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Excel Add pictures that float like comments.

Ease of Use Intermediate Version tested with 2003 Submitted by: Oorang Description: Puts a picture into an Excel Comment. Discussion: In certain situations, such as creating an organizational reference (phone book, org chart etc.) you may want to show the picture of the person (or thing) refer enced. This will allow you to do so without cluttering up your sheet or interfer ing with your data. Simply add the picture to a comment. Special thanks to: lenz e for reminding me you could do this. Code: instructions for use '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Module : CommentPictures ' Author : Aaron Bush ' Date : 07/24/2008 ' Purpose : Contains procedures related to adding floating picture ' comments. ' References : Microsoft Excel XX.0 Object Library (Tested on 2003) ' Dependencies : No dependancies outside module. '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Option Option Option Option Explicit Private Module Compare Binary Base 0

'Setting this to True will turn off all error handling: #Const m_blnErrorHandlersOff_c = False Public Sub Example() If InsertPictureComment(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "C:\Test\PaleGreen.bmp", _ overWrite:=True) Then MsgBox "Picture inserted" Else MsgBox "Could not insert picture." End If End Sub Public Function InsertPictureComment( _ ByRef anchorRange As Excel.Range, _ ByVal imagePath As String, _ Optional ByVal imageHeight As Long = 90, _ Optional ByVal imageWidth As Long = 90, _ Optional ByVal overWrite As Boolean = False _ ) As Boolean '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Procedure : InsertPictureComment

' Author : Aaron Bush ' Date : 07/24/2008 ' Purpose : Inserts a picture that floats like a comment. ' Input(s) : anchorRange - The cell that you want to place a comment on. ' If more than one cell is specified, the first ' cell in the range will be used. ' imagePath - The path to the image you want to use. ' imageHeight - Optional. Sets the height of the image. ' imageWidth - Optional. Sets the width of the image. ' overWrite - Optional. If a comment already exists in cell ' specified by anchorRange and overWrite is true ' then the comment will be overwritten. Otherwise ' an exception will be thrown. ' Output(s) : True if procedure completed correctly. False if error ' was encountered. ' Remarks : ' Revisions : '-------------------------------------------------------------------------Const strSpace_c As String = " " Const lngOne_c As Long = 1 Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim Dim strCmntName As String rng As Excel.Range cmnt As Excel.Comment shp As Excel.Shape xltbx As Excel.TextBox lngIndx As Long blnRtnVal As Boolean

'Conditionally Invoke Error Handler: #If Not m_blnErrorHandlersOff_c Then On Error Goto Err_Hnd #End If 'Prevents errors caused by multicell references: Set rng = anchorRange.Cells(lngOne_c, lngOne_c) 'If overwrites are allowed check for pre-existing comments: If overWrite Then Set cmnt = rng.Comment If Not cmnt Is Nothing Then 'If comment found, then delete it: cmnt.Delete End If End If 'Cannot create comment with vbnullstring, so use a space: Set cmnt = rng.AddComment(strSpace_c) 'Load picture into comment's shape background: Set shp = cmnt.Shape shp.Fill.UserPicture imagePath 'Set size of comment/picture: shp.Height = imageHeight shp.Width = imageWidth 'To get a textbox object (needed later) comment must be named. This 'generates a unique name:

On Error Resume Next Do Err.Clear strCmntName = lngIndx & imagePath = strCmntName lngIndx = lngIndx + lngOne_c Loop Until Not CBool(Err) #If m_blnErrorHandlersOff_c Then On Error Goto 0 #Else On Error Goto Err_Hnd #End If 'Get textbox object using name: Set xltbx = GetTextbox(rng.parent, strCmntName) 'Kill dropshadow: xltbx.ShapeRange.Shadow.Visible = False 'Flag procedure as complete: blnRtnVal = True '******* Exit Procedure ******* Exit_Proc: 'Supress Error Handling to Prevent Error-Loops: On Error Resume Next 'Release Objects: Set rng = Nothing Set cmnt = Nothing Set shp = Nothing Set xltbx = Nothing 'Set Return Value: InsertPictureComment = blnRtnVal Exit Function '******* Error Handler ******* Err_Hnd: blnRtnVal = False MsgBox Err.Description, vbSystemModal, "Error: " & Err.Number Resume Exit_Proc Resume End Function Private Function GetTextbox( _ ByRef parent As Excel.Worksheet, _ ByVal name As String _ ) As Excel.TextBox '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Procedure Author Date Purpose Input(s) : : : : : GetTextbox Aaron Bush 07/24/2008 Gets an Excel.Textbox object by name. parent - The worksheet that has the Excel.Textbox Object you are looking for. name - The name of the Excel.Textbox object you are looking for.

' Output(s) : An Excel.Textbox object. ' Remarks : Not case sensitive. If object not found or error encountered ' output is "Nothing". ' Revisions : '-------------------------------------------------------------------------Const lngLwrBnd_c As Long = 1 Dim xltbx As Excel.TextBox Dim strName As String Dim lngUprBnd As Long Dim lngIndx As Long 'Conditionally Invoke Error Handler: #If Not m_blnErrorHandlersOff_c Then On Error Goto Err_Hnd #End If 'Force name to lower case for comparison: strName = LCase$(name) 'Stay away from looping using "For Each" as the Excel.Textboxes collection 'isn't implemented quite right in XL2003: lngUprBnd = parent.TextBoxes.Count For lngIndx = lngLwrBnd_c To lngUprBnd Set xltbx = parent.TextBoxes(lngIndx) If LCase$( = strName Then 'Found target, exit loop: Exit For End If Next If lngIndx > lngUprBnd Then Set GetTextbox = Nothing End If '******* Exit Procedure ******* Exit_Proc: 'Supress Error Handling to Prevent Error-Loops: On Error Resume Next 'Set Return Value: Set GetTextbox = xltbx 'Release Objects: Set xltbx = Nothing Exit Function '******* Error Handler ******* Err_Hnd: Set xltbx = Nothing 'Fail silently. Resume Exit_Proc End Function How to use: 1. Press Alt-F11 to Launch the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) 2. From the VBE select the "Insert Menu" 3. From the "Insert Menu" select "Module" (not "Class Module") 4. In the module you just inserted paste the above code. Test the code:

Use the "Example" routine provided

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