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Travel Domain Attitude(Flexible - for Application Maintenance & Development) Strong Technical skills(Java,Struts,Hibernate,Oracle) OOP Concepts: ------------Core Java:

--------Implementation in Projects: Encapsulation/Abstraction/Polymorphism/Inheritence Abstract Class/Interface Exception Handling Collections JDBC data access(Statement,Prepared statement,callable) Serialization Marker Interface Reflection(where is it used?) XML parsers(DOM,SAX,StaX) ClassLoaders(BootClass Loader,RMI Loader) I/O Operations MultiThreading code for Converting date to string Difference between URL Rewriting and URL Encoding in JSP Servlet Difference between Enumeration and Iterator(Iterator has Remove Method,it does not allow other thread to modify the collection object while some thread is iter ating over it and throws ConcurrentModificationException) Difference between Comparator and Comparable Deep Copy and shallow Copy Difference between throw and throws in Exception handling Difference between ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefFoundError String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder Push or Pull APIs event-based APIs(SAX) vs Tree based APIs(DOM) DOM vs SAX parsers # tree-based APIs are easier to use; but such APIs are less efficient, especiall y with respect to memory usage # tree APIs are normally not practical for documents larger than a few megabytes in size or in memory constrained environments such as J2ME while Streaming API uses much less memory than a tree API since it doesn't have to hold the entire d ocument in memory simultaneously. It can process the document in small pieces. A lso streaming APIs are fast. # The common streaming APIs like SAX are all push APIs. They feed the content of the document to the application as soon as they see it, whether the application is ready to receive that data or not. Push or Pull APIs # Pull APIs are a more comfortable alternative for streaming processing of XML. A pull API is based around the more familiar iterator design pattern rather than the less well-known observer design pattern. # In a pull API, the client program asks the parser for the next piece of inform ation rather than the parser telling the client program when the next datum is a vailable. # In a pull API the client program drives the parser. In a push API the parser d rives the client. StAX(the Streaming API for XML) : # StaX is a pull parsing API for XML. # StAX is a parser independent, pure Java API based on interfaces that can be im

plemented by multiple parsers. # In StAX the application is in control rather than the parser. The application tells the parser when it wants to receive the next data chunk rather than the pa rser telling the client when the next chunk of data is ready. #StAX is not limited to reading XML documents. It can also create them. reading XML documents: URL u = new URL(""); InputStream in = u.openStream(); XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamReader parser = factory.createXMLStreamReader(in); while (true) { int event =; if (event == XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT) { parser.close(); break; } if (event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { System.out.println(parser.getLocalName()); } } Creating XML documents: OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("data.xml"); XMLOutputFactory factory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamWriter writer = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(out); writer.writeStartDocument("ISO-8859-1", "1.0"); writer.writeStartElement("greeting"); writer.writeAttribute("id", "g1"); writer.writeCharacters("Hello StAX"); writer.writeEndDocument(); writer.flush(); writer.close(); out.close(); J2ee ------JSP & JavaScript: ---------------JSP tag libraries - custom tags JSP expressions,standard attributes write javacript function JDBC - hands on experience EJBs ----Previous experience Lifecycle of all beans - Session/Entity/MDB Pooling/clustering Session Facacde pattern,callback methods Activation/Passivation Transaction management JNDI/JMS/JTA Servlets --------Generic & HTTP Servlets Lifecycle of Servlets Servlet Filters,Listeners

Session Handling & Management Initialization of servlets (load on startup - benefits) ORM Tools ---------Configuration,maapings,session management Jasper Reports Spring/Struts Spring - IOC/AOP/Security IOC Dependency Inversion Principle: (DIP) RFI - Rigidity, Fragility, and Immobility 1. It is hard to change because every change affects too many other parts of the system (Rigidity) 2. When you make a change, unexpected parts of the system break (Fragility) 3. It is hard to reuse in another application because it cannot be disentangled from the current application(Immobility) To fix RFI issues in your OO code, DIP has two basic rules: 1. High level modules should not depend upon low level modules, both should depe nd upon abstractions. 2. Abstractions should not depend upon details, details should depend upon abstr actions. BeanFactory is factory Pattern which is based on is used to make a clear separation between application configuration and dependency from actual code.Xml BeanFactory is one of the implementation of bean Factory. BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new FileInputStream("beans.xml")); ClassPathResource resorce = new ClassPathResource("beans.xml"); XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(resorce); difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext in spring ApplicationContext - more than one config files possible,Support internationaliz ation (I18N) messages,support application lifecycle events, and validation AOP : The core construct of AOP is the aspect, which encapsulates behaviors affe cting multiple classes into reusable modules. AOP is a programming technique that allows developer to modularize crosscutting concerns, that cuts across the typical divisions of responsibility, such as log ging and transaction management. Spring AOP, aspects are implemented using regul ar classes or regular classes annotated with the @Aspect annotation Advice: It s an implementation of aspect; advice is inserted into an application a t join points. Different types of advice include around, before and after advice Spring Security : Limit Number of User Session(only one session per user at a ti me or no concurrent session per user) <session-management invalid-session-url="/logout.html"> <concurrency-control max-sessions="1" error-if-maximum-exceeded="true" /> </session-management> Difference between SOAP and RESTful web services in java # REST is almost always going to be faster. The main advantage of SOAP is that i t provides a mechanism for services to describe themselves to clients, and to ad vertise their existence. # REST is much more lightweight and can be implemented using almost any tool, le ading to lower bandwidth and shorter learning curve. However, the clients have t o know what to send and what to expect.

