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Abraham Lincoln's assassination is easy to explain. Even skeptics realize that this incident was a
product of a conspiracy. This murder was done by John Wilkes Booth. Vatican (Thomas M.
Harris was a Brigadier General of the U.S. Army. He was a member of the Military Tribunal.
Also, Thomas wrote a book called "Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination
of Abraham Lincoln") and Masonic interests were keen in opposition to the agenda of
President Abraham Lincoln. The purpose of this evil deed done by Booth was because Abraham
Lincoln desired to preserve the Union. Also, he refused to develop a more privatized, centralized
banking system. The exception would be the establishment National Bank, which would be a
compromise toward the foreigners. British and many Europeans powers (who were
connected to Confederate leaders like Caleb Cushing, Albert Pike, John Slidell, John A.
Quitman, August Belmont, and Judah Benjamin) wanted a divided America. The reason
was that America's financial strength was rapidly increasing. If America was divided,
European countries could control North America more easily. In the 21st century, some of
these same central banks want to divide the poor and the middle class in order to fight
each other for their own profit (and weaken the nation-state). That is why Britain, France,
and Spain actively promoted the Confederacy. They or these European powers didn’t care
about the Southerners, but they cared about economic (and political) power. Albert Pike
was the leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the 1800's. Albert Pike is probably
the most famous member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in its history. The Scottish
Rite (many of its members back then were Tories) set up a modern base in America by
1801. Pike’s statue still exists in Washington D.C. when he was a war criminal. The
Scottish Rite was invented in the early 1700's. Anton Chaitkin wrote that they had
connections with the American slave trade. Charleston, SC was a base of the Scottish Rite.
This location of Charleston ironically was a home base of the secessionist movement. The
European elite (found in the Vatican, the British Empire, etc.) would be complicit in the war
of 1812, the slave trade, the Mexican War (although, the leadership of Mexico acted like a
dictatorship). So the residents of Texas had a legitimate grievance to defend themselves.
General John A. Quitman wanted to rule Mexico City with black slave plantations, (which I
don‘t agree with), and the European elite were involved in other events not just the Civil
War. Quitman would lead the secession movement in Mississippi and he died in 1858. John
Quitman's grandfather was governor of the island of Curacao, which was the Dutch West India
Company's slave concentration camp. John Quitman’s parents had fled the Caribbean slave
revolts, while taking their slaves with them to Rhineback, New York. This was the location where
John was born. President Zachary Taylor faced Quitman down. President Taylor was determined
to bring the new southwest into the Union as free states. On June 21, 1850, nine days after the
secession convention, Governor Quitman was indicted by a federal grand jury for violating the
U.S. Neutrality Laws! President Zachary Taylor wanted to improve the Union and he died
mysteriously. There is nothing wrong with seceding if it's done legitimately. It's a problem
when the secessionists didn’t want true freedom to be given unto all of its citizens including
blacks. Not to mention that some of the leaders of the Confederate movement just wanted slavery
to expand. These Confederates lusted after the agenda to increase their economic benefits
(without caring about giving citizens real liberty). Even the Pope in that time wrote a letter in favor
of the Confederacy.

Economics was apart of the Civil War as well. President

Lincoln wanted to finance the
war. At the same time, Abraham Lincoln didn't desire to accept a national bank
of creating money with fiat value. He feared that the bankers would charge
him 24% to 36%. Therefore, he wanted the Treasury to print green ink on the
back of the money (called Greenbacks) to pay for the war. Lincoln had printed
more 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being
$449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, (which was a debt-
free and interest-free money to finance the War). It served as legal tender
for all debts, public and private. He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, and he
paid it to the U.S. Civil Service employees. The Greenbacks bought supplies
for the war. After Lincoln was assassinated, the Greenback law was
revoked. Lincoln made other economically populist polices like he instituted
a 50% tariff that some believed that started the American steel industry,
funded transcontinental railroads, and created subsidies for mining.
Subsidies can increase the aggregate demand and the aggregate supply
causing profound economic growth. Lincoln spelled out his defense of labor and
economic populism in his Annual Address to Congress, Dec. 3, 1861. Abraham
Lincoln tried to make better farms plus schools, etc. These bankers didn't so
much care for the Confederacy people, but for economic and political interests. Sioux Indians,
who were strangely organized into military Masonic lodges, wiped out 700 citizens of New Ulm,
Minnesota and the surrounding area (during the Civil war as agents of the Confederacy). This is
while the town's young men were off in the Union Army. Albert Pike was at the time the
Confederate general and he was officially in charge of arranging Native American
attacks against the Union. Minnesota was also part of Commander Pike's Masonic Southern
Jurisdiction. This doesn’t mean Abraham Lincoln was a demi-god as some have called him.
Lincoln banned newspapers, banned habeas corpus, and he enacted other anti-civil liberty
policies. I don’t agree with that at all. President Abraham Lincoln was a paradox in that some of
his actions were right and he instituted some incorrect actions as well.

Lincoln found an ally with Russia via Czar Alexander II. Russia threaten Britain to not do a blockade or
try to invade America. Konstantin George wrote an article proving this historical fact
from the Executive Intelligence Review back in 1992, but it was originally
published in The Campaigner at 1978. According to Konstantin, the British Prime
Minister Palmerton (and his ally French leader Louis Napoleon III) considered
invading the USA. Confederate agent John Slidell had relations with the French
Empire. Since the late 1700’s, Russia and early America were in an alliance with
each other. Russian pressure was crucial in getting the Treaty of Ghent achieved.
The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. During the Civil War, Russia
deployed its ships to protect the Union in the harbors of New York City and San
Francisco. Russia united with America during the Civil War, because Russia in
that time was opposed to the British/France/Spain axis against America. Abraham
Lincoln was first elected President in 1860. As early as that time, threats were made against his life.
There were numerous attempts to kill the man. The reason was for the reason of slavery primarily.
Even though Lincoln wasn't a rabid opponent of slavery, many pro-slavery extremists still wanted to kill
him. These evil intensions were expressed in these sources:

"Twenty men had been hired in Baltimore to assassinate the President elect on his
way to Washington. The leader of this band was an Italian refugee, a barber well
known in Baltimore. Their plan was as follows: when Mr. Lincoln arrived in that city,
the assassins were to mix with the crowd, and get as near his person as possible,
and shoot at him with their pistols. If he was in a carriage, hand grenades had been
prepared, filled with detonating powder, such as Orsini used in attempting to
assassinate Louis Napoleon. These were to be thrown into the carriage, and to
make the work of death doubly sure, pistols were to be discharged into the vehicle
at the same moment. The assassins had a vessel lying ready to receive them in the
harbour. From thence they would be carried to Mobile, in the seceded state of
Alabama." ("John Smith Dye", by The Adder’s Den, on p. 113).

"..An Italian barber well known in Baltimore, a Romanist, was to have stabbed him
while seated in his carriage, when he started from the depot..." (Burke McCarty, The
Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Arya Varta
Publishing, p. 66).

The former President of the John Adams Union, wrote to Jefferson in 1816 that: "I am
not happy about the rebirth of the Jesuits. Swarms of them will present themselves
under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the Bohemians, as printers, writers,
publishers, school teachers, etc. If ever an association of people deserved eternal
damnation, on this earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola. "

Jefferson's reply was: "Like you, I object to the Jesuit's reestablishment which makes
light give way to darkness."

John Wilkes Booth even wrote a Letter to Charles Selby citing the words "assassination' on it. It was
delivered to President Lincoln. Booth wrote that Abraham Lincoln must die by either the cup, the knife,
or the bullet. These tactics are similar to Jesuit-styled murders. This letter helped to convict Mrs. Mary
Surratt and other conspirators after the Lincoln assassination trials. The major plot to kill Abraham
Lincoln was matured if not started at the house of Mary Surratt. This home was located at 561 H.
Street, Washington, D.C. According to sworn testimonies it was a common rendezvous place of the
priests of Washington. The conspirators were extremely racist and said the "N" word in hatred
of black people. What set of John Wilkes Booth off even more was when he found out that
Abraham Lincoln considered giving black Americans voting rights. President Abraham
Lincoln introduce and fight for the Thirteenth Amendment to free all the slaves before he
died. To some Wisconsin Republicans, Lincoln said that: "there have been men who have
proposed to me to return to slavery the black warriors of Port Hudson ... to conciliate the
South. I should be damned in time and in eternity for so doing. The world shall know that
I will keep my faith to friends and enemies, come what will."
Lincoln was murdered on April 14, 1865 at Friday evening. Lincoln arrived in Ford's Theatre at
Washington D.C. John Wilkes Booth murdered him with a pistol shot in the back of his head.
Booth was a rumored to be a 33rd Degree Freemason and a member of the KGC (or Knights of the
Golden Circle). It’s definitely true that Booth’s brother Edwin was a Freemason. The Knights of the
Golden Circle was a radical group who called for the establishment of the Confederacy. They were a
Secret Society created by George W. L. Bickley and Rachel Ann Wishaw. The KGC wanted a pro-
slavery empire spreading in Mexico, America, Central America, and the Caribbean (The Copperhead
are Northern Confederate sympathizers). The KGC was active even in Ohio. According to Edwin A.
Sherman, Booth secretly converted to Roman Catholicism 3 weeks before Lincoln's assassination
under Archbishop Martin J. Spaulding. An Indianapolis trail implicated many Masons in his death plus
the Bank of Montreal, Canada funding $180,000 to put the plot into motion. It is certainly true that
Booth deposited funds from the Bank of Montreal. John Surratt admitted in 1870 that he used the
Bank of Montreal to service funds (and that he worked with Booth in trying to kidnap Abraham

Also, John Surratt was a major co-conspirator who hid in the Vatican bodyguard unit called the
Zoaure. Surratt escaped into Montreal then Liverpool England before he came into Rome (according
to Burke McCarthy's research, the priests of St. Joseph, Minnesota contributed to Surratt's escape
from Justice). Surratt worked with Booth in trying to kidnap President Lincoln. Freemason Edwin
Stanton & 32° Freemason President Andrew Johnson covered up information relating
to the Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Freemasonry and Impious Digest
outlined tons of research to document that information. Johnson revoked the reward
for the capture of John Surratt. He pardoned many co-conspirators and the wicked
Confederates accused of war crimes. Andrew Johnson enabled the creation of the
Black Codes (That is why Johnson was impeached, because he delayed the
enforcement of Reconstruction Laws). To Ulysses S. Grant’s credit, he opposed
Freemasonry, he supported black civil rights, and Grant disagreed with the violent
tactics of the Klan. The Black Codes were the beginning of the Jim Crow laws and these
immoral laws oppressed blacks of over a century. Many of the Black Codes restricted the
rights of Black Americans in voting, working, and even the right to own a gun. In other words,
it had anti-gun rules in them. Some speculate that Andrew Johnson had involvement in
Abraham Lincoln's death. In fact, there were 4 people who were tried, convicted and executed
for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (while the rest were sentenced to life in prison). The
4 people’s names were Davy Harold, Lewis Payne, George Atzerodt, and Mary Surratt. All 4 of
them were Roman Catholics. Lafeyette Baker arrested Mary Surratt, Lewis Paine, George
Atzerodt, and Edman Spangler. He also had the names of the fellow conspirators, John Wilkes Booth
and David Herold. Baker was an investigator hired to find those involved in the assassination. Baker
found the diary of John Wilkes Booth. He believed that 18 pages of it was mysteriously missing and
accused Edwin Stanton of doing it. Stanton denied this accusation. It later transpired that John Wilkes
Booth had received a large amount of money from a New York based firm to which Edwin M. Stanton
had connections. In 1957 Ray A. Neff of Gibbsboro, New Jersey, walked into Leary's Bookshop in
Philadelphia and purchased a faded, second-hand book for fifty cents. Unbeknownst to Neff, inside that
dusty military journal was a profound and stunning confession from the grave of a Union General named
Lafayette Baker. Baker according to Freemasonry, Baker’s coded cipher dairy revealed
something. Moreover, in 1868 Lafayette Baker would confess in his coded diary that at least
three newspaper publishers were involved, through blood money and disinformation, in the
plot to kill Lincoln. According to Impious, said:

"...As for Lincoln: in one of Lafayette Baker's coded messages, he revealed that:

" least eleven members of Congress were involved in the plot, no less than twelve Army
officers, three Naval officers, and at least twenty-three civilians, one of which was governor
of a loyal state. Five were bankers of great repute, three were nationally known
newspapermen and eleven were industrialists of great repute and wealth...eighty-five
thousand dollars was contributed by the named persons to commit the deed". (From
Pike, Benjamin, Slidell, Toombs, Bulloch, and Thompson were all in exile at war's end.
Some of them were pardoned after the Civil War like Albert Pike. Pike’s ally, Robert
Toombs came to America from England and Canada in 1867. Ex-Confederates founded
the Klan (some believe Pike was involved in its creation, while others deny it. We do
know for certain that Freemasons were in the early Klan that existed even in the late
1800’s). President Ulysses Grant opposed Freemasonry and opposed the KKK. Grant
said that the Klan worked ``by force and terror to prevent all political action not in
accord with the views of the members; to deprive colored citizens of the right to
bear arms and of the right to a free ballot; to suppress [i.e. burn] schools in which
colored children were taught and to reduce the colored people to a condition akin
to that of slavery.'' These ex-Confederates also worked with the British oligarchs to try
to control American industry. “The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of
Abraham Lincoln” by Burke McCarty and recently CT Wilcox's "The
Transformation of the Republic" document the Vatican/Jesuit link to the
assassination and cover-up of Abraham Lincoln's assassination as well. There
was also a plot to kill William Seward (the Secretary of State), Ulysses S. Grant
(but he went to New Jersey to met a dying relative), and even Andrew Johnson
(Atzerodt was told to try to kill Johnson). Lewis Payne tried to kill Seward but he
failed. Why would these co-conspirators try to bring down the whole
government? Is this similar to the goals of the Secret Societies like the Jesuits and
the oligarchical Council of Vienna and Verona (of creating a European modeled
global government where authoritarian figures will rule nations)? Yes, since the
Jesuits and Romanism back then had leaders hating the Bill of Rights and
Constitution in favor of authoritarianism. The Papacy condemned the God-given
freedom of conscience and freedom of religion in the following quotes of the
Syllabus of Errors. The Syllabus of Errors are lists of concepts (many of them are
legitimate) that the Papacy condemned in the 1800’s. This was created by Pius IX in
December of 1864. Some of these legitimate concepts that the Papacy condemned
are in the following quotes found in the Syllabus:

“…The Church ought to be separated from the State, and the State from the Church…”

“…The best theory of civil society requires that popular schools open to children of
every class of the people, and, generally, all public institutes intended for instruction in
letters and philosophical sciences and for carrying on the education of youth, should be
freed from all ecclesiastical authority, control and interference, and should be fully subjected
to the civil and political power at the pleasure of the rulers, and according to the standard of
the prevalent opinions of the age…”

“…Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of
reason, he shall consider true…”

“…In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held
as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship…”

The following exercepts are form Lincoln Second Inaugural Address from March
4, 1865. It shows the evolution of Abraham Lincoln’s thinking on various issues:

“…The Almighty has his own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must
needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall
suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God,
must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to
remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those
by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine
attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope—
fervently do we pray—that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God
wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years
of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be
paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must
be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether" With malice toward
none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us
strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who
shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve
and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations…”
Czar Alexander II

Alexander II was the Czar of Russia, who was assassinated. He is famous in Russian history
for his necessary reforms among his own people. Not that many people know about his life.
It’s certainly time to shed some light on his life and contributions from a real, diligent
perspective. He lived from 1818 until 1881. Alexander II was the oldest son of Nicholas I of
Russia and Charlotte of Prussia (or the daughter of Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise
of Macklenburg-Strelitz). He undertaken great reforms that were similar to the reforms
undertaken by Peter the Great. He was educated under the liberal romantic poet and gifted
translator Vasily Zhukovsky. Alexander II toured 20 provinces in Russia. He visited Siberia as
well. The Czar Alexander II was on the throne in 1855 after the death of his father in that year.
He handled the Crimean War. During that time before Alexander II lead Russia, corruption was
everywhere in Russia. This is why Czar Alexander II desired reforms like an attempt to not
depend on the established aristocracy to control the poor. Alexander II establish reforms
among all branches of the administration, and he developed Russia’s natural resources.
Alexander II of course worked with President Abraham Lincoln in order to protect the Union
from European invasion via a blockade of the Atlantic & Pacific coastlines. Alexander II had to
deal with anarchists and nefarious groups like Young Russia (and the anarchist Mikhail
Bakunin). Bakunin was a radical and wanted Russia to control all Slavic nations. Bakunin
bashed God blatantly & adhered to Russian colonialism. The aristocratic Aleksandr Herzen
wanted reliance totally on the village system and communal ownership of the land. Herzen
supported Palmertson’s Polish insurrection of 1863. Both Abraham Lincoln and Alexander II
had similarities indeed. Alexander II began to built a network of railways to develop natural
resources and protect its borders for defense plus attack. One of Alexander II’s greatest
contributions to history was his freedom of the serfs in Russia since serf were exploited
economically, politically, and socially. The architects of the emancipation manifesto were
Alexander's brother Konstantin, Yakov Rostovtsev, and Nikolay Milyutin. Alexander II
signed the emancipation law in March 3, 1861 that freed 20 million serfs. One source mentions

“Alexander II really believed in a free world, because Russia just abolished serfdom in 1861
and two years after that Lincoln made his famous speech – The Gettysburg address,”
Aleksandr Petrov said. Dr. Aleksandr Petrov is from Insitute of World History.

He wanted the serfs to be a class of independent communal proprietors. The Crimean War
(which was promoted by pro-Jesuit forces as documented by Edmond Paris) caused a big
defeat for Russia. So, Alexander II tried to rebuild his army and naval forces. He created
universal military conscription in January 1, 1874, which I don’t agree with. Alexander II did the
right thing though in trying to have a system of local self-government called Zemstvo for rural
districts in 1864 (and for large towns in 1870). He had 6 sons and 2 daughters. He made the
error in preventing Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Livonia, and Belarus from developing their
independence movements. Alexander II did pass the Diet of Finland along with reforms to get
Finland’s autonomy form Russia and allow Finland to have its own currency called the Markka.
After the Civil War, Alexander II was assassinated by agents from the Narodnaya Volya (or the
People's Will). He was killed by 3 bombers bombing his carriage. 2 of their names were
Nikolai Rysakov and Ignacy Hryniewiecki (Some believed that he was a revolutionary. He
was of Polish descent). Rysakov was captured almost immediately after he threw the first
bomb. Alexander II survived it. Police Chief Dvorzhitsky heard Rysakov shout out to
someone else in the gathering crowd. Ignacy was the 2nd bomber who killed Alexander II
with his explosive. Alexander II ironically was trying to have the Duma or an elected
Parliament. The assassination had been meant to ignite revolution. Hryniewiecki's fellow-
conspirators — Nikolai Kibalchich, Sophia Perovskaya, Nikolai Rysakov, Timofei
Mikhailov, Andrei Zhelyabov — were sentenced to death and were hanged on April 3, 1881.
They were buried in an anonymous common grave. According to John Daniel, Alexander II
was anti-Freemason and some believe that Alexander II broke diplomatic ties with Rome.
The Czar Alexander I back in August 1, 1822 banned Freemasonry in Russia. Alexander I
also banned the Jesuits from Russia to in 1820. Masons in Russia were mostly underground
by the time of Alexander II. In the days of Tsar Nicholas I, Freemasonry was severely
suppressed. The Scottish Rite New Age Magazine in February 1945 wrote that: “…After
1825, many Russian Masons exiled themselves to France where lodges operating in the
Russian language were sponsored by atheistic Grand Orient Freemasonry. Some of
the exiles later returned to Russia, and organized lodges in St. Petersburg and Moscow...and
had ‘an avowedly political aim and view; namely that of the overthrow of the autocracy…”
Freemasonry historically hated the monarchy. According to John Daniel, Grand Orient
Freemason Pavel Ivanovich Pestel wanting to unite all of the many Russian territories and
other places into one federal republic. This lead to the failed Decembrist Revolt of December
14, 1825. The rebels were arrested and executed in a few months later. I don’t agree with
Freemasonry. On the other hand, even I disagree with Stalin persecuting Masons and killing
them (after the Mason Astromov wanting the dictator Stalin to permit Freemasonry in
Russia). Alexander II wanted a Constitution in Russia:

“…Alexander II had progressed well with his great reforms and had attached his
signature to a Constitution to be adopted by Russia. The next day a bomb was
thrown at his carriage, which killed and wounded a number of Cossacks, who
accompanied the carriage. The Emperor in deep sympathy left the carriage to look
at the dying men, when a second bomb blew him to pieces. — Arno Gaebelien,
Conflict of the Ages, The Exhorters, p. 85.

