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World Conference on Timber Engineering

Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012


Andreas Falk
, Peter von Buelow
, Poul Henning Kirkegaard

ABSTRACT: This paper treats applications oI cross-laminated timber (CLT) in structural systems Ior Iolded Iaade
solutions. Previous work on CLT-based systems Ior Iolded rooIs has shown a widening range oI structural possibilities
to develop timber-based shells. Geometric and material properties play, however, an important role also Ior the
enclosure, and climate and conceptual design procedures have been utilised to include these issues in early design
phases. A current architectural trend proposes increasing complexity oI the Iaades and in this context the paper
proposes the application oI Iolded CLT-based systems, which are studied and analysed by using a combination oI
digital tools Ior structural and environmental design and analysis. The results show gainIul, rational properties oI Iolded
systems and beneIicial eIIects Irom an integration oI architectural and environmental perIormance criteria in the design
oI CLT-based Iaades.
KEYWORDS: Cross-laminated timber, Building envelopes, Folded structures, Indoor climate, PerIormance criteria


The currently presented work is based on an explorative
study on applications oI cross-laminated timber (CLT)
elements in shell structures.
Recent steps oI development in contemporary
architecture raise demands on increased complexity oI
the building exterior, and even tend to separate the
Iaade Irom the actual building as a more or less
autonomous system, thereby increasing the importance
oI technical solutions which complement and support
Iree-Iorm shapes that are capable oI providing clear and
visibly strong Iorms as parts oI the overall exterior
architectural design. Following this trend the exterior
design tends to be disconnected Irom the interior design
oI spatial structures, thereby also changing the
requirements on environmental perIormance (e.g. issues
concerning energy and light) oI the Iaade system and oI
the building envelope as a whole. The Iaade may also
be designed with reduced climatic Iunction, like e.g. in
Figure 1. This entails increased protective Iunction oI the
layers behind it, i.e. one Iaade layer Ior the architectural
image and a second layer providing the technical
Iunction, and may lead to an envelope with two parallel
structures. Thus, the architectural development gives rise

Andreas Falk, Dept oI Civil Engineering, Aalborg University,
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark. Email:
Peter von Buelow, University oI Michigan, 2000 Bonisteel
Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2069, USA. Email:
Poul Henning Kirkegaard, Dept oI Civil Engineering,
Aalborg University, Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, 9000 Aalborg,
Denmark. Email:
to a need Ior structural solutions, which provide the
requested complex geometries while handling both static
and environmental requirements.

As a response to this the current paper implements the
design and analysis oI Iolded CLT-based structural
systems Ior building envelopes by using a combination
oI parametric tools and a genetic algorithm (GA) Ior
generation, sorting, selection and development,
complemented with additional tools Ior structural and
environmental simulation and analysis. The procedure
comprises Iorm-Iinding and utilisation oI perIormance
criteria regarding architectural utilisation and indoor
climate in the design oI complex geometries Ior building

Figure 1: The rattan faade of the Spanish pavilion at the
Shanghai World Expo 2010.
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
The paper Iurthermore discusses the relation between
climate skins, shell structures and Iree-Iorm as well as
engineered architecture, and proposes an integrated
perIormative design solution using a geometrically
complex CLT-based Iaade system.

Following the development oI computer tools in the
practice oI building design more and more parameters
are by need and necessity being included in the
modelling, analysis, optimisation and evaluation
procedures in the creation oI structures. Terms like
perIormative morphogenesis demonstrate ambitions to
integrate numerous Iactors into the designing Iunction
itselI, in the very Iunction oI the tool. Great potential is
Iurthermore deIined in the automation oI the design
evolution, in the quest Ior new architectural Iorm. Still
the designer interactivity is oIten stated as a key issue.

According to Kolarevic, Performative Architecture
utilitises digital technologies oI quantitative and
qualitative perIormance-based simulation, covering
multiple realms Irom spatial, social and cultural to
purely technical structural, thermal, acoustic, etc. |1|. In
this context perIormance-based design can be given
diIIerent meanings. It may be applied as a way oI
devising a set oI practical solutions to a set oI largely
practical problems. A perIormance-based design
approach in architecture may also, however, be deIined
as Performative Tectonics, which links the contemporary
development oI digital tools to the tectonic tradition oI
architecture |2|. I.e. the term perIormance-based implies
a major shiIt oI positioning in architectural theory and
practice Irom what the building is to what it does. An
architectural object is deIined, not by how it appears, but
rather by the object`s articulation and capability oI
aIIecting, transIorming and doing, i.e. by how it
perIorms, which parallels the approach in contemporary
building regulations.

