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International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN- 0975-1491 Vol 3, Issue 2, 2011



DepartmentofPharmacology,S.B.CollegeofPharmacy,Sivakasi,2DepartmentofPharmacology,NationalInstituteofSiddha,Chennai, Tamilnadu, Received:04Dec2010,RevisedandAccepted:06Jan2011

ABSTRACT Freeradicalsareimplicatedformorethan80diseasesincludingdiabetesmellitus,atherosclerosis,cataract,rheumatism,andotherautoimmune disease like aging. etc. in treatment of these diseases antioxidant therapy has gained an utmost importance. Current research is now directed towardsfindingnaturallyoccurringantioxidantofplantorigin.InIndiansystemofmedicineTrigonellafoenumgraecumisanimportantmedicinal plantanditsleavesandaseedhasbeenusedinvariousailmentsandashealthtonic.Tounderstandthemechanismofpharmacologicalactions,the invitroantioxidantactivityofethanol(70%)extractofTrigonellafoenumgraecum(EETFG)wasinvestigatedforinvitroantioxidantassayswhich includesHdonoractivity,nitricoxidescavenging,superoxidescavenging,reducingability,hydroxylradical,hydrogenperoxidescavenging,total phenolic content,totalflavonoid content,totalantioxidantactivity by thiocyanate andphosphomolybdenum method, metal chelating, carotene bleaching,totalperoxyradicalassays.TheprooxidantactivitywasmeasuredusingbleomycindependentDNAdamage.Exvivomodelslikelipid peroxidationanderythrocytehaemolysiswerealsostudied.Thevariousantioxidantactivitieswerecomparedwithsuitablestandardantioxidants such as ascorbic acid, butylated hydroxyl toluene, tocopherol, curcumin, quercetin, and trolox. In all the methods the extract offered strong antioxidant activity in a concentration dependent manner. The total phenolic content, flavonoid content and total antioxidant activity in EETFG weredeterminedasgpyrocatechol,quercetinandtocopherolequivalent/mgrespectively.Theextractdidnotexhibitanyprooxidantactivity whencomparedwithascorbicacid.TheresultsclearlyindicatethatEETFGiseffectiveagainstfreeradicalmediateddiseases. Keywords:Trigonellafoenumgraecum,Reactiveoxygenspecies,freeRadical,Lipidperoxidation,Antioxidants. INTRODUCTION Majority Of The diseases/disorders are mainly linked to oxidative stress due to free radicals1. Free radicals are fundamental to any biochemical process and represent an essential part of aerobic life andmetabolism2, 3.Themostcommonreactiveoxygenspices(ROS) include super oxide anion (O2.), hydroxyl radical (OH.), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) peroxyl radical radicals (ROO.). The nitrogen derived free radicals are nitric oxide (NO.) and peroxynitrite anion (ONOO.)4.ROShavebeenimplicatedinoverahundredsofdiseases stateswhichrangefromarthritisandconnectivetissuedisordersto carcinogenesis, aging, physical injury, infection and cardio vascular malfunction5, 6.Intreatmentsofthesediseases,antioxidanttherapy has gained an immense importance. Current research is now directed towards finding naturally occurring antioxidants of plant origin. Antioxidants have been reported to prevent oxidative damagebyfreeradicalandROS;anymaypreventtheoccurrence of disease,cancerandaging.Itcaninterferewiththeoxidationprocess byreactingwithfreeradicals,chelating,catalyticmetals,andalsoby acting as oxygen scavengers7, 8. Plant and plant products are being usedasasourceofmedicinesincelong.Themedicinalpropertiesof plantshave beeninvestigatedintherecentscientific developments throughout the world, due to their potent antioxidant activities, no sideeffectsandeconomicviability9,10.Polyphenolcompoundssuch asflavonoidsandphenolicgroupswidelydistributedinplantswhich have been reported to exert multiple biological effect, including antioxidant,freeradicalscavengingabilities,antiinflammatory,anti tumour. Etc.11, 12 they were also suggested to be a potential iron chelator. Novel natural antioxidants from some plants have been extensively studied in the past few years for their antioxidant and radicalscavengingproperties13. In Indian system of medicine Trigonella foenum graecum is an importantmedicinalplantanditsleavesandaseedhasbeenusedin various ailments and as health tonic. Trigonella foenum graecum (leguminosae) (Eng: fenugreek, Tamil: Vendayam) is a well known spicy agent which prevent ageing, labour pain, impart immunity, improvementalfunctionandaddvitalitytothebodyanditisalso used in nervous disorders, dyspepsia, inflammation, tumors, cholesterolemic, hyperglycemic, and ulcer14. Reports indicate that thepharmacologicalactivitiesofTrigonellafoenumgraecuminclude anti diabetic, antifertility, antifungal, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, and immunomodulatory activities15, 16. EETFG contains alkaloidsflavonoids,saponins,carbohydrates,proteins,andtannins. Therefore,theobjectivesofthepresentstudyweretoinvestigatethe invitroantioxidantactivityofEETFGthroughtheHdonoractivity, nitric oxide scavenging, superoxide scavenging, reducing ability, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide scavenging, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, total antioxidant activity by thiocyanate and phosphomolybdenum method, metal chelating, carotenebleaching,totalperoxylradicalassays17,18.Theprooxidant activitywasmeasuredusingbleomycindependentDNAdamage.Ex vivo models like lipid per oxidation and erythrocyte haemolysis in rats19,20,21. MATERIALSANDMETHODS The seeds of Trigonella foenum graecum were collected from Coimbatore district, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. The plant material were identified and authenticated by Dr. R. Gopalan, Director, Botanical Survey of India, Tamilnadu Agriculture University, and Coimbatore, India. (Ref. No.BSI/SC/5/23/06 07/Tech304).TheVoucherSpecimenIsAvailableInTheHerbarium FileOfOurDepartment. Preparationoftheextract Thedriedseedwerepulverizedintofinepowderusingagrinderand sievedthroughNo.22meshsieveandstoredinanairtightcontainer. About750mlof70%ethanolwasaddedto75gofpowderandkept on a mechanical shaker for 72 h, the content was filtered and concentration under reduced pressure, under controlled temperatureof40 oC,toyieldadarkoilyresidue.Theconcentrated extractwasstoreddryat4oCinambercoloredjarswithTeflonlined caps. The percentage yield of the Trigonella foenum graecum ethanolicextractwasfoundtobe4.1%w/v. Drugsandchemicals 2,2 Diphenyl 1picryl hydrazyl hydrate (DPPH), linoleic acid, ammonium molybdate, carotene were purchased from Himedia, Mumbai, 2deoxy 2ribose, xanthine oxidase, quercetin, hypoxanthine, pyrocatechol were purchased from SRL, Mumbai, thiobarbituric acid, trichloroacetic acid, Folin ciocalteu reagent, were purchased from SD Fine Ltd, Mumbai, calf thymus DNA from

