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Introduction: Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 On the one hand, many argue/consider __________ Sentence 4 Both sides of this arguments

ts will be critiqued before a well-reasoned conclusion is found/drawn. In this essay, both sides of this debate will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is drawn. The advantages and disadvantages of this development will be analyzed in this essay.

Supporting paragraph 1: Sentence 1 It is believed by some that________ On the one hand_________ On the one hand, many contend that______________ From one perspective, many people believe strongly in the value that___________

Sentence 2 An idea that supports this is the__________ For example, _________

Sentence 3 Thus, ____________ _________________and is for this reason difficult to debunk.

Sentence 4 Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards this point of view. Thus it is understandable why this point of view has garnered support.

Supporting paragraph 2 Sentence 1 On the other hand, many people argue that___________ On the other hand, many people support the notion that_________ However there is another pool of thought that argues_______________ On the other hand, many people contest the above and argue that___________ On the one hand, it is purported by many that _____________ However, many counter that__________

Sentence 2 For example______

Sentence 3 Thus __________

Sentence 4 After analyzing these facts it is clear why many support this claim. When seen in this light, it is clear why many people feel there are more (drawbacks) than (benefits) to (advertising____) Conclusion: Sentence 1 Following this look at both sides of above debate, it is felt that (advertising) is much more (positive) than (negative) in nature. Following this look at varying opinions regarding this debate, it is felt that (humanity should draw from the advantages of both camps when devising a strategy to deal with the_______________

Following this look at the pros and cons regarding the subject of the __________________ Sentence 2 However after analyzing these points of view it is clear that_____________

Sentence 3 Thus the argument that the ______________can/cannot be supported and is expected to never be realized. In doing so, it is expected that one day humanity will be able to live harmoniously with the nature. It is assumed that in the future, ______________ It is hoped worldwide measures are taken to realize this vision.

Sample It is assumed that violent media will never be completely eradicated from a society.

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