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9 CEZAR SEAN GAN Right from our birth, we have been taught and embedded to us by our parents with

what is right and what is wrong. Because ethics is a trait that we must acquire. The ways ethics are taught to us are through at work, home, or school. In our school, ethics or hum003 is essential part in every student life and should be practiced by everyone, and everywhere. Because as a student I have learned to become a healthy individual bit by bit. I gain knowledge to analyse the truth, and avoiding any chances of error while examining any given circumstance or situation. So ethics is the most efficient for avoiding errors and prohibiting against false information. Ethics also improve my cooperation in a workplace that demand great deal of cooperation and coordination amongst people at different levels and different fields. And therefore different values are promoted and shared by the members of groups. By these I contribute to a better and improved working condition, success and growth to my group. I have also learned that we must follow proper ethical norms, to ensure building positive and strong public support. For example, people are more likely to invest in a project or fund if they are guaranteed about the quality and integrity of the project. However, if they are unsure of the quality and growth, they probably will step back and look for another similar project that will fulfil their demand. Because of hum003 I considered ethics to be of utmost importance simply because they assist in promoting other significant moral and social values. As such, values like social responsibility, human rights, compliance with the law, and health and safety, are some that are supported through practicing proper ethics. Any flaw in our values will reduce our ability to achieve success in our endeavours. For the most important responsibility as an individual is to build on trust, help in treating everyone as the children of God and love everyone as we love our selves Through the ethics that we learned to our school, we the student of Technological Institutes of the Philippines (TIP) could pass onto others the correct way of living. Thus we secure the future to our next generation just like what we are experiencing right now, by who have arrive before us and by those who cares to the future of our country. While securing the future of our country is also securing the future ourselves to be treated as a human being and not an old and worthless Filipino when the times comes. And those who secure the future of our country are considered as a hero.

Significance Of Ethics

Assists In Dealings The right sense of thinking can help us deal with people on a daily basis in the right and positive manner. The absence of the right approach and wrong sense can only induce negative feelings, thereby affecting our communication with people as well. Ethics, which are built on trust, help in treating everyone as the children of GOD and love everyone. Hence, ethics that we pass onto others reveals the correct way of living.

Builds Public Support By following proper ethical norms, they ensure building positive and strong public support. Say, for example, people are more likely to invest in a project or fund if they are guaranteed about the quality and integrity of the project. However, if they are unsure of the quality and growth, they probably will step back and look for another similar project that will fulfil their demand.

Promotes Moral & Social Values Ethics are considered to be of utmost importance simply because they assist in promoting other significant moral and social values. As such, values like social responsibility, human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law, and health and safety, are some that are supported through practicing proper ethics. Any flaw in our values will reduce our ability to achieve success in our endeavours. For example, a person who fabricates data in a clinical trial can harm or even kill patients. Inhibits Knowledge First and foremost, ethical norms help in gaining knowledge, analyzing the truth, and avoiding any chances of errors while examining any given circumstance or situation. Thus, ethics are most efficient for avoiding errors and prohibiting against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting any data.

Enhances Cooperation

Working in any organization or workplace demands great deal of cooperation and coordination amongst people at different levels and different fields. As such, different values are promoted and shared amongst these people, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. These only contribute to better and improved working conditions, growth, and success, in turn.

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