Subhashinietal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol3,Issue2,2011,96102 Genei chemicals, Bangalore, ferrozine, (22 azobis (2 amidinopropane)dihydrochloride),TroloxfromSigmaAldrich,USA, 2,7DichlorofluresceindiacetatefromFlukaandButylatedhydroxyl toluenefromLobacheme.Allotherchemicalsusedinthestudywere ofanalyticalgradeprocuredfromlocalsuppliers Experimentalanimals Wistar albino rats of either sex (150200 g) were used for the ex vivostudy.They werehousedinstandardpolypropylenecagesand kept under controlled room temperature (24 20oC, relative humidity 4555%)ina12h lightdark cycle.Theratsweregivena standard laboratory diet and water ad libitum. The study was conductedafterethicalclearancefromtheinstitutionalanimalethics committeebearingthereferencenumber817/04/ac/CPCSEA. Phytochemicalscreening Preliminary phytochemical screening of the powdered seed was performed for the presence of alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, saponins,tannins,carbohydratesandproteins. Invitroantioxidantactivity DPPHradicalscavengingassay22 The hydrogen donating ability of extracts was examined in the presence of DPPH stable radical. One millilitre of 0.3 mM DPPH ethanolsolutionwasaddedto2.5mlofsamplesolutionofdifferent concentration and allowed to react at room temperature. After 30 minutes the absorbance values were measured at 517 nm. Ethanol (1.0 ml) plus plant extract solution (2.5ml) was used as a blank, DPPH solution (1.0ml, 0.3 mM) plus ethanol (2.5ml) served as negative control. The positive controls were those using the standard(Ascorbicacid)solutions. Nitricoxideradicalscavengingassay23,31 VariousconcentrationsoftheEETFGandsodiumnitroprusside(10 mM) in standard phosphate buffer solution (0.025 M, pH 7.4) in a final volume of 3 ml was incubated at 250C for 150 min. Control experiments without the test compounds but with equivalent amountofbufferwerepreparedinthesamemannerasdoneforthe test. There after, 0.5 ml of incubation solution was removed and diluted with 0.5 ml Griess reagent (1% sulphanilamide, 2% O Phosphoric acid and 0.1% naphthyethylene diamine dihydrochloride)andallowedtoreactfor30min.Theabsorbanceof the chromophore formed during diazotisation of nitrite with sulphanilamide and subsequent coupling with naphthyethylene diamine dihydrochloride was read at 546nm. The percentage inhibition was calculated. The experiment was done in triplicate usingcurcumin(50800g/ml)aspositivecontrol. Deoxyribosedegradationassay24 The decomposing effect of EETFG on hydroxyl radicals was determined bytheassay ofmalondialdehyde chromogenformation due to2deoxy 2ribose degradation. Theassaymixture contained inafinalvolumeof1ml.100lof28mM2deoxy2ribosedissolved in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, 500 l of the plant extract of various concentrationsinbuffer,200lof200mMferricchloride(1:1v/v) and1.04mMEDTAand100lof1.0mMhydrogenperoxideand100 lof1.0Mascorbicacid.Afterincubationofthetestsampleat37oC for one hour the extent of free radical damage imposed on the substrate deoxyribose was measured using thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test. Percentage inhibition of deoxyribose degradation was calculated.Quercetinwasusedasstandard. NBTreductionassay25 A reaction mixture with a final volume of 3 ml per tube was prepared with 1.4 ml of 50 mM KH2PO4KOH pH 7.4 containing 1 mM EDTA, 0.5 ml of 100m hypoxanthine, 0.5 ml of 100M NBT. Thereactionwasstartedbyadding0.066unitspertubeofxanthine oxidase freshly diluted in 100 l of phosphate buffer and 0.5 ml of test extract in saline. The xanthine oxidase was added last. The subsequent rate of