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Father, God ofAbraharn,Isaac and Jacob You word declares that if we, Your people, who are called

by Your name. will humble ourselves and pray and seek Your t-ace and turn from our wicked ways, then will You hear from heaven and you will tbrgive our sin and will heal our land (2 Chron 7:14)
We bow before Your sacred throne and humbly ask Your forgiveness for the sin of idolatr,v! your word dernands; "Thou shalt have no otirer gods before hfe", yet hu.,r", under the banner of piuralism, and hedonism" embraced and worshiped the gods of the world. Thke us back to the God of A-braham" Isaac and Jacob! (Exodus 20:3)


Through moral and spiritual comprornise and prideful complaceno),, we have allorvetl 3ur nation to ccnform to the ways of the world by turning away from our spiritual roots found in Your Word. produced a secuiar nation and ail nations that forget lbu, shali be forsaken. We ask that't'ou need You, in these desperate times, to lead us out of our politically correct fog of constant confusion and take us back to Your moral clarity. (psalm 9:17)

Our silence

hear our

cry for we

O Lord our God, King of the Universe, vle confess that America cannot survive w{thout Your presence. your statutes founded this blessed land and in'e look to You, Father God, to preserve our country, foi "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalm 33:12)

As oommandecl in scriptwe, we pray f<rr all in authority who govem our nafion. May the perfeot oompass of your Holy Word, which clearly discems right from wrong, guide their legislative rulings. We ask that the deeisions made in go-vemment by our leaders bless and proteet the nation of Israel. (1*mothy 2:l-3:Genesis
12:3) O Lord our God, \bu have promised to raise up righteous leaders into high places and to remove those who have displayed uruighteous authodiy. We earnestly pray that You will once again exalt the upriglrt and expose the deeds of the ungodly. (Proverbs 14:33-35)

America must have spiritual renewai for moral survivaMn this season of prayer, we unite in humble heartfelt hope and ask that You fcrgive us and deliver us &om the folly of our transgressions. Guide and sustain our nation as we turn from our sin and return to You, the God of our fathers. (Psalm 5 I : 1 - I 7)
The time has crtme to declare our trust in


to heal our land. (2 Sam 22:2-4; Ps 5: I I ; Ps 5Z: l -3)

We pledge to exercise our God given rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" in voting for future leaders from the county courthouse to the \\ihite House *'ho obey and honor Your Word. (Dueteronomy 28:

i-14; Psaim ll9:4448; Psalm 5:1i)

We pledge to vote the Bible in selecting those that

will govern our country (Dueteronomy l6:1S-20)

Blessed are You, O Lord our God. for You are good and Your mercy endures forever. We petition heaven with our united prayers as we seek Your blessing, Your peace and Yow protection for America(l Chron 16:34; Numbers 6:22-26; Romans 15:13; Psaim 5:li)

May the Lord our God, be with us, as He w-as with our forefathrs; may He not leave us or forsake us; so that He may inclirre our hearts to Himseld to walk irr all His ways....that all peoples of tiie earth rnay know that the Lord is God and that there is no other. (l Kings 8:57-60)

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