The approaches to perIormance-based design in practice
may diIIer, however, and currently the quest Ior
renewing and developing the designs oI architectural
icons Iollow diIIerent lines. One theme is highly
technological Iaade solutions Iocusing on properties oI
a more or less integrated building skin. Another trend
generates sculptural Iree-standing designs, as can be seen
in the above mentioned examples Irom the recent World
Expo in Shanghai. Both these trends aim at creating eye-
catching symbols, which are Iocusing on the Iorm per se
or the mere experience oI Iorm.

The application oI adaptability on the built environment
is a trend oI which the Institute du Monde Arabe,
constructed in Paris in 1981-87 with design by Jean
Nouvel is an early tentative example, where
mechanically adjustable shutters regulated the sun
shading Iunction oI the Iaade. Programmable Iacades
can be seen in more recent projects, e.g. on the Louis
Vuitton's Lippo Plaza Store on Huaihai Road in
Shanghai, or the Galleria Hall West in the Apgujeong-
dong district oI Seoul. The technology with iridescent
Ioil and custom designed lighting systems provides
aesthetic eIIects varying with Iactors, which can be
predeIined weather, number oI visitors or any other
aspect i.e. an example oI responsive architecture.
Another example is the so-called BIX Electronic Skin
applied on e.g. Kunsthaus Graz by Peter Cook and Colin
Fournier, 2003. The most striking aspect oI this 'skin is
not the development oI its climatic Iunction but rather its
design as instrument and platIorm Ior artistic
presentations. DiIIerent contemporary interpretations do
exist oI terms like perIormance, responsive and
interactivity and it is in the light oI projects like those
above mentioned and, e.g. Heydar Aliyev Centre in
Baku, Azerbaijan, by Zaha Hadid Architects, that
contemporary architecture is being developed.

Architectural perIormance may reIer to a large set oI
perIormances most oI which have soIt boundaries and
belong to the domain oI ill-deIined problems. These
include Ior example the satisIaction oI Iunctional
requirements, aesthetic intentions, relations with the
context, expressive ambitions and others. The early
phases oI the design conIront very strongly these
aspects, which have substantial power during the design
conception. It is evident that architectural perIormance
borders to and thereby has eIIect on much more than the
pure artistic and aesthetic, and it is oI ever increasing
importance to develop the environmental design issues
in construction, especially considering the strong icon
oriented design trends. Some oI the examples above
demonstrate that the aimed at aesthetic aspects oI
architectural perIormance are integrated in a structure,
which also provides climatic shelter Ior the contained
interior spaces, some do the opposite and separate the
artistic and the technical Iunction.

Environmental perIormance oI a building is a complex
dynamic situation, and environmental design oI
buildings needs to include building physics and
simultaneous interacting Iactors to secure acceptable
climatic conditions. Environmental requirements on a
building envelope include: to minimise heat losses in
winter and to capture sunlight, to minimise heat gains in
summer and to avoid sunlight, to use natural sunlight
eIIiciently, to provide thermal mass, to allow Ior
suIIicient natural ventilation without maximising thermal
losses and to keep moisture out. In addition to this,
behaviour and patterns oI the users oI the building have
an eIIect on the environmental sum.

In this context the perIormance oI the building envelope
may be divided into active and passive Iunctions, i.e.
responsive and/or mechanically adjustable Iunctions e.g.
the degree oI sun protection, and built in static
architectural and/or structural properties. In the second
case, which is the Iocus oI this paper, the architectural
and structural design should manage a wide range oI
conditions in one single state. Technology allows almost
anything to be constructed today, and it can be argued
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
that we should proceed with precaution 3; the
importance oI input Irom modelling oI material,
structural and environmental perIormance cannot be
underestimated in the design procedures. As discussed in
e.g. 4 the Ilow oI inIormation and the timing oI input
and decisions are crucial Ior the quality oI the output. A
part oI this timing and inIormation issue is in the current
context approached through the combination oI tools
applied in the conceptual phase.

Both architectural and structural design relate to Iorm.
Thereby systems, which through eIIicient utilisation oI
materials and a robust design show good structural and
environmental capacity enabling a varied range oI
structural Iorms and architectural typologies, is a
prerequisite and in this context regarded as highly
beneIicial to develop.

In the conceptual phase oI the design process the amount
oI inIormation is normally reduced, but the impact oI
decisions to be made steers the design and perIormance
considerably during the continuation oI the process. To
minimise the negative eIIects oI these preconditions, a
range oI diIIerent perIormance criteria are possible to
regard and proposed to include in a qualitative analysis
enabling interaction oI the designer when optimising the
structure at the early stages oI the design. In recent
works on Iolded plate structures 5, diIIerent topologies
oI rooI structures have been studied by using parametric
Iorm generation with perIormance design guided by a
genetic algorithm. Currently applied on systems Ior
complex rooI structures, these modelling and analysis
procedures, while incorporating an increased number oI
decisive Iactors, show a morphological sequence, which
exploits the structural capacity oI CLT-based systems
where the internal Iorm and aspects oI material and
indoor climate are included in design and evaluation
procedures through a multi-objective approach,
described in e.g. 6.

