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Evaluation of the dire reality, that ALL icons of the intactivist movement REFUSE to DEMAND LAW ENFORCEMENT and in this REFUSE to ENDORSE the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement on MGM.

Dear fellow intactivists. Is MGM CHILD ABUSE and therefore already OUTLAWED? Yes, MGM is CHILD ABUSE and therefore already OUTLAWED!

Do the child mutilators continue to perpetrate the crime of MGM in despite of it being OUTLAWED? Yes!

Does the authority enforce the law on MGM? No!

So what is the first logical action to be taken against an act which is outlawed, but is perpetrated anyway and the authority refuses to enforce the law against this crime?

2 So what is the first logical action to be taken against an act which is outlawed, but is perpetrated anyway and the authority refuses to enforce the law against this crime? Discussion with the child abusers? No! Please dear child mutilators and baby genital suckers make your informed decision whether or not you wish to mutilate the child or whether or not you wish to suck on the childs genital. And please dearest government will you pretty please fulfill your legal duty to protect all children equally. And pretty please will you legislate a law to outlaw MGM, although this law already exists.

Discussion with the authority? No!

Petition for legislation of a law to outlaw MGM MGM-Bills? No!

Research after research? Symposium after symposium? No!



The question is: Did J. Steven Svoboda, Esq. [ARC] and the other listed people ever DEMAND LAW ENFORCEMENT?

The answer is: NO, they did not and they still refuse to do so.

3 The question is: Why did these people NEVER demand law enforcement? Why do these people REFUSE to ENDORSE the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement?

The answer is: A) These minds have always (even since decades) refused to acknowledge the Global Symposiums Law Deduction based on the empiric evidence to the fact that MGM and FGM are equally outlawed under current democratic rule of law long before the unconstitutional enactment of the FGM-Law.

B) These minds have in the past and do still now refuse to acknowledge the fact that the enactment of the FGM-Law is discriminatory and thus a violation of the constitution.

C) These minds have in the past and still do support these MGM-Bill-Initiatives which in total contradiction to the fact that FGM and MGM are already outlawed long before the enactment of the FGM-Law, and in total contradiction to the fact that the enactment of the FGM-Law is unconstitutional, petition for legislation of a law to outlaw MGM, and so in total contradiction to common sense, petition for legislation of a law which already exists.

D) These minds support and circulate this FALSE INFORMATION: In the United States, girls of all ages are protected by federal and state laws from unconsented-to genital surgery practiced in medical or non-medical settings because of the health beliefs or religious or cultural preferences of their parents. Boys are accorded no such protection. (See Intact Americas )

E) These minds have been called upon repeatedly to acknowledge the fact that MGM IS ALREADY OUTLAWED just the same as is FGM, and to STOP circulating their FALSE INFORMATION, but refuse to admit their fundamental failure in judgment and insist to continue to refuse to endorse the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement on MGM.

A) MGM is a human rights violation. B) MGM is illegal. C) Only FGM is already outlawed.

But Boys are accorded no such protection. MGM is not already outlawed.

Self-contradicting and false statements are not an expression of a clear mind.

4 Here the list of these minds who refuse to acknowledge empiric evidence of current law and who insist to circulate law reality contradictive, thus FALSE INFORMATION and therefore MISLEADING the public to think and act so as if Only FGM were outlawed and so as if The law under which also MGM is already outlawed, were not to exist and so as if It were required to petition the government to legislate a special MGM-Law and thus speaking and acting on the base of the FALLACY set up and circulated by the Pro-Circ Establishment, namely the FALLACY in the face of the unconstitutional enactment of the FGM-Law, MISLEADING the public to think that Only FGM is outlawed, but that MGM were not outlawed, and therefore a legal act to do.

So I call on these fellow intactivist again, to admit their mistake and to finally stop acting so as if MGM were not already outlawed, and to stop addressing the enactment of the FGM-Law so as if it were constitutional, and to stop forwarding and / or supporting these MGM-Bill-Petitions a) on the ground of their nonsensical nature of asking for legislation of a law that already exists, and b) on the ground of their counterproductive nature, because all these MGM-Bill-Initiatives do, is to pollster / reiterate the Pro-Circ Establishment and its Servants FALLACY POSITION of MGM is not outlawed and we have no intent to outlaw it, and to give the Pro-Circ Establishment and its Servants the possibility to COUNTERACT on base of its FALLACY-POSITION, the COUNTERACTION which was exercised in the CRUSHING of all 19 MGM-Bills in the past 18 years, and which has reached its climax in the PERVERSITY of the all in all unconstitutional Mike Gatto and Fiona Ma - Assembly Bill 768 in the year 2011, the PERVERSITY which is obviously the only and all in all devastating result of any of these MGM-Bills and predominantly the result of the SF- and Santa Monica MGM-Bill Initiatives in 2011.

