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conrolUnit misc wheel PWMgenerator distanceSensor compass

Camera files camera divider ReceiveLogic rom22 SendLogic

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.misc_package.all; entity controlUnit is port ( clk : in std_logic ; -- freq: 50MHz. time: 0.00000002 (20 ns) PIN_N2 toggles : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) ; -- toggle-switches 17 to 0 PIN_V2,PIN_V1,PIN_U4,PIN_U3,PIN_T7,PIN_P2,PIN_P1,PIN_N1,PIN_A13,PIN_B13,PIN_C13,PIN_AC13,PIN_AD13,PIN_AF14,PIN_AE14,PI N_P25,PIN_N26,PIN_N25 keys : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- keys 3 to 0 PIN_W26,PIN_P23,PIN_N23,PIN_G26 -- COMPASS PWMcompass : in std_logic ; -PIN_W25 -- DISTANCE SENSORS -- 1 is for front sensor , 2 if PWM_front : in std_logic trig_front : out std_logic PWM_right : in std_logic PWM_left : in std_logic

for side sensor ; ; ; ;

trig_right : out std_logic ; -- WHEELS r_en : out std_logic ; l_en : out std_logic ; r_PWM : out std_logic ; l_PWM : out std_logic ; r_ctrl1 : out std_logic ; r_ctrl2 : out std_logic ; l_ctrl1 : out std_logic ; l_ctrl2 : out std_logic ; -- CAMERA cam_trans : out std_logic ; cam_rec : in std_logic ; -- OUTPUT INDICATORS ss rl gl ); end entity controlUnit; architecture arc_controlUnit of controlUnit is

----PIN_L19 -----------

PIN_G25 PIN_K22 PIN_P18 -PIN_F23 PIN_F23 PIN_F26 PIN_F24 PIN_F25 PIN_J21 PIN_J20 PIN_J22 PIN_D25 PIN_N24 PIN_N20 8 seven-segments red leds green leds

: out std_logic_vector(55 downto 0) ; -: out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) ; -: out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) --

-- FUNCTIONS -- stlv27seg function stlv27seg(stlv: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is begin return digits(to_integer(ieee.numeric_std.unsigned(stlv))); end stlv27seg; -- returns stlv(6 to 0) representing the 7seg of this stlv -- int to stdlv function int2stlv(stlv: integer) return std_logic_vector is begin if(stlv<0) then return "000"; elsif(stlv>7) then return "111"; else return conv_std_logic_vector(stlv,3); end if; end int2stlv; -- fwSpeed function fwSpeed(dist_f: integer) return integer is begin if(dist_f>256) then return 6; elsif(dist_f>170) then return 6; elsif(dist_f>130) then return 6; elsif(dist_f>100) then return 5; elsif(dist_f>80) then return 4; elsif(dist_f>60) then return 3; elsif(dist_f>40) then return 2; else return 0; end if; end fwSpeed; --

function stlv237seg(stlv: std_logic_vector; max_index: integer range 0 to 11) return std_logic_vector begin if(max_index=7) then return stlv27seg(stlv(7 downto 4)) & stlv27seg(stlv(3 downto 0)); elsif(max_index=8) then return stlv27seg("000" & stlv(8)) & stlv27seg(stlv(7 downto 4)) & stlv27seg(stlv(3 downto elsif (max_index=9) then return stlv27seg("00" & stlv(9 downto 8)) & stlv27seg(stlv(7 downto 4)) & stlv27seg(stlv(3 downto elsif (max_index=10) then return stlv27seg("0" & stlv(10 downto 8)) & stlv27seg(stlv(7 downto 4)) & stlv27seg(stlv(3 downto elsif (max_index=11) then return stlv27seg(stlv(11 downto 8)) & stlv27seg(stlv(7 downto 4)) & stlv27seg(stlv(3 downto end if; end stlv237seg; -- returns (3 or 2)*stlv(6 to 0) representing the 7seg of this stlv -- the stlv is 3 downto 0. i don't write it because in quartus it makes problems) -- fix_angle function fix_angle(ang: integer) return integer is begin if(ang>=angle360) then return ang-angle360 ; elsif(ang<0) then return ang+angle360 ; else return ang ; end if; end fix_angle ; -- returns the angle in the right range [0,angle360] -- ang_ABSdiff function ang_ABSdiff(ang1: integer; ang2: integer) return integer is variable temp: integer ; begin if(ang1>=ang2) then temp:=ang1-ang2 ; else temp:=ang2-ang1 ; end if; if(temp>angle180) then return temp-angle180 ; else return temp ; end if ; end ang_ABSdiff ; -- returns absolute difference between 2 angles in range [0,angle180] -- ang_CCWdiff function ang_CCWdiff(ang1: integer; ang2: integer) return integer is variable temp: integer ; begin temp:=ang1-ang2 ; if(temp<0) then return temp+angle360 ; else return temp ; end if; end ang_CCWdiff ; -- returns diff ang1 from ang2 that ang1 sees when he looks CCW -- COMPONENTS component distanceSensor is port ( clk: in std_logic ; rst: in std_logic ; pwm: in std_logic ; trig: out std_logic ; result: out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; -- each unit is 0.6834cm (0.002278 from max) done: out std_logic ); end component; -component compass is port ( clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic; pwm: in std_logic; result: out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); -- each unit is ~0.8 degrees (0.00222 from max) done: out std_logic ); end component; -component wheel is port ( clk : in std_logic ; rst : in std_logic ; mode : in wheel_mode ; speed : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ; en : out std_logic ; ctrl1 : out std_logic ; ctrl2 : out std_logic ; pwm : out std_logic ); end component; -component camera is PORT( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; eof_found : out std_logic; -- Send TXD : out std_logic; begin_send : in std_logic;


