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BioSMART ISSN: 1411-321X

Volume 3, Nomor 2 Oktober 2001

Halaman: 1-6

Regulation of Glycogenolysis in the Uterus of the Mouse during Post-

implantation Pregnancy: 2. The Role of Phosphorylase Enzyme

Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS Surakarta

Received: July 2, 2001. Accepted: August 31, 2001.


The aim of this experiment was to investigate the activity of phosphorylase enzyme in uterus and liver during
pregnancy in response to treatment with ethanol, epinephrine and glucagon. The intraperitoneal injection of ethanol
(3.0 g/kg body weight) in day 9-pregnant mice significantly increased (P<0.05) glycogen phosphorylase a and t
activities in the liver, but not in the uterus when measured 1 h after treatment. The subcutaneous administration of
epinephrine to day 9-pregnant mice produced no significant increase in either the activity of phosphorylase a or total
phosphorylase 1 hour after treatment, while intravenous injection of 10 ug of glucagon also show that the activities
of phosphorylase a and t were not significantly altered in either the liver or uterus 1 h after treating day 9-pregnant

Key words: pregnancy, epinephrine, glucagon, ethanol, phosphorylase.

INTRODUCTION and commercially valuable animals have been

made in recent years, however, the physiology and
Glycogen phosphorylase is an enzyme biochemistry of the peri-implantation stages of
responsible for the breakdown of glycogen to pregnancy are still incomplete. One of the
glucose (glycogenolysis). The enzyme is known to important metabolic aspects, glycogenolysis, that
exist in two forms, a less active (non- occurs in the uterus during post-implantation
phosphorylated) "b" form and in an active period also remains unclear and need to be
(phosphorylated) "a" form. Activation of glycogen investigated more extensively.
phosphorylase occurs via a cascade mechanism that Glycogen, a polymeric form of glucose stored in
is initiated by the stimulation of adrenergic animal cells, which can be degraded on demand. In
receptors or glucagon receptors on the cell surface. most tissue, including muscle, the role of glycogen
Generally, stimulation of these receptors results in is as a glycolytic fuel that provides energy locally
the activation of adenylate cyclase that in turn when glucose or oxygen becomes scarce. In the
causes cyclic AMP formation from ATP. liver, where it serves as a buffer to maintain a
Increasing intracellular cyclic AMP then activates constant level of blood glucose, glycogen is broken
protein kinases. The cyclic AMP-dependent protein down to release glucose between meals. In contrast
kinase then activates phosphorylase kinase which when glucose supply is abundance, the liver can
in turn then phosphorylates phosphorylase b to convert glucose into glycogen. Muscle glycogen
active phosphorylase a. From this view, ethanol, serves as an important source of energy for muscle
epinephrine and glucagon, which affect glycogen contraction, although a major portion of the energy
breakdown, should also affect glycogen supply of muscle comes from the breakdown of
phosphorylase. This reaction commonly occurred fatty acids.
in a stress reaction, that is defined as disturbance of In uterus, the importance of uterine glycogen
homeostasis that are commonly linked to enhanced has been suggested as an energy store for the
activity of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal metabolic demands of egg implantation (Walaas,
(Einarson, 1996; Minton, 1994) 1952) and it also act as an important energy source
Understanding the events of this period and for both embryonic development (Demers et. al.,
their application to fertility control, both in humans 1972) and parturition (Chew and Rinard, 1979).

