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You are watching STS, and I am Vasiliy Kuybar your personal guide to the world of occult and unexplored things. I dont agree with pessimists who claim: No way! It cant be true. I assure you it can be. Here on the screen of my notebook there is an Internet discussion board, concerned with the matters of virginity. Those who value the innocence and chastity are communicating here. What do they discuss? As it turned out - the same issues as some scientists, the mysterious theory of telegony another undiscovered secret of the human body.

Several years ago Moscow was taken up with the talking over one strange case: a post-graduate student of Moscow State University gave birth to a dark-skinned baby. The women swore that she didnt cheat her husband, the doctors were puzzled how it could happen if both parents of a child are of Slavic appearance. Eventually the mother confessed that long time before she met her husband she had a love affair with the student from Africa. At the moment we have no evidences confirming the existence of mechanisms, which could enable conservation of genetic information of previous sexual partners in a womens body.

The science cant give reason of this phenomenon, though maieutologists and gynecologists acknowledge that there are plenty of improbable cases in their experience. A white-skinned woman gave birth to twins at that the first baby was white-skinned, another was dark-skinned. When the situation was cleared up it emerged that before she had two sexual partners and one of them was black man. And such counterintuitive things happen.

What is this? abnormally in genetics? What prevails over here science or mysticism? Today people who decide to make a family dont think much on how the chastity of parents can influence the future of their children. Sexual revolution has done its part. Nowadays the virginity is worth nothing. Peoples on the street sayings: - Now our life is difficult I must say, so when choosing a man, sex is not insignificant. - Hm, what to say? At this juncture who is a virgin now? You can find a virgin may be in kindergarten only. - Every next man is your new experience. The singer Sergey Krylov disagree with these statements, he believes that the virginity of married couple is pledge of happy marriage. He himself, as he says, was conceived in the wedding night and the following nine months was growing in the sterile basin. He also chose only virgins for marriage. And now he wishes his son Yan to marry innocent girl. He wasnt born for that so that one sluttish Klavdia would come up to him and say I love you, Yan, he doesnt need this love. All this is rubbish.

So how does virginity influence the health of our future children? Biologists, geneticists, gynecologists try to find the answer to this question. As far back as in the previous centaury the scientists discovered such a phenomenon as telegony. Telegony is the theory proving that every man who had a sexual contact with a woman leaves his genetic information in her body, so the children no matter who is their natural father can have a resemblance to the previous sexual partners of their mother. This phenomenon was described by

Charles Darwin in the middle of 19th centaury. Animal experiments of Professor Flint and Felix Le Dantec has provided evidence to this phenomenon. The researchers started interbreeding full-blood horse with male zebra. But they didnt get progeny, though in some years this horse sired by full-blooded male horse gave birth to the offspring with the strips on legs. The similar experiments were made over pigs and wild boars, the result was almost the same. What was that? Ancestries gens showed up? or was it telegony? There some animals for instance pigeons, who can keep sperm in reproductive tract of female during 70-80 days. Dogs have the same feature. But this issue is very poorly studied, and we need more information.

The womans body can also conserve the sperm, and it is a science- backed fact. But what the highest possible term of preservation could be, its not yet found. So what is it? a punishment of a Nature for debauchery? As the old Orient tradition says a man gets only pleasure from woman, so groom has to pay a bride-price. And sometimes the amount of pay-off is so big so that young men have to save money for years. So how much in average does the innocent bride cost? It is said that in Saudi Arabia the price is over 50 000USD. On the Internet at the discussion board of virginity devotees weve got acquainted with Larisa. The girl told in advance that she will come to meeting not alone but with her groom. They are absolutely sure about health of their future children. Larisa has been saving her virginity for 28 years, and was exited to present it to her chosen one. He was surprised. But I think he understood me, so be it. And I am sure it needs to be notified in advanced about such things especially in this age. I wasnt afraid of this, as most men do, because I understood that if I do it will be my responsibility, you know what I mean. So in the end I am even happy that it happened like that.

Paranormalists agree with this and claim that the first love is the deepest one; also they confirm that the first sexual experience affects the future children. It is not for nothing that people say that the first baby of a woman looks like her first man. She is sensitized not to a nature father, but to bioenergy father, so the women consciously and unconsciously form an image of fetus resembling to her first man.

For the present doctors are confused, but they warn that the more sexual partners the woman had the less chances she has to become a mother, and it is pure physiology. There are so called antigens of infertility, in the womans body anti-sperm antibodies are produced, so the more sexual contacts she has the more antibodies her body produces, and as a result when a woman decide to mend her way and wants to get pregnant she cant do that.

If the scientists would be able to make researches in each family, and carry out genetic analysis, the science would make a plenty of great discoveries. But till now the phenomenon of telegony is still a mysterious anomaly.

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