The proposed strategy is aiming Ior a cyclic process
where the designer or designer team directs a breeding
process iteratively whereby complementary skills and
experience in an interdisciplinary group can be utilised
to generate input Ior design, analysis and evaluation.
Hereby architectural and environmental perIormances
are approached in the structure oI the used tools,
combining both programmed objectives along with
subjective selections made by the designer. The
communicative abilities to inIorm the discussion and
development work in the design team thereby gain
importance and the tool uses a strongly visually oriented
approach that helps the designer in exploring a range oI
good solutions based on numerically expressed by the
perIormance criteria as well as making preIerential
selections in ill-deIined problems. In this way, the
program can take into account Ior example the visual
appearance oI the solutions, based on designer
preIerence or diIIerent analysis.
The concept oI a building envelope is basically a
protective layer, a climate skin, which covers the
building and/or the enclosed space. During the 20

century there was a general development oI building
envelopes oI common use Irom types comprising one or
a Iew components into cross-sections composed oI a
complex set oI layers, which makes the climate shield
relatively sensitive. II one layer Iails, the environmental
Iunction oI the entire wall runs the risk oI Iailing.
Considering this, CLT-based structures provide potential
simpliIication oI a timber-based wall structure.
Plate elements oI CLT provide a set oI material
properties shear capacity, high strength to weight ratio,
workability, tightness, heat buIIering capacity etc.
which enables a wide variety oI potential Iorms while
maintaining structural eIIiciency, along with a potential
reduction oI sensitive wall components such as wind and
vapour barrier, depending on the build-up. The need Ior
insulation may be Iound to be similar with a CLT
structure compared to a stud-Irame, depending on the
local climate conditions, but the overall build-up tends to
be more compact and robust in the CLT case, see
schematic comparison in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Comparison between stud-frame (left) and
CLT-based (right) external wall. F: faade, I: insulation, L:
load-bearing, C: inner cladding/lining.
Regarding the contemporary quest Ior novel and
experimental architectural expressions through
expressive and complex Iacades, Iolded plate structures
provide several architecturally as well as structurally
interesting possibilities, like eIIicient Iorce distribution,
potential mechanisms, subdivision oI surIaces, etc. Thus,
there is a potential to build up a Iaade geometry
incorporating open and closed panel locations and
geometrically tailored passive environmental control
Iunctions. A steadily rising interest in rationality during
pre-Iabrication, transport and on-site construction in
contemporary industrialised production increases the
competitiveness oI CLT-based elements and systems and
the architectural applications are becoming more
common and more experimental.

Previous studies oI timber-based plate elements in Iolded
or Iacetted plate rooIs interacting with stabilising steel-
based systems, plate tensegrity and studies inspired by
origami show a widening range oI structural possibilities
to develop timber-based shells and new architectural
typologies. Folded plate structures may originate Irom
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
repetition oI a simple element type or be composed oI
uniquely tailored parts, depending on the chosen
tessellation. Both extremes may provide eIIicient
utilisation oI plate and shear-plate action and may be
designed with stabilising systems or without supporting
structure, as Iully rigid shells exempliIied by Figure 3.

Figure 3: Example of a CLT-based folded shell.
Folded structures oI CLT enable structurally robust,
expressive geometries, which can be utilised in both
exterior and interior architectural design, as shown in
e.g. 7. Consequently they oIIer potential solutions,
which re-connect the Iaade to the building behind it.
Regarding structures, the concept oI tectonic reIers to a
tectonic building design, which makes use oI its
structural principles as part oI its architectural design,
and in this perspective the Iolded plate system may
provide rational solutions with architectural-structural

The concept oI building envelopes implies exterior and
interior climate-related considerations. Environmental
issues are globally oI steadily increasing importance,
primarily regarding energy consumption, and material
properties add to the environmental eIIects oI
ventilation, heating and light, on the created climate
conditions inside the enclosed volume.
The exterior eIIects oI the structure depend on exposure
oI structural material and properties oI products used Ior
cladding and Ienestration in the design oI the outside oI
the shell. The eIIects oI the structural material on the
interior environment vary depending on the building
geometry and whether the material is exposed or covered
with cladding. Timber may, depending the design case,
be exposed in the interior, and by including climate and
energy aspects while analysing the design results oI
Iorm-Iinding procedures in the conceptual design phase,
these aspects can be managed and included in the design
decisions and be utilised Ior environmental control.
In comparison with previous studies oI Iolded plate
shells in arch-shaped structures, the application in Iaade
structures implies change oI main load directions where
the main direction oI gravity appears in the plane oI the
assembly and the wind pressure causes the major Iorces
to act normal to the surIace. The Iaceting provides
rigidity through its 3D geometry, and the angles between
the Iolded planes stiIIen the plates against buckling.