Full information about the fact that MGM and FGM are already outlawed; about the fact that the enactment of the FGM-Law is unconstitutional and about the negative implication of these MGMBills, has been repeatedly given to these fellow intactivists and to the intactivist movement in all since decades, together with the call for endorsement of the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement. But blatant ignorance was and still is the answer.

So, I call upon these fellow intactivists again, to - instead of insisting to refuse to admit to fundamental error in judgment and to insist to repeat the same mistake over and over again in despite of the devastating consequence at hand - finally COOPERATE and ENDORSE the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement on MGM, simply because it is COMMON SENSE to DEMAND LAW ENFORCEMENT on CHILD ABUSE, especially then, when the authority refuses to enforce the law on this CRIME!!! Since I have been communicating this information also to Georganne Chapin [Intact America] and since all the icons who still refuse to demand law enforcement are members of Intact America, I just use this list to address my call for cooperation to them:

Intact America Boards The following boards have been formed to help promote awareness of childrens rights and help Intact America increase financial and public support for our programs and policies. These boards do not participate in the general management of the organization. I. Steering Committee

Daniel H. Bollinger, BA [Director, International Coalition for Genital Integrity (ICGI)] Amber Craig [Director, NOCIRC of NC] John D. Geisheker, JD, LLM [Executive Director and General Counsel, Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC)] Gregory J. Hartley [Director, NOCIRC of PA] Marilyn Milos, RN [Founder & Executive Director, National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)] Mark Reiss, MD [Vice President, DOC] David Smith [Director, NORM- UK] J. Steven Svoboda, Esq. [Founder and Executive Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC)]

II. Board of Advocates

Adrian Colesberry Alan Cumming Anna Getty Bill Irwin Paul Joannides Soraya Mir Peggy O'Mara Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon

III. Board of Health Professionals

Kenneth J. Baker, MD, FACOG Paula Brinkley, MD, MPH, FAAP Adrienne J. K. Carmack, MD George C. Denniston, MD, MPH Larry Dossey, MD Sumathi Kasinathan, MD Gloria LeMay [Contributing Editor, Midwifery Today] Margaret (Peggy) Leonard, MS, RN-BC, FNP Gillian Longley RN, BSN, MSS Christiane Northrup, MD Brian O'Donnell, MHS PA-C James Pate, MD Mark Reiss, MD Martha Roth, CNM Lauren Shaiova, MD Michelle R. Storms, MD Sarah E. Strandjord, MD, FAAP John W. Travis, MD, MPH

6 IV. Board of Scholars

Katherine Buechner-Arthaud, MDiv David Cassuto PhD, JD James Dwyer, PhD, JD Linda Fentiman, JD, LLM Leonard Glick, MD, PhD Alexandro Jos Gradilla, PhD Hanny Lightfoot-Klein, MA Reverend Manish K. Mishra-Marzetti Margaret A. Plumbo RN, MS, CNM J. Steven Svoboda, Esq. Reverend Nathan C. Walker, Minister

THINK!!! how can you explain to the child, why you do not demand law enforcement on this crime? This CRIME is being done on more than 2.2 million children per year in the USA alone. The child SCREAMS What you do to me is OUTLAWED!!! The child DEMANDS LAW ENFORCEMENT!!! But only 385 humans worldwide (127 US-citizen) are DEMANDING LAW ENFORCEMENT. Only 1% of the entire intactivist movement has endorsed the Universal Declaration of Demand. The child does obviously NOT petition the mutilator to please make your informed decision to whether or not you wish to mutilate me. The child obviously expects from YOU to immediately STOP this CRIME and to do this by way of DEMAND for LAW ENFORCEMENT, not by way of diplomacy.