NBT reduction was determined on the basis of spectrophotometric determinations of absorbance at 560 nm Ascorbicacidwasusedasstandard.Theresultsareexpressedasthe percentage inhibition of NBT reduction rate with respect to the reactionmixturewithouttestcompound(salineonly). Reducingpowerability Reducing power ability was measured by mixing 1.0 ml extract preparedwithdistilledwaterto2.5mlofphosphatebuffer(0.2m,pH 6.6)and2.5mlof1%potassiumferricyanideandincubatedat500C for30minutes.Afterthat2.5mloftrichloroaceticacid(10%)were added to the mixture and centrifuged for 10 min at 3000 g, 2.5 ml fromtheupperpartweredilutedwith2.5mlwaterandshakenwith 0.5mlfresh0.1%,ferricchloride.Theabsorbancewasmeasuredat 700 nm using UVspectrophotometer. The reference solution was prepared as above, but contained water instead of the samples. Increased absorbance of the reaction mixture indicates increased reducing power. All experiments were done in triplicate using butylatedhydroxyltolueneaspositivecontrol. Estimationoftotalphenoliccomponent26 Total soluble phenolics of the extract were determined with Folin ciocalteu reagent using pyrocatechol as a standard following the method.Onemillilitre(1.0ml)ofextractsolutioninatesttubewas addedto0.2mlofFolinCiocalteureagent(1:2indistilledwater)and after20min2.0mlofpurifiedwaterand1.0mlofsodiumcarbonate (15%)wasadded.Allowedtoreactfor30minandthenabsorbance was measured at 765 nm. The concentration of total phenolic component in the extract was determined as microgram of pyrocatecholequivalent. Totalflavonoidcontent27 Total soluble flavonoid of the extract was determined with aluminium nitrate using quercetin as a standard. Plant extracts (1000g/ml)addedto1mlof80%ethanol.Analiquotof0.5mlwas addedtotesttubescontaining0.1mlof10%aluminiumnitrate,0.1 ml of 1 M potassium acetate and 4.3 ml of 80 % ethanol. The absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 415 nm after 40 min at room temperature. Total flavonoid concentration was calculatedusingquercetinasstandard. Phosphomolybdatemethod The total antioxidant capacity of the extract was determined with phosphomolybdenum using tocopherol as the standard. An aliquot of 0.1ml of plant extract (100 g) solution was combined with1.0mlofreagent(0.6Msulfuricacid,28mMsodiumphosphate and 4 mM ammonium molybdate). The tubes were capped and incubated in a boiling water bath at 95oC for 90 min. After the samples had cooled to room temperature, the absorbance of the aqueoussolutionofeachwasmeasuredat695nmagainstblankin UVspectrophotometer. The blank solution contained 1.0 ml of reagent solution and the appropriatevolumeofthe same solvent usedfor thesampleand it wasincubatedundersameconditionsasrestofthesample.Thetotal antioxidantcapacitywasexpressedasequivalentsoftocopherol. BleomycindependentDNAdamage Thereactionmixturecontained0.5mlcalfthymusDNA(10g/ml), 50 g of 1.0 ml bleomycin sulfate, and 1.0 ml of 5mM magnesium chloride, 1.0 ml of 50 m ferric chlorides and 1.0 ml of different concentrationsofEETFG.Themixturewasincubatedat37oCfor1h. The reaction was terminated by addition of 0.05 ml EDTA (0.1 M). Thecolorwasdevelopedbyadding0.5mlthiobarbituricacid(TBA) (1%w/v)and0.5mlHCl(25%v/v)followedbyheatingat37 oCfor 15 min. After centrifugation the extent of DNA damage was measured in a UVspectrophotometer at 532 nm. Each determinationwasdoneintriplicate. Thiocyanatemethod28 Theperoxyradicalwasdeterminedbythiocyanatemethodusing tocopherolasstandard.Increasingconcentrationofthesamples(25 400 g/ml) in 0.5 ml of distilled water was mixed with 2.5 ml of linoleic acid emulsion (0.02 M, in 0.04 M pH 7.0 phosphate buffer)


