus, and 8Cll8uS lnLelllgenL devlces provldes Lhe Lools Lo
englneer devlce lnLegraLlon from Lopology on down Lo Lhe fleld elemenLs, lncludlng devlce parameLerlzaLlon,
appllcaLlon plannlng, commlsslonlng, and deLalled dlagnosLlcs.
Plgh performance conLroller
SysLem 800xA's flagshlp conLroller, Lhe AC 800M, has Lhe ablllLy Lo lnLegraLe varlous neLworks, fleldbuses, serlal
proLocols, and l/C. lL provldes seamless execuLlon of advanced and process conLrol sLraLegles as well as safeLy,
elecLrlcal, quallLy conLrol, and power managemenL appllcaLlons.
Comprehenslve communlcaLlons proLocols
ueslgned from Lhe ground up Lo leverage Lhe power of lndusLry sLandard fleldbuses and open communlcaLlon
proLocols, SysLem 800xA's open archlLecLure allows for Lhe easy lnLegraLlon of a wlde varleLy of devlces and
sysLems. 1hls exLenslve porLfollo of modules enables seamless lnLegraLlon of fleldbus devlces, LradlLlonal
Lechnology conLrollers from A88 and 3rd parLles, as well as elecLrlcal equlpmenL. LxLended auLomaLlon

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 12 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

soluLlons such as lnLegraLed process and power auLomaLlon are now easlly englneered and deployed and can
leverage boLh Lhe 800xA appllcaLlons and hardware (lLC 61830 communlcaLlons module).
llexlble l/C opLlons
SysLem 800xA l/C, avallable for local and remoLe mounLlng, provldes a wlde varleLy of lnpuL/ouLpuL, ranglng
from sLandard analog and dlglLal Lo PA81, lCunuA1lCn lleldbus P1/ PSL, 8Cll8uS A/u, 8CllnL1 and lLC
61830 proLocol devlces. lnLrlnslcally safe l/C, SlL raLed l/C, and modular packaglng opLlons allow for SysLem
800xA Lo be lnsLalled anywhere ln Lhe planL.
SysLem 800xA enables cusLomers Lo uLlllze Lechnologles such as WlrelessPA81 Lo more easlly capLure
dlagnosLlc daLa as well as access wlreless process varlables. SysLem 800xA's lnLegraLlon plaLform enables users
Lo acqulre WlrelessPA81 dlagnosLlc and process daLa and use lL wlLhln any SysLem 800xA conLrol or monlLorlng
appllcaLlon. AsseL opLlmlzaLlon feaLures can be used Lo supporL advanced malnLenance sLraLegles and lmprove
devlce performance.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 13 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

4.0 Proposed System Configuration

roposed SysLem ConflguraLlon
Centra| Contro| koom
8edundanL AS/CS
8edundanL M866
lnLerfaces: roflbus, Modbus
lC neLwork
10/100 Mbps LLherneL neLwork
LS/CS1 LS/CS2 CS3 CS4 ------------------ CS11
IJP Color
2x300 MLrs
MCC 1 Contro| koom
8edundanL M866
lnLerfaces: roflbus
8edundanL M866
lnLerfaces: roflbus
lC neLwork
2x300 MLrs
MCC 2 Contro| koom
Medla ConverLers
S800 Local 8oller
S800 Local 1urblne
S800 MCC 1
S800 MCC 2

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 14 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

5.0 Scope of Supply

Customer :Concast Steel and Power Limited, Orissa
Consultant :Avant-Garde Engineers Consultants (P) Limited, Chennai
Project :1x30MW 1x40MW Captive Power Plant - DCS

