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Verb + Object + To Infinitive


Verb + To Infinitive

If the following verbs are followed by another verb, the structure can be VERB + OBJECT + INFINITIVE or VERB + TO + INFINITIVE WANT HELP MEAN WOULD LIKE WOULD PREFER ASK EXPECT

Si los siguientes verbos van seguidos de otro verbo, la estructura que tienes que utilizar es de dos clases posibles: verbo + objeto + infinitivo o verbo + to + infinitivo QUERER AYUDAR TENER INTENCIONE S DE ME GUSTARA PREFERIRA PEDIR ESPERAR

Possible examples with both structures:

He wanted me to do the job for him. She wanted to come but she couldn't afford the trip Laura kindly help us to deliver the letters of invitation Can somebody help to move the table? He asked me to give the speech for him. He asked to see the manager at once. I would like you to come back soon. I would like to come...but unfortunately I have a lot osf things to do. She says she would prefer us to visit her tomorrow... I'd prefer to go by car if you ask me! Nobody expected us to come back so soon.

Ejemplos posibles con ambas estructuras:

Quera que yo hiciera el trabajo por l. Quera venir pero no poda costear el viaje. Laura nos ayudo amablemente con la entrega de las cartas de invitacin. Alguien puede ayudar a mover la mesa? Me pidi que diera el discurso por el. Pidi ver al gerente en forma urgente. Me gustara que regresaras pronto. Quisiera venir...pero desafortunadamente tengo muchas cosas que hacer. Dice que preferira que la visitramos maana. Preferira ir en auto si me preguntas! Nadie esperaba que regresramos tan pronto.

They had expected to find gold in that region. I didn't mean him any harm... I meant to help you....but things were wrong that day!

Esperaban encontrar oro en la regin No tuve la intencin de hacerle dao. Quise ayudarte...pero las cosas salieron mal ese da!

Below you have some verbs that can be followed with a structure: Verb + object + to + infinitive

Ms abajo tienes algunos verbos que van seguidos generalmente de esta estructura: verbo + objeto + 'to' + infinitivo DECIR RECORDAR INVITAR ORDENAR PERSUADIR FORZAR




He told us to come soon. She reminded me to turn off the tv set. I invited her to come to the party The president ordered us to invade the country Paul persuaded me to study for tomorrow They forced us to surrender.

Nos dijo que furamos pronto. Me record que apagara el aparato de televisin. La invit a venir a la fiesta. El presidente nos orden invadir. Pablo me persuadi a que estudiara para maana. Nos forzaron a rendirnos.

1. Verbs Like "persuade" [He persuaded us] to take his place.

VERBS LIKE "PERSUADE" verbs whose complement is an object + infinitive clause

ask She asked us to come along. challenge We challenged him to compete. allow He allowed us to try it out. prefer He urged us to work hard. force They forced him to go alone. cause We cause us to lose the race. leave He left us to finish the work. order They ordered us to carry a passport. pressure He pressured us to help. remind He reminded us to be there. teach He taught me to read. urged He urged us to work hard.

desire He desired us to win. choose We chose him to help. desire He desired us to win. encourage They encouraged me to speak. *help(optional to) They helped us to win. invite They invited us to eat.. expect We expected him to be President. persuade He persuaded us to drive. plan He planned us to go to college. select We selected him to lead. tell He told me to rest. warned We warned them to slow down.

plan He planned us to go to college. need We need you to think clearly. drive He drove them to act selfishly. equip They equipped him to climb the mountain. want She wanted us to cry. instruct He instructed me to leave at once. love They love us to be around. provoke They provoked us to strike back. permit He permitted us to eat out at lunch. tempt She tempted him to eat the apple. warned We warned them to slow down.

intend He intended us to take his place. command He commanded us to stop. elect They elected her to serve two years. forbid They forbid him to go alone. inspire He inspired us to try. lead His action lead us to strike. prepare She prepared us to go home. require He require ed us to dress for business. push They pushed us to excel. intend He intended us to take his place. trust They trusted us to be honest. . wish We wished them to succeed.

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