The Czar’s death was one attack against the Orthodox power structure in
Russia. Not only Masons and revolutionaries wanted a violent overthrow of
the Czars (not even via peaceful means), but the Vatican/Jesuit network
wanted this goal as well as sources prove:

“…The overthrow of the Czarist system therefore, brought with it the inevitable
overthrow of the established Orthodox Church. To the Vatican, which had waged
war against the Orthodox Church since the eleventh century, the downfall of her
millenarian rival was too good to be true…” — Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Billions,
Chick Publications, pp. 120, 121.
Unfortunately after Alexander II’s assassination, Russia had anti-Jewish pogroms, and other
anti-Jewish legislation. People’s civil liberties were violated and police brutality came back
in full force. Alexander III and Nicholas II used the Okhrana to oppress people. Alexander
II’s legacy is that emancipation of people and reform are never a detriment to people, but a
stark achievement in the improvement of humanity.

In September 6, 1901, President McKinley was killed by a Papal Polish assassin. His name was
named Leon Czolgosz. Leon was an anarchist that was trained in many corners like from the
anarchist Emma Goldman. Goldman had a headquarters in London. She was used to organize
the Neo-Malthusian League. Bertrand Russell sponsored Goldman’s return to England.
McKinley loved his nation (Though a low level Mason) and he supported protectionism in
trade policy. McKinley was a Methodist and he wanted to break up corporate monopolies.
McKinley believed in a high protective tariff. This caused manufacturing jobs to grow strongly. The
British radical free traders disagreed with McKinley’s trade policies. In my opinion, McKinley was more
spiritually righteous than any of the other Presidents in the 20th century. McKinley was caught up in
the 1898 Spanish American War (that began after the Maine blew up). Even on April 11, 1898,
President McKinley, who was resisting the intriguers' pressure to make war, asked Congress for
authority to intervene in Cuba. McKinley’s goal was to establish peace between the government and
the rebels. "It involves . . . hostile constraint upon both parties to the contest, as well to enforce
a truce as to guide the eventual settlement," said the President's message. On trade, McKinley
commented that: “…Unconstitutional?.... They do not seem to know that the man
who made the first Protective Tariff law we ever had, in 1789 ... made the
Constitution of the United States. James Madison, a member of the Constitutional
Convention, and who afterwards became President ... reported that bill to
Congress. It passed the House of Representatives, composed ... largely of
members of the Constitutional Convention[,] ... unanimously, and passed the
Senate ... by a vote of five to one, and in that body were a large number of men
who made the Constitution itself. And that Protective Tariff law was signed by
George Washington, President of the United States…” He also said that:

“…My friends and fellow-citizens, the settlements of that war--and I speak for my
comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic--the settlements of that war must
stand as the irreversible judgment of battle and the inflexible decree of a Nation of
free men. They must not be misinterpreted, they must not be nullified, they must not
be weakened or shorn of their force under any pretext whatsoever.... It must not be
equality and justice in the written law only. It must be equality and justice in the
law's administration everywhere, and alike administered in every part of the
Republic to every citizen thereof. It must not be the cold formality of constitutional
enactment. It must be a living birthright.''
President William McKinley supported the Trans-Siberian Railway. So, McKinley was pro-
Russia. McKinley tried to stop the Spanish-American at many junctures. Even in early 1900 in
New York, President William McKinley opposed imperialism. It‘s a historical fact, that the U.S.
economy expanded in farm, mineral, and other forms of production from 1896 to 1901 during
McKinley‘s Presidency. In early 1900's, Freemasons and Knights of Columbus worked together to
build a Columbus Monument. Secretaries of State Elihu Root and Philander Knox were
Masons. They worked with a K of C to build a Columbus Monument. Taft was a
Mason and the Speaker of the House in the 1800's (named Champ Clark) was a
Missourian Democrat and he was a Freemason. In 1920, Mason Secretary of War
Newton Baker gave a Service Cross to Supreme K of C James Flaherty. Freemason
Theodore Roosevelt was not only a proponent of American Imperialism, which is evil.
Theodore Roosevelt was an ally of Cardinal Gibbons. Theodore Roosevelt called
those who possessed legitimate dissent with Romanism as "bigots." This refutes the
disinformation that no Vatican leaders collaborated with Freemasons. Roosevelt had a ranch in South
Dakota called the Maltese Ranch. He was a Governor of New York State.

Theodore Roosevelt was related to James D. Bulloch. Bulloch was the brother of Martha
Bullock Roosevelt. Martha Bulloch Roosevelt (1835-1884), was the brother of James D.
Bulloch and the mother of President Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt Sr., (1831-
1877), was the father of President Theodore Roosevelt. During the Civil War, he paid a
substitute $300.00 to fight his battles!! Theodore Roosevelt lead the charge of making
America an Imperial Nation not a Republic. This stands in contrast to the Monroe Doctrine
that didn’t want European influence or control over American foreign policies (and it
excluded colonialism). Theodore Roosevelt had police state leanings by allow Bonaparte to
create the Bureau of Investigation. The BI evolved into the FBI. Bulloch was the
Confederacy’s chief foreign agent in Great Britain during the American Civil War. He made
his base of operations in Liverpool, UK. Bulloch handled British rifles, vessels, and other
supplies. Bulloch is therefore Roosevelt’s uncle. Bulloch has been called the Confederacy's
first secret service agent. Theodore Roosevelt broke alliances and he was an extremist.
Nelson Aldrich lowered the tariff and he one of those who introduced to the Federal Reserve
(who authored included many from the Pilgrim Society). Aldrich was an ally of Rockefeller.
These cartel capitalists opposing legitimate tariffs are pro-Communists since they are the
ones who promoted a progressive income tax (which is supported by Karl Marx's "The
Communist Manifesto" and they funded International Communism for decades). Another part of
the Manifesto is the abolition of private property. That Communist tenet is apart of eminent domain.
Historically, that's part of feudalism during the time of the Middle Ages when the landlords would
control the land of the laborers. The truth is that individuals have a right to own lands in legitimate
means and not by arbitrary theft.
General George S. Patton

There is new proof that General George S. Patton was assassinated after he criticized Allied
war generals. He was born in November 11th, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. George Patton
participated in WWI as commander of the United States Army Tank Commander. He promoted
armored devices in military defense. Patton was the greatest combat general of WWII. I first
heard details about OSS agents killing George Patton from 2001. He led troops to defeat the
Nazis in Northern Africa, Southern Italy, and other places in Europe in an efficient manner. An
assassin's diary (who worked for the Office of Strategic Services or the OSS. The OSS was the
precursor of the CIA) revealed something. It revealed that American spy chiefs wanted Patton
dead, because he threatened to exposed the Allied collusion with the Russians that cost
American lives throughout the war. The Soviets kidnapped thousands of American
troops and killed them. Patton was angry about this, but the American allied leaders
tried to cover this up (The American elites were giving secret technology and nuclear
information to the Russians. Ralph Epperson described this reality in greater detail).
To this day, many folks don't realize this history. Patton died in December 1945 after he
suffered a car crash in Manheim. He was recovering and thought to be on the verge of flying
home. The military historian Robert Wilcox claimed that OSS head General "Wild Bill"
Donovan ordered a marksman named Douglas Bazata to kill Patton. Bazata stated, word-for-
word (in an announcement to the Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. in September 25, 1979.
This speech was spoken in front of 450 invited guests. Most of them were high ranking ex-
members of the OSS) that: "For diverse political reasons, many extremely high-ranking
persons hated Patton. I know who killed him because I am the one who was hired to do it.
Ten thousand dollars. General William J. 'Wild Bill' Donovan himself, director Of O.S.S,
entrusted with the mission. I set up the 'accident.' Since he didn't die in the accident, he was
kept in isolation in the hospital, where he was killed with a cyanide injection." Robert
researched this subject for at least 10 years in his investigations. Wilcox's book is entitled
"Target Patton." The book said that according to Bazata's diary, Bazata helped to stage the car
crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton’s Cadillac. Bazata then shot Patton with a
low velocity projectile. This broke his neck. The other passengers in the vehicle escaped
without a scratch. Later, Bazata claimed that agents of the NKVD poisoned the General when
he began to recover from his injuries (US officials took a blind eye to it). Bazata told Mr. Wilcox
that the accident was ordered by Papal Knight of St. Sylvester Donovan. William Donovan
(who was also a Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity person. The Vatican aided the Ustashi Massacres in
Europe and the Vatican Ratlines) was the father of the CIA and he received the Lateran Award
from the Vatican. George Patton was once a friend of Dwight D. Eisenhower, and then they’ve
clashed. Patton believed that Eisenhower issued too many concessions and compromises toward the
Soviet Union. General George Patton desired to train the Germany army to fight
against the Soviet Union, because it was inevitable that the dictatorship of the USSR
will grow as another superpower after World War Two. He wanted to end the
dictatorship of the Soviet Union once and for all. Patton didn‘t realize that the USSR
was a funded enterprise of the elite (via money from the International bankers from
New York and London. Many of these bankers were Knights of Malta, Pilgrims,
Bonesmen, and high level Masons) in other to have monopolies and restrict real
freedoms in the world. Communism is indeed evil, but it‘s just one paradigm in the
whole system. Eisenhower prevented General George Patton to get oil supplies to his
troops. Eisenhower prevented Patton to close the Falaise gap in the Fall of 1944. This allowed
hundreds of thousands of German troops to escape to fight again. The Battle of the Bulge
came up because of this reckless policy (from the awarded Knight of Malta Dwight D.
Eisenhower) leading to the deaths of thousands of Americans. The U.S. 3rd Army was halted
from going into Berlin or Prague even earlier. So, the Soviets came into Berlin first. Patton
disagreed with the orders. These orders included that he hold back his army. Also, these
orders called on Patton to wait for the Soviet Army to occupy German, Czech, Romanian,
Hungarian, and Yugoslav territories. In 1945, Patton was the commander of the U.S. Third
Army. Additionally, he was the governor of the greater portion of the American occupation
zone of Germany. He was so aggressive that he is credited to contributed to the Allied victory
against the Nazis. Patton won battles quickly in Tunisia, in Sicily, in the cracking of the
Siegfried Line, etc.
General Erwin Rommel was a genius war strategist. Later in his life, he became
opposed to the evil and bigotry of Adolf Hitler. Some point to his chivalry. Rommel
insisted that Hitler be arrested and brought to trial for his crimes. By the time of his
head injuries, Rommel had made up his mind to do his part to get rid of Hitler.
During Rommel's time in France, Hitler ordered him to deport the Jews in France.
Rommel disobeyed the order. Several times he wrote letters protesting the treatment
of the Jews. He tried to free the German People from the dictator of Hitler and
opposed the Holocaust that harmed people of many backgrounds. His life is
certainly an inspiration that in our own lives, there is nothing weak in chivalry and
standing up against tyranny in any land.

Now, Patton’s first major assignment in WWII was in Tunisia. The General Rommel at first
defeated the American forces in Tunisia. Patton came to Tunisia, built up the American forces
to defeat Erwin Rommel’s forces. This Operation was called Operation Torch in North Africa.
By May of 1943, Patton and British Field Marshall Montgomery’s troops pushed the Nazis into
the Mediterranean Sea (after Montgomery won battles in the Kasserine Pass). Eisenhower
switched Generals in Operation Torch. Covertly, Eisenhower committed adultery against his
wife by going out with a woman named Kay Summersby, who was British. Patton and
Montgomery worked together to take the island of Sicily. Eisenhower fire-bombed major
German cities such as Dresden, even if they had no military use at all, (or when even no
major soldiers were quartered there). They did it just to terrorize the public into
submission. Of course to do this they had to burn women, children and the elderly to death
in their beds in the middle of the night. The Freemason Lindbergh spoke of the Morgenthau
Plan, which Eisenhower implemented in post-war Germany. This plan was about allowing the
American Soldiers being forbidden to feed or aid the starving German people in any way. Excess
food was burnt so it could not be scrounged out of trash cans. Most of the officers and soldiers in
post-war Germany were sickened by these conditions, and Patton was by far the most vocal. At
one point he wrote: "... I shall prove even more conclusively that he [Eisenhower] lacks
moral fortitude. This lack has been evident to me since the first landing in Africa, but now
that he has been bitten by the Presidential Bee, it is becoming even more pronounced."
Patton even publicly stated he was going to move back to the United States and publicly
denounce all of Eisenhower's policies as genocidal and inhumane. General George Patton knew
he was in mortal danger. His family spoke after his death of his letters home in which he warned
he might be killed by friendly fire, so to speak. Some of this stuff I only knew of recently.
Eisenhower is something else. George Patton fought in the extremely bloody fighting around
Bastongne in December 1944 and January 1945. Patton told the Secretary of War Robert
Patterson that:

“…Patton rejoined: "I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate
to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the
coop and cattle on the hoof -- that's their supply system. They could probably maintain
themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no
difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to
you. They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain
themselves going back. Let's not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . .
we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the
liberation of Europe. We have lost the war!"

It isn’t a secret that the Soviet Union was aided to be strengthen by the internationalists. So,
strange things occurred against George Patton to make World War II end much longer than
expected. I don’t agree with Patton’s views on Jewish people. The reason is that many Jewish
people have been dedicated to liberty, equality, justice, and individual liberty for thousands of
years. Not all Jewish people are monolithic. Patton was right that captured people shouldn’t
have special accommodations in treatment. Everyone captured in war should be treated the
same. Patton believed that Americans could defeat the Soviets, which it could because
Americans had huge victories in WWII. Patton felt that U.S. forces would have huge support in
Europe to free the Soviet Union. Patton avoided death on plenty of occasion. For example, on
April 21st, 1945, Patton was flying to Third Army Headquarters when his plane was attacked
by what they assumed to be a German fighter. On the other hand, it turned out to be an
inferior Polish pilot in a Spitfire. On the 3rd of May, an ox-drawn cart charged Patton's jeep.
This incident slightly injuring the general. Patton had been warned that he was on a hit list.
He told his family that he didn't expect to leave Europe alive. People wanted him dead since
George Patton had an independent mind that would threaten the political aspirations of
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Patton wanted to tell the real truth about Eisenhower, Omar
Bradley, other generals, etc. General Patton wanted to expose the secrets of WWII when he
came home to the U.S.A. The new world order crew loved Eisenhower. Eisenhower had ties
to the Bohemian Grove. His Presidency was a mixture of legitimate policies and a stagnant
ideology pertaining to government. Yet, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s deception during WWII can
never be omitted or justified at all. World War II was a very destructive event where millions of
human beings were murdered. Patton's assassination was of course immoral. If Patton was alive after
November 21, 1945, the wicked dictatorship of the USSR could have been cut down. Millions of lives
could have been saved literally from oppression.

John F. Kennedy got a chance to miss out on the growth of his children and his wife. JFK's
assassination still remains as a controversial issue in the world. Certainly, new evidence
proves that it was a conspiracy. Firmly, his death and especially his cover up was done by
many factions. Researchers mention that some of these factions are the Vatican/Jesuits
(including many Knights of Malta) & high level Freemasonry via Permindex. I will write more
on backing this point up. British Knight of Malta Louis M. Bloomfield was a leader in
Permindex. He is from Canada and Montreal have many Jesuit influences in that spot. JFK was
changing. He opposed the authority of the Pope to influence America in a speech as early as
1960. That is why President John F. Kennedy rejected vouchers and said that the American
Constitution is to be followed above canon law. JFK also opposed the influence of Secret
Societies in 1961 to a group of newspaper journalists. Here is President John F. Kennedy's
quotation about opposing Secret Societies (in relation to intelligence agencies like the CIA for
their corruption):

"...The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently
and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided
long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far
outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in
opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there
is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And
there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those
anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not
intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control...For we are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of
influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead
of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted
vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that
combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its
preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its
dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no
secret is revealed… I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the
American people…" (Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association He said it
at April 21, 1961). Kennedy warned the public about the inside-plot to overthrow the
U.S. government 10-days before he was assassinated:

“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to
destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must
inform the citizens of this plight.” —President John Fitzgerald
Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963,
ten days before his assassination!
President John F. Kennedy wanted to eliminate the power of the CIA (including their covert
acts and LSD experiments against citizens). JFK's conflict with the CIA began with the Bay of
Pigs invasion. By 1959, the dictator of Cuba named Fluencies Batista y Zaldívar. Batista was a
dictator. He ruled in Cuba for many years even in the 1940's. He was loved by Western
interests for his opposition to Grau's socialism. Batista had contact with the Mafia. His
business relationship with Meyer Lansky is well known. Lucky Luciano came into Havana with
a false passport. A summit occurred in Havana's Hotel Nacional. It had mafia chieftains from
North America like Frank Costello, Vito Genovese, Santo Trafficante, Jr., Moe Dalitz, and others. In
the meeting, they confirmed Lucky Luciano's authority over the U.S. mob. This occurred near Frank
Sinatra's singing debut in Havana. Rebels protested Batista's dictatorship including his suppression of
certain leaders. One rebel was a Jesuit trained Communist named Fidel Castro. Castro led an
unsuccessful rebellion in 1953 at Santiago. His successful one occurred in 1959. Batista was
overthrown and the CIA at first tolerated Castro. The CIA gave Castro supplies. During the
revolution, Castro’s headquarters was Havana’s Hilton Hotel, remembering that Knight of
Malta Barron Hilton owned that hotel. There were sincere anti-Communist Cubans in the Bay
of Pigs, but the U.S. government covertly sabotaged their efforts. This was done in order to
continue the fraudulent Cold War (and both sides were funded by the Vatican, high level
Masons, Pilgrims, etc.), which maintained Fidel Castro's power in Cuba. Castro even visited
the US from April 15 to April 26, 1959. Even then Vice President Richard M. Nixon compared Fidel
Castro to Abraham Lincoln. Certain American leaders wanted Fidel Castro overthrown because of him
seeking to bring more control over his food and resources away from corporations like United Fruit.
Castro even forbade foreign land ownership that cut into Western profits in Cuba via the First Agrarian
Reform law of May 1959. As early as March 17, 1960, the Eisenhower Administration agreed to a
recommendation from the CIA to equip and drill Cuban exiles for action against Fidel Castro. Richard
Mervin Bissell, Jr.,one of Allen Dulles' three aides, was made director of Operation Zapata. Thi was
the CIA's codename for the operation. Low agents who trained others for the Bay of Pigs or were
involved in the Bay of Pigs Operation include E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, those in the Brigade
2506, Felix Rodriquez (who is part of Operation 40. Operation 40 was another anti-Castro program
supported by the CIA. Even Richard Nixon presided over Operation 40. Eisenhower created it in
March of 1960), and others. The Bay of Pigs invasion lasted from April 15 to April 19, 1961. It was a
failed action, because the CIA and others made internal errors about Cuba plus Castro's support.
Many died and of course John F. Kennedy took responsibility because he was the President at the

The truth is the opposite. Even the CIA created an internal report that internal incompetence among
the organizers of the Invasion was to blame for the Bay of Pigs debacle. Even McGeorge Bundy said
that he made mistakes in the affair. According to Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty in his book, “JFK,”
it was Skull and Bonesman McGeorge Bundy, (JFK’s National Security Advisor), who
canceled that air cover. Bundy even admitted it seventeen years later, as Prouty proves in his
book. Kennedy was furious! He fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and CIA Deputy Director
Charles Cabell as well as CIA Director for Plans Richard Bissell. An April 29, 2000 Washington
Post article, "Soviets Knew Date of Cuba Attack", reported the CIA had information indicating that the
Soviet Union knew the invasion was going to take place and did not inform Kennedy. Kennedy
made Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and Charles Cabell to resign because their errors. JFK
didn't trust the CIA and wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and
scatter it into the winds." ("CIA: Marker of Policy or Tool? survey finds widely feared
agency is tightly controlled" is the title of the article proving that the Soviet Union knew
that the invasion was taking place. The New York Times from April 25, 1966 is the
source of it). Even after the disaster, covert U.S. operations continued in trying to
overthrow Castro. Even RFK approved of Operation Mongoose. Castro was evil and
a dictator though, so I'm not into Castro's philosophies. It's ironic that some the same
members of the Bay of Pigs/Operation 40 clique are tied to Watergate and the
Iran/Contra scandal. Kennedy passed National Security Action Memos 55, 56, and 57
restricted much of the covert acts of the CIA. These memos placed that power unto the
U.S. Joints Chiefs of Staff. JFK didn't want to compromise with the Soviets, but he
endorsed the lessening of tension between America and the Soviet Union. That is why he
signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in the 1960's. The Cuban Missile Crisis was another
problem in 1962. It was when the Soviets shipped missiles into Cuba. JFK ordered a blockade
against Cuba. Both sides negotiated a deal to end the standoff in Cuba. Some radical military
officials seek a military invasion of Cuba. Although, John F. Kennedy rebuked them because
such an invasion would cause a world war (and harsh destruction in the globe). JFK covertly
got rid of the missiles from Turkey in exchange of the Soviets of getting rid of their missiles
from Cuba.
Left to Right: This image shows Louis Bloomfield, Bernard Bloomfield ( or Louis’
brother), and David Ben-Gurion. This picture was taken in Israel on May 4th, 1949
when the Bloomfield brothers met Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion at a garden
party celebrating Israel’s first birthday. (Photo from Israel Diary, by Bernard
Bloomfield, 1950). The Knight of St. John Louis M. Bloomfield loved Jesuit-run
Universities in North America. He was the personal friend of Clay Shaw. Louis M.
Bloomfield was a a member of the secretive 1001 Club. Freemason and the Duke of
Edinburgh Prince Philip founded the 1001 Club.

