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Breeding of Fea's Treefrog - Rhacophorus (Polypedates) feae.

(Anna A. Bagaturova, Mikhail F. Bagaturov. Leningrad zoo, St. Petersburg, Russia)

Genus Rhacophorus H.Kuhl and J.C. van Hasselt, 1822* *Notes. Some species of Rhacophorus also referred to as Polypedates, Aquixalus and Kurixalus according to different authors (Orlov and Ho, 2 005; Frost, 2004, Ohler et al, 2000 etc). Type Rh. Moschata Kuhl & van Hasselt, 1822 (= Hyla Reinwardtii Schlegel, 1840) The Genus comprised by near 60 species (Orlov and Ananieva, 2007).

Species Rhacophorus (Polypedates) feae (Boulengher, 1893) Types: MSNG, BMNH. Type territory: Thao, northern Burma (=Myanmar) Distribution: South China (Yunnan), Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, North Thailand, Viet Nam (North and South 1 locale). Observation in nature: In fact it is known from Thailand (Fang Distrikt, Chieng Mai Provinz) (ref - Michael Cota), North (Lao Cai and Lai Chau provinces) and South (Kon Tum province) Vietnam (Nikolai Orlov, Roman Nazarov, Nguen Tien Tao, Chris Mattison, Thomas Ziegler, others).

Picture 1. Adult male Rhacophorus feae. Photo (c) M. Bagaturov

Natural history of species in Vietnam (by Orlov and Ananieva, 2007) Inhabits mountain range on 1200-2000 m above see level. Found mostly in primary forests but may be found also near the villages. Breeds in May-June on quiet reaches of mountain streams densely covered with bamboo, banana trees and large Aroid plants. Calling males usually occupy plants leaves, big branches and rock surfaces around the pool at a stand of 1.5-3 m. Most breeding pools are deep and allows adult specimens to hide in which they do readily under any thread. Nests usually constructed not high above the pools (less than half a meter) on rocks, bamboo and bush branches, sometimes near the water on the ground.

Picture 2. Group of Rhacophorus feae adult males in terrarium of Leningrad zoo. Photo (c) M. Bagaturov

Description. Very large, presumably the largest arboreal species of frog of world fauna. Records listed for female of Litoria infrafrenata for 14 cm of TL as the largest. Specimens kept in Leningrad zoo: - largest male, cca 13. 6-13.8 cm, - female, cca 15.4 15.6 cm. Coloration is of different shades of green or dark olive-brown. Some specimens (depending on the local population) may have various large blotches on their back. Two large longitudinal ridges alongside lateral fold of the head in adult are characteristic of the species differentiated it from other giant treefrog Rhacophorus (Polypedates) dennisii found in the same areas in South China and Vietnam. Body bit depressed not as rounded as in other closely related species.

Captivity sources known. Trades. Known just from several collections in captivity. Successful keeping (over 1 year) known only from 3 collections in Russia: - Leningrad zoo, St. Petersburg (Mikhail Bagaturov and Anna Bagaturova) - Zoocom Ltd., St. Petersburg (Evgeny Ribaltovsky) - ZooFond, Moscow (Rustam Berdiev) Many farm bred young specimens (Hanoi Amphibian station, Vietnam and poss. other sources) as well as WC subadult to adult frogs traded to private collections and institutions but most of the frogs lost due to bad condition, skin diseases and not proper husbandry. Since now no any groups of Fea's Treefrog outside from Vietnam and Russia are known from any collections. No captive breeding of this species is known.

Adaptation of frogs in captivity. Rhacophorus (Polypedates) feae is very hard species to adapt in captivity. There are several reasons for that. i) poor condition of the specimens due to a transportation (dehydration, skin diseases etc.) ii) needs of law temperatures of keeping conditions iii) nervous (nearly hysterical especially in adult females) nature To avoid the above listed problems large heavily planted tank with big layer of water and many hides (underwater and arboreal) is needed to adopt frogs. Adaptation may take several months or over the year especially in females. It is also very good to cover 2 or 3 of the terrarium walls with black paper or other material overall to make frogs feel more secure. No day lights or artificial light sources shall be used for them for the adaptation period. With some time, after 6 months or so some males may adopt enough well to be handled with care but no females to our experience.