S.No. Descr|pt|on Make

xA 8ase SysLem
lncludes AC800M ConnecLlvlLy, 8edundanL AspecL Server, CC (CLL lor rocess
ConLrol) ConnecLlvlLy Server/CllenL
2 Lnglneerlng Workplace Llcense A88
2 CperaLor Workplace Llcense A88
1 800xA 3.1 uvu roducL 8ox A88
2 8Aln8CW Superro uongle for uS8 orL A88
1 M866Ak02 8edundanL rocessor unlLs, 64M8 A88
3 1k212A 1ool cable A88
4 S8821 8aLLery unlL A88
3 Cl833k01 uual 8S232-C lnLerface A88
6 Cl834Ak01 8Cll8uS u-v1 CommunlcaLlon lnLerface A88
Cl8C 8oller 8C WP88 Common 1C-1 (30MW) 1C-2 (40MW) MCC/vlu WP88 8ollers 1-6 MCC/vlu WP88 8ollers 7-10 MCC/vlu
Cl840A roflbus u-v1 CommunlcaLlon lnLerface.lor 1+1 redundanL operaLlon.
12 32 4 8 8 32 10 24 8 16 A88
2 1u847 Module 1ermlnaLlon unlL for 1+1 Cl840. 6 16 2 4 4 16 3 12 4 8 A88
3 Al810 Analog lnpuL, 8 ch. 0(4)..20mA 23 23 3 16 17 16 32 0 21 0 A88
4 Al830A Analog lnpuL, 8ch 81u 13 1 11 6 3 22 6 2 4 3 A88
3 AC810v2 Analog CuLpuL, 8 channels, 0(4)...20mA 4 7 1 2 2 8 3 0 3 0 A88
6 ul810 ulglLal lnpuL 24v d.c. 16 ch. 12 80 2 9 11 69 4 63 3 43 A88
7 uC810 ulglLal CuLpuL 24 v d.c. 16 ch. 2 43 0 3 4 42 0 30 0 33 A88
8 1u810v1 CompacL Module 1ermlnaLlon unlL 36 134 19 36 39 137 47 117 31 79 A88
1 ul830 ulglLal lnpuL 24v d.c. SCL. 2x8 ch. A88
2 1u810v1 CompacL Module 1ermlnaLlon unlL A88
3 18840A Modulebus ClusLer Modem A88
4 1u841 1ermlnaLlon unlL for 1+1 A88
3 1k811v013 Cl Cable, 1.3m, uuplex A88
- -
4 -
kemote I]C - S800I]C
ower |ant DCS
Contro||er - AC800M nardware
1 A88
System 800xA Software
System 800xA - Med|a and Documentat|on
D|rect I]C - SCL
Cl8C 8oller/8C/WP88 Common 1C1/1C2/Mvv/vlu WP88 1-6/MCC/vlu WP88 7-10/MCC/vlu
Offer Reference: PA-AA/VA/RW/2011/078 Rev0 dated 17/06/2011
Customer :Concast Steel and Power Limited, Orissa
Consultant :Avant-Garde Engineers Consultants (P) Limited, Chennai
Project :1x30MW 1x40MW Captive Power Plant - DCS

S.No. Descr|pt|on Make

1 8edundanL Servers: xeon uual Core, 2.2CPz, 2 C8 8AM, 160C8 Puu, 2 neLwork
cards, 8S232 orL, arallel orL, uS8 porLs, keyboard, mouse, uvu 8/W,
Wlndows Server 2008. P/uLLL
2 Lnglneerlng/CperaLor WorksLaLlon: lnLel xeon uual Core, 1 C8 8AM, 160C8
Puu, 2.0CPz Speed, 1 8S232 orL, 1 arallel orL, 4 uS8 porLs, keyboard,
mouse, uvu 8W urlve, 22'' 1l1 MonlLors, Wlndows 7. P/uLLL
3 SysLem CablneL ( 2100*800*800) l42 8lLLal
4 Marshalllng CablneLs ( 2100*1200*800) l42 8lLLal
3 ower ulsLrlbuLlon CablneL ( 2100*800*800) l42 8lLLal
6 uoL MaLrlx rlnLer Lpson/Wlpro/1vS
7 lnk!eL rlnLer A4 Color P/Lpson/Canon/Lqv
8 1able 1op Consoles for LS/CS Adarsha ConLrols
9 1able Lop Console for Servers Adarsha ConLrols
10 1able Lop Console for rlnLers Adarsha ConLrols
11 Chalrs Codre[/Lqv
12 ul lnLerpslng 8elays 2nC+2nC, 24vuC aramounL/A88/hoenlx/Lqv
13 uC lnLerpslng 8elays 2nC+2nC, 230vAC, 3A aramounL/A88/hoenlx/Lqv
14 1hermocouple ConverLers &l/nandl/M1L
13 24 orL unmanaged SwlLch Allled 1elesyn/ullnk/Lqv
16 8 orL unmanaged SwlLch Allled 1elesyn/ullnk/Lqv
17 8edundanL ower supply A88/hoenlx/Cosel
18 8S232 Lo 8S483 converLor A88 sLandard
19 LLherneL CommunlcaLlon neLwork/ComponenLs WlLhln ConLrol 8oom A88 sLandard
20 roflbus CommunlcaLlon neLwork/ComponenLs WlLhln ConLrol 8oom A88 sLandard
21 Modbus CommunlcaLlon neLwork/ComponenLs WlLhln ConLrol 8oom A88 sLandard
llber CpLlc Cable Lo MCC1 from Maln CC8, 4 Core, MulLlmode (2x300MLrs)
23 Medla ConverLers : LLherneL Lo lC Sl 1ech
24 4 orL Llu A88 sLandard
llber CpLlc Cable Lo MCC2 from Maln CC8, 4 Core, MulLlmode (2x300MLrs)
23 Medla ConverLers : LLherneL Lo lC Sl 1ech
26 4 orL Llu A88 sLandard
27 LarLhlng Cables and accessorles A88 sLandard
28 MC/uA1 drlve A88 sLandard
29 uS: 2x30kvA arallel 8edundanL uS wlLh SMl-v8LA Common 8aLLery 8ank
wlLh 60mlns backup
30 uS Lo u8 anel ower Cable A88 sLandard
As 8eqd
As 8eqd
Offer Reference: PA-AA/VA/RW/2011/078 Rev0 dated 17/06/2011
Customer :Concast Steel and Power Limited, Orissa
Consultant :Avant-Garde Engineers Consultants (P) Limited, Chennai
Project :1x30MW 1x40MW Captive Power Plant - DCS