Elements Ior preIabrication are designed Ior optimised
oII-site production, handling and logistics and Iinally
assembling on-site. The assembling oI preIabricated
elements into Iunctional components on-site raises
demands Ior two types oI load conditions and thereby
eventually diIIerent joint solutions, one joint type to be
Iixed in the Iactory during preIabrication by assembling
planar elements into bigger 2D-elements or 3D-
components and one joint type Iixed on-site connecting
adjacent panel components. The production sequence
thereby calls Ior two levels oI subdivision, one cutting
pattern Ior production oI the planar elements and one Ior
the preassembled parts. PredeIinition oI the cutting
patterns Ior the element production is logistically easy
with CAD and CNC tools. Studies presented in e.g. 7,
show evidence oI high material eIIiciency during
tailoring and preIabrication oI CLT-panels to dimension
with high tolerances.
Systems are also under development Ior retroIitting 8
where in a liIe cycle perspective timber is lowering the
environmental impact compared to other conventional

Regarding contemporary modelling tools and procedures
as well as subsequent construction processes, many oI
them imply designing oI bar Irameworks, nodal joints
and tiling to obtain Iirst structurally sound systems Ior
load transIer, then visual and climatic enclosure oI the
architectural volumes. It can be seen in e.g. the Strand
Link Bridge project in London, with architectural design
by Future Systems and structural design by AKT 9,
where the hull oI the bridge is designed as a twisting
Iree-Iorm envelope consisting oI a hexagonal mesh. The
structure is realised as a lattice system carrying
polycarbonate panels. This design approach normally
results in the nodes providing the highest Iabrication
costs since they are being Iabricated one by one. In this
case the design process resulted in a uniIorm joint
solution, which was possible to combine in a multitude
oI modules.

Considering origami, like in Figure 4, as source oI
inspiration Ior and geometric parallel to built structures a
development oI building typologies is close at hand. A
structure like the nunnery oI St Loup in Switzerland,
shown in Figure 5, is an obvious example oI the
development oI 3-dimensional Iorm and the topologies
oI Iacades as Iacetted building components. This piloting
project, constructed with 40 mm CLT in the walls and 60
mm CLT in the rooI elements, also includes jointing
solutions matching the strict Iormat oI the aesthetic
image oI pure Iolds 7. (The Iolded rooI structure spans
approximately 9 m, which gives an example oI the
structural capacity oI the Iolding principle.)
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012

Figure 4: Example of a Miura-ori based origami-pattern.
The context enabled use oI on-site jointing oI pre-cut
planar elements with angled steel plates oI 2 mm
thickness screwed to the timber, a procedure, which
considerably Iacilitated the construction in practice. The
temporary chapel project is an oIIspring oI a study
aiming at Iacilitating the production oI Iree-Iorm
surIaces 10, applied to CLT.
The preconditions Ior a temporary structure cover the
static and to some extent climatic aspects, however with
reduced requirements regarding weather protection and
durability. Weathering oI Iaade surIaces due to sunlight
and moisture and oI joint zones due to leakage as well as
deterioration oI joint zones along the Ioundation may be
accepted Ior a building with a short-term usage. In the St
Loup project the CLT-elements were covered on the
outside with a membrane to shed water, and 18 mm
thick, layered timber panels. For more permanent
structures these eIIects decreasing the perIormance oI
the structure have to be more careIully considered and
prevented through structural protection and tightening oI
interIaces and joints.

Figure 5: Interior view of the chapel in St Loup.
In previous studies oI single-curved rooI structures like
the one shown in Figure 3, a range oI related topologies
were produced and among these the one shown in Figure
6 is in the current context used Ior Iurther studies oI wall
structures and light conditions.

Figure 6: A model-image of the interior in a CLT-based
folded structure.
The CLT-based envelope can be modelled as a
parameterised surIace with a predeIined tessellation
deIining its typology. The relative positions oI the
vertices and thereby the depth oI the Iolds can be varied
and adjusted Ior satisIying geometric properties oI a
topology, which IulIils the structural and architectural
requirements oI the Iaade. A Iolded structure provides
potential rigidity through plate and shear-plate action
providing eIIicient in-plane load-distribution and
robustness regarding wind loads. The key issue Ior this
capability is the optimisation oI angles and joint
solutions between plate elements to ensure eIIicient load
paths, which with the currently applied strategy is
modelled, analysed and evaluated in the cyclic
generation-breeding-analysis-evaluation procedure.

