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Write a 350 words argumentative essay on the effects that the media has on a teen(s body image).

The media has become a powerful and influential tool. Once used for communication and information purposes only, it has now turned into a brainwashing machine with teenagers as its main target. Whether we are using a computer, watching TV, reading a newspaper or listening to the radio, we are all exposed to the effects of the media. Of course, the many beneficial ones maybe briefly name some, such as..cannot be overlooked but there also =several ( better than also I think) negative sides that can turn out to be extremely harmful. To begin with, going through puberty has never been easy. Adolescence is the time when personalities are shaped and mentalities are being formed. Young people are in constant search of people to look up to and to learn from and today the media is the easiest portal to such models. However, they often end up getting more than they have bargained for in the sense that what media has to offer is an impossible-to-achieve unrealistic image of flawless people.=you need to be more specific here and say if you mean what we should look like, what we should wear, what we should own, where and what we should eat, where and with whom we should spend our time, yes. Otherwise, its far from flawless- think of all the trash and lack of values promoted by tv for example Therefore, with the standards raised so high= theres no high standard when you think of alcohol and drugs, sex, -flawless image of the perverted human being , low self-esteem is an unavoidable result, a result that has disastrous consequences including a faulty self-image, withdrawal, an overly-critical judgment and many others. Ce am scris eu mai sus se leaga foarte bine de ce ai scris tu in paragraful ce urmeaza. Este un exemplu din insiruirea facuta de mine. Cred ca ai putea incerca sa incluzi ce am scris eu mai sus, mai pe scurt, la inceputul paragrafului tau. Si sa scurtezi detaliile din exemplul tau cumva. Daca recitesti, in primul paragraph nu dai exemple, iar apoi al doilea incepe cu furthermore, si da un exemplu clar negativ. poate in primul paragraf ar trebui sa arati mai clar despre ce standard vorbesti. (ai putea sa te gandesti la ceva ok, dar sa spui ca se insista pe idea de perfectiune si e prea multa competitivitate ? ca e care pe care in loc sa ne ajutam unii pe altii ? astfel doar cativa sunt in top si restul se simt complexati ? asa cum ai si zis de altfel. Pe de alta parte, vazand concluzia ta, as lasa ce am scris eu mai sus, acolo, in primul paragraph. Furthermore, the constant parade of beautiful people on television has fostered negative body images for teens. Unless they look like those actors and actresses they admire, they believe they just aren't living up to society's standard. In their mind, if they are not a size zero or 6 feet tall then they are not good enough and this is the perfect recipe for an eating disorder. Millions of girls are not satisfied with what they see in the mirror and thousands have turned to dieting and exercising to conform to the image created by the media. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, where the sufferer is extremely underweight, has an intense fear of gaining weight and considers himself=girls ? to be fat and bulimia nervosa, characterized by binge episodes followed by purging; in this case the person does not necessarily have to be underweight. These illnesses are serious and can even become fatal.

Concluzia nu se aplica la tot eseul , nu are legatura cu primul paragraphParte din titlu e in paranteza. De ce ? In conclusion, the media has negative effects on a teenagers body image. Due to it, we now live in a world where 13 year olds are no longer playing with dolls but rather putting on make-up and starving themselves to fit the pattern we have created. As a whole, society should use the media, not be used by it.

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