Subhashinietal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol3,Issue2,2011,96102 and 2 ml phosphate buffer (0.04M, pH 7) in a test tube and incubated in darkness at 37 oC. At intervals during incubation, the amountofperoxideformedwasdeterminedbyreadingabsorbance ofred color developedat500 nmbytheadditionof0.1mlof30% ammonium thiocyanate solution and 0.1ml of 20 mM ferrous chloridein3.5%hydrochloricacidtothereactionmixture. Hydrogenperoxidescavengingactivity Hydrogen peroxide solution (2 mM) was prepared with standard phosphate buffer (pH, 7.4). Extract samples (25 400 g/ml) in distilled water were added to hydrogen peroxide solution (0.6 ml). Absorbance of hydrogen peroxide at 230 nm was determined after 10minagainstablanksolutioncontainingphosphatebufferwithout hydrogen peroxide. The percentage scavenging of hydrogen peroxide of both plant extracts and standard ( tocopherol) compoundwasdetermined. Metalchelatingcomplex Theferrouslevelwasmonitoredbymeasuringtheformationofthe ferrous ionferrozine complex. The reaction mixture containing 1.0 mlofdifferentconcentrationsofEETFG(1.0ml)wereaddedto 0.1 mlof2mMferrouschlorideand0.2mlof5mMferrozinetoinitiate thereactionandthemixturewasshakenvigorouslyandlefttostand atroomtemperaturefor10min.Theabsorbanceofthesolutionwas measured at 562 nm. The positive controls were those using ascorbic acid and all tests and analysis were run in triplicate. The percentagechelatingeffectofFerrozineFe2+complexformationwas calculated. carotenelinoleicacidassay A solution of carotene was prepared by dissolving 2 mg of carotene in 10 ml chloroform and 1.0 ml of this solution was then pipettesintoaflaskcontaining20mgoflinoleicacidand200mgof Tween40emulsifier.Chloroformwascompletelyevaporatedusinga vacuum evaporator. Aliquots of 5.0 ml of this emulsion were transferredintoaseriesoftubescontainingvariousconcentrationof EETFG (25 400 g/ml) or tocopherol for comparison. Optical density (OD) at 470 nm were taken for EETFG and standard immediately (t=0) and the end of 90 min (t = 90). The tubes were incubatedat50 0Cinawaterbathduringthetest.Measurement of OD was continued until the color of carotene disappeared in the control. Totalperoxyradicaltrappingpotential(TRAP)29 A water soluble azo initiator 2, 2 azo bis (2amidino propane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) produced the peroxyl radicals while a spectrophotometric analysis of 2, 7 dichlorofluresecin diacetate (DCF)monitoredthescavengingactivityoftheplantextracts.A350 lof1mMstockofDCFinethanolwasmixedwith1.75mlof0.01N sodium hydroxide and allowed to stand for 20 min before the additionof17.9mlof25mMsodiumphosphatebuffer(pH7.2).The reactionmixturecontained0.5mlofvariousconcentrationofplant extract in methanol, 150 l of activated DCF solution and 25 l of AAPH (56mM). The reactionwasinitiatedwith theaddition ofthe AAPH.Absorbancewasreadat490nm.Trolox(6hydroxy2,5,78 tetramethylchroman2carboxylicacids)wasusedasstandardand allthedeterminationwasdoneintriplicate. Exvivostudies Assayoflipidperoxidationmethod30 Lipid peroxidation induced by Fe2+ ascorbate system in rat liver homogenate was estimated by TBA reaction method. The reaction mixtureconsistedofratliverhomogenate0.1ml(25%w/v)inTris HCLbuffer(20mM,pH7.0),potassium chloride(30mM),ferrous ammonium sulphate (0.16 mM), ascorbate (0.06 mM), and various concentrationsoftheEETFGinafinalvolumeof0.5ml. The reaction mixture was incubated for 1 h at 37 oC. After the incubationtime,0.4mlwasremovedandtreatedwith0.2mlsodium dodecylsulphate(SDS)(8.1%),1.5mlTBA(0.8%),and1.5mlglacial aceticacid(20%,pH3.5).TheTotalvolumewasmadeupto4ml of distilled water and then kept in a water bath at 95100o C for 1 h. aftercooling, 1.0 ml ofdistilled waterand 0.5mlofnbutanoland pyridine mixtute (15: 1, v/v) were added to the reaction mixture, shakenvigorouslyandcentrifugedat4,000gfor10min.theorganic layer was removed and its absorbance at 532 nm was measured. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation was determined by comparing the ODofthetreatmentswiththatofcontrol.Ascorbicacidwasusedas standard. Assayoferythrocytehemolysis The blood was obtained from human and collected in heparinized tubes.ErythrocyteswereseparatedfromplasmaandtheBuffycoat waswashedthreetimeswith10volumesof0.15Msodiumchloride. Duringthelastwash,theerythrocyteswerecentrifugedat3000rpm for10mintoobtainaconstantlypackedcellpreparation. Erythrocyte hemolysis was mediated by peroxyl radicals in this assay system. A 0.2 ml of 10 % suspension of erythrocytes in phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4 (PBS) was added to the similar volumeof200mM2,2azobis(2amidinopropane)dihydrochloride (AAPH) solution (in PBS) containing samples to be tested at different concentrations. The reaction mixture was shaken gently whilebeingincubatedat37oCfor2h.Thereactionmixturewasthen removed, diluted with eight volumes of the PBS and centrifuged at 2000 g for 10 min. The absorbance of the supernatant was read at 540 nm (A). Similarly, the reaction mixture was treated with 8 volumes of distilled water to achieve complete hemolysis, and the absorbance(B)ofthesupernatantobtainedaftercentrifugationwas measuredat 540nm.The datawereexpressedas meanS.E.M.L ascorbicacidwasusedasapositivecontrol. Calculationof50%inhibitoryconcentration(IC50) TheConcentration(mg/ml)oftheextractrequiredtoscavenge50% of the radicals was calculated by using the percentage scavenging activities at five different concentrations of the extract. Percentage inhibition(I%)wascalculatedusingtheformula. I%=