John F. Kennedy desired to stop nuclear weapons to be sent in Labor Zionist controlled Israel
(The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz on February 5, 1999, in a review of, Avner Cohen's book, “Israel and
the Bomb,” proves this fact). Then Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion disagreed with JFK's wish
of Israel having no nuclear weapons. John F. Kennedy wanted Israel to have no nuclear weapons,
because he believed that this policy would ease tensions during the wild era of the Cold War. One
month before JFK was murdered in Dallas, President John F. Kennedy told the AZC (or the American
Zionist Council that they need to register as a foreign agent. This is the law of the land). JFK elected
pro-Israel person Myer Feldman, but JFK didn’t trust him. This is why according to Seymour Hersh: “...
Hersh has written that “the president’s most senior advisors, most acutely McGeorge Bundy,
the national security advisor, desperately sought to cut Feldman out of the flow of Middle
East paperwork.” JFK had his own suspicions about Feldman, according to his close friend,
journalist Charles Bartlett, who recalled visiting JFK at his home in Massachusetts where talk
turned to Feldman’s Zionist agenda. JFK said, “I imagine Mike’s having a meeting of the
Zionists in the cabinet room.” John F. Kennedy didn’t want special interest dictating his
foreign policies at all. On October 17, 1963, Judge Rifkind, representing the AZC, asked that
they not be required to register as a foreign agent, since "it would eventually destroy the
Zionist movement." The plea was denied by JFK's DOJ, led by his brother, Robert Kennedy.
J. Walter Yeagley notes of DOJ AZC meeting attended by Nicholas Katzenbach. So, it’s
clear that John F. Kennedy was America first. There is nothing wrong with being a
peaceful Zionist who believes that Jewish people have a right to live in Israel (along
with promoting equality and fairness for everyone in Israel plus all human beings in the
rest of the Middle East) though. Another reason that JFK was independent in terms of foreign
policy is that John Kennedy was a moderate in Middle Eastern affairs. He wanted peace for Israel, but
Arabic nationalism to spread in Algeria and Saudi Arabia. President John F. Kennedy wanted to help
the Palestinians as well. President John F. Kennedy expressed this views in the following quotation:

“…This nation, from the time of President Woodrow Wilson, has established and
continued a tradition of friendship with Israel because we are committed to all free
societies that seek a path to peace and honor individual right. We seek peace and
prosperity for all of the Middle East firm in our belief that a new spirit of comity in that
important part of the world would serve the highest aspirations and interests of all
nations. In the prophetic spirit of Zionism all free men today look to a better world and in
the experience of Zionism we know that it takes courage and perseverance and dedication
to achieve it.

Israel was not created in order to disappear—Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child
of hope and home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by
success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom. We
support the security of both Israel and her neighbors.…” (JFK’s Statement on May 8,

JFK deal with many issues during his Presidency. He was for nationalism in the Third World.
Back in July of 1957, Senate Kennedy gave a speech on the Senate floor denouncing the
French colonial occupation of Algeria. This made the front page of the New York Times.
Later, Algeria was given independence in 1962. Kennedy also criticized the French brutality
in the French Algerian War. Kennedy made ties with the Egyptian President Nasser. Nasser
wanted pan-Arabic nationalism. Nasser publicly endorsed Algerian independence from
France. This caused France to unite with Israel to fight against Egypt in the Suez Crisis of
1956. President Kennedy had voiced strong, albeit private, opposition to Israel’s development
of the Bomb. The Kennedy Administration was well-aware of Israel’s nuclear reactor in
Dimona. In fact, Kennedy and Ben-Gurion got into a heated personal exchange over that
issue. Kennedy was concerned about Israel’s nuclear capabilities and made a secret deal for
regular American inspections of the nuclear reactor in Dimona in exchange for Hawk
antiaircraft missiles. This was something that Ben-Gurion overtly wanted. Ben-Gurion
allowed an inspection once, but it was a deception. JFK wanted further inspection of the
Dimona facility. Historian Michael Beschloss wrote that "in the fall of 1963, Kennedy
and Rusk were indeed casting about for some kind of cooperation with the Russians to
keep Israel from going nuclear."
Research in this nuclear issue has been made by the famous & the controversial author
Michael Collins Piper. Piper wrote about this topic in his book entitled “Final
Judgment.” I guess folks want to see my impressions of the book. I’ve read much of the
book before. Piper’s book is long, comprehensive, and mostly accurate in its
composition. I agree with a lot of his information. I don’t agree with some parts of his
book of course. It’s an excellent book in describing the background of JFK’s
assassination. “Final Judgment” discusses facts about Mafia leader Meyer Lansky, CIA
Counterintelligence chief, James Jesus Angleton, Jack Ruby, other personages. Lansky had
major holdings in Cuba but managed to retire with a net worth of 300 million dollars. Eric
Jon Phelps wrote that Charles Luciano was more powerful than Lansky. Luciano would
organize the Mafia’s Commission and was a kingpin of organized crime. Lansky was another
kingpin too. Yet, Lansky was an advisor like Bugsy Siegel to the Luciano family. The
Gambino family was a powerful Mafia family. It is documented that in 1962, the Gambino
family had about 30 crews and over 1,000 soldiers alone, making the family to a
$500,000,000-a-year-enterprise. This is something that Michael Collins Piper don’t reveal for
obvious reasons. Piper accurately wrote that President John F. Kennedy appointed the new
CIA Director John McCone to stop Angleton (from using efforts to support Israel’s nuclear
weapons program). According to Pulitzer Prize winning author Seymour Hersh, President
Kennedy was profoundly committed to nuclear nonproliferation and was categorically
opposed to nuclear weapons in the Middle East. This meant that the Kennedy administration
opposed Israel’s nuclear program. Hersh stated that JFK exerted heavy pressure on Israel to
stop the program and he was serious about it. One problem with the book is that it doesn’t
expose the Knights of Malta, Papal Knighthoods, the nefarious history of the leadership
of the Vatican, or even other Secret Societies in a concrete fashion. Even the Masonic &
Papal (plus Royal) Knighthoods are more powerful than the Mossad (One example is
how Shimon Peres was just made a Knight of Sts Michael & George by Queen Elizabeth II.
These Knighthoods back the Israeli government). The Knights of the Equestrian Order of the
Holy Sepulcher (This is a very high level group seeking influence in Jerusalem), the Knights
of St. Gregory, the Pilgrim Society, and the Constantinian Order are heading much of the
international banks & geo-political entities globally in 2010. The Sovereign Military Order of
Malta (or the Knights of Malta---SMOM) is an international order that is composed of the
world's Black Nobility. The SMOMs are not only composed of bankers. Among its ranks
include businessmen, politicians and intelligence operatives. These facts are taboo even in
some alternative media circles to expose. Even though the Mossad’s wicked legacy ought to
be exposed like all evil should be exposed.

Michael Collins Piper in his “Final Judgment” almost praises the pro-Nazi philosophies of
Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy, the father of JFK. Joseph Kennedy was involved in the
short selling that contributed to the Great Depression. Piper refuses to show how numerous
Catholic leaders and Jesuit influenced puppets were instrumental in creating the Holocaust
during World War 2. 2 famous pro-Nazi Freemasonic bankers of WWII were the late
Crusaders Montague Norman (He was the President of the Bank of England) and
Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht (Schacht was the President of Hitler's
Reichsbank). Hjalmar was also the financier of the Nazi German Army. Knight of
Malta Franz von Papen brought the Fuehrer to power in 1933. He also facilitated the
finalizing of the Reich Concordat in 1933 with Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio
Pacelli—in the Vatican. Does Michael Collins Piper expose this stuff? The answer is NO.
Michael Collins Piper certainly knows about the Jesuits since he quotes the bigoted
Jesuit La Civilta Cattolica magazine. I certainly realize the Jesuit‘s goals and it‘s to
destroy the principles of the Protestant Reformation (among other things). Spotlight
Magazine was influence by pro-Papal Nazi Willis Carto. Carto was a friend of Knight
of Malta J. Peter Grace. Grace was an industrialist. The Liberty Lobby was founded by
Willis Carto, who was a disciple of the Jesuit trained & fascist Francis Parker Yockey.
Michael Collins Piper is pro-Vatican. You can’t be truly opposed to the agenda of the new
world order and omit the Vatican’s wicked history (like the Inquisition, the Ustashi
Holocaust that killed almost 1 million people, the suppression of religious & political
freedoms, the Syllabus of Errors, and the list goes on and on). Unlike others (we know their
names), I expose the Masons, the CFR, the Labor Zionists, the Vatican, the Pilgrims, the
Trilateralists, the Bilderbergers, the occult Secret Societies, and the whole nine yards. That’s
my M.O.

“Final Judgment” intentionally omits the Vatican connection to world events in order to
promote the limited view that Mossad had the primary role in the Kennedy assassination.
Piper is accurate to prove that that the Mossad and members of the Israeli establishment
didn’t want to go along with President John F. Kennedy’s agenda. Piper omitted how high
level Freemasons via the Warren Commission and Knights of Malta were involved in the
cover up of John F. Kennedy’s death as well. I see that those who use intentional omissions
about these issues especially in the 21st century are apart of something. It’s apart of a
campaign in my opinion in order to try to harm Semitic people (whether they be of Jewish or
Arabic descent). It’s also a means to whereby some can try to demonize unfairly the entire
Patriot movement with one brush of extremism. There is infiltration by these agents in the
alternative media. It isn’t just the usual suspects like pro-New Agers Crème, Jordan Maxwell,
Arcahya S, etc. They include Michigan Republican candidate & Knight of Columbus Brian
Rooney, the Dame of Malta Phyllis Schalfy from the Eagle Forum, and others. In the final
analysis, JFK was a moderate in terms of handling Israeli policy indeed.

There was the Yemen conflict that began when Yemen's leader Iman Ahmed died of natural
causes in September 18, 1962. Ahmed was an archaic man and his successor Prince
Mohammad al-Badr (who was Ahmed's son) was more eccentric than Iman Ahmed was. al-
Badr would climb trees and sit on a tree branch for an extended period of time. This is why
the Prince was overthrown by Colonel Adbullah al-Salal. He was the commander of the
Royal Guard. The colonel experienced inhuman condition when he was imprisoned by the
elder Iman. Badr went into the mountains and called for tribesman for his cause to regain the
throne. The Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia gave al Badr assistance. Nasser gave the new
republican government of Yemen his support. John F. Kennedy wanted Yemen to hold the
coalition of the Islamic state together and deal with the conflict as a civil war. He
wanted the Yemenite government to solve its problems themselves. Nasser sent about
70,000 Egyptian troops to support the military regime in Yemen. Saudi Arabia support
al-Badr's guerrilla movement, so Saudi Arabia and Egypt disagreed on the Yemeni civil
war. When JFK died in 1963, the civil war bogged down and disrupted Arabic unity for
many years afterward. JFK opposed colonialism in his own following words:

``Call it nationalism, call it anti-colonialism, call it what you will ... Africa is
going through a revolution. The word is out--and spreading like wildfire in
nearly 1,000 languages and dialects--that it is no longer necessary to remain
forever poor or forever in bondage.''
JFK wanted to stop the Federal Reserve Bank from printing fiat currency (JFK issued the
Executive Order 11110 in June 4, 1963. This allowed the President to allow the U.S. Secretary
of the Treasury to issue silver certificates against silver bullion. This action based on authority
delegated by the President to the Secretary under the Thomas Amendment to the Agricultural
Adjustment Act. This was in order done to stabilize the silver currency creating bimetalism). President
John F. Kennedy desired to end the Vietnam War by 1965. Oliver Stone's JFK DVD has special
features in it, which discussed information about Vietnam. Kennedy hoped that an U.S.
withdrawal strategy will make the South Vietnamese to take up the slack in forming a more
tranquil government. According to Colonel Fletcher Prouty, McNamara and Taylor's memo to
the President convinced JFk that the USA needed to withdraw from Vietnam in the future. The
memo was entitled "Report of McNamara Taylor Mission to South Vietnam."

In those special features of Oliver Stone's JFK DVD, a JFK assassination researcher
named James di Eugenio cited a secret May 6, 1963 plan approved by Secretary of
Defense MacNamara. Item 2 of this document cites a plan to withdraw 1,000 troops by
December 1963 and all U.S. servicemen by 1965. This was retrieved via the FOIA. JFK
still didn't want the Communists to run South Vietnam though. He expressed that in speeches
and interviews from late 1963. In honestly, The Vietnam War was a Papal Crusade. For
example, Diem was a Catholic educated man in America. He was sent to try to kill the
Buddhists and create a Catholic theocracy in Vietnam. That's why many Buddhists protested
by burning themselves on fire. Now, Diem became so corrupt that he was murdered by his
opponents in November 1963. LBJ on videotape admitted that he and a group of military
generals approved of Diem's death, because Diem was so crooked. Cardinal Francis Spellman
was the strongest clergyman in favor the war of Vietnam. Spellman acquired a special
paranoia against Communism (when International Communism funded by the elite). The
Vatican played both sides against each other in the Vietnam Civil War. That is why even Ho Chi
Minh had a meeting with the Pope of Rome. JFK wanted the bloodbath to end and he
especially wanted to later end American involvement in the war. It wasn't until after his death like
National Security Memorandum 273 was sent to LBJ by CIA Director John McCone (in November 23,
1963 at 8:30 am.) continued U.S. military involvement in Vietnam.

Author Robert Morrow wrote in his book that:

"... In effect, as of November 23, 1963, the Far East would replace Cuba as the thorn
in America’s side. It would also create a whole new source of narcotics for the Mafia’s
worldwide markets. — Robert Morrow, First Hand Knowledge, Shapolsky Publishers,
p. 249). Webster Tarpley further writes in his book entitled, “George Bush: The
Unauthorized Biography” that:

“…It is a matter of public record that Kennedy met with MacArthur in the latter part
of April, 1961, after the Bay of Pigs. According to Kennedy aide Theodore Sorenson,
MacArthur told Kennedy, "The chickens are coming home to roost, and you
happen to have just moved into the chicken house." 10 At the same meeting,
according to Sorenson, MacArthur "warned [Kennedy] against the commitment of
American foot soldiers on the Asian mainland, and the President never forgot this
advice." 11 This point is grudgingly confirmed by Arthur M. Schlesinger, a Kennedy
aide who had a vested interest in vilifying MacArthur, who wrote that "MacArthur
expressed his old view that anyone wanting to commit American ground forces to
the mainland [of Asia] should have his head examined." 12 MacArthur restated
this advice during a second meeting with Kennedy when the General returned from
his last trip to the Far East in July, 1961...”

JFK and especially RFK additionally wanted to destroy the Mafia. That's why RFK led a crusade to jail
leading Mafia figures for criminal activities. RFK accused Jimmy Hoffa of allowing Mob figures to fund
his Labor services. Hoffa was in jail by the 1960's via RFK's efforts. After JFK's death, the Mafia made
a lot of money in the Golden Triangle. Some writers even believe that John F. Kennedy desired to
invade Cuba by December 1, 1963 (according to a new book called "Ultimate Scarfice" written by
Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann. Castro was advised by Jesuit priest Armando Llorente in his
revolution). President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, so Cuba's fate was sealed in tyranny.
The murder of President John F. Kennedy occurred on Friday, November 22, 1963 at 12:30 pm.
Crowds were cheering before his death. This as the last run before the heart of his 1964 re-election
campaign. His limousine traveled throughout downtown Dallas. The Secret Service were told to not be
exactly on the vehicle. At 12:30 in the afternoon multiple shoots fired killing John F. Kennedy. He was
rushed to Parkland Hospital. The fatal shot was probably the one that blew his head off. A little known
fact is that John F. Kennedy supported cutting taxes (and other stimulus policies. Notice that JFK
promoted giving money back to middle class workers along with closing loopholes.
Notice that the marginal tax rates back then was as high as 91%. Some liberals believe
that it is wrong to see the tax reduction as a supply-side cut, like Reagan's and Bush's;
since it was a demand-side cut. "The Revenue Act of 1964 was aimed at the demand,
rather than the supply, side of the economy," said Arthur Okun, one of Kennedy's
economic advisers). President John Kennedy in his own words desired to truly stimulate economic

"Expansion and modernization of the nation's productive plant is essential to accelerate

economic growth and to improve the international competitive position of American industry
... An early stimulus to business investment will promote recovery and increase employment."
– John F. Kennedy, Feb. 2, 1961, message on economic recovery

"We must start now to provide additional stimulus to the modernization of American
industrial plants ... I shall propose to the Congress a new tax incentive for businesses to
expand their normal investment in plant and equipment."
– John F. Kennedy, Feb. 13, 1961, National Industrial Conference Board

"A bill will be presented to the Congress for action next year. It will include an across-the-
board, top-to-bottom cut in both corporate and personal income taxes. It will include long-
needed tax reform that logic and equity demand ... The billions of dollars this bill will place
in the hands of the consumer and our businessmen will have both immediate and permanent
benefits to our economy. Every dollar released from taxation that is spent or invested will
help create a new job and a new salary. And these new jobs and new salaries can create
other jobs and other salaries and more customers and more growth for an expanding
American economy."
– John F. Kennedy, Aug. 13, 1962, radio and television report on the state of the national

"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and
business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby
aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate."
– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963, message to Congress on tax reduction and reform,
House Doc. 43, 88th Congress, 1st Session.

