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To the west of the black sea in a country called Georgia, there lived a boy called Salva.

His Hobby was to play his flute that was made by his father with a bamboo. Every morning after breakfast, the boy went down to the sea shore. He found a good rock to sit on then took out his flute and started playing. The sounds made dolphins, whales, fishes, and birds to sit around and listen to it. But Salva's playing also had some magical stuff. Whenever he played the flute, heavenly sounds came out. But with the sounds, also came out chunks of gold from the holes of the flutes. Very soon, Salva became so popular all around the village, the king of sea, Thora, found out and came to visit Salva to see if it was true. To his great amazement, the king found that it was true and got greedy about it. He decided to take Salva down to his kingdom. In order to please Salva, the king tried to get friendly with him saying, My dear little boy! You must have got hungry while you were playing the flute. Come down to my kingdom so that we can have something to eat! Hearing this, Salva got really happy that he got to go to the kings kingdom and eat all the delicious foods. Are you sure that you are looking for the correct boy? asked Salva. Yes my dear! continued Thora, You are the one I am talking to.

Yes I would like to go to your kingdom! shouted Salva. Come to me my dear! Lets go on my chariot, said the king. Then off they went down to the kingdom. The king thought this is going to be great!! I will be the richest king in

the world.

When they arrived at the kingdom, they enjoyed Lavash and other good stuffs. Now my boy, can you play me one song with your flute since I have heard that you played heavenly music with your flute? asked the king. Sure! I would like to! replied Salva. As Salva played his flute, chunks of gold came pouring out. TUD TUD, fell down the gold like raindrops dropping on a sunny day. It was awkward, but seeing this Thora was sure that Salva's talent was true so he said, Guards! Grab this boy by his hands and bring him to my room. Whats happening? I thought you were my friend! I trusted you!! shouted Salva. What do you mean what's happening? asked Thora with an evil smile. Why are you doing this to me? Asked Salva. I dont need your stupid music! I need the gold!! The gold that is falling down from your flute! said Thora.

Why!! Why!! I trusted you!! shouted Salva. Sorry, said the king as he left the room. Then the guards brought Salva to Thoras room. When Salva arrived at Thoras room, Thora was waiting for him. Now Salva, I would like you to play and make gold every day. But if you disobey and not play the flute, then I will cut your head off. Is that clear?" said the king. Yes, said Salva whose face was red and was about to


Good! Now Guard! Take Salva to the room on the 4th floor and make him produce tons of gold! Ha Ha! shouted the king. The guards took Salva to the room and locked him up. They only gave a piece of bread and a bottle of water. When Salva was alone in the room, he cried a bit. Then remembering that Thora would cut his head off if he didnt make gold, he started playing. Sooner or later, half the room was filled with gold and there was hardly any space for Salva to stand on so he shouted, Is anybody there? What is it? asked one of the guards. There is hardly any space here. Can I stop now? asked Salva.

Ohh, there will be plenty more rooms that needs to be filled. So get out and move to the next room! shouted the guard. So Salva came out of the first room and moved to the next room.

After his third room Salva got to rest and finish for the day. The guard took him to the kingdom jail. Ah! What a mean king! said Salva to himself. He was tired of playing his flute all day long. So he lied down and straightly fell asleep. In the morning at 6 oclock, the guards came to wake Salva up. Hey Wake up. You have to start playing the flute! Wake Up! shouted the guard. After a few moments, Salva woke up and headed to work for the day half asleep. He filled lots of rooms with gold and never stopped for a break. Salva was really tired by 3 in the afternoon. Can I get some rest? asked Salve to the guards. You dont need to rest! Just keep playing! shouted the guard. Hearing this, Salva was really sad but also angry at the same time. But he could not do anything because the king would cut his head off if he didnt play and made gold. So he played until it was time to sleep. When Salva got to the Jail he didnt feel like sleeping but instead he wanted to cry. As he put his face onto his lap and cried, he heard a sound. When Salva turned to see what made

the sound, there was an angel sitting on the window pane. Why are you crying my dear boy? asked the angel. The King Thora has taken me to his kingdom and forced me to play and make gold for him, said Salva. Oh poor boy! I must help you get out! said the angel. No you cant. If I dont make the king gold, he will cut my head off! said Salva. My dear boy! Take this magical golden flute to the king. Whoever blowing this will turn to gold! said the angel. Really? said Salva with amusement. When the king blows this flute, he will turn into gold, then you can escape and go up to the surface, the angel continued, and take this will help you get up to the surface. Salva got the magical pouch which was filled with air. Thank you! Thank you! How can I ever repay you? said Salva. If you want to repay me, then always have a smile on your face! said the angel as he flew back to the gods kingdom.

Okay I must have some plan to give this to Thora, said Salva. He thought and thought of a way then finally figured out the way to give him and fell asleep. The next day, Salva went to work as usual. But he hid the magical golden flute inside his clothes. When he got into the room, he started playing his flute. Then about 5 minutes later, Salva shouted, Hey guards, I made something amazing. And I want to give it to the king. Is that possible? asked Salva. What is it? the guards asked. One of the gold came out as a form of a flute! said Salva. He showed the magical flute to the guards as if it was like he had found a lost diamond. Okay fine, but you must come quietly, said the guards. When Salva arrived at the kings room, he showed the flute to the king. The king was amazed that the flute was gold. Hey Thora try to play that. The diamond will pour out from there. said Salva. The king didnt even ask if it was true and blew on it. But as he blew his breath in to it, his whole body changed to gold and Thora couldnt move. Then quickly, Salva use the magic pouch and went to the surface. The king was in his room but now he was nothing but a piece of gold. He really felt sorry that he used Salva to make gold and felt guilty about it.

After Salva became a adult, Salva became the king of the sea. And there he shared gold with every villager and lived happily ever after...

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