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Looking through history, Chinese people have been immigrating for a long time.

A History of Chinese Immigration says, The first immigrants from China arrived in British North America in the 1780s and the United States in the 1820s(Holland 50). After a few decades of minor immigration, the first massive wave of Chinese immigrants arrived. The article Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979 states, Many Chinese came to America lured by good fortunes or gold out there (Lili and Xu 80+). Their immigration may seem similar to other, but it has impacted America a lot. According to Chinese Immigration Though the Chinese came to America for reasons that other ethnic groups had, they brought with them their culture, which has greatly impacted the American population (Chinese Immigration to the United States). Despite challenges that the Chinese received, they managed to help improve the modern American culture. The transcontinental railroad in America created many jobs for the newly arrived Chinese immigrants. Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979 states, The Chinese were sent to work on the transcontinental railroad by agents that recruited them with promises of fortune (Lili and Xu). After the railroad was completed, the Chinese quickly proved their skills in agriculture. Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979 also indicates, Besides being laborers, the Chinese brought their

expertise in agriculture which promoted Californias advances in agriculture (Lili and Xu 80+). Not only did they work in the Agricultural field, but their jobs were so numerous they created less job opportunities for Americans. Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979 implies, The Chinese supplied the labor of industry, wood mills, and cigar, shoe industries, and they started their own factories to compete with Americans (Lili and Xu). This competition led to much discrimination against the Chinese. After the Chinese arrived, resentment against them was soon aroused. According to Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 18781979, Since the Chinese fought for jobs that Americans wanted, the Americans started to resent them, for Americans disliked differences, and because the Chinese took jobs for less money (Lili and Xu 80+). The resentment against them rose to unimaginable heights, and they were harmed not just physically, but also mentally. Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979 describes the situation as: Americans held banners to protest, they burned Chinese businesses, and the Chinese were mocked and killed by the public (Lili and Xu 80+). Though they were harmed physically, the vocal abuse was the worst. Based on Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979, They were unique: their appearance made people wonder that nature and custom should combine to manufacture so much individual ugliness (Lili and

Xu 80+). However, the Chinese were able to cope with all of these challenges. As the prejudice against the Chinese grew, the Chinese began searching for ways to shield themselves from such attacks. Chinese Immigration in the U.S, 1878-1979 says, Under wild attacks from all sides, the Chinese withdrew from the competitive labor market and entered occupations that other immigrants were not so eager to take (Lili and Xu, 80+). The Chinese settled into Chinatowns and after many years started the Yellow Power Movement. According to Chinese Immigration in the U.S. , 1878-1979 Many Chinese Americans began the Chinese American Leadership Council in 1971 to influence the American Government to improve the treatment towards Chinese Americans(Lili and Xu 80+). Once the issue began, there was no stopping the Chinese Americans on their path to racial equality. Chinese Immigration in the U.S. , 1878-1979 says, The Yellow Power movement caused many Chinese people to close their shops and businesses in anger over this issue, this minority was no longer quiet(Lili and Xu 80+). The Chinese would eventually achieve racial equality through more strikes and mass protests.

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