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^[ \Lection duo /Lesson two Il es matino. Peter se evelia e reguarda su horologio. Es septe horas. Ilie non pote dormir.

Ille prende un libro. Peter ha multe libros, proque ille ama leger. Le libros ha multe colres: rubie, verde, nigre, blau, jalne. Peter jace in le l ecto. Ille non audi que sra. Myles aperi le porta. "Bon matino." "Bon matino, matre!" Peter se leva ab le lecto e vade a in le coci na. Hic ille vide Marilyn. Le catto non se move, e Peter susurra: "Marilyn, dorm i tu?" No, Marilyn non dormi. Illo salta verso Peter. "Ha tu fame?" Marilyn mang iar. Nunc Ann veni. "Da tu Marilyn mangiar, Peter?" "Si." Illes joca con le catt o. "Jentaculo!" matre dice. Peter e matre bibe caffe. "Que vole vos biber?" matr e demanda. "Io vole con placer biber the," Ann responde. "Vole tu anque biber th e, Peter?" "No, matre, io vole con placer biber lacte." E nunc le tote familia j enta. Vocabulario / Vocabulary Il: there matino: morning evaliar se: to wake up reguardar: to watch, to regard horologio: clock septe: seven hora: hour es septe horas: it is seven o'clock ille: he non: not poter: to be able to dormir: to sleep prender: to take libro: book multe: many proque: because (and: why) color: colour rubie: red verde: green blau: blue jalne [zjalne]: yellow jacer [zjatser]: to lay lecto: bed jentaculo [zjenta_kolo]: breakfast haster: to hurry up biber: to drink caffe: coffee que [ke]: that aperir: to open porta: gate levar se: to get up or to rise ab: from vader: to walk, to go a in: into vider: to see mover se: to move susurrar: to whisper tu: you (singular) no: no saltar: to jump

verso: against, in the direction of haber fame: to be hungry dicer: to say si: yes dar: to give mangiar [manzjar]: to eat nunc: now venir: to come demandar: to ask i_o: I con placer: gladly, with pleasure the: tea responder: to answer, to respond lacte: milk jenter [zjentar]: to eat breakfast Grammatica * Verbs with "se": In infinitive, place "se" after the verb. In other cases befo re the verb: Peter ama mover se. (Peter likes to move). Peter se move. Peter mov es. * The plural of a noun is formed by adding -s if the word ends in a vowel and -e s if the word ends in a consonant: un libro, le libro, libros, le libros (a book , the book, books, the books,) / un magazin, le magazin, magazines, le magazines (a magazine, the magazine, magazines, the magazines). The plural ending does no t change the pronunciation. * Adjectives are not changed according to plural tence: un libro jalne, duo libr os jalne (one yellow book, two yellow books). * Non stands before the word it negates: no, patre non bibe the (No, father does not drink tea). * The personal pronouns are: i_o, tu, ille, illa, illo, nos, vos, i_lles, i_llas , i_llos (I, you, he, she, it,/ that, we, you, they,) Problema Answer these questions in interlingua: Es isto (=this) un libro? Es isto un tabula? Es isto un sedia? Es isto un confortabile? Que es isto? Que es isto? Que es isto? Es isto un lecto? Es isto un littera? Que es isto? Lection tres / lesson three Hodie es mercuridi. Heri esseva martedi, e deman es jovedi. Un septimana ha sept

e dies: lunedi, mertedi, mercuridi, jovedi, venerdi, sabbato e dominica. Nunc le posta veni. Il ha un littera pro Peter. Illo es ab su amico scotic. Peter hasta aperir le inveloppe. Ci es le littera: Scotia, le 14 de julio Car Peter! Multe gratias pro le littera. lo non ha multe cosas a narrar te. Heri granpatre e granmatre nos visitava. Illes sempre narra super le dies ancian. Illo es multo interessante! Nos anque les monstrava le citate. Il ha multe botecas. Le tempor e es bon. Le sol brilla, e il es calide. Ante duo dies io incontrava un danese. Ille parlava interlingua, e nos parlava t ote le verpere. Es bon que on pote usar interlingua! Io spera, que tu tosto scribe a me. Con salutes cordial Andy. Vocabulario / Vocabulary hodie: today mercuridi_: Wednesday Heri: yesterday martedi_: Tuestay deman: tomorrow jovedi_: Thursday [zjovedi] septimana: week die: day lunedi_: Monday venerdi_: Friday sa_bbato: Saturday posta: post (letter) scotic: scottish inveloppe: envelope ci: here car: dear gra_tias: thank you cosa: thing narrar: to tell te: you gra_npatre: grandfather gra_nmatre: grandmother visitar: to visit nos: us (we) sempre: always su_per: about, over ancian: old, ancient interessante: interesting les: them monstrar: to show, demonstrate citate: city il ha: there is (there are) boteca: shop te_mpore: weather sol: sun brillar: to shine calde: warm, hot ante duo dies: two days ago incontrar: to meet danese: Dane