(A c - A s ) Ac 100

Where Ac is the absorbance of the control and absorbanceofthesample. Statisticalanalysis

A s is the

Tests were carried out in triplicate for 35 separate experiments. Theamountofextractneededtoinhibitfreeradicalsconcentration by 50%, IC50, was graphically determined by a linear regression method using Ms Windows based graph pad instat (version 3) software.Resultswereexpressed asgraphically/ meanstandard deviation. RESULTS Phytochemicalscreening Phytochemical screening oftheplantextractrevealedthepresence ofalkaloids,saponins,tannins,carbohydratesandprotein. Hydrogendonatingassay The radical scavenging activity of EETFG was determined from the reductionintheopticalabsorbanceat517nmduetoscavengingof stableDPPHfreeradical.PositiveDPPHtestsuggeststhattheextract is a potential free radical scavenger. EETFG showed strong activity compared with the standard, ascorbic acid. Table 1 shows the IC50 valuesofthesampleandthestandard. NOassay Incubation of solutions of sodium nitroprusside in phosphate buffersalineat25OCfor150minresultedinthegenerationofNO. The EETFG effectively reduced the generation of NO . Scavenging activity of the extract. The IC50 was found to be 0.480 mg/ ml for EETFGandforstandard,curcumin,itwasfoundtobe0.076mg/ml (Table1).