"The largest single barrier to full employment of our manpower and resources and to a
higher rate of economic growth is the unrealistically heavy drag of federal income taxes on
private purchasing power, initiative and incentive."
– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 24, 1963, special message to Congress on tax reduction and reform

"A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal
budget. Every taxpayer and his family will have more money left over after taxes for a new
car, a new home, new conveniences, education and investment. Every businessman can keep
a higher percentage of his profits in his cash register or put it to work expanding or
improving his business, and as the national income grows, the federal government will
ultimately end up with more revenues."
– John F. Kennedy, Sept. 18, 1963, radio and television address to the nation on tax-reduction

On January 14, 1963, President Kennedy sent his last State of the Union Message to
"I can report to you that the state of this old but youthful Union, in the 175th year of its life, is
good . . . At home the recession is behind us . . . There may now be a temptation to relax. For
the road has been long, the burden heavy, and the pace consistently urgent. But we cannot be
satisfied to rest here. This is the side of the hill, not the top. The mere absence of recession is
not growth. We have made a beginning -- but we have only begun. Now the time has come to
make the most of our gains -- to translate the renewal of our national strength into the
achievement of our national purpose . . .
"Tax reduction alone, however, is not enough to strengthen our society, to provide
opportunities for the four million Americans who are born every year, to improve the lives of
32 million Americans who live on the outskirts of poverty. The quality of American life must
keep pace with the quantity of American goods. This country cannot afford to be materially
rich and spiritually poor.
"Therefore, by holding down the budgetary cost of existing programs to keep within the
limitations I have set, it is both possible and imperative to adopt other new measures that we
cannot afford to postpone. These measures are based on a series of fundamental premises,
grouped under four related headings:
"First, we need to strengthen our Nation by investing in our youth . . .
"Second, we need to strengthen our Nation by safeguarding its health . . .
"Third, we need to strengthen our Nation by protecting the basic rights of its citizens . . .
"Fourth, we need to strengthen our Nation by making the best and the most economical use of
its resources and facilities . . .
"We are not lulled by the momentary calm of the sea or the somewhat clearer skies above.
We know the turbulence that lies below, and the storms that are beyond the horizon this year.
But now the winds of change appear to be blowing more strongly than ever, in the world of
communism as well as our own. For 175 years we have sailed with those winds at our back,
and with the tides of human freedom in our favor. We steer our ship with hope, as Thomas
Jefferson said, 'leaving Fear astern.'"
Exactly one week before his death, President John F. Kennedy spoke to representatives of
the working man at the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial
Organizations convention and explained how a peacetime economy thrives. He said that:

“…We've increased industry's ability and desire to hire men through the most extensive
and promising Trade Expansion Act in our history, through the most comprehensive
Housing and Urban Renewal Act of all time, through liberalized depreciation
guidelines and through over a billion-dollar loan to small businessmen. We have
boosted the purchasing power and relieved the distress of some of those least able to
take care of themselves--by increasing the minimum wage to $1.25, which is still much
too low, and expanding its coverage by three and a half millions, which is still too little;
by increasing Social Security benefits to men and women who can retire at the age of
sixty-two; by granting for the first time in the history of the United States public
assistance to several hundred thousand children of unemployed fathers; and by
extending the benefits of nearly three million jobless workers. By doing these things
and others we have attempted to work for the benefit of our people. And I can assure
you that if we could obtain--and I see no good reason why we should not--the prompt
passage of the pending $11 billion dollar tax reduction bill, we will be sailing by next
April on the winds of the longest and strongest peacetime expansion in the history of
the United States…The average factory worker takes home ten dollars a week more
than he did three years ago, and two and a half million people more are at work. In
fact, if the economy during the last two and a half years had grown at the same lagging
pace that it did in the last two and a half years of the fifties, unemployment today
would be 8 percent. In short, we have made progress, but all of us know that more
progress must be made. That's what we're here about. I'm here today to talk about the
right to work--the right to have a job in this country in a time of prosperity in the
United States. That's the real right-to-work issue of 1963...But tax cuts are not enough,
and jobs are not enough, and higher earnings and greater growth and record prosperity
are not enough--unless that prosperity is used to sustain a better society. We can take
real pride in a $600 billion economy and seventy million jobs only when they are
underwriting to the fullest extent possible to improve our schools, to rebuild our cities,
to counsel our youth, to assure our health and to care for our aged and infirm. Next
Monday the House Ways and Means Committee will open its hearings on a bill too long
delayed to provide hospital insurance for our older citizens. These hearings are
desirable, but the facts are known. Our older and retired workers are sick more often
and for longer periods than the rest of the population. Their income is only half that of
our younger citizens. They cannot afford hospital insurance. Their children cannot
afford to pay hospital bills for three generations--for their children, for themselves and
for their parents. I have no doubt that most children are willing to try to do it, but they
cannot, and I think that the United States should heed its responsibilities as a proud and
resourceful country. I cannot tell whether we're going to get this legislation before
Christmas, but I can say that I believe that this Congress will not go home next summer
to the people of the United States without passing this bill. I think we should stay there
till we do…”

Edward Kennedy spoke on economics as a Senator in these words as well:

``I believe in free enterprise, but I believe in active government too ... A federal
program is not the solution to every problem. But there continues to be an important
federal role in solving the problems of our society by investing in people and the
infrastructure needed for our country to succeed and our citizens to thrive. To believe
otherwise is hostile to the basic values of our country and to the historic concept of
'we the people' in our constitution. We must not rob the people of the resource of
government. It is their government, and we must make it work for them ... People
want government to be lean, not mean. There is a large difference ... between using
government to promote the general welfare and misusing it to pander to the powerful
and punish the powerless ... We must also resist our opponents' mindless anti-
government vendetta against regulation, a rhetoric leading to an across-the-board
assault on government that hides a multitude of injustices and indifferences.''

*President John F. Kennedy was heavily opposed to imperialism and he desired Third World
nationalism. This is something that some establishment liberals and establishment conservatives
fail to recognize. America by 1958 wanted to provoke a coup d'Etat in France, because of
a feared independent Algeria (via the FLN who the West thought would open a way for
the Soviets to influence Algeria). The operation was lead by the CIA's Allen Dulles and
NATO. Charles de Gaulle conversely became more anti-Anglo American establishment.
He first wanted the colonies to posses autonomy. Yet, finally de Gaulle granted
independence to each colony. President John F. Kennedy supported Algerian
nationalism as well. John F. Kennedy called for Algerian independence as early as 1958.
John F. Kennedy was basically a realist in Middle Eastern policy. He wanted Israel to be an
ally, but Kennedy also wanted the Palestinian refugee crisis to be resolved (including he
desired a better relationship with the Arabic states). He opposed the expansion of nuclear
material in the Middle East (including in Israel) and he desired a peaceful resolution
involving the Middle Eastern crisis. This angered the CIA and NATO, who tried to kill de
Gaulle on many times. Around Charles Pasqua, French officials created the SAC (Civic
action services). The SAC was a militia to protect him. de Gaulle became more
independent by supporting Quebec's independence, and he rejected the UK going into
the European common market (in 1961 and 1967). De Gaulle kicked France out of
NATO (in 1966). He also rejected US imperialism among Latin America. de Gaulle
resigned by 1969. JFK supported nationalism in the Congo as well.

President John F. Kennedy is certainly underrated in his intellect. He could speak eloquently
and he delivered speeches filled with passionate vision on a myriad of issues. JFK wasn't
perfect, but he did do many legitimate things. Later on his Presidency, Kennedy took concrete
steps in opposing the agenda of the military industrial complex. This occurred especially in
1963, which was revolutionary in that time. The establishment left (one such person was a
professor I had in college who was a liberal. Yet, she respected Eisenhower's foreign policy
more than JFK's foreign policy. She implied JFK as been aloof, which is silly) and the
establishment right hate him. The reason is JFK wasn't a brainwashed person
following political paradigm. One record of JFK is that after the Bay of Pigs error,
President John F. Kennedy fired CIA Director Allen Dulles and others for their Bay
of Pigs debacle (Bundy admitted his mistake). In 1962, he faced the Cuban Missile
Crisis. He ordered a blockade to stop the crisis and prevent more Soviet missiles from
coming into Cuba. Kennedy wanted peace, so he issued secret channels with Nikita
Khrushchev to get rid of Soviet missiles from Cuba (while the USA covertly got rid of their
missiles from Turkey). John F. Kennedy opposed many of the Generals like Curtis Le May
since many of them desired an unilateral invasion of Cuba. LeMay was wrong since that act
could cause a conflict among the USA and the then USSR. Attorney General Kennedy
worked with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dorbrynin to solve the problem since the military
was putting pressure on Kennedy to strike Cuba. In his memoirs, Khrushchev recalled a
further, chilling sentence from Robert Kennedy’s appeal to Dobrynin: “If the situation
continues much longer, the President is not sure that the military will not overthrow him and
seize power.” Khrushchev wanted to give the President help. As 1963 came about, both
Kennedy and Khrushchev desired constructive peace efforts. They both supported a joint
USA/Soviet march to the Moon. On November 12, 1963, JFK issued his National Security
Action Memorandum 271. This memo ordered NASA to implement his “September 20
proposal for broader cooperation between the United States and the USSR in outer space,
including cooperation in lunar landing programs.” They wanted a more peaceful planet as
Kennedy rejected a Pax Americana plan of the enforcement of American weapons of
war in the world. This is opposition to the military industrial complex as they are
dependent on the Pax Americana ideal (as said in his American University Address
speech. Khrushchev and the Soviets loved the speech). Kennedy in July 25, 1963 signed
with the Soviets a partial Nuclear test pan treaty. Kennedy negotiated the Test Ban
Treaty without consulting the Joints Chiefs of Staff since they opposed it. Kennedy took
on Big Steel. The reason was that Big Steel formented price fixing in violation of their
agreement between U.S. Steel and the United Steelworkers’ union. In a head-on
confrontation with the ruling elite of Big Steel, JFK ordered the Defense Department to
switch huge military contracts away from the major steel companies to the smaller,
more loyal contractors that had not defied him. Some in the establishment hated JFK for
these acts. Kennedy talked with Castro in trying to find a better relation with America. He
issued the top secret order on October 11, 1963 to begin withdrawing the U.S. military from
Vietnam. In National Security Action memorandum 263, he ordered that 1,000 U.S. military
personnel be withdrawn from Vietnam by the end of 1963, and that the bulk of U.S.
personnel be taken out by the end of 1965. Defense Robert McNamara was told by the
President that he wanted helicopters gone from Vietnam too. With his assassination, the
Vietnam war escalated causing about 58,000 Americans to die and over 3 million
Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians to die.

John F. Kennedy unlike LBJ was for Third World nationalism. President John F.
Kennedy supported the newly independent countries of Africa in the early 1960's
and the President Sukarno of Indonesia. Sukarno wanted to be neutral and he
coined the phrase of Third World. Yet, the CIA wanted him dead. Under
Eisenhower's Presidency, the CIA tried to kill and overthrow Sukarno, but they
failed. Sukarno visited the White House in 1961 with the support of JFK. The CIA
didn't like this. President John F. Kennedy wanted to work Sukarno and agreed to
meet Indonesia in the Spring of 1964. If this occurred, Kennedy would overtly
show his support of Third World nationalism. Since JFK was murdered, LBJ
allowed the CIA to overthrow Sukarno in a purge of suspected Communists. More
than 500,000 to 1 million Indonesians died from the event. Kennedy wanted to see
an end of the contrived Cold War and extend his thinking into new arenas.
Quakers told JFK to harbor peace and give a food surplus to China. Kennedy said that
he should follow the words of Jesus, but the China Lobby in Washington would resist
him. In the fall of 1963 (or a year later), he gave wheat to the Russians since they had a
severe grain shortage. His critics were saying that he was funding his enemies, yet it isn't
evil to give legitimate aid to those starving or in need of legitimate supplies. So, President
John F. Kennedy was a more eloquent advocate for peace than his critics proclaim. LBJ
will never be JFK. JFK not LBJ proposed a war on poverty, civil rights legislation, a
decrease of military involvement in Vietnam, housing legislation, etc. LBJ passed much of
Kennedy's legitimate proposals dealing with Voting rights and Civil rights. Certainly,
Kennedy realized that he didn't fear death and that true peace wouldn't be accomplished
in his lifetime. Yet, there is nothing unrealistic and far reaching to promote the real tenets
of a more peaceful world (that exists with nationalism, negotiations, strength, and peace).
God is the Truth and we have every right to improve our course in life to project the
creed of justice.
President John F. Kennedy respected the contributions of immigrants in terms of their
keen actions in developing the culture of America. John F. Kennedy when he was
President called for immigration reform in America. He wrote about it in his 1958 book
entitled, “A Nation of Immigrants.” JFK was brilliant. He could read 1200 words a minute.
He could read 5 newspapers in an hour and a book in a couple of hours. Of course, Joe Alsop
saw John F. Kennedy write Profiles in Courage. My mother brought the book. I read some of
it and it was really good. It‘s one of the greatest books I‘ve read in my life. It‘s easy to read.
“Profiles in Courage” eloquently outlined the various modes and times pertaining to
American politics including American society in general. He wrote almost in their entirety,
the Berlin Wall Speech and the Civil Rights Speech in June of 1963. He threw out Sorenson's
text because he didn't like it. He wrote in that prose about Immigrants in 1958 (all of
these quotes are accurate and relevant today) that:

“This was the secret of America: a nation of people with the fresh memory of old
traditions who dared to explore new frontiers, people eager to build lives for
themselves in a spacious society that did not restrict their freedom of choice and

“Immigration policy should be generous; it should be fair; it should be flexible. With

such a policy we can turn to the world, and to our own past, with clean hands and a
clear conscience.”

“Every ethnic minority, in seeking in its own freedom, helped strengthen the fabric of
liberty in American life. Similarly, every aspect of the American economy has profited
from the contributions of immigrants.”

“The contribution of immigrants can be seen in every aspect of our national life. We
see it in religion, in politics, in business, in the arts, in education, even in athletics and
in entertainment. There is no part of our nation that has not been touched by our
immigrant background.”

The Warren Commission existed soon after JFK's death. The cover up existed in the autopsy. Texas
law forbids people who died in the state of Texas from being removed without an autopsy. In 1963,
leading doctors were held at gunpoint as JFK's body was removed by the Secret Service from the
hospital without an autopsy. The cover up gets deeper. According to Eric Jon Phelps: "...Further, the
reason Knight of Malta Secret Service Director James J. Rowley (whose brother Francis was a
Jesuit priest!) ordered that Connally's clothes be taken from Congressman Gonzales' home
and immediately cleaned was to remove the residue from the explosive shot from Greer. That
shot from inside the vehicle left residue all over Connally as Greer's gun was about two feet
away from the Governor. Further, both Jean Hill and Mary Moorman saw Greer shoot his
handgun but thought he was shooting back at the assassin..." Lyndon Baines Johnson helped
invent the Warren Commission. During the time of the assassination in November of 1963, mob
related scandals followed unto LBJ's doorstep. One was the Bobby Baker scandal and others. That is
why John F. Kennedy planned on making Johnson be dropped form the 1964 ticket. Johnson and
Hoover was caught on tape wanting no other opinion to be sanctioned out of the Warren Commission
other than a single bullet creating all of the damages in JFK. On November 21, 1963 (in Hotel Texas
at Fort Worth), JFK and LBJ had a heated debate over the motorcade seating arrangement. Johnson
wanted his friend Connally to ride with him in the rear vehicle. Johnson left when he didn't get his way.
This made JFK to say his last words to Evelyn Johnson that: "...Johnson
will not be on the ticket."

On November 27, 1963 at 4:01 pm., Johnson spoke to Columnist Joseph Alsop from the
Washington Post about resisting attempts to have an independent investigation of the
Kennedy assassination. LBJ was one of the people who ordered JFK's limo to be cleaned and
refurbished immediately after the murder (That eliminated key evidence in the case of multiple
shooters). Every member of the Warren Commission had connection to the elite. Only 1
member of the Warren Commission had second thoughts who was Boggs. Earl Warren of the
Commission was a former Klansman of California. Warren also was a 33rd Degree Freemason.
The Commission possessed plenty of conflicts of interests. On example is how Allen Dulles
was part of it when he was fired by JFK. Lyndon Baines Johnson covered up information
about the JFK assassination and he benefited from his death. Authors and writers believe that
LBJ had involvement in JFK's death. If he was involved, LBJ wasn't at the top of the pyramid.
At best, he was mid-level puppet of the establishment (whose controlled by the Pilgrim
Society, the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasonry, and other organizations). There is
another view that Lyndon Johnson had no involvement in the Kennedy assassination though.
Jim DiEugenio and Seamus Coogan believe that later in Lyndon Johnson’s life that he
believed that the assassination was a product of a conspiracy (and special interests were
involved in it).

Lyndon Johnson was an ally of the Vatican. He was present in the funeral of Knight of
Columbus Francis Cardinal Spellman in 1967, and Lyndon Johnson was a friend of priest
Schneider. According to the CFR-influenced columnist Drew Pearson, LBJ was considering to
become a Romanist for years. According to some sources, he was baptized into the Roman
Church before his death. Other testimonies from others talk about a conspiracy pertaining to
the JFK assassination. According to James Rothstein, low-level CIA agents implicated in the
plot were Roman Catholic Frank Sturgis, etc. They believed JFK betrayed them in the Bay of Pigs
failed invasion (using the USS Essex). Rose Cheramie (who knew Ruby) said that people would
kill the President before it happened (as proven by James di Eugenio's Probe Magazine). ex-
CIA agent Robert Morrow claimed to be involved in a conspiracy to kill the President also. E. Howard
Hunt admitted in a deathbed confession that elements of the CIA and LBJ had foreknowledge and
involvement in the death of President John F. Kennedy. Hunt's son named Sir John Hunt talked with
JFK assassination researcher Jim Marrs about this very issue.

JFK's pal Sen George Smathers reveals that on the return flight from Florida, days before the
assassination, that Lyndon Johnson was upset about the seating arrangement for the
motorcade and the President told him, "Johnson wants Jackie to ride with him.“ Jean Hill
wrote that Lyndon Johnson was ducking before the shots were fired into the car:
"...“What are you talking about?” Jean asked innocently. “I don’t understand.”
“My friends in the motorcade say he started ducking down in the car a good 30 or
40 seconds before the first shots were fired. I’d say that’s just a little peculiar
wouldn’t you?” “Oh, come on, J.B,” Jean Hill said, thinking he had to be joking.
“They obviously weren’t serious, were they?” “As far as I know they were dead
serious.” J.B. said. “One of them told Maguire that he saw Johnson duck down
even before the car turned onto Houston Street, and he sure as ____ wasn’t
laughing when he said it.” “Well, maybe Johnson just dropped something on
the floor and bent over to pick it up. I mean there can be a simple
explanation.” “Maybe so.” J.B. said. “I don’t claim to know what his reasons were
but this guy said it sure looked like he was expecting bullets to be flying. When I
heard it, it made me start wondering about a whole lot of other stuff too.”(Jean
Hill, "JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness", Pelican Publishing, p. pp. 114-116). And as
the shots were fired at Dealey Plaza, Senator Ralph Yarborough saw something even more interesting
than the puffs of smoke coming from the Grassy Knoll. In the midst of the commotion he turned and
saw Johnson was listening to a walkie talkie radio hanging over the rear seat; which was "turned down
real low".
What's interesting is that Oswald not only had CIA and FBI connections. His cousin was a Jesuit
priest named Eugene Murret. Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby. The midnight press conference
of Oswald held on the evening of November 22, 1963. A video shows Jack Ruby at the back
of the room and proves that Ruby (who was armed) was stalking Oswald and his murder of
him was not spontaneous. NO prints were found on the 7.65 Mauser rifle. The parafin test on
Oswald was NEGATIVE which means that Oswald did NOT fire any weapon that day. Tippit
was shot with an automatic, and Oswald had a revolver. Deputy Chief of police George
Lumpkin was a member of The 488th Military Intelligence Unit along with Lt Col George
Whitmeyer and Jack Crichton. Contrary to versions from Johnson and Connally that it was
Kennedy's idea to come to Texas, Ted Sorensen says that Kennedy was begged to go there.
LBJ was a President after JFK. JFK was one of the first men in America to publicly say I'm opposed
to Secret Societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings in 1961. Even though he was a K of C, that
was brave of him to say it. What's interesting is that there is a picture of LBJ getting a wink and
a smile from Congressman Albert Thomas. His wife, Lady Bird, is smiling by his side. LBJ
would swear on a Missal book and was a friend of Priest Schneider. One missing link
revolving around the JFK assassination that few talk about is Permindex. What was
Permindex? Permindex is a shadowly corporation that was once based in Switerzland. The
New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison charged businessman Clay Shaw with
participation in the JFK assassination conspiracy. Jim Garrison said Clay Shaw was a CIA
agent. In 1979, Richard Helms, former director of the CIA, testified under oath that Clay Shaw had
been a part-time contact of the Domestic Contact Service of the CIA, where Shaw volunteered
information from his travels abroad, mostly to Latin America. Jim Garrison soon discovered about
Permindex. A primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva,
founded by Tibor Rosenbaum, an arms procurer and financier for the Mossad. Louis M. Bloomfield
was the chairman of Permindex. Clay Shaw was In 1946-1965, Clay Shaw was the manager and
director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. Bloomfield is not only a member of the
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, but he also was an ally of the Jesuits in Canada. Permindex
supplied industries internationally, especially in America. On their board of directors were known
fascists. One was Ferenc H. Simonfay, Major-General in Hungary and a Nazi collaborator. Italy
expelled Permindex in 1962 for their subversive activities. The following are about the shots. The
shots occured in Dealey Plaza. We all agree that all of windows on the 6th Floor of the Book
Depository Building wasn't sealed off correctly. The Zapruder film captured all of the shots
that hit JFK. According to Eric Jon Phelps, Abraham Zapruder, who was the person caught the
film was a 32nd degree Jewish Freemason.

