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..:: ::.. Article from Knowledge Base: http://kb.machacking.

net ********** Title: running an X11 server on OSX Author: vaccine ********** This is a tutorial from The Shared Forums ( All materi al is (If you use this on your site, please do not edit anyth ing, including this information at the top.) *************************************************************************** Posted by: vaccine Apr 28 2003, 08:45 PM For anyone interested in running an X11 server on OSX, things just got easier.. On 10.1 it was a big kludge getting X running on OSX. I had to install XFree86 via fink, then find a window manager that more or less integrated with OSX, and hack it so it wouldn't crash, etc. On 10.2, I did almost the same thing, however OroborOSX (http://oroborosx.source installed relatively easier than what I went through with 10.1. Finally, I was going through the same thing recently, when I came across Apple's solution. Even though it's beta, I've used it for a few days now, and havn't h ad much trouble. Plus, it works right out of the box. Just download the 45Mb i nstaller, install it and you have a working X windows server. Have some apps yo u like to run under X? Just install them via fink (or compile them yourself if you have to) and put the app in the application menu. It's that simple. So, if you are missing Xeyes or like that spiffy frontend for nmap (nmapfe), ins tall Apple's X11 for OSX! -=Vaccine

Posted by: visitor Apr 29 2003, 11:15 AM you might also want to download and install the apple-X11-headers and stuff lik e that (can be found at the developers pages of apple, it's bundled in a OSX-pac ket called X11-SDK or something similar). with this packet installed, you are able to compile your own X11-apps on OSX usi ng the X11-code apple provided. to work with fink, choose the package "system-xfree86" to install. this tells fi nk that you want to use your apple-X11-installation, not the fink-X11-port or an ything else. fink will identify apple's X11 and the SDK-files and use them for i t's own compilations and installations. i use apple's X11 since the first beta, and i think it's a good port. apples X11 works much faster on my ibook than any other X11-port i've tried.

Posted by: vaccine Apr 30 2003, 11:48 AM Since there are folks that have used this for much longer than me, I have a cou ple questions that maybe you can answer: 1. How do stop X11 from starting up an xterm when it starts up? 2. How do I get X11 to use my .xinitrc file? -=Vaccine

Posted by: vaccine Apr 30 2003, 01:28 PM Nevermind figured it out on my own.. I just edited /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc =) -=Vaccine

Posted by: visitor May 1 2003, 10:58 AM (sorry for not answering so long, have been away...) the solution you chose is to edit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc. like this, you change the X11-settings for all users on your machine (which is not a problem if you ar e working on your own box but a problem if you work on a server with different a ccounts). another way is to change the file .xinitrc in the users home folder. like this, the changes are only made for this single user. if there is no .xinitrc in your home folder (i think there should be one if you installed apple's X11 but i'm not sure), you might just first copy the /etc/X11/ xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc , this should work fine.

Posted by: vaccine May 1 2003, 05:40 PM When I used my ~.xinitrc, I had jacked up title bars and it didn't seem to be u sing all of the commands that were in there (such as xhost allows). Anyway, no big deal. It's my box, Im the only user on it -=Vaccine ********** Article from Knowledge Base:

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