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Chapter Objectives

Determine the deflection and slope at specific points on beams and shafts, using various analytical methods including: The integration method The use of discontinuity functions The method of superposition

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1) The slope angle in flexure equations is
a) b) c) d) Measured in degree Measured in radian Exactly equal to dv/dx None of the above

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ELASTIC CURVE The deflection diagram of the longitudinal axis that passes through the centroid of each cross-sectional area of the beam is called the elastic curve, which is characterized by the deflection and slope along the curve

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ELASTIC CURVE (cont) Moment-curvature relationship: Sign convention:

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ELASTIC CURVE (cont) Consider a segment of width dx, the strain in are ds, located at a position y from the neutral axis is = (ds ds)/ds. However, ds = dx = d and ds = (-y) d, and so = [( y) d d ] / (d), or

Comparing with the Hookes Law = / E and the flexure formula = -My/I

M 1 = or = EI Ey 1
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SLOPE AND DISPLACEMENT BY INTEGRATION Kinematic relationship between radius of curvature and location x:

[1 + (dv dx) ] [ ]

d 2 v dv 2

2 32

Then using the moment curvature equation, we have

M 1 d 2 v dx 2 = = EI 1 + (dv dx )2

3/ 2

d 2v 2 dx

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SLOPE AND DISPLACEMENT BY INTEGRATION (cont) Boundary Conditions: The integration constants can be determined by imposing the boundary conditions, or Continuity condition at specific locations

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The cantilevered beam shown in Fig. 1210a is subjected to a vertical load P at its end. Determine the equation of the elastic curve. EI is constant.

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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
From the free-body diagram, with M acting in the positive direction, Fig. 1210b, we have

M = Px

Applying Eq. 1210 and integrating twice yields

d 2v EI 2 = Px (1) dx dv Px 2 EI = + C1 (2) 2 dx Px 3 EIv = + C1 x + C2 (1) 6

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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
Using the boundary conditions dv/dx = 0 at x = L and v = 0 at x = L, equations 2 and 3 become

PL2 + C1 0= 2 PL3 0= + C1 L + C2 6 PL2 PL3 C1 = and C2 = 2 3

Substituting these results, we get

P 2 L x2 2 EI P x 3 + 3L2 x 2 L3 v= 6 EI


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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
Maximum slope and displacement occur at for which A(x =0),

PL2 A = (4) 2 EI PL3 vA = (5) 3EI

If this beam was designed without a factor of safety by assuming the allowable normal stress is equal to the yield stress is 250 MPa; then a W310 x 39 would be found to be adequate (I = 84.4(106)mm4)

30(5) (1000) A = = 0.0222 rad 6 2[200] 84.4 10

2 2

30(5) (1000) vA = = 74.1 mm 6 3[200] 84.4 10

2 2

[ ( )]

[ ( )]

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The simply supported beam shown in Fig. 1211a supports the triangular distributed loading. Determine its maximum deflection. EI is constant.

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
Due to symmetry only one x coordinate is needed for the solution,

0 x L/2
The equation for the distributed loading is w = Hence
+ M NA = 0; w0 x 2 x w0 L (x ) = 0 M+ L 3 4 w0 x 2 w0 L + x M = 3L 4

2w0 x. L

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
Integrating twice, we have
wL d 2v w EI 2 = M = 0 x 3 + 0 x 3L 4 dx w wL dv EI = 0 x 4 + 0 x 2 + C1 dx 12 L 8 w wL EIv = 0 x 5 + 0 x 3 + C1 x + C2 60L 24

For boundary condition, v = 0, x = 0 and dv dx = 0, x = L 2

5w0 L3 C1 = , C2 = 0 192

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)

w0 5 w0 L 3 5w0 L3 EIv = x + x x 60 L 24 192

For maximum deflection at x = L/2,


w0 L4 = 120 EI


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