Timber is a versatile material with a maniIold oI uses in
construction and interior design. The tactile properties
are oIten appreciated and the aesthetic properties highly
valued in an architectural context. The structural
properties include a beneIicial strength to weight ratio
and the development oI cross-laminated timber products
have Iurther widened the range oI purposes Ior which it
can be used.
In the design oI joint solutions Ior CLT elements the
anisotropy oI timber has to be considered regarding the
loading angle in relation to the Iasteners and the relation
between Iastener and material dimensions. Strength and
stiIIness are considerably lower in the direction
perpendicular to grain than parallel to the Iibre direction.
Loaded at an angle between 0 and 90 the material
shows properties somewhere between the values valid
Ior the directions parallel and perpendicular to grain.
However, already at a small deviation Irom 0 the
properties decrease drastically. This aIIects the
resistance to local deIormation oI joint zones.
In relation to climate and energy issues timber provides
when exposed heat and moisture buIIering capacity,
which enables an interaction and a certain evening out oI
changes oI moisture content and temperature oI the
surrounding air.

World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
Also negative eIIects should be mentioned. Depending
on species and production means emissions oI volatile
organic compounds (VOC) occur, e.g. terpenes, which
are naturally emitted primarily Irom timbers Irom
coniIers and Iormaldehyde Irom glue and other bonding
agents. VOC can also be produced by organisms like
mould, resulting in microbial volatile organic
compounds (MVOC). The risk Ior mould to appear
inside a poorly ventilated structure or on indoors-
exposed surIaces depends on the orientation on
insulation thickness.

Mould on exposed timber surIaces is normally caused by
condensed moisture on the lower side oI e.g. rooI
elements when the surIace temperature oI the rooI
elements sinks below the temperature oI the surrounding
air. In the context oI Iacetted Iaade structures similar
situations may occur on wall surIaces, with the slope oI
the exterior designed with an orientation more or less
towards the sky. This happens when daytime rain
resulting in increased moisture content in the air is
Iollowed by a clear night when heat radiates Irom the
rooI out into space. II not properly insulated the surIaces
can then get Iar cooler than the air. The risk oI repeated
moisture buIIering increases, whenever the combination
oI rainy days and clear night-time skies re-occurs. The
problem has been documented in carports and on eaves.
It is also rather Irequent in attics where insulation is
placed in the attic Iloor structure, thus leaving the attic
space and the rooI structure cold. Insulation on the upper
side/outside oI the elements minimises this eIIect by
preventing the heat loss, storing heat in the building
mass oI the rooI and thereby keeping the lower surIace
oI the rooI above the air temperature.

Another reason Ior the appearance oI mould and Iungi
might be the drying process oI the timber boards 11.
During kiln drying the moisture content oI the timber is
reduced when water migrates to the surIace and leaves
the timber. Nutrients are brought to the surIace and leIt
there, leading to a concentration oI nutrients in the zone
near the surIace where water evaporates, approximately
oI 2 mm thick 12, which risk to increase the growth oI
mould and Iungi. It has also been shown that the method
oI drying has eIIect on the distribution oI nutrients in the
surIace oI timber products 13. This eIIect varies with
the degree oI product reIining; in the case oI CLT the
exposed surIaces are normally planed, whereby the layer
with increased content oI nutrients is removed in the
process and the risk oI mould to appear is reduced.
Also the choice oI raw material inIluences the resulting
structural and environmental perIormance. Timber
members oI heartwood normally show better properties
than members Irom sapwood due to higher content oI
extractives. However, the content oI naturally occurring
preserving substances in the timber decreases during
heating oI the material Irom 40C to 110C. Normal kiln
drying temperatures are 70C to 90C and during high
temperature drying the temperature is 110C or even

Tests have shown a risk oI stepwise substantial loss oI
load bearing capacity as a consequence oI the burning
oII oI the CLT layers. Due to the anisotropy oI timber
the compression strength is higher in the longitudinal
direction and with a conventional build-up oI a CLT
panel oI an uneven number oI layers e.g. 3 or 5 layers
Ior conventional applications there will be a
considerable loss oI strength oI a plate in in-plane
loading when one oI the outer layers is lost due to Iire.
Board thickness and type oI adhesive used Ior the cross-
lamination (Melamine Urea Formaldehyde, MUF, versus
Polyurethane, PUR) have also been shown to aIIect the
behaviour 14. Increasing the thickness oI the outer
layer compared to the general board thickness may
compensate Ior this 15. Board layers are typically
between 18 and 33 mm thick, depending on the
Iabrication. Thicker board layers in the build-up prolong
the resistance to Iire through better insulation properties
obtained by remaining coal layer. AIter the loss oI a
protective layer a coal layer or an added protective
board the burning rate tends to increase due to enabled
exposure to generally increased global temperature in the

Regarding Iire the general burning rate oI CLT is
approximately 0.7 mm/min. In residential buildings the
CLT is oIten clad with particleboard or gypsum board to
increase the Iire resistance. An addition oI a
particleboard oI 16 mm thickness extends the Iire
resistance under test conditions by approximately 10
minutes 14. Thus, the common design Ior increasing
the Iire perIormance oI a CLT structure counteracts the
passive perIormance oI a buIIering structural mass.
Another solution, which is increasingly used on the
market is sprinkling systems, which is regarded one oI
the saIest ways to save lives in case oI residential Iires.
Joint solutions with steel connectors imply sensitive
zones in the timber structure. An approach to this is
jointing technology based on dowels and slotted-in steel
plates, which show relatively good behaviour during Iire
exposure since the steel is embedded in the timber. In
case oI internally exposed CLT oI a Iacetted structure
joints should preIerably be oI embedded types Ior
aesthetic reasons, and in potential combination with
sprinklers the Iire perIormance should be realistic to
solve in a suitable and eIIicient way.