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REST has no WSDL interface definition while SOAP has WSDL definition. REST is over HTTP, but SOAP can be over any transport protocols such HTTP, FTP STMP, JMS etc. SOAP is using soap envelope, but REST is just XML.

Database: -------Triggers,Stored procedures,Normalization(1,2,3,4,5 Forms) SQL Queries How Does PreparedStatement Work internally -------------------------------------------------It takes time for a database to parse an SQL string, and create a query plan for it. A query plan is an analysis of how the database can execute the query in the mos t efficient way. If you submit a new, full SQL statement for every query or update to the databas e, the database has to parse the SQL and for queries create a query plan. By reusing an existing PreparedStatement you can reuse both the SQL parsing and query plan for subsequent queries. This speeds up query execution, by decreasing the parsing and query planning ove rhead of each execution. There are two levels of potential reuse for a PreparedStatement. # Reuse of PreparedStatement by the JDBC driver. # Reuse of PreparedStatement by the database. First of all, the JDBC driver can cache PreparedStatement objects internally, an d thus reuse the PreparedStatement objects. This may save a little of the Prepar edStatement creation time. Second, the cached parsing and query plan could potentially be reused across Jav a applications, for instance application servers in a cluster, using the same da tabase. A batch update is a batch of updates grouped together, and sent to the database in one "batch", rather than sending the updates one by one. PreparedStatement Performance --------------------------------------Here is a quick example, to give you a sense of how it looks in code: String sql = "update people set firstname=? , lastname=? where id=?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setString(1, "Gary"); preparedStatement.setString(2, "Larson"); preparedStatement.setLong (3, 123); int rowsAffected = preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); String sql = "select * from people where firstname=? and lastname=?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setString(1, "John"); preparedStatement.setString(2, "Smith"); ResultSet result = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); FrameWorks/Design Patterns: Singleton Factory Depe

|| ChoiceConnect || EnergyIP || *Comments* || | Channel.ChannelID.EndPointChannelID | Device Id | Incoming format is MeterBadg eID:ChannelId. Adapter parses this string to get the MeterBadgeID and the Channe lId. This is a mandatory field, if missing adapter will publish an Exception. | | Channel.IntervalLength | LP_INTERVALS.LP_INTERVAL_LENGTH | | | Channel.ContiguousIntervalSet.Readings.Reading.Value | LP_INTERVALS.LP_VALUE | | | Channel.ContiguousIntervalSet.Readings.Reading.ReadingTime | | Interval Read T ime,Not needed when using contiguous elements | | Channel.ContiguousIntervalSet.TimePeriod.StartTime | LP_INTERVALS.UTC_INTERVAL _TIME | Also used as Interval data batch start time | | Channel.ContiguousIntervalSet.TimePeriod.EndTime | | Interval data batch end t ime. | | Channel.MarketType | | MarketType&nbsp;specifies the market type (electric, ga s, or water) of the endpoint and is used to create ExternalMeas Code | | Channel.ChannelID.EndPointChannelID | | ChannelID is used as channel identifi er and to create ExternalMeas Code | | Channel.ContiguousIntervalSet.Readings.Reading.ReadingStatus | | Needs clarifi cations about the provided Interval status to EIP Interval reads status mapping | | | <UOM>-<IntervalLength> | ExternalMeasCode to identify the measurement in Ene rgyIP. Where UOM is coming from the mapping of MarketType and ChannelId to UOM m entioned in application properties configuration | Data Structures with C Seymour Lipschutz 150249940 We believe teaching our son to be a good human being is the most important goal. He should have good moral values,self belief while excelling in studies.He shoul d not be afraid of failures but should try to learn out of those failures. Being in IT industry,we are aware of all the new technological advances being ma de which I would like to introduce to my son so that he is updated of all curren t and interesting advancements being made in technological field.My wife being a lecturer in DU can help my son in studies wherever he may be wanting and can de al with him in better way as herself being as a teacher. *********************************************************************** Amity International School Form: ------------------------------- We believe teaching our son to be a good human being is the most important goa l.He should have good moral values,self belief while excelling in studies. - Being in IT industry I will introduce all current and interesting advancements to my son.My wife being a lecturer in DU can help my son in studies wherever he may be wanting in better way as herself being as a teacher. - I have been actively involved in sports from my school days.I was captain of t he swimming team in my college.I play badminton on regular basis to stay fit.I w ould like my son also to be a good sports person.

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