Subhashinietal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol3,Issue2,2011,96102 Deoxyribosedegradation ThescavengingeffectofEETFGonhydroxyl(OH)wasquantifiedby measuringtheeffectonthe2deoxyribosedegradationproduced by reacting Fe3+ with ascorbate, in the presence of EDTA. The IC50 valueofEETFGwas0.56mg/mlandthatofstandard,quercetinwas 0.112mg/ml(Table1). Superoxideradicalscavengingactivity EETFG suppressed the superoxide anion radicals generated from hypoxanthine / xanthine oxidase system. Inhibition of NBT reduction by superoxide in the presence of the test preparation increasedwithraiseoftheirconcentrations.Allmeasurementswere compared with control experiment. The result shows that EETFG hadantioxidativeactivitysimilartothepositivecontrol,BHT(Table 1). Reducingpower The reducingability oftheextract served asa significantindicator ofitspotentialantioxidantactivity.EETFGandstandard(BHT)were usedatdoserangeof50800g/ml.thereducingpowerofEETFG increased concentration dependently. All concentration of the extractofferedhigheractivitiesthancontrol(Table3). Total phenolic, flavonoid contents and total antioxidant capacity ThecontentoftotalphenolicsinEETFGwasdeterminedusingfolin ciocalteau assay, calculated from regression equation of calibration curveofpyrocatechol.PhenoliccontentofEETFGwasfoundtobe40 gpyrocatecholequivalent/mg.thetotalflavonoidcontentofEETFG wasfoundtobe88gquercetinequivalent/mg.thetotalantioxidant capacityofEETFGwasfoundtobe6gTocopherolequivalent/ mg. BleomycindependentDNAdamage The prooxidant activity of EETFG and the standard, ascorbic acid arerepresentedinTable4.EETFGandascorbicacidweretestedat concentrations ranging from 25 400 g /ml. EETFG decreased the absorbanceandthebleomycinFe3+isnotconvertedintobleomycin Fe2+, thereby preventing the DNA degradation suggesting that EETFGisdevoidofprooxidantactivity. Thiocyanatemethod The total antioxidant activity of the EETFG was determined and compared with that of standard, Tocopherol by thiocyanate method. EETFG exhibited effective antioxidant activity at all doses and increased concentration dependently and IC50 valuewasfound to be 0.265 mg/ ml. the standard, Tocopherol showed the IC50 valueof0.933mg/ml(Table1).

Hydrogenperoxidescavengingassay EETFG was capable of scavenging H2 O2 in an amount dependent manner. The scavenging ability of the extract and standard, TocopherolareshowninTable1.H2O2scavengingactivityofEETFG was closer to that of Tocopherol at doses of 100, 200 and 400 g/ml. Ferrouschelatingability Theabilitytochelateferrousionsalsoincreasedwithanincreasein EETFG concentration,whichindicatesthatEETFG chelates theiron ions. The metal chelating effect of EETFG was lower than the standard, ascorbic acid. The values shown in Table 1 demonstrate theactionofEETFG,asperoxidationprotector. Carotenebleachingmethod TheantioxidantactivityEETFGandthestandarddrugTocopherol wereevaluatedbyCarotenebleachingmethodandtheresultsare presented in Table 5. EETFG and Tocopherol were used in the concentration between 25 400 mg/ml and an increase in concentrationoftheextractandstandarddecreasedtheabsorbance and this was due to the inhibition of bleaching of the color Carotene. The 50 % inhibition value for EETFG was 0.202 mg/ml andforTocopherolwas0.1mg/ml.EETFGexhibitedequivalent CarotenebleachingactivitywhencomparedwithTocopherol. Totalradicalantioxidantpotential(TRAP) The peroxyl radical scavenging activity was determined for EETFG and the results were compared with trolox (Table 1). Addition of increasing concentration of EETFG to solution containing AAPH derived peroxyl radical decreased the luminescence produced by DCF and the absorbance decreased in a linear fashion. EETFG and TroloxexhibitedIC50valuesof0.262and0.099mg/mlrespectively. Lipidperoxidation EETFGwaseffectiveininhibitingthelipidperoxidationinduced by Fe2+ascorbatesysteminratliverhomogenate.TheMDAgenerated as a result of lipid peroxidation reacts with thiobarbitutric acid and was found to be inhibited in the presence of the extract. The IC50 value was found to be 0.241 mg/ml for EETFG while for standard ascorbic acid the IC50 was found to be 0.081 mg/ml (Table2). Erythrocytehaemolysis The peroxyl radical generated by AAPH on addition to erythrocyte suspension and its subsequent scavenging action produced by graded concentrations of EETFG and standard, ascorbic acid are given in Table 2. An increase in inhibition was noticed at all concentrationsoftheextractandascorbicacid.

