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Sam M. K.


S am M . K . F OL I -A W L I

I- Drupal 7 Architecture

II- How do I develop with drupal 7

III- How do I upgrade from drupal 5.7 to drupal 7.0 Beta

IV- References

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Architecture

The main architecture (contents are nodes, use of hooks) is still the same (1).

[What has not changed]

- Node
- Hooks
- Module
- Menu
- Localisation
- Themes
- Profiling (how to install different websites)
- Users with permissions

(1) Consult  Pro Drupal Developement, John K. VanDyk and Matt Westgate 2007 for the technology stack,

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Architecture

[Some changes]
. More Core optional modules like actions, triggers 
. Required modules are no more displayed (node, block),
. Sqlite is supported
. Drag and drop more used (block, menus,etc.) (UI changes)

. The "files" is supposed to be in /root/sites/default/files (File architecture)

. One folder "expert" added in the profiles folder
.  A "code registry" which is a set of database tables holding all of the
functions in all of the modules, allowing files to be lazy-loaded. This
requires changes to your .info files

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Architecture

[Some more changes]

. Modules dependencies managed better when deleting, adding a module

. Performance improvements: the registry now keeps a record of all modules that
implement a given hook, and caches registry lookup

. the installation is more convivial

. The unit test tool "Simpletest" is now integrated by default

PS: some changes are done since the version Drupal 6

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7


.info file (name,description,core,version,engine,regions[ ],base theme, features[ ]


. Use "tpl.php" files or functions for theming (node-view.tpl.php, node-edit.tpl.php,etc.

Example : block-user-1.tpl.php would be used for the default user navigation.

. theme variables : $left, $right,$main_menu, $secondary_menu,etc.

. Use preprocess functions (garland_preprocess_page => page.tpl.php,

whitejazz_preprocess_forums for forums.tpl.php) to avoid coding in tpl files

. drupal_add_css and drupal_add_js overrides modules or core css and js files when the new

file has the same name.

. Use "Zen" theme to start from scratch

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7

.info file (name, description, dependencies[ ], files, version, package)
.hook _perm
.hook_install/hook_uninstall (drupal_install_schema/drupal_uninstall_schema)
.hook_menu (new Menu type MENU_ACCESS_DENIED,MENU_FOUND)

* hook_menu_alter : modify menu callbacks

* hook_schema : define the schema of the table of the module
* hook_schema_alter : database modification
* hook_watchdog : reports (logs)
* hook_block is no more used but compatible

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7

[Javascript / CSS]

.script.js and script.css by default loaded and in the theme directory

.Drupal.t : for translation expressions in javascript code

.Drupal_add_js : inline code, add js file, add settings data

.Drupal_add_css : add a css file

.Drupal_get_js : render the header javascript code (<script>...</script>)

.Drupal_get_css : render the header css code (<link .../>)

.Drupal_js_alter : alter the javascript files before render

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7

[Coding standard]

# Writing code that comments itself

# The necessity of documentation

# Naming your functions, files, variables

# Using global variables

# Making your modules extensible

# Avoid creating code that already exists : use the API documentation

{Magic tools !!}

. Coder module for code review

. Devel module for debugging (tracing, theme_debugging, dprint_r,etc.)

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7

[Some doubts...]
1. Override in Drupal ...
- module weights
- hooks
- callbacks

2- Use of Ajax in Drupal ...

+ there is javascript function call or event
+ variables or code is executed
+ a path is called
+ drupal[php_code] calls a drupal_add_json(send a json format data)

3. How to use javascript effects or form validations ?

- Effects are functions or plugins available for a jquery object "jq_object.effect(params)".
- Javascript code or ajax call (form validation)

4. Code registry ?
- 2 tables registry (function, type, suffix,weight,module,filename) and registry_files )
- cache_registry

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7
[Some doubts – Ajax sample code]
// Implementation of hook_menu().

function myModule_menu() {

  $items['photos/get/photos'] = array( 'page callback' => 'mymodule_get_photos_ajax',

    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access arguments' => array('access content'),


  return $items;

function mymodule_get_photos_ajax($nid) {

// returns the filepath of my photo

  $photo = mymodule_get_photo($nid);

  $image = theme('image', $photo);

  print drupal_to_js(array( 'image' => $imagefile, ) );

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Work with Drupal 7

[Some doubts - Ajax]

Drupal.behaviors.myModule = function() {

  $('a.photo_button:not(.mymodule-processed)', context).addClass('mymodule-processed')

  .bind('click', function(){

    $.get('/photos/get/photos/'+ parseInt(, 10), null, imageDetails);

    return false;


var imageDetails = function(data) {

  var result = Drupal.parseJson(data);

  $('div.field-type-image div.field-item').html(result['image']);

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

[Upgrade – basic steps]

- Evaluate the upgrade cost (are contributed modules used compatible with new version,

custom modules upgrade, etc.)

- Backup your existing site and database

- Download and install the new drupal instance

- Check the UPGRADE.txt file in the new drupal folder

- Upload the new instance

- run the update.php file to update the database

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

[Upgrade : Case of]

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

[Upgrade : Case of]

Step 1

- Backup database and code

- Install drupal7

- Add azri theme (whitejazz)

- Replace all theme variables ($primary_links, etc.)

- Redefining theme regions in info files

- Modifying the Css file (the files default folder is now in sites/default/files) to display background images and


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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

[Upgrade : Case of]

Step 2

For a menu link ...

- Add his node

- Add his alias if needed

- Putting back it's blocks (proceed link by link) Full Html filter for the block content)

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

Step 3

Identify modules ... “blocktheme module”

- Update the info file

- Install the module

- Update the code

- Update the template file

* the “panels” module is installed but not used.

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

function whitejazz_block($block) {
$template_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'whitejazz')."/";

if (module_exists('blocktheme')) {
$custom_theme = blocktheme_get_theme($block);
$custom_theme = (is_array($custom_theme) && (count($custom_theme) >0)) ?
$custom_theme[0] : $custom_theme;
//If no custom_theme is found the default "block.tpl.php" file will be used
$custom_theme = ($custom_theme) ? $custom_theme : "block";
return theme_render_template($template_path.$custom_theme.".tpl.php",array('block' =>

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Upgrade

[For this particular upgrade]

- Few nodes
- Most nodes should be displayed without their titles
- Many blocks
- Update the blocktheme module
- Display block themes (tpl.php file)

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Questions

[References] (Update modules) (Drupal 7 API) (Core templates and suggestions) (Drupal7 release note) (Drupal upgradation)

Pro Drupal Developement, John K. VanDyk and Matt Westgate 2007 for the technology stack,

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta / Questions

Questions ?
Questions ?
Questions ?
Questions ?
Questions ?

T hank s :-)

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Drupal 5.7 vs Drupal 7.0Beta


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Drupal Community

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