© 2001 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS Surakarta

2 BioSMART Vol. 3, No. 2, Oktober 2001, hal. 18-22

The evidence supports these function that glycogen agents in the regulation of liver and uterine
accumulation appears cyclically during estrus glycogenolysis.
The aim of this experiment was therefore to Phosphorylase assay
investigate the activity of phosphorylase enzymes Samples of liver (10mg/ml) or uterine tissue
in uterus and liver during pregnancy in response to (20mg/ml) were homogenized at 4oC in
treatment with ethanol, epinephrine and glucagon. glycylglycine buffer (pH 6.2) containing 0.15 M
NaF using a polytron homogenizer. The
homogenates were then centrifuged at 8000g for 10
MATERIALS AND METHODS minutes at 4oC and the supernatant containing the
enzyme was retained. This buffer system was
Experimental Animals selected since it is known to affect a consistent
The experimental animals used in all activity of phosphorylase, and the fluoride is a
experiments were outbreeding Quackenbush (QS) potent inhibitor of phosphorylase phosphatase, the
strain mice aged between 6 to 10 weeks. They were enzyme which inactivates phosphorylase a by
housed in white plastic cages under controlled conversion to phosphorylase b (Winston and Reitz,
environmental conditions (constant temperature of 1984).
22oC, with unlimited access to fresh tap eater and The reaction mixture was adjusted to maximize
food). Pairing females with fertile males of the enzyme activity and to ensure zero-order kinetics.
same strain brought about pregnancy. The females In order to determine whether low molecular
were examined for copulation plugs each morning, weight effect molecules existed in the homogenates
and the day of finding a plug was designated as day to influence phosphorylase activity, several tissue
1 or the first day of pregnancy. Some animals were preparations were subjected to gel filtration a
treated with saline (as control), while other groups column (2 x 25 cm) of Sephadex G-25 that had
were treated with ethanol, epinephrine or glucagon been previously equilibrated with the isolation
on day 9 of pregnancy to assess the role of these buffer.

Figure 1. Uterine and liver phosphorylase activities (nmol of P/mg protein/min.) 1h after treating day 9-pregnant
mice with ethanol (3.0 g/kg body weight). Value represent the mean + S.E.M for N=5.
SUTARNO - Glycogenolysis: 2. Phosphorylase Enzyme 3

Since the activity of enzyme preparations compare levels of glycogen in the uterus of the
collected in this way did not differ significantly various reproductive stages studied.
from those not subject to column chromatography,
gel filtration was not considered a necessary step in
the assay procedure and the activity values reported RESULTS
in the present study are those recorded without the
inclusion of the column chromatography. The intraperitoneal injection of ethanol (3.0
Aliquots of enzyme preparation (120ul) were g/kg body weight) in day 9-pregnant mice
added to 120 ml of assay mixture for significantly increased (P<0.05) glycogen
phosphorylase a (A solution), total phosphorylase phosphorylase a and t activities in the liver, but not
(B solution) and control (C solution). The A in the uterus when measured 1 h after treatment
solution contained 32 mM of glucose-10phosphate (Figure 1). The ratio of activities of phosphorylase
and 2 % glycogen; the B solution contained 32mM a to phosphorylase t varied between 0.83 and 0.93
glucose-1-phosphate, 10mM AMP and 2% in the liver, and between 0.74 and 0.81 in the
glycogen; and the C solution containing 2% uterus. The specific activity of the enzymes was
glycogen only. Determination of inorganic greater in the liver than the uterus, but this
phosphate (Pi) was based on the method of difference was not of the same magnitude as the
Bergmeyer (1963). Phosphorylase activities were difference in glycogen levels between the two
expressed as nmol of Pi released/mg of tissues.
protein/min. at 25oC. The protein concentration of The results presented in Figure 2 that the
samples was measured by the method of Lowry et subcutaneous administration of epinephrine to day
al. (1951) using standards of bovine serum 9-pregnant mice produced no significant increase
albumin. in either the activity of phosphorylase a or total
phosphorylase 1 hour after treatment. This
Statistical analysis treatment also fail to alter the ratio of activities of
The significance of results was assessed by phosphorylase a to phosphorylase t and, again,
analysis of variance and students t-test. The enzyme activity was greater in the liver than in the
multiple-range test (Duncan test) was used to uterus.

Figure 2. Uterine and liver phosphorylase activities (nmol of P/mg protein/min.) 1h after treating day 9-pregnant
mice with epinephrine (1mg/kg body weight). Value represent the mean + S.E.M for N=5.
4 BioSMART Vol. 3, No. 2, Oktober 2001, hal. 18-22

Figure 3. Uterine and liver phosphorylase activities (nmol of P/mg protein/min.) 1h after treating day 9-pregnant
mice with glucagon (10 ug/animal). Value represent the mean + S.E.M for N=7.