parlar: to talk, speak tote: whole ve_spere: evening on: one (like in "one may go") usar: to use sperar: to hope tosto: soon me: me salute: greet cordial: friendly, heartily Grammatica * The past tense (imperfect or preteritum) of a verb is formed by adding -va to the present tense: io parla, io parlava (I speak, I spoke); io usa, io usava (I use, I used). * The personal pronouns in the accusative and dative are: me, te, le, la, lo, no s, les, las, los (me, you, him, her, that/this, us, you, them/those). * After a preposition the accusative and the dative forms of the personal pronou ns are used, except in the third person: a me, a te, a ille, a illa, a illo, a n os, a vos, a illes, a illas, a illos (to me, to you, to him, to her, to it/to th at, to us, to you, to them/those). Probelmas Exchange the words in brackets with the personal pronouns in the right forms: (Peter) narrava (Ann) super (le libros). (Marilyn) non pote parlar a (Peter). (l e dies) es calide. (Ann) da (le horologio) a (Peter e me). (Matre) prende (le ma gazin). (Peter) joca con (Ann). (Marilyn) audiva (matre). Lection quatro / Lesson four Hodie Peter recipeva un nove littera ab Scotia. Andy inviava un invitation al familia Myles. Ille scribeva que illes potera visi tar Scotia le septimana sequente. Le familia scribeva a ille que illes se gaudev a. Nunc le familia es multo occupate. Sr. Myles va a prender le coffros. Pois illes comencia poner camisas, sweaters, pantalones, calceas e scarpas in illos. Omnes es gaudiose. Illes se gaude. Peter sibila, e Ann e matre canta. Sr. Myles solme nte surride, e Ann e matre canta. Sr. Myles solmente surride. Ille ha un idea. I lle es jornalista, e ille scribera qualque articulos super le pais Scotia durant e su visita illac al jornal ubi ille labora. In duo dies illes essera in le aeroporto, e illes ira per avion. Le viage durara qualque horas, e pois illes essera in Scotia. Vocabulario / Vocabulary reciper: to receive nove: new inviar: to send invitation: invitation sequente: following gauder se: to enjoy oneself multo: much esser occupate: to be occupied va=vade: go, goes a: to (in order to) coffro: suitcase pois: afterwards, then

comenciar: to begin poner: to lay / put camisa: shirt pantalo_nes: trousers calcea: sock / stocking scarpa: shoe o_mnes: all gaudiose: glad sibilar: to whistle cantar: to sing solmente: only surrider: to smile ide_a: idea jornalista: journalist qualque: some art_i_culo: article pais [pa-is]: land, country durante: during vi_sita: visit illac: there jornal: journal / newspaper ubi: where laborar: to work / labour in duo dies: in two days aeroporto: airport ir: to go, also for going by plane etc. per: pr avion: airplane viage [viazje]: (a) journey durar: to last Grammatica * a + le = al. * The future tense is formed by adding -a to the infinitive tense: nos essera_, illa laborara_ = we will (shall) be, she will (shall) work. Note that the stress is on the end of the word. The future tense may also be formed with va + the in finitive tense of the word; Nos va esser, illa va laborar = we will (shall) be, she will (shall) work. But this form of the infinitive is mainly used for the im mediate future, something that is just going to happen. * When a pronoun is used as a noun, it gets -s in pliral: Omnes es gaudiose = al l are glad. Problemas Translate into Interlingua: He will begin to send invitations. In four days she will visit them. He received the newspaper. Two days ago the letter went by airplane to Scotland. Tomorrow g randfather will show you the new suitcases. The journalists are busy. Today is T hursday, and mother will look forward to (enjoy) tomorrow, Friday. Lection cinque / Lesson five Le viage esseva bon. Nunc le familia Myles abandona le avion e va a basso del sc ala del avion. Illac sta Andy, ille surride e face signos con su manos. "Bon die e benvenite a Scotia," ille dice. "Multe gratias," omnes dice e prende lor coffros. Andy les accompania al auto de su patre.