1 Al810 Analog lnpuL, 8 ch. 0(4)..20mA A88
2 Al830A Analog lnpuL, 8ch 81u A88
3 AC810v2 Analog CuLpuL, 8 channels, 0(4)...20mA A88
4 ul810 ulglLal lnpuL 24v d.c. 16 ch. A88
3 uC810 ulglLal CuLpuL 24 v d.c. 16 ch. A88
6 ul830 ulglLal lnpuL 24 v d.c. SCL, 16Ch A88
1 lnk[eL CarLrldge Color A4
2 uM 8lbbons
3 Laser[eL rlnLer aper ln 8undles
kecomended Consumab|es
kecommended Cperat|ona| Spares (Cpt|ona|)
Offer Reference: PA-AA/VA/RW/2011/078 Rev0 dated 17/06/2011

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 13 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

.0 Scope of Services and Inclusions

ln Lhls offer Lhe followlng scope of servlces has been lncluded as per Lhe bld speclflcaLlon. All servlces noL
lncluded below buL requlred for Lhe compleLlon of Lhe [ob wlll be provlded by Lhe cllenL or shall / can be offered
by us separaLely.

1. Lnglneerlng, SofLware uevelopmenL, Assembllng, 1esLlng of Lhe uCS and uS.
2. LrecLlon & Commlsslonlng of Lhe sysLem aL slLe - 120 Mandays
3. 1ralnlng of lanL ersonnel.
4. 1rouble shooLlng/recallbraLlon/correcLlons ln sofLware.
3. lnLerfaclng of Lhlrd parLy conLrol sysLems wlLh uCS over Modbus 81u, provlded Lhe addresslng deLalls
and communlcaLlon parameLers are provlded.

1ermlnal olnLs:

1. CusLomer shall provlde 230vAC, 1/3 hase supply.
2. lor communlcaLlon wlLh oLher package suppller or Lhlrd parLy LC's, A88's Lermlnal polnL shall be Lhe
communlcaLlon cables wlLhln conLrol room.
3. lor communlcaLlon wlLh oLher package suppller wlLhouL dlglLal communlcaLlon, Lhe Lermlnal polnL for
A88 shall be 4-20mA 1ermlnal block on uCS Marshalllng panel.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 16 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

7.0 Exclusions and Deviations

1. Supply of any lLem and servlces noL menLloned ln Lhe Scope of Supply and Servlces".
2. ueslgn of conLrol phllosophy, sLraLegles of lanL / rocess, operaLlon and sLarL-up procedures of Lhe lanL.
3. Cable schedullng.
4. non sLandard englneerlng aL any sLage of Lhe pro[ecL.
3. LxLended warranLles ouLslde Lhe sLandard conflrmed aL Lhe Llme of C lacemenL.
6. Any equlpmenL on Loan basls.
7. Manpower Lo carryouL any Lype of acLlvlLy, oLher Lhan Lhe speclfled ln Lhe scope.
8. Any Lu due Lo Lhe unavallablllLy of lnformaLlon / documenLs / drawlngs from Lhe purchasers / consulLanLs
end or recelved Lhe same afLer Lhe muLually agreed daLes.
9. All clvll work ln Lhe conLrol room lncludlng false floorlng, conLrol room llghLlng and alr condlLlonlng, lleld
lnsLrumenL lnsLallaLlon and callbraLlon.
10. Supply, laylng, glandlng of fleld cables from fleld Lo [uncLlon boxes or MCC anels or any oLher Lhlrd parLy

1. 1he uS consldered ls of 2x30kvA wlLh v8LA 8aLLerles, as Lhere was a confuslon ln Lhe Lype of
baLLery Lo be consldered as boLh nl-Cd and v8LA were menLloned.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 17 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

8.0 Training

1he Local 1ralnlng CenLre ln 8angalore (lndla) offers a wlde varleLy of producLs relaLed courses. 1he courses are
conducLed round Lhe year by our experlenced faculLy. We brlng ouL Lhe Lralnlng calendar for varlous ln-house
Lralnlng every half-year. Speclal ln-house & slLe Lralnlng can be conducLed on requesL.

1he obove foci/ity is /ocoted North of 8onqo/ore. 488 1roininq centre /ocoted in Peenyo, is obout 15 km from
the 8onqo/ore koi/woy 5totion & obout 25-km from 8onqo/ore 4irport.