The data presented in Fig 3 show that the DISCUSSION

activities of phosphorylase a and t were not
significantly altered in either the liver or uterus 1 h The mechanism whereby glycogenolysis is
after treating day 9-pregnant mice with an regulated in the uterus to provide glucose for the
intravenous injection of 10 ug of glucagon. Again, developing embryo remains uncertain. Ethanol has
the enzyme activity in the liver was greater than been reported to rapidly promote the degradation of
that in the uterus, but the difference was not of the glycogen to glucose in the liver (Winston and
same order of magnitude as the differences in Reitz, 1980; Simm and Murdoch, 1990), but not in
glycogen concentration. Treatment with this the uterus of the mouse during post implantation
hormone also failed to significantly alter the ratio pregnancy (Murdoch and Simm, 1992). The results
of activities of phosphorylase a to phosphorylase t. of the present study confirm these findings and
These treatments fail to alter the ratio of show that 1 h after treating day 9-pregnant mice
activities of phosphorylase a to phosphorylase t with ethanol resulted in an increase of
(table 1), and, the enzyme activity was greater in glycogenolysis in the liver (almost 50% degraded),
the liver than in the uterus. but not in the uterus (Sutarno, 2000). The

Table 1. Ratios of activities of phosphorylase a to phosphorylase t (%) 1 h after treating day 9-pregnant mice with
ethanol (3.0 g/kg body weight), epinephrine (1 mg/kg body weight) or glucagon (10 ug/mouse).

A/t phosphorylase activities (%)

Control Treated Control Treated
Ethanol, n = 5 83.3 + 4.5 87.5 + 2.3 74.4 + 3.3 74.6 + 2.0
Epinephrine, n = 5 84.0 + 3.8 93.1 + 3.8 76.0 + 2.7 77.6 + 1.2
Glucagon, n = 7 82.3 + 3.1 89.4 + 2.0 77.5 + 3.2 81.0 + 4.6
SUTARNO - Glycogenolysis: 2. Phosphorylase Enzyme 5

stimulation of glycogenolysis in the liver by increased phosphorylase a within one minute,

ethanol is most likely due to the acute activation of reached a maximum at two minutes and declined to
the sympathetic nervous system, since the alcohol a level which was not statistically different from
is known to increase the urinary excretion (Adams the control level at ten minutes (Leonard, 1963) .It
and Hirst, 1984) and plasma concentration of is of interest that the present study showed that the
catecholamines (Eisenhofer et al., 1983). The activity of phosphorylases in the uterus was high in
catecholamines produced in this response may then relation to the small amounts of glycogen that the
promote glycogenolysis in the liver via receptor organ contained relative to that of the liver. The
mediated events involving intracellular second liver of the mouse was found to contain about 12-
messengers. However, uterine glycogen fold as much glycogen as the uterus at its maximal
concentrations were not changed in response to concentration, but the activity of the
ethanol, suggesting that catecholamines such as phosphorylases was only about 2-fold greater in the
epinephrine released in response to the stress liver than the uterus. It is possible that this reflects
reaction mobilizes only liver glycogen without different isozymic forms of the enzymes between
interfering with uterine glycogen stores. This the two tissues with different Km values for
suggests that under conditions of stress, uterine substrate. This possibility requires further
glycogen is conserved to meet physiological investigation to validate the proposal.
demands other than those required by the maternal Finally the ratio of phosphorylase a and t
system to cope with the factors involved in this activities in the present study was not significantly
response. The present results support the different from control values, indicating that the
suggestion that epinephrine mediates the effects of proportion of active to inactive enzyme failed to
ethanol in this respect since the administration of alter in response to the treatments, at least when
the catecholamine to pregnant mice also stimulated they were measured 1 h after administration. The
glycogen degradation in the liver without large phosphorylase a to t activities at this time
influencing the levels of the polysaccharide in the may be due to non- specific activation of the
uterus. enzyme, although the same phenomenon was
The significantly increased activities of observed when enzyme preparations were
phosphorylase a and total phosphorylase in the subjected to gel filtration to remove any small
liver 1 h after treatment with ethanol, but not in activator molecules such as AMP or c-AMP. Thus,
response to epinephrine or glucagon question the the reason for these high phosphorylase a to t ratios
proposal that the effects of alcohol on glycogen are not apparent, but similar ratios in other tissues
metabolism are mediated by the adrenal medullary have been reported previously (Cornblath et al.,
hormone. However, Simm and Murdoch (1990) 1963).
have recently shown that the QS mouse needs a
time period of 6 h to clear this dose of alcohol from
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