In general, as described in the previous sections, a well-
insulated building with suIIicient Iire resisting capacity
is obtained by adding layers on both inner and outer side
oI the load-bearing structure. The Iunction oI an external
wall structure as climate shield normally Iurther includes
the design oI a rain-screen cladding combined with wind
barrier, a ventilated cavity and an insulation layer oI a
certain thickness (even though the needed insulation
capacity oI a building envelope may diIIer between
diIIerent climatic regions and contexts). Due to the
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
relatively exact tolerances oI the preIabricated CLT
panels, air tightness can be achieved through the use oI
pre-compressed Ioam and/or vapour permeable tape
across outside joints.

Exposed materials on the exterior, e.g. structural mass
may contribute to the potential heat buIIering in the
building or reIlect light. The eIIect oI light reIlections
may be beneIicial iI prevention oI heat buIIering is
desired in the building. On the other hand it may also
result in disturbing spreading oI light in the surrounding
environment. The addition oI insulating layers makes
utilisation oI these eIIects Irom CLT diIIicult. There are
external wall solutions designed with a double CLT
structure with insulation in between the layers, a
solution, which is sometimes ordained by architects
wanting the materiality oI the load-bearing CLT
structure to characterise the Iaade expression.
Normally, however, the eIIects oI weathering on
exposed CLT elements make this less desirable
considering issues oI maintenance and durability.

There are diIIerent ways to Iix the insulation layer in
practice. In the early CLT based projects an additional
timber stud Irame was Iixed on the outside to carry the
insulation. This oI course increases the amount oI used
material in some early examples the structure that
carries the insulation would be capable to carry the entire
building, i.e. making the CLT superIluous. The use oI
studs Iurthermore makes irregular and Iacetted wall
shapes diIIicult to realise in terms oI acceptable Iunction
oI the layers in the climate shield as well as regarding
transIer oI loads imposed by the Iaade itselI. One
solution to this problem is to replace the studs with e.g. a
system oI Iasteners as shown in Figure 7, which are
designed to penetrate and Iix a layer oI high-density
insulation to an inner structural surIace-element and
provide support Ior an external rendering net. This
solution has been developed Ior concrete construction
and is also used e.g. when reIurbishing existing brick
buildings in need oI additional insulation to be Iixed
externally. This system was applied to carry a rendered
Iacade on the Iirst Swedish three-storey building
constructed in CLT in 2001 16.

Figure 7: Fastener for rendering and insulation layers.
The system could be adjusted to carry battens or another
support system Ior any Iaade material, even a timber
based panel with ventilated air cavity on the inner side.
The system thereby makes supplementary more material
intensive stud structures redundant and provides
increased geometrical Ilexibility as the Iixing device can
be rationally applied in diIIerent angles and at basically
any point where extra support Ior the Iaade is needed.
The Iixing device does not require a main load-bearing
direction and is more or less neutral in orientation, which
means that the direction oI e.g. battens and thereby
Iaade boards or lamellas may be varied on diIIerent
Iacets as well as on diIIerent parts oI the building.

The capacity oI the CLT to buIIer moisture and heat is oI
evident interest Ior potential regulation oI the indoor
climate. The buIIering eIIects oI the mass oI the timber
in a CLT structure has been shown to provide an evening
out oI indoor climate both on a 24 h cycle and over a 1
year cycle, given that the CLT is exposed in the interior.
The penetration oI moisture during taking up and
releasing moisture content is approximately 1 mm in the
24 h cycle and 3 mm in the 1-year cycle 17.

Recently the thermal perIormance oI CLT and the
impact oI increased peak temperatures have been
analysed in relation to the standards oI Passive house
construction, based on the Murray Grove housing project
in London |18|. This is nine-storey CLT-based building
was completed in 2009 with 29 apartments located at
corners surrounding a double core. On-site
measurements were perIormed in two apartments with
diIIerent orientations to calibrate a dynamic thermal
model. Comparative modelling oI the thermal
perIormance oI the CLT construction and a similar
concrete construction was perIormed.
The results obtained in the study indicate that CLT-based
buildings due to a high degree oI air-tightness and high
level oI insulation in combination with a lightweight
construction type (relatively lower thermal mass than
concrete) are sensitive to summertime overheating. The
data obtained Ior peak conditions showed that the
concrete construction reduced overheating more
eIIiciently compared to CLT, but also that both structural
types show sensitivity regarding this aspect.