1o brlng all Lralnlng programs across A88 Croup under a slngle umbrella Lo creaLe global conslsLency and
provlde a slngle face Lo cusLomers.
1o lmprove Lhe lnfrasLrucLure of Lhe Lralnlng cenLres, so LhaL we can dellver a professlonal and quallLy
Lralnlng as per global sLandards.
8y means of Lralnlng, Lo help cusLomers ln maxlmlslng Lhe reLurn on Lhelr lnvesLmenL.

Cuallfled & cerLlfled Lralners wlll conducL Lralnlng.
Class 8ooms wlLh good presenLaLlon alds (LapLop and beamer eLc.)
uedlcaLed demo equlpmenL ls avallable for hands on Lralnlng
ueLalled courseware ls provlded.
A Lralnlng calendar glvlng deLalls of Course Schedule, uuraLlon, lees and deLalls of conLacL person eLc. ls
released aL regular lnLervals (approx. Lwlce a year preferably !an-!un and !uly-uec)
SlLe Lralnlng wlll also be glven as per Lhe needs of Lhe cusLomers.
We provlde noL only sLandard Lralnlng courses buL also Lallor-made Lralnlng programmes Lo meeL Lhe
varylng needs of Lhe cusLomers

Clobal SLandard 1ralnlng: -
1o conducL a sLrucLured 1ralnlng under A88 1ralnlng CenLres, we wlll follow global guldellnes on Lhe followlng: -
A sLandard course LlLle
A sLandard conLenL (1oplcs / Syllabus)
A sLandard presenLaLlon flle.
CerLlfled Lralners.
LqulpmenL laclllLles for Pands on 1ralnlng
re-publlshed 1ralnlng Schedule
Splral bound course maLerlals are provlded.
arLlclpanLs wlll be awarded CerLlflcaLe.

1ralnlng CenLre as supporL cenLre
WlLh knowledge base avallable ln Lhe Lralnlng cenLre, Lralnlng cenLre can also acLs as a Lechnlcal supporL
We have llsLed our 1ralnlng CenLre under Lhe global llsL of Lralnlng cenLres. 1hls glves opporLunlLy Lo lmparL
Lralnlng Lo delegaLes from oLher counLrles.

1eachlng Alds (AL 8angalore 1ralnlng CenLre.)
Classrooms wlLh all necessary furnlLure requlred Lo conducL 1ralnlng rogramme are avallable.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 18 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

CP, 8eamer, LapLop, 1v/ vC
1he Lralnlng ls lncluslve of Lheory & racLlcal sesslons. lull fledge faclllLles are avallable for hands on

arLlclpanLs are enrolled and a record of name of Lhe parLlclpanL,
ueslgnaLlon, CrganlsaLlon, Address durlng 1ralnlng Course, Address for
luLure communlcaLlon ls collecLed.

AL Lhe end of Lralnlng programme we Lake feed back from parLlclpanLs.
leedback ls revlewed perlodlcally and sulLable acLlon ls Laken Lo
lmplemenL suggesLlons and lmprove Lralnlng programme.

Some of Lhe Courses ConducLed aL A88 8angalore:
M200/AC430 rogrammlng and ConflguraLlon
MCu 300/AC460 rogrammlng and ConflguraLlon
rocess orLal CperaLlon and ConflguraLlon
AdvanL CperaLlons for CperaLors
AdvanL ConflguraLlon for Lnglneers
AC800M/C xa SysLem ConflguraLlon
AC800l ConflguraLlon
AC/uC urlves 1ralnlng
A88 AugusL ConflguraLlon Course for Lnglneers . And many more

We have consldered followlng Lralnlng schedule for cusLomer pro[ecL englneers and operaLors, ln order geL
Lhem Lralned on Lhe A88 sysLem for Lhe efflclenL planL operaLlon and malnLenance. 1hls Lralnlng ls envlsaged ln
Lhe A88 8angalore works 1ralnlng CenLre

1he Lralnlng ls speclflcally consldered for Lhe uCS SysLem CperaLlon and MalnLenance. ln case oLher level of
Lralnlng ls requlred Lhe same can be provlded aL addlLlonal cosL.

1ra|n|ng at A88 works

1he deLalls of Lralnlng schedules wlll be worked ouL laLer afLer Lhe recelpL of order. resenLly, we have
consldered Lhe followlng:

1ralnlng aL A88: 2 Lnglneers x 3 days each = 10 Man-days
1ralnlng aL A88: 4 CperaLors x 3 days each = 20 Man-days

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 19 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

9.0 Pro|ect Management and Engineering Metbodology

1yp|ca| A |an & the typ|ca| documentat|on for a DCS System pro[ect.
1he same shall be 19lnlLlallzed wlLh cllenL / cusLomer & shall be aLLrlbuLed Lo pro[ecL speclflc requlremenLs
afLer Lhe award of conLracL ln consulLaLlon wlLh cllenL & cusLomer.
ln llne wlLh Lhe speclflcaLlons, documenLaLlon and drawlngs, as lndlcaLed Lhereln, wlll be submlLLed for
lnformaLlon, 8evlew/Approval afLer award of conLracL and as flnal documenLaLlon.