Picture 3, 4. Average size adult male Rhacophorus feae on a palm (on left), pair of frogs in process of amplexus. Photo (c) M. Bagaturov

Keeping and breeding experience in Leningrad zoo (Dep. of Insectarium and Amphibians) Here I will describe the success of the Department of Insectarium and Amphibians of Leningrad zoo in keeping and breeding these beautiful giants of the tree frogs. The Department of Insectarium and Amphibians of Leningrad zoo is relatively new department in zoo of city of Saint-Petersburg (Leningrad zoo) was established in the Year of frog, 2008. Since that time the collection grows to over 50 species of different amphibians of all 3 groups and a number of species are in breeding, like Paramesotriton laoensis, Dendrobates tinctorius, Trachycephalus resinifictrix, Rhacophorus annamensis, Kurixalus odontotarsus, Rhacophorus orlovi, Theloderma corticale, T. stellatum, T. bicolor, T. asperum. Rhacophorus feae is the one species which one planned for breeding in the zoo. Developing the breeding technique for the species allows breeding some other larger mountain rhacophorid species like Rhacophorus (Polypedates) dennysii, R. duboisi, Polypedates dugritei, some others. On the beginning of September 2009 a group of 5 adult frogs was donated to the zoo by private person. They were brought from Vietnam (Sa Pa population). After the 1.5 months of acclimatization and quarantine as of described in Adaptation of frogs in captivity chapter a pair was identified and given to Evgeny Ribaltovsky (Zoocom Ltd.) for husbandry.

Picture 5, 6. Foam nest of Rhacophorus feae in terrarium at Leningrad zoo. Picture on left showing ruler for measurement. Photo (c) M. Bagaturov

Among left group of 3 after some time all was identified as males. During the year 20092010 males found calling many times. They produce law loud call. They housed in very large vertical tank (150 cm high x 80 cm x 60 cm) filled with 30 cm deep water, several big tree trunks and half of bamboo perches. Several big leafed artificial plants were placed to form arboreal hides for frogs. Average temperature in the room was 18-21 C during the warm period and 15-16 C during the cold period of year. They fed exclusively with imagoes of house crickets (Acheta domestica) as all other food sources (locust, mice) rejected.

In late October 2010 a pair of adult frogs was obtained from another private keeper in Moscow (presumed to be from the same population from Vietnam). During the quarantine male found to develop keratoleucoma on one of the eyes, when separated from female and was cured using the complex medication (see Bagaturov, 2010). During this period the temperature of amphibian room where the males kept as well as female solely in separate terrarium maintain at average 16 C during the day with night drops to 10-12 C. On December, 12 2010 females was placed into the terrarium with group of males. The following week males found vocalizing. On December 14 male found to trying the amplexus with other male which produce release-calls. The same evening in the terrarium the amplexus pair was found. In the morning, December 15, a foam nest built during the night was found. It was placed on the terrarium wall attached to bamboo above 25-27 cm from water level. Nest parameters: - 18 cm high x 14 cm width x 10 cm deep (in the deepest place). Egg mass uniformly distributed in the nest observed of yellow color 0.4 mm diameter (those seen on the surface). Those eggs found were not developed and though not to be fertile. On evening December, 18 part of the nest (lower part, 1/3) was removed into the separate container and placed above the water (floated) (= Group I).

Picture 7, 8. Developed eggs and larvae of Rhacophorus feae into the foam nest (on left) and emerged larvae showing yell-sac and gills. Photo (c) M. Bagaturov

On December, 19 early morning first tadpoles with yell-sacs were found fall into the water actively moving in Group I. The container was replaced outside the cold room at constant temperature 23-23.5 C. Other part of the nest was taken and placed into the 2d container left in the parents room (= Group II) under the lower temperatures. Remains of the nest left into the parents enclosure for incubation let the tadpoles fall into the water during manual misting of the terrarium (=Group III). In Groups II, III tadpoles found to be developed as well. A total of cca 300 larvae emerged from the nest (however it is very hard to count tadpoles in Group 3). In average 65-70% of eggs deposited in the foam nest thought to be fertile.

Raising of larvae. During the day (December, 19) tadpoles were fall from the nest in all three groups. But in Group I at a higher temperature yell-sacs are already dissolved and gills were developed unlike in both Groups I and II.

Picture 9. Tadpoles of Rhacophorus feae of day 3 feeding on fish food. Photo (c) M. Bagaturov

On December, 21-22 all tadpoles emerged from nest. Tadpoles of Groups I and II removed into the larger containers. Aquarium compressors were used for water aeration since December, 19. December 22, 2010 tadpoles in Group I already show no gills. Aquarium fish flakes dropped into water for feeding. Since now as it was expected tadpoles in Group I kept at a higher temperature developing faster than those of Groups II and III left in cool room. The following weeks tadpoles of Group I actively feeding and increasing their size rapidly unlike their siblings of Groups II, III. Will be continue

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