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Efficiency Optimized Model Reference Adaptive Control System for a dc Motor



Abstract-The efficiency of a separated-excited de motor is improved by controlling both armature current and field current simultaneously. The model reference adaptive control system (MRACS) may be useful for this control problem because parameter values and load disturbance (load torque) of controlled objects vastly change. In this paper, two adaptive control systems for efficiency-optimized speed control are proposed on the basis of MRACS theory and the error system method. Those are MRACS based on the current ratio method and on the voltage/current ratio method. In these systems, integral action is introduced into MRACS in order to cope with the step-load disturbance. Although a parameter variation of the voltage/current ratio MRACS method is large, the number of parameters to be adjusted is small as compared with that in the current ratio MRACS method. For each method, fast transient response and good characteristics are obtained for the parameter changes, stepload disturbance, and step-desired signal in simulation studies. Efficiency is considerably improved by these methods at a light load condition.

I. INTRODUCTION HE importance of energy conservation in electrical drive systems in the industrial field is obvious. Many energy conservation efforts for dc and ac motor systems have been reported [1]-[9]. In particular, a systematic method for the improved efficiency of a separately excited dc motor has been reported by the authors by applying the optimal regulator theory [6]-[9]. In these papers, the system under consideration is a separately excited dc motor that is widely used in the industrial field for precise control application. The control system that realizes satisfactory response in both the transient state and in the steady state (as well as maximum efficiency in the steady state) has been synthesized. A fundamental efficiency-optimized speed control system with a full-state feedback structure that utilizes all the state variables of the controlled object has been proposed in [6] and [7]. An efficiency-optimized speed control system with a partial state feedback structure that utilizes easily accessible state variables and an output feedback structure that utilizes only output variables (rotational speed) have been developed in [8] and [9]. A synthesis method that uses an augmented system and an optimal regulator theory (the error system method [8]) may be useful for the control problem with the step-load disturbance change because integral action is introduced into the closed loop. In order to realize optimal efficiency, satisfactory speed responses at both the steady state and the transient state, and
Manuscript received November 3, 1988; revised May 23, 1989. T. Egami is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan. H. Morita and T. Tsuchiya are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. IEEE Log Number 8932704.

high robustness of the designed control system for parameter variations and load disturbance simultaneously, the error system method has been introduced in previous papers [6]-[9]. The effectiveness of the proposed methods has been confirmed experimentally, and a considerable improvement in efficiency is obtained at a light-load condition. However, the system under consideration is represented by the nonlinear state equation in this case because armature current and field current are controlled simultaneously, although the system can be treated as a linear system in the case in which only speed control or position control is needed under the constant field current. It should be noted in this case that the parameter values of the linearized state equation of the controlled object at each operating condition (and of load disturbance) change mainly because of linearization. The model reference adaptive control system (MRACS) method may be useful for the control problem with large parameter variations such as the case in which the controlled object does not have unstable zeros. In this paper, two adaptive control systems for efficiencyoptimized speed control are proposed based on the MRACS theory: current ratio-type MRACS and voltage/current ratiotype MRACS. In the synthesis of these systems, the error system method is also applied in order to cope with the step or constant load disturbance. In current ratio-type MRACS, the optimal ratio of the armature current and field current that yields maximum efficiency is theoretically derived, and MRACS is synthesized by treating the current ratio error as an output variable of the controlled object. In voltage/current ratio-type MRACS, the optimal ratio of field voltage and armature current giving maximum efficiency is theoretically derived as well. The nonlinear state equation of the controlled object is transformed into an approximated time-varying linear system by considering the dynamics of the field circuit as one of parameter variation. The number of parameters to be adjusted is small (four) as compared with that in the previous case (16), although the parameter variation range becomes wide in this case. These control system structures are derived, and, as in the previous papers, they are basically similar to the usual optimal servo system when based on the optimal regulator theory. In simulation studies, rotational speed responses are fast and satisfactory in both efficiency-optimized adaptive speed control systems for parameter changes, step disturbance change, and step desired signal change. However, there is a certain difference in current ratio error response between two systems. Compared with the usual speed control system,

0278-OO46/90/02OO-OO28$01 .OO 0 1990 IEEE


The optimum ratio of I, and I f , which gives the minimum loss under a constant generated torque, is obtained by means of the Lagrange multiplier method:

considerable improvement in the efficiency of the motor system at the steady state is obtained at the light-load condition.