Freemasonry's connection to this event and cover up is really powerful. Complex is a word to
describe this portion of the John F. Kennedy mystery, but the reality becomes obvious. The
official government story involving the shooting was that Oswald alone from the 6th floor of the Book
Depository Building fired 3 shoots. The first shot missed, the second one hit Kennedy and Connaly
(This bullet turns right and left. It's found in almost pristine condition), and the last one blew Kennedy's
brains out. This is called the Magic Bullet Theory. For the bullet to travel according to the Warren
Commission, the bullet must go through the spine (one of the strongest bones in the body). My
research and the real truth makes manifest of the point that more than one bullet hitting JFK in more
than one direction. One example of this is why John F. Kennedy's head was moving back into the left,
which is sign that one shot came from the front. An Expert Wrecht said that JFK's moved backward
from the left which means that a shot was from the front. Wrecht theorized that the bullet could be
from the Grassy Noll. Some witnesses came into the Grassy Noll believing that a shot occurred
from that location. Now if Kennedy was shot from behind only, then an entry wound be at the
back of his head. Notice how the investigation of his wounds wasn't complete. Even all of his
autopsy wasn't complete and his brains was missing. The refutation of the entry wound in the
back of his head is easy. A New York Times reporter at the day of the assassination named Tom
Wricker wrote about the doctors who treated JFK. He writes that Dr. Malcolm Perry (an attending
surgeon) and Dr. Kemp Clark (the chief of neurosurgery at Parkland Hospital) said that John F.
Kennedy was shot in the throat just below the Adam's apple. This wound both Doctors said was a sign
of an entry wound which means it had to come from the front. Also, JFK had a wound in the back and
one in the right side of his head. Malcolm, a JFK press Secretary said that the head wound was in the
right side of the temple in the front of Kennedy's head. The wound in the back his head is the exit
wound. Dr. Paul Peters, Dr. Richard Dulany, Dr. Jenkins, and others all speak of a large hole in
the back of JFK's head. Therefore, shots from the front shot entry wounds in front making
Oswald not capable of creating all of the shots. Roger Craig describes the two men Arnold
Rowland told him he saw in the sixth floor window 15 minutes before the arrival of JFK's
motorcade. Also, a female witness confirms Rowland's observation that there were two men
on the sixth floor. Mark Weiss, who is an acoustics expert, cite a 99.99% certainly that more than
one bullet hit from different directions hit the President of the United States possibly from the Grassy
Noll. He said this in the late 1970's. More than one shot hitting a person from different directions is by
definition a conspiracy. There are at least 5 shots fired that struck near or at John F. Kennedy.
Here's a simple summary of them:

1). The first shot missed the car completely and ricoheted off the curb far ahead of the car and a
fragment grazed James Teague, a bystander in the cheek.

2). The second one hit JFK in the neck from the front because Connally immediately looked over to
his right shoulder to see the origin of the sound. This is when Kennedy clutched his throat which is
known in the Zapruder film and other sources.

3). The third shot struck John Connally in his back causing 5 wounds (in the right back, right chest, the
entry and exit wounds are located at the right wrist and one wound on the left thigh). John Hankley of
the JFK II film believes all 3 wounds were made by all 3 different bullets.

4). The fourth bullet hit JFK in the back.

5). The fifth shot struck JFK's head (at the right temple) from the front and a large exit wound
was on the right side of JFK's head.

*According to Wheaton M. Coward, a great JFK assassination researcher, other shots we're
included like:

-A shot that struck Elm Street behind the President's car seen by witnesses.
-The shot that hit a manhole in the plaza. This bullet came from atop the County Records Building
used by the gunman Deputy Harry Weatherford (a bullet was found these 3 minutes after the firings
-The shot which another bullet hit the windshield from the front of the car of the presidential to the right
of the steering wheel (John Hankley, doctors, and other witnesses described this shot).
-John Hankley in his JFK II film document how a bullet was in the roof frame of the vehicle where
John Fritzgerald Kennedy was murdered.

To still believe that all of these bullets originated from one gunmen firing from the
Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) is purely folly, desperation, and denial. These
shots alone destroy the Warren Commission's claim that there were only 3 shots
fired and all of them were fired directly from the Depository building executed by
Lee Harvey Oswald. The Bullet's condition involving Connally was strange. Large
bullet fragments were removed from Connally's leg and wrist. They look almost like
powder. Yet, the bullet retrieved from the hospital looks almost like it's in prestine
condition. It wasn't missing any fragment. It was found in the wrong stretcher
since it was discovered on Connally's stretcher. Dr. Cyril Wrecht examined
bullets the Warren Commission tested. He said that a bullet tested in cotton
stricking nothing have a minimum protrusion. The next bullet hit a goat and it
was different. Another bullet hitting a human cadevar shows a huge deforming of
the bullet's nose. The stretcher bullet (claiming to hit Connally and break his ribs
destroying some bones and hit his wrist) look almost pristine. The nose of this bullet
look unchanged. This stretcher bullet also has no blood on it. The Single Bullet
Theory is a lie created by the Masonic Warren Commission basically believing that
one bullet proceded from the TSBD by Lee Harvey Oswald hit JFK and caused all of
Connally's wounds and all bullets in the Dallas scene. Lyndon Johnson discusses his
plan to stop Congress from investigating the Kennedy Assassination with J. Edgar Hoover
(This is exposed from a tape). Robert Kennedy confronts Johnson in a phone conversation
about reports Johnson has received from Hoover on RFK and the Justice Dept., to which
Johnson denies having received any Hoover reports on RFK "at any time.” LBJ lied to RFK
of course. Not only RFK, but Jacqueline Kennedy believed that more than one person
murdered her husband. According to David Talbot of Slate -"…the president's brother
and widow believed that JFK had been killed by a large political conspiracy. And
although Lee Harvey Oswald was a former defector and alleged Castro
sympathizer, they believed the conspiracy was domestic…." Dallas motorcycle
officer Bobby Hargis, who rode at the rear of JFK's limo during the Dallas motorcade, says
that limo driver William Greer "slowed down…almost to a stop." Connally also lied that he
saw JFK slump, but the truth is that JFK never collapsed to ground when he was shot.
Cardinal Spellman is standing in the Middle of Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy
who were Presidential candidates in 1960. Cardinal Spellman back then was the
Archbishop of New York and the Spiritual Head of the American Knights of Malta.
The Knight of Columbus Spellman was a very powerful man who worked with
business leaders, Presidents, religious figures, and other personages in the Cold War.
Spellman was a well known supporter of the destructive and money draining
Vietnam War. JFK opposed the view that church must mix with the state. President
John F. Kennedy advanced the principle that the Constitution is superior to canon
law in America.

The Zapruder film simply proves that to be a lie. If there were just one gunmen using a
mannlicher-Carcano rifle, he or she would, according to the Warren Report, use a minimum of
2.3 seconds between each shot to accomplish the goal of injuring Connally and killing JFK.
There was in fact an one-second delay between when Connally reacted to being hit in the back
and the time JFK was shot in the head. Therefore, there wasn't enough time for one gunmen
for fire these 2 shots at the same place, therefore it was at least 2 gunmen equaling a
conspiracy. It was just less than 2.3 seconds and this can be collaborated by the eyewitness
account of Mary Woodward. (a junior reporter on the Dallas Morning News during the time of
the assassination).
She even wrote an article telling of the assassination before JFK's death was announced to
the public. Her details are in an interview found in this source:

" thing I am totally positive of in my own mind is how many shots there were. And there
were three shots. The second two shots were immediate. It almost as if one were an echo of
the other, they came so quickly. The sound of one did not cease until the second shot..." (The
Men Who Killed Kennedy, The Cover Up, N. Turner from

More than 1 bullet came in a short span of time is conclusively shown by a witness hearing as
an echo, shown forth by the Zapruder film, and this fact refutes the Warren Commission's
deception on this issue. The bullet that hit Connally was solely from the TSBD Building since
that bullet came from a high position to the right. Connally before being hit was sitting
sideways forcing to his right as he turned to look behind to hear where the gunfire came from
which hit JFK in the neck.

Also, the bullet was from the right since all of his final wounds were to the left and below.
While the first wounds were on the right and on the top so the bullet's travel was in a diagonal,
but straight line which the shooter fired from the upper floors of the TSBD. Now you know the
truth about these shots that hit John Fitzgerald Kennedy and John Connally. More than one
bullet hit the limosine, therefore by definition it's a conspiracy. The driver David Greer acted
strange. David Greer slowed the vehicle when making the turn. Yet, in the Zapruder film, Greer
looked back temporary when he should be on the road driving. He only accelerated the speed
in his car exactly when John F. Kennedy was shot in his head. Greer wasn't even questioned
of his evil behavior. Some believe that Greer was the shoot of JFK in the vehicle like William
Cooper. One reason for this action is that Greer made sure Kennedy died then he speed out.
JFK's body was abused. The body was stolen by the Secret Service and sent into Washington
D.C. David Lifton said that Kennedy's body was placed in a bronze casket. It was then placed
in Air Force One. Lifton said that wounds looked different from the doctors in Parkland than
the later inspection of the body. Lifton believes that the body was carved up to cover up the
entry and exist wounds of the bullet wounds. Dr. Paul Peters and other doctors said that an
incision might of been made to cover up the bullet in the right side of JFK's temple.

Now, an accessory to murder is still as guilty to murder since an accessory knows the truth,
but intentionally assists the conspirators involved to cover up what occured. Lee Harvery
Oswald was arrested from a mysterious description. The police didn't have any evidence
against him to arrest him. John Hankley's JFK II documentary proved that Lee Harvey Oswald
worked for the FBI during the time of the assassination. His FBI number was SI 79. When
Oswald was arrested, his wallet had the name, address, and phone number of Dallas FBI agent
of James Hosty. Witnesses according to the JFK II film saw packages being exchanged
between FBI agents and Oswald. On a side note, there is certainly a George H. W. Bush, John
Connally, and Richard Nixon connection to the cover up of the John Fritzgerald Kennedy
assassination. Spotlight Magazine reported that E. Howard Hunt was in Dallas during the time
of the President's murder and accused Hunt of being involved in his death. The Spotlight
Magazine cited a memo from Richard Helms as evidence. Helms was a CIA Director during the
Nixon administration. Hunt sued Spotlight for slander and lost. Hunt later confessed to his
involvement before his death in 2007. Helms testified in the 1970's that Marita Lorenz worked
for the CIA in trying to kill Fidel Castro. Lorenz admitted that she was part of the anti-Castro
CIA Operation called Operation 40 (from 1960-1963). In November of 1963, she said she worked
for CIA operative Frank Sturgis. She said Sturgis told him to drive on a mission from Florida to
Dallas, Texas. She did that. The vehicle Sturgis drove had men and guns in them. Lorenz said
E. Howard Hunt came in passing out maps and money. When Marita Lorenz saw this, she was
scared since this target apparently was toward an American not Castro. She told Sturgis "I'm
getting the H___ out of here." She left Dallas and flew back into Miami. The next day, JFK was
murdered. Sturgis returned to Miami and said to Marita Lorenz that we made history plus we
killed the President. The YAF/John Birch Society wanted to place an ad, "Wanted for
Treason," with a black border, into the newspapers the day JFK was assassinated in Dallas,
Texas. Members of the Birch Society paid for the ad.

Hunt and Sturgis didn't have the ability to militate the body, allow the media to cover the truth
up, etc. So, both of these men are low-level co-conspirators. Richard Nixon choose E. Howard
Hunt to steal files from the Watergate Building. Hunt was one of the heads of the Watergate
burglary. Hunt was arrested for the Watergate burglary. He was placed in jail. Hunt told
Richard Nixon that he need to send him $1 million or he will reveal a lot more. He started to
talk about himself as a CIA assassin. Nixon called the FBI to not investigate Hunt's activities in
Mexico or it will uncover the "Whole Bay of Pigs thing." What does that mean? According to
Nixon advisor H. R. Hadleman's book entitled "The Ends of Power," , "It seems that in all of
those Nixon references in the Bay of Pigs, he was actually referring to the Kennedy
assassination." Nixon wouldn't care about an FBI investigation of Hunt unless he was trying to
cover up something. What was that? It could be that Jack Ruby was working for Congressman
Richard Nixon in 1947. Nixon admits that he was in Dallas during the Kennedy Assassination.
Yet, Nixon gave conflicting accounts of what he doing when Kennedy was killed. In 1964, he
said he was in a plane then 9 years later, he said he was in cab. Nixon was close to Texas
Democrat ex-Governor John Connally. Nixon was a puppet and was supported by a big
political leader named Prescott Bush. George H. W. Bush was in the political in the 1960's. He
lost numerous elections in Texas. Bush was the Director of the CIA in 1974. How did the
assassination of JFK occur in a nutshell? JFK angered the establishment in his policies.
According to many witnesses (like E. Howard Hunt, Frank Strugis, Marita Lorenz, etc.) reported
that more than one shooter was involved in the assassination. Even In 1979, The House Select
Committee on Assassinations concluded that there was a "probable conspiracy" in the murder
of JFK and that organized crime members "possibly" were involved.

With JFK's policy getting rid of tax allowances for oil transnational corporations (plus his war
against the Mafia), he angered the status quo of Big Banking, Big Oil, Organized Crime, and
the Military Industrial Complex. The Secret Service (against their wishes) were forced to stand
down in Dallas. They were prevented from standing near the vehicle where JFK was sitting on.
This was against Secret Service protocol. Colonel Fletcher Prouty said of this in a video. The
support of the Army was cancelled. He's the Pentagon Liaison to the Secret Service and the
CIA. Motorcycled police didn't ride beside the limousine also when it made that sharp turn in a
slow speed. The only power structure with that power to act that way would exist in the
highest levels of the U.S. government and intelligence agencies globally (These entities are
controlled by groups like the Knights of Malta, the Pilgrim Society, high level Freemasonry,
and the Pilgrim Society. These groups are further controlled by the Vatican/Jesuits and the
City of London). The Jesuits like Saurez advocated assassinated when necessary: 'If the
public cause cannot meet with its defense in the death of a tyrant, it is lawful for the first who
arrives, to assassinate him.' [Defensio Didei, Jesuit Suarez, Book VI. C 4, Nos. 13, 14].
Permindex apparently funded those connected with those who opposed JFK's agenda and the
JFK assassination. Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, and NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein all are
either claim to be conspirators in the JFK assassination (except Rothstein) or they have
claimed to knew details of it. All 3 sources believe that elements of the CIA were involved in
John F. Kennedy's death. Hunt goes into claim that LBJ was a key co-conspirator in the events
of the assassination, especially during the cover up (although, LBJ is a puppet. He's under the
establishment). John F. Kennedy angered people for his investment tax credit for industrial
development, his opposition to J.P. Morgan’s steel price increase, his order for the Treasury to
print non-Federal Reserve U.S. currency, his stance on Vietnam, and other policies.

On June 10, President John F. Kennedy gave the commencement address at American
University in Washington, D.C. He spoke of the following words:

"What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by
American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I
am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth
living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a
better life for their children -- not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men
and women -- not merely peace in our time but peace for all time . . . 'When a man's
way please the Lord,' the Scriptures tell us, 'he maketh even his enemies to be at
peace with him.' . . . The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war.
We do not want a war. We do not now expect a war. This generation of Americans
has already had enough -- more than enough -- of war and hate and oppression. We
shall be prepared if others wish it. We shall be alert to t to stop it. But we shall also
do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are
just. We are not helpless before that task or hopeless of its success. confident and
unafraid, we labor on -- not toward a strategy of annihilation but toward a strategy
of peace."
Malcolm X mentioned the following words: "I am not a racist. I am against every
form of racism and segregation, every form of discrimination. I believe in human
beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their

He also said that: “You and I, 22 million African-Americans — that's what

we are — Africans who are in America. You're nothing but Africans.
Nothing but Africans. In fact, you'd get farther calling yourself African
instead of Negro…”
-Malcolm X, April 3, 1964, at Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio
from the famous “Ballot or the Bullet” Speech

Malcolm X
Unraveling here is one of the perplexing mysteries of our time. Malcolm X is figure that
certainly inspires people to be strong in projecting the idea of never being afraid to endorse
human rights publicly. I’ve understood the life, struggle, and death of Malcolm X on a higher
plain at February 1996 when I was 12 (being 13 years old later on that year, so I was born in
1983). Today, I fathom tons of facts about Malcolm X. He was born in May 19, 1925 in Omaha,
Nebraska named Malcolm Little. Louise Norton Little was his mother being a homemaker. His
father was Earl Little, who promoted the Black Nationalist Movement of Marcus Garvey. Earl
died and it is suspected that the white supremacist groups of the Black Legion were involved
in his death. The reason is because Little’s strong preaching and civil rights activism. The
Black Legion gave death threats to him. Little wanted black people to come to Africa similar to
the sayings of Marcus Garvey. Louise went into a nervous breakdown and her 8 children were
split into foster homes and orphanages. Malcolm was smart in his school work and was
focused. He graduated from junior high at the top of his class, but his school teacher
discouraged his goal of being a lawyer by saying that it was “no realistic goal for a n____.” He
dropped out, worked odd jobs, traveled to Boston and NYC.

Malcolm was also embroiled in narcotics, prostitution, and gambling rings. His friend with him
was Malcolm “Shorty” Jarvis. “Shorty” and Malcolm were arrested and convicted for burglary
charges in 1946. Malcolm was sent to prison in Charleston, MA. By 1948, he learned of the
racist cult of the Nation of Islam. The N.O.I. was invented by a salesman and Elijah Muhammad
took it over later. This is the ironic thing. Wallace D. Fard, the salesman, invented the Nation of
Islam. Wallace Fard was half Polynesian (Asian) and half-white. Fard called himself a religious
teacher. Fard told Elijah Poole, son of a Baptist minister in 1931 to dress like Arab Muslims
from the Middle East (he actually used African clothing). Poole left Christianity and Fard gave
him the name Karriem. Then, Fard tried to slander black Christians and said that Christianity
was a white man’s religion and that black people need to embrace his version of Islam when
Muhammad owned slaves. The N.O.I. called Fard “Master” Fard Muhammad like in slavery
times.I will never call a man Master except God. You can believe that for
certain. Fard, again, was a half-white man forming the Nation of Islam with his lies about
Christianity. The Nation of Islam’s doctrines include that black people are superior to all other
people and white people are devils created by the scientist Yaccub in the island of Patmos.
They also feel that after the end times, the black man will once again reign the Earth. They’re
obviously wrong since no human ought to be degraded in dehumanization and all men are equal in the
eyes of God. We ought to be no respecter of persons. From one blood, God created all mankind.