0)); 0)); 0)); 0));

cur_send_state :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Receive RXD : in std_logic; x_coord_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); x_coord_done : out std_logic ); end component; -- VARS -- general vars signal rst : std_logic; signal d_mode : drive_modes ; signal r_mode, prev_r_mode, next_mode : robot_modes ; -- distance vars signal ds_front_result, ds_right_result, ds_left_result : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; signal done_ds_front, done_ds_right,done_ds_left : std_logic ; -- wheel vars signal wl_mode, wr_mode : wheel_mode ; signal wl_speed, wr_speed : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ; -- angle vars signal angle : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) ; signal done_compass : std_logic ; signal last_angle_stlv : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); -- camera vars signal x_coord,x_cord,cur_send_state : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ; signal debuga:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal begin_send, cam_done, eof_found, nyancat : std_logic ; -- misc signal msg,prev_msg : std_logic_vector(55 downto 0); -- 10ms counter signal cnt10ms_ezer : integer range 0 to 500001; -- 500000 clk-s are 10ms signal cnt10ms : integer ; -- can count to 248 days (max value of integer is 2147483647)=>no need to make it cyclic -- timestamps vars (prefix: "ts_"). used to save times based on counter10ms signal ts_msgChanged : integer ; signal ts_r_modeChanged : integer ; signal ts_modeChanged : integer ; signal ts_sampleDistance : integer ; signal ts_lastFixed : integer ; signal ts_r_fix_start,ts_l_fix_start : integer ; -- sampling distance type samp5 is array (0 to 4) of integer; type samp100 is array (0 to 99) of integer; signal red_samp:samp100; type dists_samp_bla is array (0 to 2) of samp100; signal dists_samp:dists_samp_bla; -- vars for specific modes -- getNewDir signal newDirDist : integer ; signal new_d_mode : drive_modes ; begin -- PORT MAPS cmp : compass ds_front : distanceSensor ds_right : distanceSensor ds_left : distanceSensor right_wheel : wheel left_wheel : wheel cam : camera x_coord, cam_done);

port port port port port port port

map map map map map map map

(clk, (clk, (clk, (clk, (clk, (clk, (clk,

rst, rst, rst, rst, rst, rst, rst,

PWMcompass ,angle, done_compass); PWM_front, trig_front ,ds_front_result ,done_ds_front); PWM_right, trig_right ,ds_right_result ,done_ds_right); PWM_left, nyancat ,ds_left_result ,done_ds_left); wr_mode, wr_speed, r_en, r_ctrl1, r_ctrl2, r_PWM); wl_mode, wl_speed, l_en, l_ctrl1, l_ctrl2, l_PWM); eof_found, cam_trans, begin_send, cur_send_state, cam_rec,

process (clk, toggles(0),keys(0)) is variable angle_init_samples_count : integer range 0 to 4 ; variable angle_init_sum : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) ; variable last_angle, dist_f, dist_r, dist_l, destination_ang, cur_angle : integer ; variable red : integer; -- red object x position variable new_dir_indx : integer; variable break:boolean; begin -- toggle & key if (toggles(0) = '0' or keys(0)='0') then -- 0 of toggle is down (outer side of card) ----------------------RESET THINGS ------------------------ simple reset assignments rst <= '0' ; gl <= "111111111" ; rl <= "000000000000000000" ; -- timestamps reset ts_msgChanged <= 0 ; -- more reset assignments prev_msg <= blnk & blnk7 ; msg <= STARTING_word ; cnt10ms <= 0 ; cnt10ms_ezer <= 0 ; ts_sampleDistance <= 0 ; ts_l_fix_start <= 0 ; ts_r_fix_start <= 0 ; begin_send <= '0' ; break := false; for i in 0 to 99 loop dists_samp(0)(i)<=10000;

dists_samp(1)(i)<=10000; dists_samp(2)(i)<=10000; red_samp(i)<=0; end loop; -- reset for first r_mode (rot4newDir) prev_r_mode <= nulll ; r_mode <= getNewDir ; elsif rising_edge(clk) then rst <= '1'; begin_send <= '1' ; break := false; --------------------PRE MAIN-LOGIC ---------------------- front distance if(done_ds_front='1') then dist_f := conv_integer(ds_front_result) ; end if ; -- side distances if(done_ds_right='1') then dist_r := conv_integer(ds_right_result) ; end if ; if(done_ds_left='1') then dist_l := conv_integer(ds_left_result) ; end if ; -- angle if(done_compass='1') then cur_angle := conv_integer(angle) ; end if ; x_cord <= x_coord ; if(cam_done='1') then x_cord <= x_coord ; end if ; -- sample distance if(ts_sampleDistance+6<cnt10ms) then ts_sampleDistance<=cnt10ms; for i in 1 to 99 loop dists_samp(0)(i)<=dists_samp(0)(i-1); dists_samp(1)(i)<=dists_samp(1)(i-1); dists_samp(2)(i)<=dists_samp(2)(i-1); red_samp(i)<=red_samp(i-1); end loop; dists_samp(0)(0) <=dist_f; dists_samp(1)(0) <=dist_r; dists_samp(2)(0) <=dist_l; red_samp(0)<=conv_integer(x_cord); end if; -- disable wheel movement when last toggle in on (used for debugging) if(toggles(17)='0') then wr_mode <= rw_modes(drive_modes'pos(d_mode)) ; wl_mode <= lw_modes(drive_modes'pos(d_mode)) ; else wr_mode <= w_st; wl_mode <= w_st; end if; ---------------------------------------------------------------************************ MAIN-LOGIC ************************ -------------------------------------------------------------if(cnt10ms>200) then if(min_dist2keep>dist_f and r_mode/=wallGoBack and r_mode/=found_red) then next_mode<=r_mode; r_mode<=wallGoBack; elsif(conv_integer(x_cord)>0 and red_samp(2)>0) then r_mode<=found_red; end if; -- r_mode case r_mode is when wallGoBack => ---------------------------------if(r_mode/=prev_r_mode) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms; prev_r_mode <= d_mode <= bw ; wl_speed <= "010"; wr_speed <= "010"; end if; if(min_dist2keep<dist_f) then r_mode<=next_mode; break:=true; end if; ----------------------------------