State equations of a separately excited dc motor are shown in (1). Input signals Vuand Vf are the control input variables for the armature circuit and the field circuit, respectively. Rotational speed N ( t ) is the controlled variable

2= 4




#(t)= --N(t)+

K T Z f ( t )Za (t )

-- (t ) TL J

Equation ( 5 ) is transformed into the relation k & = kf(N>Ij, and it approximately implies that armature copper loss = field copper loss + iron loss. In the case of the constant field current, it implies that variable loss in dependence on the load change = constant loss regardless of the load change. Copper .. loss is equivalent to iron loss, as is well known. IV. CURRENT RATIO-TYPE MRACS An error signal of the current ratio is defined in (6) by using

Z,(t)= --


keMt)47(t) 1 +- , V,(t) La L

1 Z;(t)= -Tf

rf(t)+- V f ( t )


e; = z - K ( N ) f . , I


N ( t ) Rotational speed, Z,(t) armature current. Zf(t) Field current, TL(t) load torque. V,(t) Armature impressed voltage.





Mechanical time constant. Torque coefficient. Inertia moment of the system. Armature circuit time constant. Inductance of the armature circuit. Counter electromotive force coefficient. Field circuit time constant. Inductance of the field circuit. 111. F'RINCIPLE

The efficiency-optimizedspeed control is realized at the steady state by controlling the above error signal to be zero. After linearizing (1) at an operating point, (7) is obtained by transforming the equation into the discrete time form with the sampling period T:

x ( k + 1) =A x ( k )+ Bu(k)+Ed(k) Y ( k )= W k )






In general, the efficiency of the dc motor system under a given output Po is represented by (2)
' U


E;[ ];



Po+ L + mechanical loss


where L is the iron loss + copper loss + stray loss + power converter loss. In order to maximize efficiency, the sum of the losses ( L + mechanical losses) should be minimized at an output Po. Among the losses listed above, the mechanical loss is not controllable by control input variables under the given condition (desired speed) because the mechanical loss is necessarily determined by the rotational speed of the motor system (the controlled variable N(t)).Tden, all losses except the mechanical losses are controllable by the control input variables under the condition. Controllable loss L is approximately represented as follows [7], [8]:

It is assumed that the controlled object shown in (7) is controllable and observable and does not have unstable zeros. The condition is satisfied over the practical application, as will be shown in Section VI. In order to realize two control objects (speed control and efficiency optimization), the rotational speed Nand the current ratio error e; are taken to be controlled variables. Hence, this system is a two-input, two-output system. Parameters in linearized equation (7) vary with the operating point chosen. The parameter variations are able to be adapted by using MRACS. First, an original control system is designed by assuming that the parameters are time-invariant known values. The input-output relation of the system is shown in (8):

L = P, + Pf ( N (t ) )

+ kaZ:+ kf(N ( t ) )1;.


A ( z - ')U( k)= diag (z - ' ) B ( z- ')U( k)+ C(z - )d( k) (8)


Pf(N(t)) depends on the rotational speed N because of the inclusion of the iron loss. The values of k, and kf(N(t))must be identified at each machine. Generated torque T,,, is shown in (4): T,
= KTZaI f .

B ( z - I ) =Bo+ B,z - I (det Bo= 0)


C (z - 1 ) = C + CI z - I. O



A ; , Bi, Ci 2 x 2 real coefficient matrices, and z - I is the are backward shift operator. Taking the first difference of (8), the
step disturbance signal is embedded in nonobservable space. That is
A ( z - ')Ay(k)= diag ( z - ' ) B ( z- )Au(k)



where the first difference is represented by A Equation (9) is transformed to (10):

1 - z-'.

y(k+ l)=y(k)-A~Ay(k)-AzAy(k- 1)
+BoAu(k)+BlAu(k- 1). (10)
Here, yM( is assumed to be a bounded output variable of a k) reference model, which is the desired signal for the controlled object. The following error system is derived from (10) as shown in (1 1):
Fig. 1.


.. . .


. .. . . .


Efficiency optimized model reference adaptive control system (current ratio-type MRACS).

e ( k + l)=yM(k+1)-y(k+ 1)
=yM( k


l)=[AyT(k- l), AyT(k-2), AuT(k- I), AuT(k-22)]

+ 1) -y (k ) + A 1 Ay( k ) +AzAy( k - 1)
(1 1)

- BoAu(k) - Bl Au(k- 1)

e ' ( k ) = [ - A l ( k ) , -Az(k), B,(k), B,(k)].