ro[ect Management
A88's SLandard ro[ecL ManagemenL, rocuremenL ManagemenL & Lnglneerlng MeLhodology uocumenL
A88 has sLandard way of execuLlng Lhe pro[ecL. 8uslness of pro[ecL execuLlon has varlous sLages. arL of ro[ecL
ManagemenL ls brlefed ln Lhls secLlon.
8uslness rocesses are a way of presenLlng our lnLerrelaLed acLlvlLles (value Chaln) based upon Lhe Lype of
buslness we are engaged ln

Structure rocesses
SLrucLure rocesses are Lhe common foundaLlon LhaL all our companles are based on. 1hey form Lhe plaLform
upon whlch our buslness processes are run

ro[ect Management, Lng|neer|ng, rocurement Methodo|ogy

ro[ect Management
1hls parL ls Lo glve guldance for pro[ecL managemenL ln all A88 AuLomaLlon SegmenL's planL and buslness
sysLems, almlng Lo a 1oLal CpLlmlzaLlon and a Common Way of Worklng.


rocess Cverv|ew
ro[ecL ManagemenL ls Lhe Lask Lo manage Lhe appllcaLlon of knowledge, skllls, Lools and Lechnlques Lo pro[ecL
acLlvlLles. 1he ob[ecL ls Lo meeL needs and expecLaLlons of Lhe CusLomer. 1hls lncludes dellvery of Lhe as sold
scope Lo Lhe CusLomer and Lhe budgeLed revenue and margln Lo Lhe company. ro[ecL managemenL beglns
wlLh Lhe lnvolvemenL of a ro[ecL Manager ln Lhe 8ld and roposal sLage as a member of Lhe Cross luncLlonal
1eam and conLlnues, Lhrough pro[ecL execuLlon, lnsLallaLlon, commlsslonlng and warranLy perlod.

AcLlvlLles and guldellnes llsLed ln Lhls procedure are noL necessarlly performed ln Lhe llsLed sequence.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 20 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

ro[ect Manager kespons|b|||t|es
ro[ecLs are complex, unlque efforLs LhaL cuL across organlzaLlonal llnes, have speclflc sysLem and producL
requlremenLs, quallLy, cosL, and dellvery ob[ecLlves. 1he M musL be flexlble and able Lo adapL Lo evolvlng
CusLomer requlremenLs whlle malnLalnlng Lhe securlLy of Lhe company's commerclal commlLmenL and margln.
1he pro[ecL managemenL acLlvlLy descrlpLlons are meanL Lo serve as guldellnes for lmprovlng pro[ecL
managemenL effecLlveness.
1he ro[ecL Manager's leadershlp ls derlved from a broad range of commerclal and Lechnlcal knowledge, on
one hand, and from lnLerpersonal skllls on Lhe oLher hand. 1he M career, especlally of Lhose handllng large or
composlLe planL pro[ecLs, has Lo be carefully planned and monlLored.
ro[ecL Managers acL ln organlzaLlons, whlch mlghL be sLrucLured ln dlfferenL ways. key Lo success ls a
respecLed and sLrong poslLlon. 1he M needs Lo be empowered Lo acL as Lhe represenLaLlve of A88 ln and
above, day Lo day declslons concernlng allocaLed pro[ecL. 1hls has Lo be based on clearly deflned roles and
responslblllLles, and on rules for handllng confllcL slLuaLlons ln relaLlon Lo funcLlonal managemenL. ln a maLrlx
organlzaLlon, as per below dlagram used for role deflnlLlons, Lhe M should be able Lo escalaLe crlLlcal lssues
dlrecLly Lo senlor managemenL.

1he M Lakes over Lhe conLracL from sales, analyzes Lhe conLracL and verlfles LhaL all cosL, and Lerms and
condlLlons are accepLable. 1he resulL of Lhls acLlvlLy ls M's flnal accepLance of Lhe conLracL and slgn-off of Lhe
pro[ecL flnanclal plan. ro[ecL summary lnformaLlon ls complled ln a ltoject uesctlptloo.
1he lnLenLlon wlLh Lhls analysls ls Lo verlfy LhaL all elemenLs requlred for predlcLable and successful pro[ecL
execuLlon have been/are covered.

key Act|v|t|es
8evlew all relevanL documenLs ln Lhe compleLe Pandover ackage, as recelved from Lhe 8ld & roposal sLage.
1. 8evlew Lhe LlsL of uocumenLs / lnformaLlon as fllled ouL by and recelved from sales.
2. 8evlew Lhe recelved purchase order/conLracL and compare lL wlLh A88's proposal/as sold speclflcaLlon.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 21 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