when getNewDir =>

if(r_mode/=prev_r_mode) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms; prev_r_mode <= r_mode; d_mode <= st ; end if; if(dist_f>dist_r and dist_f>dist_l) then new_d_mode<=fw; msg<=F_ch&F_ch&F_ch&F_ch&F_ch&F_ch&F_ch&F_ch; elsif(dist_r>dist_l) then new_dir_indx:=1;


new_d_mode<=cw; newDirDist<=dist_r; msg<=R_ch&R_ch&R_ch&R_ch&R_ch&R_ch&R_ch&R_ch; new_dir_indx:=2; new_d_mode<=ccw; newDirDist<=dist_l; msg<=L_ch&L_ch&L_ch&L_ch&L_ch&L_ch&L_ch&L_ch;

end if; wl_speed <= "010"; wr_speed <= "010"; r_mode<=goNewDir; when goNewDir =>-----------------------------------------if(r_mode/=prev_r_mode) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms; prev_r_mode <= r_mode; d_mode<=new_d_mode; if(new_d_mode=fw) then r_mode<=forward; end if; elsif(dists_samp(new_dir_indx)(1)>newDirDist and dists_samp(new_dir_indx) (1)<dists_samp(new_dir_indx)(0)) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms ; r_mode <= forward ; elsif(ts_modeChanged+rotTime010/4<cnt10ms) then -- same cmds. just spares long "or" ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms ; r_mode <= forward ; end if; when forward=> ------------------------------------------if(r_mode/=prev_r_mode) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms; prev_r_mode <= r_mode; d_mode<=st; end if; if(ts_modeChanged+t_ds_acquisition>cnt10ms) then else d_mode<=fw; if(dist_f<dist_wall_stop) then -- or (dists_samp(1)(0)-dists_samp(1) (4)>112) or (dists_samp(2)(0)-dists_samp(2)(4)>112) d_mode<=st; r_mode<=getNewDir; elsif(dist_l<30) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-3); elsif(dist_r<30) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-3); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); elsif(dist_l<min_dist2keep) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-1); elsif(dist_r<min_dist2keep) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-1); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); elsif((dists_samp(1)(2)-dist_r>8 and dist_r<80) or (dist_r>256 and dist_l>256 and dist_l>dist_r) or ts_l_fix_start+7>=cnt10ms) then -- right goes down fast if(ts_l_fix_start+7<cnt10ms) then msg<=M_ch&M_ch&L_ch&L_ch&B_ch&O_ch&O_ch&M_ch; ts_l_fix_start<=cnt10ms; end if; wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-1); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); elsif((dists_samp(2)(2)-dist_l>8 and dist_l<80) or (dist_r>256 and dist_l>256 and dist_l<dist_r) or ts_r_fix_start+7>=cnt10ms) then -- left goes down fast if(ts_r_fix_start+7<cnt10ms) then msg<=M_ch&M_ch&R_ch&R_ch&B_ch&O_ch&O_ch&M_ch; ts_r_fix_start<=cnt10ms; end if; wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-1); wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); else wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); end if; end if; when found_red=> ----------------------------------------- -- middle is ~88 if(r_mode/=prev_r_mode) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms; prev_r_mode <= r_mode; d_mode <= fw; end if; red:=conv_integer(x_cord); if(red=0 and red_samp(2)=0) then ts_modeChanged <= cnt10ms; r_mode <= forward ; elsif((dist_f<64 and red>72 and red<104) or dist_f<48) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(0); wr_speed<=int2stlv(0); elsif(dist_f<64 and red<=72) then