The proposed MRACS that considers the step disturbance signal is constructed by using the algorithms shown in (13) to (15) without increasing the number of parameters to be estimated. There exists an MRACS that does not consider the u ( k )= B o [ Y M ( k + 1) -y(k) +AlAY(k) disturbance signal. The stability of this system is proved by using the theorem in [lo]-[12]. + A 2 A y ( k - l ) - B I A u ( k - l ) ] + u ( k - l ) . (12) Equation (13) is transformed into (16) on the condition that In practice, parameters of the linearized equation vary with the adjusted parameters converge on the constant values and speed and currents and should be estimated successively using the initial values are zero: the parameter adjustment algorithm. Then, the adaptive control input is obtained by using estimated parameters A, (k), u ( k ) = B , ' ( k ) y M ( k +I)-- Z e ( k ) + A l ( k ) y ( k ) z- 1 A2(k),&(k), and B l ( k ) :

where y M ( k )= [ R N ( ~ ). R,(k) is the reference model 01 ' output of the rotational speed. The control algorithm is obtained so that the error e(k + 1) can be zero, as follows:

u ( k )= B , ' ( k ) [ Y M ( k + 1) -y(k) +Al(k)AY(k)

+Az(k)Ay(k- l)-BI(k)Au(k- l)] + u ( k - 1).

+ A z ( k ) y ( k - l)-BI(k)u(k- 1)


The proposed MRACS structure for efficiency-optimized (13) speed control is shown in Fig. 1 by (16). This servo system includes the integral action and deadbeat observer at the steady In (13), when the coefficient BO becomes zero, the previous state. The integral action is included in the proposed MRACS value should be contained in the parameter adjustment system for eliminating the effects of step disturbance, which is algorithm without using the zero value for Bo. similar to the robust optimal control system with integral The following parameter adjustment algorithm is employed action. This system is basically similar to the output feedback [ 121: control system based on the optimal regulator theory [9]. Feedforward compensation utilizing the future desired signal up to one step ahead is applied, and the parameter adjustment process is also included. At this point, the system is different from the optimal servo system. * [ A , ~ ( k ) - B ~ ( k - l ) p ( k - l ) ] (14) V . VOLTAGEICURRENT RATIO-TYPE MRACS When applying the adaptive control theory, one important problem to be considered is reducing the processing time in a microprocessor. This results in the reduction in the number of the estimated parameters in the parameter estimation process in every sampling period. In order to realize it in this case, a state equation with a lower dimension than that in the previous section is derived, as is shown in (17). The dynamics of the



field circuit are approximately considered as a parameter change of the system: KT(Zf) and ke(Zf). Application of MRACS is, therefore, effective because the parameter values of the controlled object change greatly as compared with the previous case:

In this study, the load disturbance T(t) is assumed to be a step and vary with signal, and coefficient values KT(Zf(t)) ke(If(t)) the magnitudes of the field current IAt) (Zf(t)is not the state variable of the state equation in ( 1 7 ) ) . In order to realize the relation in (3,the following voltage is impressed on the field circuit, which is independent of the adaptive control loop:

. . . . . .

. 1-

. . . -. . .

Fig. 2. Efficiency optimized model reference adaptive control system (voltage/current-type MRACS).

Equation (23) is obtained by transforming (18) into the discrete form and setting uf = V,:

where Rf is the resistance of the field circuit. V f ( t )in (18) corresponds to the parameter variations of KT( If( t)), k,( If( t)) for the adaptive control loop. Transforming (17) into a discrete-time equation with sampling period T , an input-output relation of the system is derived: y ( k + l)=QoJ(k)+Uly(kl)+boU,(k)+ b1Ua(k- 1 )

The proposed MRACS structure for efficiency-optimized speed control is shown in Fig. 2 by means of (22) and (23). The control system structure in Fig. 2 is basically the same as that in Fig. 1 , although the field current minor loop is included. There are four adjusted parameters in Fig. 2 and 16 in Fig. 1 . The number of adjusted parameters is greatly reduced in current/voltage ratio-type MRACS, as compared with those in current ratio MRACS.

VI. SIMULATION STUDY where u,(k) = V a ( k ) , ( k ) = N ( k ) , and d ( k ) = TL(k), y Simulation studies for the proposed efficiency-optimized which is the step disturbance signal. Taking the first difference MRACS have been carried out. Parameter values for the of (19),terms relating to the disturbance signal are eliminated considered dc motor system are listed in the following: from the following equation: Separately excited dc motor, 1.5 kW, 1500 r/min, 2 poles. A y ( k + l ) = ~ ~ A y ( k ) + ~ ~ A) y ( k 1 Rated armature voltage = 100 V. Rated armature current = 18.5 A. + b o A ~ , ( k ) + b I A ~ , ( k - . (20) 1) J = 0.652 N.m.s2 7a = 0.0180 s. L, = 0.0117 H Adaptive control input is obtained by applying a procedure 7 f = 0.113 S . Lf = 11.3 H 7mo = 1 1 . 1 S . similar to that in the previous section: Rf = 100.0. ke(No) = 5.27 V.s/A: K,(No) = 0.839 N.m/A2 No= 1500 rlmin.

