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Modeling of DC Motors and The Controllers

Created by : Mohamad Ibrahim
Case Study:

We have a DC motor with these specifications :

 Armature Resistance Ra = 0.35  .
 Armature inductance La = 0.001 h.
 The Voltage Vt = 460 v.
 The Mechanical Constant with Field Cmpsi = 9.55*0.28.
 Inertia Constant = 0.09 n.m2.
 Friction Constant = 0.006.

What to do :
 Modeling This motor in SimuLink/MATLAB.
 Design P Controller (Proportional) For Speed .
 Design PI Controller(Proportional Integral) For Speed .
 Design PI Controller For Current Regulation.
 Selection Of Kp,Ki For Speed Controller by Z iegler Method in a Closed Loop
1-Modeling of DC Motors

To Model the DC Motors We Have to find a relation between The Voltage (Controlling
Signal) With The Speed. i.e. finding transfer function.
From general Equation of DC motor we have :
U=E+ Ra. Ia+ La dIa/dt .
E = Cmpsi*Wm.
U- Cmpsi*Wm = Ra* Ia+ La dIa/dt …………………………………(1)
And from the dynamic equation for Motors:
J . dWm/dt = T e-TL + B.Wm …………………………………(2)
By Doing Laplace Transform for (1)
U(s) –Cmpsi . W(s) = Ia(Ra+La.s)
G(s) = Ia(s)/(U(s)-Cmpsi.W(s)) = 1/(Ra+La.s)
By Doing Laplace Transform for (2)
Wm(s+B/J)= Cmpsi . Ia(s)/J
H(s) = Wm(s)/(Ia(s).Cmpsi)
By choosing The Proper Blocks From the Simulink bibraries for transfer functions we have
this Model:
To Have a Position of the Shaft We make an Integration of Sp eed , Cause
   Wm
So We have this Model
For The Simplifying We Make The Model As Subsystem

2- Design PI Controller for Speed

This method Depend on Step Response Characteristic of the Transfer function With
feedback loop from speed.
We found the transfer function
G(s) =Cmpsi/((La.J)s2 + (Ra.J+La.B)s + Ra.B+Cmpsi^2)
By writing the following M-Code and Execute it, We Find the Step Response.
Then we calculate the Slop R from the linear part of the characteristic
R = 51.162
After that we calculate the time period D . wich is the intersection point of Line and
The x Axis .
D = 0.00121.
From Ziegler Nichols Table. We find Kp = 1/R.D
Kp = 16.153.
So the Model now look like this figure .
By Observing the Resulted Speed We Find that Proportional Controllers:
 Have Fast transient Speed Response.
 Sustained Steady State static error

We need to eliminate this static error in Steady State , So We will Design PI Controller .
From the Ziegler Nichols Table at Case Pi Controller We h ave Kp = 0.9/R.D
Ti = Kp/Ki = D/0.03
We have R,D from step response .
Ki = 3892

The resulted speed has no Static error but it has a high windup in transient state So we will
build anti windup system.
This system depend on delaying of integration at transient state to steady state.
This is done by using abs function besides a switch block.
As follow.
We notice very good Resonse at speed
3-Design PI Conroller for Current Regulation

Until now we haven't regulated the Current . to Build a PI Controllers For Current We have
two Methods:
1- Step Response
2- Pole/Zero Cancellation.
In Both Methods We have to Find Transfer Function to System(the Motor Model)
With a currnt feedback loop.
After some calculations the final Tra nsfer Function look like this
G3=K1(1+Ti.s)/(t1.s^3 + t2.s^2+t3.s +1)
Then write this Function in M-Code file and apply Step instruction to have the step
response .
As in PI Parameter In speed control we find the parameter of PI Controller for current
Kp = 10;
Ki = 3508;
Ziegler Method in a Closed Loop System .
First, assume that the closed loop have no Integration Controlling ,this mean
Ki = 0.
Second, w give kp any value make system stable assume kp1= 30 .
Then ,gradually Increasingn kp1 value until we have an Oscillating speed
Characteristic Kp1= 400 .
After that we take a period of oscillations Tu = 0.006 second.
From Ziegler Tables in closed loops.
Kp = Kp1/2 = 400/2 = 200
Ti = Tu/1.2 = 0.005
Ti = Kp/Ki
Ki = kp/Ti = 200/0.005 = 40000.
we save the ratio Ti between kp and Ki and make a decrease in this parameter to reasonable
Kp =2

Ki = 400

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