"Mi patre," dice Andy. Le patre de Andy saluta le familia, e illes es in le casa del familia Scott. "Vos pote poner vostre coffros e tascas in iste camera," sr. Scott dice. Pois illes va al salon, ubi sra. Scott servi the e caffe e parve tortas. "Io spera que nostre casa vos place," dice sr. Scott. "Hic es multo commode," dice sra. Myles. E tote iste vespere illes parla super omne themas. Illes ride e parla. Illo es u n bon vespere. Vocabulario / Vocabulary abandonar: to leave a basso: down, downwards de: of, from scala: stairs (staircase) star: to stand facer: to make signo: sign facer signo: to beckon mano: hand benvenite: welcome lor: their accompaniar: to accompany auto: car mi: my salutar: to greet entrar in: enter in(to) post: after dece: ten minuta: minute vostre: your / yours tasca: bag ca_mera: room / chamber servir: to serve torta: cake nostre: our placer: to please, to like, to be liked co_mmode: comfortable, cosy omne: all thema: theme rider: to laugh, to smile Grammatica * De + le = del * Genitive is formed with de: le libro de Peter, le torta del matre = Peter's bo ok, the mother's cake. * The possessive pronouns: mi, tu, su, nostre, vostre, lor = my/mine, your, his/ her/its/our/your/their. Problemas Translate to Interlingua: They will visit the house of grandmother. The rooms of the house are large. The flowers had many colours: black, green, and yellow. We used their watches. The d oor of the room is red. The cities in my country are old.

Lection sex / lesson six Nos abandona le familias un momento. Nunc nostre guida, sr. Interlingua, vole na rrar super Scotia. "Scotia es un parte de Grande Britannia. Illo eas al nord de Anglaterra. Le area es in toto 77.167 (septenta septe milles cento e sexanta-septe) kilometros quad rate (k u), e 5,1 (cinque comma un) milliones de homines vive in Scotia, cuje capi tal es Edinburgh. Il ha multe lacos, i.a. (interaltere) le grande Loch Lomond. L e hiberno es frigide. In Scotia on ha parlate le lingua gaelic, sed hodie on usa iste lingua solmente sur le Hebrides e in Scotia del nord-west. In Scotia del sud on usa anglese. Mul te, multe scotos ha abandonate lor pais natal durante le annos 1961 (mille novem centos sexanta-un) a 1971 (mille novem centos septanta-un). Illes ha cambiate d omicilios a Anglaterra, al sud del frontiera scotic, Il ha quatro grande citates in Scotia: Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee e Glasgow." Vocabulario / Vocabulary momento: moment guida: guide voler: to will parte: part Grande Britannia: Great Britain nord: north Anglaterra: England area: area in toto: in all, altogether kilometro quadrate: square kilometre million: million ho_mine: man, human viver: to live cuje: whose (whose capital is Edinburgh) capital: capital laco: lake i.a.: among other thing hiberno: winter extraordinari: extraordinary, unusual blande: mild sed: but estate: summer fri_gide: cold lingua: language gaelic: Gaelic sur: on He_brides: Hebrides west: west sud: south anglese: English circa [tsi_rca]: circa, about pais natal: native country anno: year cambiar: to change, shift domicilio: home, the place one lives cambiar domicilio: to move frontiera: border, frontier Grammatica * Adverbs are formed by adding -mente to the adjective: nos vive commodemente =

we live comfortably. The main exception: multe - multo, bon - ben. * The perfect participle: If the infinitive ends in -a one adds -te. If the infi nitive ends in -a one adds -te. If the infinitive ends in -e or -i, these are dr opped, and -ite is audite. * The perfect tence is formed with ha + perfect participle: io ha parlate, io ha vivite, io ha audite = I have spoken, I have lived, I have heard (listened). * Numbers, cardinals: un, duo, tres, quatro, cinque, sex, septe, octo, no_vem, d ece, vinti, trenta, quaranta, cinquanta, sexanta, septanta, octanta, novanta, ce nto, mille = 1 - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000. Dece-tres, septa nta-novem, cento vinti-duo, mille duo centos octanta-cinque = 13, 79, 122, 1285. * Numbers, ordinals: prime, secunde, tertie, quarte, quinte, sexte, se_ptime, oc tave, none, de_cime = first to tenth. The following numbers (20 - 30...) have ad ded-e_sime: vinte_sime, trente_sime ... = twentieth and thirtieth... quarante_si me, cinquanta-none, centos trenta-prime = 40., 59., 198., 1331. Problemas Translate to Interlingua: You have told well about grandmother. I read a good article, have you read it? T he cities have been big. They have served cake. The winter was very cold. Lection septe / Lesson seven Le die sequente le familias Scott e Myles visitava Edinburgh. Illes iva in autob us al urbe, que depost le dece-quinte seculo ha essite le capital de Scotia. Nunc 418.000 (quatro centos dece-octo milles) homines vive in le urbe, que ha in rocca de basalto, que ha un altitude de 134 (cento trenta-quatro) metros. Il ha multe botecas, e nostre amicos danese, qui non ha jammais essite in Grande Britannia, comprava multe cosas. Illes etiam visitava le ecclesias e le museos. Quando illes habeva devenite fatigate, omne le septe personas mangiava in un re staurante, ubi illes obteneva bon mangiar scotic, un bon lunch! Postea illes iva in le urbe e parlava le un con le altere. Quando illes habeva i te duo horas, illes decideva ir in autobus a casa. Nemo de illes decideva ir in autobus a casa. Nemo de illes habeva jammais habite un tanto bon die como hodie. Vocabulario / Vocabulary ir in autobus: to go by bus urbe: big city que: that depost: since dece-quinte: fifteenth se_culo: century rocca: mountain, rock basalto: basalt altitude: altitude metro: metre qui: who non... jammais: never comprar: to buy e_tiam: too ecclesia: church muse_o: museum quando: when devenir: to become fatigate: tired restaurant: restaurant