In February 1964, a friend of Malcolm warned him that he refused to bomb his car on
orders of a mosque official from the N.O.I. Malcolm X said his famous “Ballot or
Bullet" speech in 1964 as well. When he traveled to Mecca in April 19, 1964, he longer
was a racist, but wanted equality for all men with a new, positive insight into race
relations. Also, Malcolm X visited Saudi Arabian Prince Faisal, Nigeria, Libya, Morocco,
and other places before his death. He came there to unite black people worldwide to
advance justice for black people in America. Malcolm X supported interracial marriage in a
January interview at 1965 and talked of good white people in 1964-1965. Malcolm X said
these words:

"...Well, I think that the only way that two different races can get along with each other is, first,
they have to understand each other. That cannot be brought about other than through
communication dialogue– and you can't communicate with a person unless you speak his
language. If the person speaks French, you can't speak English or German…This does not
mean that we should go out and initiate acts of aggression indiscriminately in the white
community. But it does mean that, if we are going to be respected as human beings, we
should reserve the right to defend ourselves by whatever means necessary. This is recognized
and accepted in any civilized society…I believe in recognizing every human being as a human
being, neither white, black, brown nor red. When you are dealing with humanity as one family,
there's no question of integration or intermarriage. It's just one human being marrying another
human being, or one human being living around and with another human being. I may say,
though, that I don't think the burden to defend any such position should ever be put upon the
black man. Because it is the white man collectively who has shown that he is hostile towards
integration and towards intermarriage and towards these other strides towards oneness. So,
as a black man, and especially as a black American, I don't think that I would have to defend
any stand that I formerly took. Because it's still a reaction of the society and it's a reaction that
was produced by the white society. And I think that it is the society that produced this that
should be attacked, not the reaction that develops among the people who are the victims of
that negative society...I believe in a society in which people can live like human beings on the
basis of equality." (Malcolm X's interview with Pierre Berton on January 19, 1965).

Although for me personally as a black man, I want to marry in the future a black woman.
I desire to have sons and daughters with a black wife in the future. I will always love
black women for their tenderness, honesty, and profound strength. A black woman is
sweet inside and out. A sister can stimulate me emotionally & romantically in a
excellent fashion. I do respect any man and any woman as an equal to me regardless
of their nationality. Nothing will ever change that at all. That's just me. There is nothing
with other people having interracial dating or interracial marriage though, so I want to
make that clear. It’s certainly true that interracial children and non-interracial children are
blessings from Almighty God. Likewise, there is nothing wrong nor immoral about
promoting black unity. Black Unity is a wonderful and beautiful form of human
existence. In June 21, 1964, Malcolm X created the new group of the Organization of Afro-American
Unity. Its purpose was to in his own words to do “whatever is necessary to bring the Negro
struggle from the level of civil rights to the level of human rights.” He believed in Black
Nationalism and self defense. He reinforced the ideal that unity with whites, but first there
must be black unity. Malcolm X said you can’t unify with other groups unless the black people
must be unified themselves. On regular occasions, he received death threats, intimidation,
monitoring, and even assault by 2 men. He was the first prominent American man to oppose
the Vietnam War publicly in 1964. He was the first black man in public to use the
phrase African American. Also, he was the first man to publicly expose the
connection plus the collaboration between the Masonic KKK (including the
funding from H. L. Hunt and Lincoln Rockwell to the Nation of Islam that many
folks don’t about even know today) and the Nation of Islam. The N.O.I.
Malcolm rightfully said that the KKK and the N.O.I. had the “same
paymasters.” See, Freemasons like Albert Pike (though pro-Masonic apologists disagree
with him being a member), Nathan Bedford Forrest (plus ex-Confederate soldiers and
members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. The KKK’s rituals, ceremonies, and oaths
originated form the Scottish occult Secret Society called the Horsemen according to Fritz
Springmeier), and William Joseph Simmons in 1915 were all involved in creating the Ku Klux
Klan. Nathan Bedford Forrest was a war criminal involved in the Fort Pillow massacre where
innocent people got murdered. Even Albert Pike was a war criminal who escaped into Canada
only to be pardoned by Andrew Johnson. Johnson was ironically elevated into the 32nd
Degree of Freemasonry after he pardoned Pike.
In Eric Jon Phelps’ “Vatican Assassins,” a former N.O.I. member gave Eric documents detailing that
Elijah Muhammad, Wallace Muhammad (Elijah’s son), and Louis Farrakhan are Prince Hall
Freemasons, a rite for only black people. In the 1960’s, neo-Nazi Lincoln Rockwell sat in
a chair and praised the Nation of Islam for its separatist message. Malcolm X
after Mecca exposed Rockwell and said that he will be meet with self defense
if he harms black Americans via a telegram. Racist H. L. Hunt funded the NOI
in the 1960‘s, because Hunt opposed integration and wanted racial conflict,
not because he (and his evil allies) actually supported the N.O.I. In fact in 1985,
Tom Metzeger, Grand Dragon of the California KKK gave the N.O.I. $100 in LA admitted that there is
a KKK-NOI alliance. Malcolm X told of the KKK-N.O.I. conspiracy together in February 15, 1965. This
was after his house was firebombed to the ground (in burning) in February 14, 1965 at 2:46 am. In a
February 19, 1965 conversation with Gordon Parks, two days before his assassination,
Malcolm said:

“….[L]istening to leaders like Nasser, Ben Bella, and Nkrumah awakened me to the
dangers of racism. I realized racism isn't just a black and white problem. It's brought
bloodbaths to about every nation on earth at one time or another. Brother, remember the
time that white college girl came into the restaurant—the one who wanted to help the [Black]
Muslims and the whites get together—and I told her there wasn't a ghost of a chance and she
went away crying? Well, I've lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African
continent I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of
argument. I did many things as a [Black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie
then—like all [Black] Muslims—I was hypnotized, pointed in a certain direction and told to
march. Well, I guess a man's entitled to make a fool of himself if he's ready to pay the
cost. It cost me 12 years. That was a bad scene, brother. The sickness and madness of
those days—I'm glad to be free of them. It's a time for martyrs now. And if I'm to be one, it
will be in the cause of brotherhood. That's the only thing that can save this country. I've
learned it the hard way -- but I've learned it. And that's the significant thing. As-salaam-
alaikum, brother…” (Gordon Parks, "Malcolm X: The Minutes of Our Last Meeting",
Clarke, p. 122). Here’s Malcolm X’s words on the NOI/KKK alliance (in a response to a
person asking him a question):

“…I know for a fact that there is a conspiracy between, among, between the
Muslims and Lincoln Rockwell Nazis and also the Ku Klux Klan. There is a
conspiracy…the Ku Klux Klan made a deal, or were trying to make a deal, with
Elijah Muhammad in 1960 in the home of Jeremiah X, the minister in Atlanta at
the time, in the presence of the minister in Philadelphia. They were trying to
make a deal with him to make available to Elijah Muhammad a county-size tract
of land in Georgia or South Carolina where Elijah Muhammad could then induce
Negroes to migrate and make it appear that his program of a segregated state or
separated state was feasible. And to what extent these negotiations finally
developed, I do not know. Because I was not involved in them beyond the period
of December 1960. But I do know that after that, Jeremiah, who was the minister
throughout the South could travel the entire South and the Klan would not bother
him any way, shape, or form, nor would they bother any of the Black Muslims
from then on. Nor would the Black Muslims bother the Klan…” He admitted to
this his speech on February 15, 1965 to the Audubon Ballroom. This meeting was
done in November 17, 1960. This purchase was arranged via Slater Hunter King, who
was a real estate agent and a distant cousin of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King
didn’t support this nonsense though. This was 6 days before Malcolm X was killed. In
the same speech, Malcolm X said that (This is wild stuff):

“…And why did I shift my attack from the Black Muslims -- Elijah Muhammad and
his immoral self -- to the Klan? Yes, he's immoral. You can't take nine teenaged
women and seduce them and give them babies and not tell me you're -- and then
tell me you're moral. You could do it if you admitted you did it and admitted that
the babies were yours. I'd shake your hand and call you a man. A good one too.
[Laughter] Any time you seduce teenaged girls and make them be childs with
adultery, make them hide your crimes, why, you're not even a man, much less a
divine man…. The code name that Jeremiah gave the Klan leader was 666.
Whenever they would refer to him they would refer to him as Old Six. What his
name was right now escapes me. But they even sat there and told stories how --
what they had done on different escapades that they had been involved in.
Jeremiah was there and his wife was there and I was there and the Klan was
there. From that day onward the Klan never interfered with the Black Muslim
movement in the South. Jeremiah attended Klan rallies, as you read on the front
page of the New York Tribune. They never bothered him, never touched him. He
never touched a Muslim, and a Muslim never touched him. Elijah Muhammad
would never let me go back down since January of 1961. I never went South, as
long as I remained in the Black Muslim movement, again, from January of 1961,
because most of the actions the Muslims got involved in was action that I was
involved in myself. Wherever it happened in the country, where there was an
action, it was action that I was involved in, because I believed in action. I never
have gone along with no Ku Klux Klan. And another one that he made a dealt with
this man was Rockwell. Rockwell and Elijah Muhammad are regular
correspondents with each other. You can hate me for telling you this, but I’m
going to tell you. Rockwell attended the rally, because Elijah Muhammad put the
okay on it…When the brothers in Monroe, Louisiana were involved in trouble
with the police, if you’ll recall, Elijah Muhammad got old [James] Venable.
Venable is the Ku Klux Klan lawyer. He’s a Ku Klux Klan chieftan, according to the
Saturday Evening Post, that was up on the witness stand. Go back and read the
paper and you’ll see that Venable was the one who represented the Black Muslim
Movement in Louisiana. Now, brothers and sisters, until 1961, until 1960, until just before
Elijah Muhammad went to the East, there was not a better organization among Black people
in this country than the Muslim movement. It was militant. It made the whole struggle of the
Black man in this country pick up momentum because of the unity, the militancy, the
tendency to be uncompromising. All of these images created by the Muslim movement lent
weight to the struggle of the Black man in this country against oppression.
But after 1960, after Elijah Muhammad went over there in December of '59 and came back in
January of '60 -- when he came back, the whole trend or direction that he formerly had taken
began to change. And in that change there's a whole lot of other things that had come into the
picture. But he began to be more mercenary. More interested in money. More
interested in wealth. And, yes, more interested in girls. [Laughter] And I guess
many of you have heard it said that his financial support comes from a rich man
in Texas. I heard that while I was in the movement. I‘ve heard it more since I left
the movement. A rich man in Texas. You can look up, any of you can look up his
name. But the FBI knows that, too. But they still don‘t touch him. And never have I
seen a man-and this rich man who lives in Texas, by the way, lives in Dallas. His
headquarters is in Dallas, his money is in Dallas, the same city where President
John F. Kennedy was assassinated. And never have I seen a man in my life more
afraid, more frightened than Elijah Muhammad was when John F. Kennedy was
assassinated…So that's all I have to say about that. I wanted you to know that my house
was bombed. It was bombed by the Black Muslim movement upon the orders of Elijah
Muhammad. And when the bomb was thrown, one of the bombs was thrown at the rear
window of my house where my three little baby girls sleep. And I have no compassion or
mercy or forgiveness or anything of that sort for anyone who attacks children. If you attack
me, that's one thing. I know what to do when you start attacking me, but when you
attack sleeping babies, why, you are lower than a god -- [Laughter and applause]
The only thing that I regret in all of this is that two Black groups have to fight and kill each
other off. Elijah Muhammad could stop the whole thing tomorrow, just by raising his hand.
Really, he could. He could stop the whole thing by raising his hand. But he won't. He doesn't
love Black people. He doesn't even want to go forward. Proof of which, they're killing each
other. They killed one in the Bronx. They shot another one in the Bronx. They tried to get six
of us Sunday morning. And the pattern has developed across the country. The man has gone
insane, absolutely out of his mind. Besides, you can't be seventy years old and
surround yourself by a handful of sixteen-, seventeen-, eighteen-year-old girls and
keep your right mind. [Laughter and applause]…
They covered the front completely, the front door. Then they had come to the back but
instead of getting directly in back of the house and throwing it this way, they stood at a forty-
five degree angle and tossed it at the window so it glanced and went onto the ground. And the
fire hit the window and it woke up my second oldest baby, but the fire burned on the outside
of the house. But had that fire, had that gone through that window it would have fallen
on a six-year-old girl, a four-year-old girl, and a two-year-old girl. Now I'm going to
tell you, if it had done it I'd taken my rifle and gone after anybody in sight. I would
not wait. I say that because of this. The police know the criminal operation of the Black
Muslim movement because they have thoroughly infiltrated it. There is no conversation that
takes place in the Black Muslim movement that the city police don't know about, because
they have policemen in there. They don't let Black people form anything without some
policemen in there. And while I was in the Black Muslim movement, over the Black Muslim
movement, many of the police who were sent to infiltrate us -- they're Black -- would tell me,
"Look, I'm a cop, but I have to come." They would tell me. I knew the Muslim movement
was full of police. So don't you think anything is going down that they don't know about. The
only thing that goes down is what they want to go down, and what they don't want to go
down they don't let it go down…See, it is true we're the target of brutal, criminal treatment
from the Klan. Now, we don't need a Black Ku Klux Klan. All we need is Black people who
believe in the brotherhood of man and who will fight anyone who threatens the brotherhood
of man. Now, the Klan is a threat to this brotherhood and we are legally within
our rights to defend ourselves from this Klan. But if we call ourselves the Klan,
what will happen -- the press will pick up what you do and make what you do
look wrong. Because they will make it look wrong anyway. So if you call yourself
that, you help them. You help them hurt you. No we don't want anything to do
with the Klan or anything like the Klan. We want to destroy the Klan. Disband it,
destroy it, erase it from this earth. And we can do it. You've been in the army.
They taught you all those tricks. [Laughter] Well, use them. [Laughter and applause]
I got to say this; then we're going to close. You need to study guerrilla warfare. Get every
book you can find on guerrilla warfare. [Laughter] There's nothing wrong with saying that.
Yes, it's good to know everything. There's nothing wrong with knowing that. Why, the
government teaches you that. [Laughter] They draft you to teach you that, don't they? Sure,
they taught it to your son. Well, go on and teach it to your son. But then tell your son how to
use it. [Applause and laughter] No, you study. We're going to have classes. The OAAU is
going to have classes in all of the various sciences that you and I need to know -- karate, judo.
We've got some experts. This brother here is an expert judo man, expert karate man. He'd
break that board right here like it wasn't even a board. You come on in the OAAU and we'll
train you. Show you how to protect yourself…”

We all know who this man in Dallas was. His name was H. L. Hunt. Now, Karl
Evanzz’s “The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X” from 1992 wrote that: “…it
was shortly after John Ali became national secretary of the sect in 1960 that the Nation
of Islam began receiving contributions from Texas multi-millionaire H. L. Hunt..” Now,
according to Evanzz, John Ali allowed American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln
Rockwell to address the Nation of Islam’s annual Savior’s Day Convention in Chicago
in February 1962. Will Carto (a Roman Catholic Neo-Nazi and founder of Liberty
Lobby and The Spotlight. He’s the friend of the late SMOM J. Peter Grace) organized a
meeting between the KKK and the NOI. The incident is mentioned in Racial Situations---
Class Predicaments and of Whiteness in Detroit by John Hartigan. This once again proves the
words of Malcolm X to be true: "the KKK and the NOI have the same paymasters." In
another book titled The Man to See, the life and work of Knight of Malta Edward Bennett
Williams is delineated. In that book it states that NOI leader Elijah Muhammad went to see
Williams after the assassination of Malcolm X seeking legal help for the NOI assassins. It’s a
small world after all.

Days before Malcolm X’s assassination, Malcolm X spoke at the Theresa Hotel in
Harlem. He accused the government of New York of trying to kill him in his own
following words: “…We feel a conspiracy has entered into at a local level, with
some police and firemen…The police in this country know what is going on -this
conspiracy leads to my death…” Days before Malcolm X’s death, Malcolm X was speaking in
New York City. This was when someone caused an disturbance by saying get your hands out of my
pockets. FBI informant John X. Ali was present in that meeting. Malcolm X was shot and murdered
during an OAAU rally at the Audubon Ballroom at February 21, 1965 [3:10 pm.] by 3 men. A man
yelled "Get your hand out of my pocket! Don't be messing with my pockets!" before the shots were
fired. Talmager Hayer, Norman 3X Bulter, and Thomas 15X Johnson were all convicted for the
murder of Malcolm X. All men were members of the N.O.I. Talmadge Hayer, also a Black Muslim,
confessed to having fired shots into Malcolm's body, but he testified that Butler and Johnson
were not present and were not involved in the shooting. All three were convicted. Norman 3X Butler
(now known as Muhammad Abdul Aziz) was paroled in 1985 and maintain his innocence just like
Thomas 15 X York (now known as Khalil Islam). It’s a fact that the FBI and N.O.I. wanted Malcolm X
neutralized and evidence points to their involvement in his death. For one, all of the killers are N.O.I.
and the FBI infiltrated the N.O.I. for years prior to Malcolm X’s death. There is a black ex-N.O.I. for
numerous years that sent a letter to Eric Jon Phelps. In a secret letter between an ex-NOI member
and Eric Jon Phelps, the ex-NOI member (Named “Ali”) admits to the FBI/NOI involvement in Malcolm
X’s death. According to the man, Louis Farrakhan was the supervisor to make sure it was executed
and Wallace Muhammad was a tool for the FBI/Vatican since 1963-1964. According to the man, there
were many conspirators and the man who gave the order to kill Malcolm X was Pope Paul IV, the first
Pope to walk in America. He was assassinated for numerous reasons. Again, it’s a known fact that the
FBI infiltrated the Nation of Islam. One of the FBI agents in the NOI was John X. Ali. Malcolm had
confided in a reporter that Ali had exacerbated tensions between him and Elijah
Muhammad, and he considered Ali his "archenemy" within the Nation of Islam
leadership. Elijah Muhammad soon used extreme rhetoric against Malcolm X.
Elijah Muhammad in a March 23, 1964 memo to an assistant wrote that Malcolm
X was a “no good long legged hypocrite..” and added that whenever someone finds
a hypocrite you should: “…cut their heads off…” Manning Marable made an interesting
point on Louis Farrakhan via his book. Farrakhan would talk about some legitimate issues,
but Marable found that much of his economic policies are just as reactionary as those
from Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America.” Gingrich back in the mid 1990’s wanted
to promote draconian budget cuts in the name of creating a balanced budget. These
proposed cuts effected the poor and the middle class. Peregrine Worsthorne (his
stepfather was the Montagu Norman. Norman was the Bank of England chief that was
key in installing Adolf Hitler in power in Germany) supported Newt’s agenda of cutting
public expenditures. One example is that both Newt and Farrakhan don’t even want
some governmental regulation or assistance to crush economic inequality in America.
Farrakhan is right to say that there should be more black self reliance and more black
businesses, but the market can not be shown as a unregulated, spree market. The
Nation of Islam even now promote strict racial separatism, extreme intolerance of any
critics of their movement, etc. Even in 1985’s Savior’s Day conference, one guess
was Holocaust revisionist Arthur Butz Louis Farrakhan once praised Ku Klux
Klan leader Tom Metzger for calling the American system ’a rotting carcass” and
calling Jewish people ’parasites’ (This is apart of bigotry of course). Farrakhan
openly mentions and quotes from None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry
Abraham. This is pro-John Birch Society literature from the early 70s (although much of the
book is accurate, so I want to make that clear). Mae Brussell's "Who Killed Congressman
Larry McDonald?" and "The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination" expose
JBS's and the Western Goals' involvement in working with the LAPD's PDID to track
dissidents. The books accuse the JBS of having connections to the murders of JFK and RFK.
George Seldes' Never Tire of Protesting conclusively prove that the Birch Society was
founded and supported by big money. Farrakhan has gone on record repeatedly
stating that there wasn't any slavery taking place in the Sudan. Radical Islam
(not all Muslims since most Muslims and most people of every background
reject this evil) have damaged Sudan. The killing of our innocent brothers
and sisters in the Sudan is wrong, who are the rightful indigenous heirs and
peoples of that land. Some of the Muslims are in Sudan to get the Oil at all
costs and to make sure that the indigenous peoples, The BLACK NUBIAN
SUDANESE PEOPLES, do not receive any benefit from their natural resources
and the land. You can‘t bow before a slave trader‘s feet and expect honor
from them like Louis loves to do. Even the great scholar Dr. John Henrik
Clarke eloquently said this before. You fight against that slave trader and
oppose oppression & injustice. So, the lesson here is that there is nothing wrong
with black unity, promoting self-reliance, building black businesses, and building
up the black community. There is something wrong with extreme reactionary
rhetoric & bigotry (which are the functions of a reactionary) of any form. In
February 12, 1965, John Ali, Elijah Muhammad Jr., and other Fruit of Islam members meet at the
Audubon Theater. Elijah Muhammad Jr. (or Elijah Muhammad’s son) said that: “…The house is ours
and the n___ (referring to Malcolm X) don’t want to give it up. Well, all you have to do is go out there
and clap on the walls until all the walls come tumbling and then cut the n____‘s tongue out and put it
in an envelope and send it to me, and I’ll stamp it approved, and send it to the Messenger…” The
Messenger was Elijah Muhammad who authorized his son to talk that way. On February 20, the night
before the assassination, Ali met with Hayer, one of the men convicted of killing Malcolm (Hayer
admitted that he murdered Malcolm X). In 1977 and 1978, Talmadge Hayer submitted two sworn
affidavits re-asserting his claim that Butler and Johnson were not involved in the assassination. In his
affidavits Hayer named four men, all members of the Nation of Islam's Newark Temple Number 25, as
having participated with him in the crime. Hayer asserted that a man, later identified as Wilbur
McKinley, shouted and threw a smoke bomb to create a diversion. Hayer said that another man, later
identified as William Bradley, had a shotgun and was the first to fire on Malcolm X after the diversion.
Hayer asserted that he and a man later identified as Leon David, both armed with pistols, fired on
Malcolm X immediately after the shotgun blast. Hayer also said that a fifth man, later identified as
Benjamin Thomas, was involved in the conspiracy. In a 1993 speech, Louis Farrakhan (I saw his
words in a video and on Youtube) seemed to boast of the assassination:

