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Project 3-1 2. root 3. no. it can't go back any further than that. 4. no. cuase its already in root.

5. yes. cause of the cd .. commad. cd .. command takes you 1 level back. 6. yes. i am in a root now. abosolute path name. 7. no such file or directory 8. yes. abosolute path name. 9. yes. absolute path name. 10. yes. cd /user1 11. yes. /home/user1/Desktop. absolute 13. cd .. goes 1 level up/back where sysconfig is resided and then jump into tha t directory. 14. no it would not be more advantantageous than that. Project 3-3 3. directories and files. yes alot of them have file extensions. .conf, it indic ates its a config file. yes 4. list of directories and files. 9. root. 10. this output displays in 3 columns while in step 9 its was showing all in one line. no current directory did not change. 11. no theres no listing of any files. these are the most important system files . both are bash/shell files. 12. .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .emacs .gnome2/ .mozilla/ .xemacs/ .zshrc 13. theres a list none of them have any file extensions. after excuting some dif ferent commands i figuered out there are executables files, shared object files, and symbolic link files. 14. Date, time and directory. efi and grub. no the outout is the same. cause bot h of the commands do the same function. 15. directory 16. ASCII English text 17. yes 20. No i was not able to quit, cause there is an error E37: No write since last change (add ! to override) 21 Project 3-5 3. typing 4. cursore moved. h inserted before the cursor. 5. cursor moved to h.cursor moved I (it) 9. "sample"[new] 19L, 572C written 12. ASCII English Text 13. sample1 19L, 572C 15. Day, month, date, time, timezone, and year is printed on the second line of the document. 16. yy copied the line and P printed that line next to it. 19. A file name sample2 has been created/written with the contents of sample 1 e xcept the name changed to Bob. 27. The last change has been undone due to u command. Capital TO changed back to lowercase to. 33. Flies has been replaced with files and bears Project 3-6

2. 3 files 3. anaconda-ks.cfg install.log install.log.syslog sample1 sample2 sample3 4. cannot access sample: No such file or directory, cause there is no such file with the name sample 5. sample1 sample2 sample3 is listed cause the command sample with the ? was exe cuted to check how many files are there with the word starting sample. 6. cannot access sample??: No such file or directory. 7. sample1 sample 3 is listed. cause sample[13] was searched. and these files ma tches the search. 8. sample2, cause the search command is asking for a file name sample with no 1 and 3. 9. sample1 sample2 sample3. this command searches all the file among sample1 to sample 3. 10.cannot access sample[!1-3]: no such file or directory, cause there is no samp le files without digits/numbers. step 9 searchs the sample file with the numbers from 1-3 and this files searches sample file without any number attac hed to it. Project 3-7 2. especially wished to see the model of the highland inn was origionaly located on cache lake. cause the word Inn was searched in sample1 file. 3. The entire contents of sample1 file is displayed. cause of -v in the command. step 2 only printed a line from the word Inn, and in step 3 -v printed the whol e document. 4. And the train station in the dinning room. cause lower case inn was searched. 5. All the lines that includes lowercase and uppercase inn/Inn has been displaye d. as compare to step 2 and 4, the difference is case sensitve. 6. All the lines that has letter I has been displayed. 7. It did the same thing as in step 6, there is no difference. 8. Dispalyed all the lines that contain letters t and e. cause of the command. 9. Dispalyed all the lines that contain letters w and e. cause of the command. 10.nothing displayed cause theres is a space before ^I and there is no such line s starting with that syntax. 11.All the lines that starting with Capital I has displayed cause of ^I syntax i n command. there was spacing before ^I in previous step while in this step the c ommands syntax are perfect. 12.Bad command 13.All the lines that has w and e in it, has displayed. 14.The line that ends with a word Inn is displayed. 15.All the lines that ends with a ? metacharacter are dispalyed. 16.All the lines that starts with uppercase words has been displayed but in hidd en mode.

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