+ c o d ( k ) + c I d ( k - 1 ) (19)

-ciI(k)Ay(k- 1 ) - 6 l ( k ) A u a ( k - l ) ] (21) The values of the loss coefficients k, and kf(N ) represented in ( 3 ) are shown below, when the rotational speed N is 1o00, where y M ( k )= R N ( k )and O T ( k )= [ & ( k ) , Bl(k), 60(k), 1350, and 1500 rlmin, respectively: & ( k ) ]are the adjusted parameters. k, = 0.68 W/A2 and In (21), it is confirmed that the coefficients bo(/?) b l ( k ) satisfy bl(k)/bo(k)< 1 over a large parameter variation and 154 W/A2 at N = 1500 rlmin a wide sampling period range, as will be shown in Section VI. kf= 147 W/A2 N = 1350 rlmin The parameter adjustment algorithm used is similar to that 137 W/A2 N = lo00 r/min. which is in the previous section. Using the relation in (21), (22) is derived for zero initial Using above values, the optimal current ratio N and the conditions at the steady state: optimal voltagelcurrent ratio N are calculated as follows:

N r/min 1500 1350 lo00

K(N) 15.05 14.70 14.19

h(N) 6.64 6.80 7.05.





disturbance change (SO 2)


1 Raexl/lO I


- 0.342








R.0~40 0.0132


0.11s -0.969

11s -0.723

101s -0.307

1001s 0.558
I n

- 0.997

9 3 4 T I M E IS1 5 6


Fig. 3.

System response of current ratio-type MRACS.



R.axlO -0.0852

R.ex50 0.366

- 0.996



I,O.O1.s 0.11s -0.994 11s -0.945 101s 100.s 'a


. . .

- 0.999



104.8 (V)

Initialization of the adaptive controller parameters and the gain matrix are for the current ratio-type MRACS
* *

3 4 T I M E IS1

* e - ,

, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, lO,O, 0

Fig. 4.

System response of voltage/current-type MRACS.

r (0) = diag [1OZ0]

error e j ( k )is not an output variable in voltage/current-type MRACS, the transient response of e j ( k )is not considered in order to reduce the number of parameters to be estimated. In Fig. 5, efficiency improvement is shown when compared with the usual control method in which the field current of a dc motor is kept constant, and only the armature current is controlled. Efficiency is improved by the proposed MRACS by about 10 percent under light-load condition, and this result is similar to that obtained in the efficiency-optimized speed control based on the optimal regulator theory in [6]-[9].

and for the voltage/current ratio-type MRACS e T ( 0 ) = [ O 0, 10, 01, , r(O)=diag [lo5].

The upper and lower bounded trace algorithm [121 is used as a parameter adjustment algorithm. The sampling period is 10 ms. A reasonable limiter (the upper limit is 150 V, and the lower limit is 0 V; the rated input voltage is 100 V) is inserted in the input circuit. The variation in the invariant zero of (7) for a parameter variation (e.g., armature resistance R,) and sampling period variation are shown in Tables I and II, respectively. It is confirmed that the invariant zero is contained in a unit disk because of the wide change of parameters and sampling period over a practical application range. Fig. 3 shows the simulation result of the current ratio-type MRACS. Output variable y ( k ) ( = [ N ( k ) ,ej(k)]) tracks the output of the reference model yM(k)( = [RN(k) 01) with no error despite parameter variation and disturbance change. Fig. 4 shows the simulation result of the voltage/current ratio-type MRACS. Output variable y(k)( = N ( k ) ) tracks the output of the reference model y M ( k ) ( = R N ( k )which is similar to that in Fig. 3. ), Transient response of the current ratio error e j ( k )is, however, not as much smooth as that in Fig. 3. Because the current ratio

Two adaptive control systems for efficiency-optimized speed control are proposed by combining the model reference adaptive control system theory with the error system method. These two systems are the current ratio-type MRACS and the voltage/current ratio-type M R A C S . In these systems, integral action as well as a deadbeat observer is included in the control system in order to cope with step disturbance signals. These control systems are robust for parameter variations of the controlled object and load disturbance when compared with the optimal control system. Fast transient responses and good characteristics are obtained for parameter changes as well as for step disturbance and step desired signals in the simulation


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E f f i c i e n c y of proposed URACS E f f i c i e n c y of c o n s t a n t f i e l d current control





100 1 2 0


Fig. 5.

Efficiency improvement by proposed MRACS

studies. Efficiency is improved in the light-load condition by several percentage points when compared with the usual control method. In practice, it is necessary for the allowable lower limit of flux to be established because excessive weak flux at light load is apt to cause deterioration of rectification and instability with large transient load; then, efficiency improvement is obtained over the range except below the lower limit of flux. In adaptive control, real-time processing of the adaptive control algorithm and the parameter adjustment algorithm increases the work of a microprocessor; this is the problem to be solved at present in experimental studies. The proposed MRACS is applicable to a commutatorless motor as well as an induction motor, and these are both now under investigation.

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