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Preach My Gospel, Lesson 1, Heading 6 “The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

through Joseph Smith”

The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

through Joseph Smith

Preparation: Make sure you have a copy of the DVD “The Restoration” or be prepared to tell the story in
your own words. If you use the DVD, cue it to 11:45 before the lesson starts (for a 4-minute clip
portraying the First Vision). Get the following GAK pictures ready (404, 408, 417). Get 4 artificial flowers
and 1 real flower (or use pictures included at the end of the lesson).

Opening Song: “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet”

~Joseph sought for truth (see JS-H 1:8, 10).

Remember the blocks from our lesson last week? When Daddy taught about the
Great Apostasy, all the blocks were knocked down. Do you remember what
happened during the Great Apostasy? (Many different churches were formed as
people tried to figure out what was true).

Show the bouquet of artificial flowers. These flowers are like the many different
churches. Joseph Smith was born at a time when many people were trying to find
truth. He wondered which of all the churches was the true Church of Jesus
Christ. He wondered why there were so many arguments about the gospel, and
wanted to find out what Heavenly Father wanted him to do. He learned how to
do that when he was reading James 1:5. (Read as a family).

~God and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith (see JS-H 1:16-17).
Can anyone tell me the story of what he did and what happened?

Place the real flower next to the fake ones. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
appeared and brought the real gospel back to the earth!

~Like prophets in earlier dispensations, Joseph Smith was called as the prophet
of this last dispensation.
So now was there a prophet on the earth again? Remember what that’s called? A
dispensation! Joseph Smith had a very special calling, because he was the first
prophet of the very last dispensation that will happen on this earth. Heavenly
Father has brought the gospel back one last time before Jesus comes again. Isn’t it
wonderful that we get to be on the earth right now during this last dispensation?
~God restored the fullness of the gospel through Joseph Smith (see D&C 35:17;
135:3). ~Other heavenly messengers restored the priesthood, and Christ’s Church
was organized (see D&C 13; 27:12).
Heavenly Father sent angels to Joseph Smith as special messengers so that he
would have authority to baptize and give the gift of the Holy Ghost. Show GAK
pictures of angels appearing to Joseph Smith.
So now all the principles and ordinances of the gospel were back, just like when
Jesus was on the earth and organized His church. The blocks were put back
together again just the way they had been before!

~A living prophet directs the Church today.

Ever since Joseph Smith, there has always been a prophet leading Jesus’ Church
on the earth. Can anyone tell me who our prophet is today? That’s right, Thomas
S. Monson! We get to hear him this weekend for General Conference. He is a
prophet the same way Joseph Smith was a prophet.

Tell your family to imagine they are in the Sacred Grove and to be very quiet and
reverent, as we watch a special video about the Restoration. <Watch 4-minute
excerpt of “The Restoration”, from 11:45 to 15:30.> (If not using video, have
someone read the account in JS-H while you hold a picture depicting the First

Bear testimony of Joseph Smith’s role in restoring the gospel of Jesus Christ, and
encourage your children to notice the peaceful feelings of the Spirit telling them
this is true.
Diane Nichols, “Sharing Time: Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration,” Friend, Jul 2001, 14
“The Restoration” DVD, produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Flannelboard Pictures (if needed):

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