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Phrasal Verbs - Put H muitos phrasal verbs com este verbo.

Vou abrir este tpico com o put out Put out --> apagar, extinguir o fogo. He put out the cigarette as soon as he saw his girlfriend.

18/04/07 Put out - outro significado / contexto

Put out --> publicar um livro; lanar um cd. Example: He put out his book last week and there were a lot of guests. 24/04/07

Put on = vestir roupa.

PUT IN FOR: candidatar-se a EX.: Are you putting in for that job? PUT BY: guardar EX.: I have put by some money for emergencies. PUT OFF: apagar, adiar EXs.: Please, put the light off! He put off the meeting, he cant go. 28/04/07

PUT OUT: estender, apagar, incomodar, aborrecer

He put out his hand to steady her. The bridage fire soon put out the fire. Dont put yourself out for my sake! I was put out by his decision.
put up with = suportar Example: I cant put up with it anymore Put on: Colocar uma msica agradvel. Put away

Este phrasal verb significa guardar. Example:

He always puts away his toys when hes finished playing with them. Exemplo tirado do livro: Aprenda definitivamente 100 phrasal verbs - Oxford University Press. Put down H sentidos diferentes para este phrasal verb, por exemplo: 1) Shes always putting her glasses down somewhere and losing them. Aqui o sentido de largar 2) The magazine was so nice that I couldnt put it down. Aqui o sentido de no poder parar de ler

3) The students were having a test when all of sudden, the teacher said to them: Put down your pens because time is over. Aqui o sentido de colocar as canetas na carteira To put an end to

To put an end to Pr um ponto final em/Pr um fim em.

example: Its about time we put an end to all this gossip! said the boss at the office. To put the fisnishing touches on (Pr os toques finais em) Gary is putting the finishing touches on his new novel, which is supposed to came out soon. Bye! See you later. Put off

Put off significa adiar. Example: He put off throwing the party because he was moneyless.

Phrasal Verb - Come

Come across to meet someone or find something by chance. Example: Have you ever come across such a horrible person in all your life? Macmillan English Dictionary
Come across - parte 2

Phrasal Verbs que tm o mesmo significado de come across run into somebody / something --> to meet someone by chance Example: Guess who I ran into in town today! happen upon somebody / something --> to find something or meet someone by chance Example: I happened upon the restaurant by chance. bump into somebody (informal) --> to meet someone you know when you were not expecting to (run into)

Example: I bumped into Jean in town. chance upon somebody / something --> to find something or someone; meet someone when you are not expecting to Example: Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic. stumble upon something --> to find or discover something by chance and unexpectedly (come across) Example: Researchers have stumbled upon a drug that may help patients with Parkinsons disease.

H vrios contextos para esse phrasal verb. 1)sair, ser publicado Example: When will your book come out? 2) sair de casa, prdio, casa. Example: I was coming out of the house when I ran into an old friend. 3) manifestar-se (geralmente a favor) Example: She didnt hesitate to come out in favor of her friend. Dont beat around the bush man! Tell me what happened. A expresso to beat around the bush ou to beat about the bush usada quando voc pede para algum falar algo sem ficar enrolando, sem rodeios, etc.
Idioms and Expressions

Come out

Mind your own business! Esta expresso significa cuide de sua vida, no interfir na vida alheia, etc. Exemplo: Mind your own business, please!!! This problem is mine.

Out of the blue

Est expresso usada quando voc quer dizer que algo aconteceu inesperadamente, sem mais nem menos, etc. oi Andr. voc poderia colocar mais expresses? agradeo desde j.
to get a wink of sleep

Exemplo: I didnt get a wink of sleep last night. No preguei o olho noite passada, No consegui dormir noite passada, No dormi nada noite passada, etc.
pick up the tab

Usa-se esta expresso informalmente quando se est em um restaurante, bar, etc. Significa to pay for something.

Shes such a one track mind girl Ela s pensa naquilo

I avnt a Scooby mate

Lose the marbles

Usa-se esta expresso quando voc quiser dizer que ficou zangado com alguma coisa, por exemplo: Ive lost my marbles with those people making a lot of noise in the classroom.