Passive house as a concept has been Irequently debated
during recent years, however also studied and applied
primarily in residential projects in Europe, and the
concept was considered also in the Murray Grove
project. The concept is most Irequently based on heat
retention and thereby proposing sealed buildings without
means Ior passive cooling. The ability oI the thermal
mass to regulate the internal environment is in the CLT
case in the study reIerred to above reduced due to 15 mm
plasterboard lining on the inside and in all 85 mm
addition on the upper side oI the Iloor decks (15 mm
Iloor boards 55 mm screed 25 mm insulation). This
solution is a consequence oI regional building traditions,
how ditto building codes are interpreted and subsequent
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
solutions are approached in practice. The situation can
be compared with the design oI many Swedish
residential projects, where the upper side oI the CLT-
Iloors are leIt visible, thereby enabling activation oI
thermal mass.

The substitution oI CLT panels with transparent panel
elements means a potential to vary both the external
architectural design and the internal light conditions and
the design oI daylight eIIects in the interior.
PreIabricated CLT-panels are possible to combine with
e.g. window cassettes, which are integrated in the Iolded
structure oI the Iaade and/or rooI providing integrated
rooI lights. Either the transparent panels are integrated in
the load-bearing structure or the Iolded timber shell is
designed to provide load-paths around the transparent

Figure 8 & 9: Interior light studies of the folded shell with
a combination of transparent and opaque element types.
Two examples of different panel combinations. (Lighting
studies with Ecotect [19] are at 12:00 noon on 21 June in
Detroit, Michigan.)
parts. The Iacetted internal surIaces, seen in Figure 8 &
9, provide means Ior varied transmission oI daylight and
diIIerent eIIects oI reIlected light in the indoor space.
Improving energy eIIiciency and reducing energy
consumption by using daylighting can be a diIIicult task
to solve due to the many and oIten contrasting
perIormance parameters. Even iI increased daylight can
be beneIicial in reducing the need Ior artiIicial lighting
and subsequently increasing electricity savings, it may
also increase the indoor temperature. This eIIect may be
desired during the winter season, but is most oIten
regarded a negative eIIect in the summer period when
use oI cooling systems needs to be limited to save
energy. The actual perIormance oI daylighting will
depend on how daylight is penetrating the building
surIace. ThereIore the designer Iaces the challenge oI not
only meeting quantitative requirements, but also, and
more importantly, to solve them spatially, i.e. to design
those elements and devices that allow the control oI light
penetration (both active and passive Iunctions may be
In the current case the interplay between transparent and
opaque elements can be actively utilised as a variable
Iactor in both architectural composition and
environmental design optimisation oI the structure.
Additional shading eIIects may be obtained through the
arrangement oI Iolds adjusted to suit local conditions,
protecting the interior Irom direct sunlight during certain
periods oI the year. With preIabricated elements Ior a
Iacetted structure, an opening may be designed to
replace one oI the Iacets, as exempliIied in Figure 10,
where the edges deIining the opening are constituted by
the surrounding structural elements. Practical issues
include Iorm and angle oI window openings, angles oI
edges and structural members surrounding openings,
material and surIace properties/Iinish oI the lining. The
degree oI preIabrication and the edge design and Iinish
then has a direct eIIect on how the light is transmitted
Figure 10: Exterior view of a folded single-curved
structure with a combination of panels. (Renderings are
at 12:00 noon on 21 June in Detroit, Michigan.)
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
through the Iaade and into the building. When solving
this problem there is a delicate balance between
quantitative perIormance and geometric variables
whereby the integrated optimisation strategy applied in
this study, has so Iar shown to be eIIicient.
As can be noticed, perIormance-based design procedures
can be relatively complex Ior a CLT based building skin,
and will Iurthermore demand considerable design co-
ordination beIore building erection starts on site, iI all
openings are to be cut oII site. Cutting oI openings in the
CLT panels on site is Ieasible but not realistic in all
cases, due to lower quality oI precision and edge
Iinishing. The decision oI the degree oI preIabrication is
an issue oI logistics but also aIIecting the ways oI how to
meet the demands Ior a certain product perIormance.
In the current context the relation between climate skins,
shell structures and Iree-Iorm are oI interest Ior Iurther
elaboration. These issues imply three partly conIlicting
Iactors in the design oI building envelopes: For
optimised Iunction the climate skin requires a certain set
oI properties and a certain overall dimension oI the
cross-section. For optimal structural Iunction a shell
structure pre-deIines restrictions regarding overall Iorm
and edge design. The current development oI free-form
architecture raises demands Ior structural solutions to
meet the requirements oI experimental and highly
complex 3-dimensional Ireedom oI challenging artistic