wl_speed<=int2stlv(0); wr_speed<=int2stlv(3); elsif(dist_f<64 and red>=106) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(3); wr_speed<=int2stlv(0); elsif(red>104 and red<62) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); elsif(red<=72) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-1); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); elsif(red>=104) then wl_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)); wr_speed<=int2stlv(fwSpeed(dist_f)-1); else end if; when others=> else end case; d_mode<=st; end if; ---------------------------------------------------------------******************** END OF MAIN-LOGIC ******************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------MISC -- cnt10ms update if(cnt10ms_ezer>=500000) then cnt10ms_ezer <= 0 ; cnt10ms <= cnt10ms + 1 ; else cnt10ms_ezer <= cnt10ms_ezer + 1 ; end if ; -- mode change timestamp update if(prev_msg /= msg) then ts_msgChanged <= cnt10ms ; prev_msg <= msg ; end if ; end if ; -- rising_edge clk end process ; --------------------OUTPUT INDICATION for the 8 7-segments ---------------------- NOTE: when some toggles are up at once, then the first line determine ss <= RESET_word & blnk3 when toggles(0) = '0' or keys(0)='0' -- "reset" on reset else R_ch & stlv237seg(ds_right_result,9) & L_ch & stlv237seg(ds_left_result,9) when toggles(1)='1' -- "r[right_d]L[left_d] on toggles(1) else F_ch & stlv237seg(ds_front_result,9) & A_ch & stlv237seg(angle,8) when toggles(2)='1' -- "f[front_d]A[angle] on toggles(2) else D_ch & EQUAL_ch & m_7segDM(drive_modes'pos(d_mode)) when toggles(3)='1' -- "d=[drive mode]]" on toggles(3) else C_ch & EQUAL_ch & stlv237seg(x_cord,7) & blnk4 when toggles(4)='1' -- "C=[x cord]" on toggles(4) else W_ch & EQUAL_ch & m_7segRM(drive_modes'pos(d_mode)) when toggles(5)='1' -- W=[drive mode]] ---------------------

on toggles(5)

-- no toggles: else msg when ts_msgChanged+msg_display_t>cnt10ms when msg changed recently(=d_mode_display_t*10ms) else W_ch & EQUAL_ch & m_7segRM(robot_modes'pos(r_mode)); -- W=[robot mode]] changed recently end architecture arc_controlUnit;

-- msg when mode hasn't

--Back to Top

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; package misc_package is -- wheel type wheel_mode is (w_st, w_fw, w_bw); type arr3 is ARRAY(0 to 2) of std_logic ; constant wheel_enable_mode : arr3 :=('0', '1', '1'); constant ctrl1_mode : arr3 :=('0', '0', '1'); constant ctrl2_mode : arr3 :=('0', '1', '0'); -- 7segment constant blnk : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111111"; -- blank constant blnk2 : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0) := blnk & blnk ; constant blnk3 : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) := blnk & blnk & blnk ; constant blnk4 : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0) := blnk & blnk & blnk & constant blnk5 : std_logic_vector(34 downto 0) := blnk & blnk & blnk & constant blnk6 : std_logic_vector(41 downto 0) := blnk & blnk & blnk & constant blnk7 : std_logic_vector(48 downto 0) := blnk & blnk & blnk & constant A_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0001000"; constant B_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000011"; constant C_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1000110"; constant D_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0100001"; constant E_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000110"; constant F_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0001110"; constant G_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0010000"; constant H_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0001001"; constant I_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1111001"; constant J_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1100001"; constant K_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0001010"; constant L_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1000111"; constant M_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1001000"; constant N_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1001000"; constant O_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1000000"; constant P_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0001100"; constant R_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1001110"; constant S_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0010010"; constant T_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000111"; constant U_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1000001"; constant V_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := U_ch ; constant W_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0110110"; constant Y_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0010001"; constant Z_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0100100"; constant MINUS_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0111111"; constant UNDERSCORE_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1110111"; constant EQUAL_ch : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1110110"; constant OFF_word : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) := O_ch & F_ch constant STOP_word : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0) := S_ch & T_ch constant RESET_word : std_logic_vector(34 downto 0) := R_ch & E_ch constant STARTING_word : std_logic_vector(55 downto 0) := S_ch & T_ch

blnk blnk blnk blnk

; & blnk ; & blnk & blnk ; & blnk & blnk & blnk ;

& & & &

F_ch O_ch S_ch A_ch

; & P_ch ; & E_ch & T_ch ; & R_ch & T_ch & I_ch & H_ch & G_ch ;

type seg7_arr is ARRAY(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); constant digits : seg7_arr := (O_ch,I_ch,Z_ch,"0110000","0011001",S_ch,"0000010","1111000","0000000",G_ch,A_ch,B_ch,C_ch,D_ch,E_ch,F_ch); -- robot -- robot modes type robot_modes is (nulll, getNewDir, wallGoBack, goNewDir, forward, found_red) ; -- drive modes type drive_modes is (st, fw, bw, cw, ccw); -- wheels modes type w_modes is ARRAY(0 to 4) of wheel_mode; constant rw_modes : w_modes := (w_st, w_fw, w_bw, w_bw, w_fw) ; constant lw_modes : w_modes := (w_st, w_fw, w_bw, w_fw, w_bw) ; -- modes in 6 7seg type m7segDM is ARRAY(0 to 4) of std_logic_vector(41 downto 0); constant m_7segDM : m7segDM := (blnk2&S_ch&T_ch&O_ch&P_ch,F_ch&O_ch&W_ch&A_ch&R_ch&D_ch,B_ch&W_ch&blnk4,C_ch&W_ch&blnk4,blnk2&C_ch&C_ch&W_ch&blnk) ; type m7segRM is ARRAY(0 to 5) of std_logic_vector(41 downto 0); constant m_7segRM : m7segRM := (blnk2&N_ch&U_ch&L_ch&L_ch,N_ch&D_ch&blnk4,blnk2&W_ch&G_ch&O_ch&B_ch,blnk2&G_ch&N_ch&D_ch&blnk,blnk2&F_ch&O_ch&R_ch&W_ ch,blnk2&F_ch&O_ch&N_ch&D_ch) ; -- misc const constant min_dist2keep : integer :=20 ; constant dist_wall_stop : integer :=50 ; constant ang_derivation : integer :=24 ; constant msg_display_t : integer :=50 ; -- time that msg is displayed in units of 10ms constant angle360 : integer :=451 ; constant angle180 : integer :=225 ; constant max_dist : integer :=439 ; constant rotTime011 : integer :=360 ; -- 3.6 sec constant rotTime010 : integer :=530 ; -- 5.3 sec constant t_ds_acquisition : integer := 5 ; -- 50ms end misc_package; package body misc_package is end misc_package;