Table1:AntioxidantactivityofTrigonellafoenumgraecumbydifferentmodels Drugs EETFG AscorbicAcid Quercetin curcumin Tocopherol Trolox DPPH 0.802.33 0.0030.06 NO 0.4818.0 0.0769.33


0.5605.2 0.11211.2

InvitromethodsIC50(Mg/Ml) .H2O2 O2 ThioCyanate Metal method chelating 0.1603.3 0.844.41 0.2657.26 0.1057.26 0.07212.6 0.04426.8 0.0661.66 0.093.33

TRAP 0.2621. 0.0992.33


Table2:AntioxidantactivityofTrigonellafoenumgraecumbydifferentmodels Drugs EETFG AscorbicAcid ValuesaremeanSD(n=3) 99 lipidperoxidation 0.2414.33 0.0814.41 ExvivomethodsIC50(MG/ML) Erythrocytehaemolysis 0.2675.26 0.1100.66

Subhashinietal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol3,Issue2,2011,96102 Table3:Reducingpowerability Drug EETFG BHT Table4:ProoxidantactivityofdifferentconcentrationofTrigonellafoenumgraecum Drug EETFG Ascorbicacid Table5:Carotenebleachinginhibitoryactivity Drug EETFG AscorbicAcid Timeof Incubation(min) 0 90 0 90 25g/ml 0.137 057 0.098 0.058 50g/ml 0.165 0.078 0.126 0.082 Absorbanceat470nm 100g/ml 200g/ml 0.226 0.133 0.189 0.138 0.333 0.232 0.285 0.230 400g/ml 0.373 0.254 0.725 0.664 IC50mg/ml 0.2020.03 0.1000.01 25g/ml 0.2700.003 0.8050.016 50g/ml 0.2100.004 0.6550.009 Absorbanceat532nm 100g/ml 200g/ml 400g/ml 0.1610.010 0.1020.012 0.0480.02 0.4250.008 0.1500.005 0.0350.001 50g/ml 0.1810.005 0.0920.002 100g/ml 0.2210.03 0.2140.004 Absorbanceat700nm 200g/ml 400g/ml 0.2520.002 0.2740.004 0.3140.004 0.6400.001 800g/ml 0.3540.01 1.0920.008

ValuesaremeanSD(n=3) DISCUSSION Antioxidants exert their mode of action by suppressing the formationofreactiveoxygenspecieseitherbyinhibitionofenzymes orbychelatingtraceelements.DPPHiswidelyusedtoevaluatethe freeradicalscavengingeffectofnaturalantioxidant.DPPHisastable free radical at room temperature, which produces a violet solution in ethanol. DPPH shows a strong absorption band at 517 nm in visiblespectrum(deepvioletcolor).Astheelectronbecamepaired in the presence of free radical scavenging the absorption vanishes andtheresultingdiscolorationstochiometricallycoincideswiththe numberofelectronstakenup.ThebleachingofDPPHabsorption is representative of the capacity of the test drugs to scavenge free radicals independently. The bleaching of DPPH molecules can be correlated with the number of available hydroxyl groups. We can inferthat,theverygoodactivityoftheextractmaybeprobablydue tothepresenceofsubstancewithanavailablehydroxylgroup. NOisapotentpleiotropicmediatorofphysiologicalprocesses such as smooth muscle relaxation, neuronal signaling, inhibition of platelet aggregation and regulation of cell mediated toxicity. It is a diffusible free radical which plays many roles as an effector molecules in diverse biological systems including neuronal messenger, vasodilation, antimicrobial and antitumour activities. Scavengers of NO compete with oxygen leading to the reduced productionofNO.Ourfindingsuggeststhatthephenoliccompounds presentintheextractmightberesponsibleforNOscavengingeffect. Hydroxyl radicals are very reactive and can be generated in biological cells through the Fenton reaction. Hydroxyl radicals scavenging activity was quantified by measuring inhibition of the degradation of the deoxyribose by free radicals. When EETFG and referencecompoundquercetinwereaddedtothereactionmixture, theyremovedhydroxylradicalsfromthesugarandpreventedtheir degradation. Superoxide anions serve as precursors of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals. The superoxide anions generated by hypoxanthine / xanthine oxidase system reduced nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) to form a chromophore (diformazan) that absorbs at 560 nm. The extract decreased the mean rate of absorption by inhibiting NBT reduction by the superoxide anion radicals32. The reducing capacity of a compound may serve as a significant indicatorofitspotentialantioxidantactivity.Thereducingabilityis generallyassociatedwiththepresenceofreductones,whichbreaks thefreeradicalchainbydonatingahydrogenatom.Theextracthad reductiveability whichincreased withincreasingconcentrations of theextract. The antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds is mainly due to theirredoxproperties,whichplayanimportantroleinneutralizing free radicals, quenching singlet and triplet oxygen, flavonoids are widespreadinallnaturalcompoundsandpossesabroadspectrum of biological activities. The chemical composition of Trigonella foenum graecum indicates the presence of phenolic compounds including tannins and flavonoids, which are known to possess antioxidantactivities.Thehighphenolicandflavonoidcontentinthe EETFGmayberesponsibleforitsfreeradicalscavengingactivity. The phosphomolybdenum method is based on the reduction of M o (VI)toMo(V) bythesampleanalyteandthesubsequentformation of greenphosphateMo(V)complexwitha maximumabsorptionat 695 nm. The extract reduced molybdenum VI to a green colored phosphomolybdenum V complex. The antioxidant capacity was expressed as equivalents of tocopherol. This method is used to investigatethetotalantioxidantcapacityoftheextracts33. DamagetoDNAinthepresenceofableomycinFecomplexhasbeen adoptedasasensitiveandspecificmethodtoexaminepotentialpro oxidantagents.IfthesamplesareabletoreducethebleomycinFe3+ to bleomycin Fe2+, DNA degradation in this system would be stimulated, resulting in a positive test for prooxidant activity. The extract decreased the absorbance and bleomycin Fe3+ is not converted into bloemycin Fe2+ thereby preventing the DNA degradation. The results confirm that EETFG is devoid of pro oxidantactivity34. The thiocyanate method measures the amount of peroxides producedattheinitialstageoflipidperoxidationwhichisdepicted byadecreaseinabsorbanceindicatingincreasedlevelofantioxidant activity.ThegoodantioxidantactivityexhibitedbyEETFGmightbe attributedtothepresenceofflavonoidlikephytochemicals. Hydrogen peroxide itself is not very reactive, but it can sometimes be toxic to cell because it can give rise to hydroxyl radical in the cells. Thus the removal of H2O2 is very important for antioxidant defenceincellorfoodsystems.H2O2cancrossmembranesandmay oxidizeanumberofcompounds.EETFGscavengedH2O2whichmay be attributed to the presence of phenolics, which could donate electronstherebyneutralizingitintowater35.