3. verlfy commerclal and Lechnlcal valldlLy of quoLes (exLernal and lnLernal purchases, exLernal servlces,
Lralnlng, and frelghL). Lnsure quoLes for ma[or purchases, as requlred for Lhe 'as sold' scope, are revalldaLed
prlor Lo order enLry.
4. verlfy LhaL labor esLlmaLes for englneerlng, lnsLallaLlon, sLarLup, pro[ecL managemenL and oLher funcLlons
are valld, and are based on Lhe 'as sold' scope.
3. verlfy LhaL cosL, such as: LeLLer of CredlL fees, Commlsslon, AgenL fees, uuLles, and erformance
CuaranLees are covered.
6. verlfy LhaL appllcable allocaLlon fees, such as, 8uslness unlL, 8esearch & uevelopmenL, roducL 8esponslble
unlL, eLc. are lncluded.
7. verlfy LhaL allowance for appllcable warranLles have been made. WarranLles exLendlng beyond A88
sLandard needs Lo be properly allowed for or back Lo back wlLh vendors.
8. verlfy LhaL Lhe pro[ecL flnanclal plan has a poslLlve cash flow or LhaL allowance for cosL of lnLeresL ls
budgeLed for.
9. verlfy LhaL Lhe pro[ecL flnanclal plan lncludes coverage for any foreseeable rlsk.
10. verlfy LhaL Lhe dellvery schedule can be meL or negoLlaLed wlLh CusLomer.
11. verlfy LhaL paymenL mllesLones are reasonable.
12. verlfy procedures for ConLracL Changes

1. Any open lLems/quesLlon marks needs Lo be clarlfled wlLh sales and/or Lhe CusLomer aL Lhe klck-off
meeLlng. uevlaLlons should be documenLed ln meeLlng mlnuLes and/or order acknowledgmenL.
2. uocumenL all devlaLlons/problems/lssues or speclflc requlremenLs and noLlfy managemenL.
3. ldenLlfy posslblllLles for margln lmprovemenL and pro[ecL growLh opporLunlLles.
4. 8ased on Lhe revlew, flll ouL a ltoject uesctlptloo wlLh summary pro[ecL lnformaLlon and dlsLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
ro[ecL 1eam members.
3. uelegaLe acLlvlLles for revlew Lo oLher funcLlons/sLages as requlred.
6. lor easy flndlng and handllng, pro[ecL documenLaLlon should be held on elecLronlc formaL whenever

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 22 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

10.0 Un-Priced Scbedule uescrlpLlon rlce (ln8)
1 ueslgn, Lnglneerlng , Supply, Supervlslon of LrecLlon and Commlsslonlng of uCS
SysLem as per 8CM ALLached

2 MandaLory Spares
3 Consumables

SlgnaLure :
Company : A88 LlmlLed

name : vachan Alva
ueslgnaLlon : MarkeLlng
uaLe :

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 23 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

11.0 Commercial Terms and Conditions

Standard Commerc|a| 1erms & Cond|t|ons ro[ects
1. 8asls of rlces
1he prlces quoLed are ln accordance wlLh Lhe scope
of work speclfled ln our 1echnlcal offer enclosed.
1he prlce quoLed by us ls on lC8 SlLe basls and ls
excluslve of all appllcable Laxes and duLles.
2. 1erms of aymenL
10 of Lhe ConLracL rlce as Advance agalnsL
submlsslon of A8C
10 of Lhe ConLracL rlce as Advance agalnsL
approval of CA urawlngs
80 of Lhe ConLracL rlce along wlLh 100 1axes
and duLles agalnsL 30 days LC agalnsL submlsslon of
despaLch documenLs.