--Back to Top

-- data sheet link library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.misc_package.all; entity wheel is port ( clk : in std_logic ; -- freq: 50MHz. time: 0.00000002 rst : in std_logic ; mode : in wheel_mode ; speed : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ; en : out std_logic ; ctrl1 : out std_logic ; ctrl2 : out std_logic ; pwm : out std_logic ); end entity wheel; architecture arc_wheel of wheel is signal current_mode : wheel_mode; signal en_PWM : std_logic; component PWMgenerator is port ( clk : in std_logic ; --freq: 50MHz. time: 0.00000002. rst : in std_logic ; en : in std_logic ; speed8 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ; pwm : out std_logic ); end component; begin wheel_pwm: PWMgenerator port map(clk, rst, en_PWM, speed, pwm) ; process(clk, rst) is begin if (rst = '0') then current_mode<=w_stop; -- en=ctrl1=ctrl2=0==> Stop (not Brake) elsif rising_edge(clk) then current_mode<=mode; end if; end process; en_PWM en ctrl1 ctrl2 <= <= <= <= wheel_enable_mode(wheel_mode'pos(current_mode)) ; wheel_enable_mode(wheel_mode'pos(current_mode)) ; ctrl1_mode(wheel_mode'pos(current_mode)) ; ctrl2_mode(wheel_mode'pos(current_mode)) ;

end architecture arc_wheel ; --Back to Top

-- generates 4KHz PWM with duty cycle ranging from 10% to 90% depending on speed8 library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity PWMgenerator is port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; en : in std_logic; speed8 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); pwm : out std_logic ); end entity PWMgenerator;

-- freq: 50MHz. time: 0.00000002

architecture arc_PWMgenerator of PWMgenerator is -- signals & variables signal cnt : std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); -- for counting a cycle of 4KHz=12,500 clk-s begin process (clk, rst) is begin if (rst = '0') then cnt <= (others => '0'); pwm <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if (cnt = 12500) then cnt <= (others => '0'); else cnt <= cnt + 1; end if; if(en='1') then if(cnt<1250+To_integer(IEEE.numeric_std.unsigned(speed8))*1429) then -- duty cycle is 10%+(current_speed/8)*80% pwm<='1'; else pwm<='0'; end if; else pwm<='0'; end if; end if; end process; end architecture arc_PWMgenerator; --Back to Top

-- data sheet link library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity distanceSensor is port ( clk: in std_logic ; rst: in std_logic ; pwm: in std_logic ; trig: out std_logic ; result: out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; done: out std_logic ); end entity distanceSensor; architecture signal signal begin -- trigger trig_proc: begin

-- freq: 50MHz, time: 0.00000002. -- the echo signal. max is 25ms -- should be 10us -- each unit is 0.6834cm (0.002278 from max)

arc_distanceSensor of distanceSensor is cnt : std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); -- for generating trigger q1, q2, q3, result_en : std_logic ; process process (clk, rst) is

if (rst = '0') then cnt <= (others => '0') ; trig <= '0' ; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if (cnt = 2499999) then cnt <=(others => '0') ; else cnt <= cnt + 1 ; end if ;

-- 2,500,000 clk-s are 0.05 sec

if (cnt < 500) then trig <= '1' ; else trig <= '0' ; end if; end if; end process trig_proc ; -- echo process echo_proc: process (clk, rst) is variable cnt1 : std_logic_vector(20 downto variable s4,s3,s2,s1 : std_logic_vector(20 variable samples_sum : std_logic_vector(22 begin if (rst = '0') then q1 <= '0' ; q2 <= '0' ; q3 <= '0' ; done <= '0' ; s1 := (others => '0') ; s2 := (others => '0') ; s3 := (others => '0') ; s4 := (others => '0') ; cnt1 := (others => '0') ; result <= (others => '0') ; elsif rising_edge(clk) then q1 <= pwm ; q2 <= q1 ; q3 <= q2 ; if (result_en = '1') then s4 := s3 ; s3 := s2 ; s2 := s1 ; s1 := cnt1 ; samples_sum := ("00" & s1)

-- 500 clk-s are 0.00001=10us

0); -- for counting PWM downto 0); -- for saving prev samples downto 0);

+ ("00" & s2) + ("00" & s3) + ("00" & s4) ;