I dont get an easy feeling

isso no parece fcil... bem bsico... When you have or get the giggles, you are unable to stop giggling. Ex: I got the giggles when the teacher was giving a speech. Ri sem parar quando o professor estava dando um discurso Um problemas a menos. Thats another job jobbed Dar a volta por cima. To bounce back ...como se nada tivesse acontecido. Matter-of-factly. Fazer o qu? What can You do? Sou suspeito. Im biased/ or: of course Id say that. Que coisa boa. What a break.
algumas expresses To get/have the giggles

Esta expresso usada quando se est satisfeito com uma conquista, realizao, etc. Por exemplo: He retired at the peak of his career and is resting on his laurels. A expresso call the shots usada para dizer que alguma pessoa tem autoridade ou poder para tomar decises. Exemplo: Tom calls the shots at the company whenever his boss is traveling on business
Very good... gosto muito de suas dicas, thank you. At the drop of a hat To call the shots

Rest on ones laurels

Usa-se esta expresso quando alguma coisa acontece imediatamente ou quando no h necessidade de parar para pensar no que fazer. Exemplo: 1) Some of these corporations threaten to sue at the drop of a hat. 2) As soon as she arrived home she made that decision at the drop of a hat.
give somebody the creeps

Esta expresso usada quando se fica e/ou quiser deixar algum nervoso ou assustado com algo. Exemplo: Walking alone downtown at night gives him the creeps. TO ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL Portuguese version: descobrir um santo para cobrir outro A vo algumas q eu conheo.... ele um tremendo cara de pau = Hes got a lot of gall. Ele um dedo-duro = Hes a snitch. Ela tem jogo de cintura = Shes slick. Eles so puxa-sacos = Theyre ass-kissers. Ele uma figura = Hes a real character. Dont judge a book by its cover= As aparncias enganam Never look a gift horse in the mouth= cavalo dado no se olham os dentes Take the air= d o fora He is hale and hearty= ele est em tima forma This is another pair of shoes= isto so outros quinhentos

To drink a toast= fazer um brinde Between the devil and the deep sea= entre a cruz e a espada

WOMANISER = mulherengo A storm in a cup = Uma tempestade em um copo dgua. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush = melhor um passro na mo dq dois voando. Enough shilly-shally. make-up your mind now! = Chega de chove-e-nomolha, resolva j!
Expresso Woods Algum j ouviu falar na expresso ou estilo de vida WOODS? Gostaria de saber o que significa j ouviram dizer em brainstorming??? Dont be a scape goat..... No seja um bode espiatrio.

Sim, Kiko. J ouvi falar em brainstorming... muito usado em Workshops (Reunies de trabalho) onde as pessoas vo falando o que pensam ou acham sobre algum assunto. Normalmente, uma etapa de mapeamento de processos de trabalho.
understand hum...entendi agora Joana, shake like a leaf

Este idiom usado em algumas situaes: 1) quando se est nervoso, 2) quando se est com receio de alguma coisa e 3) quando se est com frio. 1) Im shaking like a leaf because I argued with my boss. Estou tremendo de nervoso/ nervoso porque discuti com meu chefe. 2) He was shaking like a leaf before the talk he had to have with his boss Ele estava com receio antes da conversa que tinha que ter com seu chefe. 3) Put on you sweater - youre shaking like a leaf. Vista seu suter - voc est tremendo de frio. get cold feet - ficar com medo
Get cold feet

Julia was going to jump from the higher diving board, but at the last moment she got cold feet. TORRES, Nelson. Dicionrio Prtico de Expresses Idiomticas e Phrasal Verbs. So Paulo - Editora Disal, 2003.
Get rid of

Esta expresso muito usada pelos falantes de lngua inglesa. Mrs. Pontes would love to get rid of her maid, but she cant do without her. A Sra. Pontes adoraria se livrar de sua empregada, mas ela no tem como ficar com ela. TORRES, Nelson. Dicionrio Prtico de Expresses Idiomticas e Phrasal Verbs. So Paulo - Editora Disal, 2003.
Take the chance significa: se arrisque! Olha Marcelo, o estilo Woods, significa um estilo de vida perigoso. Freaking out significa: Viajar no mundo das drogas. I was left holding the bag. Fiquei a ver navios. Let the cat out of the bag

let the cat out of the bag --> contar um segredo, dizer uma informao secreta, etc. Example: He let the cat out of the bag, and the surprise party wasnt a surprise after
Birds of the same feather flock together Diga-me com quem andas que te direi quem s. Keep up with the joneses

Esta expresso usada quando uma pessoa imita o estilo de vida de outras pessoas, zela pelas aparncias, etc. Example: He didnt need to buy a brand-new car. He just bought it to keep up with the joneses
What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger = O q no mata, engorda. Im up... significa eu topo Im fed up with...

Estou cheio ( cansado ) de... Ex: Im fed up with this hot weather ! ( To de saco cheio desse calor )
Hit the roof or Hit the ceiling

Esta expresso usada quando se est zangado ou furioso. Example: When he saw the amount of the bill, he hit the ceiling.
catch somebody red-handed

Pegar algum com a boca na botija. Example: The thief was caught red-handed taking the money
In the nick of time

In the nick of time - no ltimo instante. Example: Luckily, help arrived in the nick of time.

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