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GZTS Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey Interpretive Report

ID Number: Age: Gender: Date Assessed: 1 21 Female 08/15/2006

Copyright 1949 (renewed 1976) Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


Not for release under HIPAA or other data disclosure laws that exempt trade secrets from disclosure.
[ 2.3 / 1 / 1.5.11 ]

GZTS Interpretive Report 08/15/2006, Page 2

ID: 1

This computer-generated report for the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey is based on information and logic provided by Sheridan Psychological Services. This report can serve as a useful source of hypotheses about clients. The personality descriptions contained herein should be verified by other sources of information because individual clients may not fully match the prototype. Extensive documentation of the development and validation of the GZTS can be found in THE GUILFORD-ZIMMERMAN TEMPERAMENT SURVEY HANDBOOK. The information contained in this report should be considered confidential.

C Score Graph by Trait

Restraint Energetic Boldness Sociability Stability Objectivity Thoughtfulness Friendliness Cooperative Femininity

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Inactivity Submissiveness Impulsivity Shyness Instability Subjectivity Hostility Criticalness Unreflectiveness Masculinity

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Factor Raw Score C Score T Score Centile Rank

G 28 10 75 99

R 10 3 40 20

A 22 8 65 90

S 24 6 55 70

E 13 4 45 30

O 7 2 35 5

F 6 1 30 1

T 14 4 45 30

P 5

M 6 7 60 80

GZTS Interpretive Report 08/15/2006, Page 3

ID: 1

Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey Summary

This report does not provide standard scores for Scale P because the client endorsed an excessive number of (?) responses for this scale. The raw score is provided and can be converted to a standard score by consulting the GZTS Profile Chart (available from Sheridan Psychological Services, Inc., Orange, CA). The following narrative should be used with caution because it was generated in the absence of a C score for Scale P. This scale is not interpreted. Furthermore, extreme scores for most GZTS scales are normally used to moderate the interpretation of other scales. This may not have been possible for this report. She has an unusually high energy level, is rarely idle or motionless, and would find sedentary work extremely difficult because she has trouble sitting still. Her very high energy level will tend to exaggerate her other characteristics. She will find it difficult to control her high level of hostility, and she may commit hostile acts of a verbal and/or physical nature. In self-restraint, her scores are somewhat below average. She does not take things very seriously and is inclined to act impulsively. When it comes to assuming responsibility, she should probably be trusted somewhat less than the average person. Most of the time, she probably acts rather uninhibited. She scores high in social boldness. She probably often insists on being a leader, and in social interactions, she usually plays a dominant role. She rarely lets others take advantage of her, and she certainly exhibits sufficient assertiveness to supervise or manage others. She scores slightly above average in sociability. She sometimes enjoys being surrounded by other people, and she will more often than not initiate conversations with strangers. She has some need for friends and acquaintances. She is not usually inclined to keep to herself. In emotional stability, she scores slightly below average and is not very happy most of the time. In situations that involve prolonged tension or stress, she would probably have difficulty. She could probably not be described as an even-tempered person. She is slightly more of a pessimist than an optimist. This person is much too sensitive to criticism and may even tend to imagine that she is being criticized when such is not the case. Others will regard her as being too touchy. She is very self-centered and thus has a great deal of difficulty seeing anyone else's point of view. She often suspects others of bearing malice toward her or of viewing her negatively. This individual should not be hired for any job or position where effective interpersonal relations are necessary for successful performance. She can be expected to react with hostility to imagined or suspected slights, criticism, or attacks. This person harbors a great deal of hostility toward the world in general. She is prone to enter into arguments and perhaps even into physical combat if sufficiently provoked. Other people find her very

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difficult to get along with because of her unusual belligerence. She should not be hired for any position in which it is necessary for her to maintain compatible relationships with co-workers or superiors. This person has a tendency to discharge frustration by bitterness or hostile acts. She is slightly below average in the extent to which she engages in introspection. She would probably not like assignments that required intensive thinking, planning, or analysis of herself and others. She probably spends less time than average in observation and analysis of herself and others. This person scores somewhat above average in the femininity of her interests and attitudes as defined by the traditional social stereotype. It is quite easy to arouse feelings of disgust in her. Compared to most women, she is somewhat more sensitive and sympathetic. She is somewhat more inclined to be fearful compared to the average woman.

End of Report NOTE: This and previous pages of this report contain trade secrets and are not to be released in response to requests under HIPAA (or any other data disclosure law that exempts trade secret information from release). Further, release in response to litigation discovery demands should be made only in accordance with your profession's ethical guidelines and under an appropriate protective order.

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