obtener: to get, obtain lunch: lunch po_stea: thereafter, after this le un le altere: one another decider: to decide a casa: home, homewards nemo: none jamma_is: ever, at any time tanto..como: (as well as..) Grammatica * Relative pronouns: qui is used about persons in nominative. que is used about animals, things etc. in accusative. Le persona, qui parla, es bon = The person that speaks, is good. Le persona, que io vide, es bon = The person that I see, is good. Le cosa, que es hic, es un libro = The thing that is here, is a book. * The pluperfect is formed with habeva + the main verb in the perfect participle : io babeva parlate, nos habeva vivite, vos habeva audite = I had spoken, we had lived, you had heard. Problemas Translate to Interlingua: We had bought the things, which were as big as books. The journalist, who sits t here, has the name Peter. We had not heard the bus. You had said that he had nev er bought the car that had been used. Lection octo / Lesson eight Hodie nostre amico laborante, sr. Myles, es multo occupate de scriber articulos re Scotia. Quando ille ha finite un articulo, ille lo da a su sposa, qui lo comm enta. Sovente illa dice: "Isto esserea melior, si tu scribeva ..." Pois illes discute le articulo, e quando illes concorda, sr. Myles invia su arti culo al jornal. "Io spera que le redactor los usara," ille pensa. "Io desirarea que io poteva de venir correspondente pro mi jornal hic in iste belle pais." Sra. Scott interrumpe su pensatas: "Le the es servite!" Durante le the nostre amicos e amicas projecta le dies sequente. Le familia Myle s retornara a Danmark in duo dies, e pro isto le ultime duo dies es projectate e ssi que nostre amicos danese videra tote lo que nostre amicos danese videra tote lo que illes desira, ante que illes abandona lor amicos scotic. Deman Peter e A nn viderea le paisage extra Edinburgh, e pois sr. Scott proponeva, que illes lun charea sur un collina e un prato. Omnes pensava que isto esseva un idea eminente . Vocabulario / Vocabulary re: about finri: to finish, end dar: to give, to hand over sposa: wife, spouse commentar: to comment sovente: often (adverb) melior: better si: if, provided that discuter: discuss concordar: to agree

redactor: editor pensar: to think desirar: to desire, wish correspondente: correspondent belle: beautiful, nice interrumper: to interrupt pensata: thought ami_ca: friend (female) projectar: to plan, project retornar: to return pro isto: therefore, for this reason u_ltime: last, ultimate assi_: thus, in this way ante que: before paisage: landscape extra: outside proponer: to suggest lunchar: to eat lunch collina: hill prato: field, plain eminente: eminent Grammatica * Present participle is formed by adding -nte to words, that in the present end in -a or -e, and -ente to words that in the present end in -i : lege - legente, ama - amante, fini - finiente = reads - reading, loves - loving, finishes - fini shing. Words in present participle are, in the same way as the adjectives, place d behind the noun. * The conditional is formed by adding -ea to the infinitive: desirar - desirarea , servir - servirea, proponer - proponerea = desire - would desire, serve - woul d serve, suggest - would suggest. * Present passive is formed with es + the perfect participle: es proponite, es a mate, es finite = is being suggested, is being loved, is being finished. Problemas Translate to Interlingua: The wife would eat lunch in the kitchen. The car would leave the city in the eve ning. The car would leave the city in the evening. The laughing guide would not suggest that the museum is being bought by (=per) Denmark. The cake is (being) e aten, but the milk is (being) drunk.

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