-- result is number between ~2 and ~439

result <= samples_sum (22 downto 13) ;

end if ; done <= result_en; if (result_en = '1') then cnt1 := (others => '0') ;

end if ; end process echo_proc ; -result_en <= q3 and (not q2);

elsif (q2 = '1') then cnt1 := cnt1 + 1 ; -- cnt1 is a number between 5,000 and 900,000 end if ;

end architecture arc_distanceSensor ; --Back to Top

-- data sheet link -- data sheet: library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity compass is port ( clk: in std_logic ; -- freq: 50MHz. time: 0.00000002. rst: in std_logic ; pwm: in std_logic ; -- the echo signal. max is 40ms result: out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) ; -- each unit is ~0.8 degrees (0.00222 from max) done: out std_logic ); end entity compass ; architecture arc_compass of compass is signal q1, q2, q3, result_en : std_logic ; signal cnt : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) ; -- for counting PWM begin process (clk, rst) is begin if (rst = '0') then q1 <= '0' ; q2 <= '0' ; q3 <= '0' ; done <= '0' ; cnt <= (others => '0') ; result <= (others => '0') ; elsif rising_edge(clk) then q1 <= pwm ; q2 <= q1 ; q3 <= q2 ; if (result_en = '1') then result <= cnt( 20 downto 12); -- result is number between ~12 and ~451 end if ; done <= result_en ; if (result_en = '1') then cnt <= (others => '0') ; elsif (q2 = '1') then cnt <= cnt + 1 ; -- cnt is a number between 50,000 and 1,850,000 end if ; end if ; end process; result_en <= q3 and (not q2); end architecture arc_compass; --Back to Top

library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.misc_package.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity tests is end entity tests; architecture arc_tests of tests is begin process variable wm: wheel_mode; variable stdl4: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); variable dig: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); variable bla: integer range 0 to 8; begin wm:=w_bw; --report "The value of 'a' is " & integer'image(wheel_mode'pos(wm)); stdl4 := "1101" ; bla := 5; bla := bla - 6; report "bla is " & integer'image(bla); --dig := digits(to_integer(ieee.numeric_std.unsigned(stdl4))) ; --dig:=stlv27seg(stdl4); --report "The value of digits at '1101' is " & Std_Logic'image(dig(6)) & Std_Logic'image(dig(5)) & Std_Logic'image(dig(4)) & Std_Logic'image(dig(3)) & Std_Logic'image(dig(2)) & Std_Logic'image(dig(1)) & Std_Logic'image(dig(0)); wait; end process; end architecture arc_tests; --Back to Top

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; -- Description: Logic for receiving data from UART entity ReceiveLogic is port (clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; RXD : in std_logic; receive_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); done : out std_logic ); end entity ReceiveLogic; architecture Behavioral of ReceiveLogic is type state_vector is (wait_for_start_bit, start_bit_skip, wait_for_middle_point, counts_for_8_bit); signal state : state_vector; signal bit_counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal Sdata : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal sample_cnt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal cnt : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); signal q1, rxd_fall, sample_cnt_en : std_logic; signal shift_en : std_logic; signal eq_27 : std_logic; signal done_s : std_logic; begin rxd_fall <= (not rxd) and q1; eq_27 <= '1' when (cnt = 27) else '0'; process(clk, rst)is begin if (rst = '0') then Sdata <= (others => '0'); state <= wait_for_start_bit; bit_counter <= (others => '0'); cnt <= (others => '0'); sample_cnt <= (others => '0'); shift_en <= '0'; sample_cnt_en <= '0'; q1 <= '1'; done_s <= '0'; receive_data <= (others => '0'); elsif clk'event and clk = '0' then shift_en <= '0'; done_s <= bit_counter(3) and shift_en; if (done_s='1') then receive_data <= Sdata; end if; if (shift_en = '1') then Sdata <= RXD & Sdata(7 downto 1); end if; if (eq_27 = '1') then q1 <= rxd; cnt <= (others => '0'); if (sample_cnt_en = '1') then sample_cnt <= sample_cnt+1; else

sample_cnt <= (others => '0'); end if; case state is when wait_for_start_bit => sample_cnt_en <= '0'; if (rxd_fall = '1') then state <= start_bit_skip; end if; when start_bit_skip => sample_cnt_en <= '1'; if sample_cnt(3 downto 0) = x"f" then state <= wait_for_middle_point; end if; when wait_for_middle_point => sample_cnt_en <= '1'; if sample_cnt(1 downto 0) = "11" then state <= counts_for_8_bit; sample_cnt_en <= '0'; end if; when counts_for_8_bit => sample_cnt_en <= '1'; if (sample_cnt(3 downto 0) = x"0") then if (bit_counter <= 7) then shift_en <= '1'; bit_counter <= bit_counter+'1'; else bit_counter <= (others => '0'); sample_cnt_en <= '0'; state <= wait_for_start_bit; end if; end if; when others => state <= wait_for_start_bit; end case; else cnt <= cnt+1; end if; end if; end process; done<=done_s; end architecture Behavioral;
--Back to Top

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; -- Description: Clock divider for UART transmit logic. -Generates 115200 baud rate entity divider is Port ( clk rst end divider; architecture arc_divider of divider is SIGNAL s_send_clk :std_logic; SIGNAL count : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin process(clk,rst) begin if rst='0' then count<=(others=>'0'); s_send_clk<='0'; elsif clk'event and clk='1' then if count< 217 then count<=count+'1'; s_send_clk<=s_send_clk; else count<=(others=>'0'); s_send_clk<=NOT s_send_clk; end if; end if; end process; send_clk<= s_send_clk; end arc_divider;
--Back to Top

: in std_logic; : in std_logic; send_clk : out std_logic);