Considering the need Ior rain-screen and insulation
layers on the outside oI the load-bearing structure it
could in an architectural/expressional perspective be
argued that the actual shape oI the structural core will
loose its expressional precision. II there are additional
layers on one or even two sides, what is then revealed oI
the resulting Iorm oI the structural design eIIort? In
temperate climate zones it is not realistic to create a Iully
protected indoor climate with only one single layer.
There are numerous parameters that need to be
considered and included in the problem solving process
ending up with a complex structure no matter what
structural solution is chosen Ior the project.
However, the structural solution and its properties
remain a prerequisite Ior the possibilities when designing
the Iorm oI a building. Form and detailing oI geometries
and Ienestration are direct consequences oI the
utilisation oI the structural capacity oI the chosen
system. Thus, it can be argued that the characteristics oI
CLT can be explicitly utilised in the architectural design,
and the properties regarding building physics can be
utilised iI the design procedure allows Ior an iteration oI
multi-objective criteria, resulting in a metaphorically
speaking multi-Iacetted analysis and evaluation. Then
the issue is broken down into questions reIerring to
eIIiciency in a great number oI aspects, and in this
context the CLT product Ilora is, as can be seen,
beneIicial, considering their structural robustness,
buIIering capacities, tightness and workability.

Shell structures are interesting both Ior their structural
capacity and ditto behaviour, the positive eIIects oI their
structural indeterminacy and Ior the clearly expressed
architectural Ieatures oI their structural Iunction. Most
well re-known examples Irom the 20
century are
concrete shells like those designed by e.g. Heinz Isler
and Felix Candela, which show with brilliance the pure
designs oI structurally optimised shells. The Iunction as
a complete envelope can be diIIicult to obtain though,
due to properties limiting the range oI Iorm options Ior
wall structures. The ideal perIormance oI a shell is
linked to its ideal Iorm, which in concrete means a
certain range oI vault varieties and crucial boundary
conditions. The search Ior Iree-Iorm architecture implies
challenges oI Iorm-Iinding and calculation and several
theoretical models to study and determine the Ilow oI
Iorces e.g. trajectories, thrust networks and rain Ilow
have been developed, in search Ior Iacilitating utilisation
oI the beneIicial properties oI shells.

Shell structures have steadily been gaining interest over
the years, and have been developed also in other
materials than concrete, like gridshells in steel and
gridshells based on green oak as seen in e.g. the Savill
garden entrance building and the Weald & Downland
open air museum in the UK. These shell types provide
variation on the theme oI shells both regarding use,
structural Iorm and characteristics and architectural
Iunction. Plate-based shells entail another group oI
typologies, which widens the range oI possible
architectural Iorms.

In this way Iree-Iorm architecture can be realised by
choosing diIIerent means and systems Ior the
construction, depending on the desired building
perIormance. In the case oI CLT it can be seen that the
cross-laminated products provide a range oI optional
structural solutions with potential Iunctional beneIits and
corresponding architectural expressions, which may be
an answer to some contemporary design concepts and
maybe even, iI Iurther developed, extend the boundaries
oI architectural concepts through a material based design
approach. A project like St Loup already shows the
potential in practice and Iurther studied the CLT-based
Iolded structures may Iurther develop applications oI
Iolds and Iacets in construction as well as the transIer oI
origami into construction oI complete envelopes.

The relation between exterior and interior has changed
through history, and the diIIerence in approach has
developed with the gradual transIormation oI the cross-
section to become more and more heterogeneous. This
has subsequently led to a diIIerentiation oI properties oI
inner compared to outer layers oI the wall, and thereby
the use oI diIIerent materials and products Ior the
diIIerent conditions. In that perspective, architectural
World Conference on Timber Engineering
Auckland New Zealand
15 - 19 July 2012
diversiIication oI the inner and outer wall expression is a
natural consequence, and once that is recognised it might
not be too big a step to completely separate the two
structurally. However, material, resource as well as
structural eIIiciency may advocate the opposite approach
and Iurthermore interesting challenges can be Iound in
developing systems and designs making use oI an
explicit architectural-structural interplay like in the case
oI CLT-based systems.

Architecturally the concept oI utilising one structure Ior
both external and internal spatial Iorm means that the
structure deIines the architectural Iorm and identity and
this may not be suitable in all contexts, but when e.g. a
unique, iconic expression is the aim, it could be argued
Irom a tectonic viewpoint that the interior would gain
Irom Iollowing where the exterior and its structure go.

Timber based Iolded structures show potential to provide
robust systems Ior applications as Iaades. Rational
production and construction are recognised aspects oI
CLT-based designs and the utilisation oI CLT in Iolded
assemblies makes eIIicient use oI material and element
properties. To be able to manage eIIects oI material
properties on the environmental result relating to an
object-speciIic geometry, the envelope design needs to
be analysed as a multi-objective problem, and tests oI
hypothetical character like those currently described may
generate principles oI general validity.

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