3. 8ouLlne rogress, WlLness 1esLlng & lnspecLlon,
Any vlslLs made by buyer's englneers for any of Lhe
above purposes wlll noL be sub[ecL Lo an addlLlonal
charge, provlded such vlslLs wlll noL affecL Lhe
agreed producLlon programme. All Lhe expenses or
charges for such vlslLs lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo
Lravel, lodglng, boardlng of cusLomer's persons
shall noL be ln Lhe scope of A88.
4. 8uyer's AccepLance 1esLlng and lnspecLlon
lf Lhe buyer requlres Lo conducL addlLlonal LesLs
uLlllzlng LesL equlpmenL supplled by A88, on
compleLlon of our flnal LesL/lnspecLlon programme
as per approved lA1 procedure, Lhere wlll be exLra
charge per LesL englneer allocaLed Lo asslsL ln Lhese
LesLs LogeLher wlLh an addlLlonal charge Lo cover
any speclallzed LesL equlpmenL (noL covered ln
enqulry) whlch may need Lo be hlred from ouLslde
3. uellvery
1he equlpmenL wlll be dellvered duly packed ln
accordance wlLh A88 sLandard packlng procedures
for LransporL.
We expecL Lo dellver Lhe equlpmenL ln 12-16 from
Lhe daLe of recelpL of Lechnlcally and commerclally
clear and flrm order, lncorporaLlng Lhe sLaLed Lerms
of paymenL.
1he above quoLed dellvery perlod wlll be
reckoned from Lhe daLe of recelpL by us of your
Lechnlcally and commerclally clear and flrm
order, advance paymenL, approval of necessary
conLracL drawlngs, clear and compleLe lnsLrucLlons
Lo proceed wlLh Lhe manufacLurlng
ln case any changes are made ln Lhe
speclflcaLlons afLer approval of drawlngs, whlch
lnvolve maklng and submlsslon of a fresh seL of
drawlngs, Lhe dellvery perlod wlll be exLended
auLomaLlcally by such Llme or as may be
lnLlmaLed by us aL LhaL Llme.
6. uelay ln llfLlng Lhe MaLerlals
lf Lhe 8uyer defaulLs ln Laklng Lhe dellvery of Lhe
maLerlals as per Lhe dellvery schedule, he shall
neverLheless pay Lhe parL of Lhe purchase prlce
whlch becomes due on dellvery, as lf dellvery had
Laken place. A88 shall arrange for sLorage of Lhe
producL aL Lhe rlsk and expense of Lhe buyer. lf
necessary, lnsurance also shall be Laken for Lhe
producL aL buyer's expense.
lf, for any reason for whlch A88 ls noL responslble,
Lhe buyer falls Lo accepL dellvery wlLhln such
perlod, A88 may by noLlce ln wrlLlng LermlnaLe Lhe
conLracL ln whole or ln parL. A88 shall Lhen be
enLlLled Lo compensaLlon for Lhe loss suffered by
reason of Lhe buyer's defaulL.
7. LlquldaLed uamages for uelay.
lf Lhe reasons for Lhe delay ln Lhe dellvery are
aLLrlbuLable Lo us, llquldaLed damages, noL by way
of penalLy, [0.3 of Lhe delayed parL of Lhe supply
sub[ecL Lo maxlmum of 3 of Lhe ConLracL prlce
shall be recovered from our 8llls.
Levy of Lu shall be Lhe sole and excluslve remedy
avallable under Lhe conLracL Lo Lhe buyer ln case of
delay ln Lhe dellvery.
8. CancellaLlon
1he Seller reserves Lhe rlghL Lo cancel Lhls ConLracL
by glvlng wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe 8uyer ln Lhe evenL of
maLerlal breach of Lhe Lerms and condlLlons

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 24 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

menLloned hereln. ln Lhe evenL of such
cancellaLlon, Lhe 8uyer shall pay Lo Lhe Seller: a)
Lhe unpald balance due for Lhe work acLually
performed and b) all dlrecL cosLs lncurred by Lhe
Seller due Lo Lhe cancellaLlon.
9. lorce Ma[eure condlLlons
We shall be under no llablllLy lf performance of
conLracL on our parL ls prevenLed or delayed
furLher ln whole or ln parL due Lo any of Lhe causes
beyond our reasonable conLrol such as. acLs of
Cod, acLs of CovernmenL, acLs of publlc enemy, war
hosLlllLy, clvll commoLlon, saboLage, flres, foods,
exploslons, epldemlcs, sLrlke and lawful lock-ouL,
Lhen provlded noLlce of happenlng of any such
evenLuallLy ls glven by Lhe affecLed parLy Lo Lhe
oLher parLy wlLhln 10 days from Lhe daLe of
occurrence and cessaLlon of Lhe lorce Ma[eure, Lhe
perlod of lorce Ma[eure shall be excluded
lf Lhe lorce Ma[eure evenL(s) conLlnue beyond Lhe
perlod of Lhree monLhs, LhaL parLles shall hold
consulLaLlon Lo chalk ouL Lhe furLher course of
nelLher parLy can clalm any compensaLlon from Lhe
oLher parLy on accounL of lorce Ma[eure.
10.lrelghL and 1ranslL lnsurance
We have lncluded all frelghL (from manufacLurer's
facLory Lo Lhe cusLomer's slLe) coverage ln Lhe
above quoLed prlces. lnsurance Shall be ln
cusLomer Scope.
8eplacemenLs for Lhe equlpmenL damaged / losL ln
LranslL wlll be supplled by us wlLhln a reasonable
perlod acLually requlred Lo do so.
11. WarranLy
We shall repalr or replace aL our opLlon, free of
cosL, whole or any porLlon of maLerlal, whlch
under normal or proper use and malnLenance
proves defecLlve ln maLerlal and/or workmanshlp
wlLhln 12 monLhs from Lhe daLe of commlsslonlng
or 18 monLhs from Lhe daLe of despaLch of
maLerlal whlchever ls earller, provlded prompL
noLlce ls glven of such defecLs.
Such replacemenLs shall be effecLed wlLhln a
reasonable Llme acLually requlred Lo do so.
noLwlLhsLandlng anyLhlng conLalned hereln, our
llablllLy arlslng ouL of supplylng Lhe maLerlal or lLs
use, wheLher warranLles or oLherwlse, shall noL ln
any case exceed Lhe cosL of correcLlng Lhe defecLs
or replacemenLs of Lhe defecLlve maLerlal and
upon explraLlon of Lhe warranLy perlod, all such
llablllLles shall LermlnaLe.
1he above provlslons shall equally apply Lo Lhe
maLerlal replaced/repalred, under Lhls clause, ln
case Lhe same ls agaln found Lo be defecLlve
wlLhln slx monLhs from lLs replacemenL/repalr. All
replacemenLs under Lhls clause shall be made
ex-works of Lhe respecLlve manufacLurers. All Lo
and fro frelghL charges shall be Lo your accounL.
12. ConsequenLlal uamages
Cur llablllLy does noL exLend Lo consequenLlal
damages elLher dlrecL or lndlrecL or expenses for
repalr or replacemenLs or oLherwlse pald or
lncurred wlLhouL our auLhorlLy. We accepL no
llablllLy for defecLs or depreclaLlon caused by
damage due Lo llghLnlng, raln, neglecL, mlsuse or
oLher abnormal condlLlons dlrecLly Lo
clrcumsLances beyond our conLrol.
1here shall be no llablllLy for elLher parLy Lowards
Lhe oLher parLy for loss of producLlon, loss of proflL,
loss of use, loss of conLracLs or for any oLher
consequenLlal or lndlrecL loss whaLsoever.
13. Changes ln scope of work
1he prlces quoLed are ln accordance wlLh Lhe scope
of work speclfled ln our 1echnlcal Scope enclosed.
lf subsequenL Lo Lhe Lender evaluaLlon and
placemenL of order, changes ln Lhe speclflcaLlon
alLer Lhe quoLed scope of supply and servlces, we
reserve Lhe rlghL Lo re-negoLlaLe Lhe prlce.
Any change ln scope of work of A88 shall be
compensaLed by buyer. A88 shall malnLaln a record
of such changes. Any lncrease or decrease ln Lhe
prlce shall be muLually dlscussed and agreed before
A88 underLakes Lhe manufacLurlng of Lhe
correspondlng equlpmenLs.
14. LlmlLaLlon of LlablllLy