Subhashinietal. IntJPharmPharmSci,Vol3,Issue2,2011,96102 Ferrozine can quantitatively form complexes with Fe2+ but in the presenceofionchelatingagents,thecomplexformationisdisrupted resultinginareductionintheredcolorofthecomplexmeasurement of the rate of reduction of the color, therefore allows estimation of the chelating activity of the coexisting chelator. The absorbance of Fe2 Ferrozine complex was linearly decreased dose dependent manner. The data obtained from results that the extracts of Trigonella foenum graecum demonstrate an effective capacity for iron binding, suggesting that its action as peroxidation protector mayberelatedtoitsironbindingcapacity.Inthisassaythe extract and standard compound interfered with the formation of ferrous complexwiththereagentferrozine,suggestingthatithaschelating activity and captures the ferrous ion before ferrozine. The ion chelating activity of the extract may be attributed due to the presenceofendogenouschelatingagents,mainlyphenolics36,37. The decoloration of carotene is widely used to measure the antioxidant activity of plant extracts, because carotene is extremely susceptible to free radical mediated oxidation of linoleic acid.Thelinoleicacidfreeradical,formedupontheabstractionofa hydrogen atom from one of its diallylic methylene groups, attacks thehighlyunsaturedcarotenemolecules.Ascarotenemolecules losetheirdoublebondsbyoxidation,thecompoundlosesitsyellow color.TheEETFGinhibitedcaroteneoxidationsuggestingthatthe antioxidant activity could be related to the high levels of phenolic compounds. TRAPassayisbaseduponthepotentialofantioxidantsinextractto scavengeperoxylradicalsgeneratedbythermaldecompositionofa watersolubleazoinitiatorAAPH.EETFGdecreasedtheabsorbance upon increasing concentrations of the sample, which is similar to thatofthestandard,Trolox. Oxidativestresscanleadtoperoxidatinofcellularlipidsandcanbe measured by the determining the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Quantification of MDA, one of the products of lipidperoxidation,withTBAatlowpHandhightemperature(100o C)resultedintheformationofaredcomplex,whichismeasuredat 532nm.EETFGinhibitstherateoflipidperoxidationbyareduction in the red color complex formed reflecting its anti lipid per oxidativepotential. The azo compound generates free radicals by its unimolecular thermal decomposition. The rate of generation of peroxyl radicals can be easily controlled and measured by adjusting the concentrationofAAPH.Therefore,thehaemolysisinducedbyAAPH clearlydemonstratestheoxidativeerythrocytesmembranedamage by peroxyl radical attack from the outside of the membrane. The EETFG inhibited the erythrocyte haemolysis induced by AAPH in a concentrationdependentmanner. 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