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Here is a timeline covering the major events of the 19th Century and some events that probably didnt

seem that important at the time, but which have had a long term effect. God never abandons His people, no matter how far we drift, or even run screaming, from Him. Into the mess of the new ideas and terrible wars, rebellions and death that poured out in that century, God called quiet, gentle people like St Catherine Laboure, Elizabeth Anne Seton and the Ratisbonne brothers. Church events are written in blue. Copyright Michelle Scott May 2012 For home and family use. Please pray for us here at And Kalei and her family at

19th Century
1800 Nitrous Oxide as anaesthetic tried by Sir Himphrey Davies Volta invents the battery Herschel discovers infrared 1804 gas lights patented by Freidrich Winzer Trevithick engine Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France. 1805 Muhammad al Pasha founds his dynasty in Egypt. 1806 Kingdom of Bavaria founded by Napoleon. 1807 Napoleon attacks Russia USA passes an anti-slave trade law. The first of many. Serfdom abolished in Prussia French troops occupy Vatican. 1809 Humphrey Davy invents electric arc light Pope excommunicates Napoleon July: French troops capture Pope Pius VII and take him to Liguria. 1810 Durand invents the tin can Beethoven composer Fur Elise 1811 The future George IV of England becomes Regent as his dad is mentally ill. 1812 Napoleon invades Russia Misouri USA earthquake of about 8 Luddite riots in north of England War of 1812 America against Britain 1813 Mathieu Bonaventure Orfila publishes his toxicology book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin published. 1814 Stephenson steam locomotive Joseph Nicephore Niepce takes a photo with a camera obscura; it takes 8 hrs but it works. Napoleon abdicates Pope Pius VII (having survived captivity) re-establishes the Jesuits. Treaty of Ghent signed Dec ending the 1812 war. 1815 St John Bosco born Humphrey Davy invents minors lamp Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon surrenders. 1816 Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope Tsar Alexander I expels Jesuits from Russia Mt Tambora Indonesia erupts causing global winter. 1816, the year without summer. Mary Shelley writes Frankenstein while holed up because of the cold.

Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century
1817 to 1824 first cholera pandemic India to Russia 1818 James Blundell manages first successful human blood transfusion. 1820s Laudanum takes off as a popular drug. 12th May Florence Nightingale born 1821 Mexico gains independence from Spain. Jan 4th Elizabeth Ann Seton dies in Maryland USA. 1823 Mackintosh makes a raincoat in Scotland 1825 William Sturgeon invents the electromagnet. 1827 to 1835 second cholera pandemic United States across to Europe 1828 Nichol Prism invented polarising light microscope 1829 Burt invents typewriter Louis Braille invents Braille for blind people to read with. Sir Robert Christison publishes book on poisons - toxicology handbook 1829 Robert Peel establishes polices force in Britain. Catholic Emancipation finally happens in Britain. 1830 the sewing machine invented in France by M. Thimonnier St Catherine Laboure receives vision for Miraculous Medal. 1833 martyrdom of Paul Tong Buong one of many Vietnamese martyrs. 1835 Babbage computer 1836 Samuel Colt makes revolver Marsh test invented by James Marsh that finds arsenic. 1837 Morse invents telegraph Postage stamp invented by Rowland Hill 1838 Morse code 7th Sept. Grace Darling, homeschooled daughter of the lighthouse keeper at Bamburgh goes out with her father to rescue survivors from a ship on the rocks in a terrible storm. 1839 First opium war against China for trying to curb the trade. To 1856 third cholera pandemic North Africa to South America and other places to a lesser extent Charles Goodyear vulcanises rubber Kirkpatrick Macmillan invents the bicycle Sir William Grove tries a hydrogen fuel cell.

Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century
Britain makes New Zealand a colony. Uprising against the British in Kabul. 1842 1st Jan Charlotte Mason born Ether used as a general anaesthetic Our Lady of Sion appears to Marie Alphonse Ratisbonne who was an anti-Catholic Jew at the time. He converts as does his brother Theodore and many other Jews enter the Church in those days. 1843 uprising in Greece. Britain ends gibbeting and displaying executed criminals. 1844 Friedrich Nietzsche born Nitrous oxide used as anaesthetic Maori rebellion in New Zealand 1845 the great Irish potato famine begins over one million die- many as martyrs for the Faith as they refused to take the soup. John Franklin goes in search of the North West passage near the Beaufort Sea. 1846 Adolphus Sax invents the saxophone
Our Lady appears in La Salette France


1847 Ignaz Semmelweis discovers a way to prevent post-birth infection in mothers (puerperal fever). After much pressure Britain passes the Ten Hour bill limiting the working week for women and children to 63 hrs. Marx and Engel publish Communist Manifesto 1848 War between USA and Mexico ends with Guadalupe Hildalgo treaty. Gold rush to California begins 1850 first dishwasher patent rogues gallery of criminal in Birmingham England leads to the beginning of standardisation of photographs for forensic use. Our Lady appears in Litchen Poland 1851 Singer sewing machine Arsenic act passed in Britain to try and curb its use and misuse particularly in murder, even of infants. King Mongkut becomes king of Siam, inviting Europeans to his coronation. He spoke fluent English and French as well as Latin. With lack of language barrier, trade agreements begin to be made. 1853 Charles Gabriel Pravez and Alexander Wood invent the syringe. Crimean War begins (ends 1856) Florence Nightingale revolutionises nursing.
Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century
1854 Pius IX declares dogma of the Immaculate Conception 1855 David Livingstone reaches the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe (Zambia Rhodesia) and names them for Queen Victoria. Massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan destroys what is Tokyo today. 1856 Second Opium war which Britain and France win. Pasteur pasteurises Treaty signed ending the Crimean war. 1857 death of St Dominic Savio In Italy Garibaldi begins Italian National Ass. to fight for Italian unification. 1858 washing machine invented by Hamilton Smith Lenoir invents the combustion engine. Our Lady appears to St. Bernadette in Lourdes France 1859 Charles Darwin publishes Origin of Species. Aug 4th death of St. John Marie Vianney. 1860 Druze muslims massacre Maronite Rite Christians in Damascus. Orphans of the massacre rescued by Fr. Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne and the sisters of Sion. 1861 emancipation of serfs in Russia (didnt help much) Abraham Lincoln becomes President of the USA. 1862 Gatling gun To 1865 American Civil war 1863 rebellion in Poland Vin Mariani, a wine with cocaine launched as a tonic. To 1875 fourth cholera pandemic 1864 Quanta Cura P Pius IX Crime scene photography takes off 1865 Fr. Mendel discovers genetics American Civil War begins. Salvation Army founded by William and Catherine Booth in London England. Speed limit in Britain set at 2mph in towns and 4mph in countryside. 1866 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite. 1867 Joseph Lister develops and publishes on antiseptic approaches to surgery which will cut down on post op infection to a great degree. 1869 8th Dec open Vatican Council 1 Galton (Darwins cousin) publishes eugenic ideas Hereditary Genius
Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century
1870 war France with Prussia- seige of Strasbourg ends with French surrender. France lost completed unification of Germany under Prussia overthrow of French Monachy Between Sept 1870 and Feb 1871 sisters of Sion and Fr. Ratisbonne take care of over 200 wounded men in their hospital, as the siege of Paris takes place. Papal infallibility defined. Pasteur and Koch develop germ theory. Maria Montessori born in Italy. 1871 Jan; Pontmain apparition Charles Darwin publishes the Descent of Man Eugenics movement takes off including members such as H G Wells, Dr. Maudesley (of Maudesley Hospital fame) as well as Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes. 1873 Japan opens up for more trade and declares religious freedom. 1874 G.K.Chesterton born Small pox epidemic leads to mandatory vaccination in Germany. Barbed wire invented. 1875 electric light bulb invented. Edison buys the patent. 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone A three year weather pattern of el ninos kills over 30million people around China and Brazil. 1877 Edisons phonograph Muybridge first moving pictures Despite promises of the peace treaty Ottoman leaders still treat Christians badly. Russia gets fed up of her fellow Christians suffering and begins to march on Turky. 1878 Swan electric light bulb 1879 first vaccine against cholera. Elkin patents a cooler for corpses Turkish authorities begin persecution against Armenians. Industrial strike in St Petersburg Our Lady and others at Knock. Silent apparition. 1880 Lombroso uses changes in blood volume to work out if someone is lying.. 1881 assassination of Tsar Alexander II leads to Alex III clamping down even on innocent citizens. Muhammad Ahmad declares Islamic war on infidels.

Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century
To 1896 fifth cholera pandemic 1882 Koch discovers TB bacillus Britain sends troops into Egypt as uprising sets off. Troops stay to protect Suez Canal and the Christian population there. In Russia Alexander III begins pograms against the Jews. 1883 major eruption of Krakatoa near Java. Causes world wide weather changes including a very hard winter that year. Orient Express opens between Constantinople and Baghdad 1884 the first fountain pens Big earthquake Colchester England 1885 cocaine used in toothache meds and as drops for babies. Benz automobile and Daimler gas engine motorbike. 1886 secularisation of education in France Pemberton launches Coca Cola with its cocaine kick Ugandan martyrs. Our Lady Help of Christians appears in Czech Republic Geronimo captured in America 1887 contact lenses developed. Arthur Conan Doyle publishes first Sherlock Holmes mystery. Carl Lwanga and companions more Ugandan martyrs Ethiopians fight to keep the Italians out of their country, Yellow River floods killing over 900.000 people in China. 1888 16th Aug St John Bosco died Jack the Ripper murders begin in London England 1889 Adolf Hitler born Heroin marketed as a cough cure and even as a way to help patients who were addicted to morphine! Idaho becomes 43rd State of America. 1890 Assassination of Sitting Bull In Germany Bismarck resigns March. In Scotland the Forth Bridge is opened. July: Japan dabbles in democracy, and holds first General Election.

Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century
1891 Rerum Novarum pub. P. Leo XIII 1892 Galton standardises fingerprint collection. 1893 Hans Gross publishes his seminal work on criminology Maria Montessori enters medical school 1894 Dreyfus Affair. Nicholas II becomes Tsar in Russia. Korea asks China to send troops to put down a rebellion and Japan worries about this and sends troops to try and prevent China getting too much power in Korea. Japan wins. 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers x rays. Lumiere brothers invent portable film camera 1896 Ethipions win against Italian invasion. 1897 30th Sept death of St. Therese of Lisieux Freuds ideas make headway 1898 Spanish-American War begins and ends USA gains Spanish colonies. Britain takes on 99yr lease of Hong Kong. Neon gas discovered Plague epidemic begins in India and doesnt end until 1829 by which time more than 12 million people are dead. It spreads to China killing even more. Flash photography begins St Charbel dies on Christmas eve. 1899 P. Leo XIII consecrates the world to the Sacred Heart. Aspirin patented Mar 27th Marconi manages first transatlantic radio transmission between England and France. Plague comes to San Francisco USA. Officials deny it is happening and make it illegal for anyone else to mention it. More than 100 people die. (This strikes me as not many, but if it was being denied chances are many more deaths happened that were deliberately misrecorded) October the Boer War begins in South Africa against the English. Sixth cholera pandemic which ends 1923 Dreyfus pardoned. Tape recorder developed in Denmark Boxer rebellion begins in China. Many Catholics will be martyred

Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

19th Century

Copyright Michelle Scott2012 for Church and family use. Please pray for my family at and for Kalei and her family at

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