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; -- Description: Logic for sending data (from rom22.vhd) using UART -to the camera module entity SendLogic is Port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; data_load_req : out std_logic; TXD : out std_logic; eof_found : out std_logic; begin_send : in std_logic; cur_address : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); send_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); cur_state :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end SendLogic; architecture Behavioral of SendLogic is type state_vector is (start,wait_e,readData,WCheck, SendCounter,AddS,DataLoadS,StartBit,Timer,EOF); signal state : state_vector; signal Sadd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal Sdata : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ----------timer signal TimerCount : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); signal startTimer : std_logic; signal endTimer : std_logic; signal flag : std_logic; begin process(clk,rst) begin if rst='0' then TXD<='1'; flag<='0'; data_load_req<='0'; state<=start; Sadd<=(others=>'1'); Sdata<=(OTHERS=>'0'); counter<=(OTHERS=>'0'); startTimer<='0'; elsif clk'event and clk='1' then case state is when start => flag<='0'; TXD<='1'; data_load_req<='0'; counter<=(OTHERS=>'0'); Sadd<=(others=>'0'); Sdata<=(others=>'0'); state<=wait_e; startTimer<='0'; when wait_e=>

flag<= '0'; TXD<='1'; data_load_req<='0'; counter<=(OTHERS=>'0'); Sadd<=Sadd; Sdata<=Sdata; state<=readData; if begin_send='0' then state<=wait_e; else state<=readData; end if; when readData => flag<= flag; TXD<='1'; data_load_req<='1'; Sadd<=Sadd; Sdata<=send_data; counter<=(OTHERS=>'0'); state<=DataLoadS; when DataLoadS => flag<= flag; TXD<='1'; Sadd<=Sadd; Sdata<=send_data; counter<=(OTHERS=>'0'); state<=WCheck; data_load_req<='1' ; when WCheck=> TXD<='1'; data_load_req<='0'; Sadd<=Sadd; Sdata<=send_data; if send_data=255 then --end of file FF HEX state<=EOF; Sadd<=x"0D"; flag<='0'; elsif send_data=x"00" then state<=Timer; Sadd<=Sadd+'1'; startTimer<='1'; flag<='1'; else state<=StartBit; flag<='0'; end if; when StartBit => flag<= flag; TXD<='0'; data_load_req<='0'; Sadd<=Sadd; Sdata<=Sdata; state<=SendCounter; when SendCounter =>

flag<= flag; if counter<=7 then Sdata<= Sdata(6 downto 0)& Sdata(7) ;--M2L TXD<=Sdata(7); counter<=counter + '1'; state<= Sendcounter; else Sdata<=Sdata; TXD<='1'; counter<=(others=>'0'); state<=AddS; end if; when AddS => Sdata<=Sdata; TXD<='1'; SAdd<=SAdd+'1'; state<=readData; when Timer => if endTimer='0' then state<=Timer; else state<=readData; startTimer<='0'; end if; when EOF => TXD<='1'; state<=EOF; when others=> TXD<='1'; data_load_req<='0' ; Sadd<=(others=>'0'); Sdata<=(others=>'0'); end case; end if; end process; cur_address<=Sadd; eof_found<=flag; ------------------------------------timer onesec PROCESS(clk,rst) begin if rst='0' then TimerCount<=(others=>'0'); endTimer <='0'; elsif clk'event and clk='1' then if startTimer='1' then if TimerCount<=50000 then ---186A0 one sec --if TimerCount<=2 then ---186A0 one sec TimerCount<=TimerCount+'1'; endTimer <='0'; else TimerCount<=(others=>'0'); endTimer <='1'; end if; --one sec

else TimerCount<=(others=>'0'); endTimer <='0'; end if; end if; end process; ---------------------------------with state select cur_state <= x"00" when start, x"01" when wait_e, x"02" when readData, x"03" when WCheck, x"04" when StartBit, x"05" when SendCounter, x"06" when AddS, x"07" when DataLoadS, x"08" when Timer, x"09" when EOF; end Behavioral;
--Back to Top

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; -- Description: ROM of initiailzation bytes to send to the camera module entity rom22 is Port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; add : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data_load_req : in std_logic; data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end rom22; architecture Behavioral of rom22 is function byte_swap (din : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable temp : std_logic_vector(din'reverse_range); begin for i in din'range loop temp(i):=din(i); end loop; return temp; end function byte_swap; signal sq : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin process(clk,rst) begin if rst='0' then sq <= (others=>'0'); elsif clk'event and clk='1' then if data_load_req='1' then case add is ----1 "RS" when x"00" => sq<=x"52"; --r when x"01" => sq<=x"53"; --s when x"02" => sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"03" => --one sec sq<=x"00"; ------2 "OM 0 1" when x"04" => sq<=x"4F"; --O when x"05" => sq<=x"4D"; --M when x"06" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"07" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"08" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"09" => sq<=x"31"; --1 when x"0a" =>




sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"0b" => sq<=x"00"; --one sec "RM 3" when x"0c" => sq<=x"52"; --R when x"0d" => sq<=x"4D"; --M when x"0e" => --space sq<=x"20"; when x"0f" => sq<=x"33"; --3 when x"10" => sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"11" => sq<=x"00"; --one sec "HR 1" when x"12" => sq<=x"48"; --H when x"13" => sq<=x"52"; --R when x"14" => sq<=x"20";--SPACE when x"15" => sq<=x"31";--1 when x"16" => sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"17" => sq<=x"00"; --one sec "VW 1 60 174 254" when x"18" => sq<=x"56"; --V when x"19" => sq<=x"57"; --W when x"1a" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"1b" => sq<=x"31"; --1 when x"1c" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"1d" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"1e" => sq<=x"31"; --1 when x"1f" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"20" => sq<=x"31"; --1 when x"21" => sq<=x"37"; --7 when x"22" => sq<=x"34"; --4 when x"23" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"24" => sq<=x"32"; --2 when x"25" => sq<=x"35"; --5 when x"26" => sq<=x"34"; --4 when x"27" =>


sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"28" => sq<=x"00"; --one sec "CR 18 44" when x"29" => sq<=x"43"; --C when x"2a" => sq<=x"52"; --R when x"2b" => sq<=x"20";--SPACE when x"2c" => sq<=x"31";--1 when x"2d" => sq<=x"38";--8 when x"2e" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"2f" => sq<=x"34";--4 when x"30" => sq<=x"34";--4 when x"31" => sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"32" => sq<=x"00"; --one sec when x"33" => sq<=x"54"; --T when x"34" => sq<=x"43"; --C when x"35" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"36" => sq<=x"31"; --1 when x"37" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"38" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"39" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"3a" => sq<=x"31"; --1 when x"3b" => sq<=x"35"; --5 when x"3c" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"3d" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"3e" => sq<=x"32"; --2 when x"3f" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"40" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"41" => sq<=x"36"; --6 when x"42" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"43" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"44" => sq<=x"32"; --2 when x"45" =>

sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"46" => sq<=x"20"; --SPACE when x"47" => sq<=x"36"; --6 when x"48" => sq<=x"30"; --0 when x"49" => sq<=x"0D"; --CR when x"4a" => sq<=x"00"; --one sec ------8 when x"4b" => sq<=x"ff"; when others=> null; end case; else sq<=sq; end if; end if; end process; data_out<=byte_swap(sq); end Behavioral;
--Back to Top


library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; -- Description: top-design for the camera logic. It is used for processing the received -data, parsing it and averaging the sampled x coordinates entity camera is PORT( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; eof_found : out std_logic; -- Send TXD : out std_logic; begin_send : in std_logic; cur_send_state :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Receive RXD : in std_logic; x_coord_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); x_coord_done : out std_logic ); end camera; architecture arc_camera of camera is COMPONENT divider Port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; send_clk : out std_logic); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT SendLogic Port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; data_load_req : out std_logic; TXD : out std_logic; eof_found : out std_logic; begin_send : in std_logic; cur_address : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); send_data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); cur_state :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); END COMPONENT; --------RECIEVE COMPONENT ReceiveLogic PORT( clk : IN std_logic; rst : IN std_logic; RXD : IN std_logic; receive_data : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); done : out std_logic ); END COMPONENT; ---------ROM COMPONENT rom22 Port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic;

add : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data_load_req : in std_logic; data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); END COMPONENT; signal s_send_clk : std_logic; signal s_data_load_req : std_logic; signal s_cur_address : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal s_send_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type state_vector is (wait_for_T,wait_for_data,wait_for_FF); signal state : state_vector; signal receive_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal receive_done : std_logic; begin process (rst,clk) variable zero_count : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); variable x_coord_sum : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); variable sample1 : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); variable sample2 : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); variable sample3 : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); variable sample4 : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); begin if (rst='0') then state <= wait_for_T; x_coord_done <= '0'; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- Wait for 'T' character if (state=wait_for_T) then if (receive_done='1') and (receive_data=84) then state<=wait_for_data; end if; -- Wait for x coordinate elsif (state=wait_for_data) then if (receive_done='1') then --Samples for the averaging sample4 := sample3; sample3 := sample2; sample2 := sample1; sample1 := conv_std_logic_vector(conv_integer(receive_data),10); --Find zeroes in the outputs zero_count:=(others => '0'); if (sample1=0) then zero_count := zero_count + 1; end if; if (sample2=0) then zero_count := zero_count + 1; end if; if (sample3=0) then zero_count := zero_count + 1; end if;

if (sample4=0) then zero_count := zero_count + 1; end if; --Sum of samples x_coord_sum:=sample1+sample2+sample3+sample4; --If more than two zeros, the whole sample is considered zero if (zero_count>2) then x_coord_data <= conv_std_logic_vector(0,8); else -- Calculate average excluding zeros x_coord_data <= conv_std_logic_vector(((conv_integer(x_coord_sum)) / conv_integer((4-zero_count))),8); end if; -- Mark done x_coord_done <= '1'; state<=wait_for_FF; end if; -- Wait for 0xFF byte elsif (state=wait_for_FF) then if (receive_done='1') and (receive_data=255) then state<=wait_for_T; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Clock for the transmit logic U_divider: divider PORT MAP( clk => clk , rst => rst , send_clk => s_send_clk ); -- Send logic U_SendLogic : SendLogic PORT MAP( clk =>s_send_clk , rst =>rst , data_load_req => s_data_load_req, TXD => TXD , eof_found => eof_found, begin_send => begin_send, cur_address => s_cur_address, send_data => s_send_data, cur_state => cur_send_state ); -- Receive logic U_ReceiveLogic : ReceiveLogic PORT MAP( clk => clk, rst => rst , RXD => RXD , receive_data => receive_data , done=> receive_done );

-- ROM for sending init data U_rom22 : rom22 PORT MAP( clk =>s_send_clk , rst => rst , add => s_cur_address , data_load_req => s_data_load_req, data_out => s_send_data ); end arc_camera;
--Back to Top

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