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This is OpenCV 2.1 The major changes since v2.

0: ============================= * tons of bug fixes, much better test coverage. * TBB instead of OpenMP; dynamic SSE detection. * SWIG-based Python bindings are no longer supported. Python samples rewritten using the new interface. * more complete support for 64-bit Win and Mac OSes, including highgui. * better stereo correspondence algorithm (SGBM), see opencv/samples/c/stereo_mat ch.cpp * grabcut image segmentation algorithm. see opencv/samples/c/grabcut.cpp ... and more. The detailed changelog is available at ncv/doc/ChangeLog.htm Important installation notes: ============================= 1. The library is better to be installed to a directory _without_ a space in its name, such as the default C:\OpenCV2.1 otherwise (e.g. if you install it to C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.1) you may get compile errors. This is a limitation of the current build scripts. 2. To use the pre-built OpenCV binaries from OpenCV-2.1.0-win32-vs2008.exe you s hould either install Visual Studio 2008 (Express Edition is enough) or Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86). In the latter case you could only use the Release versions of the library. 3. Alternatively, you can build OpenCV from source. The details are explained he re: Here is the procedure at glance: -------------------------------1. Download CMake from and install it. 2. Run CMake GUI tool and configure OpenCV there: 2.1. select C:\OpenCV2.1 (or the installation directory you chose) as the source directory; 2.2. choose some other directory name for the generated project files, e.g . C:\OpenCV2.1\vs2008, or D:\Work\OpenCV_MinGW etc. 2.3. press Configure button, select your preferrable build environment 2.4. adjust any options at your choice 2.5. press Configure again, then press Generate. 3a. In the case of Visual Studio or any other IDE, open the generated solution/workspace/project ..., e.g. C:\OpenCV2.1\vs2008\OpenCV.sln, build it in Release and Debug configurations.

3b. In the case of command-line Makefiles, enter the destination directory and type "make" (or "nmake" etc.) 4. Add the output directories to the system path, e.g.: C:\OpenCV2.1\vs2008\bin\Debug;C:\OpenCV2.1\vs2008\bin\Release:%PATH% It is safe to add both directories, since the Debug OpenCV DLLs have the "d" suffix, which the Release DLLs do not have. 5. Optionally, add C:\OpenCV2.1\include\opencv to the list of include directories in your IDE settings, and the output library directories (e.g. C:\OpenCV2.1\vs2008\lib\{Debug,Release}) to the list of library paths. It is important to build both release and debug configurations, and link you code with the proper libraries in each configuration, otherwise various compile-time or run-time errors are possible. Known issues: ============= 1. Python 2.6 bindings for OpenCV are included within the package, but not installed. You can copy the subdirectory opencv/Python2.6/Lib/site-packages into the respective directory of the Python installation. This procedure will be automated in the next OpenCV update. 2. The library can be built with VS2003.NET, and all the tests pass, but DirectShow support (via videoInput library) is not included.

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