THINK!!! If this would be done to any one of you as an adult, you would not hesitate one second to DEMAND LAW ENFORCEMENT! and if the authority would refuse to enforce the law on this CRIME being done to adults, also the entire intactivist movement would not hesitate one second to ENDORSE the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement. No one would say: MGM on Male Adults is not outlawed. So why do refuse to demand law enforcement when it is done to a child? I state again: Yes, MGM is CHILD ABUSE and therefore already OUTLAWED! See the CAPTA definition on child abuse: The CAPTA DEFINITION OF "CHILD ABUSE and NEGLECT" refers to: "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker or any other person that results in death, SERIOUS PHYSICAL or EMOTIONAL HARM, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or AN ACT OR FAILURE TO ACT WHICH PRESENTS AN IMMINENT RISK OF SERIOUS HARM". Although State laws vary, the Federal CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT ACT (CAPTA) requires that States incorporate a minimum set of acts or behaviors into their JURISTIC DEFINITIONS of CHILD ABUSE and NEGLECT.

7 Just SEE the EMPIRIC EVIDENCE of what is being done to the child!

The normal, healthy mind and heart has no problem at all to immediately and beyond any doubt understand that the removal of the healthy foreskin (the removal of a healthy body part) meets the CAPTA Definition of CHILD ABUSE of SERIOUS PHYSICAL HARM and that the act of non-therapeutic circumcision on children of any age and gender is OUTLAWD under current democratic rule of law. The CAPTA Definition of Child Abuse leaves no doubt that also forced circumcision on male and female children constitutes the crime of infliction of SERIOUS PHYSICAL HARM and that FGM and MGM is therefore OUTLAWED. Only the disturbed, the psychopathic blinded mind and heart is able to negate or ignore this fact. The CAPTA Definition of Child Abuse exists long before the enactment of the FGM-Law. The enactment of a special FGM-Law was therefore NOT required in the first place. The enactment of the FGM-Law is discriminatory and thus unconstitutional. To refer to the FGM-Law as being a constitutional (legal) law, is WRONG. Intact Americas statement Only FGM is outlawed, but MGM is not outlawed is WRONG, because MGM IS ALREADY OUTLAWED under current law just the same as is FGM. All MGM-Bill-Initiatives are all in all NONSENSICAL, law reality contradictive and counterproductive. They (all 19 MGM-Bills) have all been crushed, and the SF-MGM-Bill has even caused this LUNATIC and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Assembly Bill 768. So instead of stopping the CRIME, the SF-MGM-Bill has worked in favor of the Pro-Circ-Establishment and its servants. The Pro-Circ Establishment LOVES these MGM-Bills, because these MGM-Bills suggest that MGM is not already outlawed. The constitution in any of the democratic states guarantees the right of equal protection. The government in its refusal to also protect the male child population from forced circumcision violates the constitution. (In the US the 14th Amendment)

8 See the Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement on MGM. It is absolutely WRONG to act as if MGM is not outlawed! It is absolutely WRONG to petition for a law which already exists! It is absolutely WRONG to engage in diplomacy / discussion with CHILD MUTILATORS and BABY GENITAL SUCKERS and the SERVANTS of this CRIME!!

Conclusion: The Global Symposium for an Intact Humanitys Official Statement is based on its academic evaluation and acknowledgment of empiric evidence offered in the full juristic, medical and sociological spectrum of this global holocaust of collective forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender. The evidence is empiric and therefore intelligibly undeniable. No person is able to produce intelligible evidence to the contrary. So, even if 100% of the Pro-Circ Establishment and its Servants claim that forced circumcision on male children and adults, and the sucking on baby penis were a legal right to do and were therefore not outlawed; and even if the authority refuses to enforce the law on this obviously already outlawed act; and even if 99% of the entire intactivist movement still acts so as MGM were not already outlawed, it does in no way mean, that the majoritys "believe" is the measure of undeniable TRUTH, the measure of EMPIRIC EVIDENCE, which in its nature stands its ground independently, regardless of who acknowledges it or not. So it is absolutely OK for you and everyone else TO LISTEN TO COMMON SENSE and to ENDORSE the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION of DEMAND for LAW ENFORCEMENT on MGM, just as is stated in Yes, the first logical / common sense action to be taken against an act which is outlawed, but is perpetrated anyway and the authority refuses to enforce the law against this crime, IS to UNILATERALLY DEMAND LAW ENFORCEMENT, and to ENDORSE the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION of DEMAND to that effect!

Prof. Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer-Paternoster School of Humanity Global Symposium for an Intact Humanity




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