“..Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what
the hell business is it of yours? A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and
Here is Louis Farrakhan with the Jesuit Rev. M. Pfleger (he is the person on the
right. He is right to oppose the genocide in Darfur and oppose the Da Vinci code.
Yet, he is a Jesuit and Jesuits have tried to ruin the Protestant Reformation since
their existence. Pfleger is a friend of Prince Hall Freemason Jesse Jackson as well).
Both are allies and are friends. Are there more Papal/Jesuit connections to Louis
Farrakhan? Yet, there is. The Nation of Islam's National Center and headquarters is
located in Chicago, Illinois and houses its flagship Mosque No. 2, Mosque Maryam.
This mosques tried to make a dedication to Mary, mother of Jesus. Farrakhan was
raised in Roxbury, Massachusetts in the West Indian community. Some relatives on
my mothers’ side are related to those from the West Indies. He was a great violinist
and played with the Jesuit Boston College Orchestra and the Boston Civic
Symphony. The St. Sabina Catholic Church welcomed him with cheers and a
standing ovation. He calls himself a Muslim and a Christian (or Catholic). The Jesuit
Pfleger hates the Second Amendment so much that he threatened to snuff out gun
shop owners for illegally operating gun businesses in the Illinois area. Pfleger is the
Pastor at St. Sabina's Catholic Church, on the South Side of Chicago. In another
demonstration at Chuck's Gun Shop, owned by John Riggio, Rev. Pfleger told the
crowd: "We're going to find you and snuff you out....Like a rat you're going to hide.
But like a rat, we're going to catch you and pull you out....We're going to snuff out
John Riggio." Rev. Pfleger also promised: "We're going to snuff out legislators that
are voting against our gun laws. We're coming for you because we're not going to sit
idly." These threats by Pfleger are un-Christ like. Rev. Pfleger later denied that his
words had been meant to invoke violence, or that he had known that "snuff out"
means to "kill." Rather, the determination to "snuff out" Riggio was a determination
to find out his home address, which was not publicly available. Finding a home
address in that type of fashion is a threat to me. Therefore, Louis Farrakhan is a
person that claims to be independent, but even he aligns with the Jesuits.

In a 60 Minutes interview that aired during May 2000, Farrakhan admitted that he created the climate
for Malcolm X’s death. Yet, he denies ordering the assassination. Of course, he will say that since he
doesn’t want to be portrayed as a murderer. Farrakhan once said, "I'm to black people what Pope is to
white people.“ There are many reasons for the assassination of Malcolm X. Those reasons are that he
was the first public figure to expose the fact that the KKK and the Nation of Islam worked together on
several occasions to create strife, agitation, and racial unrest in America for both groups are either
Masonic invented or Masonic controlled. The Masonic FBI and the Masonic Nation of Islam killed
Malcolm X. The FBI had programs like Operation Chaos, COINTELPRO, etc that infiltrated many civil
rights, anti-war, etc. groups. But his first order of business after founding the OAAU was to
internationalize the struggle of African-Americans in the United States through a petition to the United
Nations, charging genocide against 22 million black Americans. As ultimately outlined the petition
charged the government of the United States with economic genocide, mental harm, murder,
conspiracy, and complicity to commit genocide. The petition declared that in its treatment of
African Americans, the U.S. government had violated not only its own Constitution, but also
the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the 1948
Draft Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. His petition
would start a massive revolution in society and he opposed the war in Vietnam so he died. I
don’t agree with his stance of asking for the United Nations for help, but Malcolm X was right
to ask black Americans to reject the draft to fight in the illegal war in Vietnam (with no
declaration of war, but solely a Gulf of Tonkin Resolution like in Iraq. LBJ admitted the Gulf of
Tonkin was based on false information on a tape). One bad thing Malcolm X did was that he never
left the false religion of Islam. Malcolm X was right to give facts on true black history, instill
international black unity across continents, and he supported self-defense. Although, he was still a
Muslim. What can you expect from the FBI? They created COINTELPRO to infiltrate and prevent civil
rights groups to enact real reforms in the U.S.A. They condemned the ascendance of a black
“Messiah” to galvanize black America to achieve economic equality, which is just as important as
social or legal equality. Wiretap programs like Carnivore and the illegal USA Patriot Act still exist today
to monitor dissidents of the establishment. Malcolm X’s lesson is to fight for truth and never become
afraid to speak out as a man. He also taught us to be thankful, acknowledge, and express gratitude of
your God-given heritage. Self reliance, education and the study of history were other
teachings that he gave. He said that: “…Education is our passport to the
future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today…” Hatred
of any group of people whether blacks or whites is never justified. It seems that the Elite want racial
hatred to desensitize us and make us ungodly, but God tells us to Love our neighbor. I am a black
man, so I will follow God instead of the world, Hollywood, and man.

Yuri Kochiyama is one of the unsung heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. The person who
influenced her a lot was Malcolm X ironically. She knew and respected Malcolm X before
she met him. When they have both met, they became very close friends. Their friendship
refutes the lie that Malcolm X was somehow a racist. She back then agreed with the view
that black people ought to have self-determination, self reliance, self defense, and a sovereign
sense of total liberation (as Malcolm X believed). Yuri Kochiyama shook Malcolm X's hand
in a courthouse in Brooklyn, NY. Ms. Kochiyama talked wanting to shake his hand in
these words: “Malcolm, can I shake your hands, too?” Later, Malcolm X said: “What
for?” Later, Yuri said: “What for?...Because what you’re doing for your people.” And
he said, “And what am I doing for my people?” Now, she thought, “What would I say to
that?” So, she said that: “You are giving directions.” Malcolm strode out of the crowd
with a smile, and shook Ms. Kochiyama’s hand. This event occurred in October 16, 1963,
which was before JFK's assassination. Yuri wanted Malcolm X to speak at a
Hiroshima/Nagasaki World Peace Study in a meeting. Malcolm X came in the door of the
meeting in 1964 to make comments at the small convention. Malcolm X thanked the
Japanese for coming into Harlem. Later, Malcolm X gave the Japanese people a tour of
neighborhoods and living conditions in Harlem that was in contrast to Harlem's "The World's
Worst Fair." Yuri even worked in the OAAU or the Organization for Afro-American Unity.
She joined Malcolm X's Liberation School to understand information on Black history and
politics. She said that: “…we didn't know anything about black history, black thinking, or
black culture, and in order to understand the black community and its people, we thought
we'd better sign up. So we enrolled, along with our three eldest children, Billy, Audee, and
Aichi. The education we received was priceless." Malcolm X and Yuri agreed with the view
that if a person doesn't know their history and the essence of their culture, you can't have real
interactions between different cultures. Malcolm X believed in black nationalism in that
black people should operate, own, and control their own businesses and communities. He
also said that: "...We will work with anyone, with any group, no matter what their color
is, as long as they are genuinely interested in [ending black injustice]." Kochiyama was
of course a Japanese human rights activist. She and her family went into the concentration
camps of WWII. This was when about 120,000 Japanese Americans were unjustly interned
during WWII. She saw segregation in the camp near Arkansas via Jim Crow. By 1960, she
and her husband Bill moved to Harlem, NY to fight for human rights. She was present at his
assassination on February 21, 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, and held him in her
arms as he lay dying. In 1977, she tried to promoted Puerto Rican independence via joining a
group of Puerto Ricans (that took over the Statue Liberty). She wanted to promote the rights
of political prisoners and called for nuclear disarmament. She was nominated for the 2005
Nobel Peace Prize.
*On February 2005, Professor Manning Marable was interviewed by Amy
Goodman (though a Left Gatekeeper) and the Professor confirmed what I’m
presenting. Not only did the government agitate conflict between the N.O.I. and
Malcolm, but the NYPD stood down (Gene Roberts was the undercover cop giving
Malcolm X mouth to mouth). Gene Roberts, one of Malcolm's chiefs of security, was
an NYPD undercover cop. Roberts was an agent with NYPDs Bureau of Special
Services (BOSS), a super-secret political intelligence unit nicknamed the Red Squad.
Gene Roberts worked at his position at the behest of Anthony Ulazowitz and John
Caulfield. These 2 men (who worked with BOSS the New York City Anti-Organized
Crime, and the Red Squad. Division Five of the FBI supported these groups to
work against the NOI and Malcolm X’s Organization of Afro-American Unity) were
key Watergate operatives under Richard Nixon. Malcolm X founded the OOAU in
March 8, 1964. FBI official William Sullivan contacted members of BOSS to
infiltrate the OOAU. So, the FBI and BOSS infiltrated Malcolm X’s OOAU and
Muslim Mosque, Inc. On February 20, 1965, the night before the assassination,
FBI informant John Ali met with Talmadge Hayer, one of the men convicted of
killing Malcolm X. Security was lowered for Malcolm X in the ballroom. Malcolm X developed
further in his thinking and brought women in a leadership role of the AAUO. Muslims from Muslim
Mosque Inc. [a group Malcolm was also in] didn’t like Malcolm‘s new gender-equal policy. Malcolm
X rejected sexism and discrimination between the sexes in his own words: “…If
you are in a country that is progressive, the woman is progressive. If you're in a country
that reflects the consciousness toward the importance of education, it's because the
woman is aware of the importance of education. But in every backward country you'll
find the women are backward, and in every country where education is not stressed its
because the women don't have education…So in the African countries where they opt
for mass education, whether it be female or male, you find that they have a more valid
society, a more progressive society…” So, the NYPD, FBI, NOI, and other elements (including
white supremacists like racist H.L. Hunt. H.
L. Hunt funded the John Birch Society, Liberty
Lobby, the Minutemen, and other racist plus fascist groups. Some of these same
organizations still exist today in trying to infiltrate the alternative media. H. L. Hunt
hated Malcolm X, because he supported Patrice Lumumba) disliked Malcolm X. Lumumba was a
freedom fighter that want real liberty in the Congo in spite of the imperialists from Belgium. He was
assassinated by the CIA. This assassination was backed by Wall Street. Now, Malcolm X didn’t just
support nationalism or revolution in the Congo. He wanted nationalist fervor to spread in Africa and all
over Asia like in Indonesia. Nationalism was a response against the brutal, evil practice of Imperialism
(or colonialism). This self determination and freedom loving motivation existed in his time during the
1960’s in Algeria, Ghana, and all over the Earth. All evidence indicates that elements in these groups
like the NOI, FBI, etc. played a role in his death. After Malcolm X’s murder, mysterious acts occurred.
There were vandalism against OOAU buildings in New York. Muhammad Ali’s apartment was on fire,
and there was a fire in Mosque Seven in Harlem (which was founded by Malcolm X). Days after
Malcolm X died also, one of his aides named Leon 4X Amer mysterious died in Boston. He told the
FBI that agents from the U.S. government was involved in the assassination of Malcolm X (beyond
just the Nation of Islam proper). Amer was only 32 years old. He moved his family away from Boston
just before he died since he didn’t want to put their lives in risk feeling danger. Malcolm X‘s successor
of the OOAU named James Chabaz was also murdered years after 1965.
Dr. Martin Luther King

42 years transversed since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It was a terrible tragedy. Dr.
Martin Luther King was murdered on April 4, 1968. Just before death, Dr. Martin Luther King acquired
a radical opinion in describing the Vietnam War (and international affairs). Martin Luther King
declared a war on poverty as well. In his March 31, 1968 speech called "Remaining Awake
Through a Great Revolution," he condemned expressways as inhibiting the progress of
solving the economic negative conditions of citizens living in poverty. That is why Dr. Martin
Luther King wanted a radical industrialization of the South to improve the conditions of black
Americans: “…First, if the South is to grow economically it must continue to industrialize. We
see signs [then, in the early 1960s] of this vigorous industrialization, with a concomitant
urbanization, throughout every southern state. Day after day, the South is receiving new
multimillion-dollar industries. With the growth of industry the folkways of white supremacy will
gradually pass away…This growth of industry will also increase the purchasing power of the Negro,
and this augmented purchasing power will result in improved medical care, greater educational
opportunities, and more adequate housing. Each of these developments will result in a further
weakening of segregation." (Martin Luther King, speech at the National Press Club,
Washington, D.C., July 19, 1962. In James Melvin Washington, ed., A Testament of Hope: The
Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. (San Francisco: HarperCollins,
1986), p. 100). Industrialization, building up technology, and having the courage to enact other
real solutions can help our country. All
human beings deserve modern flood control,
abundant energy, clean water, modern housing, and other services. 33rd Degree Freemason
J. Edgar Hoover allowed FBI agents and paid traitors swarmed around King, assigned to find or
manufacture dirt that could bring him down. With constant wiretapping, Hoover fed leaks, lies, and
gossip to the news media. Hoover accused King of being a Communist and an adulterer. It is disputed
on whether Dr. King was an adulterer, but Dr. Martin Luther King rejected Communism (even though
he associated with real Communists). Dr. King wrote on this issue that:

“…Let me state clearly the basic premise of this sermon: Communism and Christianity are
fundamentally incompatible. A true Christian cannot be a true Communist, for the two
philosophies are antithetical and all the dialectics of the logicians cannot reconcile them…All
of this is contrary, not only to the Christian doctrine of God, but also to the Christian estimate
of man. Christianity insists that man is an end because he is a child of God, made in
God's image. Man is more than a producing animal guided by economic forces; he
is a being of spirit, crowned with glory and honor, endowed with the gift of
freedom. The ultimate weakness of Communism is that it robs man of that quality which
makes him man. Man, says Paul Tillich, is man because he is free. This freedom is
expressed through man's capacity to deliberate, decide, and respond. Under
Communism, the individual soul is shackled by the chains of conformity; his spirit
is bound by the manacles of party allegiance. He is stripped of both conscience
and reason. The trouble with Communism is that it has neither a theology nor a
Christology; therefore it emerges with a mixed-up anthropology. Confused about God, it is
also confused about man. In spite of its glowing talk about the welfare of the masses,
Communism's methods and philosophy strip man of his dignity and worth,
leaving him as little more than a depersonalized cog in the ever-turning wheel
of the state.

Clearly, then, all of this is out of harmony with the Christian view of things. We must not
fool ourselves. These systems of thought are too contradictory to be reconciled; they
represent diametrically opposed ways of looking at the world and of transforming it. We
should as Christians pray for the Communist constantly, but never can we, as true Christians,
tolerate the philosophy of Communism…Communism in theory emphasizes a classless
society. Although the world knows from sad experience that Communism has created new
classes and a new lexicon of injustice, in its theoretical formulation it envisages a world
society transcending the superficialities of race and color, class and caste. Membership in the
Communist party theoretically is not determined by the color of a man's skin or the quality of
blood in his veins.

