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GlobalVM: O Caminho para o futuro Nova Proposta de Gesto

Receba de braos abertos a agil, flexivel e dinamica proposta de gestao como sua nova infraestrutura de TI. Esta gestao simplificada, maximiza a eficiencia operacional e aumenta a agilidade de negocios e TI, sem que haja perda de controle. Como lider reconhecido em virtualizacao e infraestruturas Cloud, estamos construindo nossa fundao com soluoes projetadas para ambas as areas citadas. Estas solucoes fornecem novos nveis de automaao e servios baseados em politicas de garantia em todas as camadas da morderna arquitetura de TI. Esta inteligente politica de gestao automativa esta inerente a parte do sistema aberto que utiliza de uma abordagem baseada em padroes que garantem a liberdade de escolha durante a interoperabilidade com os parceiros do ecosistema e dos provedores dos servios Cloud. Virtualizao simplificada e Gestao Cloud
GlobalVMs approach to IT management: Simplifies management through embedded and tightly integrated solutions with GlobalVMs virtualization and cloud platforms Improves effectiveness and efficiency of disparate IT teams and processes through converged management Provides unprecedented visibility into, and control of, costs and risks to help you run IT like a business

Embedded, Integrated Management

The velocity of change, shared service infrastructures and the emergence of new application platforms and cloud deployment models has outstripped the capabilities of traditional approaches to IT management. GlobalVM simplifies management by improving the manageability of its industry-leading GlobalCircle platform with built-in intelligence. GlobalVM augments these embedded management capabilities with tightly integrated solutions that leverage deep insight into the GlobalCircle platform. The result? A proactive rather than reactive infrastructure, one that alerts you to an impending performance degradation so that you can take action prior to your end users being impacted. And through built-in, policy-based automation, the system can remediate many problems automatically, in effect moving from a management approach of alert and respond to respond and alert.

Converged Management
Today, many IT organizations lack adequate tools and processes to support emerging disciplines such as Dev/Ops or to take full advantage of dynamic cloud computing environments. GlobalVM addresses these shortcomings by

improving the effectiveness and efficiency of disparate IT teams and processes through converged management solutions. For operations teams, GlobalVM delivers an integrated solution to the often siloed disciplines of performance, capacity and configuration management. Similarly, GlobalVM provides an end-to-end application management approach that converges the disciplines of application provisioning, deployment, release and monitoring through ongoing management. GlobalVMs converged management solutions enable greater collaboration and sharing of data and processes among teams. Software support can also be streamlined by means of GlobalVMs solutions.

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