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 23 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

1he Seller's maxlmum aggregaLe llmlL of llablllLy
wheLher under and/or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhls
ConLracL or Lhe performance or non-performance
Lhereof or as a resulL of any fundamenLal breach of
ConLracL, warranLy lncludlng LermlnaLlon of Lhls
ConLracL by Lhe urchaser, shall ln no evenL exceed
Lhe ConLracL rlce.
13. Covernlng Law & ulspuLe 8esoluLlon
1hls Cffer shall be governed and consLrued ln
accordance wlLh Lhe laws of lndla.
1he arLles shall seLLle all or any of Lhe dlfferences,
dlspuLes Lhrough muLual dlscusslons amlcably. 1he
resoluLlon of all dlspuLes, whlch cannoL be resolved
amlcably Lhrough muLual dlscusslons, shall be
seLLled Lhrough arblLraLlon as provlded under Lhe
lndlan ArblLraLlon and ConclllaLlon AcL, 1996 or
accordlng Lo Lhe 8ules of ArblLraLlon and
ConclllaLlon of Lhe lnLernaLlonal Chamber of
Commerce, arls. Lach parLy shall appolnL an
arblLraLor from Lhelr slde and Lwo arblLraLors shall
appolnL / selecL Lhe Lhlrd arblLraLor who wlll
preslde over Lhe arblLral Lrlbunal whlch shall conslsL
Lhree arblLraLors. 1he arblLraLlon proceedlngs shall
Lake place ln aL a place muLually accepLable Lo boLh
Lhe parLles and shall be conducLed ln Lhe Lngllsh
noLhlng ln Lhls offer ls lnLended Lo consLlLuLe,
creaLe or oLherwlse recognlze a conLracLual
relaLlonshlp beLween A88 and Lhe CusLomer,
unless a separaLe agreemenL/ conLracL ls enLered
lnLo beLween Lhese arLles lncorporaLlng Lhe Lerms
and condlLlons menLloned hereln above and seLLlng
forLh Lhe rlghLs and obllgaLlons of Lhe arLles
16. valldlLy
30 uays from Lhe daLe of Lhls offer.

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 26 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

12.0 Reference ListJFootprint

(art|a| L|st)

CusLomer :ConcasL SLeel and ower LlmlLed, Crlssa
ConsulLanL :AvanL-Carde Lnglneers & ConsulLanLs () LlmlLed, Chennal
ro[ecL :1x30MW & 1x40MW CapLlve ower lanL - uCS

age | 27 Cffer 8eference: A-AA/vA/8W/2011/078 8ev0 daLed 17/06/2011

13.0 Tecbnical CataloguesJBrocbures

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