Christians are bound to recognize any passionate concern for social justice. Such concern is
basic in the Christian doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The
Gospels abound with expressions of concern for the welfare of the poor. Listen to the
words of the Magnificat: "He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted
them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath
sent empty away." No doctrinaire Communist ever expressed a passion for the poor and
oppressed such as we find in the Manifesto of Jesus which affirms: "The Spirit of the Lord is
upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to
heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the
blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord."…We
must honestly recognize that truth is not to be found either in traditional capitalism or in
Marxism. Each represents a partial truth. Historically, capitalism failed to discern the truth in
collective enterprise and Marxism failed to see the truth in individual enterprise.
Nineteenth-century capitalism failed to appreciate that life is social, and Marxism failed, and
still fails, to see that life is individual and social….” (Dr. King's book Strength To Love, pp
In 1967, when a young journalist named William Pepper showed photos he took in Vietnam, it
shocked and disgusted Martin Luther King. This was one of the reasons why MLK publicly opposed
famous April 4, 1967 Riverside Church speech about Vietnam
the war. His
was very profound. The reason was that in that speech, he linked the evils of
racism, imperialism, and materialism together. These evil are juxtaposed with the
corruption among the American government. In other words, America can never be placed into its full
potential without poor Americans addressing their grievances to the government and seeking
solutions. In the Riverside speech, Dr. Martin Luther King called the American government as the
"greatest purveyor of violence in the world today”. If
King was alive and the Vietnam war
ended much earlier than it did, there could be a negative financial impact of the
international bankers (like H. L. Hunt, Freemason Clint Muchinson, Brown & Root,
etc.) who benefited from the war. There is another interesting thing that few people know
about. According to author William F. Pepper, Dr. Martin Luther King was considering going into a
Third Party whose platform was anti-war and anti-poverty. King headed the Poor People's Campaign.
King was going into Memphis for to protest the unfair practices against the Black Sanitation
workers (He wanted to give his assistance to the local Garbage Workers Union). He stayed at a
local black Lorraine hotel to outline basic solidarity with his African American people. Later, one of his
advisers moved him up into the second floor. On the night before the assassination, Dr. Martin Luther
King gave an eloquent speech projecting the image of the mountaintop. He said that he won't go into
the Promise Land, but he'd seen the Promise Land. In other words, he might not live to see America
transform itself radically into a location consisting of more racial harmony, but he knew that the future
would be better than 1968. This was a basic transition in Dr. King's life since he not only talked about
race (many non-black were involved in the Civil Rights Movement not only African American people),
but wanted to fight against poverty and end warfare in Vietnam. Ralph Abernathy, Jesse Jackson, and
other allies worked with King in Memphis from March to early April 1968. Dr. King was more close to
Ralph Abernathy than Jesse Jackson since King believed that Jackson was more immature than
usual. Jesse Jackson’s contentions with Dr. King are backed up by Dr. Michael Eric Dyson’s latest
book “Martin Luther King’s Death and how it Changed America.” King was upset at Andrew Young,
Abernathy and Jackson at that time because they were cynical about King’s upcoming protest on
Washington for the Poor People’s Campaign. In a heated meeting, Dr. Martin Luther King did call
Jesse an opportunist. However Abernathy’s and Young’s disdain for Jackson was over how he
handled himself right after King’s Death, not because they suspected that he was involved with King’s
murder. Jesse was not supposed to speak until they SCLC released a collective statement on King’s
murder. Jesse Jackson is a Boule member, a Prince Hall Freemason, and is pro-
abortion just like his successor & brother Prince Hall Freemason Al Sharpton.
It’s true that Jackson acted insensitively and strangely immediately after Dr. Martin Luther King’s
assassination. Beginning in 1968, Jackson increasingly clashed with Ralph Abernathy. Ralph
was King's successor as the chairman of SCLC. A black Chicago Tribune reporter named
Angela Parker did some research and discovered that, following King’s assassination,
Jackson had embezzled money from Operation Breadbasket. Parker went to Atlanta and
presented the evidence to Abernathy, who publicly confronted Jackson with the charges.
Abernathy suspended Jackson for sixty days (in December of 1971 of “administrative
improprieties and repeated acts of violation of organizational policy”). Later, a raging
Jackson decided to break away and establish his own organization called Operation PUSH in
the same month. Jesse Jackson and Ralph Albernathy feel out. Ralph Albernathy (who was
more conservative) and Jesse Jackson (who was more liberal even though he isn‘t
representative of all liberals) to me represent the 2 major strains of the black community. A
longtime admirer of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, Jackson once said: "Viva Fidel!
Viva Che [Guevara]! Castro is the most honest and courageous politician I've ever met."
Steve Cokely is a researcher who believes that Jesse Jackson had a part to play in the murder of Dr.
King. Cokely once worked for the Mayor of Chicago named Harold Washington. Jesse Jackson have
a love/hate relationship with Barack Obama, because Obama talks about the need for more fathers
should step up to the plate to take care of their families. Dr. Martin Luther King stood on the balcony
and a shot killed him in April 4, 1968. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain are having
remembrances on this somber day. The bullet that killed Dr. King was from a 30.06 rifle. King was
murdered at 6:01 pm. Judge Joe Brown from TV, was the only person who had a ballistics test of the
bullets taken out of king and guess what? Neither bullet were fired from a rifle as we were told James
ray used to kill King. In fact in Williams Peppers book “Orders to Kill” a woman who owned the motel
across the street witnessed Jesse putting something shiny into a small tote bag. Jesse Jackson
wasn’t even on the balcony when king got shot, he was standing six feet below King. There is even
video of Rev Billy Cowels, saying “Yeah, when I moved out of the way so they could a better
shot…POW! King was shot.” When asked who “they” was Cowels says after a long pause, “…James
Ray I guess?” Something strange is going on here. There has been no conclusive evidence that
James Earl Ray alone had murdered Dr. Martin Luther King at all.

The convicted killer was a man named James Earl Ray. He, his father, and his brother were
habitual criminals. Ray was in prison for a time before the assassination. He was in Great
Britian at London's Heathrow airport in June of 1968. In his luggage bag, Ray had books on
self improvement and hypnotism. James Earl Ray died because of cancer of the liver in 1998.
Ray believed that he was forced to confess in order to prevent his relative from spending life in prison.
Ray believed that "Raoul" was a code name for an FBI agent that handled some of his affairs. Ray
later recanted his original confession. Ray said that Raoul told him to met him in Jim Grill's place.
What's interesting is that James Earl Ray was repeatedly denied the right to have a trial in evaluating
the evidence against him. Now, a court case existed years ago making known of a possible
government conspiracy against Dr. Martin Luther King. Gaylon Ross wrote an interesting book entitled
"The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK." According to William F. Pepper's "Orders to
Kill" book from, 1995 and at page 464 Ross' research, Hoover met with H.L. Hunt (who was a gambler
and a friend of J. Edgar Hoover) in Chicago in June 1967. Hunt feared that King might unseat LBJ
with his oil depletion allowance. William Pepper wrote that Hoover said that a final solution was
necessary to stop King. Lloyd Jowers was the murderer of Dr. Martin Luther King. Ross cites the
witnesses of Betty Spades (she said that she saw Jowers eject the cartridge from the 30.06 rifle) and
Jowers' associate named W. L. Atkins. Atkins said that Jowers admitted that he was the shooter of Dr.
Martin Luther King when Jowers was drunk. According to Dr. Ross, John Currington (who was H.L.
Hunt's aide) had a record of H. L. Hunt's cashier check sent to Lloyd Jowers in order to murder Dr.
King (from September 26, 1968). It's definitely true that Martin Luther King was illegally stalked by the
FBI. 33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover harbored hatred for King. Dr. King's home was tapped
and his phone conversations were monitored. Dr. William Pepper (a friend of the King family and a
civil rights attorney) represented James Earl Ray. Pepper subscribed to the view that the government,
Lloyd Jowers, and others were involved in a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King. This
isn't without merit since it's strange that a poor criminal like Ray could travel from America to Canada,
to London and on his way to then Rhodesia in 1968. Even the Deputy Director of the FBI, William
Sullivan, who led the investigation into the assassination, believed that there was a conspiracy to kill
King. In his autobiography published after his death,

Sullivan wrote: “I was convinced that James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King,
but I doubt if he acted alone… Someone, I feel sure, taught Ray how to get a
false Canadian passport, how to get out of the country, and how to travel to
Europe because he would never have managed it alone. And how did Ray pay
for the passport and the airline tickets?”

Sullivan also admits that it was the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and not the FBI who
successfully tracked Ray down to London. The wrongful death trial was in Pepper's and the
King family's favor. The verdict came about in Memphis in December 8, 1999. The trial was
against Lloyd Jowers. The trial lasted for 3 and one half week. The King family’s lawyer
investigater has been William F. Pepper. Pepper believed that the government (including the
FBI and Army intelligence), and other group of people killed Dr. Martin Luther King. Jowers
said that he was involved in the murder of Dr. King (to Sam Donaldson on Prime Tim Live).
Jowers said that the man who asked him to help the murder was the Mafia-connected produce
leader named Frank Liberto. Liberto is dead now. As Mike Vinson reported in the March-
April Probe, other witnesses testified to their knowledge of Liberto’s involvement in King’s
slaying. Store-owner John McFerren said he arrived around 5:l5 pm, April 4, 1968, for a
produce pick-up at Frank Liberto’s warehouse in Memphis. (King would be shot at 6:0l pm.)
When he approached the warehouse office, McFerren overheard Liberto on the phone inside
saying, "Shoot the son-of-a-___ on the balcony." Café-owner Lavada Addison, a friend of
Liberto’s in the late 1970’s, testified that Liberto had told her he "had Martin Luther King
killed." Addison’s son, Nathan Whitlock, said when he learned of this conversation he asked
Liberto point-blank if he had killed King. "[Liberto] said, ‘I didn’t kill the ___ but I had it
done.’ I said, ‘What about that other son-of-a-__ taking credit for it?’ He says, ‘Ahh, he
wasn’t nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man…a setup man.’" Jim
Douglas wrote in his article entitled, “The Martin Luther King Conspiracy Exposed in
Memphis” that:

“…The jury also heard a tape recording of a two-hour-long confession

Jowers made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin Luther King’s son
Dexter and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young. On the tape
Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination occurred at Jim’s
Grill. He said the planners included undercover Memphis Police
Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now works for the Central
Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in the trial transcript as
Merrell McCullough), MPD Lieutentant Earl Clark (who died in 1987), a
third police officer, and two men Jowers did not know but thought
were federal agents. The jury also heard a tape recording of a two-
hour-long confession Jowers made at a fall 1998 meeting with Martin
Luther King’s son Dexter and former UN Ambassador Andrew Young.
On the tape Jowers says that meetings to plan the assassination
occurred at Jim’s Grill. He said the planners included undercover
Memphis Police Department officer Marrell McCollough (who now
works for the Central Intelligence Agency, and who is referenced in
the trial transcript as Merrell McCullough), MPD Lieutentant Earl Clark
(who died in 1987), a third police officer, and two men Jowers did not
know but thought were federal agents. Young, who witnessed the
assassination, can be heard on the tape identifying McCollough as the
man kneeling beside King’s body on the balcony in a famous
photograph. According to witness Colby Vernon Smith, McCollough
had infiltrated a Memphis community organizing group, the Invaders,
which was working with the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference. In his trial testimony Young said the MPD intelligence
agent was "the guy who ran up [the balcony stairs] with us to see

It’s not a secret that Dr. Martin Luther King’s opposition to the Vietnam War and wanting a
Poor People’s Campaign angered Washington (especially the FBI, White House, and
intelligence community). On March 31, 1968, five days before his assassination, Martin Luther King
gave a speech called "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution," based on the story of Rip Van
Winkle, who slept for 20 years and woke up after the American Revolution had happened. Dr. King in
the speech wanted people to not sleepwalk in the changes of the world. He rejected the construction
of urban bypasses since he believed that they worsened poverty (and economic injustices) in urban
communities. Before he died, King wanted the Third World to be improved upon in a Revolution that
rejects racism, materialism, and militarism. King realized succinctly that the only way you’re
going to come up with real progress in American society was to solve the crippling problem of
poverty in the United States. Dr. King wanted to shut down the nation’s capital in the spring of
1968 via massive civil disobedience until the government agreed to abolish poverty. Dr. Martin
Luther King viewed the Memphis sanitation workers’ strike as the start of a nonviolent
revolution that would redistribute income. This would be difficult even now since the elite
control the majority of the economic wealth & political power on planet Earth. Doing this is
taboo even in 2010. Imagine 1968. So, King knew that a human being had profound dignity.
Solving socio-economic problems is an expression of not only human compassion, but the
strength of justice in our land. Of course, evidence proved that government provocateurs
created much of the violence in the sanitation workers’ march in Memphis in March 28, 1968.
Coretta Scott King said that her husband came back to Memphis on April 3 was necessary for
him in order to strongly emphasized that violence is never a just endeavor to undertake in
other to achieve constructive solutions. Much of King's policies aren't mentioned by the
mainstream media. The reason is that some in the corporate media want to sanitize his image
to a few words in the I Have a Dream speech. Yet, Dr. King and everyone in the civil rights
movement consist more than that. Dr. King was for labor rights, health care reform, anti-
poverty reform, and he wanted compensation toward citizens (in restructuring the economic
system since economic inequality existed back then and even today). Dr. Martin Luther King
believed in opposing the Vietnam War. In his last months, King was organizing the most
militant project of his life: the Poor People's Campaign. He crisscrossed the country to assemble
"a multiracial army of the poor" that would descend on Washington — engaging in nonviolent civil
disobedience at the Capitol, if need be — until Congress enacted a poor people's bill of rights. Dr.
King wanted government job programs to rebuild American cities (in the economic Bill of rights). Dr.
King knew that it was immoral to spend billions of dollars to an immoral
war in Vietnam, while poverty wasn't radically reduced in American society.
He called the American government the most vibrant purveyor of violence in the world today.
So, the establishment didn’t like him much before Dr. King died in 1968.

Some factions in the world try to make it so that Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King were
polar opposites politically. Yet, the truth is that each man were more similarities to each other
than it is assumed by the mainstream media. Both Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
believed in building up black businesses, both promote the idea that black people should
affirm their heritage (and that black people should never be ashamed of being
black. That is definitely true), each believed in economic development, each opposed the
Vietnam War, each opposed the mainstream media’s deception in covering up issues or
supporting dictators, etc. Dr. King wasn't perfect as we all know. I'm not naive about his
errors. Dr. Martin Luther King denied a literal Hell, he was accused of committing adultery
(which could not be proven conclusively), he associated with real Communists (and religious
apostates. Although, Dr. Martin Luther King explicitly condemned Communism by his
literature and his words publicly), etc. Although, Dr. Martin Luther King was correct
to say that oppression against any human being was wrong, and violence
against a man based on his skin color is immoral. Dr. King accurately pointed
out that all human beings have a right to protest (and fight) for legitimate
rights including opportunities in any society. Dr. Martin Luther King changed
the world.

New evidence is coming out about the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Robert Kennedy
opposed poverty and he was against apartheid in South Africa. By the late 1960’s, Robert
Kennedy opposed the Vietnam war. He was angry toward LBJ. The reason was that RFK
conceived of LBJ as being ruthless and corrupt. According to some sources, Robert Kennedy
secretly believed LBJ had something to do with the death of his brother JFK. Later Robert
Kennedy supported Cesar Chavez in advocating farmers’ rights in California. Robert
Kennedy went to the San Joaquin Valley to give Chavez his support and
told waiting reporters: “I am here out of respect for one of the heroic figures of
our time – Cesar Chavez. I congratulate all of you who are locked with Cesar in
the struggle for justice for the farm worker and in the struggle for justice for
Spanish-speaking Americans.” (Edwin O. Guthman, We Band of Brothers: A
Memoir of Robert F. Kennedy, 1971 (page 326). Both Cesar Chavez and Robert
Kennedy strongly opposed the Vietnam War along with Dr. Martin Luther King. Kennedy
officially announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the USA on the date of March 16,
1968. Robert Kennedy continued on his campaign. Hoover released evidence that he
authorized the FBI to wiretap Dr. King, which was true. Robert Kennedy was murdered in June
4, 1968. The BBC from March 27, 2008 described how 3 major senior CIA operatives were at
the scene of RFK's assassination. Some believe this and other evidence make manifest of a
CIA role in RFK's death. There were also 4 unidentified associates at the Ambassador Hotel in
Los Angeles at June 5, 1968. His anti-war platform projected Robert Kennedy to win the
California Democratic primary. People were coming together in support of RFK. The
Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan was accused and convicted of killing RFK. New researchers believe
that Kennedy was shot from behind, while Sirhan was in front of Robert making him
impossible for Sirhan to shoot at RFK. According to Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi,
who performed the autopsy, all three bullets striking Kennedy entered from the rear, in a flight path
from down to up, right to left.

Dr. Herbert Spiegel (a world authority on hypnosis at Columbia University) commented that
Sirhan might of been hypnotically programmed to act as decoy for the real assassin. The BBC
wrote that the CIA operatives worked together at JMWAVE (or the CIA's secret Miami base for
fighting Castro, who himself was Jesuit trained and originally funded by the CIA). Castro's
brother was also educated by the Jesuits. The Jesuits are the largest religious order related to
the Catholic Church. They were banished even by European nations in the 1700's for their
corruption. Today, the Jesuits are trainers of world leaders and involved in the Ecumenical
Movement (Freemasons are proponents of the Ecumenical Movement. One such man is the
pro-Jesuit & 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller). David Morales was the Chief of
Operations who said he was in Dallas and Los Angeles when JFK and RFK died. The CIA agent
David Morales is to have said that to have involvement in the assassination of JFK and RFK.
For example, Morales commented that "...I was in Dallas when we got the son of b______ and I
was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." Ironically, E. Howard Hunt in his death bed
confession classified David Morales as a JFK conspirator. A new investigation is needed to
find the total truth about this. Thane Eugene Cesar gave testimony about his gun. He was
directly behind RFK. It's interesting to note that Robert Kennedy began to believe that his brother
John F. Kennedy's death was a product of a conspiracy (John Talbot from wrote about this
in an article). Robert Kennedy wanted the archives open to attempt to figure out the total truth
revolving around the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Also, JFK Jr. hosted articles
in favor of a conspiracy involving the death of JFK. JFK Jr. unfortunately was killed in an
airplane "accident" in 1999. I was in high school at the time.
Mrs. Benazir Bhutto

Mrs. Benazir Bhutto's death was abrupt and evil. A group of people shot her while she was riding
inside of her car. She raised her head outside of the vehicle, and snipers murdered her. Benazir
Bhutto was born in Karachi, Dominion of Pakistan on June 21, 1953 to Begum Nusrat Ispahani and
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of a prominent Shia Muslim family of Larkana. To this day, all of the facts
aren't known about her assassination. Her death have taken place recently in
December 27, 2007. She was at the age of 54 when she passed away. She was shot.
Subsequently, a suicide bomber blew himself up. Before giving a better description
of her death, it's vital to lend an ear to understand her life (and the times that
existed just prior to her death). She was educated for some time here in America
at Harvard University. Bhutto wanted Pakistan to normalize relations with Israel, so
Pakistan could be a bridge to improve Middle Eastern relations. Most Muslims aren't
terrorist extremists, but Musharraf is a Western-funded extremist dictator (who jailed even
peaceful lawyers and journalists that the Shia Bhutto opposed. Bhutto advocated peace in the
Middle East. In other words, she wanted the Israelis and Palestinians to seriously solve their
own problems). Benazir Bhutto was Pro-Life and she wasn't ashamed of it. Bhutto especially
opposed gender specific abortions, which is evil. Benzair Bhutto spoke about being Pro-Life
most notably at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. In Cairo, she
accused the West of "seeking to impose adultery, abortion, intercourse education and other such
matters on individuals, societies and religions which have their own social ethos." I’m Pro-Life
myself. Bhutto was a women of peace even though she made errors. Bhutto told
reporter David Frost that Osama bin Laden was murdered by Omar Sheikh,. Omar
Sheikh had connections to the Pakistani intelligence and military elite. She was patriotic
and wanted the best for her nation. It was ironic that Pakistan's Former Prime Minister
Benazir Bhutto's father Ali Bhutto wanted nuclear weapons to protect his nation. In
Ali's words, Henry Kissinger threaten him for to try to achieve that goal. Ali was
captured and killed on April 4, 1978. Also, she rejected sexism and wanted equal
rights for women (she shook hands with men without covering her face). This
angered the cowardly Islamic extremists. Bhutto announced plans to establish women
police stations, courts, and women development banks. There are 2 main opinions on who murdered
Benazir Bhutto. They are either: an al-Qaeda related militant group or a ISI sponsored group did the
deed. The Associated Press and other sources believe that militant leader Baitullah Mehsud ordered
the murder of Bhutto using Maulvi Sahib (and his allies) to carry it out. Bhutto, in a letter to Musharraf
written on October 16, 2007, named four persons involved in an alleged plot to kill her. Their names
are the current Intelligence Bureau (IB) Chief Ijaz Shah, former chief minister of Punjab Chaudhry
Pervaiz Elahi, former chief minister of Sindh Arbab Ghulam Rahim, and the former ISI chief, Hamid
Gul. Benazir Bhutto believed that these people posed a threat to her life. Benazir accused Musharraf’s
government of not providing sufficient security to protect her life. The British newspaper called The
Times suggested that elements within the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence with close ties to
Islamists might have been behind the killing. Although, the Times asserts that Musharraf would have
been unlikely to have ordered the assassination. Bhutto (via a secret email to Foreign Secretary David
Miliband) anticipated that three senior allies of President Musharraf were out to kill her. This was
written weeks before her death. She chaired the PPP (the Pakistan Peoples party), which is a center-
left political party in Pakistan. She is the first women to be elected to lead a Muslim state. That was
historic indeed. She was elected Prime Minister inside of Pakistan during the times of 1988-1990 and
Bhutto, who was assassinated on December 27th after returning to
Pakistan to champion democracy, said that: "I dream of a Pakistan, of
an Asia, of a world, where we can commit our social resources to the
development of human life and not to its destruction. That dream is
far from the reality we endure." So, the lesson here is that we ought to
never forsake legitimate convictions. We should never be afraid to
stand up for real action, real tolerance, individual liberty, and the
truth. In life, you have to pick a side. Make sure you pick the right
side before you die.
By Timothy

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